Reflection Essay 1

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Vincent Rodriguez

ENGL 1301 280

Reflective Essay #1

In this essay I learned that more meaning can be found in any one written entry in a

community whatever its purpose may be by analyzing and asking questions as to the many

“whys?” of any text with intent. I can use this an many other classes that I may take because it

instilled in me the need to questions whatever topic I may be covering and its motives. They this

may not always be applicable because while many things have several meanings and several

ends that they want to reach other topics may be more straight forward and not have need for

over analysis. Analyzing communities will help my future writing be ensuring that I approach

the topic of my writing from the many angles and motivations that any one group may have. I

have found that, in at least my opinion, my writing strengths lie in my actual writing ability when

I’m finally ready to put my thoughts into words. However, my weaknesses lie in the set up and

brainstorming of an essay. I find that it takes me a long time to organize my thoughts and decide

exactly what I want to include in my writing. The most challenging aspect of this essay for me

would have to be in choosing what to write my essay on. I can be very indecisive and have a

hard time choosing and cementing what I want to cover and end up switching between topics and

changing my mind often. I believe that this essay has changed my identity as a writer by

emphasizing to me how extra time and thought I need to put into an essay before starting. I feel I

know better now that I must begin my thought processes and brainstorming much earlier to

properly put my thought into writing

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