The Guardian 21sept

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••• The Guardian Tuesday 21 September 2021

Inside 21/9/21 News

▼ Boris Johnson told the UN general
Four sections every weekday assembly in New York that a lack of
action would be judged by history
be clear to all which of us has lacked
News and Sport the courage to step up,” he said.
Without singling out individual
countries, he added: “It is the biggest
Derbyshire tragedy economies in the world that are caus-
ing the problem, while the smallest
Man arrested on suspicion suffer the worst consequences. And
of murder after deaths of while progress is being made all over
woman and three children the world, the gulf between what has
Page 11 been promised, what is actually being
delivered, and what needs to happen
… it remains vast.”
Golf The UK is entering the final leg of
a frantic diplomatic effort to ensure
Rory McIlroy says it’s Cop26 produces a significant agree-
getting ‘tougher to win the ment. The Cop26 president, Alok
Ryder Cup on the road’ Sharma, travelled to the US with
Page 46 Johnson to press the case with indi-

Johnson urges world’s rich

vidual countries.
Sharma told journalists in New
York that of the G20 countries, only

Journal Outside G2
nations to act on climate
Labour should approach its conference with hope Polly Toynbee, page 3
the G7 plus Argentina had so far
life &
As car workers, we are fighting for green jobs Frank Duff y, page 4

Opinions and ideas

John Challis, hugely popular Only Fools and Horses star Obituaries, page 10
The Guardian Tuesday 21 September 2021
produced the emissions reduction
targets they had committed to set
 The Merkel myths – and ahead of Cop26.
and ideas

He urged the other G20 coun-

how the lauded leader mixed Heather Stewart tries – which include China, India
Biden will have to talk fast
her messages on refugees New York and Russia – to step forward. “The
Daniel Trilling ball’s in their court and they need to
Page1 Boris Johnson has warned the world’s Joe Biden will make his first speech deliver,” he said.
rich countries that “history will to the United Nations as president It remains unclear whether the key
judge” if they fail to act now to tackle today, seeking to “close the chapter polluter China will attend Novem-
 Labour must travel in the climate crisis, as the US climate on 20 years of war” and begin an ber’s summit. Beijing was irritated
The refugee
hen Angela Merkel steps around the “wir schaffen das” moment, both of ILLUSTRATION:
down as chancellor after which overstate the significance of her intervention MATT KENYON

Germany’s elections later and mischaracterise its effects. The populist right

envoy, John Kerry, suggested Presi- era of intensive diplomacy. by the announcement of the Aukus
this month, the tributes blames Merkel for prompting one of the largest

crisis created
will centre on her role as mass migrations in the continent’s recent history, a

hope and show how it can

the figurehead of western “catastrophic mistake”, as Trump later put it, that
liberalism; an island of would undermine Europe’s security and identity
stability, caution and through an overwhelming foreign intrusion.

two myths of
openness in an era marked by turbulence and far- Liberals, meanwhile, treat it as a triumph. Merkel’s

dent Joe Biden was poised to commit He will however have to contend defence and security deal, which is
right reaction. She will be remembered “for serious stance, in this telling, held true to the values that
work, stable leadership and having a gift for political supposedly underpin the European project and
compromise”, wrote Ishaan Tharoor in the Washington showed that a crisis could be met with compassion.

Angela Merkel
Post last week. When she faced off against Donald In truth, Merkel’s contribution to Europe’s politics

make people’s lives better

Trump after his inauguration in 2017, some newspapers of immigration went much further, and her legacy is
dubbed her the new “leader of the free world”. far more mixed. As an investigation by Die Zeit has

more funds to the fight. with hostility from China, a rift aimed at confronting China.
Fundamental to this image is the intervention she shown, “wir schaffen das” did not, for the most part,
made in late summer 2015, at the height of Europe’s encourage migration: it acknowledged a reality that
Daniel refugee crisis. “Wir schaffen das” – we’ll manage this – already existed. The refugee crisis had been under way 
Trilling was Merkel’s public statement as thousands of people,
mainly from Syria, Iraq and Afghanistan, were making
for several months by the summer of 2015, with people
motivated to travel more by what was pushing them
Daniel Trilling
is the author
their way through Turkey, Greece and the Balkans from their homes than the reception they expected in of Lights in the

Polly Toynbee At the UN general assembly in with France and widespread Developed countries promised
to western Europe. By declaring Germany – and, by Europe. Syrians, for instance, were facing a worsening Distance: Exile
extension, Europe – open to refugees, she was making conflict, decreasing food rations from and Refuge at
a bold, pragmatic statement of intent.
Yet two contradictory myths have grown up
aid agencies, and employment bans in
Lebanon and Turkey, where most Syrian  the Borders
of Europe

Page 3 New York, the prime minister urged scepticism over his commitment more than a decade ago at the Copen-
other developed countries to increase to multilateralism following hagen summit to make $100bn in
their contributions, to help meet the disagreements over Israel, a chaotic public and private financing avail-
target of $100bn in climate financing withdrawal from Afghanistan, and able to help developing countries
G2 Centre pullout Gone to the rats! set more than a decade ago. a nuclear submarine deal that took transition to clean energy sources,
Features and arts Behind the scenes of the big British bin crisis
“The world will see, and your adversaries and allies by surprise. and cope with the extreme weather
people will remember, and history The White House sees the triggered by global heating.
The Lovers’ Guide will judge,” he said, underlining the speech to the UN general assembly But the Organisation for Economic
importance of achieving an ambi- (Unga) as a chance to reclaim the Co-operation and Development
Michael Hann examines tious outcome to the Cop26 climate global initiative. Biden will say (OECD) reported last week that the
the video that began a talks, which the UK is hosting in he does not believe in the notion target appeared likely to be missed
second sexual revolution Glasgow in November. of a new Cold War. However, the by up to $20bn.
Page 4 Johnson was speaking ahead of a UN secretary general, António Johnson said en route to the US
roundtable of developing countries, Guterres, said US-Chinese rivalry that he believed there was only a
which he co-chaired with the UN sec- was stopping progress on global six in 10 chance of the $100bn target
‘It just snowballed’ retary general, António Guterres. issues. He told CNN “the old Cold being reached before the Cop26
Tuesday 21/09/21
Zoe Williams
Should I really
worry about
crumpet shortages?
He added: “Cop26 will be staged in War was more easy to manage ... summit.
Ayub Khan Din and page 3

the full glare of the global spotlight. Now things are more complex.” But Kerry, also attending UNGA,
‘We made love on

Jimi Mistry on the the living-room carpet’

30 years of The
Lovers’ Guide
And when the summit ends, when Julian Borger Washington expressed more optimism. “I think
making of East Is East page 4
most of the world has committed to we’re going to get it done,” he said,

Page 9 decisive, gamechanging action, it will Aukus row Pages 26-27  when asked about the $100bn.

Become a Guardian and Observer

subscriber from £5.07 a week
er Data breach how to manage the potential risks.
Many of the people who worked with
told the BBC that the error was an
“unacceptable breach”. The former
western forces are in hiding from defence minister, Johnny Mercer,
Visit ‘risked lives the Taliban, which seized power in
August with surprising speed as the
said the error was likely to mean
Afghan translators would be “mov-

of 250 Afghan west withdrew in the run up to the 31
August deadline set by the US Presi-
ing house again tonight”.
He tweeted: “The truth on how we
Page 38 Journal, page 4 interpreters’ dent, Joe Biden.
While over 17,000 people were res-
have treated our Afghan interpreters
will come out.
cued by the UK – the largest refugee “All the back slapping over [Oper-
Quick crossword Cryptic crossword evacuation since the second world ation] Pitting masks a criminally
Robyn Vinter war – chaotic scenes at Kabul airport negligent performance by the Min-
Back of G2 Back of Journal meant many who had assisted Brit- istry of Defence and the Home Office
ish troops were left behind. on doing our duty to these people.”
The Ministry of Defence has apolo- The email came from The Afghan John Healey, the shadow defence
Contact Guardian News & Media, Kings Place, 90 York Way,
London N1 9GU. 020-3353 2000. Fax 020-7837 2114.
gised and launched an investigation Relocations and Assistance Policy secretary, said: “We told these
In Manchester: Centurion House, 129 Deansgate,
For missing sections call 0800 839 100. Manchester M3 3WR. Telephone Sales: 020-7611 9000. into a data breach that has “need- (Arap), which has been helping those Afghans interpreters we would keep
For individual departments, call the Guardian The Guardian lists links to third-party websites, but lessly put lives at risk” by revealing still stuck in the country – as well as them safe, instead this breach has
switchboard: 020 3353 2000. does not endorse them or guarantee their authenticity
For the Readers’ editor (corrections or accuracy. Back issues from Historic Newspapers: the email addresses of more than 250 people who fled to neighbouring needlessly put lives at risk.”
& clarifications on specific editorial content), call 0870-165 1470 Afghan interpreters who worked for countries – after UK troops pulled out. An MoD spokesperson said: “An
020 3353 4736 between 10am and 1pm UK time Published by Guardian News & Media, Kings Place,
Monday to Friday excluding public holidays, or 90 York Way, London N1 9GU, and at Centurion House,
British forces. It advised those still stranded that investigation has been launched into
email 129 Deansgate, Manchester M3 3WR. Printed at Reach An email sent by the MoD to inter- Arap was doing everything possi- a data breach of information from
Letters for publication should be sent to Watford Limited, St Albans Road, Watford, Herts preters who are seeking relocation to ble to get them to safety and not to the Afghan Relocations Assistance or the WD24 7RG; Reach Oldham Limited, Hollinwood Avenue,
address on the letters page. Chadderton, Oldham OL9 8EP; Reach Saltire Ltd, the UK asking for an update on their risk leaving their current location if Policy team. We apologise to every-
110 Fifty Pitches Place, Glasgow G51 4EA; and by situation mistakenly copied in their it was not safe. But one interpreter one impacted by this breach and are
Irish Times Print Facility, 4080 Kingswood Road, email addresses, so they were visible who received the email told the BBC: working hard to ensure it does not
NEWSPAPERS Citywest Business Campus, Dublin 24. No. 54,456,
SUPPORT Tuesday 21 September 2021. Registered as a newspaper to all other recipients. “This mistake could cost the life of happen again.”
RECYCLING at the Post Office ISSN 0261-3077. The ministry says it has contacted interpreters, especially for those who The spokesperson added that the
The recycled paper
content of UK newspapers
in 2017 was 64.6% the individuals affected by the data are still in Afghanistan.” department was taking all necessary
breach and is offering advice on Ben Wallace, the defence secretary, steps under UK GDPR.
Tuesday 21 September 2021 The Guardian •

News 5

‘Original genius’ ‘[Creating]

a creature
from human
parts without

Frankenstein first divine as-

sistance was
highly con-

edition sells for

Mary Shelley

world record $1.17m

it was handmade and illustrated, as
Alison Flood opposed to printed.
Shelley, the daughter of the

philosopher William Godwin and
ary Shelley was the feminist Mary Wollstonecraft,
just 18 when famously came up with the idea for
she dreamed Frankenstein during the summer
up her story of of 1816, while staying beside Lake
a “pale student Geneva with Percy Shelley, her
of unhallowed husband, and Lord Byron.
arts” and the “hideous phantasm The group had been reading
of a man” he created. Now a first French translations of German
edition of her seminal classic of ghost stories, and Byron challenged
gothic horror, Frankenstein; or, them to write their own. Shelley
The Modern Prometheus, has wrote in a preface to a 1831 edition
set a world record for the highest of her novel that she “busied
price paid for a printed work by a [herself] to think of a story, – a story
woman, after selling at auction for to rival those which had excited
$1,170,000 (£856,000). us to this task. One which would
The first edition was one of 500 speak to the mysterious fears of
copies printed in 1818, and the our nature, and awaken thrilling
first to be auctioned since 1985. horror – one to make the reader  Finishing
Christie’s, which described it as dread to look round, to curdle the touches at the
“exceptionally rare”, had estimated blood, and quicken the beatings of Mary Shelley’s
the copy would sell for $200,000- the heart”. House of
$300,000. It said this was a new She had an “acute mental Frankenstein
world record for a printed work by a vision” while trying to sleep, she attraction
woman, with bidders participating continued, of “the pale student of in Bath, as it
from around the world. unhallowed arts kneeling beside prepared to
A copy of JK Rowling’s The Tales the thing he had put together”, of open in July
of Beedle the Bard sold for £3.98m “the hideous phantasm of a man PHOTOGRAPH: BEN
at Sotheby’s in November 2007, but stretched out, and then, on the BIRCHALL/PA

working of some powerful engine,

show signs of life, and stir with an the manufacture of a creature science-fiction novels, a work of
uneasy, half vital motion.” from human parts without horror, invention and philosophy,
Her story of how Victor divine assistance was highly which addresses key questions of
Frankenstein creates a being controversial,” Seymour added. what it means to be human, and
from body parts, and brings it to With a preface from Percy and a inspired countless adaptations.
life, would go on to be published dedication to the then-anonymous “It was on a dreary night of
anonymously on 1 January 1818 author’s father, William Godwin, November, that I beheld the
in a run of just 500 copies by the Frankenstein had mixed reviews. accomplishment of my toils. With
publisher Lackington’s. The novel Walter Scott was impressed by an anxiety that almost amounted to
had been turned down by John the author’s “original genius” and agony, I collected the instruments
Murray, when Percy presented it “uncommon powers of poetic of life around me,” she writes as
to the publisher as his own work; imagination”, the Quarterly Review her creation awakens. “My candle
Lackington’s, which “dealt mainly asked if “the head or the heart of was nearly burnt out, when, by the
in cheap books”, gave Mary a third the author be the most diseased”. glimmer of the half-extinguished
of the net profits, wrote Miranda Shelley would publish a revised light, I saw the dull yellow eye of
Seymour in her biography of the The 1818 first edition edition of the novel in 1831, under the creature open; it breathed hard,
▲ Mary Shelley’s seminal classic was author. “These were not good copy of Frankenstein her own name. Today, Frankenstein and a convulsive motion agitated
published anonymously at first times for controversial works and is seen as one of the world’s first its limbs.”

The name’s Bond ... but more

antidote to bikini-clad “Bond Girls”. Fleming would be bewildered by
“There are certain things attached to many of the changes in society since
Bond of which we would say: ‘No, you then, Higson said. “He’d be able to

caring and compassionate can’t do that anymore,’” Craig told

the Radio Times. “We’re very con-
mansplain the correct temperature
that champagne should be served at,
scious of what’s going on in the world but he’d be all at sea trying to negoti-
– who plays cinema’s most famous at the moment, but we’re still story- ate the correct use of pronouns.”
Nadia Khomami spy for the fifth and final time in tellers, we’re still trying to entertain But Higson said the writer also
upcoming film No Time to Die – has an audience.” “kicked against the old-fashioned,
“given us woke 007, who’s tender, The 53-year-old actor, who lost 1950s view that women should be
He’s the brooding bad boy who drives cries and gets into the shower in his teeth, tore muscles and severed simpering housewives.”
luxury cars, jumps through windows tuxedo to comfort a woman”. tendons over the course of 15 years’ Asked if he would support a more
and wrestles on top of moving trains, Craig, who moonlights as a pro- of shooting for Bond, said he was diverse appointment as his replace-
all while having a constant array of ducer on No Time to Die, has been “more naked than the women” in ment, Craig said: “There should
beautiful women on his arm. But the vocal about his work to ensure the the upcoming film, adding: “I’ve simply be better parts for women
one thing James Bond has never been inclusion of strong women in the designed it that way”. and actors of colour. Why should a
is “woke” – until now. Bond franchise, and even revealed Higson highlighted the level woman play James Bond when there
Charlie Higson, the author of the he chose to wear his now famous blue of change since Ian Fleming first ▲ Craig’s blue speedos in Casino should be a part just as good as James
Young Bond novels, says Daniel Craig speedos in 2006’s Casino Royale as an devised the character of Bond in 1952. Royale was antidote to ‘Bond Girls’ Bond, but for a woman?”
••• The Guardian Tuesday 21 September 2021

6 National
Energy supply

Meat Abattoirs run low on CO Fresh foods Distribution risk

Drinks Gas supply warning Dairy Packaging shortage

Prepare for a new winter

▲ The sectors that have warned they considered the provision of gov-
could be hit as a result of the energy ernment aid in the form of loans for
crisis that has led to a shortage of businesses facing difficulties.
supplies of carbon dioxide Stephen Elliott, chief executive of
the Chemical Industries Association,

of discontent, Britain already working very hard to keep

their families’ heads above water.
Already the £20 cut was going to be
difficult for them,” he said. “Now we
a trade body representing UK chemi-
cal and pharmaceutical businesses,
said the industry was “already pay-
ing a premium” for energy compared

warned, as gas crisis hits

see we’re going to get rising energy with the rest of Europe as it faced ris-
prices, and we’ve already seen that ing costs of cutting carbon emissions.
the growth in inflation is faster than Kwarteng said he was looking at
it has been for a generation. There’s options to help industry as well as
the possibility of very, very difficult making sure customers of collapsed
times ahead for hundreds of thou- energy companies did not lose money
 Continued from page 1 Group, has warned workforce short- linked to both Brexit and Covid, as sands of people in this country.” or supply of gas and electricity. The
ages alongside the CO2 issues could well as global supply chain disrup- Ed Miliband, Labour’s shadow Guardian understands officials are
question of the lights going out, or result in Christmas being “cancelled”. tion linked to the pandemic, while business secretary, said he feared considering state-backed loans to
people being unable to heat their Last night a joint statement from experts warn higher energy prices are the government was “much too com- help the UK’s large energy suppli-
homes”. The minister also dismissed Kwarteng and the energy regulator, likely to lead to inflation. placent on the price and economic ers to pick up potentially millions of
the idea of “three-day working weeks Ofgem, stressed that the crisis “was Ed Davey, the Liberal Democrat impact of the current situation” unprofitable energy customers ahead
or a throw-back to the 1970s”, saying not an issue of supply” and said the leader and former energy secretary, with energy. He called on Kwarteng of a “tsunami” of energy supplier col-
such thinking was “alarmist, unhelp- UK has capacity “that can more than said the prime minister and his gov- to set out his plans to support busi- lapses this winter.
ful and completely misguided”. meet demand”. ernment should not be dismissing the nesses, particularly energy intensive As an alternative, the government
However, the British Chambers of A roundtable with leading energy crisis as a “global problem or a hic- industries, and say whether he had is also considering plans for a “bad
Commerce (BCC) said factories were suppliers and consumer groups held cup” with supply. He said the cost of bank”-style company to take on cus-

already discussing a “more perma- yesterday will be followed by one living crisis would “hit the most vul- tomers left stranded.
nent reduction in their operating with smaller suppliers in the com- nerable people in the country”, yet Emma Pinchbeck, Energy UK’s
capacity”, such as a three or four- ing days. “Central to any next steps the government had “failed to invest chief executive, said the “priority of
day working week, or reducing their is our clear and agreed position that in making homes warmer through The average amount that energy all involved is to protect customers as
hours because of high gas prices and the energy price cap will remain in insulation … failed to diversify the bills are due to rise in October for much as possible”. She added: “While
consequent shortage of CO2. place,” the joint statement said. UK out of over-dependence on gas for households across the UK the focus is on the current situation, it
Firms known to be considering Suren Thiru, the head of econom- heating … and [the] botched Brexit shows why we must continue the low-

such a move include energy intensive ics at the BCC, said the energy price deal is already hiking food prices”. carbon transition and further reduce
industries, as well as the meat and crisis “risks aggravating the already Green, a former work and pensions our dependency on fossil fuels.”
fresh food packaging suppliers that severe supply chain predicament” secretary, estimated there would be Five small suppliers have gone
rely on CO2. Ranjit Singh Boparan, facing many industries. about 500,000 people who are par- The number of people the former under in recent weeks, and another
the owner of Bernard Matthews, the Companies are already struggling ticularly vulnerable this winter. cabinet minister Damian Green four are likely to fold before the end
poultry producer, and 2 Sisters Food with a shortage of haulage and staff, “These are people many of whom are says will be vulnerable this winter of the month.
Tuesday 21 September 2021 The Guardian •

Perfect storm How

Britain relies heavily on electricity from Europe
Active interconnectors Contracted Planned Damaged
Industry calls
factors combined to North Connect The route of the
Due 2022
Nord Stream
2 pipeline
Narva Bay
for immediate
action to avoid
drive UK energy
The pipeline
begins here
Viking Link

major crisis
system into chaos EWIC

BritNed Neuconnect
The pipeline will reach
the European gas grid
on Germany’s northern Sarah Butler
2022 Nemo coast Joanna Partridge
Russian gas games IFA1
2022 Eleclink
Jillian Ambrose As shipments of gas have turned FAB A fire this month forced the Food producers have called on the
2022 shutdown of one of Britain’s
from Europe towards China, flows IFA2 2022 government to subsidise the fertiliser
most important power cables
of pipeline gas to Europe from 2020 plants that produce the CO2 essen-
The UK’s energy system has Russia have failed to make up the Source: Nord Stream 2 tial to much of the sector – including
been plunged into chaos by a shortfall. packaging, fizzy drinks and animal
perfect storm of market forces Yesterday gas prices across How the food industry uses CO2 slaughter – amid fears over shortages
which threatens to rip through Europe surged by another 10% after in supermarkets.
the economy from home energy Russia’s state-backed gas company, Canning and Carbonation The Food and Drink Federation,
packaging Added to fizzy drinks
suppliers to heavy industry, and Gazprom, refused to increase its which represents hundreds of food
Filling packaging and some beers CO2
from factories to farmers. exports to Europe - despite record- with CO2 or other gives sparkle, affects
processors and manufacturers,
That has stoked fears that a wave high prices across the continent. gases preserves all flavour and helps joined retailers and meat producers
of energy suppliers will fold, and The company has met its manner of foods, preserve the drink, in calling for urgent action as they
that households will be saddled contractual obligations for gas including fruit and preventing the warned of serious disruption in food
with unaffordable bills. As winter delivery over recent months but bread, by growth of bacteria supply chains.
draws nearer, these are the factors Gazprom has come under fierce preventing certain and fungi. It is also “Across industry, there is a united
shaping the country’s energy crisis. criticism for appearing to send little bacteria from used to dispense view that the situation is worsening
extra to help meet the enormous growing drinks from kegs with little prospect of additional CO2
China’s post-Covid bounce back demand in Europe. supply unless the UK government
China’s appetite for energy is EU lawmakers have called on intervenes,” wrote the FDF’s chief
Stunning animals Decaffeinating
always a key driver of global market the European Commission to for slaughter coffee
executive, Ian Wright, in a letter to
prices. In 2021 its post-Covid investigate whether the company’s Stunning is a key use ‘Supercritical carbon the food secretary, George Eustice.
economic ramp-up has coincided behaviour has been designed to of CO2. The gas has dioxide’ – a form of He said some companies had already
with an uptick in demand across keep market prices high, and put an anaesthetic effect CO2 with the properties stopped production, and others
Asia and Europe too. pressure on regulators to approve but at high of both a liquid and a could cease within the week.
As economies begin to recover of its controversial plans to build concentrations it can gas – is passed through Record energy prices have forced
from the the pandemic, countries the Nord Stream 2 pipeline, a major also stop the brain the coffee to dissolve the temporary shutdown of two fer-
across the northern hemisphere, gas line which would double its from functioning, the caffeine, leaving tiliser plants in the UK last week,
causing death other substances intact
which experienced a long, cold capacity to send gas to Germany which, as a byproduct of the process,
winter in 2020-21 that depleted via the Baltic Sea. generate 60% of the food-grade CO2
gas storage levels, have been left Nordstream 2 has faced US The energy price cap for summer 2021 was set at £1,138 used in packaging meat and dairy
scrabbling to secure supplies. sanctions and provoked concern Default price tariff cap products to keep them fresh. The gas
Gas prices in the UK have more that the EU would increase its is also used to stun pigs and poultry
than quadrupled over the last year reliance on energy imports from for slaughter.
to highs of 180 pence per therm, Russia. £1,104 £1,143 £1,126 £1,138 1,200 Several major retailers confirmed
from around 40per therm this time that shoppers would begin to notice
last year. Generation gap 900 shortages by the end of next week of
In the last month alone, prices The global gas crunch is poultry, pork and some other fresh
have climbed by 70%. particularly bad news for the UK. foods, if the government did not take
Market experts at S&P Global Around half of the UK’s electricity 300 action.
Platts said earlier this year that is generated by burning the fossil Adam Couch, the chief executive of
China’s demand for gas was likely fuel in gas-fired power plants, a 0 the British pork producer Cranswick,
to rise to 360 billion cubic metres trend which has become more 2018/19 2019 2019/20 2020 2020/21 2021 said: “I call upon the government to
winter summer winter summer winter summer
(Bcm) this year, up 8.4% from an deeply entrenched over recent act immediately to avert a major crisis
estimated 332 Bcm in 2020. months following a string of Source: Ofgem. Note: Default tariff price cap for a dual-fuel, direct debit customer with typical consumption in the food industry. The sector has
To satisfy its record demand problems in the UK electricity been asking for support to ease the
for gas, China’s imports of gas via system. switch to a new, more expensive around 70 at the beginning of the labour crisis, and now CO2 shortages
super-chilled tankers was expected Ageing nuclear power plants supplier, as the government’s year. The regulator has already could effectively bring production to
to surge by almost a fifth, meaning have been forced to undertake policy of tough regulation on prices backtracked on the scheme, a halt throughout the supply chain.
that fewer shipments have been unplanned outages for collides with loose rules on which setting tougher financial stress “The industry is already at tip-
travelling to Europe from countries maintenance, a major power cable companies can join the market. tests for companies which hope to ping point ahead of the demanding
such as Qatar. used to import electricity from The energy price cap sets out a become energy suppliers. But the Christmas period. We have worked
France has shut down following maximum level for default energy energy crisis may rewind seven tirelessly throughout the pandemic
a fire, and the UK’s wind turbines tariffs twice a year based on the years of loose regulation over six to keep food on the shelves, but there
have slowed during some of the cost of supplying energy. It is set months, which some fear may is a real risk of product shortages
least windy months since 1961. to rise by over 12% from 1 October leave only 10 suppliers standing across the country if the government
The UK also relies heavily on and is likely to rise again next April. by spring. does not act immediately to address
gas for home heating and cooking. But the hikes will not come fast these issues.”
Yet despite the obvious reliance on enough for dozens of small energy Fossil fuel heavy industry Andrew Opie of the British Retail
fossil fuels for electricity, homes suppliers which don’t have deep The impact of the energy Consortium trade body, which rep-
and in heavy industry the UK has enough pockets to survive the wait crisis will not be contained to resents most major supermarkets,
some of the lowest amounts of until the next cap increase. rising energy bills and struggling said: “It is vital that government takes
gas storage capabilities in Europe, Many small suppliers joined the suppliers. Major steelmakers, immediate action to prioritise key
leaving the market uniquely market after the regulator dropped chemical factories and suppliers and avoid significant dis-
exposed to the supply crunch. Less the barriers to entry for the energy manufacturers are all vulnerable ruption to food supplies.”
than 1% of Europe’s stored gas is supply market in 2014 to make it to the impact of energy costs and Retailers said the CO2 crisis, which
held by the UK. easier for entrepreneurs to set up are already feeling the financial also affects fizzy drink and beer pro-
an energy company without strong pain of the energy price shock. duction, and dry ice for keeping
Uncapped entry to a links to major banks and investors. The government faces rising food shipments cool, was adding to
capped energy market It was designed to increase calls to tackle the problem of problems caused by the shortages of
The UK can expect scores of competition for the legacy Big Six unaffordable energy before HGV drivers, and production issues
▲ Gas market prices in the UK more suppliers to fold over the coming suppliers, and caused the market it erodes the UK’s post-Covid on products caused by high demand
than quadrupled over the last year winter, leaving millions forced to to swell from less than a dozen to economic recovery. and staff shortages, driven by the
pandemic and Brexit.
• The Guardian Tuesday 21 September 2021

8 National
Energy supply

World UK supplies robust,

Volcano terror
Thousands flee homes and no question
after eruption in the
Canary Islands
of lights going out,
Page 31  says Kwarteng
that throughout the pandemic, and
Rowena Mason we will obviously continue to work
Deputy political editor with industries that are facing issues
to ensure that remains the case,” he
No 10 has brushed off the idea that said. “We will consider any contin-
there could be disruption in energy gency plans as appropriate.”
supplies and food shortages over Downing Street was asked if there
Christmas, saying the UK is “highly was a plan to help CF Industries, the
resilient”. UK’s biggest supplier of CO2, reopen
With the government locked in two large fertiliser plants in Teesside
talks with energy suppliers about and Cheshire, which produce CO2 as
the rising cost of gas and many a byproduct.
firms struggling to stay afloat, Kwasi The spokesman said: “We have a
Kwarteng, the business secretary, highly diverse source of supplies but,
said there was “no question of the as I say, Kwasi Kwarteng has spoken
lights going out”. to the company involved over the
“There will be no three-day work- weekend and will consider any con-
ing weeks or a throwback to the tingency plans as appropriate.”
1970s,” he said. “Such thinking is Kwarteng said he was still discuss-
alarmist, unhelpful and completely ing the options for addressing the
misguided.” He also insisted the stoppage of CO2 production as well
energy price cap to protect consum- as being in negotiations with energy
ers from sharp rises in bills would companies, with many smaller ones
remain in place. at risk of failure.
However, households are already One option is providing emergency
facing a rise of 12%-13% in the cap – loans to energy companies that take
an average of £139 – this October, and on the customers of failed suppliers.
there is no guarantee that it will not But Kwarteng also did not rule out the
rise further next year in response to idea of a state-backed supplier – an
the global gas price shock. idea floated by the Liberal Democrats
Ed Miliband, the shadow energy – even though he said he wanted to
secretary, said many people were fac- “avoid” that as an option.
ing a “triple whammy” from rising James Cleverly, a Foreign Office
energy costs, the national insurance minister, also stressed the UK’s resil-
hike, and a cut to universal credit. ience when asked about the financial
The high price of gas has forced strain that could be caused by the
some CO2 producers to shut down, sharp rise in gas prices combined
leading the meat industry to warn with the effect of the planned cut to
that there could be shortages in the universal credit.
coming months because the gas is He told BBC Breakfast: “The UK
needed for humane slaughter, stun- economy has shown itself to be resil-
ning, packaging and refrigeration. ient. We now have vacancies in the
However, Johnson’s spokesman job market, which means employers
insisted the UK would not fall victim will have to offer more to fill those
to any food shortages, despite poul- vacancies or retain members of staff
try producers raising the alarm that who might otherwise move to job
there may not be enough turkeys and offers that are out there.
other meat for Christmas. “That will have the good old-fash-
“We’ve got a highly resilient food ioned supply-and-demand curves,
supply chain in the UK, we’ve seen there’s an increase in demand, that
will mean that wages should rise. Ulti-
mately, of course, that is the healthy,
sustainable way of making sure that
people have good, decent pay pack-
ets, and that’s through employment.
“It’s absolutely right that we make
sure that we match vacancies to
people seeking work and watch the
natural phenomenon – supply and
demand phenomenon – of increas-
ing wages through the UK economy.”
Pushed on whether the univer-
‘There will be no sal credit uplift would therefore be
kept, he said: “It was always meant
three-day weeks or to be temporary, and it’s really impor-
a throwback to the tant that temporary measures are
temporary, because if every single
1970s. Such thinking response like an uplift on universal
is alarmist’ credit had to be permanent it would
massively limit the flexibility and
Kwasi Kwarteng agility of governments in dealing
Business secretary with one-off events like the corona-
virus pandemic.”
Tuesday 21 September 2021 The Guardian •

‘should have
moved earlier
to low-carbon’
Fiona Harvey
Environment correspondent

Renewable energy and low-carbon

heating could have done much to
reduce the impact of this winter’s
soaring gas prices if the govern-
ment had done more to shift the
UK’s energy market sooner, indus-
try experts have said.
The gas crunch has prompted a
flurry of government meetings and
reassurances from the business sec-
retary, Kwasi Kwarteng, that “there
is no question of the lights going out”
in the “highly resilient” UK.
But the supply issue demonstrates
that fossil fuels are inherently subject
to wild price fluctuations, according
to Roger Fouquet, of the London
School of Economics. “Price volatility
is an inevitable part of the fossil fuel
energy system,” he told the Guardian.
“Renewables do not suffer from these
market-related problems.”
Dan McGrail, RenewableUK chief,
said the government should learn the
lesson for future years. “The first pri-

Q&A Rising bills, firms

▲ A chemist serves a shopper during Are there any low-priced energy ority for government and the sector
one of the many power cuts that deals left? is, of course, protecting consumers
affected Britain during the 1970s Most suppliers pulled all of their in response to this price surge. The

going bust – are you well

PHOTOGRAPH: MIRROR/ALAMY cheapest tariffs last Friday, but only way to do that in the long term
there are a few deals still being is to have an energy system powered
with the “new” supplier that has advertised. by cheap renewables, with flexible
been chosen for them. Yesterday a number of firms storage, hydrogen and other low car-

insulated from the crisis? Can I switch, and what happens to

credit I have built up?
including E.ON were offering one-
year fixed-rate tariffs for about
£1,200 a year for dual fuel. E.ON
bon technologies to meet demand at
lowest cost.”
He pointed out that it was already
The supplier you are moved to also has a two-year fixed-price cheaper, even before the gas price
will honour any credit balance tariff, which is only a shade more began soaring, to generate electric-
Five energy firms have gone bust and it will be smaller firms that that you built up with your old, expensive than the one-year deal, ity by building a new windfarm than
in the past two weeks, and with are likely to go under, with bigger failed provider. Once you have although these may not be around running an existing gas power plant.
suppliers likening events to the companies taking their customers. been switched over to the Ofgem- for very long. The growth of renewables has cut the
2008 financial crisis, households When a supplier fails, Ofgem has appointed supplier, and any British Gas’s HomeEnergy proportion of power the UK gets from
could be in for a choppy ride. a process to automatically reassign balance transferred over, you can Secure tariff has prices fixed until fossil fuels from 60% to under 40%
customers to a “supplier of last leave at any stage without paying November 2023 and costs about in the last few years.
What will happen to energy bills? resort” so they will not be cut off. exit fees, although at the moment £1,400 a year. This compares to McGrail said: “The industry is
It looks as though they are only However, depending on their you are unlikely to find a much the £1,000 that switch-around working with government to accel-
going one way – up. The regulator current tariff they could see their better deal. Switches typically take customers were paying prior to erate investment in renewables …
Ofgem’s price cap – the maximum bills rise considerably – some 14-21 days. this crisis. Alongside massive investment in
suppliers can charge customers on could see increases of 40%. The renewables, we need to shift the dial
their standard variable tariffs – was customers of Utility Point, which My small supplier is still trading; Should I fix when the best deals on electrification and green hydrogen
already set to rise by 12% to £1,277 failed earlier this month, have all should I switch to a bigger one? are so expensive? production in the UK to meet net zero
a year for average (dual fuel) use been moved over to EDF. Yesterday, In theory there is nothing to stop If you really value price certainty, at lowest cost.”
on 1 October. Households that use customers of People’s Energy, you, but it probably makes sense look at the E.ON/British Gas Solar power has also plummeted
prepayment meters – typically the another collapsed firm, were told to sit tight and see how this plays two-year plus deals; however, if in cost in recent years, despite a lack
most vulnerable customers – will they will move to British Gas. out, particularly if you are on a your existing tariff is significantly of support from the government, and
see average bills rise to £1,309. Customers should make sure cheap tariff. It looks as though the cheaper than the current deals, is forecast to be the cheapest form of
Analysts are warning that the they take meter readings when government will to have to put in it’s probably worth waiting power within a few years, surpassing
cap could go up to between £1,440 notified of any supplier change. place some kind of rescue package, to see how things play out, even onshore wind farms.
and £1,500 next spring if the rise in so it may be worth waiting. according to Martin Lewis from Chris Hewett, trade body Solar
wholesale gas prices is sustained. Will I stay on the same tariff as the financial advice website Energy UK’s chief, said solar power

The cap is set every six months offered by the failed supplier? MoneySavingExpert. could continue to provide electric-
after a review. In the very unlikely No. In previous years the new ity through the winter months. Solar
event that Ofgem suspends its price supplier sometimes honoured the I have solar panels on the roof. Am currently provides about 4.5% of the
cap this week, gas and electricity old firm’s tariffs, but that’s not Increased price cap set by Ofgem I insulated from all this? UK’s electricity, but he said it was
bills will leap alarmingly, according going to happen now. Ofgem has from October on yearly average bills Sadly not, and if your supplier “eminently achievable” to triple that
to Joe Malinowski, who runs the confirmed that default suppliers for prepayment-meter customers fails you will face the added by 2030, at no cost to consumers, if
Energy Shop. can only put the customers they complication of securing your the government would clear the way

inherit on a price-capped tariff. feed-in tariff payments that come by removing regulatory difficulties.
I’m with a smaller supplier – what Customers who were on the from your electricity supplier. However, as Fouquet noted, “wind
happens if it goes bust? best fixed rate deals taken out Unless you are off-grid and only and solar do suffer from intermittency
Experts are warning that there will nine months ago will see bills rise Possible annual bill rise for people using the power you produce, you problems. So, while accelerating the
be a tsunami of company failures by as much as £250 a year if their who stay with a default supplier will be affected by all this as much transition … it is important to develop
unless the government intervenes, supplier goes bust and they stay after their original firm goes bust as your neighbours. Miles Brignall an energy system that is flexible to
these intermittencies.”
• The Guardian Tuesday 21 September 2021

10 National

Police arrest 29 environmental several times last week, when actions

were staged on M25 junctions in Kent,
Essex and Surrey over three days.
near Chorleywood, where several
protesters were glued to the motor-
way. A further 16 were arrested near
activists after M25 halted again Shapps told the PA Media news
agency that the protests were irre-
junction 4 of the A1(M), near Hatfield.
Ch Supt Nick Caveney said: “We
sponsible and dangerous. “It’s not have robust plans in place in order
secretary, called on police to move right for our roads to be blocked for to minimise any disruption and to
Damien Gayle more quickly to clear blockades. illegal protests like this to take place, allow us to make arrests as quickly
Shortly after 8am, activists from and for it to happen repetitively,” he as we possibly can.”
Insulate Britain (IB) blocked the M25 said. “I’ve no doubt at all the police An IB spokesperson said: “Given
Twenty-nine environmental activists and slip roads in several locations. will want to learn from their experi- what’s just happened to energy prices
have been arrested over coordinated They are calling for the government ence and make sure they’re able to … the demand to start insulating
protests that stopped traffic on Lon- to insulate all homes in the country step in more quickly and efficiently.” the homes of the poorest people in
don’s M25 motorway for a fourth by 2030, starting with social housing. Hertfordshire constabulary said ▲ Hands were glued to the road at the country looks more and more
time, as Grant Shapps, the transport Many had already been arrested 13 arrests were made at junction 18 junction 4 of the A1(M) near Hatfield reasonable.”

Firefighters failed to use

equipment properly,
Grenfell inquiry hears
Robert Booth ‘There was equipment
Social affairs correspondent ready that might have
The London fire brigade (LFB) did made the difference’
not know how to properly deploy
water equipment that could have
doused flames all the way to the top Danny Friedman
of Grenfell Tower and potentially Families’ lawyer
saved lives, the inquiry into the dis-
aster has heard. will hear from the commissioner,
In what a lawyer for bereaved Andy Roe, and Dany Cotton, who
people and survivors said was “an was in charge in 2017 and received
extraordinary possibility to have criticism after she told the inquiry
to contemplate four years after the she would not have done anything
fire”, an expert witness has found differently.
that water from a ground monitor – Friedman said while more water
a nozzle on a fixed base – beside the would have been unlikely to have pre-
tower was capable of reaching the vented upward spread of the fire, it
15th floor and that all the available did contain fires on floors 10 and 11
aerial pumps were capable of launch- and enabled the rescues of Antonio
ing water to the top of the building. Roncolato at 6.05am, four-and-a-half
But neither happened “because of hours after flames topped the tower,
a fundamental misunderstanding of and Elpidio Bonifacio at 8.07am.
the technical features of water supply He raised the contrasting fate of
and the consequential failure to alter flats in higher storeys – including flat
incident strategies to secure greater 113, three floors above, where four
water flow,” said Danny Friedman people died. “This new evidence on
QC, representing bereaved people water adds a potential additional
and survivors. reason as to why this flat and this floor
Friedman said the as-yet-unpub- stand out as the paradigm of prevent-
lished analysis by Dr Ivan Stoianov, able death,” he said.
an independent expert appointed Friedman said that when other fire
by the inquiry, was that “there was brigades had adopted a more sophis-
equipment ready that might have ticated system for guiding incident
made the difference but for the lack commanders through crisis decision-
of institutional knowledge of how making, the LFB had stuck with a
+ + +
+ +
+ +
+ +
best to use it”. system devised in the 1940s. When in
+ + + +
+ + + +
+ In opening remarks to the latest 2014 the fire brigade in Kent devised
stage of the public inquiry into the a new system to evacuate buildings
14 June 2017 disaster in which at least that, like Grenfell, have stay-put
72 people died, Friedman alleged the policies, it did not follow suit. The
LFB was “dangerously unprepared” inquiry’s expert in firefighting has
and still needed outside intervention concluded this could have saved

to improve its culture and practices, lives.





describing it as “incompetent to meet In his opening statement, Imran

contemporary challenges”. Khan, a lawyer for other residents,


The inquiry will investigate why highlighted the LFB’s failure to train

the LFB was not better prepared. It commanders and firefighters in tack-

ling high-rise cladding fires despite


knowledge of the risks in the UK and


abroad. He also called for the inquiry


to consider whether the treatment of


residents was any different because




of their race and social class.




For another group of survivors,

Leslie Thomas QC highlighted cuts






to the LFB’s budget and urged the
inquiry to investigate decisions by

Boris Johnson, when he was London





▲ The LFB was ‘dangerously mayor, to impose “stringent cuts”.
The inquiry continues.

unprepared’, the inquiry heard
Tuesday 21 September 2021 The Guardian •

National 11

‘We are heartbroken’:

 Jason Bennett
with his children
John Paul and
Lacey in a

tributes to woman image from his

Facebook page.
Lacey’s friend,

and three children

Connie Gent,
was also killed

killed in house attack

devastated. Just the same as us,”
Josh Halliday Debbie said.
Jamie Grierson Her husband said: “My son Jason is
going to be in bits, he’s lost his entire
Tributes have been paid to the three family.” He added: “ He will be blam-
children and a woman who are sus- ing himself, there will be the ‘what
pected to have been killed at a house ifs?’ I don’t know how he’s going to
near Sheffield at the weekend. come through this.”
A man, 31, has been arrested on Outwood Academy City, a second-
suspicion of murder after Derbyshire ary school about five miles away from
police were called to a property in Kil- the incident, said it would be closed
lamarsh at about 7.25am on Sunday. yesterday after a tragic incident
The force said a murder investi- “involving three of our students”.
gation had been launched, but that A spokesperson said: “We are cur-
it was not looking for anyone else in rently trying to come to terms with
connection with the deaths, though this weekend’s devastating events.
questions remain over how the four The thoughts and prayers of every-
people were killed. one at Outwood Academy City are
Police say the victims were Terri with those affected.”
Harris, 35, her children John Paul Derbyshire police chief constable
Bennett, 13 and Lacey Bennett, 11, Rachel Swann said: “While under-
and Lacey’s friend Connie Gent, 11, standably worrying and upsetting,
from Sheffield. this is believed to be an isolated inci- ▼ Terri Harris
Jason Bennett, the father of John dent in which those involved were was described
and Lacey, collapsed in tears as he laid known to one another and nobody as ‘a beautiful
flowers at the police cordon around else is being sought in connection mother, a
the property yesterday morning. with the deaths.” wonderful
Asked about his feelings as he left, The North East Derbyshire MP, Lee mother’
he told reporters: “Heartbroken, mil- Rowley, offered his condolences after
lion pieces, shattered.” the “terrible and hugely tragic” inci-
John and Lacey’s grandparents, dent. “Killamarsh is such a lovely,
Debbie and Trevor Bennett, were also close-knit and warm community,
at the scene. Debbie said: “They were and I know that many residents will
beautiful, well-mannered kids. Terri be shocked and worried by the news,”
was a beautiful mother, a wonder- he tweeted. “I’ve no doubt that the
ful mother. We are just devastated.” village will pull together at this dif-
She said her son was on holiday in ficult time.”
Devon at the time of the incident and A short walk from the scene, a
returned home overnight. “He has steady stream of residents arrived at
lost everything,” she added. St Giles parish church, visibly shaken
Both the children enjoyed football, by the scale of the tragedy, but keen
TikTok and walks with their dad, the to pay their respects. Helen Guest,
grandparents said. Debbie added: “As the rector, said that the community
far as Lacey goes, she was a proper was “stunned” and “absolutely dev-
girl, pink and sparkly. John was into astated” by the news.
computers. They always said please She said: “How can you possibly
and thank you. I don’t know how we put into words what one feels when
are going to cope.” you see on the news that four people
The third child victim was Lac- have died? No one can possibly antic-
ey’s best friend Connie, who was ipate a tragedy like this, especially in
at the house for a sleepover, they our community. This is a very, very ▲ Flowers at the police cordon at the home in Killamarsh where the three ▲ Debbie and Trevor Bennett said
said. “Their parents have got to be sad time for us all.” children and a woman died. PHOTOGRAPH: CHRISTOPHER THOMOND/THE GUARDIAN they were devastated at the deaths

Staff to gain right to request from a wider programme called the

Good Work Plan, begun in 2019.
It is examining the full range of
be enough to fulfil the government’s
manifesto pledge to make flexible
working the default option, point-
rose only from 26% to 30%. “If you
look at that, does it say to you this is
a policy that’s working but needs a
flexible working from day one flexible working including working
fewer or different hours, compressed
ing out that at least some workers had
been able to request flexible working
little bit of fine-tuning?”
Other data showed that one in
hours – working more hours on fewer by law since 2003, and that beyond three requests for flexible working
a major reshaping of the way people days – working from home for some the explosion of remote working dur- were refused, while research by Beis
Peter Walker work in a post-pandemic world, mak- or all the time, and job shares. ing Covid, little had changed. and the Equalities and Human Right
Political correspondent ing flexible work the default. It is understood that the key rec- Sue Coe, the TUC’s senior equal- Commission said almost four in 10
But before the release of the doc- ommendation will be to allow people ities policy officer, said labour force working mothers had not requested
Employees will have the right to ument, unions are warning that the who seek flexible working from day surveys showed that between 2013 some type of flexible working they
request flexible working from the proposals do not go far enough and one of a job rather than, as now, hav- and 2020 the proportion of people would like. This was often because
moment they start a job, with compa- that rather than obliging people to ing to wait for six months. who did any kind of flexible working they assumed it would be rejected,
nies obliged to explain their reasons ask for flexible working, job adverts In addition to this, businesses will but also many said they feared work-

if it is then refused, the government should set out what sort of options be obliged to respond to requests ing flexibly would harm their careers.
will propose this week. are available for the role. quicker than the current maximum of While Beis is not commenting
The plan, contained in a con- The consultation document, due three months. If a request is refused, ahead of the document’s release, offi-
sultation document, would also to be published on Thursday by the the employer will need to state why Proportion of the UK workforce cials are understood to believe it is a
oblige employers to respond to such Department for Business, Energy and suggest an alternative. engaged in flexible working before sensible attempt to balance the needs
requests more quickly, and is billed as and Industrial Strategy (Beis), comes The TUC has said this would not the Covid-19 pandemic hit of staff and employers.
Tuesday 21 September 2021 The Guardian •

National 13

Ready to wear – again? Film unpicks

the natural world”. Environmental
writer and expert Lucy Siegle
added that “circularity is an
exciting opportunity, where it is

fashion industry’s sustainability ethos genuine – but it has been hijacked”.

Consumers are being misled, she
said. “There is this idea that plastic
is infinitely recyclable, and that’s
But a new documentary warns sense for shoppers to repair rather just not the case.”
Jess Cartner-Morley circularity may not be an effective than replace”, said Bates Kassatly. Alberto Candiani, owner of
strategy for sustainability – as it has She noted that she was recently Candiani Denim, a small Milan-

been billed in some quarters – when quoted £45 by a cobbler to fix a pair based brand which produces the
ircularity – a concept applied to mass-produced clothes, of worn-out shoes, a price at which world’s first biodegradable jeans,
drawing on principles which account for the vast majority many consumers would choose to believes that while the catwalk
such as “designing out” of the fashion industry. buy a new pair instead. fashion for upcycling may not be
waste and ensuring “The clothes you see at London The short film shows bales of an effective sustainability model
clothing can be remade fashion week have a good chance of discarded fashion at Kantamanto at lower price points, high fashion
again and again – is the having a decent life,” said Veronica market in Ghana. While some of the has a vital role to play in pioneering
buzzword at London fashion week. Bates Kassatly, an independent clothing is mended or upcycled, better fabric production.
At Preen by Thornton Bregazzi, analyst of sustainability claims, at much of it is of too poor quality to About 65% of clothes on sale
designers Justin Thornton and a screening of Fashionscapes: A reuse, or has been thoughtlessly now are made from polyester, the
Thea Bregazzi spliced together Circular Economy. constructed with embellishments base material of which is either
clashing rolls of floral fabric “that High-cost clothes are more likely and extra fastenings that render the gas or oil. Candiani has created a
had been hanging around in the to be worn multiple times “and the garments useless. A Preen dress made with biodegradable plant-based denim
studio, left over from different prices mean that it makes economic Clothes sent to Kantamanto left-over rolls of fabric which is compostable, “and even
seasons” and designed one entirely are often recorded as having been beneficial for the soil – fertiliser for
new look. “recycled”, but 40% leave the cotton”.
The dress, with pink blossom market again as landfill. “This is He believes that the fashion
above the waist and multicoloured circularity as greenwashing,” says industry should capitalise on rich
wildflowers below, and two Andrew Morgan, the director of fashion consumers’ interest in
further floral prints on the back Fashionscapes. sustainability to fund research into
– accessorised, for London Fashion Sustainability activist Livia future regenerative fabrics.
Week, with a space-age black Firth, hosting the film, said Premium American denim brand
visor edged with a neoprene frill that circularity “has become a Frame, which has boutiques in
– allowed the duo scope to be marketing tool which allows big London’s Chelsea as well as New
creative and offer customers a brands to put a recycling bin in York, LA and Aspen, has partnered
new look, while reducing their ▲ Veronica Bates Kassatly and Livia their store while continuing to use with Candiani on a new upmarket
environmental footprint. Firth query fashion’s green claims supply chains that wreak havoc on range of sustainable jeans.
• The Guardian Tuesday 21 September 2021

14 National

Man killed
Dench is in Aberdeen Royal of the accident. Sacha Dench is seri-
PA Media Infirmary in a serious condition. ously injured and is being treated in
Nicknamed the “human swan”, she hospital. Her injuries are serious but

and climate Sacha Dench, who was attempting

had been attempting a 3,000-mile
round Britain climate challenge
not life-threatening.”
Police Scotland said officers had
a world-first circumnavigation of before the Cop26 conference, which been alerted at about 4.45pm on Sat-
activist hurt mainland Britain in a paraglider to
raise awareness about the climate
begins on 31 October.
In a statement, the trustees of Con-
urday. Dench had been flying earlier
in the day with Burton, whose role

in paramotor crisis, has been seriously injured in

a paramotor accident in the north-
west Highlands of Scotland.
servation Without Borders, which was
founded by Dench, said the accident
happened near Loch na Gainmhich in
includes documenting the challenge
from the air, taking film and photos.
They had landed before taking off
accident Dan Burton, a member of her
support staff, was killed during the
the far north of Scotland. The state-
ment said: “We are very sorry to have ▲ Sacha Dench, left, was seriously
again at about 3.30pm. The ground
crew, who communicate with the
incident, which happened late on to confirm that Dan Burton, the sup- injured and Dan Burton, who was flyers and pick them up when they
Saturday afternoon. port paramotorist, has died as a result filming the activist’s flight, was killed land, lost contact thereafter.

New therapy for infants

cuts chance of autism
diagnosis – study finds
Ian Sample ‘This is a new clinical
Science editor
model that could
Doctors have shown for the first time transform support
that a new therapy aimed at infants
can reduce autistic behaviour and the
for families’
likelihood the children will go on to
be diagnosed with autism before they
reach school age. Andrew Whitehouse
Infants who received the therapy Research team leader
after displaying early signs of poten-
tial autism, such as avoiding eye the different ways their child was
contact and not responding to their trying to communicate, and how
name, were only a third as likely to they might better engage the child.
have autism diagnosed at the age of The aim was to strengthen the con-
three compared with those who had nection and improve the “back and
standard care, the researchers found. forth” between parent and child, to
The findings suggest that inter- help the infant develop social com-
vening in the first year of life, when munication skills.
autism may be suspected but far Writing in the journal Jama Pedi-
from certain, can boost social devel- atrics, the researchers describe how
opment in autistic children, with the therapy appeared to reduce some
long-term beneficial knock-on effects autism symptoms, a change that
for their broader lives. largely remained until the children
“This is the first worldwide evi- turned three. At that point inde-
dence that a pre-emptive intervention pendent clinicians assessed each
can reduce autism behaviours and of the children. While a fifth who
the likelihood of a later diagnosis,” underwent standard care received
said Prof Jonathan Green at the Uni- an autism diagnosis, only 6.7% of
versity of Manchester. those who had therapy did.
“We think this is a landmark find- According to the study, the children
ing because it suggests intervention scored better on social interactions
at this early time can have this sub- but also on other symptoms, such as
stantial effect. It may well change the repetitive movements and unusual
way services provide support to a reactions to senses such as smell and
large number of children worldwide.” taste. Further research is needed to
The international research team, see if the therapy merely delays diag-
led by Prof Andrew Whitehouse at nosis or prevents it in some children.
the University of Western Australia The researchers stress that the
in Perth, assessed 104 infants aged therapy is not a cure for autism.
nine to 14 months who had come to Many of the children still had signif-
the attention of community health- icant developmental problems when
care services after displaying early they turned three at the end of the
signs of autism. While half were ran- study. But the findings suggest a tai-
domly assigned to have routine care, lored therapy may at least help some
the others received 10 sessions of infants to develop their social skills
therapy over five months. All were before they reach school age.
then reassessed for autism behav- “The clinical impact that could be
iours at 18, 24 and 36 months. immediate is really gobsmacking,”
In the therapy sessions, par- said Whitehouse. “To date no therapy
ents were videoed playing with has shown such positive effects on
their children. A therapist then development that it has influenced
reviewed the footage with the par- child’s diagnostic outcomes.
ent and helped them understand “For this reason, the therapy has
the very real potential to change

how we provide support to children
developing differently. At its most
basic, this is a change from ‘wait
The proportion of infants who and see’ to ‘identify and act’ – a new
underwent the new therapy and clinical model that could transform
later received an autism diagnosis support for families.”
Tuesday 21 September 2021 The Guardian •

National 15
▼ Brad Pitt, left, and Edward Norton
in the film adaptation of Fight Club,
directed by David Fincher PHOTOGRAPH:

Dan Milmo

Audiences are
biting as media
empires start
to crumble

ubstack’s mission
statement depicts a
journalistic dystopia
that wouldn’t look out
of place in a book by the
platform’s latest recruit,
Chuck Palahniuk.
“The great journalistic totems
of the last century are dying,” it
reads. “News organisations – and
other entities that masquerade as
them – are turning to increasingly
desperate measures for survival.
“And so we have content farms,
clickbait, listicles, inane but viral
debates over optical illusions, and a
‘fake news’ epidemic.”
That was 2017, and Substack’s

Novels direct: Fight Club

tank. “I was told young adult fiction popularity has
could not be too dark but it’s a slip- The great journalistic made clear
pery slope,” said the writer. totems of the last that there is
Palahniuk, whose Fight Club at least strong

author aims straight at depicts a disaffected, isolated group

of men, hopes that his newsletter and
serialisation will build a more pos-
century are dying ...
and so we have content
farms, clickbait and
appetite for any
antidote. The
San Francisco-

readers with online book

itive online community. Admitting based company
that he is “sick” of “editoralising” has more than
online articles and prefers more
a fake news epidemic 500,000 paying
useful internet content such as You- subscribers to
Tube tutorials on how to clean garden its newsletters,
▼ Other famous unlike a typical publishing advance, furniture, Palahniuk said: “If it’s just published by an
Dan Milmo faces also there are no conditions over what opinion I don’t want to hear it. With array of writers from whistleblower
Global technology editor on Substack he writes. The serialisation will be this, I want to be offering people the Edward Snowden to salad
include, from interspersed with short stories from nuts and bolts, the skills that people aficionado Emily Nunn.
The first rule about Substack is you top, Salman Palahniuk and current and former have taught me over the years.” Substack was launched by
don’t talk about conventional book Rushdie, students from his writing workshop In the offline world, Palahniuk Chris Best, who had previously
publishing. The Fight Club writer Patti Smith in Portland, Oregon, as well as lessons has a three-book deal with Hachette, launched Kik, a messaging app
Chuck Palahniuk has become the and Edward on writing craft and how to navigate under which he has published his two that he described as “kind of like
latest high-profile author to serial- Snowden the publishing industry. most recent novels. Greener Pastures WhatsApp”, former Kik colleague
ise their work online in a deal with The first three chapters of Greener could be printed by the French- Jairaj Sethi and journalist Hamish
the fast-growing newsletter platform. Pastures will be free and will be owned publisher, which has first McKenzie. One of the platform’s
Palahniuk’s 16th novel, Greener published on 27 September and refusal. “My readership tends to be backers is Andreesen Horowitz,
Pastures, will be published in regu- 4 October, although his Substack completist and they want copies of whose previous investments
lar instalments from next Monday, at launched officially yesterday with a all the books,” said Palahniuk. include Facebook and Twitter.
a subscription price of $6 per month newsletter containing anecdotes and The publishing industry will be Substack’s most popular writers
or $40 per year (about £4.40/£30) . writing lessons. Palahniuk fans can “phlegmatic” about well-known nov- make vast sums from the platform,
The move follows Salman Rush- also pay $200 to be “founder mem- elists moving into the digital sphere, with its top 10 bringing in $7m
die’s deal to publish his next work bers” of his venture. according to one expert. “In the his- (£5.1m) per year between them.
of fiction as a serialised novella on The 59-year-old writer said Greener tory of modern publishing, no one Substack takes 10% of subscription
Substack, while Patti Smith and the Pastures had started out as a piece has really worked out how to make earnings and payment company
Israeli writer Etgar Keret have also of young adult fiction and became long-form narrative fiction or non- Stripe takes a further 3%. Writers
signed up with the company. “really dark and somewhat sexual- fiction work commercially unless it charge around $5 a month or $50 a
Substack, which has based much ised”. Greener Pastures depicts “the is in a book format,” said Philip Jones, year for access to their newsletters,
of its appeal on attracting well-known crisis young people face as they must editor of trade title the Bookseller. although the many free newsletters
journalists such as the Rolling Stone choose a career, a partner, and find a The Substack deal comes after also have a big following.
contributor Matt Taibbi, has more home and job” and is about a group of Palahniuk found himself “close Substack has offered grants to
than 500,000 paying subscribers to high school students who are offered to broke” when he was the victim authors – including six figure sums
its roster of writers. the chance to auction themselves off of embezzlement by an account- for major writers – to build an
Palahniuk, whose best-known as successors to billionaires and roy- ant working for his former literary audience on the platform, and its
novel was turned into a cult film star- alty around the world. agency. Darin Webb, a bookkeeper number of active writers doubled
ring Brad Pitt, said he was approached The novel contains signature, jolt- for Donadio & Olson, was sentenced in the first months of last year, as
by Substack to publish his next work ing Palahniuk scenes. It opens with a to two years in prison in 2018 after scores of journalists were made
on the platform and was drawn to an 14-year-old girl climbing the stained Palahniuk lost an estimated $2.5m Chuck Palahniuk, redundant due to the pandemic.
offering of editorial independence. glass window of a church in front of a as part of the fraud. whose 16th novel Fittingly for a digital publisher,
“That’s really attractive, the idea that hostile congregation, bleeding from “I was compelled to sell my house, will be serialised social media can play a role in who
you don’t have somebody editing the glass cuts as she tries to free a trapped but Hachette has helped me regain on Substack Substack approaches. While it does
content of your work.” hummingbird. Later, two parents my footing. The Substack deal was not consider what the author is
Substack has paid Palahniuk an seek refuge from a forest fire by hid- not motivated by money, but my curi- writing, it will look at the size and
upfront sum for Greener Pastures but, ing in their own partially filled septic osity,” said Palahniuk. enthusiasm of their following.
• The Guardian Tuesday 21 September 2021

16 National

Johnson sparks Dutch spat Anaesthetist jailed for injecting

diplomatic source said of last week’s
meeting between the two leaders.
The French government has in

over Brexit border dispute recent days expressed its fury over
the UK’s involvement in the Aukus
partner with drugs in ‘exorcism’
security partnership with Australia
and the US, which has cost France cannula to Kelly Wilson, who was
a €90bn submarine contract. One Sarah Marsh left with multiple organ failure.
Daniel Boffey Brussels French minister described Britain As he administered the drugs he
Heather Stewart New York as being in “vassalage” to America. chanted as part of a “dangerous per-
Relations are, however, at risk of An anaesthetist has been given a version” of the Ruqya ritual – an
Boris Johnson has sparked a diplo- deteriorating further in the coming 14 and a half-year jail sentence for exorcism in Islam. He believed Wil-
matic row with one of the UK’s closest months. Johnson has repeatedly injecting his partner with drugs dur- son was possessed by supernatural
allies after claiming the prime min- warned that the UK will not hesitate ing a series of exorcism ceremonies spirits known as jinns.
ister of the Netherlands had been to trigger article 16 – the override that left her close to death. Metwally, a father of four, worked
seeking to mediate between Brus- mechanism that would suspend Dr Hossam Metwally, 61, made as an anaesthetist at the Diana
sels and London over the post-Brexit parts of the Northern Ireland proto- dozens of recordings of himself Princess of Wales hospital in Grimsby
arrangements for Northern Ireland. ▲ Boris Johnson and the Dutch PM col, which is designed to avoid a hard administering fluids through a and ran his own pain clinic from his
Speaking on a plane to New York Mark Rutte outside No 10 last Friday border on the island of Ireland. home in the town. He had also filmed
for a meeting of the UN general He has demanded a renegotiation two female patients without their
assembly, Johnson suggested the pragmatic in his dealings with the of the terms of the protocol, which knowledge.
Dutch government was looking to European Commission. effectively leaves Northern Ireland The doctor was sentenced at
act between the European Commis- The EU’s executive branch has in the single market and establishes Sheffield crown court yesterday for
sion and London on the differences been tasked by member states with a customs border down the Irish sea. endangering Wilson’s life by the
that have arisen in recent months. ensuring the UK implements the The EU has refused any such nego- intravenous administration of anaes-
“I talked to Mark Rutte [the Dutch withdrawal agreement, including tiation but is expected to offer some thetic drugs, the supply of various
PM] the other night, who wanted to the Northern Ireland protocol setting solutions to other onerous checks controlled drugs or medicines,
come and see if he could mediate on out the post-Brexit border arrange- and paperwork. Asked on the plane possession of a controlled drug
the issue and I said, you know, we ments. Dutch sources rejected any to New York whether he intended to with intent to supply, fraud and
really want to make progress,” John- suggestion the commission was being trigger article 16, Johnson had sug- voyeurism.
son had said. “We seek a solution, but sidelined through bilateral discus- gested he wanted to find a pragmatic The court heard that Metwally
it has to be one that allows the free sions or that there was a division solution, but added that “the current had performed more than 250 ritu-
movement of goods between all parts among the 27 member states. situation can’t go on for ever”. als and made dozens of recordings
of our country.” “Both the UK and EU share the He said: “I don’t believe it’s sensi- over a four-year period starting in
Dutch diplomatic sources responsibility to make the protocol ble, 20% of all checks in the whole of 2016. He was arrested after Wilson fell
expressed surprise at the comments, as negotiated and ratified on both the perimeter of the EU are now done into a coma on 4 July 2019. A police
insisting that Rutte had instead sides of the Channel work for the in Northern Ireland. So we do need to ▲ Anaesthetist Hossam Metwally investigation found a “vast stock of
specifically urged Johnson to be people in Northern Ireland,” a Dutch sort it out, we need to sort it out fast.” was sentenced to 14 and a half years drugs” at his home.
Tuesday 21 September 2021 The Guardian •

National 17

Ark attracts
take part in a
protest urging
political leaders
to take action on rising tide of
climate change
interest in
climate crisis
Libby Brooks
Scotland correspondent

When Argyll and Bute council’s plan-

ning department asked David Blair if
the huge wooden ark he had raised
on a hillside overlooking the Kyles of
Bute was a permanent structure, he
did not think long about his answer.
“I told them it’s not permanent in
the same way that humanity won’t
be if we don’t take action on the cli-
mate,” says Blair with a laugh that
does not diminish the urgency of
his message.
Built from European larch, the
20-metre-long, six-metre-high boat
frame stands about half a mile up the
road from the village of Tighnabrua-
ich, on the Cowal peninsula, in a field
that Blair – a woodsman by trade – has
taken as a grazing let for a year, and
near a convenient parking spot so that

Commissioner urges new deal

needed for catchup – but endorsed a visitors can stop off to investigate.
plan put forward this month by edu- “It is a beautiful structure, and I
cation leaders who called for upwards hope it stands as a symbol of strength
of £5.8bn over three years. and urgency,” he says. “I thought I’d

for ‘heroic generation’ of pupils De Souza said: “What I’ve tried

to do is put forward some strong
ideas that come from the children
have to put up signs explaining it, but
its already being well visited and the
majority interpret it to be about cli-
mate change, sea levels and Cop26.”
The report found that after men- The elegant structure was
 Continued from page 1 intervention support in the long-term Sir Kevan Collins, over the gov- tal health, the top issues children built by Blair and other members
– both pastorally and academically. ernment’s failure to fully fund his cared about were things to do in their of Tighnabruaichs’s Extinction
one in five were unhappy with their “Very simply, if we keep expecta- proposals to help children catch up. local area, life at school and progress Rebellion chapter over the two-week
mental health, with girls and older tions high – as we must – we must also With the comprehensive spend- in education, while 39% of nine- to period of the “Impossible Rebellion”,
children in deprived areas the worst give students the support they need ing review weeks away, De Souza was 17-year-olds said the environment a series of climate protests across the
affected. Girls aged 16 to 17 were the to be able to reach those standards, reluctant to put a figure on what was was a main concern for the future. UK calling for an end to investment
worst off, according to the survey. especially the disadvantaged and the “This is not a ‘snowflake gener- in fossil fuels.
De Souza’s report rejected the idea vulnerable.” ation’. It is a heroic generation. A With world leaders, representa-
of a “snowflake” or “lost generation”, De Souza wants a rapid expansion generation of children who are vet- tives from global civil society and
however, depicting the Covid cohort of mental health support to provide erans of a global crisis,” said De Souza. indigenous communities converg-
instead as heroic survivors. children with open access to NHS “They have seen how colossally ing on Glasgow in November for the
“This report is an appeal directly services. She also calls for stronger frightening life can be, far too young.” Cop26 climate conference, Blair says
to the government, to the Treasury, safeguarding from social media plat- Commenting on the report, the new he wanted to do something “to up the
to put children at the heart of the forms and action to prevent children education secretary, Nadhim Zahawi, game and raise awareness”.
recovery,” she says. “The first pri- accessing pornography online. said: “Too often children’s voices are “I thought of an ark because we
ority is to bolster catchup funding Her intervention comes four missing from national debates about know the story of Noah and the great
for schools; we should then use this months after the resignation of the their wellbeing, but they must be flood and I wanted to make that deep
effort to embed high-quality, early education recovery commissioner, ▲ The report author, Rachel de Souza heard – and I am listening.” connection with people.”
He hopes their efforts will
encourage other Scots to do

Analysis Will another warning her intervention, via her Big Ask
survey, will have greater success.
A former head teacher and
to support a comprehensive
catch-up package, De Souza
expressed support for a letter sent
everything they can to raise the pres-
sure on decision-makers.
Blair admits there have been “a

on school funding be ignored? academy trust leader, De Souza is

thought to have a good relationship
to government and signed by head
teachers and leaders of five major
couple of negative comments locally,
but that’s to be expected”.
with Conservative ministers. The academy trusts which called for As for the planning department,
Inspiration Trust, which she led £5.8bn “as a bare minimum” to Blair ponders whether his ark should
a £15bn “landmark investment” in in Norfolk and north Suffolk, was support catch up. remain in situ until 2045, when the
Sally Weale teachers, tutoring and an extended founded by the Conservative peer Yesterday, the day before Scottish government has pledged to
Education correspondent school day to rescue the country’s and former academies minister publication of the Big Ask survey, reach net zero carbon emissions.

battered education system were cut Lord Agnew, while former the signs were good. The launch “I hope it encourages leaders to
our months after Sir back to £1.4bn, taking total catch up education secretary Michael Gove was marked not with a press think big and be bold,” he says.
Kevan Collins quit his funding to about £3.1bn. was such a fan he told a local paper conference, but with a photograph
role as government The Department for Education his ideal education policy would be of De Souza with the new education
education recovery tsar tried to persuade him to stay, to clone her “23,000 times”. secretary.
in a row over funding, promising more money in the The timing may also be in “Read into that what you will,”
the new children’s autumn spending review but the her favour, coinciding with the said one insider. “One of the things
commissioner for England has gulf was too vast and the money appointment of a boisterous she wanted to do was to say – ‘I’m
entered the fray over how best to would not get into classrooms new education secretary, Nadim independent, I’m on the side of
help pupils catch up with learning quickly enough, so he left. Zahawi, who will be hoping to have kids and I really, really want you to
lost to the pandemic. With the spending review now more success at persuading the take away from this that we should
Collins, a popular and widely just weeks away and pressure Treasury to open its coffers than be putting them up, front and
respected figure in the world of mounting on the chancellor, the predecessor Gavin Williamson. centre as part of this recovery.” How
education, felt he had no choice children’s commissioner Dame Although she would not a put far the government listens remains ▲ David Blair with the ark he has
but to resign after his proposals for Rachel De Souza will be hoping a figure on the amount needed to be seen. built atop a Scottish hillside
• The Guardian Tuesday 21 September 2021

18 National

Comedy review
Spirituality for geezers
Fair enough – that’s where the
Russell Brand laughs are. And they’re bigger for
Royal and Derngate, Brand presenting himself as this
thwarted seeker, lofty aspirations
Northampton forever betrayed by his neuroses
★★★☆☆ and carnality. If that still feels like
a small yield from the personal
Brian Logan tuition he’s received from Eckhart
Tolle and the Dalai Lama, well,
maybe that’s the point. From

re we here for laughs the gap between ambition and
or spiritual healing? attainment, big, self-mocking
Both, Russell Brand laughs are mined – as per Brand’s
seems to think, droll routine about the parent he
apologising for thought he’d be, until reality bit.
the whimsy and Material on fatherhood closes
promising the deep stuff will be the show, as Brand’s laissez-faire
along in a mo. But it never really is. parenting goes into meltdown
Yes, there are striking perspectives on a family holiday. This is
from the place where Brand’s piety, unadventurous content, but our
politics and sense of humour meet host – as charismatic and animated
– like the one about the NHS as a as ever – sells it with brio. There’s
matriarchal deity. And, as usual, also an account of the pandemic,
the jokes jostle with chat about “the the exuberance of Brand’s ridicule
transcendence of the individual revivifying some jokes (about Jeepers creepers The listed Tu Hwnt I’r Bont Tearoom near
ego”. But finally the soul searching Dominic Cummings’ trip to Barnard Llanrwst beside the River Conwy was built as a private home
stalls at first base, as Brand loops Castle, say) we’ve all heard before. in 1480 and used as a courtroom a century later. The National
back to the sexual frustrations of
married life and nostalgia for the At Cheltenham town hall on Trust took on the lease 50 years ago and the building’s seasonal
narcotic frenzies of his youth. Thursday, then touring PETER BYRNE/PA hues have since become a favourite with visitors to Snowdonia.
Tuesday 21 September 2021 The Guardian •

News 19


US to reopen to fully jabbed Christmas

which saw the UK unsuccessful
implore Washington to delay its
departure, Johnson insisted en route
to the US that “our relations with the
PM refuses
UK travellers in November
USA are about as good as they have
been at any time in decades”.
The former US president Barack
Obama sparked controversy during
to rule out
 Continued from page 1 the UK and the 26 Schengen countries
in Europe, the easing of restrictions
infrastructure package, he’s got a
build back better package. We want to
the Brexit referendum campaign in
2016 by claiming that leaving the EU
would put the UK at “the back of the
disruption to
will now be able to travel to the US if
they are double-vaccinated.
will also apply to Ireland, China, Iran,
Brazil, South Africa and India.
do it, but what we want is a good free
trade agreement. And I would much
queue” in trade negotiations with the
US. Johnson, then London mayor, hit
family plans
Johnson said a bilateral “travel It was welcomed by Johnson, who rather get a deal that really works for back with a comment piece in which
taskforce”, which had been meeting tweeted: “It’s a fantastic boost for the UK than get a quick deal.” he attributed Obama’s hostility to the
fortnightly since the summer, had business and trade, and great that With the travel ban no longer fact that he was “part-Kenyan”.
been “hard at it”. But his spokesman family and friends on both sides of on the agenda, the two leaders are Under current policy, only US citi- Heather Stewart
was unable to say how it had added the pond can be reunited once again.” expected to discuss the situation in zens, their immediate families, green
any value, given the new rules apply No 10 is keen to showcase the Afghanistan, the climate crisis, and card holders and those with national
equally to many other countries. warmth of relations between the the need to expand vaccination to interest exemptions (NIE) can travel Boris Johnson has refused to guar-
The White House announced prime minister and Biden, as well as developing countries. into the US if they have been in the antee that he will not have to disrupt
yesterday that fully vaccinated the strong investment links between Johnson will also meet Biden’s UK or EU in the previous two weeks. family Christmases for a second year
passengers from the UK and most the two countries, when the pair meet deputy, Kamala Harris, and congres- The White House coronavirus running by imposing Covid restric-
European Union countries would in Washington today. sional leaders, before having dinner response coordinator, Jeff Zients, tions, though he insisted it is “very
be allowed to travel into the country But Johnson, who had previously with his Australian counterpart, Scott said yesterday international trav- much not the plan”.
from early November. boasted of the prospects for a trans- Morrison, at the Australian ambassa- ellers would require proof of full Last year the prime minister
The move signalled the end of a atlantic trade deal, told journalists it dor’s residence, after the pair signed vaccination before boarding a flight repeatedly struck an upbeat note
travel ban imposed by Donald Trump now appeared unlikely to be immi- the Aukus defence deal last week. and a negative Covid-19 test within 72 about Christmas before imposing
more than 18 months ago in the early nent. “The reality is that Joe has Despite the chaotic withdrawal hours of departure. They will not be last-minute rules preventing many
stages of the pandemic. In addition to a lot of fish to fry. He’s got a huge from Afghanistan in the summer, required to quarantine upon arrival. people from seeing their families as
the Alpha variant spread rapidly.
This year Johnson appears to be
sticking to the government’s cautious
new line of not giving any guarantees
about what the virus response may
demand. Asked whether he would
First in the promise not to ruin a second Christ-
mas in a row, Johnson said: “That is
queue very much not the plan.
Quinn Foakes, “I just want to go back to what
15, from Leigh- I said about plan A and plan B,” he
on-Sea, Essex, added. “Plan A is what we’re on, and
plan B is what we might have to do.
yesterday It’s a graduated series of steps and we
became one certainly don’t want or expect to have
of the first of to do anything like last Christmas.”
Last week the government set out
three million “plan A” for managing the pandemic
UK children in winter, involving boosters for over-
aged 12 to 15 to 50s and jabs for 12- 15-years-olds.
Ministers set out contingency plans,
get a Covid-19 including potentially making masks
jab after the mandatory in some settings and rein-
programme stating work from home advice.
The NHS has announced that 1.5
was extended million people will be contacted this
to include week inviting them to book in their
his age group booster vaccinations.
yesterday. There was no mention in the plans
of lockdowns, and the government
is confident it can manage without
them, given high vaccination rates.
But the plan warned: “There remains
considerable uncertainty, and sce-
narios which place the NHS under
PHOTOGRAPH: extreme and unsustainable pressure
remain plausible.”

Face masks government to restore the law or

assist the capital in passing a bylaw
to ensure face-coverings are used.
British Transport Police to enforce
mask-wearing and there is no pen-
alty, no fines, prosecutions.
“To give an idea of the scale of
the challenge: we have 272 stations
and 9,000 buses and we have 400
passengers on transport services such
as national rail have been “expected”
to wear masks in closed and crowded
London mayor The London mayor spoke of
his frustration at the reduction in
“So what you are seeing is that
although the vast majority of Lon-
enforcement officers.”
Since 19 July, the date on which
carriages but it has been an individual
choice. Industry research has shown
powerless to compliance on the Tube and buses
since national rules changed on 19
doners are doing the right thing,
significant numbers are not.”
the government said it was lifting
the last coronavirus restrictions,
the risk of contagion on trains is far
higher without masks.

enforce use by July. Mask-wearing to tackle Covid

transmission remains a condition
Anecdotal reports suggest mask-
wearing on the Tube slipped rapidly
Andy Lord, managing director of
London Underground, said com-
of carriage on Transport for London since the last official estimates from pliance was “reasonably high” but
passengers services, but is no longer mandatory
August, when TfL said about 82% of
passengers were covering their faces.
there were hotspots where people did
not wear masks. “It would be really
According to recent TfL figures, Speaking at the opening of the new helpful if there was a consistent pol-
just 221 people were stopped from London Underground Northern Line icy across transport but that’s up to
Gwyn Topham boarding transport services and extension yesterday, Khan added: the government,” he said. “At TfL we
Transport correspondent 53 people told to get off in the first “We continue to lobby the govern- think it’s important that people their
seven weeks since 19 July, with pas- ment to either bring back the national face-coverings.”
London cannot stop “significant sengers no longer facing the threat of requirement for wearing face masks, Recent Office for National Statis-
numbers” of people from travel- prosecution. so we can use police and there is con- ▲ Sadiq Khan expressed frustration tics figures suggested that more than
ling without masks, Sadiq Khan Khan said of the current regime: sistency, or help us pass a bylaw so we at the decline in mask wearing on 4 million people have stopped wear-
has admitted as he appealed to the “It sends mixed signals. We can’t use can use BTP officers. the tube since rules changed in July ing masks altogether.
Tuesday 21 September 2021 The Guardian •

National 21
▼ Daisy Desire, the drag queen
gardener, meets actor Judi Dench at
the Chelsea Flower Show yesterday

Maternity units too

slow to learn from
scandals – watchdog
Studies show black women are
Denis Campbell four times more likely to die in child-
Health policy editor birth than white women, and Asian
women are twice as likely.
Babies and mothers are at risk of “We know that many maternity
injury and death because too many services are providing good care
maternity units have not improved but we remain concerned that there
despite a string of childbirth scan- has not been enough learning from
dals, the NHS watchdog warns today. good and outstanding services,”
In a highly critical report the Care said Ted Baker, the chief inspector
Quality Commission (CQC) voices of hospitals.
serious concern that lessons are not He stressed that the CQC’s find-
being learned and that many inci- ings were not representative of the
dents involving patients’ safety are quality and safety of maternity care
still not being recorded. across England as a whole, because
Some hospitals have been too the nine hospitals it visited were
slow to take the steps needed to chosen because evidence suggested
make labour and birth safer, despite
multiple inquiries, reports and rec-
ommendations to do so, it says.
patients were being put at risk.
He added: “But we cannot ignore
the fact that the quality of staff train-
Lizard is star veteran gardeners including the
Royal Horticultural Society rose
expert Charles Quest-Ritson argu-
It seems to have achieved that aim,
with the lizard making itself at home.
Sarah Mead, who created the Yeo
The CQC also found other persis-
tent weaknesses in maternity care
ing; poor working relationships
between obstetric and midwifery
of the show ing that people do not attend flower
shows to see piles of logs and patches
Valley Organic garden, which is a per-
manent fixture at the company’s farm
including difficulties between obstet-
ric doctors and midwives, and poor
teams, and hospital and commu-
nity-based midwifery teams; a lack at eco-friendly of nettles. He believes prizes should
not be given for “weeds”.
in Somerset, said there had been a
discussion about whether the liz-
oversight of risks to patients, during
an in-depth inspection of maternity
of robust risk assessment; and a fail-
ure to engage with and listen to the Chelsea garden But Quest-Ritson is in the minority,
and this year’s show features mul-
ard had hitchhiked from the farm,
or whether had it crawled in as a rare
care at nine hospitals in England. needs of local women all continue titudes of nature and eco-friendly example of a London lizard.
The NHS has been criticised for to affect the safety of some hospital gardens including a Cop26 garden But it’s identity is not in doubt.
major maternity scandals involving maternity services today. and a woodland planting supported “It’s definitely a common brown liz-
poor care, which sometimes gone “The death or injury of a new baby Helena Horton by Prince Charles, which urges visi- ard – there are lots of them in the West
on for many years, at trusts such or mother is devastating and some- tors to “plant a tree for the Queen”. Country so we are sure it came down
as Morecambe Bay, East Kent, and thing that everyone working in the Yeo Valley Organic’s garden is built from Yeo Valley in Somerset among
Shrewsbury and Telford. health and care system has a respon- Visitors to Chelsea flower show come to attract amphibians and reptiles, the stone that was transported from
The NHS in England has been sibility to do all they can to prevent.” from all over the country and range as well as pollinators and insects. the farm. As lizards are cold-blooded,
under pressure from the govern- An NHS spokesperson said: “The from senior royals to interested gar- they like the cool stone.”
ment, NHS leaders and patients for NHS is committed to providing safe, deners looking for some new plants. The gardeners have enlisted
many years to overhaul maternity compassionate maternity services, This year, however, there has been experts from the Wildlife Trusts to
safety to reduce the number of babies and has invested an additional £95m a rather special guest – a common help them keep the lizard comforta-
being left brain damaged or dead, and into workforce numbers and training brown lizard. Gardeners at the Yeo ble at the busy show and teach them
mothers injured or dead as a result of programmes to improve leadership. Valley Organic display were delighted more about it.
poor care during childbirth. “We continue to tackle poorer to find it in a pile of logs. Features of the Somerset garden
The watchdog also criticised outcomes including by introduc- In the past, Chelsea was known as include an open perennial meadow
hospitals for doing too little to seek ing our new equality strategy and a showcase of perfectly manicured Spotted … the with flowering plants and a glade
the views from black and minority fast-tracking our continuity of carer lawns and prize-winning blooms. But stowaway lizard of silver birch. The design features
ethnic as well as poorer communities programme, which is proven to there is now a clear trend towards charred logs as garden markers and
about how to improve their experi- significantly improve their overall nature-friendly gardening. rammed earth walls, both highlight-
ence of giving birth. experience of care.” This has been controversial, with ing the importance of soil health.
Tuesday 21 September 2021 The Guardian •

National 23

Young cancer Andrew Gregory

Health editor
There is international consen-
sus that help should be provided to
cancer patients at risk of losing their
ensure that NHS funding is availa-
ble for all to provide the appropriate
security and hope for these individ-
However, not one of the centres in
the Midlands and the east of England
had referred a patient for mature egg
patients face Children and young people with
fertility. Clinical guidelines recom-
mend freezing or storage of ovarian
uals while permitting delivery of
accepted and NHS mandated stand-
storage, while only one in four in the
south of England, half in the north of
‘inequality in cancer face a postcode lottery for
services to preserve their fertility, a
tissue or eggs, and testicular tissue
or sperm is offered to children and
ards of care,” said the lead author,
Prof Adam Glaser, from Leeds teach-
England, and six out of 10 of centres
in the devolved nations, had done so.

provision of report has revealed.

Treatments for childhood cancer
teenagers whose fertility may be
ing hospitals NHS trust.
Researchers investigated access to
“Inequality exists in provision
of fertility preservation for chil-
have improved dramatically over But research, published in the fertility services and funding for these dren with cancer across the UK,” the
fertility care’ the past 50 years, and more than
80% of patients will live for decades.
journal Archives of Disease in Child-
hood, has discovered wide variation
treatments at the UK’s 20 paediatric
cancer units. Of the 18 that replied to
researchers said.
“There is lack of formalised
However, one in five are likely to have in the provision of funding for these the survey, all had referred at least government funding to support inter-
fertility problems as adults as a result services in the UK. some patients for fertility preserva- national guidelines, with resultant
of the disease or treatment. “Urgent action is required to tion in the previous 12 months. geographical variation in care.”

 Rosie Duffield,
has decided
not to attend
Labour’s annual
conference over
fears of being
targeted for her
views on trans

MP calls for talks with

Starmer over Labour’s
trans rights policy
horrible, and I didn’t feel like I wanted
Peter Walker to go through that, to be honest.”
Political correspondent Duffield said she hoped to have a
meeting with Starmer, and that others
Rosie Duffield has called for Keir sought this too. “Lots of women have
Starmer to meet her and other female been asking to meet with Starmer, in
Labour MPs to discuss the party’s groups or one to one, about this issue.
policy on transgender issues. She Obviously he’s incredibly busy, but
also confirmed she will not attend it would be good to just clarify what
Labour’s annual conference over our position is as a party, and just
worries she could face abuse because to discuss how we go forward with
of her views on the subject. this issue.”
“I took the decision a few weeks Asked what the response had been,
ago not to go,” the Canterbury MP Duffield said: “He’s always positive
told BBC Radio 4’s Today programme. about trying to organise a meeting
“I didn’t want to be the centre of but it just hasn’t happened yet.”
attention. This is Keir Starmer’s first The Canterbury MP has become a
conference speech since the pan- focal point for criticism from some
demic. I think it’s really important LGBT groups in Labour for actions
we focus on that and the policies that such as liking a tweet that said “indi-
emerge from conference. I really did viduals with a cervix” should instead
not want to be the news story.” be referred to as “women”.
Saying she had received some In July, Labour LGBT groups called
“pretty unpleasant” threats online, for the party to investigate her after
and had contacted the police, Duffield she liked a tweet from a gay US rapper
was worried about being targeted at which complained about trans groups
the party conference in Brighton, appropriating the word “queer” and
which begins on Sunday. described them as “mostly hetero-
“It’s hard to know how serious to sexuals cosplaying [costume playing]
take threats by people who post them as the opposite sex and as gay”.
online. But they’re pretty awful, and Asked if she accepted that liking
I did not want to subject myself and the latter tweet could have inflamed
other people to that kind of abuse,” the debate, Duffield defended her
she said. decision, saying the tweet’s author,
“I’m not imagining they’re neces- whom she knew via social media, was
sarily going to physically harm me, “incredibly distressed and insulted”
but the kind of level of vitriol is pretty about what he felt was the appropria-
tion of gay culture, adding: “I think he
has a valid right to talk about it with-
‘The kind of level out being cancelled.”
of vitriol is pretty Sadiq Khan, the Labour mayor
of London, and Pat McFadden, a
horrible’ shadow Treasury minister, have
expressed concern that Duffield
feels she cannot go to conference,
Rosie Duffield although neither has endorsed her
Canterbury MP stance on trans issues.
••• The Guardian Tuesday 21 September 2021


▲ Joe Biden
hosts a
with Scott
Morrison, the
Australian PM,
left, and Boris
Johnson from
the White House

 HMS Queen
Elizabeth draws
a crowd as it
leaves Tokyo
Bay after joint-
exercises this
month with
Japanese, Dutch
and US forces

France to punish Australia ‘Australians died defending your soil’

Acting PM rejects French anger over submarine deal

over Aukus pact by trying to Barnaby Joyce, Australia’s acting

prime minister, has said his
country has no need to prove itself
its ambassador over the decision
and has made no secret of its anger,
questioning Australia’s treatment

delay trade deal with the EU

as an ally of France, because of of its allies, while cancelling a
the sacrifices made by Australian defence summit with the UK.
soldiers in both world wars. Meanwhile, Australia’s
The French government’s diplomats are working to ease
anger at the announcement tensions over the Aukus deal in
of the strategic partnership the Indo-Pacific, with several of
treated unacceptably by the US, The French have recalled its between Australia, the US and Australia’s partners expressing
Patrick Wintour Australia and the UK, adding many ambassadors to Washington and Can- the UK, known as Aukus, and concern about what the “forever
Diplomatic editor questions remained unanswered. EU berra in an unprecedented protest the subsequent cancellation of a partnership” means for the region.
foreign ministers were due to discuss and its defence minister, Florence French-Australian submarine deal Australia’s ambassador to the
France is seeking to enlist European the crisis at talks on the sidelines of Parly, has postponed a planned meet- worth £48bn, has shown no signs Association of Southeast Asian
Union support to delay a planned EU- the UN general assembly in New York. ing this week with the British defence of abating. The French ambassador Nations (Asean), Will Nankervis,
Australia trade deal as part of a plan to The next round of EU-Australia secretary, Ben Wallace. to Australia said his nation felt it is seeking to reassure regional
punish Australia for what it regards as trade talks are due next month. It A planned phone call between had been “fooled”. partners, including Indonesia
serial deceit and subterfuge by Can- remains to be seen how deeply other the US president, Joe Biden, and Joyce said: “We have tens of and Malaysia, that Aukus did not
berra before it cancelled the contract EU states wish to become embroiled the French president, Emmanuel thousands of Australians who mean a ramping up of defence
for 12 attack class French submarines. in the fallout from the French loss of Macron, requested by Biden, has not died protecting French soil from infrastructure. “Our commitment
The A$90bn (£48bn) submarine a commercial contract. yet been put into diaries. the countries that surround them, to Asean centrality remains as
contract was the centrepiece of The Australian trade minister Dan In New York, France’s foreign min- both in the first world war and the steadfast as ever following the
French-Australian co-operation in Tehan denied the security row would ister, Jean-Yves Le Drian, said he second world war. I never expected announcement that we will
the Indo-Pacific, but the Australians spill into the planned free trade deal had no plans to meet his US coun- they came with a price.” create [Aukus which] will allow
have instead opted to form a US-UK- with Australia’s third largest trading terpart, Tony Blinken, at the UN Joyce made the comments after us to better share technology
Australia pact, dubbed Aukus, and partner. “It’s just very much business general assembly this week, unless the prime minister, Scott Morrison, and capability,” he said. “It is
build eight nuclear-powered subma- as usual when it comes to our negoti- they bumped into one another “in a flew to meet the US president, not a defence alliance or pact.”
rines likely to be delivered between ations on that free trade agreement,” corridor”. It was now up to Europe Joe Biden. Australia’s decision to Nankervis reiterated that Australia
2030 and 2040. The EU Commission he said. “Everything points to the fact to define its own Indo-Pacific strat- scrap the contract and enter Aukus would not host nuclear weapons,
president, Ursula von der Leyen, that it’s in both the European Union egy as an alternative to the US-driven “blindsided” the French, who said despite the possibility of Australia
weighed into the diplomatic row and Australia’s interests that we con- approach, which he warned was lead- they were left in the dark until the purchasing nuclear-powered
yesterday, saying France had been tinue that FTA.” ing to confrontation with China. very last minute. France recalled submarines. Amy Remeikis
Tuesday 21 September 2021 The Guardian •••

Paul Rusesabagina Hall of shame 27

Conviction for Hotel Contest celebrates
Rwanda hero China’s ugly buildings
Page 29 Page 32

China seas crisis

expansionism. The outgoing is not only a regional problem, but
prime minister, Yoshihide Suga, at the same time also a problem for
was due to travel to Washington the international community.”
yesterday to attend a summit with China has increased the budget

Japan urges Europe to representatives from the US, India

and Australia.
The US has increased its
of the People’s Liberation Army
annually for the past two decades,
building up coastal infrastructure
presence in the region, issuing and other capabilities. Recent

fight Beijing expansion warnings to China and pledging

support to those targeted. The UK
has also announced a permanent
reports have also said it is building
hundreds of missile silos in its
deserts and converting passenger

amid ‘hot conflict’ fears military presence in the Indo-

Pacific and recently led a carrier
strike group – including Britain’s
ferries for military amphibious lift
– a key defence capability in which
analysts had until now said China
largest warship and Dutch and US was well behind.
assets – to participate in exercises. Beijing says it pursues a military
were echoed by senior figures on In April, the EU declared tensions policy that is “defensive in nature”.
Helen Davidson the island. The comments come in the South China Sea were “We do not intend to and will
“The Europeans have their own Taipei amid fresh tensions over a new threatening regional peace and not pose a threat to any country,”
fundamental interest,” Le Drian said. trilateral security partnership, stability, while French warships spokesperson Hua Chunying said.
“These may not be in contradiction apan has urged European under which the US and UK will have participated in exercises with “Compared with 20, 10 or even

with those of the United States but countries to speak out give Australia the technology to the US and Japan, and Germany five years ago, Beijing just has
we need to talk about it.” against China’s aggression, build nuclear-powered submarines. recently sent a warship for the first more tools – missiles, warplanes,
Macron, facing re-election next warning that the Kishi, who spoke before the time in two decades. aircraft carriers,” said Carl Minzner,
year, was remaining silent about the international community new security pact was revealed, Kishi said he had met recently a senior fellow at the Council on
humiliation inflicted on his country. must bolster deterrence said Japan had gained the with several foreign counterparts, Foreign Relations in New York.
But lawyers acting for the French efforts against Beijing’s military understanding and cooperation of including from the UK, and “shared The PLA has increased military
government and the state-backed and territorial expansion amid a many countries, but far more was that what is happening in the East drills and intimidatory sorties into
Naval Group are already preparing growing risk of a hot conflict. needed to counter Beijing. He said China Sea and the South China Sea Taiwan’s air defence identification
a massive compensation claim that Japan’s defence minister, Nobuo the European parliament, as well as zone, clashed with Indian troops
will turn on the flexibility and break Kishi, said China had become the UK, France, Germany and the in border regions, and amended
clauses written into the contract first increasingly powerful politically, Netherlands, had shown interest in coastguard law to justify weapon
signed in 2016. Other French options economically and militarily and supporting “a free and open Indo- use against other vessels.
include selling nuclear-powered sub- was “attempting to use its power to Pacific”, but “it is important for It has ignored a 2016 ruling by
marines to India, or persuading the unilaterally change the status quo many countries to speak out about The Hague that there is no legal
US, Australia and the UK to let them in the East and South China seas”, the situation, and this itself will basis to its South China Sea claims,
join the Aukus pact, and even play a which are crucial to global shipping become a deterrent”. and continued building artificial
role in building the submarines. and include waters and islands According to figures released by geographic structures, inflaming
Boris Johnson insisted the pact, claimed by several other nations. Japan’s coastguard, the number tensions with other claimants.
due to extend beyond submarine Tokyo had “strong concerns in of incursions by Chinese vessels Earlier this year the PLA sent
manufacture to AI and robotics, was regards to the safety and security into disputed areas has increased ▲ Nobuo Kishi’s comments signal hundreds of fishing boats carrying
not intended to be exclusionary. of not only our own country dramatically since 2012. Earlier concern over China’s ambitions alleged militia to Philippines-
“The UK and France have a very, very and the region but for the global this year Chinese vessels were seen claimed islands.
important, indestructible relation- community”, Kishi warned. “China near the Japanese-administered “These Chinese military trends,
ship, and of course we will be talking is strengthening its military power Senkaku Islands for a record 157 ‘China is attempting including the rapid strengthening,
to all our friends about how to make both in terms of quantity and days in a row, and Japan recently increasing activity and expansion
the Aukus pact work so that it is not quality, and rapidly improving its lodged formal protest over a flotilla
to change the status of its operational capabilities,
exclusionary, not divisive, and it operational capability.” of seven Chinese coastguard quo in the East and combined with the lack of
really does not have to be that way”. Kishi’s comments are a strong vessels patrolling the contiguous transparency regarding its defence
Wallace, speaking in the Com- signal of the rising international zone on 30 August.
South China seas’ policy and military capabilities,
mons, sought to soothe the French: concern over China’s military Japan has become significantly have become a strong security
“There is no absolutely no intent ambitions in disputed regions more vocal in recent months, concern for Japan, the region and
here by the UK government to slight, including the Indian border and, calling for greater engagement Nobuo Kishi the international community,”
upset or drive a wedge between us in particular, Taiwan. His remarks in resisting what it calls Chinese Japan’s defence minister warned Kishi.
and France. There was no sneakiness The PLA and Chinese coastguard
behind the back.” frequently enter the waters around
The French say no mention of the the disputed Senkakus – or Diaoyu
planned cancellation of the contract islands in Chinese – and into
was made by the UK when Wallace Japan’s air defence identification
and then foreign secretary Dominic Sea of
zone, prompting the immediate
Raab met their French counterparts Beijing Japan scrambling of Japanese jets.
in Paris to discuss their “separate Kishi said Japan would take
responsibilities” in the Indo-Pacific. Taiwan Strait “all measures against airspace
The value of Johnson’s words China China is increasing activity Yellow
Japan incursions in accordance with
in the strait, sending ships Sea
may be reduced in French eyes international law and the Japanese
and planes towards Taiwan
by his choice to celebrate the new East Self-Defense Forces Act”, and
pact by dining tonight at the Aus- Taiwan China that the “incursions” around the
tralian ambassador’s residence in Beijing considers Matsu Sea Senkakus were “very regrettable”
Washington. Taiwan a province East China Sea violations of international law
The French insist that despite of China Kinmen The Japan-controlled Senkaku which “must not be tolerated”.
direct inquiries of Australian min- India (or Diaoyu) islands are also Frank communication doesn’t
isters, they were never given any Senkaku claimed by China and Taiwan appear to be working, critics say.
Dozens were killed in clashes
private warning that the contract along the disputed border in Islands China has ratcheted up its grey
was so close to being torn up. Aus- June 2020 South zone tactics: coercive activities
tralia says it was a matter of public China which deliberately don’t meet the
record, that the government was con- South China Sea Sea The Philippines threshold for an act of war, but
sidering a Plan B due to inadequacies China has claimed sovereignty In May 2021 the Philippines serve to exhaust and intimidate.
in the French-designed submarine. over waters and features within reported repeated illegal “It is generally acknowledged
what it calls the ‘nine dash line’, Whitsun Nine dash line ‘incursions’ by what it said
France believes the US actively that grey zone activities have the
but The Hague found there was Reef were hundreds of fishing boats
encouraged Australia to drop the risk of leading to a larger military
no legal basis for the claim carrying Chinese maritime
French contract by making the militia
conflict,” Kishi warned. “A calm yet
unprecedented offer to share its robust stance is required in order to
Indian Ocean Pacific Ocean
nuclear-powered technology. prevent such a situation.”
Tuesday 21 September 2021 The Guardian •

World 29

Hunt for fiance of US ‘van life’ blogger

“As every parent can imagine, this
is an incredibly difficult time for the
family and friends.”
Petito contacted her family last

as FBI say body found is probably hers

month to inform them that she was
in Grand Teton, and authorities say
she had not been heard from since.
Laundrie had returned alone to
their home in Florida on 1 September
and 10 days later Petito’s family filed
a missing persons report. Underlin-
Peter Beaumont ing the mystery had been the release
last week by police in Utah of video
of a traffic stop of the couple, which
Police yesterday searched the Flor- showed Petito weeping.
ida home of Brian Laundrie, the man Laundrie had acknowledged that
wanted for questioning in the disap- the couple had scuffled after he got
pearance of his fiancee, Gabby Petito, into the van with dirty feet, and
whose body was apparently discov- described the “emotional strain” of
ered on Sunday in a national park in sharing the small space of their van.
Wyoming. However, both asked the police to
Video showed at least a dozen treat the incident as a “mental/emo-
officers, including one wearing an tional health break” rather than as a
FBI jacket, pulling up to the house domestic assault, with Petito saying
in North Port and rushing inside. she suffered from anxiety.
The officers served a search warrant. Authorities had previously
Local media reported that Laun- expressed “frustration” about not
drie’s parents were seen getting into being able to speak to Laundrie, who
a police van. police had identified as a person of
The disappearance of Petito, 22, interest in the case.
during a four-month cross-coun- According to local police and the
try trip by van has captivated the US FBI, Laundrie, who had declined to
media. Laundrie had returned alone be interviewed about Petito’s dis-
and declined to be interviewed by appearance through a lawyer, went
police after the alarm was raised by missing over the weekend, with offic-
her family. ers searching a large nature reserve in
Laundrie, 23, was reported miss- Florida among other locations.
ing by his parents on Friday. The body was found after police
Interest in the case has been fuelled focused their search on the Spread
by the apparent disconnect between Creek Road dispersed camp in Grand
idealised images the couple had pro- Teton national park, one of sev-
moted on their social media accounts eral that Petito had said the couple
and the more fractious reality that has  A coroner’s ▲ Gabby Petito planned to visit.
emerged from police body cam foot- vehicle in the and fiance Brian The search of the campsite came
age of an encounter with the couple area where a Laundrie had after another couple, Jenn and Kyle
during a fight between the pair. body matching posted glowing Bethune, posted video describing
Human remains, which the FBI has Petito’s images of their coming across a vehicle similar to
indicated were most likely Petito’s, description downsized life that owned by Petito and Laundrie
were found in Bridger-Teton national was found in on the road in August.
forest on the east boundary of Wyo- Wyoming’s PHOTOGRAPHS: “This is at the Spread Creek dis-
ming’s Grand Teton national park. Grand Teton AMBER BAESLER/PA persed camping area,” said Bethune,
The body recovered on Sunday national park UNPIXS (EUROPE) narrating the video he posted on
resembles Petito’s description, but Saturday night. “We got there and
a cause of death has yet to be deter- there was a huge gravel lot and we
mined, said FBI agent Charles Jones. ‘I would like to extend decided we wanted to try to drive
Jones said Petito’s family had more toward the back.”
been notified of the discovery, but
sincere and heartfelt His wife continued: “And we came
that authorities would not be able to condolences to across a white van that had Florida
confirm that the body was her until plates, a small white van. We were
after forensic analysis.
Gabby’s family’ going to stop and say hi because we’re
“On behalf of the FBI personnel from Florida too, but the van was
and our partners, I would like to completely dark there was nobody
extend sincere and heartfelt condo- Charles Jones there so we decided to continue on
lences to Gabby’s family,” said Jones. FBI agent our way.”

extremist terror outfits … operating of Rusesabagina said in a statement victims were ethnic Tutsis but some
Hero of Hotel Rwanda film jailed out of various places in the region and
abroad.” He denied all the charges
after the verdict.
Yolande Makolo, a spokesperson
were moderate Hutus.
The 2004 film told the story of
for 25 years on terrorism charges against him.
Prosecutors sought a life sentence,
for the Rwandan government, said
the trial had “exposed the terrorist
how Rusesabagina used his influence
and bribery to save the lives of 1,200
but the judge Beatrice Mukamurenzi activities of the FLN group led by people who sheltered at the Mille
said the term “should be reduced to 25 Rusesabagina”. Collines hotel in the capital during
Jason Burke years” as it was for a first conviction. Kagame, who won a third term in the worst of the massacres.
Rusesabagina was arrested in power with 98% of the vote in elec- Rusesabagina became disillu-
Kigali in August 2020 after a sophis- tions in 2017, is a polarising figure sioned with the new Tutsi-dominated
Paul Rusesabagina, a businessman ticated operation to lure him back to credited with the stability Rwanda government led by Kagame, the rebel
whose role in saving more than Rwanda from exile in the US. He had has experienced since the genocide leader turned president whose forces
1,000 lives during the 1994 genocide travelled to Dubai where he boarded but is also accused of intolerance. ended the mass killings, and he left
inspired the film Hotel Rwanda, has a private jet that he believed would Several unsolved murders of Rwan- Rwanda in 1996, fleeing to Belgium
been sentenced to 25 years in prison take him to a meeting in Burundi but dan dissidents in African countries and the US.
after being convicted of terrorism which landed instead in Kigali. have been blamed on Kigali, though In 2004 Don Cheadle played Rus-
offences by a court in Rwanda’s cap- The abduction was aimed at Kagame’s government has strenu- esabagina, a moderate Hutu, in the
ital, Kigali. silencing Rusesabagina’s outspoken ously denied any responsibility. Oscar-nominated blockbuster. The
The 67-year-old was found guilty criticism of Rwanda’s veteran presi- Rusesabagina was the general Rwandan government disputes Ruse-
yesterday after a seven-month trial dent, Paul Kagame, supporters of the manager of a luxury hotel in Kigali sabagina’s story about saving people
and faces a life sentence. Rwandan former hotelier say. “We knew from during the 1994 genocide in Rwanda. during the genocide. Ibuka, a Rwan-
authorities accused Rusesabagina the day he was kidnapped that the An estimated 800,000 people were dan genocide survivors’ group, has
of being “the founder, leader, spon- ▲ Paul Rusesabagina helped save verdict would be ‘guilty’ on some or killed with knives, clubs and other said Rusesabagina exaggerated his
sor and member of violent, armed, 1,200 people during the genocide all of the false charges,” the family weapons in the genocide. Most of the role in helping people escape.
• The Guardian Tuesday 21 September 2021

30 World

In brief
A border patrol Italy
agent tries to Prison inmate fires gun
stop Haitians ‘smuggled in by drone’
entering an
encampment An Italian prisoner has shot at
in Del Rio, fellow inmates through the bars of
his cell with a weapon believed to
Texas. The have been smuggled in by drone.
US has begun The 28-year-old man, who has
deporting links to the Neapolitan mafia, fired
three shots on Sunday but no one
Haitians, in was hurt, said Donato Capece, the
what could be head of the Sappe prison union.
the swiftest The man’s lawyer advised him
to turn his weapon over to the
expulsions authorities in the prison, about
of migrants 60 miles south-east of Rome. “We
in decades. assume that the weapon arrived by
drone,” Capece said.
Italy has the most crowded jails
in the EU, with 120 prisoners per
100 normal-capacity beds. AFP

New Zealand
Auckland to ease Covid
PHOTOGRAPH: lockdown restrictions
After nearly five weeks in
lockdown Auckland will move

Mexican authorities
the life of more than 400 women in to confront us.” Mexico recorded out of the highest setting, New
the border city Ciudad Juárez dur- the murders of 3,723 women in Zealand’s prime minister, Jacinda
ing the 1990s. 2020. Some 940 were investigated Ardern, has said, adding she was
In recent years, a growing feminist as femicides. confident there was no undetected

failing women as 10 movement has held massive street

protests against the violence, but
authorities have proved unwilling to
The Amnesty report focused on
Mexico State, a vast collection of
suburbs surrounding Mexico City. It
transmission of the Delta variant
in the community. “Level 4 has
done what we needed to do – it has

a day die in femicide

take action to stop the killing. “It’s has become notorious for femicides helped us contain the outbreak,”
always a question of political will,” – and for the way former president Ardern said. New Zealand recorded
said Maricruz Ocampo, a women’s Enrique Peña Nieto, a former Mexico 22 new cases of coronavirus in the
activist in the state of Querétaro. state governor, ignored the problem. community yesterday. Almost all

epidemic, says report Ocampo has been part of teams

lobbying state governors to issue an
alert when femicides reach scandal-
ously high levels – to raise awareness
The report found cases of fami-
lies carrying out their own detective
work, which were ignored by inves-
tigators. In many cases, authorities
cases of the last 14 days have been
known contacts. Level 3 allows
people to expand their bubbles
and more businesses can provide
and mobilise resources. But officials contaminated crime scenes or mis- deliveries. Eva Corlett Wellington
often resist such moves, she says, as handled evidence. They often didn’t
David Agren ‘The authorities say governors worry about their states’ pursue leads such as information
Mexico City image. “They refuse to recognise from victims’ mobile phones. Russia
it is organised crime there is a problem,” she said. Julia Sosa’s children believe she
At least ten women and girls are mur- and that’s that. Many President Andrés Manuel López was killed by her partner. Her two
Gunman kills eight in
dered every day in Mexico, according
of these aggressors Obrador has also downplayed the daughters found her body buried on university shooting
to a report which said that victims’ problem. When asked last year about the suspect’s property – but had to
families are often left to carry out find protection under rising violence against women, he wait hours for police to arrive and A gunman has opened fire at a
their own homicide investigations. responded: “Tell all the women of process the crime scene. One recalled university in Russia, leaving eight
The scathing findings, released
that excuse’ Mexico that they are protected and the subsequent interview process, in dead and 24 injured. The suspect
yesterday by Amnesty Interna- represented, that we’re doing eve- which “the officer was falling asleep”. was detained after the shooting
tional, document both the scale of rything possible to guarantee peace Sosa’s partner hanged himself, at Perm State University, pictured
the violence and the disturbing lack Yolotzin Jaimes and quiet, and that I understand that prompting police to close the case, below, yesterday, according to the
of interest on the part of Mexican Women’s rights activist our adversaries are looking for ways even though family members said interior ministry. The Tass state
authorities to prevent or solve the there were more leads to pursue. news agency cited an unnamed
murders. In states rife with drug cartel vio- source in law enforcement as
“Mexico is continuing to fail to lence, activists say cases of femicides saying that some students jumped
fulfil its duty to investigate and, go uninvestigated as impunity is out of windows during the attack.
therefore, its duty to guarantee the commonplace. “The authorities say The attacker used a gun designed
rights to life and personal integrity it’s organised crime and that’s it,” said to fire non-lethal projectiles, the
of the victims as well as to prevent Yolotzin Jaimes, a campaigner in the university press service said.
violence against women,” said the state of Guerrero. “Many of these The state news agency RIA-Novosti
report, Justice on Trial. aggressors find protection under the cited local officials as saying
“Feminicidal violence and the fail- excuse of organised crime.” the gunman owned the weapon
ings in investigation and prevention The persistence of femicide is in legally. AP Moscow
in northern Mexico are not anecdo- stark contrast to recent gains by the
tal, but rather form part of a broader women’s rights movement in Mex-
reality in the country,” it added. ico, where the country’s supreme
Femicide has been rife in Mexico court decriminalised abortion ear-
for decades – most notoriously in an lier this month. A new congress
epidemic of murders which claimed recently sworn-in has gender parity,
and seven female governors will be
 Women hold up crosses with installed by the end of year – up from
slogans reading ‘Not one more’ at a just two prior to last June’s election’s.
memorial for victims of femicide “But when it comes to violence, we
PHOTOGRAPH: MAHE ELIPE/REUTERS still see it everywhere,” Ocampo said.
Tuesday 21 September 2021 The Guardian •

World 31

Putin party set to run Duma Police seek

Communist candidates and backers
of the jailed Kremlin critic Alexei Nav-
alny, have disagreed.
Videos from polling stations
identity of
amid claims of vote rigging
showed the usual efforts at ballot
stuffing and attempts to drive off
vote monitors keeping a close eye
on the ballot urns. But the greater
woman found
scandal came yesterday morning,
as the results of nearly 2m online on island
considerable anger with the gov- votes flipped many of the elections
Andrew Roth
Moscow correspondent
ernment over rising prices, stagnant
wages and the government’s erratic
that appeared to be going against the
Kremlin’s preferred candidates.
in Croatia
coronavirus response. Communist “The electric votes gave [my oppo-
The ruling United Russia party, which candidates in Moscow called for pro- nent Evgeny] Popov a lead of 20,000
supports the president, Vladimir test after online voting results flipped votes. I know that this result is impos- Jon Henley
Putin, appears poised to main- races in eight of 15 Moscow districts sible,” wrote Mikhail Lobanov, a Europe correspondent
tain a constitutional majority in toward pro-Kremlin candidates. Communist candidate who held
the state parliament, mysteriously Two or three other parties that a 10,000-vote lead at polling sta- Croatian police have released a
outperforming its sluggish polling regularly agree with the Kremlin on tions. “So I call on all candidates photograph of a woman who they say
numbers in an election marred by key issues will also join a Duma dom- ▲ Moscow officials greet United who disagree with the results of the speaks “perfect English” but is una-
accusations of vote rigging. inated by United Russia. Russia supporters at the party’s HQ electronic voting to gather today and ble to tell them who she is or how she
With more than 99% of the votes A Foreign Office spokesman said discuss further actions.” came to be found on a jagged outcrop
counted, United Russia held nearly Russia had sought to “marginalise Ukraine in 2014. The UK also con- Bringing protesters out on the of rock off the island of Krk.
50% of the parliamentary vote, civil society, silence independent demned Russia for holding elections streets is a red line for the Kremlin. The news website 24Sata said the
according to government results. media and exclude genuine opposi- “on Ukraine’s sovereign territory.” The largest protests of the last dec- woman, who appears to be in her 60s
But election officials said the party tion candidates from participating” The results mean that little will ade broke out in 2011 over fraud at and has cuts and bruises to her face
was also winning 198 of the 225 first- in “a serious step back for democratic change in Russian politics, where parliamentary elections. Since then, and body, was first spotted by a fisher
past-the-post districts, meaning it freedoms”. Putin recently led an effort to change the Kremlin has employed various at 10am on Sunday sitting on a rock
will continue to hold a two-thirds The US State Department spokes- the constitution so that he can run tactics to prevent similar outbursts. in a bay near the village of Soline, in
majority and can enact Krem- man Ned Price said the vote “took for president twice more until 2036. The main target of the Kremlin’s the north of the island.
lin policy including changes to the place under conditions not condu- Andrey Turchak, a top United Rus- ire before the elections was Navalny Worried that his boat might run
constitution. cive to free and fair proceedings” sia official, said the party had won and his supporters, some of whom aground if he tried to rescue her him-
The Communist party was in and said that Washington would not at least 315 seats in the parliament have been blocked from the elections self, the fisher alerted police, who
second place with 19.41%, a boost recognise the results of votes held in a “convincing and clean victory”. or driven out of the country ahead of dispatched an emergency rescue
from previous elections due to in Crimea, which was annexed from But many others, including some the three-day vote. team in two 4x4s. They had to aban-
don their vehicles and walk almost 2
miles (3km) to reach to her.

Spain seeks
Local officials told the website
‘Tourists can travel that the woman, who is 5ft 4in with
shoulder-length brown hair and was
to the island and
to reassure witness something
wearing a pink sun hat, striped top
and dark trousers, had no documents
or phone that might have allowed her
tourists as unprecedented’
to be identified.
She appeared to have spent several

nights outside in the area, officials
Reyes Maroto said, and she was so weak that she
Tourism minister was unable to drink water unaided.

flee volcano She is being treated in hospital in

Rijeka on the Croatian mainland.
One local resident told the website:
“It’s very strange she was in the area
those tourists who want to see this at all. It is an extremely inaccessible
Sam Jones wonderful natural spectacle in a pru- part of the bay, with terribly sharp
Madrid dent manner, because what we are rocks – literally like razors – that will
worried about right now is the safety cut the rubber on the soles of your
Spain’s tourism minister has been of citizens and tourists”. shoes.”
accused of insensitivity after Asked if La Palma could become a The resident said there was “no life
suggesting a devastating and ongoing “volcano tourism” destination, the or animals” in the area “except maybe
volcanic eruption on the Canary minister said that the island “has a wild boars or bears”. An average per-
island of La Palma could be used as volcanic part to its tourist offer, and son of that age “certainly could not
an “attraction” to lure visitors to the that could be an attraction we can swim that distance, it needs excep-
archipelago. make the most of”. tional strength”, the resident said.
About 5,500 people have been Maroto’s political opponents were One Soline resident said the
evacuated and at least 120 homes quick to seize on her comments. woman had not been staying in the
destroyed following the eruption, “Minister, this is totally inappro- village because she would have been
which came after more than 22,000 priate,” said Agustín Almodóbar, recognised. Another suggested she
tremors were reported within a the tourism spokesperson for the may have “got lost while out walk-
week in the Cumbre Vieja mountain conservative People’s party (PP). ing, fallen, hurt herself and lost her
range, one of the most active volcanic “There are people who are losing memory through a blow to the head”.
regions in the islands. their homes.” Almodóbar’s colleague,
Speaking yesterday, Reyes Maroto the PP’s secretary general, Teodoro
said the government wanted to reas- García Egea, tweeted: “Can someone
sure tourists already on La Palma – or confirm that the minister said this
headed there – that the island was while hundreds of people are losing
still safe despite the eruption, which everything they have?”
began on Sunday afternoon. According to the Spanish news
“The most important thing right ▲ A house burns in the Cumbre Vieja whether their hotel has been affected agency Europa Press, about 100
now is reassuring tourists who have national park, top, while lava flows so they can stay elsewhere and enjoy houses have been destroyed as a
been affected, and also those who through Los Llanos de Aridane their holidays. We can also make the result of the eruption, which has not
may be travelling to the island today PHOTOGRAPHS: BORJA SUAREZ/REUTERS most of this as an attraction so that a so far caused any injuries.
or during the course of the week,” DESIREE MARTIN/AFP lot of tourists who want to enjoy what Maroto sought to clarify her
Maroto told Canal Sur radio. nature has brought to La Palma can do remarks later yesterday, insisting that

“We’re providing information so so in the coming weeks and months.” the immediate focus was on working
that tourists can travel to the island Maroto said the state tourism insti- to help islanders. “Today we stand
and witness something undoubtedly tute, Turespaña, and the country’s with the victims and those affected
unprecedented for themselves. The number of houses that have embassies “would provide all the and we’re thinking about how best
“That information will let tourists been destroyed thus far by the necessary information so that the to get back to that normality that ▲ The woman was found sitting on a
know that the island is open and also volcanic eruption on La Palma island can become an attraction for nature’s changed,” she said. jagged outcrop off the island of Krk
• The Guardian Tuesday 21 September 2021

32 World

Panned designs
 Mixed results egg-shaped
in ambitious office building
architectural in Guangxi
projects: province, and
(clockwise from Tianzi hotel in

Architecture website left) a pyramid-

shaped edifice
in Jiangsu
Hebei province
province, an

runs vote to name

and shame China’s
10 ugliest buildings
 This east-
building in
an unfinished
theme park in
Hebei province
features one
half looking like
China’s Temple
of Heaven and
the other like the
US Capitol

In an unfinished Hebei theme park,

Vincent Ni a quirky east-meets-west building
China affairs correspondent features one half looking like

China’s Temple of Heaven and the
“hall of shame” other like the US Capitol.
listing China’s top 10 Among this year’s contenders
ugliest buildings has is a “welcome to hell” glass bridge
kicked off with 87 connecting two mountains in
bizarre designs in the Sichuan that terrifies walkers with
running, including a two huge statues of figures in
violin-shaped church and an Inner regional costume, and a gigantic
Mongolia hotel in the form of a gate in a Yunnan park that mirrors
babushka doll. the Arc de Triomphe in Paris.
Over the past 11 years a Chinese The vote’s organiser said the
architecture website,, purpose was to “spark discussion economical, green and pleasing buildings that had a strange style also posted photos of what they
has organised a lighthearted annual about the beauty and ugliness to the eyes”, although it did not were “a waste of resources”. consider “unattractive buildings”.
contest that it hopes will encourage of architecture and promote specify what could be regarded as The intervention triggered Among them are students from
people to ponder the flexible notion architects’ social responsibility”. ugly architecture. further curiosity among internet Zhejiang University in eastern
of beauty. For years, China has This year’s competition comes It is not the first time authorities users. The hashtag #Banning- China. They have been complaining
been a testing ground for ambitious as the central government has have stepped in to regulate how UglyArchitecture has been viewed about the university’s huge
domestic and international become more prescriptive buildings should look. According to 170m times on Weibo. Users have southern gate, built with donations
architects, with mixed results. about architecture. In April the the Global Times, China’s housing from alumni. It comprises six pillars

A building for the national national development and reform and urban-rural development and five archways. Students say it
broadcaster in Beijing, designed by commission (NDRC) banned the ministry joined forces with the is not fit for purpose so they voted
the Dutch architect Rem Koolhaas, construction of “ugly buildings”. NDRC last year to issue a document to make it this year’s “ugliest”
is called “big pants” by Chinese Beijing’s top economic planning clarifying how to strengthen the Votes for Zhejiang University’s architecture. So far, the gate has
social media users as some say it body urged local governments to management of architecture shortlisted southern gate, which gained 8,739 votes – topping this
looks like a pair of trousered legs. ensure buildings were “suitable, in cities. They concluded large students say is not fit for purpose year’s ugliest buildings list.
Tuesday 21 September 2021 The Guardian •••


FTSE 100 All share Dow Indl Nikkei 225 £/€ £/$
-59.73 - 36.43 -614.41 Closed 1.1659 1.3670
6903.91 3986.90 33970.47 30500.05 -0.0053 -0.0077

Markets slump as fears over inflation

market investors for a gradual retreat
from emergency pandemic stimulus
at a delicate juncture for the eco-
nomic recovery from Covid-19.

and Chinese property sector take hold

Walid Koudmani, a market analyst
at the online trading firm XTB, said:
“Investors will be keeping an eye on
the upcoming central bank decisions
later this week along with any new
developments in the Chinese real
500 closing 1.6% lower and the tech- analyst at the investment firm Har- of Evergrande, the property con- estate market, which could poten-
Richard Partington heavy Nasdaq down more than 2%. greaves Lansdown. glomerate,” Streeter said. tially cause a domino effect.”
Graeme Wearden It came despite a rally in airline The rise in airline stocks helped Central banks, including the US The annual rate of UK inflation
shares following the US announce- London’s blue-chip index to claw Federal Reserve and the Bank of Eng- jumped by the most on record in
Global financial markets have fallen ment of plans to partially lift a travel back some losses from earlier in the land, will provide updates this week, August from the previous month,
sharply amid concern over rising ban on UK and EU citizens imposed day. However, concerns over China’s with expectations among financial reflecting a rapid recovery from lock-
inflation and the threat of contagion in response to Covid-19. heavily indebted property sector rat- down as well as a sharp jump in food,
in China’s property sector from the Shares in British Airways’ owner, tled markets on a choppy in dealing Evergrande shares continue to fall
drink and energy prices.
debt-stricken developer Evergrande, IAG, soared 11%, making it the best rooms across the City. HK$
Wholesale gas and electricity costs
despite a boost from the relaxation of performer on the FTSE 100, while the Analysts said the soaring energy have surged to record levels, push-
US travel rules. jet-engine maker Rolls-Royce was costs and inflationary pressures 15 ing several small energy providers
Markets around the world came among the top risers with shares end- risked upsetting the recovery from into administration and threatening
under selling pressure, with the FTSE ing the day up more than 4%. lockdown, at a time when growth to boil over into a cost of living cri-
100 in the UK slumping by 60 points, Shares in the German airline Luf- in several advanced economies was 10 sis for British consumers this winter.
or 0.9%, to 6,903. thansa and Air France-KLM rose slowing. It comes as investors warn con-
Europe’s Stoxx 600, a pan-Euro- about 5%. “Still nervousness hangs over the tagion risks in China’s indebted
pean index of listed companies, “The lifting of travel restrictions financial markets, with inflation 5 property industry could ripple
closed down 1.7%. Shares fell by more for double-jabbed visitors to the US worries nagging investors, par- through world markets, after shares
than 2% in Germany, France and Italy provided the thrust needed to send ticularly with gas prices sky-high. in Evergrande plunged to an 11-year
and 1.2% in Spain. the recovery in airline stocks full Concerns are also mounting that low. The country’s second-largest
Apr May Jun Jul Aug Sep
US markets also fell sharply, with throttle,” said Susannah Streeter, problems are piling up in the Chinese real estate developer faces a dead-
the Dow Jones losing 1.7%, the S&P a senior investment and markets economy due to the precariousness Source: Refinitiv line for debt payments this week.

Electronic UK companies
Arts in $1.4bn given deadline
deal to buy for ending
games maker ‘greenwashing’
Playdemic Rob Davies

The UK competition watchdog has

Mark Sweney given companies that make mislead-
ing claims about their environmental
credentials until the end of the year
Electronic Arts has completed the to stop the practice, which is known
$1.4bn (£1.04bn) deal to buy Play- as “greenwashing”.
demic, the mobile games maker Too many businesses were “falsely
known for its Golf Clash franchise, taking credit for being green” in order
the latest British video games maker to woo environmentally minded con-
to be snapped up by the California- sumers, the Competition and Markets
based firm. Authority said.
For EA, the maker of titles includ- The CMA highlighted the forth-
ing Battlefield and the Sims, the coming Cop26 climate conference
all-cash deal struck with AT&T’s being hosted by the UK in Glasgow,
Warner Bros Games division marks and urged firms to adhere to new
the latest move to expand its sports guidelines it published on Wednes-
and mobile gaming business. The day to support global efforts to reduce
takeover of Playdemic, founded in EA, which has a market value of counted the Games Workshop co- ▲ Burnley FC players advertise carbon emissions.
2010 and based in Cheshire, follows $37bn, has sports franchises includ- founder Ian Livingstone as a chief Playdemic’s Golf Clash, which is Starting in 2022, the regulator
EA’s £954m deal in December to buy ing Fifa and Madden NFL. The deal investor. one of the biggest mobile sports will launch a review of misleading
the Warwickshire-based Codemas- to buy Playdemic is the largest in the In 2011 Playdemic was acquired games in the UK and US green claims, with sectors includ-
ters, maker of racing simulators company’s history. by the social gaming company Roc- ing fashion, transport, the beauty
including the Formula One series. The Wilmslow-based Playdemic kYou, which was attracted by its early date. The company employs 65 staff. industry and the food and drink sec-
“We are thrilled to officially was founded in 2010 by Paul Gouge Facebook hit, Gourmet Ranch, but “This is an exciting day for Play- tor likely to come under particular
welcome the Playdemic team to Elec- and Alex Rigby – who are still with was sold back to its founders later the demic as we become part of the scrutiny.
tronic Arts, adding to out growing the business as head of studio and same year after the US-based com- Electronic Arts family,” said Gouge. The CMA began looking into green
mobile portfolio and expanding our creative director respectively – and pany ran into financial difficulty. “I am proud to bring the amaz- claims last year, finding up to 40%
leadership in sports,” said Andrew Playdemic’s founders then sold the ing talent which exists at Playdemic could be misleading to consumers.

Wilson, the EA chief executive. “The business to the Warner Bros subsid- into the EA business to both continue The Advertising Standards Author-
addition of the incredible Playdemic iary TT Games in 2017, not long after to build on Golf Clash’s incredible ity has clamped down on several
team not only adds to the strength of the developer launched Golf Clash, success and to build new games, major companies in recent years over
our mobile teams globally, it also con- The number of global downloads which is now one of the biggest which we believe can be even more greenwashing adverts, including the
tinues our expansion and investment of the Playdemic mobile sports mobile sports games in the UK and successful in entertaining and engag- airline Ryanair, the carmaker BMW
in UK-based talent.” game title Golf Clash US with more than 80m downloads to ing audiences globally.” and the oil producer Shell.
• The Guardian Tuesday 21 September 2021

34 Financial

‘He’s got good ears’

The man who kept the
pop industry’s lights on
led revival that has transformed the  Universal’s
Mark Sweney fortunes of the music industry over catalogue
the last decade when Universal includes the
Music makes its €40bn (£34bn) Beatles, Ariana
n the dark days of the flotation in on the Amsterdam Grande, Queen

noughties, a time marked stock exchange. and Lady Gaga.
by plunging record sales But Grainge, who will receive Lucian Grainge,
and rampant digital piracy, a “transaction bonus” of at least below left, is
Lucian Grainge was on the $150m when the parent company, set for a $150m
warpath because of the lack Vivendi, spins off the music transaction
of chart-topping new stars being group, almost did not live to see bonus when the
discovered by his label. Arriving the milestone. Weeks after a business floats
last at a management meeting, he star-studded 60th birthday party in Amsterdam
turned the lights off, circled the last February, he was admitted PHOTOGRAPHS: DAVID
room, and told staff: “Get used to it. to hospital in Los Angeles with MCENERY/REX; KEVIN
That’s what it looks like when you the coronavirus. It took him five HUSSEIN/GETTY; MATT
don’t have any hit records.” months to fully recover. SAYLES/INVISION/AP
A problem producing hits is now In his role as Universal chief
laughable for the chief executive of since 2010, the man considered the
Universal Music Group, the world’s most powerful executive in music
biggest record company and home has been a key architect of the
to acts from Ariana Grande to Bob revival of an industry that looked to
Dylan, which in any given week can be facing terminal decline.
claim as many as nine of the top 10 In 2011 he pulled off a stunning, if
selling songs. controversial, coup by buying EMI,
“When I joined UMG 35 years home to the Beatles and Coldplay,
ago, the idea that we could some for £1.2bn after a disastrous period
day build it into a leading music of ownership under the venture
company with the ability to capitalist Guy Hands during which
determine its own destiny, that the UK label was laden with debt.
would have been unimaginable,” The deal came in for widespread
Grainge says. “But here we are.” criticism. The Beatles’ producer
The chief executive will today Sir George Martin described the
crown the remarkable streaming- sale as “the worst thing that music
has ever faced” – and it faced concerns, notably the Parlophone and promote more competition small record store, and Grainge
regulatory scrutiny on both sides label to rival Warner Music, but among streaming platforms to the remembers spending the 1960s
of the Atlantic. “The common kept about 70% of EMI. The benefit of consumers and artists,” and 70s listening to “just about
wisdom was that buying EMI acquisition gave Universal a 40% he says. everything – from Wagner to Ray
would never get [regulatory] market share, and meant Grainge In the year he struck the deal, Charles to Mozart to Elvis”. He left
approval and that it would never be had the muscle to negotiate from Universal Music made €4.2bn in school at 18 after walking out of an
swallowed by any of the big three a position of strength with the revenues and turned a profit of A-level exam to attend a meeting
[music companies],” says a former new wave of digital services led by €507m. This year the company is on where he negotiated his first record
executive at a rival record company. Spotify that have become central to track to make almost €8bn revenue deal. His first signing was the
“But Lucian came up with a plan the music industry’s recovery. and profits potentially of €1.5bn. Psychedelic Furs.
to hive bits off, but keep the vast “I pledged that if we acquired Born in north London, the Within five years he had moved
majority. It was a brilliant move.” EMI we would breathe life back lifelong Arsenal fan was always to a record label and was director
Grainge was forced to sell off into it and Capitol and Virgin, destined to work in the music of A&R, responsible for finding and
some parts to appease competition invest in more artists and labels, industry. His father owned a developing talent. In 1986 he joined
• The Guardian Tuesday 21 September 2021


Tuesday 21 September 2021
UK and Ireland Noon today Forecast Around the UK

Sunny Mist Fog 1016 Low 12 High 19 Lows and highs Precipitation Air pollution
1020 Tomorrow
14 11 20 5% Low
Sunny intervals Hazy

Mostly cloudy
6 Inverness Shetland 11 19 0% Low
Overcast/dull Edinburgh
15 17
13 18 0% Low
Sunny showers Slight
11 Low 12 High 15
Sunny and heavy showers Glasgow 13 18 0% Low
1024 Thursday
Light showers Newcastle
10 20 5% Low
Rain Sleet Light Belfast Slight
snow 17

Snow showers 12 18 5% Low

Dublin Liverpool
ol 20
Heavy snow Ice
Nott m
19 12 19 5% Low
min count
Thundery rain Cardiff
25 Daily atmospheric CO2
readings from Mauna Loa,
20 19 20
2 Hawaii (ppm):
Thundery showers 15
Ca L
London 13 19 5% Low
10 20 19 Sep 2021 413.32 Newcastle
Dover Weekly average
Temperature, 0 12 Sep 2021 413.09
19 11 19 0% Low
Plymouth 20 Sep 2020 411.65
-10 19
20 Sep 2011 389.38 Penzance
Slight 5 Pre-industrial base 280
Wind speed, Windy
mph -20 Safe level 350
The Channel Islands 14 19 5% Low

Atlantic front 1016

L 1008
L Weatherwatch Around the world
984 L H Lightning is a leading cause of the Algiers 26 Lisbon 27
huge wildfires that have caused Ams’dam 18 Madrid 22
H so much damage around the globe Athens 31 Malaga 25
1032 1016 L recently. But it also has a slower and Auckland 17 Melb’rne 12
1024 more insidious destructive effect, B Aires 16 Mexico C 23
especially in rainforests. Bangkok 28 Miami 31
Dr Lucy Rowland, a University of Barcelona 21 Milan 21
Cold front 1032 Exeter ecologist, was researching Basra 41 Mombasa 28
PETER 1024 1016 the flow of sap in Amazonian trees Beijing 27 Moscow 7

Warm front 1008 when something unexpected Berlin 16 Mumbai 30

happened: “I had sensors installed Bermuda 28 N Orleans 30
in this tree monitoring the water Brussels 17 Nairobi 26
Occluded front flow rates. I came back and the Budapest 17 New Delhi 31
sensors had completely exploded.” C’hagen 15 New York 23

Trough ROSE No one saw the lightning strike, Cairo 35 Oslo 15

and the tree itself appeared Cape Town 20 Paris 19
unharmed, but the electrical Chicago 20 Perth 25

Sun & Lighting damage was unmistakable. Corfu 27 Prague 13

High tides
Source: © Crown Copyright. All rights reserved. Times are local UK times

“The pulse of electricity was so Dakar 31 Reykjavik 10

Moon up large it even jumped all the fuses Dhaka 26 Rio de J 30
I had installed in the systems and Dublin 18 Rome 26
Aberdeen 0209 4.4m 1444 4.2m London Bridge 0256 7.1m 1513 7.0m Belfast 1926 to 0711 damaged adjacent equipment.” Florence 25 Shanghai 30
Avonmouth 0823 13.2m 2041 13.7m Lossiemouth 0038 4.2m 1317 4.0m Birm’ham 1907 to 0653 Rowland was monitoring tree Gibraltar 23 Singapore 31
Barrow 0012 9.3m 1239 9.0m Milford Haven 0722 6.9m 1938 7.2m Brighton 1901 to 0647 mortality in the area and noted H Kong 32 Stockh’m 10
Belfast -- -- 1222 3.3m Newquay 0613 6.9m 1828 7.2m Bristol 1911 to 0657 the tree was dead a few months Harare 31 Strasb’g 18
Cobh 0631 4.0m 1849 4.2m North Shields 0416 5.2m 1650 5.0m Carlisle 1912 to 0657 later, along with its immediate Helsinki 9 Sydney 16
Cromer 0723 5.2m 2005 4.9m Oban 0652 3.8m 1905 4.2m Cork 1934 to 0720 neighbours. Lightning strikes may Istanbul 23 Tel Aviv 31
Dover 0015 6.6m 1220 6.8m Penzance 0545 5.4m 1800 5.7m Dublin 1926 to 0711 make trees more vulnerable to Jo’burg 26 Tenerife 30
Sun rises 0644
Dublin 0022 4.1m 1300 3.8m Plymouth 0656 5.4m 1906 5.6m Sun sets 1900 Glasgow 1919 to 0703 fungal infections or pathogens. K Lumpur 32 Tokyo 26
Galway 0615 5.1m 1828 5.3m Portsmouth 0001 4.6m 1239 4.7m Moon rises 1936 Harlech 1917 to 0703 A colleague, Dr Tim Hill, is fitting K’mandu 26 Toronto 23
Greenock 0121 3.6m 1351 3.3m Southport -- -- 1203 8.9m Moon sets 0651 Inverness 1918 to 0701 trees with lightning detectors Kabul 30 Vancouv’r 18
Last Quarter 29 Sept Kingston 31 Vienna 15
Harwich 0038 4.2m 1252 4.1m Stornoway 0759 4.7m 2003 5.1m London 1900 to 0646 to establish if taller trees are
Kolkata 29 Warsaw 13
Holyhead 1132 5.5m 2339 5.8m Weymouth 0704 1.4m 1915 1.6m M’chester 1910 to 0655 suffering more strikes. The impact
L Angeles 30 Wash’ton 26
Hull 0708 7.7m 1954 7.3m Whitby 0452 5.7m 1724 5.5m Newcastle 1908 to 0652 of greater mortality due to more
Forecasts and Lagos 28 Well’ton 15
Leith 0327 5.6m 1556 5.6m Wick 0005 3.6m 1239 3.4m
graphics provided by
Norwich 1855 to 0641 thunderstorms each year could be
Lima 16 Zurich 18
Liverpool -- -- 1222 9.2m Workington 0017 8.4m 1240 8.1m AccuWeather ©2021 Penzance 1922 to 0709 disastrous. David Hambling
Tuesday 21 September 2021 The Guardian •

Racing Golf 39

Cheltenham What happened

reception will be to Ryder Cup heroo
key test for Elliott Anthony Kim?
Page 41  Page 47 

taking on Chennai Super Kings in the resumed Indian

Premier League. This, too, was a fine game. The
young opener Ruturaj Gaikwad scored a scintillating
unbeaten 88. Dwayne Bravo hit an effortless 23 off
eight balls, and then took three quick wickets without
at any point threatening to break into a run.
But there was something else here, too: an
expression of ownership and power. Adam Milne, the
fast bowler who had so impressively secured Kent’s
Blast qualification earlier in the summer, was now
taking the new ball for Mumbai. Many of the players
on display – Rohit Sharma, Ravindra Jadeja, Shardul
Thakur, Jasprit Bumrah, Moeen Ali – were due to play
in the abandoned fifth Test against England at Old
Trafford, but had instead been spirited east, blown to
Dubai by the trade winds of cricket finance and a series

of hastily arranged charter flights.

his, then, was the product of all those

boardroom-level talks, the fraught and
frantic negotiations, the ripped-up
schedules. For all the glossy sheen of
the production, these days it’s almost
impossible to watch the IPL without
also being aware of everything that
has been pillaged and plundered to
make it happen: the gravity of an entire sport warped
just so we can watch Suresh Raina waddling around
trying to burn off his breakfast.
Above all, as someone who likes all the cricket, who
will watch it being played between pretty much anyone
in any format, it’s hard to remember a time when
this sport felt more bewildering, more disorienting
and exhausting to follow. The Blast finals took place
three weeks after the quarter-finals, which took place
five weeks after the end of the group stage. The IPL
comes straight after the truncated Test series, which
overlapped with the Hundred, which overlapped with
the Royal London Cup. The County Championship
▲ Jordan Cox flicks the finishes this week. England’s women are playing New
ball back into play and Zealand for the second time in seven months. There
into the hands of his are T20 World Cups in 2021 (men), 2022 (men), 2023
Kent teammate Matt (women) and 2024 (men again).
Milnes in the T20 Blast In whose interest is all this cricket being shovelled
final against Somerset at us? How is anyone sanely and sensibly supposed
ASHLEY ALLEN/GETTY IMAGES to track it, to trace the narrative threads, to work out

who’s playing who, and when, and why? Who does
Chris Jordan play for right now?

Dazed and confused

he woman in the bird costume can There are (There are at least four answers, none
scarcely believe what she’s seeing. The of them wrong.) And when cricket
man dressed as a bottle of mustard is times when has been repackaged as a kind of
mesmerised by the flight of the white Finals Day endless content, a sprawl of games

Kent’s Blast triumph

ball against the dark night sky. The
pair of jockeys leaping in anticipation feels less like and jurisdictions and competing
self-interests, at what point does it
of a Somerset six now clutch their a cricket stop mattering who wins and loses?
heads as Jordan Cox of Kent hurls Perhaps this is the moment at

a rare authentic
himself skywards, flips the ball back over the boundary which a sport dissolves. It becomes
rope and into play again. By the time Cox has finally and more a fungible entertainment product, a
hit the turf, Matt Milnes has grasped the catch off the like a sort lucrative payday, an object of tribal
bowling of Darren Stevens, and Kent are on the way to bickering, and nothing else. Nothing
of strange
moment in cricket’s
becoming men’s Twenty20 champions of England for can be taken away, only added, and
the first time since 2007. pagan so over time the only real way of
And for all the individual brilliance on display, Kent’s navigating this infinite feed is to
triumph felt like a team effort, a fitting reward for a ritual choose a filter, choose your character

endless sprawl
likable bunch of cricketers: the evergreen Joe Denly, – T20 specialist, Test connoisseur,
the brilliant Qais Ahmad, the grinning Sam Billings, county diehard, IPL obsessive, Knight Riders stan,
the veteran all-rounder Stevens, a man who looks like Worcestershire ultra – and fight to the death.
he’s just thrown a shoe over a pub and can’t wait to do The irony is that English T20 arguably did more
it again. Above all it felt like a moment of catharsis for to ignite this process than anything else: the rapid
Kent’s long-suffering fans, who through global plague greed, the schedule sprawl, the narrow parochial
and trophy drought have impressively endured. interest. Now, curiously, Finals Day feels like one of
In other words, it meant something. Maybe not to the few constants left in the domestic game: a wild
everyone. Maybe not even to everyone at Edgbaston phenomenon that through saturation and neglect, new
on Saturday, some of whom had clearly arrived with no fads and new fashions, still manages to generate full
greater ambition than to sink pints in rented costume. houses, to feel vital and authentic and unique.
There are times when Finals Day feels less like a This is why Cox’s catch felt like such a special
Jonathan Liew cricket occasion and more like a sort of strange pagan moment: a 20-year-old and a 46-year-old combining
ritual. But amid the confected frivolity and industrial to exorcise a 14-year curse, a rare moment of clarity
consumption was an event with sport at its core: a that like all the best sport felt connected to the past
thing of joy and pain and sacrifice and achievement. and tethered to the future, while making absolutely
Less than 24 hours later I watched Mumbai Indians no sense in the present.
• The Guardian Tuesday 21 September 2021

40 Sport

 Brad Wheal and Nick Gubbins Olympics

of Hampshire celebrate after the
dismissal of Warwickshire’s Chemar
Holder at Edgbaston this month
IOC delays
between Test matches, sometimes
driving across the country for a guidelines
one-day game. It took it out of you.
“I still value four-day county
cricket and I dearly hope the
again to 2022
schedules, which are now
ridiculously crowded and totally
bonkers, make time for it.
“Two divisions is probably better Sean Ingle
than the alternative, but the more
important point is trying to play
enough four-day cricket at the right The International Olympic Commit-
time of the year. At the moment tee’s new transgender guidelines
you’ve got a motorway pile up in for sports have been delayed
the middle of the summer, it is like again because of “very conflicting
trying to get around Birmingham opinions” and are now unlikely to be
on a Friday afternoon.” published until after next February’s
As it is, excluding the four Beijing Winter Olympics, three years
runners for the title, the rest of the later than originally planned.
clubs go into the final round not The news was revealed by the
entirely sure what they are playing IOC’s science and medical director,

Who will prevail for. Points? Money? Promotion?

There is due to be an end-of-
season review by the county chief
Dr Richard Budgett, who said the
forthcoming advice for international
sports federations would “prioritise

in four-way fight Livingstone is in white-ball mode

for the Rajasthan Royals. But Chris
Woakes, whose past year has been
executives this month, before a
vote is taken on the structure for
2022 – a summer the England and
inclusion” and “avoidance of harm”.
As things stand, the IOC suggests
trans women should be allowed to

for county title?

lived in a constant state of cricket Wales Cricket Board still fears compete in the women’s category
interruptus, and who inspired could be disrupted by Covid. Up for if they reduce their testosterone
Warwickshire to victory with six discussion is a Championship to be for 12 months – although individual
wickets against Yorkshire in the last played during the Hundred, a plate sports federations are allowed to
round, will play at Edgbaston. to reward the lower divisions of a come up with their own rules.
Warwickshire last took the conference competition or a return However, speaking to a Council
and his friend: “I’d like to see Rod’s Championship in 2004, with the to two divisions – a scenario that of Europe conference on protecting
David Gower is rooting for his ambition recognised. It has come champions winning just five games, could mean Nottinghamshire, who and promoting the human rights of
old club Hampshire as they at some personal cost to him to put and their captain, Nick Knight, were relegated at the end of the intersex and transgender athletes in
look to pip Lancs, Warks and his money where his mouth is.” saying: “I’m the first to admit that 2019 season, dumped back down sport competitions, Budgett said the
Notts in the final round Hampshire (58.5pts) have zipped Kent or Surrey should have won it, into the Second Division. IOC’s approach would shift. “There’ll
up to Liverpool where they will but they weren’t good enough to There are goodbyes to be said, be broad high-level guidelines – more
take on third-placed Lancashire win it. So we won it.” too: to Surrey’s stalwart Rikki like a framework,” he said. “It’s the
Tanya Aldred (54.5) today while second-placed Gower, despite his champagne Clarke, a veteran of two Tests and a international federations who will
Warwickshire (55) have the plum reputation, has a soft spot for handful of one-day internationals, determine the specific rules for their

game against Somerset, beaten the county game and is worried but more memorably an sports and their events.
avid Gower was in the Blast final on Saturday, and by the constant messing with indefatigable servant of county “The particular changes from 2015
at Scarborough falling apart since the late-summer the structure. “You cannot get cricket; to Essex’s talisman Ryan are the emphasis on the priority of
this month, when restart of the Championship. anywhere without playing county ten Doeschate, who led the club to inclusion, and on the avoidance of
Yorkshire thrashed Fourth-placed Nottinghamshire cricket,” he says. “Four-day cricket two County Championship titles, in harm, but always bearing in mind the
Somerset to end, yet (52) entertain out-of-the-running is a vital part of the system. 2017 and 2018; and to (briefly) the importance of fair and meaningful
again, their hopes of Yorkshire, at Trent Bridge. Theirs “There were days, I’ll admit, Nottinghamshire, but mostly the competition. We still have to agree
winning the County Championship. would be an unlikely title, but quite that I wasn’t switched on, but days Somerset, batting all-rounder Peter on the framework. It’s challenging.
He was giving an after-dinner the story after going almost three when I was, and I loved it. If I was Trego, virtuoso of 22 seasons in the But it will be published in a few
speech on the second day – the last years without a Championship win ever not switched on it was more county game. months’ time – at the latest just after
as it turned out – and managed to until they thrashed Derbyshire in fatigue than anything to do with Gower, who hung up his the Beijing Olympic Winter Games.
escape the handshakes and small a Stuart Broad-inspired triumph the product, with games squeezed cricket boots in 1993, and lost his We’re very aware that sex, of course,
talk for long enough to squeeze in in May. Yorkshire can still clinch broadcasting gig with Sky in 2019, is not binary. It’s a continuum. The
some time to sit in a deckchair and second and qualify for the Bob hasn’t forgotten the good times sectors overlap. And so the solutions
watch some of the younger players Willis Trophy final that starts on with Leicestershire or Hampshire, are not essentially going to be binary.”
have their day in the sun. 28 September should they win and but “it is not like me to wander back Budgett also revealed the
Gower was not always known for other results fall their way. to old things, most of my thoughts IOC would move away from the
his dedication to the county grind Most England players are are to what is going forward”. one-size-fits-all approach for sport,
but – with one round left to decide unavailable to their counties, with He has done broadcast work for as in the current guidelines issued
the winners, and four clubs in hot Jonny Bairstow, Dawid Malan, Joe the Pakistan Super League, is an in 2015. They state that trans women
pursuit – his old club Hampshire Root and David Willey sitting on ambassador for last Saturday’s should be able to compete in the
are in with a shout of their first the bench for Yorkshire’s game. Voneus Village Cup at Lord’s but women’s category without gender
Championship title since 1973. Not even the temptation of a first desperately misses his commentary reassignment surgery as long as they
Gower, a friend of Rod possible Lancashire Championship David Gower says: stints on Sky and knocked on the keep their total testosterone level in
Bransgrove, the Hampshire in 10 years is enough to tempt a ‘Four-day cricket is a door of TMS to no avail. He knows, serum below 10 nanomoles per litre.
chairman who saved them from weary Jimmy Anderson to pull on vital part of the system’ more than any, that sometimes Recent scientific papers have
insolvency, is hopeful for the club those bowling boots again and Liam your race is run. reported, however, that anyone who
undergoes male puberty retains sig-
nificant advantages in power and
Pakistan accuse the times we are currently living
in. We know there are increasing
The cancellation comes less than a
fortnight after India pulled out of the
the near eight-year exile that resulted
from the 2009 terrorist attack on the
strength even after taking medica-
tion to suppress their testosterone.
England of ‘making concerns about travelling to the
region and believe that going ahead
fifth Test at Old Trafford in response
to a Covid-19 outbreak among their
Sri Lanka team bus in Lahore. All eyes
will now be on Australia’s men, due
“Transgender women are women,”
Budgett said. “But we also have to
excuses’ over tour will add further pressure to a playing
group who have already coped with a
support staff. Tom Harrison, the ECB
chief executive, stressed the issue
to visit Pakistan in February.
New Zealand’s hasty withdrawal
separate gender from eligibility. And
eligibility needs to be sport-specific in
long period of operating in restricted was one of mental health rather than over the weekend was triggered order to have this fair and meaningful
 Continued from back page Covid environments. being caused directly by the virus. by information from the Five Eyes competition at all levels, but espe-
“There is the added complexity While one lost Test could damage intelligence network that also serves cially at the elite level. There’s going
the ECB said: “The mental and physi- for our men’s T20 squad. We believe the ECB to the tune of £40m unless Australia, Canada, the UK and the to be different criteria for different
cal wellbeing of our players and sup- that touring under these conditions rescheduled and offset by insurance, USA, and came despite the PCB sports. And we have to determine
port staff remains our highest priority will not be ideal preparation for the Pakistan faces the prospect of more insisting its 4,000-strong security what really is a disproportionate or
and this is even more critical given ICC men’s T20 World Cup.” teams declining to tour and a return to detail was “foolproof”. insurmountable advantage.”
Tuesday 21 September 2021 The Guardian •

Sport 41

 Ellen van Dijk Reusser in the time trial, and on the Racing

Elliott returns but

celebrates on the world championship course between
podium after Knokke-Heist and Bruges it seemed
her world time likely that Reusser would improve

the damage done

trial title win on her silver medal of 2020 when
in Bruges she reached the first checkpoint four
seconds faster.

will surely endure

However, Van Dijk had gauged her
ride more precisely; Reusser slowed
slightly before the second check-
point, where she led by only 3sec,
and when she reached the finish line
she had faded badly to finish 10sec
slower than Van Dijk, joining the 29
other riders who had failed to better
Even now it is not clear
the Dutchwoman. the disgraced trainer fully
Cycling Only Van Vleuten was left to come appreciates the scale of
home, and she had never looked at the hurt he has caused
Van Dijk ends long her best in contrast to the smooth
styles of Reusser and Van Dijk. On
Saturday, Van Dijk and Van Vleuten Greg Wood

wait for her second

will be joined by the evergreen

Marianne Vos and Van der Breggen ▲ Gordon Elliott’s low-key comeback
for the road race, where the Dutch s one of the biggest was received warmly at Sligo
women will be favourites to take their names in jumping

world time trial title fifth successive title.

Behind Van Dijk, another early
pacesetter was Great Britain’s Joss
Lowden, who crossed the line almost
officially departed
the stage last week,
two more returned to
action as a National
Elliott’s reception after a winner
at Sligo on Wednesday was warm
rather than rapturous, but he will
have been more than content simply
2min behind the Dutchwoman, and Hunt campaign that officially to be back on a racecourse after a six-
said, “because when I arrived in was only shifted from a medal slot started in May slowly works its way month ban that could – and arguably
William Fotheringham the hot seat Annemiek had still not when the final batch of favourites through the gears. Farewell Altior, should – have been longer.
started. It was nerve-racking. You sit started at the back of the field. Her one of the outstanding two-milers Few will need reminding about
there and have nothing to do.” eventual eighth place was the best of recent decades. Hello again, the reason for Elliott’s ban or the
Ellen van Dijk of the Netherlands This was another gold medal for British ride since Emma Pooley took Davy Russell and Gordon Elliott, damage inflicted on racing’s image
endured a long and painful wait for the Netherlands’ golden generation fourth at the 2012 championship in after many months on the sidelines when a photograph emerged of him
her second world time trial title, of women cyclists, who have won 11 the Netherlands. for very different reasons. astride a dead horse on his gallops,
eight years after she won for the first of a possible 15 medals in this dis- “We can all find things in the ride In the last two seasons of his posing for the camera with a smile
time at the 2013 championship in cipline in the past five years, and that we could have done better, but career, much more time was and a victory V sign.
Tuscany. Yesterday the Dutch racer it came even in the absence of the I’m happy,” said Lowden, who was expended on speculation about In addition to his ban and a
set a blistering time after starting 19th defending champion Anna van der only 40sec behind Van Dijk at the where Altior would run next, €15,000 fine, Elliott lost several of
in the 50-rider field and had to endure Breggen, who opted not to start due first checkpoint but faded in the final and then forensic analysis of the his best horses to rival trainers after
almost an hour’s wait before her to her impending retirement. two-thirds of the race. “The plan was reasons why he had not, than in the picture was published. He has
teammate, the Olympic champion Van Dijk had also had to endure the to go out easy and ramp it, but the watching him in action. undoubtedly paid a price for his
Annemiek van Vleuten, approached indignity of being dropped from the ramp went down as opposed to up.” At his best, though, Altior had an mindless stupidity.
the finish line and it finally became Dutch team for the Tokyo Olympics Lowden, who rides for the irresistible, captivating brilliance Whether even now he fully
clear that Van Dijk had won gold. which was less a reflection on her UK-based Drops-Le Col team, will and an aura of invincibility built up appreciates the scale of the damage
One of the enduring images of ability than the quality of her illus- now go on to attack the world hour over the course of four unbeaten he inflicted, however, is hard to
world championships this week trious teammates Van Vleuten and record at the end of the month in seasons over hurdles and fences, say. The only interview before
will be the 34-year-old’s sudden Van der Breggen, while this spring Grenchen, Switzerland, hoping to setting a jumping world record his return to action, in the Racing
transition to a state of tearful joy she had to take time out after con- better the distance of 48.007km held with 19 consecutive wins, in 2019. Post, included as much reflection
as Van Vleuten had 300 metres to tracting Covid-19. by the Italian Vittoria Bussi. At a time when Willie Mullins and about the possible motives behind
go and the clock made it clear that At the recent European champion- Elliott were coming to dominate the release of the photograph as
Van Dijk’s time of 36min 05sec for the ships Van Dijk won gold in the road ▼ Slovenia’s Eugenia Bujak the Cheltenham Festival, Altior also expressions of regret for it.
30 kilometres would stand. race with a dominant solo break, but competes in the time trial saw off everything Ireland could “As much as it is so competitive
“It was quite horrible,” Van Dijk she was defeated by the Swiss Marlen TIM DE WAELE/GETTY IMAGES throw at him. That challenge now here in Ireland,” he said, “we
passes to his stable companion, all have each other’s backs and
Shishkin. through things like that you find
The most enduring memory of out a bit more about who your real
Altior is probably his second win friends are.
in the Queen Mother Champion “Everyone is entitled to their
Chase, which was achieved despite opinion, but I was disappointed
running half a stone or more below with some people. I shouldn’t have
his best and drew on his courage done what I did but I’m a human
as much as his exceptional talent. being who made a mistake.”
But he was special from an early The damage will endure even
stage and sets a very high bar for as Elliott rebuilds his career and
Shishkin as the new season unfolds will remain a ghost at the banquet
towards a potential meeting with when he saddles a big winner for a
Energumene, Ireland’s best two- long while to come. The warmth,
miler, in the spring. or otherwise, of the reception after
There is more to the National his next winner at Cheltenham
Hunt calendar than Cheltenham remains to be seen.
and unlikely though it seemed last
October, Russell is back for one
more season at least. His return to Greg Wood’s tips
the winner’s enclosure at Navan on
Saturday came 342 days after a fall
in the Munster National at Limerick Lingfield 1.00 Miquelon 1.30 Danni California
2.00 Shamlaan 2.35 Trouser The Cash
that left the veteran jockey with a 3.10 Nicks Not Wonder 3.45 Emblem Empire
fractured C6 vertebra in his neck 4.20 Time Interval
and seemed likely to spell the end Beverley 1.20 Silky Wilkie 1.55 Golden War
of his 23-year career. 2.25 La Rav (nap) 3.00 Brando 3.35 Guilded
4.10 Captain Corelli 4.45 Possible Ambition
Russell returned to a hero’s 5.15 Carey Street
welcome after winning on an Warwick 2.10 All Clenched Up 2.45 Sir Tivo
odds-on shot and followed up on a 3.20 Isthebaropen 3.55 Quartz Du Rheu
14-1 chance at Listowel on Sunday, 4.30 Armattiekan 5.00 Lutinebella
Newcastle 4.50 Act Of Magic (nb) 5.20 Seven
his only ride. Both were trained by For A Pound 5.50 Thriller’s Moon 6.20 Sea King
Elliott, who had made a more low- 6.50 Lucayan 7.20 El Hadeeyah 7.50 Secret Daay
key return a few days earlier. 8.20 Tamaska
••• The Guardian Tuesday 21 September 2021

42 Sport
▼ Anthony Joshua in action against
Wladimir Klitschko in 2017
Rugby union potential inclusion. But it is under-
stood the coming get-together, which

Vunipola set begins on Sunday, will feature just

one training session with a heavy
focus on off-field activities.
to be left out Over the summer Jones handed
out 16 debuts in victories over the

of England
USA and Canada, with senior players
either away with the Lions or rested
in the cases of George Ford, Jonny

squad May and Vunipola.

A number of those youngsters
will be hopeful of being included
today with Freddie Steward chief
among them after an impressive
Gerard Meagher performance at full-back for Leices-
ter against Exeter on Saturday. How
many Jones retains, and whether he
Eddie Jones is set to usher in the next omits any more of the senior players
stage of England’s 2023 World Cup rested over the summer in addition
preparations when he names his first to Vunipola, will be indicative as to
squad of the new season today with his World Cup plans with what will
Billy Vunipola believed to be among be close to a full-strength squad of
the senior players whose places are around 45 marking the start of a new
in jeopardy. two-year cycle.
Vunipola was rested for England’s Jones also has a new-look coaching
summer Tests against the USA and staff in place with Richard Cockerill,
Canada, having been overlooked Martin Gleeson and Anthony Seibold
by the British & Irish Lions and has recently appointed following the
been struggling for his best form for departures of John Mitchell, Simon
some time. The 28-year-old played Amor and Jason Ryles. It is under-
all 80 minutes of Saracens’ impres- stood, however, that Seibold will not
sive opening victory against Bristol attend the training camp given the
on Friday night in front of Jones, but lengthy travel from Australia. Boxing you were doing. I drove home [from
the latest indications last night were Meanwhile, the director of per- Joshua’s training camp in Sheffield]
that he is likely to be a casualty today.
It would be a surprise given Vunipola
has come to be almost undroppable in
formance rugby Conor O’Shea has
acknowledged the Rugby Football
Union is powerless to stop England
Joshua expects Usyk going: ‘Bloody hell.’”
After the laughter faded Joshua
made a serious technical point. “It’s
Jones’s eyes, but the head coach has
come under increasing pressure to
explore other options at No 8.
losing players they have developed
to other nations due to dual nation-
ality. The Harlequins wing Louis
fight to be his toughest made me think about my position-
ing, my lead hand control. A lot of
people, when they fight southpaws,
Jones is, however, free to select
England’s British & Irish Lions con-
tingent despite the fact that they are
Lynagh excelled towards the end
of the season and scored twice in
the Premiership final but was not
since facing Klitschko don’t realise the importance of the
jab. But the jab is so important.”
Joshua nodded when I asked if
currently in the middle of a 10-week selected by Jones over the summer. there was a testing psychological
rest period following the series defeat The 20-year-old is also eligible to play dimension to this fight because,
by South Africa. It means Jones can for Italy and Australia. London 2012, with Usyk fighting a despite their difference in size and
select players such as Marcus Smith,
Champion says title defence division below Joshua. Since then heavyweight experience, Usyk will
who made his debut over the summer against unbeaten Ukrainian Usyk has compiled an 18-0 record and step into the ring believing he can
before being whisked away with the ‘definitely ranks up there’ in 2018 he became one of boxing’s win. “Definitely. As you said, physical
Lions, as well as his captain Owen rare unified champions by winning all advantage is one thing, but it doesn’t
Farrell. But while he is expected to four cruiserweight belts. He relishes make the world’s tallest man heavy-
select the majority of the 13 who Donald McRae fighting in front of big crowds. Sixty weight champion of the world. He’s
toured South Africa, there are likely thousand fans will be crammed into coming into the ring confident. But so
to be some who are absent. Elliot Daly the stadium on Saturday but Usyk, am I. You know boxing. You have to be
is also expected to miss out but it is Anthony Joshua has suggested his 34, has won his three biggest fights aggressive and beat that confidence
believed his absence would be injury world heavyweight title defence in hostile territory. Joshua, 31, cannot out of your opponent. He’s confident,
related. Eddie Jones is preparing against Oleksandr Usyk at Totten- rely just on his size and power against his team are confident but I feel like
Last summer there were an alarm- for a three-day training ham Hotspur Stadium on Saturday such a bold and assured technician. it’s easy to watch me on YouTube.
ing number of injuries suffered at camp in Teddington could be his most difficult fight since He stressed again that he has taken When you are in front of someone
England camps, which may raise he beat Wladimir Klitschko in an epic special measures to prepare for his it’s a completely different ball game.
eyebrows over the Lions’ players battle in April 2017. southpaw challenger. “It’s not just “He’s done well at heavyweight.
“It definitely ranks up there,” about training to get fit. It’s about The difference is that when Evander
Joshua said. “The biggest threat he training to get better, putting yourself Holyfield came up from cruiser-
ATP MOSELLE OPEN (Metz) brings to me is probably the southpaw in a vulnerable situation and finding weight he had six fights at heavy-
Results First round: L Sonego (It) M Fucsovics (Hun) 6-3 6-2;
V Pospisil (Can) bt G Barrere (Fr) 6-3 6-4; N Basilashvili
stance. He’s fought many men that out who you are. When Eddie Hearn weight before he fought for the cham-
(Geo) bt G Mager (It) 6-3 7-6 (5) are orthodox and he’s used to seeing [his promoter] came up here he saw pionship. That was against Buster
Cycling guys like me throughout his career. me spar and I was only allowed to Douglas [who had just beaten Mike
ROAD WORLD CHAMPIONSHIPS (Leuven, Belgium) “I’ve only trained for him the use my left hand. I sparred 12 rounds Tyson in 1990]. Usyk has fought two
Women: Time trial (Knokke-Heist - Bruges; 30.3km) last three months. But, during my just with my left hand, which is really heavyweights. So he’s jumping in
1 E van Dijk (Neth) 36min 05sec; 2 M Reusser (Swi) +0:10sec;
Football 3 A van Vleuten (Ned) +0:24; 4 A Leone Neben (US) +1:24; training for a southpaw, I’ve learnt challenging against a southpaw. The deeper here. It’s fair to swim deep,
SCOTTISH CUP 5 L Brennauer (Ger) +1:30; 6 J Labous (Fr) +1:47; 7 L Klein where my feet need to be and how to sparring partners are allowed to do rather than tread water, because you
(Ger) +1:52; 8 J Lowden (GB) +2:00; 9 R Markus (Neth) at
First round Berwick Rangers 2 Gretna 2008 1
same time; 10 A Amialiusik (Blr) +2:19; 11 L Kirchmann (Can) control a southpaw. He’s had years of whatever they want but I’m only can still get caught in a current and
LA LIGA +2:35; 12 E Cecilie Joergensen (Den) +2:43 listening to these southpaws beating allowed to use my left hand. So it was drown anyway. You might as well
Barcelona 1 Granada 1
Fixtures up orthodox fighters and I’ve got to good, deep practice.” just jump in the deep end and try and
Football (7.45pm unless stated) reverse the trend and be an orthodox Hearn, who was listening to the survive. So good luck to him.
Udinese 0 Napoli 4
Carabao Cup fighter who beats up a southpaw.” conversation, joked: “Thank God “Even though it’s not Tyson Fury,
Cricket Third round Brentford v Oldham; Burnley v Rochdale;
Fulham v Leeds; Man City v Wycombe; Norwich v Liverpool; Unlike Joshua, who lost his world you told me that. I wondered what it’s still a great fight. I’m up against
INDIAN PREMIER LEAGUE Preston v Cheltenham; QPR v Everton; Sheffield Utd v heavyweight titles to Andy Ruiz Jr an opponent that makes me want to
Abu Dhabi RC Bangalore 92 (AD Russell 3-9; Southampton; Watford v Stoke; Wigan v Sunderland
Sky Bet League One Crewe v Morecambe; Gillingham v in June 2019, Usyk remains unde- get up in the morning because I want
‘The biggest threat
V Chakravarthy 3-13). Kolkata KR 94-1 (S Gill 48).
Charlton; Portsmouth v Plymouth
Kolkata beat Bangalore by nine wickets.
Sky Bet League Two Crawley Town v Harrogate Town
feated. Joshua regained his belts in to improve. There’s a lot of talk about
Tennis the rematch six months later but size – good big guy beats good little
he brings to me
Women’s World Cup Qualifiers Luxembourg v England
(7.15pm); Scotland v Faroe Islands (7.35pm)
WTA OSTRAVA OPEN (Czech Republic) memories of that solitary loss in eight guy. But if that’s the case, why am I
is probably the
First round: A Kontaveit (Est) bt S Cirstea (Rom) 6-4 6-4; Cricket (10.30am unless stated)
A Potapova (Rus) bt C Garcia (Fr) 6-2 7-6 (6); M Linette LV= Insurance County Championship (first day of four) years as a professional remind him waking up in the morning to train?
(Pol) bt O Dodin (Fr) 6-2 7-6 (3); S Sorribes Tormo (Sp) bt Division One Lancashire v Hampshire, Aigburth; that heavyweight boxing is always Why am I sitting in ice baths? Because
A Zakharova (Rus) 6-3 6-3; P Badosa Gibert (Sp) bt
V Gracheva (Rus) 6-2 6-2
Nottinghamshire v Yorkshire, Trent Bridge; Warwickshire v
Somerset, Edgbaston. Division Two Essex v freighted with risk. He seems deter- southpaw stance’ I’m fighting a good guy. I’m looking
ATP ASTANA OPEN (Kazakhstan)
Northamptonshire, Chelmsford; Gloucestershire v Durham, mined not to underestimate the forward to the challenge.”
Bristol; Surrey v Glamorgan, The Oval. Division Three Kent
First round: T Skatov (Kaz) bt A Seppi (It) 7-6 (3) 4-6 6-1; v Middlesex, Canterbury; Sussex v Derbyshire, Hove; Ukrainian even though this will be
J Munar (Sp) bt J Vesely (Cz) 6-3 7-6 (6); L Djere (Ser) bt Worcestershire v Leicestershire, Worcester
Third Women’s One-Day International
Usyk’s third fight as a heavyweight. Anthony Joshua Book Joshua v Usyk at
D Elahi Galan (Col) 6-4 3-6 6-4; M Kecmanovic (Ser) bt
F Verdasco (Sp) 6-4 6-2 England v New Zealand, Grace Road (1pm) Both men won Olympic gold at Heavyweight champion
Tuesday 21 September 2021 The Guardian •

Sport 43


England Women physio, strength and conditioning,

all that then has to elevate with it,”
On Friday England defeated North
Macedonia 8-0 in the first game of Liverpool line
Wiegman opposes plan she said.
Stokes has seen the impact
international tournaments can
Wiegman’s reign and a first competi-
tive fixture since the Women’s World
Cup in 2019. It was not the only large
up ‘diamond’
for biennial World Cups have on club football, with City
shouldering a huge number of inju-
ries primarily among players who
margin of victory in the first round
of European qualifying, with Aus-
tria beating Latvia 8-1, Spain and
Gordon for bow
competed with Team GB at the Norway putting 10 past the Faroe
Olympics. Lucy Bronze, Keira Walsh, Islands and Armenia respectively
include managers and players in its Ellie Roebuck, Steph Houghton, and Germany beating Bulgaria 7-0. Andy Hunter
Suzanne Wrack consultations. Fifa has said it will Lauren Hemp, Caroline Weir, Ellen Wiegman said those kinds of results
hold an online summit with football White and Georgia Stanway have, or were not ideal and that there had to
associations next Thursday. have had, injuries requiring varying be discussions on “what’s best to get Kaide Gordon is in contention to
The England Women manager, “I hope that all the stakeholders levels of treatment. the women’s game to a higher level”, make his Liverpool debut tonight,
Sarina Wiegman, has cautioned will be asked and that they will take “We want to put on good perfor- with pre-qualifiers an option. with the assistant manager, Pepijn
against plans for a biennial World some advice from them, and coaches mances and play good football and “It’s hard,” she said. “These Lijnders, describing the 16-year-old
Cup because of the toll it would take with international experience are I think in order to do that you have teams are developing and what as one of “many diamonds” on the
on players. stakeholders and we should be part to have the full package of making you want to do is develop women’s pathway to the first team.
“I wouldn’t do it,” the former of that discussion, and we know sure a player is mentally, physically, football worldwide, and also in The winger has made a major
Netherlands head coach said before the players: players are stakeholders recovered to go again,” said Stokes. Europe of course, but the difference impression since joining Liverpool
her team’s second 2023 Women’s too,” she said. “At some point you will break down if between qualities now is actually from Derby in February and has been
World Cup qualifier, in Luxembourg, The England full-back Demi Stokes you keep going and going and going.” huge and it’s not very competitive named in Jürgen Klopp’s squad for
tonight. “It’s not very good for the echoed Wiegman’s misgivings. “The when you win 8-0 … Countries that the Carabao Cup third-round tie at
players, for their welfare. welfare of players physically but are lower-ranked need help with Norwich. The 18-year-old midfielder
“When you have all these tourna- most of all mentally is important,” ‘I wouldn’t do it. developing programmes, maybe Conor Bradley is another youngster
ments [World Cups, Olympics and the Manchester City player said. something grassroots. in the travelling party, with Liverpool
Euros] every year, where are the “When you come back from a tour- It’s not very good “I don’t know the situation in all poised to make wholesale changes.
players going to get some rest? Where
are they going to recover from a very
nament, whether it’s been success-
ful or unsuccessful, it is very taxing
for the players, for the countries, but projects at the
grassroots and involving top-level
Gordon made one senior appear-
ance for his home-town club before
intense football year every year? and very draining.” their welfare’ competitions, all those things that moving to Anfield for an undisclosed
Players are not robots.” Stokes said if the change were make the gap closer or tighter. That compensation fee. He impressed
Wiegman, who said that Leah made it would be important that takes time but now the top coun- Klopp when called into the senior
Williamson would continue as cap- resources were put in to support Sarina Wiegman tries have improved so much so the ranks for pre-season training, starting
tain in the absence of the injured players through the increasingly England Woman manager gap has become a little bigger than the friendly win against Osasuna at
Steph Houghton, urged Fifa to intense schedule. “Welfare of players, we hoped.” Anfield, and Lijnders has described
how the winger instantly caught his
 Alex eye this summer.
Greenwood “Before pre-season we make
volleys the sure our biggest talents start a week
ball during earlier than we do,” he said. “They
an England start with the under-23s so I went
training session to the under-23s training ground
yesterday and I saw one player who had fire in
RYAN PIERSE/GETTY each moment he touches the ball.
He passes players like they are not
standing there. I called Jürgen and
said: ‘We have a new player here.’
“We take all these young players
to pre-season and when do you know
you have a good player around you?
It is when the senior players start
taking care of this young player. So
when you see James Milner speaking
with Kaide, when you see Trent
[Alexander-Arnold] becoming like
a proper mentor to him, when you
see all the boys invite him to sit at the
table, that made it good for him to
adapt to our team and our style.
“He has a goal in him and he has
this natural ability to be in the box
between the posts to score even when
a cross comes from the opposite side.
He is a typical Liverpool Football Club
winger in my opinion because he has
goals and speed. We really like him.”
Lijnders insists it is essential that
Liverpool show their academy pros-
pects there is a route to the first team

Rodríguez in Qatar for talks but an alternative is the Middle East.

The Qatar club Al Rayyan have been
reported as a possible destination,
despite the risk to the prospects of
winning the Carabao Cup. “With one
player we push, we inspire the entire
over move from Everton although negotiations are at an early
academy, so we have to keep the logic
of the inside pathway. One, because
The playmaker missed the start we win players and, two, because we
of Benítez’s debut season at Everton become a better team because young
the 30-year-old’s decision to join with Covid issues but has been players will never let you down.”
Andy Hunter Everton on an initial two-year con- overlooked since returning to full
tract worth in the region of £200,000 training. He scored six goals in 26
a week. appearances for the club last season,
James Rodríguez has travelled to Rodríguez has yet to feature under when a highly impressive start was
Qatar for talks over a possible move Rafael Benítez this season and was disrupted by injury.
from Everton 12 months after his informed early in the summer that Everton visit Queens Park Rangers
arrival from Real Madrid. he was free to find another club as in the Carabao Cup this evening
The Colombia international’s Everton went about reducing their when they could be again without
future at Goodison Park has been wage bill. Richarlison, Dominic Calvert-Lewin,
uncertain since Carlo Ancelotti sur- Potential moves to Porto and Istan- Séamus Coleman and Jordan Pick-
prisingly returned to Madrid in June. bul Basaksehir failed to materialise ▲ James Rodríguez has not ford. All four missed Saturday’s 3-0 ▲ Winger Kaide Gordon joined
Ancelotti had been instrumental in during the European transfer window featured for Everton this season loss at Aston Villa through injury. Liverpool from Derby in February
• The Guardian Tuesday 21 September 2021

44 Sport
Football Carabao Cup third round

Footgolf and vegan tarts

Preparing for City
the Wycombe way
Richard Dobson, leads a shooting
A visit to Wycombe’s drill for the forwards.
training ground shows Thompson played at Notts
thoroughness, fun and County alongside an 18-year-old
humility as they prepare Jack Grealish, who helped the club
avoid relegation to League Two
for a Carabao Cup
p visit on the final day. “He would go
to Manchester City,
ity, past one, two, three players, slow
writes Ben Fisher
er down and then go past another,”
Thompson recalls. “He would come
in off the left and do his bits, as
he does now. Jack especially did a
t is 10.30am on Thursday, the lot for us that season of the ‘Great

morning after Manchester Escape’.” Did Grealish wear petite
City put six goals past shin pads then too? “Yes, and he
RB Leipzig, but at Wycombe still had the massive calves.”
Wanderers’ training ground As the players decide whether
the focus is not on their to have chicken or a vegan tart
glamour trip to the Etihad Stadium for lunch, outside a net bulges.
tonight but their next League One “That’s our CFO,” says Ainsworth,
opponents. Downstairs the kit man, as the chief financial officer, Pete
Steve Vaux, is applying the Carabao Couhig, in jeans and trainers,
Cup logo to the sleeves of the away leathers in a volley from a cross
kits but upstairs Gareth Ainsworth by the B team head coach, Sam
has the attention of his players Grace. The end of training is the
as he runs through some clips of cue for eight coaches, and Couhig,
Charlton Athletic. nephew of the chairman, Rob, to
An hour later Ainsworth drags a have some fun. “Let’s have a bit of
goal into place in preparation for an ‘Quadrant’,” says Ainsworth. They
XI v XI game, which he occasionally play this game of, in effect, foot golf
halts to make a point. “If you let – “par 24, it should be three shots a
him turn on the ball there, bloody hole,” Wates says, deadpan – every
hell we’ll be in all sorts,” he says, day after training, with the aim of
urging the centre-backs Anthony kicking the ball into each corner.
Stewart and Ryan Tafazoli to get Ben Sayers, the GPS analyst, and
tight when on halfway. Couhig contest a play-off to decide
Making mental notes from the loser or, in other words, who
the sidelines is Dr Misia Gervis, has to get teas and coffees in.
the sports psychologist, while Getting the drinks in is easy since
the analyst Josh Hart films from a coffee machine replaced a kettle
a scaffold tower. Gone are the in the canteen, one of the smaller
days of Hart and David Wates, the improvements at the training base,
head of sports science, making with new pitches and changing
up the numbers as defenders in rooms part of a summer facelift.
practice matches, as they did “We joked with Rob [Couhig], the
on the eve of promotion to the owner, in pre-season and said:
Championship. ‘We’d love a coffee machine,’” the
Training begins with a passing goalkeeper David Stockdale says.
exercise and an attack v defence “He said: ‘Right, beat Accrington
drill, which is a couple of minutes first game, we’ll get you one.’
old when Curtis Thompson rifles Me being me, I emailed him and
in a shot. Ainsworth encourages said: ‘When’s it coming, Rob?’”
his players “to get in the boiling Stockdale breaks into laughter.
pot” adding: “We can’t hang out “When you have a squad spirit like
on the edge of the box waiting to us, everyone is involved.”
hit a worldie.” Stockdale is speaking as Lisa
Garath McCleary whips in a Bowker, a volunteer, strims
delicious ball – “early crosses the bushes. Rob Couhig, who
will kill teams” – before Brandon completed his takeover in
Hanlan slips in Daryl Horgan with February 2020, arrived from
a neat reverse pass. “Superb,” his New Orleans a few hours earlier.
manager says. The bulk of the He is paying for a coach load of
squad head in after the practice office staff to travel to the game
game but the assistant manager, tonight and all injured players will
attend. Wycombe took Tottenham
to the wire in the FA Cup in January,
‘Jack Grealish did when José Mourinho resorted to
a lot for us that introducing the cavalry from the
bench, but given Wycombe were
season of the Great 21st in League Two the last time
City lost a League Cup match,
Escape – and he still in October 2016, they are hardly
had massive calves’ expecting a picnic. “We’re going to
have to score a couple at half-time,”
Tuesday 21 September 2021 The Guardian •

▼ Wycombe’s staff get involved in
footgolf (top) before showing their
serious side in training this week

Taking the knee ‘losing a bit

of strength’, says Alonso
but, of course, if I have to speak to
David Hytner anyone, I will say the same that I
just told you and I don’t think there
will be any problems. For now, I pre-
Marcos Alonso says he has stopped fer to point to the sleeve and that’s
taking the knee before matches this what I will do.”
season because he feels the power Taking the knee has been wrongly
of the action has been diluted. The construed by some matchgoing
Chelsea wing-back has chosen fans as a political gesture and it
instead to stand and point at the has been booed inside English sta-
anti-racism message on the sleeve diums, including Wembley before
of his shirt. England games at Euro 2020. It was
▲ Manchester City have won the Carabao Cup for four successive seasons Alonso was asked to explain his also booed before the national team
TOM FLATHERS/MANCHESTER CITY FC VIA GETTY IMAGES thinking after Chelsea’s 3-0 win at played in Hungary and Poland this
Tottenham on Sunday and, although month. The England manager, Gareth
Stockdale says, laughing. “You still win then.’ I was like: ‘Right, which he did not go into detail, he made Southgate, has repeatedly said the
never know. Records are meant to shirts do you want?’” clear he believes there is a better way meaning behind the action could not
be broken.” It is 4pm and time for Ainsworth to make the point than by kneeling. be clearer – and that it has nothing to
Wycombe continue to make and Hart to study training. In “I just prefer to do it this way,” do with politics.
impressive strides under Ainsworth Ainsworth’s office is his bass guitar Alonso said. “It’s my way to do it. I Alonso was booed on Sunday, as
but the gulf to City remains huge, and on the wall a record of The think it’s another way. And maybe he tends to be by Spurs supporters,
even if both teams boast a “tunnel Wanderer, which his band the I think it’s losing a bit of strength the although it was only fuel for him,
club”. In the gym, Tjay de Barr, Cold Blooded Hearts, of which other way. So I just prefer to do it this as he and Chelsea maintained their
nicknamed “the Gibraltar Tevez” he is the lead singer, released a way and to show I am fully supportive excellent start. Alonso has been an
by teammates, is among those cover of in 2019. They are due of fighting against racism. ever-present, keeping Ben Chilwell
doing strength rehabilitation to release their first album next “I am fully against racism and I’m on the sidelines, and Chelsea are
work. De Barr equalised on debut spring, produced by Geoff Downes, against every type of discrimination. unbeaten and joint-top of the Premier
against Stevenage in the previous who wrote Video Killed the Radio I just prefer to put my finger to the League with Liverpool. They face
round to set up a shootout, in Star and, Ainsworth says, is one badge where it says: ‘No to racism’, Manchester City at Stamford Bridge
which he scored the decisive of the greatest keyboard players like they do in some other sports and on Saturday.
penalty, before celebrating with of all time. “This is not Waddle- football in other countries. I prefer to “To be booed when you play away
Pete Couhig who, standing among Hoddle or an England anthem,” do it this way and, of course, to say – it’s music to my ears,” Alonso said.
fans on the terraces, embraced he says. “I came out of the studio very clearly that I am against racism “It might be because I have scored
the striker. For now, De Barr and he said, ‘You sound a bit Neil and I respect everybody.” a few goals against them [Spurs]
drives a Toyota plastered with Diamond-ish’ and that was good The Crystal Palace winger Wilfried and I think they maybe have these
the Wycombe crest and lives with enough for me, although I’d have Zaha stopped taking the knee in March memories in their head when I touch
Michael, the stadium chef. preferred Jim Morrison.” because he felt it was “degrading”, the ball. I love it and even more when
Paying the Premier League his parents having taught him to we get the three points and we play
f anything reinforces the champions and Pep Guardiola stand tall and be proud of being black. like we did.”

humility, it is Ainsworth a visit is an occasion not lost on Zaha has argued that the action has Is it a bad idea for opposition fans
and his staff counting the Ainsworth, who acknowledges become more of a ritual, its meaning to jeer Alonso? “I think during the
balls in before heading “everyone in the world expects increasingly lost. Moreover, he does game, they were more and more
inside. Ten minutes later Man City to pummel Wycombe”. not feel it has had the desired impact quiet and we were playing better and
Matt Bloomfield, a player- Tonight he will swap the Nike in changing behaviours. better, so I don’t know,” he replied,
coach, returns from the stinging Premiers for cowboy boots and Alonso, who did take the knee with a smile.
nettles with the missing ball and concedes the first touchline battle last season as part of the drive to
the marks to prove it before a will be in the fashion stakes. raise awareness of racial discrimi-
meeting with Gervis, Dobson and “I would love to get a little nation and social injustice, said that
three players. “I think counting the conversation at the end with he had not discussed his stance with
balls in is something I will always Pep. I can speak a little bit of his teammates.
do,” Ainsworth says. “They are broken Spanish so I’m hoping I “We haven’t talked about it,”
£40 or £50 a pop, so if I’m asking can impress him with that,” says Alonso said. “We are in the changing
the chairman to help me out Ainsworth, whose partner, Donna, room and we are like a family. I
financially with the budget, I’m is Venezuelan. have a very good relationship with
going to do my best on the other “I would love to be able to just everyone. I love everyone and, up
side. We’re never, ever going to be take one snippet away from who to now, we haven’t talked about ▲ Marcos Alonso said he had not
too big for our boots.” I consider to be one of the top five it. I don’t think there is a need to discussed his stance with teammates
Stockdale did not see City managers of all time. It is going to
demolish Leipzig – “sometimes bee awesome.”
it is better not to watch them put Dowden. He said the government
six past somebody else and then Football would be willing to take “bold
worry” – but his son, Billy, took steps” to improve football
in the third-round draw. “It came
In brief governance. Dorries replaced
out that Man City [would play at Dowden at the Department of
home] and he was like: ‘Oooh, Digital, Culture, Media and Sport
wouldn’t that be good?’ It came Football (DCMS) as part of last week’s
on that it would be us. He ran cabinet reshuffle. PA Media
around the room, gave me a list Dorries urged to stick
of players’ shirts to get and how with regulator plans Football
many autographs he wanted. I said:
‘I’m not sure I can do that for you, Nadine Dorries, the new culture
Barnet sack Kewell and
son, you need to be realistic here.’ Gareth secretary, has been urged to retain Butler after poor start
He was like: ‘All right then, just Ainsworth, the government’s commitment to
the manager an independent football regulator Barnet have sacked head coach
in a letter signed by more than 100 Harry Kewell and his assistant Paul
‘I would love to get supporters’ groups. The fan-led Butler. Kewell was appointed in
review into football governance June having previously managed
a little conversation chaired by Tracey Crouch MP will Crawley, Notts County and
at the end with Pep, be published next month and Oldham. Barnet are second-bottom
she suggested the government of the National League with two
to just take one should establish a regulator in points. Barnet’s head of football,
recommendations in a July letter Dean Brennan, will take charge on a
snippet away’ to the then culture secretary Oliver temporary basis. PA Media
••• The Guardian Tuesday 21 September 2021

46 Sport
Golf Ryder Cup countdown

‘You’re playing
the fans as well
represent Europe for a week every “I looked that way after JT beat even though I was part of a great
two years possibly feel antipathy me because I had not put a point on match.
towards their adopted home? the board for the team. Going in to “The match with JT was great
Perfectly easily, as it transpires. Hazeltine in 2016, I was very proud too but to be beaten on the last hole
McIlroy expanded on his “best of my singles record. both times, in a Ryder Cup? That’s

as the team’ country” remark by pointing to the

convenience of life for someone in
his “fortunate” sporting position.
McIlroy admires this “land of
“I hadn’t lost in three and had
two really good wins over Rickie
Fowler and Keegan Bradley. Losing
to Patrick there was tough to take
tough to take. You are put out in
a position, up in the order, to put
blue on the board and I didn’t do
that. But it doesn’t at all mean that
opportunity.” Yet one glance at
his face upon his singles defeat to
Rory McIlroy believes home Justin Thomas at Le Golf National Ticket to Ryder
in 2018 or his hulk-like demeanour
advantage is an ever-growing when losing narrowly to Patrick
influence, but that might not Reed in the same format two years
be such a bad thing
ing earlier reveals someone who can
very easily turn against the star-
spangled banner. The Ryder Cup is
Ewan Murray not the cosy domain of those who
frequent the coffee shops of West
Whistling Straits Palm Beach.
“One hundred per cent, oh yes,”
McIlroy says when asked whether
hen Rory competitiveness comes easily

McIlroy used to him. “You are part of a team,
a devilish playing against another team. The
pre-Masters competitor comes out in you.
question about “I could be playing against my
voting rights best friend and you put that aside
to call the United States “the best because the competitor in you just
country in the world” it was easy wants to win. Justin is one of the
to sense another blow to the once- guys I’m closest to out here and I
ferocious rivalry that existed in the ▲ McIlroy shows his dejection at was dejected when he beat me. You ▲ Shane Lowry, Bernd Wiesberger, Tommy Fleetwood, captain Padraig
Ryder Cup. How could McIlroy and losing his singles match to Justin want to win, you want to do it for Harrington, Tyrrell Hatton and Lee Westwood at Heathrow yesterday
the other residents of Florida who Thomas at the last Ryder Cup your team. ANDREW REDDINGTON/GETTY IMAGES
Tuesday 21 September 2021 The Guardian •••


◀ Rory McIlroy reacts to a jibe from only Kim definitely did exist – to Anthony and got on well with
an American fan at Le Golf National
in the 2018 Ryder Cup in France
Anthony Kim the point where Nike latched on to
a potential global star.
him so I wasn’t intimidated but I
knew how good he was,” he says.
The Ryder Free-spirited play and a
penchant for a party meant Kim
“I always thought he was a world
No 1 in waiting.
after that you don’t go back out
and cheer the boys on as much as Cup hero brought some much needed
movie-star appeal to a world of
“Anthony didn’t have a
weakness. His mentality was like
possible.” chinos and polite applause. “I miss he was already No 1 in the world.
There is concern in some
quarters that home wins are
who vanished Anthony Kim,” Rory McIlroy said in
2019. “The tour was a better place
He had every shot, there wasn’t
one he was ever scared of taking
becoming too much the norm in the
Ryder Cup. Europe have won once ▲ Bryson DeChambeau and Brooks
from sight with him in it. He was exciting.”
The occasionally mischievous
on. He could produce ridiculously
low rounds. He just had it all. He
in the US since 2008. “It’s going to Koepka are unlikely to play together McIlroy appreciates those who was cocky but in a nice way, a good
go more and more like that,” says refuse to bow to convention but guy to be around.”
McIlroy. “It’s becoming tougher to
win on the road as it becomes more
partisan. You are not just playing
Stricker insists Ewan Murray
Whistling Straits
beyond that he was simply aware
of Kim’s ability. Kim won three
times on the PGA Tour between
Wilson, then in the world’s top
50, subsequently encountered
struggles. The scale of delight
the other team, you are playing the
fans and especially this year where
DeChambeau ugust 2011. A second
2008 and 2010; this was a player
with substance.
throughout the game as he won
the Dunhill Links Championship
and Koepka rift
European fans cannot travel. That round of 71 is not The Ryder Cup provides scope of 2014 endorsed how popular the
keeps it interesting in the sense sufficient for Anthony to reflect. In 2008, Kim was a Englishman was and is. Wilson’s
that a road win feels much more
meaningful.” is a ‘non-issue’ Kim to make the
cut at the US PGA
boisterous member of the US
team that dismantled Europe at
current battle is to retain his
European Tour card, one he will
Championship, but Valhalla. Kim trounced Sergio surely relish. Kim, remarkably, has
ádraig Harrington, falling short by one appears far García 5&4 in the opening match no footprint in golf whatsoever.

Europe’s captain, has from disastrous. Kim, 26, had tied of the Sunday singles, setting the
floated the idea of a Ewan Murray fifth at the Open Championship a tone for those in stars and stripes. oulter, despite the

neutral course setup. “If Whistling Straits few weeks earlier demonstrating A day earlier, while supporting his pair’s spat, echoes
you want away teams the versatility that had earned him teammates in the fourball session, Wilson’s sentiment.
to have a better chance Steve Stricker, the US Ryder Cup third place in the 2010 Masters. Kim body-checked a visibly irate “He was a great player,
to win it’s a good idea but I do captain, has declared the Bryson At Augusta National in Ian Poulter. “I explained my dislike an incredible player.
think there is such a thing as home DeChambeau versus Brooks Koepka 2009, Kim had birdied 11 holes of the situation to him … in so many There haven’t been
advantage,” McIlroy says. “Most dispute a “non-issue” ahead of this in a single round. With Tiger words,” Poulter said last week. Kim many young talents at that level
other sports have that so there is no weekend’s event at Whistling Straits. Woods wilting, Kim appeared a was, at that point, ranked in the to completely fall by the wayside.
reason that shouldn’t happen in the Stricker revealed he has received legitimate successor to the throne world’s top 10. We can all play the ‘what if’
Ryder Cup.” promises from the pair that linger- and one who could have done so Henrik Stenson, so unimpressed scenario but, genuinely, where
When McIlroy was starting out ing and mutual antipathy will be left much to break down barriers as a with Nick Faldo’s pairings would Anthony Kim be today if he
on his career in Europe, Harrington aside as the US seek to reclaim the Korean American. pontification at Valhalla, took it didn’t jack it in?
was winning majors and making trophy from Europe. Yet Atlanta Athletic Club and upon himself to tell the captain “It’s bizarre, it’s a shame.
regular playing appearances on this “It’s a non-issue, really, for me the final major of 2011 proved a he would play alongside the Even though he was a feisty
side of the Atlantic. The pair have and the team,” Stricker said. “We got key moment in the story of Kim. English rookie Oliver Wilson in character and we had that run-in,
less of a connection, therefore, together a few weeks ago and I’ve had He has not appeared in one of the the Saturday foursomes. Kim and you miss competing against
than McIlroy had with Darren conversations with them both. They big four individual events since. Phil Mickelson, who had seen off people like that.”
Clarke or Graeme McDowell. Yet have assured me it’s not going to be an Given a decade has now passed, Padraig Harrington and Graeme So what happened? It is
Harrington is full of enthusiasm issue. I have no worries whatsoever.” it is safe so assume he will not McDowell a day earlier, lay in easy – fun, even – to portray
about McIlroy’s behind-the-scenes Stricker unsurprisingly admitted it again. Kim’s absence has proved wait. At four down after six holes Kim’s disappearance as some
contribution to this Ryder Cup. The is highly unlikely that DeChambeau more fascinating than his spell – Europe’s pair were level par – great mystery. The reality, as far
respect is mutual. and Koepka, who have traded public inside the ropes. Golf’s answer to Stenson regretted his intervention. as anyone is aware, is that Kim
“Pádraig is very smart, very blows throughout 2021, will form an the Loch Ness monster, if you like, Europe, though, rallied to win was the holder of a lucrative
analytical,” says McIlroy. “Captains on-course partnership in Wisconsin. the match to ensure a memorable insurance policy. Depending on
are made by who they have around “Will we pair them together? I don’t debut session for Wilson. your perspective, he was either
them as well. It’s not just the think so at this point but things could Having beaten Kim before, he prevented from playing by a series
captain making the decisions, it’s change,” said Stricker. was far from overawed but fully of injuries or was given the option
the vice-captain and other people “Could always happen but appreciative of his status. “I had of not having to play after the
around the team. But the captain probably not. Again, I had a dinner; played quite a bit of golf with injuries took hold.
sets the tone for the week. they all showed up. We had great Kim’s last post-round media
“For the first few days, it’s about conversation, great talks. So I’m not appearance was at the Arnold
getting across how you want the seeing it as an issue at all and they are Palmer Invitational in 2012,
week to feel for your team. Thomas completely on board.” where he discussed a hole in one.
Bjørn did a very good job of that in Stricker had cause to have fur- He underwent achilles surgery
Paris and Pádraig was a part of that ther discussion with Koepka after in June of that year and never
process so I’m sure he will want to comments from the world No 10 returned to the PGA Tour.
do something pretty similar.” appeared last week. Koepka hinted There have been snapshots,
It is difficult to know what at indifference towards the Ryder Cup which only add to the legend.
to make of McIlroy this season. environment, which he branded “a In early 2019, Kim was
Shortly after a coaching shake-up bit odd”. Stricker said: “I’ve talked approached by an eagle-eyed
he won for the 19th time on the PGA to him about it. I’ve had experiences fan in Hollywood while walking
Tour, at Quail Hollow in May. A tie with Brooks over many, many of his dog. Benjamin Bujnowski
for seventh at the US Open – where these teams, and the conversations reported Kim to be perfectly
McIlroy did threaten to win for that I have had with him and what amiable and approachable. When
a spell – and his role in a play-off I have personally seen in the team asked about the state of his game,
for bronze at the Olympics were room does not live up to what I was Kim said: “Nonexistent.”
subsequent highlights. However reading in those articles. Kim’s longtime coach, Adam
McIlroy’s wait for a major title “Again, I am not worried about Schriber, posted an Instagram
will lapse into an eighth year, an Brooks. He assures me he’s healthy. image from Dallas alongside his
extraordinary state of affairs for He assures me that he is 100% all-in one-time star pupil to kick off
someone of his talent. on this team and whatever he need to 2021 with the promise of “special”
It would be a mistake, though, to do for this team to become the winner things to come. Schriber could have
assume the 32-year-old places extra at the end of the week. I’m not wor- meant anything at all, or may have
emphasis on this environment after ried about Brooks at all and it’s been just been playing to an expectant
– by his standards – a low-key run. good talks and he’s ready to get down gallery, but Kim has not been
“It’s not about how you do as an and start playing.” presented in public since.
individual,” he says. Stricker confirmed Tiger Woods “I’m a pretty relaxed person, I
“It’s about what you do for the will not be on site this weekend as the ▶ Anthony like to have fun,” Kim said before
team. If you can help the team win 15-times major winner continues his Kim played a life took him down an alternative
that cup, that’s the most important recovery from a serious car accident. big part in the path. Will he watch this Ryder Cup?
thing. I have always said it; I would “I think it’s just not a good time for USA’s victory at Does he even know it is taking
happily go zero and five if it meant him to be here physically because of Valhalla in 2008 place? Still only 36, one of the
the team wins.” With the odd where he’s at in his rehabilitation,” HARRY HOW/GETTY greatest players in a generation is
associated grimace, that is. Stricker said. a forgotten man.
The Guardian
Give it a rest ‘Another way’ Tuesday 21 September 2021
Two-year World d Alonso stands
Cups would be alone as he
a toll on playerss stops taking
says Wiegman the knee
Page 43  Page 45 

‘It’s tough
to win on
the road’
Rory McIlroy on why the
partisan crowds at the
Ryder Cup make away
wins extra special

Exclusive interview
Page 46 


Pakistan fury
and anger in Pakistan, not least since
the tour was arranged last November
as a show of gratitude towards the
Big call
PCB after it sent its Test side to the UK Jones set to
England accused of ‘making during the Covid-affected summer
of 2020.
That series, during which the drop Vunipola
excuses’ after ditching tour
Pakistan players spent two months
in the strict biosecure bubbles at in England
Old Trafford and the Ageas Bowl,
helped the ECB to avoid losses
greater than the £16.5m deficit
eventually recorded. Pakistan’s
on 14 and 15 October before the to players who have operated in bub- men also returned this year, playing Page 42 
Ali Martin women’s side stayed on for three bles since the start of the pandemic. six white-ball matches despite a
one-day internationals. But it was Ramiz Raja, the former interna- Covid-19 outbreak forcing England
plunged into doubt on Friday when tional batsman who is now chair of to pick an entirely new squad.
England have been accused of New Zealand withdrew their men’s the Pakistan Cricket Board, tweeted: The ECB thanked its counterpart
“failing a member of their cricket team from the country in response “Disappointed with England, pulling for its support over the past two years
fraternity” and “making excuses” to a “specific” and “credible” secu- out of their commitment & failing a and said the governing body was “sin-
after cancelling next month’s tour of rity threat that was relayed to their member of their Cricket fraternity cerely sorry for the impact this will
Pakistan and citing mental wellbeing government by intelligence services. when it needed it most. Survive we have on cricket in Pakistan”. With
as one of the driving factors behind Yesterday the England and Wales will inshallah. A wake up call for Pak this came a promise to fulfil the full
the decision. Cricket Board confirmed the widely team to become the best team in the men’s tour that is scheduled for 2022
The short trip was to be England’s expected knock-on effect, calling off world for teams to line up to play and features both Test and limited-
first visit to Pakistan since 2005, fea- its tour citing “increasing concerns them without making excuses.” overs cricket.
turing two double-header men’s and about travelling to the region” and a Though expected, the decision was Explaining the decision
40 
women’s Twenty20s in Rawalpindi belief it would “add further pressure” always likely to be met with dismay to cancel this year’s visit,

Labour should approach its conference with hope Polly Toynbee, page 3 Daily
As car workers, we are fighting for green jobs Frank Duff y, page 4 life &
John Challis, hugely popular Only Fools and Horses star Obituaries, page 10 Inside

The Guardian Tuesday 21 September 2021

and ideas

The refugee
hen Angela Merkel steps around the “wir schaffen das” moment, both of ILLUSTRATION:
down as chancellor after which overstate the significance of her intervention MATT KENYON

Germany’s elections later and mischaracterise its effects. The populist right
this month, the tributes blames Merkel for prompting one of the largest

crisis created
will centre on her role as mass migrations in the continent’s recent history, a
the figurehead of western “catastrophic mistake”, as Trump later put it, that
liberalism; an island of would undermine Europe’s security and identity
stability, caution and through an overwhelming foreign intrusion.

two myths of
openness in an era marked by turbulence and far- Liberals, meanwhile, treat it as a triumph. Merkel’s
right reaction. She will be remembered “for serious stance, in this telling, held true to the values that
work, stable leadership and having a gift for political supposedly underpin the European project and
compromise”, wrote Ishaan Tharoor in the Washington showed that a crisis could be met with compassion.

Angela Merkel
Post last week. When she faced off against Donald In truth, Merkel’s contribution to Europe’s politics
Trump after his inauguration in 2017, some newspapers of immigration went much further, and her legacy is
dubbed her the new “leader of the free world”. far more mixed. As an investigation by Die Zeit has
Fundamental to this image is the intervention she shown, “wir schaffen das” did not, for the most part,
made in late summer 2015, at the height of Europe’s encourage migration: it acknowledged a reality that
Daniel refugee crisis. “Wir schaffen das” – we’ll manage this – already existed. The refugee crisis had been under way 
Trilling was Merkel’s public statement as thousands of people,
mainly from Syria, Iraq and Afghanistan, were making
for several months by the summer of 2015, with people
motivated to travel more by what was pushing them
Daniel Trilling
is the author
their way through Turkey, Greece and the Balkans from their homes than the reception they expected in of Lights in the
to western Europe. By declaring Germany – and, by Europe. Syrians, for instance, were facing a worsening Distance: Exile
extension, Europe – open to refugees, she was making conflict, decreasing food rations from and Refuge at
a bold, pragmatic statement of intent.
Yet two contradictory myths have grown up
aid agencies, and employment bans in
Lebanon and Turkey, where most Syrian  the Borders
of Europe
• The Guardian Tuesday 21 September 2021

The refugee crisis created
two myths of Angela Merkel
Daniel Trilling Founded 1821 Independently owned by the Scott Trust № 54,456
‘Comment is free… but facts are sacred’ CP Scott
 Continued from front

refugees have settled. When Germany Energy loath to admit that his shadow, Ed Miliband, was

 announced in September 2015, a few days

after Merkel’s speech, that it would keep
its borders open to refugees heading westwards from
right when he promoted “common ownership” of
key utilities. Mr Miliband also scored a direct hit
from across the dispatch box by reminding MPs that
the Keleti railway station in Budapest, people had Use the state to shield the when the privatised giant Centrica closed Britain’s
been travelling for months already. largest gas storage site in 2017 it left the country
What’s more, Europe’s “crisis” – the chaotic and public from a climate more dependent on imports and exposed to price
deadly arrival of people not just through Greece but
across the central Mediterranean from Africa – was crisis and price shocks shocks. The Tory government at the time defended
its actions saying the market knew best. Now, unlike
in large part a product of the continent’s border its European neighbours, Britain has limited buffer
policies, which had closed off safe routes to asylum There is a level of government complacency about stocks to stabilise volatile prices. Mr Miliband
and funnelled people into dangerous bottlenecks. energy price shocks. Ministers think the best course was making a valid point: gas privatisation had
Germany under Merkel, as the EU’s most powerful of action is to just accept them. Wholesale gas prices led to a lack of regulatory oversight and strategic
member, played a key role in creating the problem. It are now more than five times their level two years vulnerabilities.
helped to maintain a system in which border security ago, raising the prospect that household bills will rise There is a logic behind ministers’ reluctance
was given higher priority than refugee reception. by 12% next month. Shoppers could also face empty to elevate the present difficulties: if there’s no
Likewise, Merkel’s insistence on punitive austerity as supermarket shelves as it becomes unprofitable to crisis, there can be no crisis management. The
the solution to Europe’s earlier economic crisis fatally produce the dry ice and carbon dioxide needed to Conservative party has been in power for a decade,
weakened the capacity of frontline states such as store meat products. If the energy crunch continues, and it shows no sign of engineering, via industrial
Greece to respond to greater numbers of refugees at a industry warns, a 1970s-style three-day week might policy, a green transformation of the economy.

crucial moment. have to be introduced. Every move, rather, is in the opposite direction.
The government response has been familiar: deny Ministers are, in effect, saying that the climate
ven the moment of openness that “wir the problem, deflect responsibility for failure and emergency will be solved by the market and its
schaffen das” expressed was short- delay taking action. This strategy is a reminder of the institutions. There’s no sign of that happening.
lived, with Germany soon working importance of perceptions in a crisis. If something To protect the security of Britain’s energy supply
to rebuild and strengthen Fortress feels like a crisis, it is effectively a crisis. That is why ministers need to accelerate the provision of
Europe. By mid-September, Germany perhaps Kwasi Kwarteng, the business secretary, says domestic zero-carbon power. Instead they appear
had introduced temporary controls on there is “no question of the lights going out, of people to be slowing it down. Nowhere is this more obvious
its border with Austria, the beginning being unable to heat their homes”. But what if people than in the delay to produce a heat and buildings
of a process that would eventually cannot afford the energy costs to heat and light their strategy to deal with the 10m-plus draughty homes
see migration routes through south-eastern Europe homes? About 85% of the UK’s domestic heating comes that run on gas boilers. Greenhouse gas emissions
closed off. A few months later, Merkel was a leading from natural gas. Fuel poverty is a real issue, especially from homes are higher today than in 2015. But the
proponent of the 2016 deal that effectively trapped when millions of workers are facing cuts to universal installation of electrically powered heat pumps and
many refugees in Turkey, while Germany has done credit and a hike in national insurance. Price caps help loft insulation are running at rates less than 10%
nothing to challenge the EU’s authoritarian turn that poorer people afford necessities of life such as gas – but of what’s needed by 2025, says the UK’s climate
has made search and rescue in the Mediterranean there’s no sign that ministers think the hardship merits change committee. This while the government
almost impossible. Merkel may have been a bulwark more generous help. botched its £1.5bn green homes scheme, which
against far-right domination of European politics, but Mr Kwarteng also made it clear he did not favour prioritised economic stimulus over reducing
the price was to absorb some of the far right’s agenda the emergence of a state-backed energy company. Yet carbon dioxide. The UK’s net zero pledge is simply
on border control. this may be the inevitable consequence of a “supplier public relations without a coherent plan to reduce
Yet while Merkel did not radically alter the of last resort” that the government is setting up to pick emissions. A climate emergency is no place for the
European course of the crisis, she shifted the tone of up customers left stranded by the collapse of energy rigid application of free-market principles. A pity no
debate at a crucial moment. Fleeting as it was, this suppliers. The rightwing Tory business secretary is one has told ministers.
mattered. Its effects can be seen in the way German
society accommodated the 1.7 million people who
claimed asylum there between 2015 and 2019. Despite
the dire predictions from the right, this has been an Family broadly. Historically, pronatalist policies have been
undoubted success: as the Guardian’s own reporting linked to attempts to restrict female reproductive
has shown, more than half of those who arrived are in and other freedoms, most notably in Nazi Germany.
work and pay taxes, while more than 80% of refugee Such disturbing associations aside, discomfort
children say they feel as if they belong in Germany and Falling birthrates offer often accompanies the idea of official intrusion into
are welcome. The xenophobic backlash, playing on what we have been taught, in liberal democracies,
fears of crime or terrorism, is real, but it is something proof that we live in an to regard as a highly personal choice. What business
that can be – and is being – challenged.
Britain’s government makes an instructive alarmingly insecure world of the government is it whether we decide to have
one child, four children, or none? The SMF answers
comparison: even as it proclaims its generosity this question as tentatively as one might expect,
towards a small fraction of the people currently trying There are not many things that most people agree on. given its own centrist politics and the UK’s socially
to flee Afghanistan (the official scheme promises to But one is that it is a good thing if adults who want laissez-faire record in this area. But it concludes that
resettle 20,000 people over five years), this is drowned children are able to have them. This is the simple idea the economic effects of the demographic shift that the
out by its authoritarian posturing. The latest example at the heart of a new report from the Social Market UK is now going through merit further consideration.
of this, a promise to “turn around” migrant boats Foundation thinktank, which examines the case for Evidence from around the world suggests that
in the Channel, risks deadly consequences if it ever pronatalist policymaking in the UK in the context of if the committees recommended by this report are
comes to pass. The response to recent Afghan arrivals a falling birthrate, and recommends more research. convened, the climate crisis will figure much more
itself reveals the shoddiness of Britain’s asylum The Scottish government, the report says, already has prominently as an issue than it does here. One
system: why is it being left to volunteers and charities a population taskforce. recent survey found that four in 10 young people
to provide essentials such as clothes? So far so uncontroversial. The birthrate in England are hesitant about having children due to their
Ultimately, Merkel’s legacy tells us less about one and Wales stood at 1.58 in 2020, well below the 2.1 awareness of the growing risks of disastrous global
politician’s actions than about what can be done if required to replace the population (in Scotland, the heating. Along with this existential threat, and the
a society has the will to help people in need. That birthrate was 1.29). More than a quarter of the world’s fundamental lack of security and hopefulness about
is a collective effort. But the myths and symbols countries have explicitly pronatal policies, usually the future that it gives rise to, are more immediate
politicians trade in can enable such efforts, or destroy entailing financial incentives designed to encourage problems including the UK’s dysfunctional housing
them. In Britain, it often feels like the debate on people to have babies. While often associated with system, low wages and insecure employment, and
asylum is dominated by a competition to see who anti-immigrant rightwingers, such policies include a chronically underfunded childcare sector that is
can sound the toughest: between politicians who birth grants in Finland and variable tax rates in France, the third most expensive in the world.
enthusiastically push a hard-right agenda, and those as well as housing subsidies and other rewards in It is impossible to say definitively which of these
who purport to be liberals but take a tough stance Hungary and Poland. Pronatalism need not be the has contributed most to the decline in births. There
because they think it’s what the public wants. exclusive concern of nativist politicians seeking to is no reason why people should not discuss this.
This goes beyond the peculiar cruelties of our reverse population declines. But when funding cuts over the past decade have
current government: it is the product of years of That said, many socially liberal people, and led to a situation where nearly half of all families
xenophobia encouraged by the rightwing press, and particularly feminists, are suspicious of those who with three children or more live in poverty at the
will take a huge effort to unpick. But Merkel should advocate for larger families as public policy. Such goals moment, it seems fanciful to imagine that the
remind us, however inconsistent her actions might have long been seen as running counter to women’s government would exert itself to improve the life
have been in reality, that there is always an alternative. struggle for equality at work, and in public life more chances of babies who have not even been born.
Tuesday 21 September 2021 The Guardian •

Opinion 3

news clips
from a speech butter
few parsnips, but
the right note struck
incessantly does
filter through
vacancies in low-paid sectors are no replacement for
better jobs that have been lost, warns the Institute
for Fiscal Studies. The end of the furlough scheme
and the cut to universal credit will force many
families into food banks. Positive forecasts are few.
Economic woe will collide with a back-to-austerity
budget in October. Schools will be worse funded than
in 2010, NHS waiting times are already critical and
phantom funds for social care will cause care home
closures. The “levelling up” agenda is yet to materialise.
Infrastructure projects take for ever, so Michael Gove
will struggle to whistle up hi-vis quick wins.
Governments famously lose elections, oppositions
don’t conquer. The Exchange Rate Mechanism fiasco
destroyed John Major. The global crash slew Gordon
Brown: that was unjust, but governments take the rap
for losing their grip on economic security. Tony Blair
even feared the end in 2000, when hauliers blockading
oil depots caused angry petrol pump queues. The
public may not forgive another Covid surge; a
masked Labour conference may look better than the

flamboyantly maskless Tory cabinet in a closed room.
Political earthquakes do happen. But waiting for

Labour should
head of the Labour party conference Keir Starmer a national disaster is a bad look. Voters have yet to
this weekend, many are hoping for in Falmouth decide if Labour is a safe emergency service to rescue
a magic leader’s speech to turn the in June the country. Starmer has put its house in order,
tide overnight. Orthodoxy decrees PHOTOGRAPH: tightened his team and gripped the ruling executive.

approach its
that a midterm opposition should His top team is quite chipper for a number of reasons.
be polling far ahead, not in Labour’s Yo-yo polls suggest a narrowing of the Tories’ lead.
current position – three percentage “Even this government can’t defy political gravity for
points behind the Tories. But it would ever,” says Prof Tim Bale of the University of London.

be a historic first for Labour to overturn its worst defeat Voters are fine-tuned to the real economy: the cost of
in eight decades in just one leap. Many of the seats it living is increasing and many are indignant that tax
lost in the 2019 election had been sliding away for years. rises have fallen on working people, not the rich. Bale
“You go bankrupt gradually, then suddenly,” is how Ben agrees with party analysts who say Starmer may not be

with hope
Page of Ipsos Mori describes the slow erosion of support popular, but equally there is no hostility to him either.
in seats such as Sedgefield, in County Durham.
Keir Starmer, who is polling well below Boris alf-heard news clips from a
Johnson (though both have negative approval leader’s speech butter few political
ratings), has remained relatively unknown, and parsnips on the day, but the right
Polly voters are still vague on who he is and what he note struck incessantly does
Toynbee stands for. Covid-19 prevented the opposition from
making bareknuckle assaults on a government
eventually filter into the public
consciousness, despite a hostile
coping with a deadly emergency. Meanwhile Tory media. Open goals will leave
mega-donors have funded “more polling and Labour spoiled for choice: after the
focus groups than I’ve ever seen”, says Page. economy, security is Starmer’s domain. Who can call
Labour’s frontbench is decent and serious, and Labour “soft on crime” with law and order collapsing
surefooted in pointing out egregious policy blunders under three-year delays for criminal trials? How can
and dishonesties by Tory ministers, yet they too remain Johnson face Cop26 with no roadmap for missed
largely unknown, and the launch of numerous Starmer- environmental targets? On public services, people
era policies go unnoticed. Anxious supporters call already trust Labour. And when it comes to Brexit,
for charisma, as if a glitter ball over their conference does Starmer dare to damn Johnson’s record and put
hall might help. Too dull, too grey, where’s the zest? If forward a better deal? For those of us yearning for
Johnson has turned politics into a gameshow, Labour future radicalism, proportional representation is the
is neither in the celebrity jungle nor on the dancefloor. one hope that could ensure it. Dare Starmer back it?
That’s why Labour people huddle together In his recent speech at the Trades Union
glumly, watching calamitous policies glide through Congress, Starmer pledged secure jobs, an end to
parliament under Johnson’s untouchable majority. zero-hours contracts and fire-and-rehire policies,
Aside from the endless internal strife caused by £30bn for green jobs and an end to the freeze
those who seem more intent on capturing the on key-worker pay. Expect shadow chancellor
party than winning real elections, is it all over? Rachel Reeves to fire up wealth creation through
No, because what comes next is the show where investment, closing unjust tax loopholes and
Johnson’s balloons burst, his promises unredeemed. calling for a windfall tax on pandemic profiteers.
The one where the economy bites deep into pockets, These policies also chime with soft Tory voters.
with wages falling behind inflation, the cost of If the economy turns dangerous, hourly focus
food rising, Brexit denuding shelves and winter gas groups will only tell Johnson what’s coming. But
prices soaring. Save Christmas, Johnson orders his he’s only safe until a self-disciplined Labour party
ministers, but he may be the turkey. Plentiful job proves it’s the fire brigade people can trust.
• The Guardian Tuesday 21 September 2021

4 Opinion

As car workers,
components, and hybrids about 40%. The move to of the takeover at the time, arguing that the
electric will only continue, as UK factories unveil their company’s track record of seeking to restructure the
new vehicle plans before purely internal combustion organisations that it acquires and sell them on after
engines are banned in 2030. three to five years meant that it was not a suitable

we are fighting
In order to future-proof our jobs and the British long-term owner.
automotive industry, we need to transition to Three years later, our factory is being closed.
producing components for EVs, including new You can trace GKN Automotive’s origin back as far
propulsion systems and e-drives. GKN Automotive as 1759 and our own site on Chester Road has seen

for green jobs

has developed a new e-drive with UK government generations of the same family work here since it
funding at its Oxfordshire research facility, but sadly opened in 1956. Now we’re looking down the barrel
we won’t see this innovation creating new green of hundreds of skilled manufacturing workers being
jobs for British workers. Melrose, the owner of GKN, added to the local unemployment statistics.
has decided to close our plant in 2022 and move the Five of the 10 constituencies with the highest
Frank jobs overseas. jobless rates anywhere in the UK can be found in
Duffy We realised that if we wanted to see a green
future for the UK car industry and save our skilled
Birmingham. Erdington, the home of our plant, has an
unemployment rate of 12.5%, significantly higher than
jobs, we couldn’t leave it to our bosses and had to the national average.
take matters into our own hands. We put together Birmingham has been here before. When the
a 90-page alternative plan detailing how we could massive Rover factory at Longbridge closed in 2005,

reorganise production to save money and make these the impact was felt for years.
new components. Unite’s predecessor union, Amicus, supported
ore than 500 workers, Ours is the first transition plan for an automotive research that showed that despite 90% of the workers
me included, at the plant proposed by union stewards in the UK, and an finding alternative employment, 66% were financially
GKN Automotive factory echo of the 1976 Lucas Plan, when shop stewards worse off, average annual incomes fell by more than
in Birmingham have voted at Lucas Aerospace, also in Birmingham, proposed £6,000 and 25% reported being in debt or being reliant
for strike action to save converting their plant to socially useful products. on savings to get by.
both our plant and British Now, as then, our alternative plan proposed saving Every automotive company in the world is gearing
manufacturing. It’s the last jobs in Birmingham while transitioning the plant into up for the transition. The future can’t be built on
thing we ever wanted to do, an asset to support the wider UK industry. That’s a win outsourced or offshored jobs, where workers in
but we feel we have been left with no choice. for the workforce, the industry and the environment. If  different countries are pitted against each other in a
Currently, we manufacture and assemble that isn’t what’s meant by the phrase “just transition”, I Frank Duffy race to the bottom.
components for drivelines, the all-important section don’t know what is. However, Melrose declined to take is the Unite If we all want to see British manufacturing
underneath your car for transferring power from our plan forward. the Union transition to new environmentally friendly
the engine and transmission to the wheels. In 2019, Melrose, an investment company that specialises plant convener technologies so that there are employment
90% of GKN Automotive’s components went into in buying up and reselling manufacturing businesses, at GKN opportunities in the future, we need to retain jobs
traditional combustion engines, but that may halve acquired GKN Automotive following a hostile Automotive, and skills like ours to make that happen. Support us.
by 2025, with electric vehicles (EVs) taking 15% of takeover in 2018. Our union, Unite, was critical Birmingham We’re fighting for your future too.
Tuesday 21 September 2021 The Guardian •

The long read

The bias that blinds

Medical practice has long assumed a narrow definition of the ‘default’ human,

badly compromising the care of anyone outside that category.

How can this be fixed? By Jessica Nordell 

• The Guardian Tuesday 21 September 2021

6 The long read

on the social and environmental
environme determinants
terminants off
health, including the way differences es in access to o
insurance and care also chan
change health
lth outcomes..
The devastating disparate impact off Covid-19 on
communities of colour vividly illuminates these
factors: the disproportionate burden can be traced ed to
a web of social inequities, including more dangerous rous
working conditions, lack of access to essential
resources, and chronic health conditions stemming i
from ongoing exposure to inequality, racism, exclusion
and pollution. For trans people, particularly trans ns
women of colour, the burden of disease is enormous. mous.
Trans individuals, whose marginalisation results ts
in high rates of poverty, workplace discrimination, ion,
unemployment, and serious psychological distress, ress,
face much higher rates of chronic conditions such uch
met Chris in my first month at as asthma, chronic pulmonary obstructive disorder, rder,
a small, hard-partying Catholic high school in north- depression and HIV than the cisgender population. ion.
eastern Wisconsin, where kids jammed cigarettes A 2015 survey of nearly 28,000 trans individualss in
between the fingers of the school’s lifesize Jesus the US found that one-third had not sought necessary essary
statue and skipped mass to eat fries at the fast-food healthcare because they could not afford it.
joint across the street. Chris and her circle perched More recently, researchers have also begun
somewhere adjacent to the school’s social hierarchy, looking at differences that originate in the providersiders
and she surveyed the adolescent drama and absurdity – differences in how doctors and other healthcare are
with cool, heavy-lidded understanding. I admired professionals treat patients. And study after study
her from afar and shuffled around the edges of her shows that they treat some groups differently
orbit, gleeful whenever she motioned for me to join from others.
her gang for lunch. Black patients, for instance, are less likely than
After high school, we lost touch. I went east; white patients to receive pain medication for the same
Chris stayed in the midwest. To pay for school at symptoms, a pattern of disparate treatment that holds
the University of Minnesota, she hawked costume even for children. Researchers attribute this finding
jewellery at Dayton’s department store. She got to false stereotypes that Black people don’t feel pain
married to a tall classmate named Adam and merged to the same degree as white people – stereotypes that
with the mainstream – became a lawyer, had a couple date back to chattel slavery and were used to justify
of daughters. She would go running at the YWCA and inhumane treatment. The problem pervades medical
cook oatmeal for breakfast. Then in 2010, at the age education, where “race” is presented as a risk factor
of 35, she went to the ER with stomach pains. She for myriad diseases, rather than the accumulation
struggled to describe the pain – it wasn’t like anything of stressors linked to racism. Black immigrants from
she’d felt before. The doctor told her it was indigestion the Caribbean, for instance, have lower rates of
and sent her home. But the symptoms kept coming hypertension and cardiovascular disease than US-born
back. She was strangely tired and constipated. She Black people, but after a couple of decades, their
returned to the doctor. She didn’t feel right, she said. rates of illness increase toward those of the US-born
Of course you’re tired, he told her, you’re raising Black population, a result generally attributed ed to the
kids. You’re stressed. You should be tired. Frustrated, particular racism they encounter in the US.
she saw other doctors. You’re a working mom, they Black patients are also given fewer therapeutic
peutic Ch is was told that her symptoms, iincrea
Chris increasingly
i gly
said. You need to relax. Add fibre to your diet. The procedures, even when studies control for insurance,
nsurance, unmanageable,
un manageable, were not serious. Women as a group
problems ratcheted up in frequency. She was anaemic, illness severity and type of hospital. For heart rt attacks, receive
rec eive fewer and less timely intervention
interventions, receive
and always so tired. She’d feel sleepy when having black people are less likely to receive guideline-based
based lless
ss pain
pai treatment and are less frequently
frequentl referred
coffee with a friend. Get some rest, she was told. care; in intensive care units for heart failure,, they y to sspec
i li t O
One 2008 study
t d off nearly
l 80
Try sleeping pills. are less likely to see a cardiologist, which is linke
linkeded patients
pattient in more than 400 hospitals found that women
By 2012, the fatigue was so overwhelming, Chris to survival. having
havving heart attacks experience dangerous treatment
couldn’t walk around the block. She’d fall asleep at These biases affect the quality of many other her delays,
del lays, and that once in the hospital they more often
three in the afternoon. Her skin was turning pale. She interactions in clinics. Doctors spend less timeme anand
nd die.
e. After
Aft a heart attack, women are less likely to be
felt pain when she ate. Adam suggested she see his build less emotional rapport with obese patients.
ients. referred
ferred to cardiac rehabilitation or to be prescribed
childhood physician, who practised 40 minutes away. Transgender people face overt prejudice and d the
e right
righ medication. Critically ill women older than
That doctor tested her blood. Her iron was so low, he discrimination. The 2015 survey also found that in i 50 are lless likely to receive life-saving interventions
thought she was bleeding internally. He scheduled a the preceding year, a third of respondents had had ad than m men of the same age; women who have knee
CT scan and a colonoscopy. When they revealed a golf a negative encounter with a healthcare provider,, pain are 22 times less likely to be referred for a knee
ball-sized tumour, Chris felt, for a moment, relieved. including being refused treatment. Almost a quarter arter replacement than a man. A 2007 Canadian study of
She was sick. She’d been telling them all along. Now were so concerned about mistreatment that they y nearly 500,000
5 patients showed that after adjusting
there was a specific problem to solve. But the relief avoided necessary healthcare. Transgender individuals viduals for the severity of illness, women spent a shorter time
was short-lived. Surgery six days later showed that can therefore face a dangerous choice: disclose their heir in the ICU
IC and were less likely to receive life support;
the tumour had spread into her abdomen. At the age status as trans and risk discrimination, or conceal it after age 50, they were also significantly more likely to
of 37, Chris had stage four colon cancer. and risk inappropriate treatment. die after a critical illness.
Historically, research about the roots of health Even though medical providers are not generally Women of colour are at particular risk for poor
disparities – differences in health and disease intending to provide better treatment to some people treatment. A 2019 analysis of their childbirth
among different social groups – has sought answers at the expense of others, unexamined bias can create experiences found that they frequently encountered
in the patients: their behaviour, their status, their devastating harm. condescending, ineffective communication and
circumstances. Perhaps, the thinking went, some disrespect from providers; some women felt bullied
patients wait longer to seek help in the first place, into having C-sections. Serena Williams’s childbirth
or they don’t comply with doctors’ orders. story is by now well known: the tennis star has a
Maybe patients receive fewer interventions because history of blood clots, but when she recognised

Black patients are less likely

that’s what they prefer. For Black Americans, health the symptoms and asked for immediate scans and
disparities have long been seen as originating in the treatment, the nurse and the doctor doubted her.
bodies of the patients, a notion promoted by the Williams finally got what she needed, but ignoring
racism of the 19th-century medical field. Medical
journals published countless articles detailing
than white patients to receive women’s symptoms and distress contributes to higher
maternal mortality rates among Black, Alaska Native
invented physiological flaws of Black Americans;
statistics pointing to increased mortality rates in
pain medication for the and Native American women. Indeed, Black women
alone in the US are three to four times more likely to die
the late 19th century were seen as evidence not of
social and economic oppression and exclusion, but
same symptoms of complications from childbirth than white women.
There’s also a structural reason for inferior care:
of physical inferiority. women have historically been excluded from much
In this century, research has increasingly focused of medical research. The reasons are varied, ranging
Tuesday 21 September 2021 The Guardian •

are more
re li
ikely to rec
ceive scans
scans, wom
women tend to be
offered tra
anquilisers and lifestyle advice. In response
to her p
painn and fatig
fatigue, my friend Chris was told she
should get some sleep.

The doctor who finally ordered the right tests for

Chris told h her that he’d seen many young women
in his pract
practice whose diagnoses had been delayed
because their
th symptoms were attributed to stress.
Indee ed, studies
stu show that women around the world
exper rience delays in receiving a correct diagnosis
for ma
any ddiseases, including Crohn’s, Ehlers-Danlos
syndrd coeliac disease and tuberculosis. A 2015 UK
study of more than 16,000 patients also found delayed
diagnoses for many types of cancer – bladder, gastric,
head a and neck, and lung cancer, and lymphoma,
for ins
sta As Dusenbery argues, the problem is
exace erba by the fact that doctors rarely receive
feedb ack about their misdiagnoses. They never learn
where e th
they went wrong.
Diaagn errors, it is estimated, cause 80,000
death hs a year in the US. Cognitive factors are estimated
to play y a role in 75% of these cases. What could have
beeen don
done in Chris’s case? Certainly, it’s essential that
dooctors iincrease their awareness of their own capacity
forr biase
fo biased decisions, and their motivation to overcome
it. We know
kn that biases are more likely to arise when
peeople area mentally taxed. Meaningful, collaborative
coontact with
w those in other social groups can also help.
Buut there’s
ther another approach to reducing bias that can
upport all these efforts, providing another layer of
protection against the risk of interpersonal bias.
Elliott Haut is a trauma surgeon at Johns Hopkins
hoospita in Baltimore. Affable and baby-faced, he
loooks happiest
h when talking about safety. The desk in
hiss office is scattered with books about preventable
deeaths A note taped over his computer reads
“reduce system errors”.
In ot
other parts of the country, the trauma unit
might see s farm accidents or motorcycle crashes.
At Hopkins,
Hop many trauma patients are victims of
gunshots or stabbings. One patient arrived with
the sha
shard of a beer bottle still lodged in his neck, the
entire w word “Budweiser” perfectly legible along the
from a desire
desire to prote
ct child
childbearing wome
womenen from length of jagged glass.
drugss that could
co impair
impaair foetal develo
opmen nt, via About 15 years ago, Haut was asked to oversee
ons that women’s hormones coul could
ld com
mplicate efforts to improve the Hopkins trauma department.

It used to be said that women

h to an iimplicit
li i jjudgment
d that
hat men’s lives were The goal
go was to create better outcomes for the
simply more worth saving. Many landmark d k studies
di on patients by improving the performance of the
ageing and heart disease never included women; the doctors. When Haut dived into the hospital’s data,
all-men study of cardiovascular disease named MRFIT
emerged from a mindset that male breadwinners
present with ‘atypical’ sympto
symptoms he found that patients were developing blood clots
at a strikingly high rate.
having heart attacks was a national emergency,
even though cardiovascular disease is also the
of heart attacks. In fact, Blood clots – the condition that threatened Serena
Williams’s life when she was in the hospital giving
leading cause of death for women. In one particularly
egregious example, a 1980s study examining the
they are typical – for women birth – are gelatinous globs of stuck-together blood
cells that can travel through blood vessels and block
effect of obesity on breast cancer and uterine cancer blood flow to the lungs. They kill about 100,000
excluded women because men’s hormones were people a year in the US – more than breast cancer,
“simpler” and “cheaper” to study. Aids and car crashes combined. Many of these
Basic to these practices was an operating assumption BRUNO HAWARD/ symptoms” of heart attacks. In fact, these “atypical” clots are preventable, if doctors prescribe the right
that men were the default humans, of which women GUARDIAN DESIGN symptoms are typical – for women. They were only clot prevention. In some cases, this means blood
were a subcategory that could safely be left out of “atypical” because they hadn’t been studied. Women thinners; in others, mechanical “squeezy” boots
studies. Of course, there’s a logical problem here: and men also vary in their susceptibility to different that inflate and deflate around the legs to get the
the assertion is that women are so complicated and diseases, and in the course and symptoms of those blood moving. But at Hopkins, only a third of the
different that they can’t be included in research, and diseases. They respond to some drugs differently. highest-risk patients were getting the right blood-
yet also so similar that any findings should seamlessly Women’s kidneys filter waste more slowly, so some clot prevention, Haut found. “We’d get a patient into
extend to them. In the 90s, the US Congress insisted medications take longer to clear from the body. surgery – a routine surgery – and a week later they’d
that medical studies funded by the National Institutes This dearth of knowledge about women’s bodies die of a pulmonary embolism,” he told me as we sat
of Health should include women; earlier, many drug has led doctors to see differences where none exist, in his office in east Baltimore, near a pile of wooden
studies also left out women, an exclusion that may and fail to see differences where they do. As the puzzles. And this problem wasn’t specific to Hopkins:
help explain why women are 50%-75% more likely to journalist Maya Dusenbery argues in her book Doing at hospitals around the country, patients were getting
experience adverse side-effects from drugs. Harm, this ignorance also interacts perniciously proper clot prevention only about 40% of the time – a
As the sociologist Steven Epstein points out, with historical
his stereotypes. problem that the American Public Health Association
medicine often starts with categories that are sociallyially When women’s understudied symptoms don’t was calling a crisis.
and politically relevant – but these are not always match th
the textbooks, doctors label them “medically Haut wasn’t sure why doctors were failing to
medically relevant. Relying on categories such as race unexplained”. These symptoms may then be classified
unexpla prescribe the right interventions. Maybe, he thought,
risks erasing the social causes of health disparitiess as psych
psychological rather than physical in origin. they overestimated the risks of blood-clot prevention
and may entrench the false and damaging ideas The fact that so many of women’s symptoms are because patients who had developed complications
that are inscribed in medical practice. At the same e “medically unexplained” reinforces the stereotype
“medica from blood thinners sprang to memory more easily
time, ignoring differences such as sex is perilous: as that women’s
wom symptoms are overreactions without than those who were treated successfully. Haut
a result of their exclusion, women’s symptoms have ave a medica
medical basis, and casts doubt over all women’s wasn’t thinking about disparities; his goal was to

not been medically well understood. Doctors were re narratives of their own experiences. One study found
narrativ improve clot prevention for everyone.
told, for example, that women present with “atypical pical that while
whi men who have irritable bowel syndrome To do so, Haut and his team sought
• The Guardian Tuesday 21 September 2021

8 The long read

design of a process can also shape our behaviour. It,
too, can be thought of as a kind of architecture.
For instance, researchers at the University of
Minnesota discovered that they could coax students
into eating more vegetables simply by redesigning their
lunchtime routine. In a typical lunch line, students
encounter carrots next to more tempting options such
as fries and pizza. Instead, the researchers gave kids a
cup of carrots the moment they arrived in the cafeteria,
when they were at their most hungry. It worked: kids
ate a lot more carrots. The key was to put the carrots
“in a competition they actually can win” – a contest
not against fries, but against being really hungry. To
change how students ate, it wasn’t necessary to sell
them on the virtues of vitamin A. What changed was
the choice architecture.
The Hopkins checklist is a kind of choice architec-
ture, too – a way of shaping a doctor’s behaviour not
through persuasion, but through design. It doesn’t
ask doctors to think more carefully about their biases;
it simply interrupts the process by which they make
decisions. The Hopkins checklist forces doctors to
disentangle the thinking that goes into a medical
decision. It acts like a prism, reverse-engineering a
holistic judgment into its constituent parts, the way a
prism separates white light into its rainbow colours.
The checklist also supports that human judgment.
It is meant to remind doctors of steps they might
forget, but bias isn’t really about forgetting. It’s about
using assumptions to judge and evaluate, without
necessarily being aware of those assumptions. Some
doctors resist the intrusion, pointing out that these
mandated checklists aren’t perfect. As one hospitalist
told me, they may not take into account the full range
of factors a doctor might consider. As scenarios become
out an approach that had been developed by Peter more complex, the checklist may be best considered a
Pronovost, another Hopkins doctor, whose own father failsafe for decision-making, not a substitute.
had died because of a cancer misdiagnosis. Pronovost But checklists have been shown to reduce bias
had formulated a technique for improving medical elsewhere. After a structured decision-making tool
care by adapting an approach used in aviation: the
humble checklist. A checklist is just what it sounds
The use of checklists interrupts was introduced in the state of Illinois, the disparities
between psychiatric hospitalisation of young, low-risk
like – a reminder of all the mandated steps a clinician
should take. It plugs memory holes and hangs a safety
the process by which doctors Hispanic and Black patients and white patients shrank.
When the Mayo Clinic instituted a system of automatic
net under human errors so they don’t add up. Proper
ICU care, for instance, requires nearly 200 separate
make decisions, disentangling referrals for cardiac rehabilitation after heart attacks,
the gender gap between men’s and women’s referral
actions each day. Complications can arise from
missing even one or two. the thinking behind them rates disappeared.
Using principles of behavioural design to reduce
Pronovost showed that using a checklist in bias dates back to 1952, when the Boston Symphony
intensive care units reduced infections simply Orchestra began changing the way it auditioned
by ensuring that doctors adhere, each time, to a musicians. Instead of having musicians play in full
predetermined set of tasks. In one trial, a five-step conversations prompted Haut to wonder whether AMY CICCONI/ view of a panel of judges, a screen was set up to divide
checklist reminding workers in more than 100 ICUs to there had been disparities in blood-clot prevention. STOCKIMO/ALAMY them. Women musicians were asked to remove their
do things such as washing their hands and cleaning The team hadn’t sliced the data that way, but when shoes, so clacking high heels wouldn’t be a tell.
the patient’s skin with antiseptic led to a 66% drop in they went back over the numbers, an alarming pattern In the following decades, curtained auditions
catheter-related bloodstream infections. The drop appeared. While 31% of male trauma patients had rippled through American orchestras. By the 90s,
held steady over the 18 months of the study. failed to get treatment, the rate was 45% for women. In most had adopted the practice. When the economists
Haut and his team decided to try developing other words, women had been nearly 50% more likely Claudia Goldin and Cecilia Rouse studied the
a checklist for blood-clot prevention. In their to miss out on blood-clot prevention than men, and in differences between orchestras that did and did not use
version, whenever a healthcare provider admitted greater danger of dying of this particular cause. this approach, they found stark evidence that masking
a patient to the hospital, a computerised checklist It’s possible that factors other than gender might gender changed judges’ assessment of women’s skills.
would pop up on screen. The checklist would walk have been at play. Most patients who arrive with They found that concealing musicians’ identities
the doctor step by step through risk factors for gunshot wounds, for instance, are men; perhaps increased women’s odds of advancing to the next
blood clots and for bleeding from blood-thinning doctors prescribed more prevention for more severe round of auditions by 50%. Today, women make up
medication. After the checklist was complete, the injuries. But as the researcher who analysed the data almost 40% of orchestras.
system would suggest a recommended treatment put it, the disparities in treatment fit a consistent, Relying on a blunt tool like blurring out a person’s
– a blood thinner, for instance, or a mechanical large and well established pattern of women social identity is problematic, and can veer toward
squeezy boot to move the blood. If doctors didn’t receiving suboptimal care. erasure, which is itself a form of discrimination. But
choose the suggested treatment, they had to Looking at the numbers after the checklist was in the case of a hiring decision, it can also shield a
document their reasons. introduced, Haut and the team found that it had person’s evaluation from harmful stereotyping – or
The approach worked. After introducing the eliminated the gender disparities. Women and men unfair advantages.
checklist, the percentage of patients getting the received the right clot prevention at exactly the same Of course, the masked approach isn’t possible in
right clot prevention surged, and preventable rates. The gap had disappeared. medicine, which usually depends on face-to-face
clots in trauma and internal medicine were close interactions between doctor and patient. Structured
to eliminated. One study of a month of hospital In 2008, the University of Chicago economist Richard decision-making tools such as checklists is a close
admissions found that the number of internal Thaler and the legal scholar Cass Sunstein, co-authors cousin. These steer people in positions of power
medicine patients who returned to the hospital with of Nudge: Improving Decisions about Health, Wealth, from using assumptions and preconceptions, so
blood clots within 90 days of discharge fell from 20 to and Happiness, coined the term “choice architecture” they rely instead on official criteria. That alone
two. And after the introduction of the checklist, the to describe a powerful phenomenon: the context can unleash powerful changes. •
rate of fatal pulmonary embolism was cut in half. within which we make a choice has a profound
That could have been the end of the story. But influence on the way we choose. Just as the design of  This is an edited extract from The End of Bias: How
Haut’s office was, at the time, two doors down a physical environment can influence our behaviour Jessica Nordell We Change Our Minds by Jessica Nordell, published
from the office of Adil Haider, a doctor who studies (as seen in coffee shops that skimp on electric outlets is a writer based by Granta on 23 September and available at
gender and racial disparities in health care. Their to discourage people from sitting with laptops), the in Minneapolis
Tuesday 21 September 2021 The Guardian •

Letters 
 @guardianletters 9

Corrections and
Viewing the Aukus pact
Established 1906 as unilaterally ramping up pressure

Country diary clarifications

on Beijing, so the White House has
helpfully described the deal as a
“downpayment” on the “concept
Moccas Park,
Herefordshire through lens of history of global Britain”. This, of course,
encourages Johnson’s fantasy
post-Brexit narrative about Britain’s
• Errors crept into our Emma
Raducanu coverage. In her A-levels,
she got an A* in maths and an A in
vaunted place in the world. economics, not the opposite (How
I’m wary of the way that the new The Aukus pact is not a “new world military outposts on remote atolls In truth, however, Aukus has charisma and talent could take
government formula of net gain is order” (Journal, 18 September), and islands. Nor has Australia been very little to do with the UK (or tennis’s new star to billion-dollar
being bandied to justify all manner but very much an old order; it is intimidating its neighbours. even Australia). Rather, it is all league, 13 September, page 4);
of pet projects. It’s intended to colonial gunboats. I do not expect What we see now is an about the US flexing its Pacific Bromley and Beckenham are in
ensure developers leave more politicians to have read history increasingly bellicose China that military muscle in an increasingly London, not Kent (‘I’m just loving
nature than they subtract, but such as the first Anglo-Afghan wishes to retain the monopoly panicked response to China’s life’, page 5; Club toasts Raducanu’s
the value of landscape isn’t easily war of 1839, but I do expect of bullyboy tactics against all its extraordinary rise in global win …, page 7); and her opponent
measured in simple metrics. them to be aware of history in neighbours, while hypocritically economic power and prominence. Leylah Fernandez is 10 weeks older
Oliver Rackham best illustrated their own lifetimes. Eton may not claiming that the Australian Joe McCarthy than her, not a year (Fearless fire
the point when he suggested that teach the failures of empire, but move is a threat to regional and Dublin of next generation takes hold …,
10,000 century-old oaks were not China has been very clear about world peace. As for Britain being 14 September, page 46).
equal to one 500-year-old tree. Taiwan since 1950. drawn into a regional conflict • Theresa May asks if the Aukus
By this equation, Moccas Park When Biden said, “This decision provoked by a Chinese attack pact could lead to Britain being Editorial complaints and corrections can be sent to
would be worth a good portion of about Afghanistan is not just about on Taiwan, I ask – what with? I dragged into a war with China

the rest of this county because it Afghanistan. It’s about ending an believe the Royal Navy has so few if it invaded Taiwan (Report,
is full of veteran trees. It is one of era of major military operations to operational ships you can count 18 September). For more than
Britain’s oldest wood pastures and
the moment you step through the
remake other countries”, he was
committing to another battle in the
them on the fingers of one hand,
and the aircraft carriers would do
40 years the US has made clear
that this would not be a casus belli. Essential eating
gates you’re aware of the element
that invariably determines real
Pacific. The global dominance of
China has been clear for more than
well to reflect on what happened
to the carriers of the Japanese
In 1972, President Richard
Nixon and Henry Kissinger
for homebuyers
value in nature – time. 20 years, and yet we are unwillingly navy at Midway in 1942. said that the island was “part
Lawn Pool, for instance, directly signed up to face this new empire? Michael Saunders of China”. President Jimmy I am wondering what kind of
in front, was first fashioned from Simon Allen Milton Keynes, Buckinghamshire Carter unilaterally annulled the house hunter approaches an
meltwaters off the last glaciers St Albans, Hertfordshire Sino-American mutual defence estate agent with the requirement
grinding through the Wye valley. • Your editorial (16 September) treaty once diplomatic relations that they need to live near a
On all sides you start gradually • Your article concerning a possible says that “Boris Johnson has were established with the People’s Michelin-starred eaterie (Fantasy
to pick out the trees: grotesque Chinese backlash over the tripartite highlighted the promise of UK Republic of China in 1979. The house hunt, Money, 18 September).
boss-bellied veteran oaks, or agreement to furnish nuclear jobs” from the Aukus defence pact. Taiwan Relations Act (reconfirmed Steven Burkeman
sumptuous teepees of emerald propulsion technology to the Royal But the likelihood is that Britain in 2021) promises cooperation, York
foliage about giant chestnuts. Australian Navy puzzles me (Report, won’t gain much – economically, but not direct US military
All of the wood looks stalagmite 17 September). It’s not Australia that militarily or diplomatically – from assistance in case of an invasion. • “Ever since the vaccines became
hard, but strangely the fungi has been claiming large chunks of the new alliance. At present, it Dr John Doherty widely available, people who
that proliferate on these parts the South China Sea by building doesn’t suit Washington to be seen Stratford-upon-Avon, Warwickshire menstruate have been sharing
seem soft and even appetising. stories about weird changes
A huge specimen of oak bracket to their cycle following their
looked like one of those home-baked
flatbreads dusted in spelt flour, Safeguards against predatory marriage encouraged to have it annulled. If
they don’t have the mental capacity,
shots” (Who says it’s no big deal
if the Covid vaccine temporarily
while its goo-studded rim suggested it is possible to make an application disrupts menstrual cycles?,
a particularly delicious kind of I was deeply saddened to read reclaim their loved one’s estate to the court of protection to do, 18 September).
honeyed halva. One gorgeous plump Daphne Franks’ account of her with drawn-out litigation. Legal so. If they do have capacity, they So that would be women then.
specimen of beefsteak fungus mother falling prey to a predatory disputes are emotionally and should also be encouraged to make Sarah Garside
reminded me of ripe peach flesh. marriage (G2, 15 September). financially draining. a new will as the marriage will Manchester
The last was growing on Solicitors for the Elderly, the As a society we need to ensure have revoked any previous will.
arguably the oldest and most membership body that specialises that there are better safeguards They should also consider a lasting • The 1970s must have been
important of all these irreplaceable in supporting older and vulnerable for vulnerable people in the power of attorney. the acme of scathing lecturer
oaks: the Old Man of Moccas. people, has seen a steady 13% community. We need to make If a person doesn’t have comments for aspiring teachers
I have no problem with his exalted increase in these types of cases. sure that capacity testing is capacity to make a will, an (Letters, 18 September). When
status. It is, for example, one of Frustratingly, once a marriage rigorous and that medical records application for a statutory will can training as an English teacher in
the few trees here that holds a has been officiated, there are few proving dementia, or any other be made to the court of protection. 1976, as well as awarding me a low
beetle (Hypebaeus flavipes) found protections in place for the victim capacity-limiting diseases, are In such cases, it’s best to seek the grade, my lecturer wrote: “This
nowhere else in Britain. Its gender, or their family. It’s also impossible properly understood and taken expertise of a specialist lawyer essay is like a holey jumper; it
however, seems inexplicable. to annul a marriage after death – into account by registrars before experienced in working with reveals more than it covers.”
Its one inescapable feature is even with proof of coercion or of approving suspicious marriages. vulnerable and older people. Andrew Keeley
the way the bark, top to bottom the victim’s lack of mental capacity. Any person who has entered Jenny Pierce Retired English teacher,
through its six-metre-high boll, This leaves families who wish to a predatory marriage should be Solicitors for the Elderly Warrington, Cheshire
seems to have been peeled back
into two thick-rimmed labia. From • We are told that Tory MPs and
between these surface ripples is
borne a protean mass of tissue The immeasurable kindness of doctors • It’s not face-to-face contact
that I miss with my GP surgery
cabinet ministers do not need to
wear masks because they all know
that is upswollen with a sense (Letters, 15 September), but its one another, so why is it that at
of enduring life. A friend has As a GP who retired at the end and to enable the full use of your preventive role in my healthcare. the meeting of the new cabinet
since suggested an alternative: of last year, having worked the knowledge and experience to deal I take medicaments to control my they each had a name plate in
the Mother of All Moccas. last nine months of my career in with a vast variety of problems. blood pressure and cholesterol, front of them (Look, no masks.
Mark Cocker primary care in London, I have Working remotely for patient safety and I use inhalers for my asthma. Again, 18 September)?
been despairing when I hear means you often have to plumb I used to have annual checkups Michael Sweet
repeated criticism aimed at GPs. new depths of your psychological for these conditions, usually York
We do not publish letters where So thank you, Zoe Williams, for resources to maintain standards. carried out by a nurse and reported
only an email address is supplied; your kindness (G2, 14 September). Mistakes can cause medical errors, to a doctor if necessary, which • Re the book Schrödinger’s
please include a full postal I would only like to question the or misunderstandings and upset. provided an opportunity to express Kittens being found in the “Pets”
address, a reference to the article words “usually tiny” used to I don’t think any GPs would any worries. I hope this routine section (Letters, 20 September),
and a daytime phone number. describe their acts of kindness and agree that the kindness and preventive healthcare role can be in the 1940s Woolworths had
We may edit letters. Submission wisdom, which caused me to reflect. wisdom used every day at the resumed as it provided valuable the bicycle section loaded
and publication of letters is subject As a GP, you need to use frontline of primary care is tiny. oversight and reassurance. with potted cyclamen.
to our terms and conditions: see enormous amounts of kindness and Dr Kate Cabot Bernadette Sanders John Rae mental energy to generate empathy, London Norwich St Albans, Hertfordshire
• The Guardian Tuesday 21 September 2021

10 Obituaries

1979) and On the Razzle (National

Theatre, 1981). He was also in Rattle
of a Simple Man (Savoy, 1981),
Can’t Pay, Won’t Pay (Criterion,
1983), The Rivals (National Theatre,
1983), Relatively Speaking (with
Holderness, at Eastbourne, 2001),
and The Hitchhiker’s Guide to the
Galaxy (Hackney Empire, 2013). He
was memorable, too, as King Rat in
Dick Whittington and Captain Hook
in Peter Pan (both several times).
After his debut in The
Newcomers (1967), Challis settled
into TV work and excelled in tough-
guy parts. The action director
Douglas Camfield used him often:
on villainous henchman duty in
The Sweeney (1975); giving a terrific
turn as the brutal mercenary Scorby
in the 1976 Doctor Who adventure
The Seeds of Doom – tussling with
Tom Baker’s Doctor before being
dragged to a watery death by lethal
vegetation; and as Corporal Dupre
in Beau Geste (1982).
His many police roles included
stints in Z-Cars (as Sergeant
Culshaw, 1972-75) and Coronation
Street (1974-77) and playing Chief
Inspector Humphreys in an episode
of Sullivan’s Citizen Smith (1980), a
performance – based on a pub bore

John Challis
When Only Fools and Horses – which so pleased the writer that it
ended in 2003, Boycie and Marlene led to him being cast as Boycie.
then became stars of their own Despite a healthy CV brimming
show, the Sullivan-penned spin-off Challis was with good TV parts, acting was
Actor who enjoyed huge The Green Green Grass (2005-09),
which found the couple forced to
relocate to a farm in Shropshire to
proud to be
a precarious profession and his
experiences working in a garden
centre when struggling for work

popularity in the role escape retribution from a pair of

gangsters. It ran for four series.
Challis was born in Clifton,
made an
inspired the sitcom Bloomers
(1979), written by James Saunders.
Even so, he could not get cast in

of Boycie in the BBC’s Bristol, the only child of Alec, a civil

servant, and Jean (nee Harden), a
drama teacher and keen amateur
of Serbia
the part based on himself; Richard
Beckinsale took the lead but died
with only five episodes in the can.

Only Fools and Horses actor. Alec’s work took them to

London when John was a baby and
after a peripatetic period the family
Challis was able to sustain a long
television career well into the 21st
century, playing Captain Peacock in

settled in Tadworth, Surrey. the one-off revival of Are You Being
He was educated at Belmont Served? (2016) and Monty Staines
he actor John a nice line in sarcastic asides and a Challis, left, preparatory school in Dorking and in Benidorm (2015-18).
Challis, who has staccato machine-gun laugh. Flashy as Boycie with Ottershaw boarding school. He did He released two volumes of
died of cancer aged and often seen puffing a cigar, he was other cast not take any A-levels and became a autobiography – Being Boycie (2011)
79, was familiar to ostentatious about his wealth but members of trainee estate agent. Emboldened and Boycie and Beyond (2012) –
the many millions vulnerable to gossip about the past Only Fools and by encouraging words from a and Boycie in Belgrade (2020), a
of viewers of promiscuities of his wife, Marlene Horses. From former drama school principal with documentary about the popularity
John Sullivan’s (Sue Holderness), and his own alleged left: David whom his mother had arranged of Only Fools and Horses in Serbia:
long-running BBC lack of virility. He and Holderness Jason as Del Boy a meeting, but not fancying he was extremely proud to be made
television sitcom Only Fools and bounced off each other – “Come on, Trotter, Kenneth formal training, he answered an honorary citizen of the country.
Horses (1981-2003), in which he Marlene, let’s go home and ignore MacDonald an advertisement in the Stage His first three marriages, to the
played the used-car salesman Boycie. each other for the evening” – and as Mike the newspaper for the Argyle Theatre stage manager Carol Robertson and
The series depicted the became friends off screen. Barman, Roger for Youth and secured employment the actresses Debbie Arnold and
aspirations of the deluded but Challis appeared in the second Lloyd-Pack performing in Pinocchio in schools, Sabina Franklyn, ended in divorce,
determined Peckham market episode of the series and the role as Trigger earning £11 a week for 24 shows. but in 1990 he found enduring
trader Derek “Del Boy” Trotter gradually became a mainstay and Nicholas From 1963 he was playing small happiness with the wardrobe
(David Jason) and his money- – Boycie got Del Boy involved Lyndhurst as parts in rep and he got a decent mistress Carol Davies (nee Palmer).
making schemes – “this time next in a diamond scam in the 1985 Rodney Trotter role in the film Where Has Poor The couple married in 1995 and
year we’ll be millionaires,” he Christmas special To Hull and Back; BBC HISTORY/BNPS Mickey Gone? (1964). His West relocated to Hereford, where he
would assure his brother Rodney tried adoption in From Prussia End debut came in Portrait of a was a popular and active member
(Nicholas Lyndhurst). After a With Love (1986) (“amazing innit, Queen (Vaudeville theatre, 1965), of the local community.
modest start the series, with its everything you buy off him has whereafter he joined the RSC, A lifelong Arsenal fan, he
flawed but lovable characters and something missing,” he observed spending a happy summer in was also a patron of the British
sense of optimism in the face of when Del Boy produced a baby Stratford-upon-Avon playing tiny Hedgehog Preservation Society and
disaster, became a huge hit. girl instead of the promised boy); parts opposite David Warner’s successfully embraced social media:
Terrance Aubrey Boyce was one and became embroiled with Hamlet and Ian Holm’s Prince Hal, engaging with fans and striking up
of the bevy of regulars who popped the mafia in the ambitious 1991 Henry V and Malvolio (1966). an incongruous friendship with the
up in the Nag’s Head to collude in two-parter Miami Twice, filmed Later theatre work included rapper Ice-T on Twitter.
Del Boy’s escapades or, more often in the US. For all his rivalry with collaborations with Tom Stoppard Carol survives him.
than not in Boycie’s case, to mock Del Boy, though, there was an – Dirty Linen and New-Found-Land Toby Hadoke
him when they went wrong. undercurrent of grudging respect in South Africa (1977) and the West
Challis invested the character which exemplified the warmth that End (Arts theatre 1978), Dogg’s John Spurley Challis, actor, born 16
with braggadocio, a nasal twang, permeated the series. Hamlet, Cahoot’s Macbeth (US tour, August 1942; died 19 September 2021
Tuesday 21 September 2021 The Guardian •

 @guardianobits 11

Abdelaziz Bouteflika
moderate Islamist parties have been Birthdays
permitted to participate in elections.
From 2004 to the most recent, in
April 2014, elections have been Shinzo Abe, former prime minister
President of Algeria accepted as reasonably free and fair.
Bouteflika was a colourful
character in contrast with the
of Japan, 67; Sir Curtly Ambrose,
cricketer, 58; Marcus Binney,
architectural historian, 77; Jerry

for nearly 20 years and austere Boumediene. In 1983 an

Algerian court had convicted him
of embezzling $23m from Algeria’s
Bruckheimer, film producer, 78;
Charles Clarke, former Labour
MP and cabinet minister, 71;

veteran of his country’s chancelleries. When, in 1974, he

served as president of the 29th UN
general assembly, he was criticised
Ethan Coen, film-maker, 64;
Shirley Conran, novelist, 89;
John Crawley, cricketer, 50;

war of independence by the US for what it deemed to

be politically partisan decisions.
But after the 9/11 attacks of 2001,
Vicky Ford, Conservative MP, 54;
Liam Gallagher, singer, 49; Rose
Garrard, sculptor and mixed-media

Bouteflika signed an intelligence- artist, 75; Chris Gayle, cricketer,
sharing relationship with the US. 42; Christopher Graham, former
bdelaziz Bouteflika joined Boumediene Bouteflika He refused to join the Nato-led information commissioner,
Bouteflika, who and the external armies to support giving a speech campaign against Muammar Gaddafi 71; Nyree Kindred, Paralympic
has died aged Ahmed Ben Bella, who would in Algiers after in Libya in 2011 or to send Algerian swimmer, 41; Stephen King,
84, was Algeria’s become Algeria’s first president, his re-election in troops to join the French-led He has novelist, 74; Ricki Lake, actor,
longest-serving against the internal provisional 2009 offensive in northern Mali in January 53; Simon Mayo, broadcaster, 63;
president, government of the Algerian ZOHRA BENSEMRA/ 2013. However, when Islamist many Juanjo Mena, conductor, 56; Bill
elected in 1999 Republic. Boumediene unseated REUTERS militants seized the In Amenas gas friends Murray, actor, 71; David Newell,
and returned Ben Bella in 1965 to become plant in south-eastern Algeria in but is the former chief executive, News
to office in 2004, 2009 and 2014. He president himself. January, killing dozens of foreign Media Association, 70; Kevin Rudd,
finally resigned in 2019 following Bouteflika served as foreign oil workers, Bouteflika allowed friend of former prime minister of Australia,
mass protests in the streets at his minister from 1963 until US surveillance drones to hover nobody 64; Graham Southern, gallery
bid for a fifth term in office. Boumediene’s death in 1978. A overhead throughout the siege. owner, 61; Sarah Thane, former
In 2002 he brought an end to a civil bright, self-made man with no In 2013 he was treated at a director of programmes, ITC,
war known as the “black decade”, university background, he relied military hospital in Paris for a 70; David Williams, former chief
which had resulted in the deaths of at first on an intellectual elite stroke, which paralysed his legs executive, UK Space Agency, 70.
up to 200,000 people, and he also but gradually steered away from and affected his speech. Despite his
carried out reforms that challenged this group and opted for party fragile health, and having amended Nyree Kindred,
Algeria’s hardline generals. In 2011 he stalwarts. He was then forced the constitution in 2008 to remove the swimmer,
pre-empted riots in Algiers by putting into exile for six and a half years the two-term limitation of the is 41 today. She
a halt to the emergency rule that had after the new president, Chadli office of president, he managed, has competed in
been in place since 1992, and this Bendjedid, ousted members of without making a single speech, four Paralympic
helped protect the regime in Algeria Boumediene’s circle. However, to be re-elected in 2014 to a fourth Games, winning
from the fate of its neighbours during Bouteflika was brought back into term. However, he then reamended 10 medals
the Arab spring. Nonetheless, his the central committee of the FLN the constitution by restoring for
early presidency saw continued when new reforms backfired. his successor the two-term limit
violence both from the éradicateurs In 1992, after a first round of of five years and adding a clause
in the army committed to wiping out voting in which the Islamist party precluding the candidacy of
armed Islamist groups, and from Front Islamique du Salut (FIS) Algerians, like himself, who have Announcements
militant Islamists. overwhelmingly defeated the been born abroad. A colleague once
Bouteflika was born in Oujda, FLN, the army moved to prevent a said of him: “He has many friends
Morocco, the son of Ahmed second round of elections taking but is the friend of nobody.”
Bouteflika and Mansouria Ghezlaoui, place. During the violence that Critics felt that Bouteflika had
ANDREW, John, ARCA MCSD. Lettercutter,
who both came from the Tlemcen followed, with the army fighting been merely a figurehead for a
stonecarver, retired assistant principal
region of Algeria. At the age of 19 the Groupe Islamique Armé (GIA), clique, which included his brother Bournemouth and Poole College of Art and Design,
he joined the Armée de Liberation Bouteflika lay low until 1999, when Said, since 2013. Algeria has long has passed away after a short illness. Much loved
Nationale (ALN), the military Liamine Zéroual stepped down been governed by a military group husband of Pauline, father of Matthew and Vicky,
wing of the Front de Libération from the presidency. known as Le Pouvoir (The Power), grandfather of Sam and Noah. So dearly loved so
sadly missed.
Nationale (FLN) fighting for Algeria’s In the new presidential elections but in September 2015 the feared
O’HARE, Dr Philip John. Son of Philip and
independence from France. Bouteflika won 74% of the vote, General Mohamed Mediène, who
Margaret. Loving husband to Carole, father to
During this period Bouteflika was according to the official count. led the “dirty war” against the GIA Matthew, John and Simon. Grandfather to Isla,
controller of the Wilaya V district Having secured the presidency he and helped win Bouteflika his 2014 Abigail and Elliot. A great friend to many. Linguist,
in north-west Algeria, close to the initiated a referendum on his policies victory, was ousted, the clique lecturer, proud European, lifelong Manchester
Moroccan border, before becoming to offer amnesties to rebels and around the now inactive president United fan and Guardian reader, he taught at
universities in Leeds and Bradford. Phil died on 11
administrative secretary to Houari restore peace. The referendum was having decided to consolidate September 2021 aged 77. Funeral at Holy Trinity
Boumediene, a key figure in the won overwhelmingly and a delicate power without the general. Church LS16 7LP on Monday 27 September at
FLN. At independence in 1962, peace has held. Since 1992, only Bouteflika’s final public 1pm. All who knew and loved Phil are welcome to
appearance came in 2017. When it attend.
was announced that he would run
for a fifth term in 2019, protests
erupted across the country. NEWSUM, Mark G. 30/08/1962 - 21/09/2020.
A pledge not to serve a full term Monty, my beautiful boy. Remembered every day.
"I’m thinking that it must be love".
failed to quell public anger and, after
losing the support of the then army
chief, Ahmed Gaid Salah, Bouteflika For Announcements, Acknowledgments, Adoptions,
decided not to stand. Continued Anniversaries, Birthdays, Births, Deaths,
protests led to his resignation in April Engagements, Memorial Services and In Memoriam,
email us at
2019 after two decades in power. including your name, address and telephone
In 1990 he married Amal Triki, number or phone 0203 353 2114.
but they were rarely seen together
in public and later divorced.
Trevor Mostyn Reread our obituary of
Jimmy Greaves, one of
Abdelaziz Bouteflika, politician, football’s greatest strikers
born 2 March 1937; died 17
September 2021 obituaries
• The Guardian Tuesday 21 September 2021

12 Puzzles

Yesterday’s Killer sudoku Codeword

Easy Each letter of the alphabet makes at least one appearance in the grid,
and is represented by the same number wherever it appears. The letters
Killer sudoku The normal rules of decoded should help you to identify other letters and words in the grid.
Easy Sudoku apply: fill each
row, column and 3x3
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must add up to the
number in the top corner
of that box. No digit can
be repeated within an
inner shape.




Cryptic crossword Guardian cryptic crossword No 28,556 set by Matilda

Solution No. 28,555
A U A A H U I 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 Across Down
OMA N D A N D E L I O N S 1,5 Single forehand shot and scores 2,22 Projection, which could
B A D I F N G produce a headache with
DAS S I E MI TREBOX are settled (2,4,8)
D R A S A E 9 This forced one to take the stairs, part exchange (8)
WA S P I S H L Y A P E S 9 10 thus getting exercise (4,4) 3 Dual Asian model somewhere in
C A L F H I S T OG R AM 10 Cycling in Yorkshire? (6) southern Europe … (9)
A A M N I L 11 Singletons? (6,6) 4 … lowers self for Europeans —
K B N D R S W 13 Resorts of times past (4) just saying! (6)
P I GEONHOL E S K I D 11 14 Monk sounds drunk on gin (8) 5 Film of float at a tantric gathering
S H R EWD T S E T S E 17 Mushy peas served with pork pie, (5,10)
12 right for trainer (8) 6 What about cunning bloke? He’s
18 15’s range (4) no alien (8)
13 14 15 20 Attractive European’s bearing? 7 See 12
(8,4) 8 Past one’s best, left to admit
16 23 Make secure? (6) defeat on the radio (4,2,4)
24 Inflexible, as if in Fife (8) 12,7 A father’s wise rewriting of an
17 18 25 Their own pants became idiot’s novel (1,7,2,5)
threadbare (4,4) 15 Nice person demonstrated a little
19 26 Stick around, admitting love by energy (9)
the end of fiery speech (6) 16 2% of Hawaii, as a state (8)
20 21
19 After a short time, moved up and
down (6)
21 Special position of hotel in 15
location (5)
23 24
22 See 2

25 26
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Gone to the rats!
Behind the scenes of the big British bin crisis

Tuesday 21/09/21
Zoe Williams
Should I really
worry about
crumpet shortages?
page 3

‘We made love on

the living-room carpet’
30 years of The
Lovers’ Guide
page 4

Pass notes 3
The Guardian
Tuesday 21 September 2021

Food shortages? Gas These police
heroes really
prices? Wake me up take the (dog)
when it’s all over biscuit

tend not to worry about things until they have happened. The Thin Blue Paw is a new
This is somewhere between a policy and a habit – and has
its ups and downs. Sometimes I think it would be nice to
have fewer appalling surprises, but not often enough that
organisation that honours the
achievements of police dogs. The
inaugural award for outstanding
№ 4,334
I try to change.
Mr Z is the exact opposite. He conducts a minute-by-
minute threat-level analysis of the medium term, as if he has one
bravery was won by Stark, a West
Midlands rookie who kept holding
on even as the suspect in his grip
Elvis the spy
of those angled dental mirrors into the future. Consequently, he is attacked him with a machete. Age: Born 1935.
extremely worried about gas prices and very worried indeed about Initially, I thought: have these Appearance: A trifle conspicuous.
food shortages. He also has some ambient concerns about nuclear people never met a dog? That is Are we talking about Elvis Presley? Yes,
submarines. He spends his life, or at least the portion of it covered what they do. There is an adjective the legendary singer and spy.
by radio news bulletins, trying to bring me up to speed on things I named after them. It’s like giving I’ll admit I didn’t know about the second
should also anxiously engage with. He is remarkably unperturbed Kate Winslet an award for having part. That’s how spying works. According
by his lack of success. Maybe it is not remarkable – maybe he has expressive eyes (she won an Emmy to reports, Elvis was recruited as a spy in
seen into the future and there is a time when I start paying attention. the same week for this very thing). the 70s by none other than Richard Nixon.
I cannot get exercised on the subject of whether or not we will Then I read how many times To spy on whom? John Lennon.
be able to source a turkey for Christmas, partly because it is so far Stark (pictured with PC Paul Where are these reports coming from?
away, partly because I am not wild about turkey and partly because Hopley) was hit with the machete From Bob Harris.
my kids will be with their dad this year. I am not moaning. I can see and revised my view to be more You mean Whispering Bob Harris? Yes, the
that I made this divorcee bed and have to lie in it. But the shortage awestruck. But I still thought: if it’s DJ. Speaking on the Rockonteurs podcast,
of your own offspring on Christmas Day is a famine so profound tenacity the police are looking for, Harris said that Nixon “had detailed Elvis
and unnatural that whether you are eating turkey or rat is a they should switch to staffordshire to gather as much information about John
second-order concern. bull terriers. My dog would still Lennon as he could”.
I cannot get “It’s the lack of CO2,” said Mr Z, with all
the authority of someone who has just read
be attached to the criminal – he
wouldn’t let go for long enough to
Why? Due to the musician’s outspoken
criticism of the Vietnam war, Harris said,
exercised about an internet explainer for the lay worrier.
“Something-something fertiliser by-product.”
attend the awards ceremony.
Then I read the extent of Stark’s
“Nixon loathed Lennon”. By 1972, Nixon
was trying to get Lennon deported. Elvis
whether we will “Not to worry,” I replied, which I believe is
a well-worn English phrase, but I use it more
injuries, and the happy news that
he has recovered, and I had a hard
and Lennon also disliked each other when
they met in 1965.
be able to source a as a Yoda-style instruction to others.
“CO2 is also important to the manufacture of
word with myself. This is indeed an
outstanding dog, who deserves all
But is this spying story true? Harris
claimed that Nixon and Elvis were great
Christmas turkey crumpets,” he continued. “Warburtons had a
shortage in 2018.”
the plaudits life will throw at him.
Prison Service dogs have a
friends; while that may be an exaggeration,
it is true that the pair had a weird meeting

My brain went immediately to all the bread complex awards system, as do staff at the White House in 1970.
products I would eat happily instead of crumpets. members of the prison estate. I’m What was the meeting about? Elvis was
That took ages, and I didn’t share it with him, a trustee of the Butler Trust, which apparently trying to secure a Federal
because I am trying to preserve my mystique. celebrates the people, not the dogs. Bureau of Narcotics badge. According to
Besides, he knew that was what I was doing. One year, another trustee was notes taken at the time: “Presley indicated
“I’m going to carry on going until I find something also on the dog panel. I definitely that he thought the Beatles had been a real
you care about,” he said. “The shortages are also considered merging the two bodies force for anti-American spirit.”
threatening production of soft drinks and beer.” so we could have the ceremony for So Elvis did hate the Fab Four. His
Gas prices, meanwhile, I find even harder both species at Buckingham Palace. voluminous FBI file makes it clear. One
to care about, since, dur, it is still 21C outside The canines were just so incredible: report read: “He is of the opinion that the
(according to my phone). “Looking beyond drug dogs that could also smell Beatles laid the groundwork for many
the next 48 hours, can you see any cause for sim cards, perimeter dogs that of the problems we are having with
concern?” he asked, mildly. “Given something- also cheered people up. I wasn’t young people by their filthy, unkempt
something-something-something, are you even thinking they should go head to appearances and suggestive music.”
a tiny bit curious about what’s going on?” head with the prison officers, by the And that’s why he needed a badge? To
While, emotionally, I remain inert, I will admit way, who are more incredible still. fight the Beatles? According to his former
that this piqued my interest. My friend C’s partner People always call them “service wife, Priscilla, Elvis thought that, “with
is a gas trader, so I texted her to ask him what was animals”, presumably to indicate the federal narcotics badge, he could
going on. If I had asked her what the guy in The White Lotus was also that cats are also eligible. Yet cats legally enter any country both wearing
in, or how to make Irish stew, she would have replied within five never win, because they are not guns and carrying any drugs he wished”.
minutes. Instead, two days went by. Then, finally: “He has a lot to pro-social. Cat people, one day, Elvis doesn’t really strike me as the
say on this.” They are, I realise, having the same relationship as us, will accept this. undercover type. Really? Then how do
one and a half miles away; he tells her things to worry about and she you suppose he has managed to keep such
zones him out, the difference being that his stuff is mainly gas. a low profile over the years?
Although the decision to ruminate or not is, of course, mainly By dying in 1977? Not necessarily. One
temperamental, at this point in 2021 it is also political. I do not theory holds that Elvis faked his death
want to be arguing on social media about whether or not these are to enter a witness protection programme
Brexit effects, or whether long-haul lorry drivers would have left after helping the FBI infiltrate an organised
the UK anyway because of Covid, or how every country runs out crime syndicate.
of CO2 every now and again, but the meedja doesn’t talk about it. Is there any evidence to back that up? No.
Never would an “I told you so” taste more ashen in my mouth than I didn’t think so. But the idea that Elvis
delivered across an empty bakery aisle, from one thinking person didn’t die persisted; supposed sightings
who couldn’t find any crumpets to another. I prefer not to notice were common in the years after his demise.
that anything is going wrong anywhere. Do say: “Not all heroes wear capes.”
Don’t say: “Even if Elvis had lived, he’d
still be dead by now.”

The Guardian
6 Tuesday 21 September 2021

Andy Gee with

his recycling used nappies smells like?” he says
truck in Torbay, glumly. “It was 32C the other day.”
Devon Tempers are fraying, too, on the
hyperlocal app Nextdoor. “What
are we paying council tax for?” one
south London resident writes. “I’ll
dump my refuse at the town hall!”
In response to an overwhelming
volume of complaints, local
authorities plead for understanding,
explaining that an unprecedented
set of circumstances beyond their
control is to blame for the mounting
rubbish on our streets.
First, and most significant,
is Brexit. EU HGV drivers are no
longer able to obtain visas to work
in the UK. The Road Haulage
Association (RHA) estimates that
nearly 20,000 European HGV drivers
returned to EU countries in 2020.
Then there’s the pandemic,
which has caused many HGV
drivers to reassess their priorities.
“Covid has made a lot of drivers
think about their quality of life,”
says Richard Burnett of the RHA.
“How would you feel about
starting a shift at 2am and driving
for 12 hours, only to collapse, fall
asleep and do it all over again the
following day?” The average age of
a HGV driver is 56, so many have
taken early retirement.
Other, Covid-related challenges
include the DVLA having been
operating at limited capacity, due to
staffing pressures, meaning fewer
HGV licences have been issued. And
the “pingdemic” knocked entire
crews off the road for much of the
summer, although such staffing
shortages have abated recently.
To make matters worse, this year
the government closed the IR35
tax loophole, which had allowed
some HGV drivers to reduce their
by a shortage of the HGV drivers tax contributions. “Agency drivers

‘The public
necessary to operate recycling and withdrew their labour and said that
refuse lorries. This month, it was if agencies weren’t prepared to pay
reported that at least 18 councils the difference, they wouldn’t keep
have delayed bin collections due to driving,” says Burnett.

don’t care.
a lack of drivers, with virtually all As a result of all this, drivers
areas of the UK affected. find themselves in unprecedented
Across the country, effluence demand and salaries have soared.
ndy Gee oozes from bloated sacks, rats Pre-Brexit and Covid, the average
doesn’t mind when people call him rummage in recycling bins, and HGV driver would have earned about

They look
a bin man, but it depends on their foxes enjoy nightly feasts of £35,000; now, reportedly, Waitrose is
tone. “If they say you’re just a bin epicurean proportions. Meanwhile, offering £53,780 as a starting salary,
man,” he says, sitting in the driver’s council inboxes and Twitter feeds while Gist, which supplies drivers for
seat of his recycling lorry, as we wind overflow with angry messages and Tesco and M&S, is offering £56,674,
through Torquay, Devon, at the tail unsightly images of uncollected plus a £5,000 bonus. Yet despite this

at us like
end of the tourist season, “then it’s rubbish. For the first time since the largesse, bare shelves have become a
like, hang on a minute. I’m just a strikes of 1978-1979, the public is routine sight at many supermarkets.
person getting rid of your rubbish! starting to appreciate the essential Local authorities are
But to be described as a bin man – at work that bin men do – usually haemorrhaging drivers like never
the end of the day, I looked at bin after a disturbing encounter with before, because they can’t afford

we’re scum’
men as bin men when I was a kid.” a particularly potent bin. to match these salaries. “What
On the pavements, overflowing Keith Clark, a 27-year-old teaching we’ve got at the minute is a perfect
boxes of recycling stand to assistant in Croydon, recently storm,” says Beth Whittaker,
attention, waiting for collections had one such encounter. He came human resources officer at the
that have become less frequent in home from work to find his front outsourcing giant Veolia, which
recent months. Gee is contracted to porch covered in what he initially handles refuse for 7m households
work a 40-hour week, but lately he thought was rice, but subsequently across the country. Veolia currently
has been clocking up 55 hours, with realised was hundreds of maggots has 80 vacancies for HGV drivers.
paid overtime. “I personally will swarming out of a food waste caddy But Burnett says problems in the
Overflowing bins, swarms of do every hour I can to help people
catch up,” he says. Today, Gee plans
that hadn’t been collected in a
month. “It was disgusting,” Clark
sector have been brewing for years.
Even pre-Covid and Brexit, the
maggots, the reek of dirty nappies: to finish his round and then pick up
two weeks’ worth of uncollected
says. “It made me cringe. I couldn’t
stop scratching myself.”
logistics industry had a shortage
of 60,000 HGV drivers. Unions had
Britain’s refuse collection is in recycling on someone else’s route.
The proper name for Gee’s job
Meanwhile in Kirkby, Merseyside,
Adam Brown, 35, who works in life
been sounding the alarm about
pay, conditions, hours and an
crisis. Is it all down to Brexit and the is a waste and recycling driver,
and men like him (they are almost
sciences, stares out of the window at
his general waste bin, which hasn’t
ageing workforce. “This isn’t a new
phenomenon,” he says. “It’s been
shortage of HGV drivers? Sirin Kale always men) are in short supply. been emptied for six weeks. Brown going on for years now.”
The UK is in the grip of a nationwide is a new father. “Can you imagine In Torquay, Gee is waging his
joins a worker on his rounds rubbish collection crisis, triggered what a six-week-old bin full of own battle against the rubbish

The Guardian
Tuesday 21 September 2021 7

crisis. Eight of Torbay council’s vehicle, which he handles as nimbly

40 drivers have quit the service as a Mini Cooper. On the outside
in recent months, tempted by the of the lorry are compartments for
high salaries of the private sector. food waste, mixed paper, small
The service is so short-staffed,
managers are having to go out on
electricals and textiles, glass,
plastics and cans, and cardboard. We need
rounds, but can still run only 18 of
their 22 weekly collections.
Once each compartment is full,
a hydraulic ram lifts it into a supermarkets to
Without Gee, the service would
be in even direr straits. He’s the
compartment at the top of the
vehicle, where it is compressed. The stop poaching
best in the game – everyone says
it. “I wish I could clone him,” says
cardboard compartment always fills
up the quickest – all those Amazon our drivers –
Ian Hartley, Torbay council’s head
of waste and recycling. “He’s so
parcels. Because dry cardboard is a
nightmare to compact, experienced then people can
efficient that he always finishes his
rounds, comes back, empties his
bin men pray for rain, like farmers.
“People think we don’t want to
get their bins
vehicle, gets in another vehicle,
goes out and finishes someone
work in the rain,” Gee says. “But it’s
actually better for us, because we
else’s round.” Gee, who is 51 and can get rid of all of the card.”
lives locally, is ripe for promotion I hop in beside Gee in the cab,
into the office as a supervisor. which is immaculately clean and
“But I worry about that,” Gee says. fresh-smelling. “It’s like a game
“Because then they won’t have me of chess,” he says Gee of his job,
out here. If they had five of me this reversing around a residential
place would be a different story. I’m cul-de-sac. “You’re always having council used to get from central
not just blowing my own trumpet.” to assess whether it’s worth At the recycling government, he says, it now gets
Refuse collectors work in continuing to fill the lorry, because centre in 15p, and every bit of extra money he
three-man crews. Working with the fuller it is, the longer it takes to Paignton throws at his drivers is less money
Gee today are two loaders. As the compact the recycling. Or, should to spend on schools or social care.
driver-loader, Gee is in charge. you drive back to the yard, get rid But not all council refuse services
He is a voluble and often hilarious of the card, and speed the round are operated in-house by cash-
presence, but so fearsome is his up?” Gee generally prefers to do a strapped local authorities. Many
work ethic that some loaders dread “tactical tip”, as he terms it, even are run by outsourcing giants such
being assigned to his crew. “I have if it adds more time to his rounds, as Serco, which predicts profits of
got a name for myself,” says Gee. because it means he can clear away £200m this year, and Veolia, which
“I’ve had people in the office saying more rubbish. had global revenue of £26bn in 2020.
they won’t come out with me. If Morale, he says, is low. Gee and Veolia is offering bonuses of
you don’t want to work, don’t come his crew work long, unsociable £1,500, trying to encourage more
out with me, because I won’t carry hours, in all weather conditions. women to enter the refuse industry,
anybody.” But even Gee is starting Because it’s dark when he starts and has started an in-house
to slow down. “I’ve been at the his shift in winter, Gee often can’t training academy to secure recruits’
top of my game now for 11 years,” properly see what he’s doing and HGV licences, free of charge.
he says. “But I can’t keep this up. gets sprayed with rotting food and Whittaker tells me that Veolia has
That’s my only worry. I’m nearly 52.” dog poo. He works bank holidays, also put up pay in some affected
Today, Gee is operating a except for Christmas and New areas, but she won’t tell me by how
12-tonne Romaquip kerbside sorting Year’s Day, and gets holiday leave, much, and neither will Veolia tell
but no sick pay above the statutory me how much it pays its driver-
minimum. “I got food poisoning because we were out working, but understanding,” he says, with a loaders. (Looking online, average
once,” he says. “It was bad; I was as soon as they went back to work tight smile. “But it’s wearing thin.” pay appears to be advertised at
in hospital. The specialist said he we were zeros again. Some of them This month, Torbay, Teignbridge about £11.80 an hour.) “It’s not just
thought I got it from doing this job. look at you like you’re scum.” The and North Devon councils wrote about salary,” Whittaker says, when
Splash of chicken juice – it’s that older generation show greater to the home secretary, asking her I ask why Veolia doesn’t just pay its
Twitter feeds easy. It put me off work for two respect. “They care more,” Gee says. to allow EU HGV drivers back into drivers more.

are overflowing weeks. They paid me sick pay by

accident, and took it back off me.”
“They’re the ones who sort their
boxes meticulously for us.” (When
the country for the two years it will
take to train a new generation of
At Torbay council’s recycling
plant in Paignton, Gee unloads his

with unsightly Then there’s the general public,

who tend not to treat Gee with the
people fail to sort their recycling, it
can add hours to Gee’s round.)
British drivers. “We need that two-
year visa waiver from Priti Patel,”
day’s catch into an enormous blue
contraption called the hopper,
images of respect a man of his experience and
professionalism deserves. “The
Gee has considered leaving.
“A guy just left here and he’s gone
says Darling, “so that we can take
the pressure off the supermarkets.
which rattles and shudders and
makes a tremendous grinding
uncollected public frustrates me, with the fact up to £44,000,” he says. “All he
that they don’t care,” he says. “We’re does is drive from Didcot to Exeter.”
They’ll stop poaching our drivers,
and people can start getting their
noise. Seagulls line the approach
like well-wishers at a royal visit.
rubbish heroes to zeros in seconds. During
the pandemic we were heroes,
But for now, he plans to stay put.
“If I was in a lorry driving up and
bins collected more.”
So far, Patel has been unmoving,
Hawks are sometimes brought in
to scare them off, but they’re too
down the motorway all day I’d be even as the UK chokes on its own expensive to have around full-time.
on my own,” he says. “At least I’ve filth. I ask Darling, who backed I watch as a rainfall of glass,
got these two idiots to talk to.” Gee remain, whether it’s frustrating to plastics and cans is fed into the
Gee in the cab is paid £24,000 a year. “That’s quite receive so many irate emails from hopper and emerges in orderly
of his truck a sad salary,” he says. “Isn’t it?” his constituents, given that 67% of bales, ready to be sold as recycling.
Torbay voted to leave the European “That is one lorry,” Hartley
Union. Doesn’t he want to tell them observes. “And we have 22 lorries

to wake up and smell the bins? coming back, twice a day, every
This is what they voted for. “It’s day, for 52 weeks a year. We’re
pointless rubbing people’s noses in shockingly bad at consuming stuff.
it,” Darling responds evenly. Quite often you’ll see food in there
In an attempt to retain drivers, that’s still in the package. A whole
Torbay council recently put up their bag of chips.”

salary by 61p to £11.49 an hour, plus As I watch the hopper’s maw

he great British £60 for every full week worked. crunch down on an endlessly
public generally trouble their This has cost the council £200,000, replenishing banquet of refuse,
elected officials about one of but it is not enough. “If you look I think to myself that humans are
only two things, says the Torbay at the average cost of a HGV driver the maggots, really. We buy and
councillor Steve Darling, from his around here,” says Hartley, “it’s consume, and waste and complain,
office in an otherwise deserted currently £15 an hour. If we put while the bin men carry away our
town hall. “Bins and potholes.” all of our drivers on £15 an hour, it rubbish at the crack of dawn, quietly,
Darling has the enervated air of a would add half a million pounds for paltry wages. And it’s only now
man with a heaving, angry inbox. to our budget. We just don’t have that they’re scarce that they may
“Most people have been incredibly the money.” For every pound the get the recognition they deserve.

The Guardian
Tuesday 21 September 2021
How we made 9

really hit their stride. Drag had been

East Is East
Spoofs and
sketches … part of the couple’s life since their
Adam Buxton earliest days together: they made
and Joe Cornish a film at university about a drag
queen who moves to suburbia, and
they would often skip classes to
watch drag shows at the Pyramid
Club. “We called it super drag ‘We first saw it at Cannes. They only gave us one hotel
because it took all of popular
culture and slapped it on, mocking
room, so everyone slept on the floor’
and celebrating it at the same time,”
says Bailey. “That mashup seemed
the perfect way to synthesise all the
media madness, the bombardment
of stimuli, that was becoming the
new normal.”
The tradition survives on
RuPaul’s Drag Race, which
combines reality show, talent
contest, sketch comedy, spoof
and musical. “The show is like a
drag queen. It’s this, that and the
other. It’s a TV show, but it’s also
appropriating all these things from
The World of Wonder empire different elements of the culture.
grew throughout that decade. The format itself is in drag.”
Bailey and Barbato gave What cultural differences have Bittersweet …
camcorders to 10 Angelenos to they observed in the various Drag Emma Rydal
document the city in the aftermath Race series around the world? and Jimi Mistry
of the Rodney King riots, then “When Baga Chipz walked on set in East Is East
cut the results together to make on the first UK season and said,
LA Stories. From their New ‘Ooh, I just shit my knickers’, it was
York headquarters in the East very much end-of-the-pier, back-
Village, they selected the juiciest of-the-panto hall,” marvels Bailey.
titbits from America’s booming “British drag is different from the
homemade cable-access channels
and compiled them into the
US version: it’s a bit dirtier and
more truck driver-y.”
Ayub Khan Din Jimi Mistry
Channel 4 series Manhattan Cable. Barbato is shaking his head. “I’m Writer Played Tariq
In 1995, they established a London going to disagree here,” he smiles.
office above the Body Shop in “It’s hard to pinpoint specific My Pakistani father came over from India in I left drama school in Birmingham in
Brixton and launched Takeover TV, cultural differences because no two the merchant navy, jumped ship in London 1995 and moved to London. My agent
which broadcast videos by budding drag queens are the same.” in 1927 and moved to Manchester where he sent me to the Royal Court theatre where
talents such as Graham Norton and Bailey takes the point: “I suppose met my Irish/English mum, who worked as the Tamasha Theatre Company were
Alexander Armstrong, and up-and- the only thing any drag queen has a clippie – a ticket-taker on the buses. They workshopping a series of plays. The next
coming film-makers such as Edgar in common with another is that married in 1947, opened a chip shop in the thing I knew, I was asked to audition for
Wright and Garth Jennings. they’re drag queens. That said, the slums of Salford, and had 10 children – eight East Is East. Back in the mid-90s, there were
“Randy and I were pigs looking ones in Australia really are much boys and two girls. I’m eighth. very few British Asian actors. They must
for truffles,” says Bailey, who ruder to each other.” I’d always wondered how my parents coped have auditioned from a very small pool.
sometimes slept in the office to As Drag Race has progressed, in their mixed-race relationship, bringing up My father is from India, my mother from
guard the editing equipment. there have been landmark so many children, and when I came to drama Northern Ireland and I have two younger
Their democratic philosophy moments, such as the first final to school in London, I started writing down little sisters, so I was bang on for Tariq. I had had
went against the established idea be populated entirely by queens of incidents from my childhood. The play sat in exposure to the Indian side of my family, but
“that entertainment was all about colour (season eight). Its political a drawer for years until the Tamasha Theatre I considered myself very British. My mum
gatekeeping and doing anything power, though, has been a constant, Company – formed in 1989 with a mission to would say I was quite strong-minded and
you could to prevent access to even before competitors were bring more Asian drama to the British stage – rebellious. I don’t think a part has ever fitted
production. We encouraged the required to give gay US military used it in a workshop for young actors before me so perfectly.
opposite.” The DIY landscape veterans a drag makeover (season staging the whole play at the Birmingham Rep As my first theatre job, it was amazing. We
they fostered and facilitated five) or to take part in Trump: The in 1996. It was such a personal piece I didn’t knew that Ayub was hoping to turn it into
looks now like a forerunner of Ru-sical (season 11), or to welcome know if it would relate to an audience. But we a film. Film4 had done Shallow Grave and
the internet. Bailey has only one Nancy Pelosi on the third series of sold out by word of mouth before we’d even Trainspotting, and every young actor wanted
regret: “We didn’t invent YouTube. RuPaul’s Drag Race All Stars. got to London. to work for them, but we had no idea if the
Goddammit!” “Ru always says, ‘Every time Everyone kept saying: “We haven’t seen director would cast us just because we’d been
Adam Buxton was another I bat my eyelashes, it’s a political Asians behave like this before.” It was a in the play. For two years, we knew they were
regular contributor to Takeover act,’” Bailey points out. “The massive shock to see so many brown faces auditioning, but were saying to each other:
TV, eventually roping in his friend essence of the show is political on stage, selling out the West End. It was the “Have you had a call?” “No, I haven’t had a
Joe Cornish; Bailey and Barbato because it embraces outsider first time people saw that such theatre can be call. Have you?” When we thought it was too
then produced The Adam and Joe voices. It’s all about empowerment, commercially successful. A producer friend late, we finally got invited to audition.
Show, with its stunt sketches and and giving the establishment a big at the BBC said: “This will transfer really The budget wasn’t ginormous but there
its movie spoofs populated by casts ‘fuck you!’” well to film.” But then they said Brothers was already this huge bond between myself
of toys. For Bailey, it’s not such an Among the many forthcoming in Trouble, a 1995 film about an illegal and the other actors. We knew we were using
unlikely leap to go from that to Drag World of Wonder projects is Queen Pakistani immigrant, hadn’t made its money sensitive, racist language and didn’t know
Race 10 years later. “It’s all about of the Universe, a Eurovision-style back, and dropped out. So Film4 put up the if people were going to get offended or find
the excitement of ideas,” he says. contest in which drag queens will whole budget. I desperately wanted to cast it funny, or even if such a bittersweet tale
“That’s what gets us out of bed in sing – rather than lip-sync. Will the everyone straight from the play. Luckily, the would translate to film.
the morning. We love pop culture; drag cupboard ever run bare? director agreed and we got almost everyone. The first time we saw it was at Cannes.
we think it’s the engine of western “We compare it to rap,” says The film got a standing ovation at Cannes They only gave us one hotel room, so
civilisation.” Bailey. “Everyone said rap was a film festival and then just snowballed. Now, everyone slept on my floor. I had just started

Most World of Wonder projects, passing phase in music, and now, the play is back on a fresh tour. People ask on EastEnders, playing Dr Fred Fonseca, so
he explains, have sprung from the of course, rap is rock. Drag is like me: “Why now?” But it has never stopped I flew back on Sunday night and walked on to
same question: wouldn’t it be cool that. It had never previously been being performed. The play is more political the EastEnders set on Monday. The Guardian
if …? “You know: ‘Wouldn’t it be given a place at the cultural table than the film, but it still crosses cultures. It’s a had run the headline “East is best at Cannes”
cool if Adam and Joe had their own but there’s a whole realm of talent story about family relationships, a patriarchal with a picture of me in the film. Everyone
show?’ or ‘Wouldn’t it be cool if Ru that’s never been appreciated or father, and identity within a family. I think the gave me a standing ovation. I had no idea
had a No 1 record, and there was recognised before. It’s out there.” arguments are as relevant today. Because of what was going on.
this big black drag queen at the top In more ways than one. Black Lives Matter, we’re all questioning our Interviews by Rich Pelley. East Is East is
of the charts?’” RuPaul’s Drag Race UK Season 3 identity, where we belong and what our place at Birmingham Rep until Saturday, then
It was with Drag Race that they starts on BBC Three on Thursday. is within the history of this country. the National Theatre, London, 7-30 October.


12 The Guardian

Puzzles Tuesday 21 September 2021

Yesterday’s Quick crossword no 16,029

solutions 1 2 3 4 5 6 7

Wordsearch Across Down 8

1 Condition that kills a tree or shrub, 1 Piece of turf dug out with a golf
starting from the tip of its leaves or club (5) 9
from its roots (7) 2 Early anaesthetic (5)
8 Squeeze out (7) 3 Somewhere to stay (13) 10
9 Means of travel (7) 4 Custodian (in goal?) (6)
10 Diving seabirds — children’s books 5 What can hide one’s feelings (5,5,3)
11 12
(7) 6 Charmingly old-fashioned (6)
11 (Make a) monotonous sound (5) 7 Ungenerous (6)
13 Use of wooden veneers to create a 12 Getting this, you’ll be upset (4) 13 14
decorative pattern on furniture (9) 14 Ready to eat (4)
15 Danger for over-the-limit drivers? 15 Outline (6)
(5,4) 16 Commission (6)
18 Shrub or small tree with scented 17 Write down (for future reference)
15 16 17
white flowers and black berries (5) (6)
21 Inconsistent (7) 19 Close together (5)
Solution no 16,028 18 19 20
22 1928 Virginia Woolf novel (7) 20 Origins (5)
P A R A C H U T E U S 23 Straightforward honesty (7)
V G U R K N O T 24 Sadden (7) 21
S A R E N E W R G 22
R A I N R A G S 24
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Sudoku no 5378

Sudoku no 5379 Suguru Wordsearch

Medium. Fill the grid so that each row, column and Fill the grid so that each square Can you find 15 words associated
3x3 box contains the numbers 1-9. Printable version at in an outlined block contains a with buffets in the grid? Words can digit. A block of 2 squares contains run forwards, backwards, vertically
the digits 1 and 2, a block of three or diagonally, but always in a
squares contains the digits 1, 2 and straight, unbroken line.
3, and so on. No same digit appears
in neighbouring squares, not even
Word wheel


Word wheel Pet corner

Find as many words as Which of the following
possible using the letters was NOT the name of a
in the wheel. Each must dog owned by George
use the central letter Washington?
and at least two others. a. Tipler
Letters may be used only b. Toper
once. You may not use c. Tipsy
plurals, foreign words or d. Drunkard
proper nouns. There is at Answer top right
least one nine-letter word
to be found. TARGET:
Excellent-41. Good-34.

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