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Rodriguez 1

Vincent V. Rodriguez

Prof. Julie Baker

English 1301


Reflection Essay #2
While writing and refining my essay #1 I came to the conclusion that even though I may
not be used to writing drafts and advanced drafts for essays they provide a lot of benefits when it
comes to reaching a final product that I am proud of and that can be accepted as an assignment.
With this revelation I made sure to put in an effort to complete the drafts leading up to essay #2.
The visual analysis skills I learned while writing essay 2 will go on to help me in many other
classes by pushing me to analyze more about any given media relating to a subject than is visible
at the surface level. During essay 2, along with making sure that I made a draft and advanced
draft, I learned the benefits of them and how they help come up with new ideas and even
corrections of mistakes over time as I have more time to think about and flesh out my essay
while having a draft to go back to and edit. Although the visual analysis skills learned in this
essay will serve to be very helpful in other subjects and classes it may also come as a double
edged sword. I have to be careful to know when an analysis requires deeper understanding and
when the important aspects lie just on the surface. Being able to analyze visual elements of a tect
will most likely improve every writing assignment I have in the future by giving me the tools I
need to get every but of information and important aspects to cover In my writing out of one
image/subject. My strengths seem to by my tone and variety of vocabulary and my weaknesses
tend to be slight repetitiveness and a lack of outside support for my ideas. This may be a personal
challenge but the most challenging aspect of this essay is bringing myself to write the draft and
advanced draft. I have always been someone that writes an essay already planning for it to be the
final draft and writing in a way that plans on being edited came as a challenge to me. As for my
identity as writer I believe that I have learned a lot from completing the drafts and participating
in the peer review process that I missed in the first essay. Im sure that I will continue to improve
and be able to better internalize the ideas shared by my peers in future essays,

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