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Student assessment



Unit Name
Manage project scope

Version 3 (January 2024)

BSBPMG530 Manage project scope – Assessment Workbook v3 – 05/01/2024 Page 1 of 11

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© Copyright CQUniversity Australia

No part of this publication may be reproduced or transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic or
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Printed by the CQUniversity Publishing Unit, Rockhampton Queensland 4700

Version Control & Document History

Date Summary of Modifications Version

5 January 2024 Introduction: Removed Bounce Fitness scenario project option. 3

Included course introduction session information. Included examples
of personal projects students could choose.
Task instructions: removed coaching notes in between task
instructions as information is now available in separate fact sheets.
Task 1: clarified agenda items for meeting minutes.

26 December 2022 Removal of copyright to Compliant Learning Resources, except where 2.0
referencing the Bounce Fitness scenarios.
Redesigned tasks and evidence requirements to remove confusing
instructions, duplication and activities not related to unit criteria.
Provided tasks more relevant to current project management practice.
Removed meeting minute requirements where they were not
necessary. Alternative methods of providing, gathering and reporting
on information used in tasks instead (e.g., emails and reports). Tasks
still cover unit criteria; promote the use of communication tools more
suitable to current workplaces and project delivery (e.g. online chat
platforms, team management applications and daily planning
Changes to instructions regarding Oral Communication skills
‘Introduction and Resources required for assessment’: Clearer
explanation of expectations and resources.

01 December 2021 Inserted cover page with CQUniversity branding and 1.1
added PE and PC requirements

23 October 2020 Version 1.0 released for publishing 1.0

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Introduction and Resources Required for this Assessment
To successfully complete the unit requirements, responses must be completed within the
context of a project you are managing (or simulating managing).
You will be required to demonstrate how you collaborate with stakeholders to produce a
scope-management plan and project brief, manage project changes and maintain relevant
All units within this course will take you through the full project life cycle, including the three
main phases of:
1. project initiation and planning,
2. implementation and monitoring, followed by
3. closure and evaluation.
You must fill the role of project manager and demonstrate your skills and application of
knowledge for your project/s throughout each of the above phases.
Whilst not compulsory, it is recommended to use the same project throughout your course
to avoid duplication of key documents which you continually are referring to (e.g. work
breakdown structures, stakeholder registers, budgets, risk and issue registers, etc.) and to
be able to “build” on your set of documents, plans, reports, etc. as you progress.

If you have not already done so, please attend one of the online course introductory
sessions, available under the ‘COURSE INTRODUCTION & ORAL COMMUNICATION’
tab within your first cluster for your course on Moodle.
You only need to attend one session and you just need to click on the meeting link in
Moodle to join.
These sessions cover the course structure, project management methodologies we
will be covering in the course, project options to focus on for your course, oral
communication foundation skill assessment, the support available to you throughout
your studies, as well as any other questions you may have.
To complete the assessment requirements, you will need to access the following
If you are responsible for managing a project (whether employment or volunteer-
based) within an organisation:
You will need access to one project you are currently managing (or have managed, flagged
to manage in the future, etc.), and the initial business case (this could be an email,
memorandum, purchase request, and excerpt from your operational plan, meeting minutes,
etc.) which kicks off your project, i.e. the initial document (or set of documents) which
causes you to start scoping out the project.
You may use your organisation’s templates in lieu of the ones provided within your
assessment resources. If there is information required for assessment purposes which is not
covered within your work documents, you will be requested by your assessor to provide this
additional information.

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If you are not able to access a workplace project
You may base your assessment on another project you are familiar with (whether it is one
you have been involved with in the past for work or whether it is one you have a personal
interest in) so as to gain the best and most relevant learnings from this course. e.g. planning
a wedding, planning a holiday, renovating a room in your house, landscaping your garden,
establishing a business, refurbishing a car, etc.
Please discuss this with your teacher during your oral communications/course introductory
Assessment Submission
The evidence you submit must be your own, except where due reference is made and
where you are required to submit supplementary workplace documents such as
organisational policies and procedures.
When completing the assessments included in this workbook:
Read the instructions provided in each task carefully before attempting to complete the task.
The instructions will guide you on how to answer the question or complete the task
Please note the online learning platform has a 20-file limit for each submission – if you have
more than 20 separate documents in your unit submission, please zip/compress some of
them (a zip is counted as one file).
Please also note that as soon as you submit your assessment for this unit, you will be
locked out of your submission. If you need to upload more documents, please email us at and request we unlock your submission.
You will need access to:
 computer with Internet, email access, and a working web browser
 installed software: MS Word, MS Excel, Adobe Acrobat Reader (as a minimum)

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Your tasks for this assessment are:

Task Requirement Evidence to submit

Project Phase: Initiation and Planning

Task 1 Consult with Stakeholders on Meeting Minutes

Project Scoping and Governance

Task 2 Define how the project scope will Scope Management Plan
be managed

Task 3 Define the Project Brief for approval Project Brief

to proceed

Task 4 Approval of Scope management Email

Plan and Project Brief

Project Phase: Implementation and Monitoring

Task 5 Managing project scope change Project change requests and

requests analysis x 2

Project Phase: Project Closure and Evaluation

Task 6 Evaluation and Recommendations Lessons Learned Report

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Project Phase: Initiation and Planning
Task 1: Consultation with Stakeholders on Project Scoping and Governance
It is important to establish a shared understanding of desired project benefits, outcomes and
outputs with relevant stakeholders from the beginning. It is also important to understand who
has authority for what in the project and the necessary processes to be followed for effective
management of project scope. Project managers must be comfortable with facilitating meetings,
ensuring key discussions, decisions and actions are captured.
As project manager, you are required to facilitate an initial meeting with your key project
stakeholders with the intent of reaching a “meeting of the minds” about the project, what
it will deliver and how it will be managed.
Whilst normally you would be chairing the meeting with someone else being note-taker, for the
purposes of this assessment, you are required to assume both roles to demonstrate your
recording of meeting minutes.
Complete a set of meeting minutes 1, documenting the list of stakeholders attending the
meeting 2 and using the below dot points for your agenda items for discussion:
Project Initiation Meeting Agenda:

1. Project Initiation documents reviewed – note: you do not have to include these
documents, just name them within the minutes,
2. Initial agreement on
a. project objective/s - i.e. what the project is,
b. project outcomes (benefits) - i.e. why you are doing the project, and
c. project outputs (deliverables) - i.e. how you will deliver the project,
3. Initial brainstorming/discussions around Project Exclusions3, Constraints 4 and
Assumptions 5
4. Process for how information will be communicated amongst your project team (what
internal communications platform will you use?)
5. Project authorities:
a. financial authorities,
b. how project change requests will be managed

Submit your meeting minutes as a separate attachment in Moodle, ensuring your

document is labelled ‘Task 1_meeting minutes’.

A template for recording meeting minutes is provided with the assessment resources for this unit if you do not
have one already available.
Ensure you have the key stakeholders in the meeting who will be required to ‘do’ something for the project, such
as release resources, deliver activities, approve the budget, approve the final product/s, quality assure the project,
etc. As a minimum, you will need your project team and project sponsor present. You may desire managers of
other areas within your organisation also at the meeting to ensure their understanding and acceptance of the
project (to enhance support for its success).
Project Exclusions - Description of work that is not included in the project (i.e. outside of the project’s scope).
Project Constraints - The limits on resources for time, money, manpower, or equipment.
Project Assumptions - The expectations and predictions that a team assumes when they start a project (e.g. that
resources will be released for the project, that current office infrastructure can be used for project purposes, etc.).

BSBPMG530 Manage project scope – Assessment Workbook v3 – 05/01/2024 Page 6 of 11

Task 2: Scope Management Plan
Scope Management is the collection of processes which ensure that the project includes all the
work required to complete it while excluding all work which is not necessary to complete it.
The Scope Management Plan details how the project scope will be defined and
developed. It clearly defines who is responsible for managing the projects’ scope and
acts as a guide for managing and controlling the scope.
It is important that the approach to managing the project’s scope be clearly defined and
documented in detail.
You are required to develop a Scope Management Plan which addresses the following:
• Who has authority and responsibility for scope management
• How the scope is defined (e.g., Scope Statement, WBS, Business Case, Meeting
minutes, Statement of Work, etc.)
• How the scope is measured and verified (i.e., Quality Checklists, Scope Baseline,
Key Performance Measurements, etc.)
• The scope change process (who initiates, who authorises, etc.)
• Who is responsible for accepting the final project deliverable and approves
acceptance of project scope
From the discussions and decisions emanating from your meeting held for Task 1, as
well as your own additional planning, you are to develop a Scope Management Plan for
your project.
If you do not already have a template for a Scope Management Plan, there is one available
within the assessment resources. Please note: There is a guide to completing the Scope
Management Plan template within your course resources also.

Submit your Scope Management Plan as a separate attachment in Moodle, ensuring your
document is labelled ‘Task 2_scope management plan’.

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Task 3: Project Brief
A project brief is a summary of the basic elements of a project and is created in the start-up
phase of a project. A project brief is not as detailed as a project management plan, but it
includes the initial summary of information.
A brief allows the project manager to share key information with stakeholders to enable
an initial understanding of the project and seek approval to proceed with the full project
management plan and project implementation from their project sponsor.
The project manager writes the Project Brief after finalizing certain project details and their
Scope Management Plan.
Keep your brief concise, use clear language, and provide all the information your audience
needs to understand your project (and approve it for progression).
You are required to develop a Project Brief outlining your project “briefly” in order to
obtain initial approval to release resources and proceed with the project.
There is a Project Brief template provided within your assessment resources.

Submit your project brief as a separate attachment in Moodle, ensuring your document is
labelled ‘Task 3_project brief.

BSBPMG530 Manage project scope – Assessment Workbook v3 – 05/01/2024 Page 8 of 11

Task 4: Approval to proceed
You are required to email your completed Scope Management Plan and Project Brief to your
project sponsor, requesting feedback and permission to proceed with the project.
In this email you are required to:
• Confirm the project delegations and authorities in your project governance
arrangements defined in the Plan
• Request any additional risks the Project Sponsor would like to add to your initial list
• Use appropriate professionalism and industry protocols when communicating with your
manager (i.e. the Project Sponsor)
• Request authorisation to release the project budget so that you can commence the
project and start expending resources
• Provide a timeframe in which you expect feedback and authorisation (providing an
appropriate and measurable “call to action” for the recipient of your email)
There is an email template provided within your assessment resources if you require one.

Submit your email as a separate attachment in Moodle, ensuring your document is labelled
‘Task 4_email.

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Project Phase: Implementation and Monitoring
Task 5: Managing project scope change requests
You are required to process two project change requests, according to the process you have
defined in your Scope Management Plan (i.e. completing a project change request form,
analysing the impact of the change request and recommending whether the request be
approved or rejected).
A change request could be, for example:

 an additional output for the project,

 a change in specifications (e.g. a red wall instead of a blue wall),

 a change in project personnel,

 a change in project timeframes,

 a change in materials to be used, etc.

Complete the project change request template for each request, indicating the project
areas the request impacts on, and your recommendation to approve or request the
• Consider the impact of each change request on your project’s work schedule (i.e.
timelines), budget and any changes to the quality of the project and it’s outputs.

Submit your project change requests as separate attachments in Moodle, ensuring your
documents are labelled ‘Task 5_change request 1’ and ‘Task 5_change request 2’.

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Project Phase: Project Closure and Evaluation
Task 6: Evaluation and Recommendations
Assuming your project has now ended, and you are reviewing what went well and what didn’t…
You are required to complete the Lessons Learned report, identifying and documenting
any scope management issues encountered during the project as well as
recommendations to address these issues, for future projects.
Examples could include:
• You implemented a change request and it did not go according to your initial analysis
(i.e. there were things you hadn’t considered when approving the request),
• A change to the project occurred without the proper process of requesting the change
(i.e. the change happened without approval and you had to manage it),
• You realise you didn’t have the appropriate experts/specialists involved in the initial
scoping meeting and missed vital information, etc.
Note: if nothing went wrong with your scope management, capture what the positives
were for you to implement next time – lessons learned does not have to always be
negative, we need to also recognise what went well and try to repeat it.
 Consider the impact of each change request on your project’s work schedule (i.e.
timelines), budget and any changes to the quality of the project and it’s outputs.
 Refer to your Lessons Learned Template available in your assessment resources.

Submit your Lessons Learned report as a separate attachment in Moodle, ensuring your document
is labelled ‘Task 6_Lessons Learned’.

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