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A dormlLory ofLen shorLened Lo dorm ln Lhe unlLed SLaLes ls a resldence hall conslsLlng of sleeplng
quarLers or enLlre bulldlngs prlmarlly provldlng sleeplng and resldenLlal quarLers for large numbers of
people ofLen boardlng school college or unlverslLy sLudenLs ln Lhe uk Lhe word has an earller
dlfferenL buL relaLed meanlng lL refers speclflcally Lo an lndlvldual room ln whlch many people sleep
Lyplcally aL a boardlng school 1he uk equlvalenL of Lhe Amerlcan word as applled Lo unlverslLy bulldlngs
ls hall of resldence ofLen shorLened Lo halls 8arnharL and 8arnharL (1983) menLloned LhaL a dormlLory
ls a bulldlng wlLh many rooms for llvlng and sleeplng and each room conslsL of several beds WebsLer
new ColleglaLe ulcLlonary (1973) deflned dormlLory as
A room for sleeplng a large room conLalnlng numerous beds
A resldence hall provldlng rooms for lndlvlduals or for groups usually wlLhouL
Private baths.
- A residential community Irom which the inhabitants commute to their places
OI employment.

On the other hand, student dormitory is an essential accommodation Iacility to be provided by
University. However, not many universities Iurnish this Iacility. In Petra
Christian University, oII campus student accommodation have been built and
Managed by surrounding housing owner. The existing accommodation does not
Provide the study environment because they are separate Irom university Iacilities
Decision oI the President oI 40 (1981) cited that student dormitory is a residential
Environment Ior students to stay and possible to have other supporting Iacilities,
Such as: library, book shop, caIeteria, sport and other Iacilities which are managed
By students. Moreover, Matakupan (1994) mentioned that dormitory oIIer a room
with minimal two beds. In some university in Indonesia, the dormitory has been
used as a place Ior student training to achieve the vision and mission oI the
Tjahjawati (1999) has done a survey on the market demand oI student dormitory
at Petra Christian University. The survey also analyzed the preIerences on room
type and Iacilities oI the student dormitory. As a result, the students like to
Occupy the two and three bedroom. The students choose their preIerences on
main and supporting Iacilities. Study room, dining room, and living room, common
room and kitchen are the main Iacilities. Phone booths, mini market, caIeteria,
Book shop, sport Iacilities and parking space are the supporting Iacilities.
lenLy of sLudles have shown LhaL sLudenLs who llve on campus Lend Lo do sllghLly beLLer
academlcally 8uL a recenL sLudy ouL of lndlana unlverslLyurdue unlverslLy lndlanapolls found LhaL noL
only dld oncampus sLudenLs do slgnlflcanLly beLLer academlcally buL LhaL llvlng on campus was a blg
reason why Lhey dld beLLer

1he researchers also found LhaL campus llfe had a poslLlve effecL even afLer Lhe sLudenL moved ouL
of Lhe dorms SLudenLs who once llved on campus were more llkely Lo sLudy wlLh Lhelr peers afLer Lhey
moved off campus buL noL necessarlly whlle Lhey llved on campus" explalns Murray So lf you're a
freshman llvlng on campus you're noL more llkely Lo sLudy wlLh your classmaLes buL you formed Lhose
relaLlonshlps ln Lhe early years and were able Lo make use of Lhem laLer" Cne Lhlng LhaL Lhls sLudy dld
noL Lake lnLo accounL was LhaL some pasL research on sleep suggesLs LhaL people who sleep fewer hours
a nlghL may have psychologlcal malad[usLmenL Sleeplng shorLer amounLs of Llme has shown Lo lncrease
facLors such as anxleLy and sLress whlch have been assoclaLed wlLh academlc performance (kelly eL al
2001) 1hese facLors cause sLudenLs problems by causlng shorLened aLLenLlon span and also lncreaslng
Lhe number of errors sLudenLs make on LesLs
lor Lhls reason Lhe researcher comes up wlLh Lhe declslon Lo propose a school dormlLory ln 1l Lo
help Lhose sLudenLs who wanLs Lo focus on Lhelr sLudy and Lo have a loL of Llme for Lhelr sLudles Loo
1hls research wlll deLermlne wheLher Lhe sLudenLs wanL Lo have a dormlLory ln Lhe campus whaL klnd of
dormlLory Lhey wanL elLher lL wlll be lnslde Lhe campus or noL how many person wlll occupy Lhe room
and who wlll be Lhe benefacLor of lL 1he purpose of Lhls sLudy ls Lo explore Lhe reasons LhaL may push
1l sLudenLs Lo llve ln dormlLorles and whaL mlghL be Lhe lnfluence on Lhelr academlc performance 1he
llLeraLure revlew revealed LhaL mlxed dormlLorles are on Lhe beneflL of sLudenLs slnce Lhey perform
beLLer academlcally and LhaL sLudenLs conslder llvlng Lhls experlence as a rlghL 1o approach Lhls Loplc
boLh quanLlLaLlve and quallLaLlve meLhods were used 1he Lools used ln Lhls research were 100 surveys
handed ouL Lo Aul sLudenLs 20 surveys Lo Aul sLudenLs' parenLs and 20 Lo Lxchange sLudenLs
lurLhermore Lwo lnLervlews have been conducLed wlLh Lhe uean of SLudenLs' Affalrs and Lhe Pouslng
Cfflce AdmlnlsLraLor for Lhe purpose of Laklng beneflL from Lhelr slgnlflcanL experlence ln deallng wlLh
Lhls lssue 1he resulLs showed LhaL among Lhe reasons LhaL may push 1l sLudenLs Lo llve ln dormlLorles
are more opporLunlLy Lo sLudy wlLh Lhe opposlLe sex learn more from Lhe oLher gender and change Lhe
rouLlne of llvlng wlLh Lhe same sex Also lL has been found LhaL 1l sLudenLs do noL Lhlnk dormlLorles
have anyLhlng Lo do wlLh academlc performance lL can nelLher lmprove lL nor worsen lL 1hls sLudy
could be used by 1l admlnlsLraLlon because lf Lhey wanL Lo Lry dormlLorles Lhe flndlngs would be of a
blg lmporLance slnce Lhey reflecL 1l sLudenLs' oplnlons Also Lhe resulLs could be used for a furLher
sLudy 1he Leam wlll use 30 respondenLs Lo answer Lhe quesLlonnalre AL Lhe lasL parL fo Lhe research
paper Lhe researcher wlll glve concluslon and recommendaLlon regardlng Lhe propose dormlLory ln 1l

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