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English File Advanced Fourth Edition File 4B

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1. voice the sound when people speak or sing

2. sound something you can hear

3. tick the sound clocks and watches make every second

4. sniff to breathe air in through your nose in a way that makes a

sound, especially when you are crying, have a cold, etc.

5. click a short, sharp sound

6. splash the sound of a liquid hitting something or being moved

around quickly

7. bang a sudden loud noise

8. creak a sharp, harsh, squeaking sound

9. buzz the low humming sound made by flying insects

10. hoot the loud, deep sound made by an owl

11. tap a gentle knock or touch, or the noise made by knocking

something gently

12. slurp to eat or drink noisily

13. hiss the sound a snake makes

14. drip to fall in drops

15. roar a loud, deep noise

16. hum to make a continuous low sound or to sing without opening

your mouth

17. slam a forceful impact that makes a loud noise

18. crunch sound of a foot crushing something hard or to chew noisily

19. snore breathe noisily during one's sleep

English File Advanced Fourth Edition File 4B
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20. rattle to shake and make a noise

21. screech an unpleasant high sharp sound

22. creaky old and not in a good condition

23. crunchy firm and crisp and making a sharp sound when you bite
into it or crush it

24. drippy boring or stupid and weak or sentimental; in slang, awe-

some or cool

25. (have) a hissy fit a state of being bad-tempered and unreasonable

26. to mumble to speak in a quiet voice in a way that is not clear

27. groan an utterance expressing pain or disapproval

28. to stammer to speak with involuntarily pauses or repetitions

29. to sob to cry noisily, gasping

30. to crackle to make a lot of short, dry, sharp sounds

31. pop a short, sharp sound like something exploding

32. ding sound of a bell

33. to whack to hit

34. to grunt to make a short low sound like a pig makes

35. hubbub noisy confusion

36. to cherish to feel or show affection toward something

37. to muster up to gather or assemble

38. self-restraint the ability to control yourself

English File Advanced Fourth Edition File 4B
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39. to devise to create

40. to retreat to go to a private or safe place

41. platonic marked by the absence of romance or physical attraction


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