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This assay critically analyze the impact of the Dakar conference of 2000, with other conference

and also other previous world conferences that have played important roles in shaping education
policies in Zambia, They provide a platform for global participation and sharing ideas
1.Meeting in Dakar, Senegal, n Apri 2000, we, the partcipants in the Word Education Forum,
commit ourselves tthe achievement of education for al (EFA) goals and targetsfor every
citizen and for every society.
2.The Dakar Framework s a colective commitment to action.Governments have an obligation
to ensure that EFA goals and targets are reached and sustained. This is a responsibiity that wil
be met most effectvey through broadbase partnerships within countries, supported by co-
operaton with regional and nternational agencies and insttutions.
4.We wecome the commitments made by the internatonal Community to basic educaton
throughout the 1990s,Notaby at the World Summit for Children (1990), the United Natons
Conference on Environment and Development (1992), the World Conference on Human
Rights (1993), the World Conference on Speca Needs Education: Access and Quaity (1994),
the International Conference on Populaton And Development (1994), the World Summit for
Social Development (1995), the Fourth World Conference on Women (1995), the Mid-Term
Meeting of the nternatonal Consultative Forum on Education for All (1996), the Fifth
Nternational Conference on Adult Education (1997), and The Internationa Conference on
Child Labour (1997). The Chalenge now is to deliver on these commtments.
5.The EFA 2000 Assessment demonstrates that there has been Signifcant progress in many
countries. But t is unaccept Abe in the year 2000 that more than 113 milion chldren Have no
access to primary education 880 milion adults are Illiterate, gender dscrimination continues
to permeate Education systems, and the quality of learning and the Acquisiton of human
values and skils fal far short of the aspirations and needs of individuas and societies. Youth
and Aduts are denied access to the skils and knowledge Necessary for gainful empoyment
and full participation in Their societies. Without accelerated progress towards Education for
all, nationa and internationaly agreed Targets for poverty reduction will be mssed, and
inequalities Between countries and withn societies will widen.

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