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‬ ‭Subject‬

S‭ ubject‬‭(subject or actor) is someone or something‬‭that is at the core of the conversation. So if we look‬

‭for the subject of a sentence, that means we are looking for the main topic that is being discussed or‬
‭described in the sentence.‬

‭Types of Subjects‬

T‭ he most common types of subjects are people's names or personal pronouns. But in English, the things‬
‭we can call subjects are not only people. There are several types of words that we can label as subjects.‬
‭What are these types of subjects? Let's discuss them one by one!‬

‭1.‬ ‭Pronoun‬

T‭ he first subject is the pronoun or personal pronoun. This type of subject is the type that is most easily‬
‭distinguished from other types of subject. Personal pronouns or pronouns consist of:‬‭They, we, I, you,‬‭he,‬
‭she, it.‬

‭Singular‬ ‭Plural‬

‭First Person Pronouns‬ ‭I‬ ‭We‬

‭Second Person Pronouns‬ ‭You‬ ‭You‬

‭Third Person Pronouns‬ ‭He, she, it‬ ‭They‬

‭ sually the subject is located at the beginning of the sentence. However, sometimes it can be located‬
‭after an explanatory sentence.‬

‭Example of sentences:‬

‭She‬‭loves ice cream‬

‭He likes ice cream.‬

‭A beautiful cheerleader, ‬‭Sarah‬‭rarely misses the class.‬

‭A beautiful cheerleader, Sarah rarely misses class.‬

‭2.‬ ‭Noun‬

‭Noun is a noun. The 5 things that fall into the noun category are:‬

‭●‬ ‭Name of the person‬

‭ ames of people fall into the category of nouns or nouns that fall into the subject type. Examples of‬
‭people's names such as: Ahmad, Sarah, Tom, etc‬


‭Ahmad ‭i‬s a basketball player in his school.‬

‭Ahmad ‭i‬s a basketball player at his school.‬

‭●‬ ‭Item Name‬

J‭ ust like people's names, object names also fall into the noun category. Examples of object names such‬
‭as rackets, tables, pencils, books, etc.‬


‭These two rackets‬‭are bought by Lucas.‬

‭These two rackets were bought by Lucas.‬

‭●‬ ‭Work‬

T‭ ypes of work also fall into categories noun. Examples of this type of work are:‬‭lawyer, teacher, manager‬‭,‬


‭A teacher‬‭who teaches in my school is my mom.‬

‭A teacher who teaches at my school is my mother.‬

‭●‬ ‭Gerund‬

T‭ ype‬‭noun‬‭the fourth that goes into the subject category is gerund. ‬‭Gerund ‬‭is verb or a verb that acts as a‬
‭subject by changing the form of the verb to inside‬‭verb‬‭-at.‬

I‭f you see a v-ing positioned in front, the word is actually positioned as a subject, not verb. Examples are‬
‭swimming, reading, playing, etc.‬


‭Playing basketball‬‭is my hobby.‬

‭Playing basketball is‬‭my hobby.‬

‭●‬ ‭To Infinitive‬

T‭ he last type of noun is to‬‭infinitive‬‭. The to infinitive has the formula to + Verb 1. For example to bring, to‬
‭love, to teach, etc. If the sentence to + verb is at the beginning of the sentence then the phrase is‬
‭positioned as the subject.‬


‭To finish the assignment‬‭‭t‬ akes a focus skill.‬

‭To complete a task requires focus skills.‬


‭Verb are‬‭words that indicate‬‭action‬‭, action, or state. Some examples of verbs that we may often‬
‭hear include:‬‭write ‬‭(write),‬‭eat‬‭(eat),‬‭drink‬‭(drinking), and others.‬

S‭ o far, we know that in Indonesian sentences, at least it consists of‬‭Subject + Predicate.‬‭But are these‬
‭predicates the same as verbs?‬


‭●‬ ‭Obama eats ramen‬

‭Well, in this sentence it is clear, right, that the predicate is eating and the object is ramen.‬

‭But what if the sentence is like the one below?‬

‭●‬ ‭Obama is a president‬‭(Obama is a president)‬

‭From the English sentence, it is clear that is‬‭‭a

‬ hokage is‬‭a verb that can act as a predicate.‬

‭So, in an Indonesian sentence, which is the verb?‬

Y‭ ep, the answer doesn't have a verb. However, we must first understand that a predicate is a word that‬
‭can explain a subject, whether in the form of a verb, noun or adjective. So, the predicate doesn't always‬
‭have to be in verb form.‬

S‭ o, the sentence 'is a president' can be called a predicate, but in noun form. In essence, predicates and‬
‭verbs are the same.‬

‭ ell,‬‭As I mentioned before, there are many types of‬‭verbs themselves. For example,‬‭linking verbs,‬
‭auxiliary verbs‬‭, and many more.‬

‭Types of Verbs and Their Functions‬

‭So, here are the types of verbs and their functions:‬

‭1. Action Verbs‬

‭ ction verbs ‭i‬s a verb that shows an action carried out by the subject of the sentence. Example words‬
‭action‬‭verbs ‬‭including eating, sleeping and writing. For example, let's look at an example sentence verb‬
‭below this:‬

‭●‬ ‭She looks at me.‬

‭Looks ‭(‬ see) in the sentence above functions as action‬‭verb here‬‭,‬

‭2. Linking Verbs‬

L‭ inking verbs is‬‭a type of verb that is used to connect two different sentences, phrases or words.‬
‭Example of sentences linking‬‭verbs namely‬‭:‬

‭●‬ ‭She looks sad.‬

‭ ell, it's different action‬‭verbs‬‭, ‬‭looks‬‭(visible) in the sentence above does not indicate something action.‬
‭But,‬‭looks serves‬‭to connects‬‭‬‭with sad‬‭.‭‬‬

‭3. Transitive dan Intransitive Verbs‬

T‭ he next type of verb is‬‭‬‭transitive and intransitive verbs‬‭nih, guys. ‬‭Transitive verb ‭i‬s a verb that requires‬
‭an object. Example of sentences transitive‬‭verbs ‬‭namely:‬

‭●‬ ‭She ‭l‬ooked ‭a

‬ t me. ‬

T‭ he sentence above requires an object. Because, if there is no object, the context of the sentence will be‬
‭unclear. For example, if the object is removed, it becomes:‬

‭●‬ ‭She ‭l‬ooked‬‭. ‬

‭Well, if it's like this, the sentence won't be clear. Because, we don't know what the subject is seeing.‬

‭Intransitive verbs is‬‭a verb that does not require an object. As an example:‬

‭●‬ ‭Wawan‬‭sleep‬‭10 o'clock yesterday.‬

‭ ell, this sentence doesn't need an object because without an object, the context of the sentence is‬
‭very clear.‬

‭4. Regular and Irregular Verbs‬

‭ efinitely familiar with this type of verb. Yep,‬‭regular verbs‬‭‭a‬ nd‬‭‬‭irregular verbs‬‭‬‭This has been discussed‬
‭very often, since we were in elementary school and even now.‬

‭ asically, the verb or verb‬‭‭i‬n English there will be changes in form according to tenses‬‭‭t‬ hat is used,‬
‭whether it is using verb‬‭1, verb 2,‬‭or‬‭verb 3. ‬

‭So, the process of changing the verb itself is divided into two, namely‬‭regular verbs and irregular verbs. ‬

‭ egular verbs‬‭is a regular verb in the second form‬‭(past)‬‭and all three‬‭(past participle)‬‭added with the‬
‭suffix -ed or -d.‬

‭There are several rules that apply irregular‬‭verbs‬‭, that is:‬

‭●‬ ‭When‬‭verb 1 ‭e
‬ nds with a letter vowel(vowel) except e, then add -ed. Example‬‭regular‬
‭verb‬‭s: ‭T‬ hrew out. → Echo‬‭ed.‬

‭●‬ ‭When‬‭verb 1 ‭e
‬ nds with a letter vowel‬‭‬‭(vowel) + y, then add -ed.‬

‭Example‬‭regular verb‬‭s:‬‭Enjoy. → Enjoy‬‭ed.‬

‭●‬ ‭When‬‭verb 1 ends‬‭with a consonant + y, then change y → i.‬

‭Example‬‭regular verb‬‭s: ‬‭Study. → Studies‬‭ed.‬

‭●‬ ‭When‬‭verb 1 diakhiri‬‭CVC‬‭(consonant vowel consonant)‬‭, for example the word‬‭wrap, ‭t‬ he letter r is‬
‭a consonant, a is a vowel, and p is a consonant.‬
E‭ xample‬‭regular verb‬‭s:‬‭Wrap. → Wrap‬‭ped.‬‭‭I‬n addition, the last consonant letter also needs to be‬
‭di‬‭double‬‭, of.‬

‭●‬ ‭When‬‭verb 1 ends‬‭with the letter E, then add -d.‬

‭Example‬‭regular verb‬‭s: ‬‭Love. → Love‬‭d.‬

S‭ o, if for example we find a verb that doesn't fit into the rules above, then we can immediately add‬

‭Example‬‭regular verb‬‭s:‬

‭●‬ ‭Accept. → Accepted.‬

‭●‬ ‭Book. → Booked.‬

‭●‬ ‭Fix. → Fixed.‬

‭So, now we understand the function, right?‬‭regular‬‭verbs? So,‬‭continue to‬‭irregular verbs. ‬

I‭ rregular verbs is‬‭an irregular verb, where the second form‬‭(past)‬‭and all three‬‭(past participle)‬‭may change‬
‭or not change at all.‬‭Irregular verbs also‬‭does not need the addition of -ed or -d at the end of the word.‬

‭ ifferent from regular‬‭verbs, irregular verbs ‭T‬ his doesn't have a regular pattern, guys, so it often causes‬
‭confusion. Therefore, we need to practice a lot and memorize this verb form.‬
‭So, here are some examples of words irregular‬‭verbs which‬‭is often used.‬

‭Examples of irregular verbs.‬

‭5. Auxiliary Verbs‬

‭ s‬‭auxiliary verbs is‬‭one type of verb that we will often encounter in UTBK English. The function of this‬
‭verb is to help the main verb. What do you mean? So, let's look at the three sentences below:‬

‭●‬ ‭She is crying. → Is Shows‬‭the time context.‬

‭●‬ ‭She did cry last night. → Did Explain‬‭the time context.‬

‭●‬ ‭I have worked for two years here. → Have Explain‬‭what happened.‬

‭ ell, said‬‭is, did,‬‭and have‬‭‬‭above serves to help the main verb to have more context, whether it is time‬
‭context, aspect context, and others.‬

‭ enerally, there are four types auxiliary‬‭verb that‬‭is used in English, namely to‬‭be, to do, to have‬‭, and‬
‭modals‬‭. ‬

‭3. Prepositional Phrase‬


‭Prepositional phrase formula:‬

‭Prep + Object‬

‭Prep + verb‬

‭Prep + object + verb‬

‭Example Usage:‬

‭“ The dog is under the table” (Prep + Objek)‬

‭“She came to the party” (Prep + Kata Kerja)‬

‭“We sing on the beach” (Prep + Object + Verb)‬

‭Prepositions are words used to connect objects with certain relationships. Some examples of‬
‭ repositions are at, to, with, and from. Prepositions tell readers a place or time, or describe spatial‬
‭relationships between objects.‬

‭Structure Prepositional Phrase:‬

‭1.‬ ‭Preposition:‬‭Words like "at," "in," "on," "under,"‬‭"above," "beside," and so on.‬

‭2.‬ ‭Preposition Object:‬‭The noun, pronoun, gerund, or‬‭clause that is the focus of the preposition.‬

‭3.‬ S‭ upporting Words:‬‭Additional words that support a‬‭phrase, but are not a crucial part of its‬

T‭ here are two main types of prepositional phrases. The first is an adverbial phrase and the second is an‬
‭adjective prepositional phrase. Here's how to differentiate between the two.‬

‭a.Adverb Prepositional Phrase‬

‭ dverb Prepositional Phrase modifies a verb, adjective, or adverb. The words that are often used include‬
‭when, where, how, why, or to what extent (how many, how much, how long, or how far), and under‬
‭what condition.‬

‭Let's break down the example "The extra cash is inside the handbag", into:‬

‭ oun = the extra cash‬

‭Preposition = inside‬
‭Object = the handbag‬
‭Adjective prepositional phrase = inside the handbag‬

T‭ his phrase contains the word 'inside' as a preposition, which provides information about the‬‭extra cash‬
‭by‬‭telling you where it is.‬

‭b.Adjective Prepositional Phrase‬

T‭ he adjective prepositional phrase acts as an adjective in a sentence, which means it provides additional‬
‭information about the noun.‬

T‭ hese phrases usually consist of a preposition followed by an adjective or noun phrase that provides‬
‭more specific information about the thing or person.‬

T‭ o be clearer, Adjective prepositional phrases are used to modify nouns or pronouns. This phrase‬
‭consists of an adjective, a preposition, and an object. Examples of adjective phrases are‬‭“angry with‬
‭you”‬‭. The adjective in this case is‬‭“angry”‬‭while part‬‭“with‬‭you”‬‭is a prepositional phrase that expresses a‬
‭noun modifier (‬‭You‬‭).‬

‭ djective prepositional phrases can include several adjectives. For example, “getting angry about‬
‭something silly” has two adjectives – angry and silly – with “about something” as the prepositional‬

‭ djective phrases often appear after the noun or pronoun they modify. For example, in the sentence‬
‭“He's annoyed with me.”, “annoyed” modifies “He”.‬

‭By recognizing adjective phrases, you can easily identify what words modify other words in the sentence.‬

‭Let's break down the example "The server at the restaurant was very helpful", into‬

‭Noun = The server‬

‭Preposition = at‬

‭Object = the restaurant‬

‭Adjective prepositional phrase = at the restaurant‬

T‭ he phrase contains a prepositional provide information about the‬‭server’‬‭, where the word is a noun or‬

‭Form prepositional phrases‬

T‭ he form of a prepositional phrase is a type of prepositional phrase that includes two words connected‬
‭by a word ending in '-ing'.‬

‭Here are some examples to help you recognize the form of this prepositional phrase:‬

‭▪‬ ‭During a storm (during + storm)‬

‭▪‬ ‭After eating (after + eating)‬

‭▪‬ ‭Although it’s raining (Although + raining)‬

‭▪‬ ‭Regarding this problem (regarding + the issue)‬

‭▪‬ ‭Without understanding (without + understanding)‬

‭▪‬ ‭Regarding safety (Regarding + safety).‬

‭4.‬ ‭Appositive‬

‭ ppositive phrase is‬‭a phrase whose function is to describe a noun (‬‭noun) ‬‭or object pronoun (‬‭pronoun)‬‭.‬
‭So, this word is usually useful for providing information from the existing sentence.‬‭appositive phrase ‬‭it is‬
‭not always mandatory to use it, because with this phrase, the essence of a sentence will not be‬
‭disturbed, in short,‬‭appositive phrase is just‬‭an addition to the sentence.‬


I‭ really like spaghetti, a staple food of traditional Italian.‬

‭The use of “a staple food of traditional Italian” is appositive, because it serves to explain spaghetti which‬
‭originates from Italy.‬

‭Appositive Structure‬

S‭ o,‬‭appositive ‭T‬ hese locations are quite varied, some‬‭are at the beginning of a sentence, in the middle of‬
‭a sentence, and even at the end of a sentence.‬

‭ ue to its various placements, there are special conditions for use appositive‬‭phrase‬‭. So, we have to‬
‭understand these provisions so we can know which one is which appositive‬‭‬‭and which is not appositive‬‭.‬

‭1.‬ ‭V-ing for appositive‬‭‬‭active‬

‭2.‬ ‭V-3 for appositive‬‭‬‭passive‬

‭3.‬ ‭Who/Which ‬‭+ V-1/V-2/‬‭Auxiliary‬

‭4.‬ ‭Noun Phrase‬‭(example: one of the coolest teachers)‬

‭Examples of Appositive Sentences‬

‭Tom always eats Kimbap, a traditional food of South Korea.‬

‭TokoPedia, established in 2007, now used by more than 230,000 people.‬

‭I bought a new case, a phone case with a big heart icon.‬

‭ ell, let's take a look,‬‭appositive phrase ‬‭it always‬‭explains something and its nature is to provide‬
‭information in the sentence.‬

‭ lso keep in mind that appositive‬‭phrase ‬‭it's flexible. So, appositive‬‭phrase ‬‭it has no restrictions‬
‭regarding its use in explaining something. Whether it's about a person, food, company, or anything‬
‭else,‬‭appositive phrase ‬‭still usable!‬

‭5.‬ ‭Dependent Clause‬

‭ dependent clause is a group of words or words that have one subject and one verb but their meaning‬
‭is incomplete. Dependent class sentences cannot stand alone as sentences because they lack meaning.‬
‭Examples are as follows: When my mother was sleeping. (While my mother was sleeping). The meaning‬
‭of that sentence is not complete because when my mother was sleeping, what happened at that time?‬

‭Characteristics - Dependent Clause Characteristics‬

‭●‬ ‭Use conjunctions or connecting words such as: but, and, or, so, for, or yet‬

‭●‬ ‭Mempunyai dependent marker word: because, however, after, before, in order to, when, whole,‬
‭although, since, wherever, though, even if, whenever, even though, dll‬

‭Types of Dependent Clauses‬

‭Dependent clauses consist of several types, namely as follows:‬

‭●‬ ‭As an adverb clause‬

I‭ts main function is as an adverb which begins with a subordinate conjunction. Example: She went to the‬
‭market yesterday after she visited her uncle's house in the town. Adverbial Clause explains the adverb‬
‭yesterday, namely after she visited her uncle's house in the town‬

‭●‬ ‭As an adjective clause‬

T‭ his clause functions as an adjective to explain a noun or noun. Adjective clauses are also often called‬
‭relative clauses. Example: The man who is cooking lunch is my father. (The man who is cooking lunch is‬
‭my father). The adjective clause here explains "the man" or the noun who is cooking for the lunch‬

‭●‬ ‭As a noun clause‬

‭This clause functions as the subject or object in the sentence. As an example:‬

‭●‬ ‭She doesn't understand why My Mother always gives her some money every Sunday. In this‬
e‭ xample, the noun class becomes the object of the sentence. The noun clause in the sentence is‬
‭why My Mother always gives her some money every Sunday‬

‭●‬ ‭He did not know what made his brother go away from his house a week ago. (He didn't know‬
‭ hat made his brother leave his house a week ago). In this example, the noun clause becomes‬
‭the object of the sentence, namely what made his brother go away from his house a week ago‬
‭●‬ ‭What makes me love this flower is its color. (What makes me like this flower is the color). The‬
‭noun clause here is the subject of the sentence, namely what makes me love the flower‬

‭Independent Clause‬

I‭ndependent clauses are groups of words that have a subject, verb, and complete or complete meaning.‬
‭This clause can stand alone as a sentence because its meaning is complete or not hanging‬


‭●‬ ‭Has a subject that performs the activity or acts in the sentence‬

‭●‬ ‭Has a predicate, namely the activity, action, or action carried out by the subject of the sentence‬

‭●‬ ‭Has a complete meaning‬


‭●‬ ‭Dita is studying in her room (Dita is studying in her room)‬

‭●‬ ‭Tina went to the library alone (Tina went to the library alone)‬

‭●‬ ‭Dika goes shopping to the market (Dika goes shopping to the market)‬

‭●‬ ‭I'm singing (I'm singing)‬

‭●‬ ‭I love him (I love him)‬

‭●‬ ‭Tika swam with her sister (Tika swam with her sister)‬

‭●‬ ‭A cow is a mammal (a cow is a mammal)‬

‭●‬ ‭My mother always give me money (My mother always gives me money)‬

‭●‬ ‭I'm tired (I'm tired)‬

‭●‬ ‭I'm happy (I'm happy)‬

‭Fully dependent and Independent‬

T‭ he combination of dependent and independent clauses is a sentence. This sentence is in the form of a‬
‭mixed compound sentence or compound complex sentence and a multilevel compound sentence or‬
‭complex sentence. The position between dependent and independent can be reversed according to the‬
‭sentence. An example of a sentence that combines these two clauses is a conditional sentence or‬
‭presupposition sentence.‬


‭●‬ ‭The dog slept after ate a bone (The dog slept after eating a bone)‬

‭●‬ ‭My mother had cooked before I went to school (My mother had cooked before I went to school)‬
‭6.‬ ‭Coordinating Conjunctions‬

I‭n the example above, I indirectly introduced you to what is called a conjunction. This conjunction‬
‭consists of several types, namely coordinating‬‭conjunction and subordinating conjunction. ‬‭In this‬
‭material, I will first discuss coordinating conjunctions. What is a coordinating conjunction?‬

‭Now try to pay attention to the following example sentences:‬

‭Kalimat 1 : Mita wanted to buy a cake.‬

‭Kalimat 2 : Roni wanted to buy a cake.‬

‭Kalimat 3 : They went to the bakery together. ‬

‭ f course you can already imagine the situation in the sentence above, where Mita and Roni both want‬
‭to buy cake, but is it effective to use these 3 sentences? It seems like it's not very effective.‬

‭So, let's try changing it into a more effective sentence, like the following:‬

‭"Meter‬‭and‬‭Roni wanted to buy a cake ‬‭so‬‭they went to‬‭the bakery together.”‬

‭ ow? This sentence is more effective, right? In this sentence there is a conjunction "‬‭and‬‭” and “‬‭so‬‭”‬
‭where the word is called a coordinating conjunction, namely a conjunction used to connect two‬
‭sentences that are grammatically equivalent. Equivalent here means sentences that do not depend on‬
‭each other (independent clauses) or can stand alone.‬

‭ part from "and" and "so", what else is a coordinating conjunction? So, actually there are seven‬
‭coordinating conjunctions which are usually abbreviated:‬

‭F – A – N – B – O – Y – S ‬

‭You can see more details in the following picture:‬

‭Examples of words including coordinating conjunctions and their use‬

‭Examples of Using Coordinating Conjunctions‬

‭ s discussed above, conjunctions that are included in the coordinating conjunctions category are for,‬
‭and, nor, but, or, yet, and so. So that you are more enlightened, I will give you a few more examples.‬

‭●‬ ‭For‬

‭ word‬‭for‬‭‬‭here the meaning is not "for '' , but it has the same meaning as the word because‬‭, ‭n
A ‬ amely‬
‭"'because". So, said‬‭for ‭h
‬ ere used as an indicator of a causal relationship. An example is this:‬

‭“Mila did not come to school today, ‭f‬ or ‭s‬ he was sick.”‬

‭(Mila didn't come to school today, because she was sick)‬

‭●‬ ‭And‬

‭A word‬‭and‬‭‭s‬ erves to add words or sentences that do not conflict with the previous sentence.‬

‭Examples like this:‬

‭“I love swimming‬‭and‬‭running.”‬

‭(I like swimming and running)‬

‭●‬ ‭Nor‬

‭A word‬‭Nor ‬‭it is used to connect two or more negative words, phrases, or sentences.‬

‭An example is like this:‬

‭“He doesn’t like to eat beef ‬‭or‬‭fish, he only likes chicken.”‬

‭(He doesn't like eating beefn or fish, he only likes chicken.)‬

‭●‬ ‭But‬

I‭f you say so‬‭and it was‬‭used for sentences that do not contradict, then the word‬‭but‬‭This is used to‬
‭show two or more contradictory things.‬

‭Examples are as follows:‬

‭“Andien knows music very well, ‬‭but‬‭she can’t sing.”‬

‭(Andien really knows music, but she can't sing)‬

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