Nur Ain Hasma - Bilingualism & Language Learning - b23 (s2)

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ID NUMBER: 230025301040

CLASS: B23 ( S2 )

A. Fun Language Program

Fun Language is a program designed to increase interest in learning English.

This program is implemented directly during children's playtime. This is intended

to make it easier to get student enthusiasm and participation. Fun Language is

designed to help and make it easier for students to learn English. This activity is

one of the programs as a form of concern for children's education. The community

and parents of students expressed concerns about providing English teaching

materials. This concern is caused by changes in teaching patterns, thereby

reducing children's motivation to learn. Besides that, it's not enough maximum use

and utilization of existing learning media. It is difficult to develop enthusiasm for

learning new things.

1. Preparatory Program

Before implementing the program, social reflection is carried out first.

Researchers visited SDN 139 Pinrang school. This reflection was carried

out with the aim of finding out the learning problems faced by SDN 139

Pinrang. The teacher said that students played more than they studied.

With the existence of a new learning system, it needs to be accompanied

by teacher creativity in designing and planning a learning process that gets

positive enthusiasm from students.

In response to this, based on the coordination carried out, teaching and

learning activities were planned in several areas, one of which was English

language learning called Fun Language. This planning is considered to

answer the results of reflection that has previously been carried out. The

time for implementing Fun Language is from 15.30 to 16.30 WIB, which

is the time for students to play.

2. Program Implementation

Fun Language is held twice a week with Tuesdays and Thursdays for

English learning. This Fun Language event takes place in fifth grade.

a. Fun Language English

In its implementation, Fun Language learning for English is

carried out by implementing contextual learning and involving image

media. The material taught includes the alphabet, colours, parts of the

body, and days.

b. Application of Contextual Learning

As a result of our initial observations, early childhood English

learning at SDN 139 Pinrang is focused on vocabulary enrichment.

However, in practice the teacher does not only teach vocabulary but

makes simple cases related to the vocabulary being taught which is in

accordance with the students' experiences to be identified together.

Apart from that, the vocabulary taught is not only for the purpose of

knowing the meaning or translation, but with the aim that students

understand the vocabulary according to its context because it also

conveys how English expressions are appropriate to the vocabulary

being taught.

For example, in learning the alphabet, the teacher is not the only

one say the alphabet in English and sing it. However, the teacher

provides examples of spelling names and surrounding objects so that

students not only know the pronunciation in songs, but also the usage

of the spelling of each vocabulary word. Then in learning colours, the

teacher provides an explanation diversity of colours and showing

surrounding objects according to the colour being studied. The teacher

also gives an example of the use of colour vocabulary in the expression

"what colours is this?", with these students will answer each colour

asked by the teacher using English. With this method. Students will

easily identify the colours of objects around them in English. In

learning parts of the body, the teacher asks one of the students to stand

up then point to a part of the body and mention it in English with direct

examples to make it easier for them to remember vocabulary in

English. In learning days, the teacher provides examples with

references to the use of today, tomorrow, and yesterday to make it

easier for students to know and remember days in English.

c. Application of Image Media

In the Fun Language English program, we also use pictures as a

medium to support the implementation of English learning. The

teacher chooses to provide pictures with characters that are appropriate

to the age of the students, so that this can make it easier for students to

be involved and enthusiastic during the learning process because they

have an appeal to students pay attention to the learning material

through the pictures.

For example, the use of pictures in learning, researchers provide

explanations about colours and parts of the body. In colour teaching

materials, researchers use images of clouds and stars with different

colours. The choice of images of clouds and stars is said to be able to

attract students' attention. In the final stage of learning colours, the

researcher distributed pieces of paper with different colours to each

student. Then ask students to stand up and say the colour they have and

convey it to their friends in the learning room. With this activity, you

will save the memory of the colours your friend has and mentioned.

The reason is not much different when researchers provide lessons

about parts of the body. Researchers use cartoons in the form of parts

of the body to make it easier for students to know the original

meaning. At this meeting, it was easy for researchers to repeat

previous material regarding colours, because each student received a

different part of the body card.

3. Assessment Program

Contextual learning or contextual teaching-learning (CTL) is a

constructivist concept of education and learning (Yuli, 2009). Contextual

teaching and learning make learning meaningful for students by

connecting teaching material with students' real lives. According to

contextual learning theory, learning occurs only when students process

new information or knowledge in a way that makes sense to them within

their own frame of reference. Providing contextual clues is also important

to help students understand foreign words they find in the text thus context

clues can be used help students to improve existing vocabulary knowledge

(Beare, 2014)

Pictures can also provide students with a broader, clearer

understanding and are not easily forgotten. Images are two-dimensional

visual media on a non-transparent plane. Teachers can use pictures to

provide an overview of something so that the explanation is more concrete

when compared, it is described in words (Wibowo, 2007). Pictures were

chosen as an effective teaching aid to stimulate children in learning aspects

of speech. Visually, images have more appeal because they have colour

combinations that attract attention. Development vocabulary through

image media is a learning tool that can make it easier for students to

communicate well, be active, be more effective, and be able to remember

the lessons taught quickly, especially vocabulary English lessons.

The evaluation carried out to measure the development of English that

has been taught to students at SDN 139 Pinrang is by holding a Ranking 1

activity. In this activity, questions about the English that have been taught

are raised. In English language assessment, researchers assess the methods

applied as effective in fostering interest in learning English. This can be

seen from the accuracy and speed of students' answers.

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