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Gamez 1

Ashley Gamez
Julie Baker
ENGL 1301
Reflection Essay #1
To begin with, the career services program showcases how in different courses advisors

are always willing to assist students in every way they can but, when it comes to learning about

work culture I think the career service program applies to every course as students can

experience how it would be to in a workplace related to your preference career field and

opportunities like that are benefitable to learn more about the work environment or just as the

other courses with this program one is learning something to improve. I can’t think of how this

would not be applicable to other classes but, I would say the process is different in classes you

have to follow along with the lecture to learn and in the case of advisors they help you step by

step easier to follow. Writing and analyzing about the community helped me realize that there’s

so much more to what one knows so writing about it helped me understand that details and

information are important as well as knowing what, how, and why. This helped understand that

gathering data to be informed is necessary to write a topic.

I never really thought about this myself but my writing strengths is when I write about

my days because I feel more motivated and free to write whatever I want and as for my writing

weaknesses is that I believe I’m not good at writing in English since it’s not that I don’t hear it

often but I never speak it which doesn’t help if I want to explain an idea or similar to that which

makes my sentence structure weird. The one thing I learned the most is that I should try harder

and use as much information as I can to find and explain it smoothly for readers to understand. I

noticed I lacked the skills to gather information. I learned that there’s this part of me that wants
Gamez 2

to continue writing but the other part is just like not good enough. I can keep improving until I

reach a level where I’ll feel satisfied about myself. My understanding of genre is that it

determines what something shows to others, community is when people gather to make a change

for something, participant is someone that works hard to do something and get something in


That would probably be when I rewrote it to change how it looked and sounded before

but even with more knowledge. Least challenging would be when I was writing the introduction

because it was easy to write it without the need of details which were later put on. I feel like as I

wrote about the career services program, I’ve become more aware of the possibilities one could

have when reaching out for counseling and I feel like it changed the way I should try harder next

time to be more specific.

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