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Senior High School

Quarter 1 - Module 6
The Marketing Strategies

First Quarter
Module 6 - Week 6:
The Marketing Strategies
Content Standard : The importance of information, the market
characteristics affecting consumer behavior, and
the bases of market segmentation.

Performance Standard : Conduct marketing research, interpret market

buying behavior on product or service and
identify the product or service target market.

Competency : Distinguish between strategic and marketing

planning in terms of objectives and processes.

Learning Outcomes : Upon completion of the module, the SHS students

are expected to explain the strategic marketing
and tactical marketing

What I Know

Use a separate sheet of paper. Please do not forget to write the following in your answer sheet:

Name: __________________________________________________ Yr. & Section: _________________________

Subject: _______________________ Quarter No: ___________________ Module No: _____________________
Name of the Activity: What I Know Date: __________________________

Directions: Read each of the following questions carefully and choose the letter of the correct answer.

1. Which of the following statement is correct?

A. Strategy is goals while a tactic is actions to achieve goals
B. Strategic marketing starts from mission identification down to strategy
evaluation and control
C. An action plan is developed once tactics and activities identified
D. All of the above
2. What strategic planning process is considered as the checking phase?
A. Evaluation phase C. Planning phase
B. Implementation phase D. None of the above
3. Which is a process of planning, developing, and implementing maneuvers to
obtain a competitive edge in your chosen niche?
A. Strategic marketing C. Tactical marketing
B. Strategic planning D. Tactical planning

4. What SWOT Analysis refers to the favorable factor or trends in the external
environment that the company may be able to exploit to its advantage?
A. Strength C. Threats
B. Opportunities D. Weakness
5. Which among the phases of the Strategic Marketing Process is where the
organization takes the action of the plan?
A. Evaluation phase C. Planning phase
B. Implementation phase D. All of the above
6. Which of the following is an example of strategic marketing?
A. Monde Nissin offer product bundles
B. Apple brand issue press release to introduce a new product
C. All of the above
D. None of the above
7. What marketing strategy did Globe Telecommunication display if offers a
limited globe plan exclusively to loyal customers.?
A. Strategic marketing C. Tactical marketing
B. Strategic planning D. Tactical planning
8. Which phase involves ensuring that the results of the program are in line
with the goal set?
A. Evaluation phase C. Planning phase
B. Implementation phase D. All of the above
9. What phase of Strategic Marketing Process did Manager X display if
Manager X noticed an error in the plan and was able to quickly be resolved it?
A. Evaluation phase C. Planning phase
B. Implementation phase D. All of the above
10. What SWOT Analysis, refers to internal limitations and negatives
situational factors that may interfere with the company’s performance?
A. Strength C. Threats
B. Opportunities D. Weakness
11. What is the strategic marketing process?
A. It is a sequential series of marketing activities
B. It is a process of planning, developing, and implementing maneuvers to
obtain a competitive edge in your chosen niche
C. All of the above
D. None of the above
12. Which of the following is the key component in the planning phase?
A. Marketing program C. Price strategy
B. Marketing strategy D. Promotion strategy
13. Which strategy should focus on direct marketing, advertising, public relations, and
sales promotions that create brand awareness?
A. Place strategy C. Price strategy
B. Product strategy D. Promotion strategy
14. Which of the following is NOT involved in the implementation phase?
A. Design marketing organization C. Execute the marketing plan
B. Develop planning schedules D. Prepare marketing program
15. What strategy focuses on the features, packaging, branding, and warranty of the
A. Place strategy C. Price strategy
B. Product strategy D. Promotion strategy

To be successful in business, each company should deal with customers

daily. The best way to achieve this is to develop an effective marketing strategy.
At the end of this module, you expected to:
1. explain strategic marketing and tactical marketing;
2. describe the phases of the strategic marketing process; and
3. prepare swot analysis.

Directions: Write on a separate sheet of paper the first three words you can find
inside the box. It could be found in a different position; straight, forward,
backward, up, down, or in a diagonal line. A corresponding of 5 points of each








What’s New

Directions: On a separate sheet of paper, arrange the following actions (written

inside the boxes) in the proper sequence on How to Organize a School Art Exhibit.

Recruit student artist Install the artwork Evaluate the art

& choose art pieces exhibit

Hold an opening Select a venue Develop a theme

Strategic Marketing is a process of planning, developing, and implementing

maneuvers to obtain a competitive edge in your chosen niche. This process gives
a direct map of the organization’s objectives and how to achieve them.


1. 2. 3.

Planning Implementation Evaluation

1. Planning Phase - it is the most important as it studies the internal strengths

and weaknesses, external competition, technological innovations, industry
culture shifts and provides the general state of the organization. It involves the
SWOT Analysis, Market-product focus and goal setting, and the marketing

SWOT Analysis is used to identify a company’s strengths, weaknesses,

opportunities, and threats. The primary objective of the process is to help
organizations develop a full awareness of all the factors, positive and negative,
that may affect strategic planning and decision-making.

2. Implementation Phase - it is where the organizations carry out the plan. It

involves obtaining resources, designing marketing organization, developing
planning schedules, and executing the marketing plan.

3. Evaluation Phase - it is the assessment phase. This process involves
ensuring that the results of the program are in line with the goal set. To
evaluate the effectiveness of marketing strategy includes paying attention to
strategy vs tactic, measurable vs vague, actionable vs contingent, and
marketing strategy.

Tactical Marketing refers to actions the company takes to market a product.

Tactical marketing often involves generating leads, building websites, placing
ads, and following up. It includes advertising, sales promotions, and other
activities that directly support your strategic marketing plan.

Directions: Look at each marketing tactics through the different ads below.
Explain why these are effective to the audience or customer.

Marketing Tactic 1: Endorsement Marketing Tactic 2: Sponsorship

(ex. Boxing fight)

This is effective because This is effective because

Marketing Tactic 3: Live Streaming Marketing Tactic 4: Crowd source

(ex. Facebook) (ex. Blog post)

This is effective because This is effective because

SWOT Analysis Case Study
Directions: Read the case study of Snoozy Inn. Write down all the strengths,
weaknesses, opportunities, and threats you can find. Write your answers in a
separate sheet of paper.

The Snoozy Inn is a 40-unit, no-frills operation in the

less scenic part of a major Queensland resort town. The
owner, Mr. Smith, firmly believes that there is a need
for his style of low-cost family accommodation amid the
luxury and beauty of the area. His rooms are large,
family-style rooms (there is no television, for example). Although there is plenty
of room for future expansion, the grounds are fairly bear with a bit of
landscaping, but mostly grass.

Mr. Smith can serve breakfast to the rooms and provides tea-making facilities.
There are now a lot of good restaurants and take-aways in the area. Mr. Smith’s
prices are less than half of what similar motels charge and only a fraction of
what the big five-star properties are charging. And, really, he isn’t all that far
away from the beach, shops and other attractions.

The problem is occupancy. He has some regulars who come every holiday period
(and have been doing so for the four years he has owned the property). Overall,
occupancy is about 50% year-round and he knows from the local tourist office
that the other properties average around 68% occupancy year-round. New
developments could mean trouble. This lack of occupancy can be quite
frustrating for Mr. Smith. Cars pull in, drive around the parking areas, and
then drive away.

Currently Mr. Smith does very little advertising in local district guides and the
holiday papers, mainly because he really thinks word-of-mouth is the best form
of advertising. He is a member of the local tourist committee, but too busy to go
to meetings. However, he does receive the local statistics and knows the average
stay in the area is 3.8 nights, and that local families and couples and
increasingly overseas visitors are his potential customers.

He’s not desperate yet, but he’s getting worried and disillusioned. He thought he
would be overrun with guests, but that hasn’t happened.
following-cases-carefully-answer-entir ely-appropriately-snoozy-inn-40-unit-q59864675

Use a separate sheet of paper. Please do not forget to write the following in your answer sheet:

Name: __________________________________________________ Yr. & Section: _________________________

Subject: _______________________ Quarter No:___________________ Module No: _____________________
Name of the Activity: Assessment Date:__________________________

Directions: Read each of the following questions carefully and choose the letter of the correct answer.

1. What strategic marketing process involves ensuring that the results of the
program are in line with the goal set?
A. Evaluation phase C. Planning phase
B. Implementation phase D. Selection phase
2. Which of the following statements is correct in swot analysis?
A. SWOT analysis is a tool for organizing information, presenting
solutions, identifying roadblocks, and emphasizing opportunities
B. SWOT analysis can be used to analyze competitors, research a
company’s current and prospective customers, assess a company, and
identifying trends in the company’s industry
C. SWOT analysis help organizations develop a full awareness of all the
factors, positive and negative, that may affect strategic planning and
decision making
D. All of the above
3. What strategic marketing process convert plans into action?
A. Evaluation phase C. Planning phase
B. Implementation phase D. Selection phase
4. What do you call the actions the company takes to market a product?
A. Strategic marketing C. Tactical marketing
B. Strategic planning D. Tactical planning
5. Which of the following is NOT tactical marketing?
A. A customer engages of the company’s gaming app to receive a freebies
B. An Influencer shares positive sentiment for the brand, product, or
service in social media services
C. All of the above
D. None of the above
6. What swot analysis includes the internal capabilities, resources, and all
positive situational factors that may help the company serve its customers and
achieve its objectives?
A. Strength C. Threats
B. Opportunities D. Weakness

7. Which of the following statements is correct?
I. A strategic plan determines specific goals, while
II. A tactical plan identifies the means to reach these goals.
A. Only I is correct C. Both I & II is correct
B. Only II is correct D. Both I & II is incorrect
8. What uses to identify the organization’s strengths, weaknesses,
opportunities, and threats?
A. Marketing program C. SWOT analysis
B. Market-product focus D. Strategic marketing process
9. When the implementation phase takes place in the strategic marketing
A. Once the analysis is complete
B. Once a negative deviation occurs
C. All of the above
D. None of the above
10. What is the most important phase in strategic marketing process?
A. Evaluation phase C. Planning phase
B. Implementation phase D. Selection phase
11. What is the tactical marketing process?
A. It is a sequential series of marketing activities
B. It is an action the company takes to market a product
C. It is a process of planning, developing, and implementing maneuvers to
obtain a competitive edge in your chosen niche
D. None of the above
12.Which of the following involves an implementation phase?
A. Design marketing organization
B. Make marketing strategy
C. Prepare marketing program
D. Set marketing and product goals
13. What is an action plan?
A. It is a sequential series of marketing activities
B. It is an action the company takes to market a product
C. It is a process of planning, developing, and implementing maneuvers to
obtain a competitive edge in your chosen niche
D. All of the above
14. What is the important of strategic marketing process?
A. Evaluation phase C. Planning phase
B. Implementation phase D. Selection phase
15. Which of the following involved in the planning phase?
A. Design marketing organization
B. Develop planning schedules
C. Execute the marketing plan
D. Prepare marketing program

Directions: Choose at least two small-time businesses within your
neighborhood or Barangay and distinguish what marketing strategies are used.
Write at least three.

Name of Business: Name of Business:

Marketing Strategies: Marketing Strategies:

1. 1.
2. 2.
3. 3.

• Add own restaurant or do-it-
yourself catering facilities for
• Investigate other markets
(backpackers, etc.)
meetings –
group do networking
Increase the rates being
• Work in with other attractions,
restaurants, etc (charge-back
facilities with nearby
restaurants, for example)
• Attend tourist
promotional Increase the
more campaigns Potential • of level •
problems if budget advertising
other motels are built
properties • Install televisions immediately
Threats: begi • Landscape the grounds and
• Potential failure if occupancy make them more attractive
doesn’t improve • Add more outdoor facilities –
• Potential failure if playground, BBQ facilities,
other properties perhaps a pool or tennis courts
begin cutting rates depending on finances
• Potential problems if

Weaknesses: take-away nearby

• Low prices (but this is also a
• No television (crucial for the problem!)
family market) • Regular customers (but not
• Bare and unappealing grounds very many)
• Initial interest by people who • Membership in the local tourist
drive in and look but then leave group
(probably because of the bare • Property large enough for
grounds) coach groups
• Location poor in relation to • Property is clean
other services, attractions, etc. • Access to information about the
• No separate restaurant industry
services • Mr. smith acknowledges he has
• Low occupancy compared to a problem – the first step
other motels towards solving it!
• Very little advertising and restaurants Good •
• Only local advertising Located in a popular tourist
• Uninspiring motel name region •
• Low rates being charged could Big rooms •
be perceived as unappealing Large grounds and open areas •
Breakfast service to rooms •


Te, D. M, Vida, D. M., & Marte, R.B. (2018). Principles of Marketing. Quezon City,
Philippines. C & E Publishing, Inc. pg. 52-59.

Online Sources

35 Marketing Tactics That Work by Nathan Ellering. Retrieved on November

2020 from

Strategic Marketing vs. Tactical Marketing by Bruce McDuffee. Retrieved on

November 2020 from

A Strategic Marketing Process: A Complete Guide by Anastasia Belyh. Retrieved on

November 2020 from

Tactical Marketing Tools by Karen S. Johnson. Retrieved on October 2020 from

Implementation phase of the strategic process by Kristie Lorette. Retrieved on

October 2020 from
marketing-proce ss


Planning. Retrieved on October 2020 from
Implementation. Retrieved on October 2020 from
Evaluation. Retrieved on October 2020 from
Manny Pacquiao vs Timothy Bradley 2. Retrieved on November 2020 from

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