The Impact of Disposable Plastics On The Environment

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Nama Anggota Kelompok:

Nayla Ayu. A (236121049)

Afita Atmaja. S (236121050)

Syifa Aulia A (236121059)

Laryza Amara P (236121063)

The impact of disposable plastics on the Environment

The widespread Consequences Shart - term impacts nature Pollution use of disposable
plastics has led For the environment benefits far outweigh may seem them. and human
Significant, the limeted health to detrimental long-term and disegsable.. of plastics
significantly contributes to environmental and health distruptions.

Disposable environmental its impacts Plastic has become Pollution. From Plastic are
Pro foundly damaging Improperly disposed plastic often Causing issues Such as a leading
cause of wide spread litter contaminating soil, to the earth's ecosystems. ends up in the ocean
waterway blockages, marine habitat destruction, and harm to marine life like birds. Fish, and
marine mammals. Additionally. Slowly degrading plastics also release harmful chemicals into
water and soil and the environment, Polluting Poisoning living organisms dependent them.
Thus. Plastic Pollution poses Sustainability and biodiversity. a serious threat to euvi raument

In addition to harming the environnient, disposable Plastic directly threatens human

healt. Hazardous chemical Found bisphenal A (BPA) and Phthalates, can also in Plastic. Such
as leach into Packaged Foods and beverages, causing health issues like hormonal disruptions,
reproductive disorders, and even cuncers. Furthermore, widespread microplastic particles in
the environment Can ve inhaled or ingested by baumans through food, water, and air, leading
to health problems such as lung irritation. immune system disturbances, and cardiovascular
disease risk.

Some may disagree with the points raised, as they argue that disposable plastics,
despite their environmental and health concerns, remain a vital and indispensable part of
modern society. They contend that the affordability and accessibility of disposable plastics
make them indispensable for various industries, including food packaging, healthcare, and
manufacturing. Furthermore, they argue that while efforts should be made to mitigate the
negative impacts of disposable plastics, completely eliminating them would pose significant
challenges and disruptions to daily life and economic activities. Therefore, they advocate for
finding a balance between addressing environmental and health concerns while ensuring the
continued availability and affordability of disposable plastics for essential needs.

In conclusion, while some may argue for the continued use of disposable plastics
based on their affordability and accessibility, it is evident that their widespread adoption has
resulted in significant environmental and health consequences. Despite their convenience, the
negative impacts of disposable plastics on ecosystems, wildlife, and human health cannot be
ignored. Therefore, it is imperative to pursue sustainable alternatives and reduce reliance on
disposable plastics through innovation, regulation, and consumer awareness. By prioritizing
long-term environmental sustainability and human well-being over short-term convenience
and cost-effectiveness, we can mitigate the harmful effects of disposable plastics and create a
healthier and more resilient planet for future generations.

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