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chnpttr\t-lhgbo of Por\ners\ip 0.

^r\ C\oruct ls ls P o ,

a-v.e'uu! Eut{.

qqlst ?_qtryqlt1lll l*!it$ I" Ur\qrL !l\L?Xa^) 10fqq,t9a\

uud lerg v
ihr o.zlo-l , "joocb tnr&nr1 tr\,.,,o /ld rtnl;cJlril o \u.,Orrr .-i ,q t ,r , 'o

eq, tri\-birr itd I War$ql

teLor). ltlltErlr trr,,ulhe nt\\l lcqrrr lrur


pn$\. c{) r\u b,,rc,o?rs h ton,rc\ onN,t\ a v\p!nol rnu* qn Slrsl11vq toiyrrtcl -n\ h l'\-q!lql\,ve-tlu01'.c11 lntqrld !u!rq!{l h qdl!L\1!{dq$\q!1r\rp! !q

ttoM) ttuD{!!6 95 t, {hQltrltrn rqvr\h tslrruino\oo

\,|-lh o b\islYltrs q \asvJ

o! ni

rs Prirncr fu\ci

. lre?roltu fo. u U,.!"no,

cr\kat! l{1s 15 .

nl o ,trvuUqqr ,cAo,,l ,ho"z ,r;,1c, ft.e




g.\ \de,!)

qc,Aopr. g +oq *'dog{r\4rlql a datprrpd , cr duanto on \Y)p\Apr Sr\,,lill !

-" "

rhlrr-of rlrrd mi01 Pq!! qrJ or

nq._ j b"t$ur r,riqg tr*1r]nouoi'n

u c !,

b1 {.lt o[ s6\q 0 Rtroq tner.uc{r1l o9l rra 0f .cs'll,d0{LL9rl

of Do\d;n1ou,{ Dodtrvre*'ry9-

- !9

!1lt ,lpqlnrt

ad Ltno4rtlo,rlt"un d+rdrtracd porlntdlum 'ht\L\ol lula dl,tr loW- rr \\r &btgo.ller -hll-doi!-,-


t' *,; qt f r\u1i {,n1 \md;vr,l ,-

\e n$
r iocu r)hr drbh !.lhe+b?
q\+tltr $t

rqqrt+o \rvgfu$ lT S,rq ,dror +here\ nrl

r\ip ctrb\! i

tc*Cr nl
nbt d

tiab,14{vl'sry) p h P\ewt\
\rl rr)t 0(rte l}t t*jlhna ,. ,^ "t'rrn . . . ; ; ' ^ - i. - rn. , r 'rr W s\r\(l), q j!\,\1,i9\ w1,rl Urr,ltrrqtd t'ltXe{,r+rr1qi;hHl't ?uqzu' d4bts -r -^

Trtl A {\t trpo'r'liirg \ht aqft?rvl er"t ro rG{rd nn-u_,.urn I Vt*tpn \'rnrzul,-l'n16 o'( i\nD\ild -

q tiq rr

rtosr ^rr,",\ $l D*te(t-\Lqt (ax\lt y0b$\'r \10 tr Sctruvoo\

r+r}{vnr m the n\ "&e

liatle .

ftiv d utttt



qbu"{, 3 rrn\ui\h?$fc'rr\d)reuslad

lrws lkulrs rninq d |rlrnnd 6. \mpl'id dutior4 Pa*nrr. $q

\n lh? abQ0Q'ol o.qtPem 1!

r.$q$$l indrmo\lqrvrvu\ pq{itrrr rt\ rtrprtt u{ pqr{$eltr g wudeqadpcrronz"\ tit:nrredh tr,fft liabililier
* ! 'nhrordillqqa sad gogrrtl'td,rrl o4lv rx({rvtrliofl

0{ !q!lp?!OipJO!!,J 4r{rlL4t1lj. a pndurt ntqLrrr 1r$rr tlr rurc!,r{ $L( gqrpct 1.,thiq!{rls brgond rlr c"rr-ouroi{ I strs$dc.\ r^,hirhhr hr,rs ! q!!lv ryr-: {4!lidl! ln+ltelt 0l th n+r S \"i. ioL! I tl^p(cr\[15n {rqnfreftr{m{ll..1q,4h+g
oP{h{Luin{il. 9. Lvtwt pn'lvtr.rntrqirrte pqrl M +\Lr\qno'qrmril '. .J _ J ( rooi2qrpnu ,rn'\fi,trdl,4bil;|\ & +\r dabkol (" \ ' *!, l'iolqrlfr '! { ldltlrd +i ! lUlt|rd\io $ .

1. qo Uron vruq h rqtmctvcrd r rur\npy or rtIlr{oul rsnttn{"! 0r"rcq11i4p. r J purtnprs.

g- Qr[l dJt&r0q(c avrrilli r15 oc'li( 0Yl4vad++{rsrnhV \w druhcl to,.a a to

r'rrnabP tl . ol u\\ dri.t-ti{o\


,"rrtrtod:r "! pn*lr"i,,' ^nq.or ,*trr.-or


atd 1:.9t14 p0."{ntv !4L4 \qr4 @!!!+e u4dinrper+ couq-qqtLi!L{boo[. ' Ourlnruh,o

eq{14e'/ 'Le,!4f&a11

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rr.p nrrd bilso\rrlioo win&rrq "Q h,\net

cn , u.,btre&rmu \'o',qb{{o tn r,d.

ict) rl u*rqd -urtdrulqd



+l'4'l nlqt;oq {r\,01 ol

into ftY o rinh\r "ed



tvnlutt ol thr par{qris. -nolireit r\yilinqoy lor4 -tP u$!t\rj

rl4rUe.&jq fludrd"lntltllrrtl -d-dr[le{$!ni! A,rrirrd'qru

[oM 1!!dd0 o! etfrr\t!!q!!4 iS i!at., drftqll!+r\rf 4[e di-rlq-,.-.^

oB _-

sl qr\^ tvrh\ ,

ricclon .

- tq. drrt
oil\ ot

-ihq oqr\n
- hbrl q

.{'ibt \rrd-\ l\t,)*frtj-b.nG@r+",r p.trnel--" o,t u\sU.b\ilt dzq\!.,[bqnLrr^ph,l r rl tlt lurlntcshF^ r l\ir _gBg14tz {o

tr+l\q d

lnr qhi o0o

\ fYtQ r

br utic \$und .to \rrn

bt mud0to{bq tour
o( aol4 rl\sr

ct hNa .


s3ntbl -



(qq _ !s+!!J - l { l \! D V S rn0J ! 0 n l4 b r ,F _

'1\rbvtMlls ul a lo{,t,




rl l|\!,vt u ahq {4 ui i Lb rc\

\qiion w\en


r('b l-

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