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Key Concepts in Colour


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Years 7-8 Topic

Separating Mixtures
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Mixtures Solute &
® on Earth Solvent
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Solutions Dilute,
Mixtures & Saturated

Separating of Water as a
Flotation &

Chromatography Techniques

Magnetic Distillation

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What is a Mixture?

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To understand mixtures, you need to know about pure substances.

A substance is “pure” if it is made up entirely of particles that are identical to each other.

Scientists have good

reasons to believe that
all substances are made
up of tiny “particles”.

Three different pure substances

There are many different types of particles. The different types of particle are different from each
other in their weight and density, in the way they cling together and in the way they combine with
other types. You will learn about atoms & molecules in a later topic.
For now we will represent particles simply by different sizes and colours.

A mixture is NOT PURE.

A mixture is a substance made up of 2 or more different types
of particles mixed together, but not chemically combined.

Exactly what “chemically combined” means

will be explained in a later topic. Mixture
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keep it simple science Scientific Models

When we use Scientists often develop “models” of things
diagrams like this that cannot easily be seen. This helps in
to describe understanding and explaining the observed
substances, is this facts.
realistic? So long as the
model explains
Well, yes, and no. things, and always
remains totally in
Simplified model of DNA, agreement with
We have many good reasons to believe that the most complex
all matter is made up of small particles called molecule known.
what we can see
atoms. Often they join together in larger and measure, then
lumps called “molecules”. it is useful, even if
it is simplified or
However, we also know that atoms are not not quite the full
solid ball-like particles, but are made up of story.
many smaller pieces.

Overall, the description above is partly true, For now, ball-like “particles” will be our
but is simplified, and not the full story. model of matter.
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Mixtures Around Us

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We are surrounded by mixtures... we The Oceans

breathe mixtures, eat them, drink them The oceans cover 2/3 of
and swim in them. We wear them and the Earth to an average
make art using them. depth of several
Nearly everything around us is a The oceans are mixtures
mixture. of (mainly) water and
The Solid Earth
Soil is a complex mixture of minerals,
water and the remains of dead plant The Atmosphere
materials. The Earth is surrounded by a layer of air...
the atmosphere.
The Earth is mostly nit
gen ro Air is a mixture
made of rock, with oxy carbon ge
n of gases, often
a thin layer of soil dioxide
with clouds of
on top. Rocks are
tiny water
mixtures of various
condensed droplets drifting
water vapour about.
combined together.

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We Use the Earth’s Resources

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Resources Made Resources

A “Resource” is any substance which we These are useful substances which do not
need and use. occur naturally, but are made artificially.

Natural Resources Cotton Plant

To make these things, we start with some
These are things we natural resource, but treat it and modify it so
need and use which it becomes a totally new substance.
occur naturally on
Earth. For example, plastics are a range of
substances used to make furniture, car parts,
Many resources come toys, pipes, kitchen utensils, etc, etc. Plastics
from living things. For do not occur naturally. They are made by
example, cotton and chemical processing of substances extracted
wool are fibres which we use to make from petroleum.
clothing, carpets and furnishings. Cotton is a
plant fibre. Wool, of course, is the hair or fur Dyes and
of a sheep. pigments are used
to add colour to
Other things are non-living resources. fabrics, plastics,
For example, water is one of our most basic paint, ink, etc. Coal
and necessary resources. The water we need Although some Mining
for drinking, washing, irrigation and industry dyes can be
is collected from lakes and rivers. extracted from
natural plant and animal sources, most
Sand is a simple resource used to make modern pigments are made artificially from
cement, concrete and glass. We simply gather chemicals extracted from coal and petroleum.
it from the Earth.
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Activity 1
The following activity might be completed by class discussion,
or your teacher may have paper copies for you to do.

Mixtures Student Name .................................

1. Using the idea that everything is made up of tiny particles:

a) what is a “pure” substance?

b) what is a mixture?

2. “The Earth is mainly made up of mixtures.”

a) List 3 substances in the mixture we call “air”.

b) What are the oceans (mainly) a mixture of?

c) Describe what most rocks are made up of.

a) What is a “resource”?
b) What is a “natural” resource? Give an example.

c) What is a “made” resource? Give an example

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Solutions & Suspensions

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If you mix a solid substance with a liquid, one Chalk Dust won’t Dissolve
of 2 things is likely to happen... either it If you mix some chalk dust (or similar solid)
“dissolves” in the liquid, or it does not. with water, no matter how much you stir, it
will not dissolve.
Salt Dissolves in Water
If you add solid salt to water and stir to mix When
stirred, the
them together, the salt seems to disappear. chalk will
NOT cloudy, white
When dissolve suspension
the salt
dissolves Clear
This is a “suspension”.

The solid is not dissolved in

This mixture is a “solution”. the liquid. You can see the Clear liquid.
The salt particles and the water particles are “cloudiness” of it. If you let it Solid
mixed together so intimately that the salt stand, the solid will gradually sediment.
cannot be seen. If you let it stand, the salt will settle to the bottom.
never settle to the bottom.
You should learn to recognise solutions and suspensions.
Solutions may be coloured, but are always clear and “see-through”.
Suspensions look “cloudy” and block the light.
The solid will never “settle out” from a solution. Suspended solids will eventually “settle out”.

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® Solutions, Suspensions
& the Particle Model
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Solutions Suspensions
Particles Particles Particles Particles
in a solid in a liquid in a solid in a liquid

If the solid is “soluble” in this liquid it will If this solid is “insoluble” in this liquid it will
dissolve to form a solution. not dissolve, but may mix to form a
The lump of solid material
completely comes apart and its The solid particles are still in
particles are mixed evenly among “clumps”. They may be too
the particles of liquid. small to see, but they are not
evenly spread in the liquid.
The different particles cling to each other so
the particles of solid cannot fall to the bottom, The “clumps” will eventually
but stay spread throughout the mixture. settle to the bottom.
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Solute, Solvent, Solution ®

More to learn about solution mixtures: keep it simple science

Particles in a solid Dilute & Concentrated

If there is only a very small
The substance which amount of solute dissolved,
dissolves is called the we say that the solution is
“Solute”. “Dilute”.

Particles in a liquid Example: 1 grain of salt

dissolved in a glass of water.
The liquid it dissolves
into is called the If there is a large amount
“Solvent”. of solute dissolved,
we say that the solution is

Example: 3 spoons of salt

This mixture of solute
dissolved in a glass of water.
dissolved in solvent,
is called a “Solution”.
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When a substance (solute) will The Effect of Temperature

dissolve in a liquid, we say it is Generally, the amount of solute that will dissolve
“soluble” in that liquid. If it will not increases with temperature. For example, you can
dissolve, we say it is “insoluble”. dissolve a lot more sugar in hot water than you can in
cold water. This is true for most solutes that are soluble
Each solute may have a different in water. Strangely enough, the solubility of salt does
solubility in different solvents. not change very much from cold to hot water.
For example, salt is soluble in water, Solubility of Gases
but is insoluble in petrol. Gases such as oxygen from the air can be solutes too,
but the amount that will dissolve is often very small. It is
Oil will not dissolve in water, but is this small amount of
completely soluble in petrol. dissolved oxygen
that fish, and other
Sugar will dissolve in water, and will w a t e r - l i v i n g
also dissolve in petrol: it is soluble creatures, rely on for
in both solvents, although not breathing in water.
equally in each.
However, the
Saturated Solution temperature effect on
There is usually a limit to how much solubility is the
solute will dissolve in a given opposite of what
amount of solvent. When this limit is happens with most
reached, and no more solute can be solids... as the temperature goes up, the amount of gas
dissolved, the solution is said to be that will dissolve goes down. As water gets warmer, the
“Saturated”. fish begin to suffocate!
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The Importance of Water as a Solvent

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Inside Living Things

All living things are mostly made of water. Your GENERALISED DIAGRAM
body is made of microscopic bags called “cells”, OF A LIVING CELL
which are filled with a water solution.
You will learn more about cells in other topics. For inside the
now, just note that water is the “solvent of life”. cell.
Many of the chemicals which make up living cells
are dissolved in water.

Your blood is mostly made of water. It circulates “Cell Membrane” on The cell is filled with
around your body carrying vital chemicals to your the outside contains a jelly-like water
brain and other body organs. Many of these the cell , and controls solution called
chemicals, such as food nutrients, are carried what goes in or out. “cytoplasm”.
dissolved in your blood.

In the Environment
Water is also important as a solvent in the environment of living things.
Plants need many minerals so they can grow and be healthy. They get these minerals from
the soil by absorbing them through their roots. The minerals must be dissolved in the water
in the soil, so the plants can absorb them.

Most of the aquatic plants and animals (aquatic = living in water) have to breathe oxygen,
just as we do. The difference is that they breathe the oxygen that is dissolved in water.
Water is the vital solvent of life.
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Importance of Water as a Solvent cont.

Water is the Solvent When you wash your hands, or have a shower, or
in the Oceans wash the dishes, or do the laundry you are
Most of the water on Earth is in the oceans relying on water to dissolve the dirt and wash it
and has salt and many other minerals away.
dissolved in it. To help it clean better,
you use soap or
All the salt has been dissolved detergents which break
out of the rocks and soil by up insoluble greasy dirt
rainwater seeping through over so it is carried away
many millions of years. This has suspended in the
not only created the salty water.
oceans, but is important in the
weathering of rocks and soil In many industrial
formation on land. processes, water is
used as a solvent so
important chemicals
Human Uses of Solvent Water can be easily pumped through pipes, or mixed
Water is important as a solvent in many with each other.
situations in everyday life, in the workplace,
and in industries. Water is the solvent in Whether you drink it, wash with it or swim in it,
many medicines, in tea, coffee and milk. water is the number one solvent and natural
resource for our society and for all living things.
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Activity 2
The following activity might be completed by class discussion,
or your teacher may have paper copies for you to do.

Solutions & Suspensions Student Name .................................

1. How are solutions and suspensions different:

a) in terms of their appearance?

b) if each is let stand for a period of time?

2. State the meaning of:

a) solute.

b) solvent.

c) solution.

3. What is meant when a solution is described as:

a) dilute?

b) concentrated?

c) saturated?

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Separating Mixtures
The rest of this topic is all about how you can separate the parts of a mixture.
As well as learning more about the properties of matter, you will be learning about
techniques and methods which are commonly used in scientific laboratories,
and in many industrial processes.
The Importance of “Properties”
Every pure substance has a unique set of Differences of Properties
characteristics, or “properties”. Allows Separation
To separate any mixture into its parts, or
These properties include “fractions”, you take advantage of the fact
colour, density, solubility, particle size, that each part of the mixture has
melting point, boiling point, different properties.
and many more.
KCiC.04 Separating Mixtures Slide 15 As you learn about each method, look out for
copyright © 2009 keep it simple science how a particular difference in properties allows
the fractions to be separated.
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Separating Solid Mixtures by Sieving

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If you had a mixture of dry sand and Sieves are commonly used in many industries to separate
pebbles, how would you separate the sand substances with different grain sizes.
from the stones?
In a flour mill, wheat grains are cracked open by heavy
You could possibly pick out all the stones rollers to release the powdery flour inside. Then the husk
one-by-one with your fingers, but a quick of the wheat seeds needs to be removed. This is done by
sieving. Flour falls through a fine mesh sieve, but the seed
and easy way is to use a sieve.
husks are too big and are trapped on the mesh.

Gravel is used in making concrete, or for road-building. It

is important that all the stones are about the same size.

The sand grains fall through the wire

mesh, while the stones cannot fit through
and are caught on top of the mesh. Crushing and sieving
equipment at a rock quarry
Can you see which property of sand and Gravel and crushed rocks are passed through sieves of
pebbles allows this separation to work? different mesh sizes to collect coarse or fine gravels
It is simply the different grain sizes.
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Flotation & Sedimentation

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An Idea for a Neat Experiment Sedimentation

Imagine you had a mixture of dry sand and sawdust, Whenever a solid-liquid mixture is a suspension, it
and wanted to separate them. will separate if you just leave it alone.

Sieving might work, but a lot of the sawdust grains If the solid settles to the bottom to form a “sediment”,
may be the same size as sand grains, and will sneak the process is called “sedimentation”; if it floats it is
through the sieve with the sand. “flotation”.

Try this! Note that this will NOT work for dissolved solids in a
Drop the mixture into a solution. The solid particles in a solution are
beaker of water, stir it, intimately mixed in with the solvent particles and they
then let it stand. cling to each other so that the solid will never
The sawdust floats.
The sand sinks. Sedimentation is the process by which mud and sand
settle to the bottom of lakes and seas. (More on that
Scoop the sawdust off the top and dry it. Carefully in a later topic!)
pour off the water, collect the sand and dry it. Mission
accomplished! Sedimentation is important in sewerage treatment.
After primary treatment, the solid “sludge” is allowed
Difference in Properties? to settle to the bottom of a “sedimentation pond”. The
Firstly, neither the sand nor the sawdust dissolve in clear water can then be released into the
water, so they form a suspension. The separation then environment, or treated further and re-cycled.
occurs because of differences in density.
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Centrifuging ®

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A Centrifuge is a machine which Copper Refining
speeds up sedimentation by Copper is one of our most important metals. When
spinning a mixture around at high copper ore is mined, the valuable copper minerals are
speed. mixed with large amounts of useless rock.

To separate the copper minerals, the ore is crushed to

a powder, then mixed with water in huge vats. A special
oil is added and compressed air is bubbled through the

The useless rock particles settle to the bottom

(sedimentation), but the copper minerals cling to the oil
and form a froth on top. This can be skimmed off to
collect the copper minerals and re-cycle the oil.
The spinning action causes Compressed air blown in to
sediments to settle faster. create a froth of bubbles Froth overflows for
collection. The froth
contains the copper
The “spin cycle” of a washing mineral
machine has a centrifuge effect. Froth

Water is separated from the clothes Crushed ore

much faster compared to simply in a slurry of
letting it drip out. water and
“wetting oil”
Centrifuges are used to separate Waste Mineral
cream from milk in a dairy factory, Slurry
and are widely used for separations
in scientific laboratories. This is called “Froth Flotation”
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Activity 3
The following activity might be completed by class discussion,
or your teacher may have paper copies for you to do.

Separating Mixtures part 1 Student Name .................................

a) Give an example of using a sieve in the kitchen.

b) What difference in properties allows a mixture to be separated by a sieve?

c) Give an example where a sieve is used in industry to separate a useful


2. Imagine that a solid has been mixed with a liquid and allowed to stand.
a) Describe what will happen if the solid is soluble in the liquid.

b) What if it is insoluble and has a higher density than the liquid?

c) What is this process called?

d) What if it is insoluble and has a lower density than the liquid?

e) What is this process called?

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Filtration can be used to separate a suspension mixture. It WILL NOT separate the parts of a solution.
For some suspensions, like sand in water, the
solid will rapidly settle to the bottom and form What property difference allows separation?
a sediment.
Grain size!
Suspensions containing very fine solids may
take days to settle. In this case it may be better Although the grains of the suspended solid
to filter the mixture. may seem very small, they are very much
larger than the particles of the liquid.
mixture The filter paper has microscopic channels
and holes between its fibres, and the
Filtration particles of liquid can easily flow through.
funnel The solid grains are much larger, and are
and caught in the filter paper.
filter paper
Filtration is really the same as sieving.
at a different size scale.

“Residue” collected The solid caught in the filter paper

in filter paper. is called the “residue”.
Clear “filtrate”
passes through. The liquid which passes through
is called the “filtrate”.

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Evaporation can be used to collect the solid from a solution.

If you try to filter a solution, you will quickly Evaporating Why does it work?
find out that you cannot separate its parts that basin
way. Why not? The solute and the
solvent have a big
Simply because in a solution, the particles of difference in their
dissolved solid are about the same size as the boiling points.
particles of liquid. Since the liquid can flow
through the filter paper, so can the dissolved Water slowly
solid. evaporates at room
temperature, and will
To collect the solid, the boil and vapourise
best way is to evaporate at 100oC.
the liquid solvent. You
can just leave it in an Most dissolved solids
open container to Crystals of copper will not evaporate
slowly evaporate at sulfate collected from The water evaporates unless heated to
a solution by away and leaves the
room temperature, or evaporation much higher
heat the solution to solid behind. temperatures.
speed the process up.
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Distillation can be used to collect the liquid from a solution

Flask The condenser is
containing solution a tube within a
to be separated. tube.
The solution boils, Cold water flows
and the solvent through the
evaporates. outer tube and
cools the hot
As the vapour vapour flowing
passes through the in the central
condenser, it is tube.
cooled so that it
condenses back to The vapour
liquid. condenses, and
This hose brings cooling pure, liquid
The solute remains solvent flows out
in the flask. water from a tap
the end.

Slide 22 What difference in properties allows this to work?

The solvent and the solute have very different boiling points.
The solvent boils and evaporates. Then the vapours are condensed back to liquid.
The solute remains behind in the flask.
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An Experiment You Might Do

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If you stir some copper sulfate into water it

forms a blue coloured solution. Now stir in
The suspended solid
some chalk dust, or calcium carbonate. This (calcium carbonate) is trapped
will not dissolve, but forms a suspension. in the filter paper

The mixture could be

represented by this The filtrate is a solution of
diagram. Key: copper sulfate in water
Water particle (solvent).
divide in 2 parts
Dissolved copper sulfate
particle (solute). Distillation.
Pure water
Particle of suspended collected from
Evaporation. the condenser.
solid calcium carbonate.
Crystals of solid
How could you separate this mixture to collect copper sulfate
some pure water, pure copper carbonate and
pure calcium carbonate?

Filter first, then evaporate & distil.

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Activity 4
The following activity might be completed by class discussion,
or your teacher may have paper copies for you to do.

Separating Mixtures part 2 Student Name .................................

a) What sort of solid-liquid mixtures CAN be separated by filtration?

b) What sort of solid-liquid mixtures CANNOT be separated by filtration?

c) What is the substance trapped by the filter called?

d) What is the substance which passes through the filter called?

e) If you had a mixture of dirty (suspended), salty (dissolved) water and you
filtered it:
i) what would be collected in the filter paper?
ii) what would pass through?

2. If you had some clear salt-water:

a) how might you collect some pure salt from it?

b) how might you collect some pure water from it?

c) What difference between salt and water allows both these

separations to work?

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Chromatography can be used to separate mixtures containing very small quantities of quite
similar chemicals, such as the dyes in ink. It is used mainly to find out what is in a mixture
(analyse it) rather than to separate the parts for collection.
Strip of filter paper You might experiment with different
taped to a glass rod colours of texta, or food colourings. Try
different solvents, such as water with some
Small spot of texta ink methylated spirit mixed into it.
(must be above the liquid)
You can hang the filter paper up to dry, and
keep your “chromatograms”.
or other solvent How does it work?
Texta ink may contain several different
If this is left alone for some time, dyes mixed to give the visible colour.
the solvent soaks up through the
filter paper. As it rises above the As the solvent climbs up through the
spot of ink, it carries some of the paper, it carries the soluble dyes with it.
dyes with it. Soon you can see that However, different chemical dyes cling to
what seemed to be one colour of ink the paper fibres. Some cling tighter than
actually contains several different others, so the further the solvent travels,
dyes. the more the dyes are separated from each
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Crystallisation (or “re-crystallisation”) is often used to remove small amounts of impurities from a
soluble substance. It is used mainly as a way to purify chemicals for scientific or medical uses.

Next, the solution is allowed to cool, or the

solvent is allowed to evaporate.
This diagram represents a
crystal of a useful The dissolved
chemical, but it has some chemical now
impurities mixed with it. begins to form
solid crystals
because the
solution cannot
To purify it, the first step is to dissolve it in a suitable hold so much
solvent to make a very concentrated solution. This is solute.
often heated, for maximum solubility.
These crystals
Solvent particles are very pure.

Useful chemical
The soluble impurities mostly stay in solution
Soluble impurity because they are not so concentrated and do
not crystallise.
Insoluble impurity
This is how chemicals for laboratories or for
Some of the impurities do not dissolve. medicines can be made 99.999% pure.
These can be removed by filtration.

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Separating Mixtures to Obtain Resources
Most of the substances around us (land, sea, air and living things) are mixtures.
To obtain the many resources we need, we often have to separate
® the things we want from the mixtures in which they occur.
keep it simple science The following are just a few examples.

Sedimentation & Filtration Sieving (already mentioned)

These separation methods are often Sieves are used to separate flour from the wheat husks in a flour
involved in collecting our most mill. Sieves are used to separate different sizes of gravel for
important natural resource... water! making concrete and for road-building. Gravel is a very simple
natural resource, and we use millions of tonnes of it.
In many places, the water supply comes
from a river, lake, or from underground. Distillation
Often the water is “dirty” and is not Distillation is used in the production of ethanol, which is now
safe for drinking. being added to petrol to make supplies last longer.

Water is usually pumped into a large To make ethanol, corn starch or cane sugar is first fermented.
reservoir where it stays long enough for This process is basically the same as the making of beer or
wine. The fermented “brew” contains 15% ethanol.
some of the “dirt” to settle to the
Distillation is used to separate almost pure ethanol from the
bottom as a sediment. water mixture.
The water may then be pumped through Ethanol factory among the
huge filters to trap any remaining corn-fields, USA.
suspended solids, so it is clear and
clean for human uses.
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Separating Mixtures
to Obtain Resources
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Salt is separated from sea water by evaporation.

Sea water is pumped into wide, shallow ponds.

Over a period of weeks, the heat of the Sun
evaporates the water leaving solid salt behind.

If necessary, the salt can be purified by

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Magnetic Separation according to the
You know that iron and steel are Site Licence Conditions only
attracted to magnets, while other
substances are not.
This difference in properties is
used in the re-cycling industry to Slide 28
separate the “ferrous metals”
from other re-cycled metals such
as aluminium.
KCiC.04 Separating Mixtures
Scrap metal, about to be copyright © 2009
separated by an electromagnet. keep it simple science

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