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Design Hearing/Pre-Oral Checklist

Areas/Concerns Remark (√ or X)
Running Head
 Started on Page ii, 11 font size and in 1 line only
 All capital letters, not boldfaced
 Not more than 50 characters
Format and Technicalities
 Use short bondpaper
 Use Cambria font #12
 Margins: 1.5in – left, 1in – top, bottom, right
 With running head after the title page
 Text should be computerized in double space, Justified
 Avoid the use of contractions(don’t, didn’t, wasn’t), first and
second person pronouns (I, we, you, your, us)
Title Page Refer to File 9
 Running head and Page i are hidden
 Title is in inverted pyramid
 Format is followed
 Table of Contents with aligned page numbers
 List of Figures in a separate page
Chapter I (center, boldfaced)
The Problem and Its Scope (center, boldfaced)
 Page 1 is hidden
Introduction (flushed left alignment, boldfaced)
 A 2-page discussion of the following:
 1st paragraph: relating study to global issues Refer to File 10
 2nd paragraph: relating study to local issues
 3rd paragraph: GAP of the study (what makes your study
different or unique from other existing studies)
 4th paragraph: compelling reasons on the conduct of the
study; competence of the researcher
 Sources must be within 5 years (2018 – 2023)
 Proper parenthetical reference citations are observed Refer to File 5

Reyes (2022) reveals that students’ study habits are directly

related to their performance.

Students’ study habits are directly related to their

performance (Reyes, 2022).
 Double spacing in between paragraph, no extra space
 All paragraphs are justified
Theoretical Background of the Study (flushed left alignment,
 Main theory or theories are discussed Refer to File 10
 Components of the theory or theories are discussed and are
related/connected to the study
 Diagram (Figure 1) is presented following the format
 Sources for theories are not necessary within the 5 year
Review of Related Literature and Studies (flushed left alignment,
 Related literature/studies are comprehensively presented, Refer to Files 11
discussed and arranged according to the variables and 12 for the
used/found/correlated in the statement of the problem transitional
 Topics or themes followed the APA format (indented and
boldfaced, indented, boldfaced, and italicized, indented and
 Topics or themes are in boldfaced and discussion should be
immediately right after every theme.
(ex. Study habits of the students. It is emphasized in the
study of…)
Only the first letter of the first word is capitalized.
 Proper parenthetical reference citations are observed Refer to File 5
Conceptual Background of the Study (flushed left alignment, Refer to File 10
 Diagram (Figure 2) is provided following the format
Statement of the Problem (a separate page, flushed left alignment,
 The numbers are aligned
 Sub-problems are stated in interrogative forms
Statement of the Null Hypothesis (flushed left alignment, boldfaced)
 Ho1, Ho2, Ho3 (o1, o2, and o3 are subscripts)
Significance of the Study (flushed left alignment, boldfaced)
 Stated in general the benefits/importance of the study
 Enumerated specific beneficiaries and corresponding tangible
benefits they can derived from the study
 Beneficiaries are arranged according to importance
 Parents, Teachers, and Students as beneficiaries are indented
and in boldfaced
Scope and Limitations of the Study (flushed left alignment,
 Scope of the study (indented and boldfaced)
 Limitations of the study (indented and boldfaced)
Research Methodology (flushed left alignment, boldfaced) Refer to File 10
 Future tenses will be used for research proposal or design
hearing (The study will be conducted…)
 Past tenses will be used for pre-oral or final defense (The
study was conducted…)
 Research design (indented, boldfaced)
o Reason why it’s descriptive, correlational,
experimental or comparative is discussed
 Research environment (describe the environment, method
of instruction, student-teacher ratio, availability of
wifi/internet connection, computer laboratory, library/e-
library, etc).
 Research respondents
o Target population (N)
o Number of Sample (n)
o Sampling technique like simple random sampling,
stratified sampling, systematics sampling, cluster
sampling, etc.)
 Research instruments
o Cite the author if instrument is adopted/adapted
o Letter or email to ask permission is indicated
o Validity of the instrument (describe the qualifications
of the validators)
o Reliability (specify that a dry-run will be (was)
conducted, test-retest is used, Cronbach’s Alpha Test
is applied, etc.)
o Discussion of every part of the Questionnaire (Part I
consists of the disclosure statement… Part II reveals
the profile of the respondents… Part III displays the
extent of …)
 Ethical considerations
 Research procedures
Statistical Treatment of Data (flushed left alignment, boldfaced) Refer to File 10
 Discuss where to use the tool and why it is selected No formulas
Operational Definition of Terms (a separate page)
 Terms are defined as used in the study
 In alphabetical order
 Terms are indented and in boldfaced)
Chapter II (center, boldfaced)
* generally present tense; dependent on the author’s manner of
presenting data

Table 9 reflects that …
It is reflected in Table 9 that…
It can be seen from Table 9 that… Included in the Pre-Oral
 Present the table first then discuss
 Use 8 font size for the legend, should be below the table
 Tables are not cut
Flow of Table Discussion
 Overall (numerical and verbal description) or this can be
placed at the end of the discussion
 Specify Highest item to Lowest item
 Any remarkable result
 Implications:
Affirmation (differences: methods, respondents, stat, data
Negation (similarities: methods, respondents, stat, data
Other Arguments
Chapter III (center, boldfaced)
* generally in the past tense except for:
 introductory paragraph and
 some parts of the conclusions/recommendations which need
to be expressed in the present or future tense as the case may
 Per SOP
 In paragraph form, not broken down
 Highlight new discoveries (if any) that you obtained only after
completing the study, something (not found in the literature)
which contributes to new knowledge
 This section supports or negates previous conclusions,
validates the theory used and/or generates a new theory.
 Should not be a repetition of the findings, rather an
 Should be based on the summary of findings and conclusions
 action plan/training matrix
should be placed after recommendations;
must have an introductory portion stating its rationale or
References (flushed left alignment, boldfaced)
 All authors mentioned are reflected in the references
 DOI are included in the references
Appendices (center, boldfaced)
 A separate page
Questionnaire (center, boldfaced)
 Research title is reflected Refer to File 10
 Disclosure statement
 Numberings are aligned
 Instructions on how to rate is clearly stated
 Verbal Descriptions of the different options are
Curriculum Vitae (center, boldfaced) Refer to File 10
 should only contain the researcher’s vital information
 should not contain the researcher’s picture
 Format is followed
 positions/designations must be arranged in reversed
chronological order

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