Energy Savers Booklet

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Tips on Saving
Energy & Money
at Home
R ight in your own home, you have the power to reduce
energy demand, and when you reduce demand, you
cut the amount of resources, like coal and gas, needed to
make energy—that means you create less greenhouse gas
emissions, which keeps air cleaner for all of us… and saves
on your utility bills! Plus, reducing energy use increases
our energy security.

1 Save Energy and Money Today
2 Your Home’s Energy Use
4 Insulation and Sealing Air Leaks
10 Heating and Cooling
16 Water Heating
18 Windows
20 Lighting
22 Appliances
29 Home Office and Home Electronics
31 Driving and Car Maintenance
32 Renewable Energy
33 References
This booklet shows you how easy it is to reduce your energy
use at home and on the road. The easy, practical solutions for
saving energy include tips you can use today, throughout your
home—from the roof, walls, and insulation that enclose it to
the appliances and lights inside. Please take a few moments to
read the valuable tips in this booklet to start saving energy and
money today.
To learn more about U.S. Department of Energy programs
in energy efficiency and renewable energy, visit the
Office of Energy Efficiency and Renewable Energy’s web site
Save Energy and Money Today
D id you know that the typical U.S.
family spends about $1,900 a year
on home utility bills? Unfortunately, a
Tips to Save Energy Today
Easy low-cost and no-cost
large portion of that energy is wasted. ways to save energy.
And each year, electricity generated
by fossil fuels for a single home puts
more carbon dioxide into the air than
two average cars. And as for the road,
transportation accounts for 67% of all
U.S. oil consumption. The good news t 6TFDPNQBDUnVPSFTDFOUMJHIUCVMCT
is that there is a lot you can do to save XJUIUIF&/&3(:45"3®MBCFM
energy and money at home and in your t "JSESZEJTIFTJOTUFBEPGVTJOHZPVS
car. Start making small changes today EJTIXBTIFSTESZJOHDZDMF
(see sidebar). To cut your energy use up
to 25%, see the Long­Term Savings Tips
throughout this booklet.
The key to achieving these savings in BOE%7%QMBZFST JOUPQPXFSTUSJQT
your home is a whole­house energy UVSOUIFQPXFSTUSJQTPGGXIFOUIF
!"#$%!&$'()*+&,(-.(/+0!(+(12.*!32.45!( FRVJQNFOUJTOPUJOVTF 57TBOE
approach, view your home as an energy %7%TJOTUBOECZNPEFTUJMMVTF
system with interdependent parts. For TFWFSBMXBUUTPGQPXFS 
example, your heating system is not just t -PXFSUIFUIFSNPTUBUPOZPVS
a furnace—it’s a heat­delivery system IPUXBUFSIFBUFSUP¡'
that starts at the furnace and delivers
heat throughout your home using a t 5BLFTIPSUTIPXFSTJOTUFBEPG
network of ducts. Even a top­of­the­ CBUIT
*%&!6(!&!78'3!"#$%!&/("47&+$!(1%**(1+5/!( t 8BTIPOMZGVMMMPBETPGEJTIFTBOE
a lot of fuel if the ducts, walls, attic, DMPUIFT
windows, and doors are not properly
sealed and insulated. Taking a whole­
house approach to saving energy ensures
that dollars you invest to save energy are
spent wisely. t -PPLGPSUIF&/&3(:45"3MBCFM
Save Energy and Money Today

9&!78'3!"#$%!&/(%:)7.;!:!&/5(&./(.&*'( &/&3(:45"3QSPEVDUTNFFUTUSJDU
make your home more comfortable, they FGmDJFODZHVJEFMJOFTTFUCZUIF
$+&('%!*<(*.&83/!7:(#&+&$%+*(7!1+7<5,( 64%FQBSUNFOUPG&OFSHZBOEUIF
Reduced utility bills more than make up &OWJSPONFOUBM1SPUFDUJPO"HFODZ
".7(/2!(2%82!7()7%$!(."(!&!78'3!"#$%!&/( t 7JTJUXXXFOFSHZTBWFSTHPWGPS
appliances and improvements over their NPSFFOFSHZTBWJOHJEFBT
lifetimes. In addition, your home could
bring in a higher price when you sell.

Your Home’s Energy Use
T h!(#75/(5/!)(/.(/+0%&8(+(12.*!3
and cooling systems are properly
of your house use the most energy. :+%&/+%&!<,(>2!$0('.47(.1&!7C5(
A home energy audit will pinpoint manuals for the recommended
those areas and suggest the most maintenance.
effective measures for cutting your
energy costs. You can conduct a
and use patterns, paying special
simple home energy audit yourself,
attention to high­use areas such as
contact your local utility, or call an
the living room, kitchen, and outside
independent energy auditor for a
lighting. Look for ways to use lighting
more comprehensive examination.
controls—like occupancy sensors,
For more information about home
dimmers, or timers—to reduce lighting
energy audits, including free tools and
energy use, and replace standard
calculators, visit www.energysavers.
gov or
Other Formulating Your Plan
Refrigeration 8% G"/!7('.4(2+;!(%<!&/%#!<(12!7!('.47(
Appliances Heating home is losing energy, assign priorities
9% 31%
by asking yourself a few important
Computers &
Electronics Space
9% Cooling =((H.1(:4$2(:.&!'(<.('.4(5)!&<(.&(
Lighting Water
11% Heating 12% energy?

How We Use Energy in Our Homes =((H.1(*.&8(1%**(%/(/+0!(".7(+&(

Heating accounts for the biggest chunk of %&;!5/:!&/(%&(!&!78'(!"#$%!&$'(/.()+'(
a typical utility bill. for itself in energy cost savings?
2005 energy cost data.
Energy Auditing Tips are important to you (for example,
=(>2!$0(/2!(%&54*+/%.&(*!;!*5(%&('.47( increased comfort from installing
attic, exterior and basement walls, <.4@*!3)+&!<6(!"#$%!&/(1%&<.15FJ(
$!%*%&856(?..756(+&<($7+1*(5)+$!5,( =((H.1(*.&8(<.('.4()*+&(/.(.1&('.47(
Your Home’s Energy Use

Visit for current home?

instructions on checking your
insulation levels. =((>+&('.4(<.(/2!(L.@('.475!*"(.7(
will you need to hire a contractor?
your walls, ceilings, windows, =((I2+/(%5('.47(@4<8!/(+&<(2.1(
<..756(*%82/(+&<()*4:@%&8(#A/47!56( much time do you have to spend on
switches, and electrical outlets maintenance and repair?
that can leak air into or out of your
Once you assign priorities to your energy
Tips for Finding a Contractor
needs, you can form a whole house
!"#$%!&$'()*+&,(T.47()*+&(1%**()7.;%<!( t"TLOFJHICPSTBOEGSJFOETGPS
you with a strategy for making smart SFDPNNFOEBUJPOT
purchases and home improvements that t-PPLJOUIF:FMMPX1BHFT
most money.
Another option is to get the advice of
+()7."!55%.&+*,(B+&'(4/%*%/%!5($.&<4$/( t(FUUISFFCJETXJUIEFUBJMTJOXSJUJOH
energy audits for free or for a small t"TLBCPVUQSFWJPVTFYQFSJFODF
charge. For a fee, a professional t$IFDLSFGFSFODFT
contractor will analyze how well t$IFDLXJUIUIF#FUUFS#VTJOFTT#VSFBV
your home’s energy systems work
together and compare the analysis to
variety of equipment such as blower effective energy improvements
doors, infrared cameras, and surface and enhanced comfort and safety.
/2!7:.:!/!75(/.(#&<(*!+05(+&<(<7+"/5,( A reputable contractor can also
After gathering information about your calculate the return on your investment
home, the contractor or auditor will give %&(2%823!"#$%!&$'(!V4%):!&/(
you a list of recommendations for cost­ compared with standard equipment.

Thermogram/photograph copyright 1997, Infraspection Institute, Inc., Shelburne, VT

Your Home’s Energy Use

Cool Hot

Heat Loss from a House

A picture is this case, lost heating dollars. This thermal photograph shows heat leaking from
a house during those expensive winter heating months. The white, yellow, and red colors show heat
escaping. The red represents the area of the greatest heat loss.
Insulation and Sealing Air Leaks
C hecking your home’s insulation is
one of the fastest and most cost­
effective ways to use a whole­house
First, check the insulation in your attic,
ceilings, exterior and basement walls,
approach to reduce energy waste and ?..756(+&<($7+1*(5)+$!5(/.(5!!(%"(%/(:!!/5(
make the most of your energy dollars. the levels recommended for your area.
A good insulating system includes Insulation is measured in R­values—the
a combination of products and higher the R­value, the better your
construction techniques that protect walls and roof will resist the transfer
a home from outside hot or cold ."(2!+/,(KW9(7!$.::!&<5(7+&8!5(."(
temperatures, protect it against air R­values based on local heating and
leaks, and control moisture. You can cooling costs and climate conditions in
increase the comfort of your home different areas of the nation. The map
while reducing your heating and and chart on pages 6 and 7 show the
cooling needs by investing in proper KW9(7!$.::!&<+/%.&5(".7('.47(+7!+,(
insulation and sealing air leaks. State and local code minimum insulation
requirements may be less /2+&(/2!(KW9(
recommendations, which are based on


Insulation and Sealing Air Leaks


Crawl space

Where to Insulate
Adding insulation in the areas shown above may be the best way to improve your home’s energy efficiency.
Insulate either the attic floor or under the roof. Check with a contractor about crawl space or basement
cost effectiveness. For more customized Should I Insulate My Home?
insulation recommendations, visit our
site,, look for Insulate your home when:
X&54*+/%.&(+&<($2!$0(.4/(/2!(Y%)(>.<!( t :PVIBWFBOPMEFSIPNFBOE
X&54*+/%.&(>+*$4*+/.7,(-2%5(/..*()7.;%<!5( haven’t added insulation. Only 20%
insulation levels for your new or existing of homes built before 1980 are
home based on your zip code and other well insulated.
basic information about your home. t :PVBSFVODPNGPSUBCMZDPMEJOUIF
Although insulation can be made from winter or hot in the summer—
a variety of materials, it usually comes adding insulation creates a more
in four types; each type has different uniform temperature and increases
characteristics. comfort.
Rolls and batts—or blankets—are install new siding or roofing.
They are available in widths suited to outside—insulation muffles sound.
standard spacings of wall studs and attic
Insulation Tips
or R­15 batts; 2x6 walls can have R­19 =(>.&5%<!7("+$/.75(54$2(+5('.47(
or R­21 products. climate, building design, and budget
!""#$%&''()*#+',-)"*—usually made when selecting insulation R­values
."(#@!78*+556(7.$0(1..*6(.7($!**4*.5!(%&( for your home.
/2!(".7:(."(*..5!(#@!75(.7(#@!7()!**!/56( =(\5!(2%82!7(<!&5%/'(%&54*+/%.&(.&(
it should be blown into spaces using exterior walls, such as rigid foam
special pneumatic equipment. The boards, in cathedral ceilings and on
blown­in material conforms readily to exterior walls.
building cavities and attics. Therefore, =(]!&/%*+/%.&(2!*)5(1%/2(:.%5/47!(
*..5!3#**(%&54*+/%.&(%5(1!**(54%/!<(".7( control and reducing summer
)*+$!5(12!7!(%/(%5(<%"#$4*/(/.(%&5/+**(./2!7( cooling bills. Attic vents can be
types of insulation. installed along the entire ceiling
.)/)0(1",2()*#+',-)"*—foam insulation $+;%/'(/.(2!*)(!&547!()7.)!7(+%7?.1(
/')%$+**'(%5(:.7!(!A)!&5%;!(/2+&(#@!7( "7.:(/2!(5."#/(/.(/2!(+//%$(/.(:+0!(+(
insulation. But it’s very effective in home more comfortable and energy
Insulation and Sealing Air Leaks

buildings with space limitations and !"#$%!&/,(K.(&./(;!&/%*+/!('.47(

where higher R­values are needed. Foam attic if you have insulation on the
%&54*+/%.&(Z3;+*4!5(7+&8!("7.:(Z3R(/.( 4&<!75%<!(."(/2!(7..",(>2!$0(1%/2(+(
R­6.5 per inch of thickness, which is up to V4+*%#!<($.&/7+$/.7,
2 times greater than most other insulating =(Z!$!55!<(*%82/(#A/47!5($+&(@!(+(
materials of the same thickness. major source of heat loss, but you
need to be careful how close you
3",2%)*%4',5$()*#+',-)"*—this type
can be blown into walls and reduces air
leakage, if blown into cracks, such as
around window and door frames.
your local building codes for
recommendations. See Lighting
for more about recessed cans.
=((G5(5)!$%#!<(.&(/2!()7.<4$/( )7.@+@*'(@!&!#/(@'(+<<%&8(:.7!,(B.5/(
packaging, follow the product \,D,(2.:!5(52.4*<(2+;!(@!/1!!&(Z3[O(
instructions on installation and wear +&<(Z3_O(%&54*+/%.&(%&(/2!(+//%$,(K.&C/(
the proper protective gear when forget the attic trap or access door.
installing insulation. If your attic has enough insulation and
your home still feels drafty and cold in
$ Long-Term Savings Tip the winter or too warm in the summer,
chances are you need to add insulation to
ways to make your home more
the exterior walls as well. This is a more
comfortable year­round is to add
expensive measure that usually requires
insulation to your attic.
a contractor, but it may be worth the cost
Adding insulation to the attic is if you live in a very hot or cold climate.
relatively easy and very cost effective. If you replace the exterior siding on
-.(#&<(.4/(%"('.4(2+;!(!&.482(+//%$( your home, you should consider adding
insulation, measure the thickness of insulation at the same time.
You may also need to add insulation
or 8 inches of cellulose), you could
with a professional contractor.

U.S. Department of Energy Recommended* Total R-Values

for New Wood-Framed Houses

4 6

5 5

2 3

Insulation and Sealing Air Leaks

All of Alaska in Zone 7 except for the Zone 1 includes Hawaii,
following boroughs in Zone 8: Guam, Puerto Rico and the
Virgin Islands How Much Insulation
Bethel Northwest Arctic
Dellingham Southeast Fairbanks
Does My Home Need?
Fairbanks N. Star Wade Hampton For insulation recommendations
Nome :VLPO,PZVLVL tailored to your home, visit the DOE Zip
North Slope Code Insulation Calculator at www.ornl.

* These recommendations are cost­effective levels of insulation based on the best available information
current local building codes.
New Construction Today, new products are on the
For new homes in most climates, you market that provide both insulation
will save money and energy if you and structural support and should be
install a combination of cavity insulation considered for new home construction
+&<(%&54*+/%;!(52!+/2%&8,((>+;%/'( or additions. Structural insulated panels,
insulation can be installed at levels known as SIPs, and masonry products
4)(/.(Z3S`(%&(+(N(%&,(A(R(%&,(1+**(+&<( like insulating concrete forms are
up to R­21 in a 2 in. x 6 in. wall. The among these. Some homebuilders are
insulative sheathing, used in addition to even using an old technique borrowed
this cavity insulation, helps to reduce from the pioneers: building walls using
the energy that would otherwise be 5/7+1(@+*!5,(>2!$0(.&*%&!(+/(111,
lost through the wood frame. The for more information
table below shows the recommended on structural insulation.
combinations. For example, in Zone Radiant barriers (in hot climates),
`6('.4($.4*<(45!(!%/2!7(+(NAR(1+**(1%/2( 7!?!$/%;!(%&54*+/%.&6(+&<(".4&<+/%.&(
Z3S[(.7(+(NA_(1+**(1%/2(Z3NS,(a.7(!%/2!7( insulation should all be considered for
of those two walls, you should also use &!1(2.:!($.&5/74$/%.&,(>2!$0(1%/2(
an inch of insulative sheathing that has your contractor for more information
an R­value of R­5 or R­6. about these options.

Cathedral Ceiling
Electric Furnace
Heat Pump

Fuel Oil




1 ! ! ! ! R30 to R49 R22 to R38 R13 to R15 None R13

2 ! ! ! R30 to R60 R22 to R38 R13 to R15 None R13

2 ! R30 to R60 R22 to R38 R13 to R15 None R19 - R25

3 ! ! ! R30 to R60 R22 to R38 R13 to R15 None R25

3 ! R30 to R60 R22 to R38 R13 to R15 R2.5 to R5 R25

4 ! ! ! R38 to R60 R30 to R38 R13 to R15 R2.5 to R6 R25 - R30

Insulation and Sealing Air Leaks

4 ! R38 to R60 R30 to R38 R13 to R15 R5 to R6 R25 - R30

5 ! ! ! R38 to R60 R30 to R38 R13 to R15 R2.5 to R6 R25 - R30

5 ! R38 to R60 R30 to R60 R13 to R21 R5 to R6 R25 - R30

6 ! ! ! ! R49 to R60 R30 to R60 R13 to R21 R5 to R6 R25 - R30

7 ! ! ! ! R49 to R60 R30 to R60 R13 to R21 R5 to R6 R25 - R30

8 ! ! ! ! R49 to R60 R30 to R60 R13 to R21 R5 to R6 R25 - R30

Sources of Air Leaks in Your Home
Areas that leak air into and out of your home cost you lots of money. Check the areas listed below.

1 Dropped ceiling 5 Water and furnace flues 9 Window frames

2 Recessed light 6 All ducts 10 Electrical outlets and switches
3 Attic entrance 7 Door frames 11 Plumbing and utility access
4 Sill plates 8 Chimney flashing
Insulation and Sealing Air Leaks

Sealing Air Leaks 6)4#(1"7(8$,')*/(9)7(!$,:#

I+7:(+%7(*!+0%&8(%&/.('.47(2.:!( =(a%75/6(/!5/('.47(2.:!(".7(+%7(/%82/&!55,(
during the summer and out of your On a windy day, carefully hold a lit
home during the winter can waste a incense stick or a smoke pen next
lot of your energy dollars. One of the to your windows, doors, electrical
quickest dollar­saving tasks you can @.A!56()*4:@%&8(#A/47!56(!*!$/7%$+*(
do is caulk, seal, and weatherstrip all .4/*!/56($!%*%&8(#A/47!56(+//%$(2+/$2!56(
seams, cracks, and openings to the and other locations where there is a
outside. You can save on your heating possible air path to the outside. If the
and cooling bill by reducing the air smoke stream travels horizontally, you
leaks in your home. have located an air leak that may need
caulking, sealing, or weatherstripping.
=(>+4*0(+&<(1!+/2!75/7%)(<..75(+&<( Fans and Vents Electric Outlets
windows that leak air. 4% 2%
=(>+4*0(+&<(5!+*(+%7(*!+05(12!7!( Windows
plumbing, ducting, or electrical 10% Floors, Walls,
Doors and Ceiling
wiring penetrates through walls, 31%
cabinets. Plumbing
Penetrations Ducts
=(X&5/+**(".+:(8+50!/5(@!2%&<(.4/*!/( 13% Fireplace 15%
and switch plates on walls. 14%
insulation, which often indicate
holes where air leaks into and out How Does the Air Escape?
of your house. You can seal the holes Air infiltrates into and out of your home through
with low­expansion spray foam made every hole and crack. About one-third of this
for this purpose. air infiltrates through openings in your ceilings,
walls, and floors.
paint and carpet, which may indicate =(Z!)*+$%&8(!A%5/%&8(<..7(@.//.:5(
air leaks at interior wall/ceiling joints and thresholds with ones that have
+&<(1+**c?..7(L.%5/5,(-2!5!(L.%&/5($+&( pliable sealing gaskets is a great way
be caulked. to eliminate conditioned air leaking
=(X&5/+**(5/.7:(1%&<.15(.;!7(5%&8*!3)+&!( out from underneath the doors.
windows or replace them with more =(a%7!)*+$!(?4!5(+7!(:+<!("7.:(:!/+*6(
!"#$%!&/(1%&<.156(54$2(+5(<.4@*!3 and over time repeated heating and
)+&!,(D!!(I%&<.15(.&()+8!(Sd(".7( cooling can cause the metal to warp
more information. or break, creating a channel for hot
=(I2!&(/2!(#7!)*+$!(%5(&./(%&(45!6(0!!)( .7($.*<(+%7(*.55,(X&?+/+@*!($2%:&!'(
/2!(?4!(<+:)!7(/%82/*'($*.5!<,(G( @+**..&5(+7!(<!5%8&!<(/.(#/(@!&!+/2(
$2%:&!'(%5(<!5%8&!<(5)!$%#$+**'(".7( '.47(#7!)*+$!(?4!(<47%&8()!7%.<5(
smoke to escape, so until you close it, of non­use. They are made from
1+7:(+%7(!5$+)!5^NR(2.475(+(<+'e several layers of durable plastic and
=(a.7(&!1($.&5/74$/%.&6(7!<4$!(!A/!7%.7( can be removed easily and reused
wall leaks by installing house wrap, hundreds of times. Should you
taping the joints of exterior sheathing, forget to remove the balloon before
and comprehensively caulking and :+0%&8(+(#7!6(/2!(@+**..&(1%**(
Insulation and Sealing Air Leaks

sealing the exterior walls. +4/.:+/%$+**'(<!?+/!(1%/2%&(5!$.&<5(

=(\5!(".+:(5!+*+&/(+7.4&<(*+78!7(8+)5( of coming into contact with heat.
around windows, baseboards, and
other places where warm air may be
leaking out.
keep air from leaking in when the
exhaust fan is not in use. The covers
typically attach via magnets for ease of

Heating and Cooling
H eating and cooling your home
uses more energy and drains
more energy dollars than any other
if in doubt about how to perform
this task, call a professional.
5'5/!:(%&('.47(2.:!,(-')%$+**'6(R[g( 7!?!$/.75(@!/1!!&(!A/!7%.7(1+**5(
of your utility bill goes for heating and the radiators.
and cooling systems in the United
exhaust fans within 20 minutes after
States together emit 150 million tons
you are done cooking or bathing;
of carbon dioxide into the atmosphere
when replacing exhaust fans,
each year, adding to global climate
change. They also generate about
low­noise models.
12% of the nation’s sulfur dioxide and
Rg(."(/2!(&%/7.8!&(.A%<!56(/2!($2%!"( =((K47%&8(/2!(2!+/%&8(5!+5.&6(0!!)(/2!(
ingredients in acid rain. draperies and shades on your south­
facing windows open during the day
No matter what kind of heating, to allow the sunlight to enter your
ventilation, and air­conditioning home and closed at night to reduce
system you have in your house, you the chill you may feel from cold
can save money and increase your windows.
comfort by properly maintaining
and upgrading your equipment. But
window coverings closed during the
day to prevent solar gain.
alone will not have as great an impact
on your energy bills as using the $ Long-Term Savings Tips
whole­house approach. By combining =(D!*!$/(!&!78'3!"#$%!&/()7.<4$/5(
proper equipment maintenance and when you buy new heating and
upgrades with appropriate insulation, cooling equipment. Your contractor
air sealing, and thermostat settings, should be able to give you energy
you can cut your energy use for fact sheets for different types,
heating and cooling, and reduce models, and designs to help you
environmental emissions, from 20%
to 50%.
No Heating System
Heating and Cooling Tips 1%
=(D!/('.47(/2!7:.5/+/(+5(*.1(+5(%5( Oil
Other 7%
comfortable in the winter and 9%
as high as is comfortable in the Natural Gas
summer. 53%
=(>*!+&(.7(7!)*+$!(#*/!75(.&("47&+$!5( 30%
Heating and Cooling

once a month or as needed.

heaters, and radiators as needed;
make sure they’re not blocked by
furniture, carpeting, or drapes. Household Heating Systems
Although several different types of fuels are
=(Q*!!<(/7+))!<(+%7("7.:(2./31+/!7( available to heat our homes, more than half of us
radiators once or twice a season; use natural gas.
compare energy usage. For furnaces, will have to work longer to keep your
look for high Annual Fuel Utilization house comfortable. Either way, your
9"#$%!&$'(EGa\9F(7+/%&85,(-2!( energy losses cost you money.
national minimum is 78% AFUE, but Although minor duct repairs are
there are ENERGY STAR models on easy to make, ducts in unconditioned
the market that exceed 90% AFUE. spaces should be sealed and insulated
=(a.7(+%7($.&<%/%.&!756(*..0(".7(+(2%82( @'(V4+*%#!<()7."!55%.&+*5(45%&8(
D!+5.&+*(9&!78'(9"#$%!&$'(Z+/%. +))7.)7%+/!(5!+*%&8(:+/!7%+*5,(H!7!(
( ED99ZF,(-2!($477!&/(:%&%:4:(%5(S[( are a few simple tips to help with
SEER for central air conditioners. minor duct repairs.
SEER or more. ;+5-(6)4#
Air Ducts First, look for sections that should
One of the most important systems in be joined but have separated and
your home, though it’s hidden beneath then look for obvious holes.
your feet and over your head, may be =((X"('.4(45!(/+)!(/.(5!+*('.47(<4$/56(
wasting a lot of your energy dollars. avoid cloth­backed, rubber adhesive
Your home’s duct system, a branching duct tape, which tends to fail
&!/1.70(."(/4@!5(%&(/2!(1+**56(?..756(+&<( quickly. Researchers recommend
ceilings, carries the air from your home’s other products to seal ducts: mastic,
furnace and central air conditioner to butyl tape, foil tape, or other heat­
!+$2(7..:,(K4$/5(+7!(:+<!(."(52!!/( approved tapes. Look for tape with
:!/+*6(#@!78*+556(.7(./2!7(:+/!7%+*5, the Underwriters Laboratories logo.
Unfortunately, many duct systems =((Z!:!:@!7(/2+/(%&54*+/%&8(<4$/5(
are poorly insulated or not insulated in the basement will make the
)7.)!7*',(K4$/5(/2+/(*!+0(2!+/!<(+%7( basement colder. If both the
into unheated spaces can add hundreds ducts and the basement walls are
of dollars a year to your heating and uninsulated, consider insulating
cooling bills. Insulating ducts that are both. I+/!7()%)!5(+&<(<7+%&5(%&(
in unconditioned spaces is usually very unconditioned spaces could freeze
cost effective. If you are buying a new and burst in the space if the heat
duct system, consider one that comes ducts are fully insulated, because
with insulation already installed. there would be no heat source to
Sealing your ducts to prevent leaks is prevent the space from freezing in
even more important if the ducts are $.*<(1!+/2!7,(H.1!;!76(45%&8(+&(
located in an unconditioned area such electric heating tape wrap on the
as an attic or vented crawl space. If )%)!5($+&()7!;!&/(/2%5,(>2!$0(1%/2(+(
the supply ducts are leaking, heated professional contractor.
or cooled air can be forced out of
Heating and Cooling

unsealed joints and lost. In addition,

unconditioned air can be drawn into
return ducts through unsealed joints.
In the summer, hot attic air can be
drawn in, increasing the load on the air
conditioner. In the winter, your furnace

Ducts—Out-of-Sight, Out-of-Mind
The unsealed ducts in your attic and crawlspaces lose air, and uninsulated ducts lose heat, wasting
energy and money.

=(X"('.ur basement has been converted and repairs to a duct system should
to a living area, hire a professional +*1+'5(@!()!7".7:!<(@'(+(V4+*%#!<(
to install both supply and return professional.
registers in the basement rooms. =(K4$/5(/2+/(<.&C/(1.70()7.)!7*'($+&(
=(Q!(547!(+(1!**35!+*!<(;+).7( create serious, life­threatening carbon
barrier exists on the outside of :.&.A%<!(E>WF()7.@*!:5(%&(/2!(
the insulation on cooling ducts to 2.:!,(X&5/+**(+(>W(:.&%/.7(/.(+*!7/(
prevent moisture buildup. '.4(/.(2+7:"4*(>W(*!;!*5(%"('.4(2+;!(
=(I2!&(<.%&8(<4$/1.706(@!(547!(/.( a fuel­burning furnace, stove or other
8!/()7."!55%.&+*(2!*),(>2+&8!5( appliance, or an attached garage.

$ Long-Term Savings Tip

Install a Carbon Monoxide Detector =((T.4($+&(*.5!(4)(/.(_Og(."('.47(2!+/!<(
Heating and Cooling

Carbon monoxide (CO) detectors are

air before it reaches the register if
highly recommended in homes with your ducts aren’t insulated and travel
fuel-burning appliances, such as natural through unheated spaces such as the
gas furnaces, stoves, ovens, and water +//%$(.7($7+1*5)+$!,(j!/(+(V4+*%#!<(
heaters, and fuel-burning space heaters. professional to help you insulate
An alarm signals homeowners if CO and repair ducts.
reaches potentially dangerous levels.

Heat Pumps the same house that does not include
H!+/()4:)5(+7!(/2!(:.5/(!"#$%!&/(".7:( passive solar design.
of electric heating in moderate climates, Passive solar design can also help reduce
providing three times more heating than your cooling costs. Passive solar cooling
the equivalent amount of energy they techniques include carefully designed
consume in electricity. There are three .;!72+&856(1%&<.15(1%/2(7!?!$/%;!(
types of heat pumps: air­to­air, water $.+/%&856(+&<(7!?!$/%;!($.+/%&85(.&(
source, and ground source. They collect exterior walls and the roof.
heat from the air, water, or ground
outside your home and concentrate it for A passive solar house requires careful
45!(%&5%<!,(H!+/()4:)5(<.(<.4@*!(<4/'( design and site orientation, which
as a central air conditioner. They can depend on the local climate. So, if you
also cool your home by collecting the are considering passive solar design for
heat inside your house and effectively new construction or a major remodeling,
pumping it outside. A heat pump can you should consult an architect familiar
trim the amount of electricity you use for with passive solar techniques.
2!+/%&8(@'(+5(:4$2(+5([Og(/.(ROg, Solar Tips
Heat Pump Tips =((f!!)(+**(5.4/23"+$%&8(8*+55($*!+&,
=((K.(&./(5!/(@+$0(/2!(2!+/()4:)C5( =((B+0!(547!(/2+/(.@L!$/5(<.(&./(@*.$0(
thermostat manually if it causes the the sunlight shining on concrete slab
electric resistance heating to come on. ?..75(.7(2!+/3+@5.7@%&8(1+**5,
This type of heating, which is often
used as a backup to the heat pump, Natural Gas and Oil Heating
is more expensive. If you plan to buy a new heating system,
ask your local utility or state energy
=((>*!+&(.7($2+&8!(#*/!75(.&$!(+(:.&/2( ."#$!(".7(%&".7:+/%.&(+@.4/(/2!(*+/!5/(
or as needed, and maintain the technologies available to consumers.
system according to manufacturer’s They can advise you about more
instructions. !"#$%!&/(5'5/!:5(.&(/2!(:+70!/(/.<+',(
For example, many newer models
$ Long-Term Savings Tip incorporate designs for burners and
=((X"('.4(45!(!*!$/7%$%/'(/.(2!+/('.47( heat exchangers that result in higher
home and live in a moderate climate, !"#$%!&$%!5(<47%&8(.)!7+/%.&(+&<(7!<4$!(
$.&5%<!7(%&5/+**%&8(+&(!&!78'3(!"#$%!&/( heat loss when the equipment is off.
heat pump system. >.&5%<!7(+(5!+*!<($.:@45/%.&("47&+$!k(
Solar Heating and Cooling /2!'(+7!(@./2(5+"!7(+&<(:.7!(!"#$%!&/,(
Using passive solar design techniques to >2!$0(/2!(52.))%&8(84%<!(%&(/2!(@+$0(
heat and cool your home can be of this booklet for additional information
both environmentally friendly and on how to understand heating system
cost effective. Passive solar heating ratings.
Heating and Cooling

techniques include placing larger, $ Long-Term Savings Tip

insulated windows on south­facing walls =(X&5/+**(+(&!1(!&!78'3!"#$%!&/("47&+$!(
and locating thermal mass, such as a to save money over the long term.
$.&$7!/!(5*+@(?..7(.7(+(2!+/3+@5.7@%&8( Look for the ENERGY STAR and
wall, close to the windows. In many EnergyGuide labels.
cases, your heating costs could be more
than 50% lower than the cost of heating
Hot Winter Tip
Using a programmable
thermostat, you can automatically
turn down your heat at night or
when you are not at home.

Cool Summer Tip

In the summer, you can save
money by automatically turning
your air-conditioning up at night or
when you are at work.

Programmable Thermostats conditioner that’s too big for the area

You can save as much as 10% a year it is supposed to cool will perform less
on your heating and cooling bills by !"#$%!&/*'(+&<(*!55(!""!$/%;!*'(/2+&(+(
simply turning your thermostat back smaller, properly sized unit.
10% to 15% for 8 hours. You can do Sizing is equally important for central
this automatically by installing an air­conditioning systems, which need to
automatic setback or programmable be sized by professionals. If you have
thermostat. a central air system in your home, set
Using a programmable thermostat, you the fan to shut off at the same time as
can adjust the times you turn on the the cooling unit (compressor). In other
heating or air­conditioning according words, don’t use the system’s central fan
to a preset schedule. As a result, the to provide circulation, but instead use
equipment doesn’t operate as much circulating fans in individual rooms.
when you are asleep or when the Cooling Tips
house, or a part of it, is not occupied. =(I2.*!32.45!("+&5(2!*)($..*('.47(2.:!(
Programmable thermostats can store by pulling cool air through the house
and repeat multiple daily settings and exhausting warm air through the
(six or more temperature settings a attic.
day) that you can manually override =((D!/('.ur thermostat as high as
without affecting the rest of the daily comfortably possible in the summer.
.7(1!!0*'()7.87+:,(I2!&(52.))%&8(".7( The smaller the difference between the
a programmable thermostat, be sure to indoor and outdoor temperatures, the
Heating and Cooling

look for the ENERGY STAR label. lower your overall cooling bill will be.
Air Conditioners colder setting than normal when you
Buying a bigger room air­conditioning turn on your air conditioner. It will
unit won’t necessarily make you feel not cool your home any faster and
more comfortable during the hot could result in excessive cooling and,
summer months. In fact, a room air therefore, unnecessary expense.

Buildings and Trees—Natural Partners
Deciduous trees planted on the south and west sides will help keep your house cool in the summer and
allow sun to shine in the windows in the winter.

=((>.&5%<!7(using an interior fan in ."(/2%5(@..0*!/(1%**(2!*)('.4(#&<(/2!(

conjunction with your window air right size unit for your needs.
conditioner to spread the cooled air =((>.&5%<!7(%&5/+**%&8(+(12.*!3
more effectively through your home house fan or evaporative cooler if
without greatly increasing your power +))7.)7%+/!(".7('.47($*%:+/!,(>2!$0(
use. out for more
=((Avoid placing lamps or TV sets near %&".7:+/%.&(.&(!"#$%!&/($..*%&8,
your air­conditioning thermostat.
The thermostat senses heat from Landscaping
these appliances, which can cause Landscaping is a natural and beautiful
the air conditioner to run longer than way to keep your home cool in
necessary. summer and reduce your energy bills.
A well­placed tree, shrub, or vine
=((Plant trees or shrubs to shade air
conditioning units but not to block the can deliver effective shade, act as a
+%7?.1,(h*+$!('.47(7..:(+%7($.&<%/%.&!7( windbreak, and reduce your energy
on the north side of the house. A unit @%**5,(>+7!"4**'().5%/%.&!<(/7!!5($+&(
operating in the shade uses as much as save up to 25% of the energy a typical
10% less electricity than the same one household uses for energy. Research
operating in the sun. shows that summer daytime air
Heating and Cooling

$ Long-Term Savings Tips in tree­shaded neighborhoods than in

=((X"('.47(+%7($.&<%/%.&!7(%5(.*<6($.&5%<!7( treeless areas.
)47$2+5%&8(+(&!16(!&!78'3!"#$%!&/( A lattice or trellis with climbing
model. You could save up to 50% on vines, or a planter box with trailing
your utility bill for cooling. Look for vines, shades the home’s perimeter
the ENERGY STAR and EnergyGuide while admitting cooling breezes to the
labels. The shopping guide in the back shaded area.
Water Heating
ater heating is the third largest
energy expense in your home.
It typically accounts for about
12% of your utility bill.
There are four ways to cut your water
heating bills: use less hot water, turn
down the thermostat on your water
heater, insulate your water heater, or

Water Heating Tips

faucets and showerheads.
a leaky faucet wastes gallons of
water in a short period of time.
heater; water heaters sometimes
come from the factory with high
temperature settings, but a setting
water for most uses.
storage tank, but be careful not to
cover the thermostat. Follow the
manufacturer’s recommendations.
hot­water storage tank, but be
careful not to cover the water Keep Your Energy Bills Out of Hot Water
Insulate your water heater to save energy and money.
heater’s top, bottom, thermostat,
or burner compartment. Follow the
manufacturer’s recommendations;
when in doubt, get professional help. =( X&5/+**(2!+/(/7+)5(.&(/2!(2./(+&<($.*<(
pipes at the water heater to prevent
heat loss. Some new water heaters
cold water pipes connected to the
have built­in heat traps.
water heater.
dishwasher or clothes washer,
sediment that impedes heat transfer
Water Heating

water­saving ENERGY STAR
heater. The type of water tank you
model to reduce hot water use. See
have determines the steps to take, so
Appliances on page 22 for more
follow the manufacturer’s advice.

Average Hot Water Use
Activity Gallons per Use
10–15 years, it’s best to start shopping
now for a new one if yours is more Clothes washing 32
/2+&(P('!+75(.*<,(K.%&8(5.:!(7!5!+7$2( Showering 20
before your heater fails will enable
Bathing 20
you to select one that most
appropriately meets your needs. Automatic 12
$ Long-Term Savings Tips Preparing food 5
Hand dishwashing 4
than a standard water heater, the D.47$!M(G>999
energy savings will continue during
the lifetime of the appliance. Look for
the ENERGY STAR and EnergyGuide B.7!(/2+&(S,`(:%**%.&(2.:!5(+&<(
labels. businesses in the United States
=((b..0(".7(/2!(9i9ZjT(D-GZ(*+@!*(.&( have invested in solar water heating
!"#$%!&/(1+/!7(2!+/!75(%&(/2!(".**.1%&8( systems, and surveys indicate that
$+/!8.7%!5M(2%82(!"#$%!&$'(8+5(&.&3 :.7!(/2+&(mRg(."(/2!5!($45/.:!75(
condensing, gas condensing, electric consider the systems a good
heat pump, gas tankless, and solar. investment. Solar water heating
systems are also good for the
=((>.&5%<!7(%&5/+**%&8(+(<7+%&(1+/!7(1+5/!( environment. Solar water heaters
2!+/(7!$.;!7'(5'5/!:,(G(7!$!&/(KW9( avoid the greenhouse gas emissions
study showed energy savings of 25% associated with electricity production.
/.(+@.4/([Og(".7(1+/!7(2!+/%&8(45%&8( K47%&8(+(NO3'!+7()!7%.<6(.&!(5.*+7(
such a system. water heater can avoid more than 50
=( >.&5%<!7(&+/47+*(8+5(.&3<!:+&<(.7( tons of carbon dioxide emissions.
tankless water heaters. Researchers I2!&(52.))%&8(".7(+(5.*+7(1+/!7(
2+;!(".4&<(5+;%&85($+&(@!(4)(/.([Og( heater, look for the ENERGY STAR
compared with a standard natural gas *+@!*(+&<(".7(5'5/!:5($!7/%#!<(@'(
storage tank water heater. /2!(D.*+7(Z+/%&8(+&<(>!7/%#$+/%.&(
=( H!+/()4:)(1+/!7(2!+/!75($+&(@!(;!7'( >.7).7+/%.&(.7(/2!(a*.7%<+(D.*+7(
cost­effective in some areas. 9&!78'(>!&/!7,

$ Long-Term Savings Tip

Solar Water Heaters =(]%5%/(/2!(K+/+@+5!(."(D/+/!(X&$!&/%;!5(
If you heat water with electricity, ".7(Z!&!1+@*!5(n(9"#$%!&$'(I!@(
have high electric rates, and have an site ( to see if
unshaded, south­facing location (such you might qualify for tax credits
as a roof) on your property, consider or rebates for buying a solar water
%&5/+**%&8(+&(9i9ZjT(D-GZ(V4+*%#!<( heater.
solar water heater. The solar units are
environmentally friendly and can now be
Water Heating

installed on your roof to blend with the

architecture of your house.

W indows can be one
of your home’s most
attractive features.
daylighting, ventilation, and
solar heating in the winter.
Unfortunately, they can also
account for 10% to 25% of
summer, your air conditioner
must work harder to cool
hot air from sunny windows.
windows and use curtains
and shade to give your air
conditioner and energy bill
a break. If you live in the Cold-Climate Windows Keep Heat In 02477413m
Sun Belt, look into low­e Double-pane windows with low-e coating on the glass reflect
windows, which can cut the heat back into the room during the winter months.
cooling load by 10% to 15%.
If your home has single­ Cold-Climate Window Tips
pane windows, as many U.S. homes =(T.4($+&(45!(+(2!+;'3<4/'6($*!+7()*+5/%$(
do, consider replacing them with sheet on a frame or tape clear plastic
new double­pane windows with #*:(/.(/2!(%&5%<!(."('.47(1%&<.1(
high­performance glass (e.g., low­e frames during the cold winter months.
or spectrally selective). In colder Remember, the plastic must be sealed
climates, select windows that are gas tightly to the frame to help reduce
#**!<(1%/2(*.1(!:%55%;%/' %&#*/7+/%.&,
(low­e) coatings on the glass to reduce =((X&5/+**(/%82/3#//%&86(%&54*+/%&8(1%&<.1(
heat loss. In warmer climates, select shades on windows that feel drafty
windows with spectrally selective after weatherizing.
coatings to reduce heat gain. If you are =(>*.5!('.47($47/+%&5(+&<(52+<!5(+/(
building a new home, you can offset night; open them during the day.
some of the cost of installing more =(f!!)(1%&<.15(.&(/2!(5.4/2(5%<!(."('.47(
!"#$%!&/(1%&<.15(@!$+45!(/2!' house clean to let in the winter sun.
allow you to buy smaller, less
expensive heating and cooling =(X&5/+**(!A/!7%.7(.7(%&/!7%.7(5/.7:(
equipment. windows; storm windows can reduce
heat loss through the windows by 25%
If you decide not to replace your to 50%. Storm windows should have
windows, the simpler, less costly weatherstripping at all movable joints;
measures listed here can improve their be made of strong, durable materials;

performance. and have interlocking or overlapping

joints. Low­e storm windows save
even more energy.
or more panes of glass, warm­
edge spacers between the window
panes, improved framing materials,
and low­e coating(s), which are
microscopically thin coatings
that help keep heat inside during
the winter and outside during the

Shopping Tips for Windows

Warm-Climate Windows Keep Heat Out incentives are available for window
In the summertime, the sun shining through your replacement.
windows heats up the room. Windows with low-e =(H%823)!7".7:+&$!(1%&<.15(2+;!
coatings on the glass reflect some of the sunlight, at least two panes of glass and a
keeping your rooms cooler. low­e (low emissivity) coating.
=(Z!)+%7(+&<(1!+/2!7%U!('.47($477!&/( the better the insulation. In colder
storm windows, if necessary. $*%:+/!56(".$45(.&(#&<%&8(+(*.1(
Warm-Climate Window Tips
warm climates, look for a low
the house.
facing windows during the day. =(X&(/!:)!7+/!($*%:+/!5(1%/2(@./2(
=((X&5/+**(+1&%&85(.&(5.4/23(+&<(1!5/3 heating and cooling seasons, select
facing windows. windows with both low U­factors
=((G))*'(54&3$.&/7.*(.7(./2!7(7!?!$/%;!( +&<(*.1(DHj>5(/.(:+A%:%U!(
#*:5(.&(5.4/23"+$%&8(1%&<.15(/.( energy savings.
reduce solar gain. =(b..0(".7(12.*!34&%/(\3"+$/.75(
$ Long-Term Savings Tip ."38*+556(.7(>Wj6(\3"+$/.75(+&<(
=((X&5/+**%&86(2%823)!7".7:+&$!(1%&<.15( DHj>5,(I2.*!34&%/(&4:@!75(
will improve your home’s energy :.7!(+$$47+/!*'(7!?!$/(/2!(!&!78'(
)!7".7:+&$!,(I2%*!(%/(:+'(/+0!(:+&'( performance of the entire product.
years for new windows to pay off in =(H+;!('.47(1%&<.15(%&5/+**!<(
!&!78'(5+;%&856(/2!(@!&!#/5(."(+<<!<( by trained professionals. Be
comfort and improved aesthetics and sure they’re installed according
functionality may make the investment to manufacturer’s instructions;

1.7/2(%/(/.('.4,(B+&'(1%&<.1( otherwise, your warranty may be

technologies are available that are void.
worth considering.

Lighting than incandescent bulbs initially, over
their lifetime they are cheaper because

aking improvements to your *%82/%&8(#A/47!5(+7!(&.1(+;+%*+@*!(
lighting is one of the fastest that are compatible with dimmers and
ways to cut your energy bills. An .)!7+/!(*%0!(%&$+&<!5$!&/(#A/47!5,
average household dedicates 11% of
its energy budget to lighting. Using Indoor Lighting Tips
new lighting technologies can reduce =(Q!(547!(/.(@4'(9i9ZjT(D-GZ(
lighting energy use in your home by V4+*%#!<(>ab5,
50% to 75%. Advances in lighting 3(-2!'(1%**(5+;!('.4(+@.4/(o[O(.7(:.7!(
controls offer further energy savings in electricity costs over each bulb’s
by reducing the amount of time lights lifetime.
are on but not being used. ­ Producing about 75% less heat, they
are safer to operate and can cut home
cooling costs.
­ They provide the greatest savings in
your family and living rooms, kitchen,
dining room, bedrooms, and outdoors.
Compact Fluorescent Bulbs— V4+*%#!<(#A/47!5,(-2!'(+7!(+;+%*+@*!(%&(
A Bright Idea! many styles including table, desk and
&/&3(:45"3RVBMJmFEMJHIUJOHQSPWJEFTCSJHIU  for front porches, dining rooms,
warm light and uses about 75% less energy
than standard lighting, produces 75% less heat,
and lasts up to 10 times longer.

Indoor Lighting
your home to provide high­quality and
incandescent (standard) bulbs and last
about 6 to 12 times longer.
color rendition that is comparable to CFLs contain a very small amount of mercury sealed

incandescent bulbs. Although linear within the glass tubing. Many retailers are offering
?4.7!5$!&/(+&<(>ab5($.5/(+(@%/(:.7!( free recycling services for consumers at their stores.

Outdoor Lighting
lighting for decoration and security.
from low­voltage pathway lighting
outdoor environments because of
their durability and performance in
cold weather. Look for ENERGY
lights, step lights, and porch lights for
outdoor use.
Outdoor Lighting Tips
&/&3(:45"3RVBMJmFE$'-TBSFBWBJMBCMFJO =(Q!$+45!(.4/<..7(*%82/5(+7!(454+**'(
sizes and shapes to fit in almost any fixture. *!"/(.&(+(*.&8(/%:!6(45%&8(>ab5(
=( 9i9ZjT(D-GZ(V4+*%#!<(#A/47!5( !&!78',(B.5/(@+7!(5)%7+*(>ab5($+&(@!(
<%5/7%@4/!(*%82/(:.7!(!"#$%!&/*'(+&<( 45!<(%&(!&$*.5!<(#A/47!5(/2+/()7./!$/(
!;!&*'(/2+&(5/+&<+7<(#A/47!5(+&<(/2!'( them from the weather.
deliver convenient features such as =(>ab5(+7!(+*5.(+;+%*+@*!(+5(?..<(
dimming on some indoor models. lights. These models have been tested
=( >.&/7.*5(54$2(+5(/%:!75(+&<()2./.( to withstand the rain and snow so
cells save electricity by turning lights /2!'($+&(@!(45!<(%&(!A).5!<(#A/47!5,(
.""(12!&(&./(%&(45!,(K%::!75(5+;!( B.5/(/2.4826($+&&./(@!(45!<(1%/2(
electricity when used to lower light motion detectors.
levels. Be sure to select products that =(b..0(".7(9i9ZjT(D-GZ(V4+*%#!<(
+7!($.:)+/%@*!(1%/2(>ab(@4*@5k(&./(+**( #A/47!5(/2+/(+7!(<!5%8&!<(".7(.4/<..7(
)7.<4$/5(1.70(1%/2(>ab5,( use and come with features like
=( I2!&(7!:.<!*%&86(*..0(".7(7!$!55!<( automatic daylight shut­off and
downlights, or “cans”, that are rated for motion sensors.
=( -+0!(+<;+&/+8!(."(<+'*%82/(@'(45%&8(
light­colored, loose­weave curtains LED—A New Kind of Light
on your windows to allow daylight to
Light emitting diodes, or LEDs, offer
penetrate the room while preserving
privacy. Also, decorate with lighter bulbs, last 25 times as long, and use
$.*.75(/2+/(7!?!$/(<+'*%82/, even less energy than CFLs. Look for
=( X"('.4(2+;!(/.7$2%!7!(#A/47!5(1%/2( &/&3(:45"3RVBMJmFE-&%QSPEVDUTBU
halogen lamps, consider replacing them home improvement centers and lighting
1%/2($.:)+$/(?4.7!5$!&/(/.7$2%!7!5,( showrooms.
60% to 80% less energy and do not get
as hot as halogen torchieres.

Appliances and 28 lists some of the major appliances
that carry the ENERGY STAR label and

provides helpful information on what to
ppliances account for about look for when shopping for an appliance.
17% of your household’s energy
consumption, with refrigerators, -.(2!*)('.4(#847!(.4/(12!/2!7(+&(
clothes washers, and clothes dryers at +))*%+&$!(%5(!&!78'(!"#$%!&/6(/2!("!<!7+*(
the top of the consumption list. government requires most appliances
to display the bright yellow and black
I2!&('.4C7!(52.))%&8(".7(+))*%+&$!56( EnergyGuide label. Although these
/2%&0(."(/1.()7%$!(/+85,(-2!(#75/(.&!( labels will not tell you which appliance
covers the purchase price—think of %5(/2!(:.5/(!"#$%!&/6(/2!'(1%**(/!**('.4(
it as a down payment. The second the annual energy consumption and
price tag is the cost of operating the operating cost for each appliance so
appliance during its lifetime. You’ll be you can compare them yourself. The
paying on that second price tag every G:!7%$+&(>.4&$%*(".7(+&(9&!78'3
month with your utility bill for the 9"#$%!&/(9$.&.:'(*%5/5(/2!(!&!78'(
next 10 to 20 years, depending on the performance of top­rated energy­ saving
appliance. Refrigerators last an average appliances on its web site: www.aceee.
."(SR('!+75k($*./2!5(1+52!75(+@.4/(SS( org.
years; dishwashers about 10 years; and
room air conditioners last 9 years. Dishwashers
I2!&('.4(<.(52.)(".7(+(&!1( is for water heating. The EnergyGuide
appliance, look for the ENERGY label estimates how much power is
STAR label. ENERGY STAR products needed per year to run the appliance and
usually exceed minimum federal to heat the water based on the yearly cost
standards by a substantial amount. The of natural gas and electric water heating.
appliance shopping guide on pages 27

What’s the Real Cost?

Every appliance has two price tags—the purchase price and the operating cost. Consider both when
buying a new appliance.

What’s a kilowatt?
have an automatic air­dry switch,
When you use electricity to cook a pot of turn off the control knob after the
rice for 1 hour, you use 1000 watt-hours of #&+*(7%&5!(+&<()7.)(/2!(<..7(.)!&(
FMFDUSJDJUZ0OFUIPVTBOEXBUUIPVSTFRVBMT slightly so the dishes will dry faster.
usually shows what you are charged for the
kilowatt-hours you use. The average residential
$ Long-Term Savings Tip
rate is 9.4 cents per kWh. A typical U.S. =((I2!&(52.))%&8(".7(+(&!1(
household consumes about 11,000 kWh per dishwasher, look for the ENERGY
year, costing an average of $1,034 annually. D-GZ(*+@!*(/.(#&<(+(<%521+52!7(/2+/(
than required by federal standards.
Dishwasher Tips
dishwasher for the manufacturer’s Refrigerators
recommendations on water The EnergyGuide label on new
temperature; many have internal refrigerators tells you how much
heating elements that allow you to !*!$/7%$%/'(%&(0%*.1+//32.475(E0I2F(+(
set the water heater in your home particular model uses in one year. The
/.(+(*.1!7(/!:)!7+/47!(ESNOlaF, smaller the number, the less energy
=((D$7+)!6(<.&C/(7%&5!6(.""(*+78!( the refrigerator uses and the less it
food pieces and bones. Soaking will cost you to operate. In addition
or prewashing is generally only to the EnergyGuide label, don’t forget
recommended in cases of burned­on to look for the ENERGY STAR label.
or dried­on food. A new refrigerator with an ENERGY
=((Q!(547!('.47(<%521+52!7(%5("4**6(@4/( STAR label uses at least 20% less
not overloaded, when you run it. energy than required by current
=((G;.%<(45%&8(/2!(p7%&5!(2.*<q(.&('.47( "!<!7+*(5/+&<+7<5(+&<(ROg(*!55(!&!78'(
machine for just a few soiled dishes. than the conventional models sold in
X/(45!5([(/.(P(8+**.&5(."(2./(1+/!7(!+$2( 2001.
time you use it.

How to Read the

EnergyGuide Label
The EnergyGuide label gives you two
important pieces of information you can
use to compare different brands and
models when shopping for a new refrigerator:
the national average cost of electricity.
showing a range for similar models

Refrigerator/Freezer Energy Tips =((>.;!7(*%V4%<5(+&<(17+)("..<5(5/.7!<(
=((b..0(".7(+(7efrigerator with in the refrigerator. Uncovered foods
automatic moisture control. release moisture and make the
B.<!*5(1%/2(/2%5("!+/47!(2+;!(@!!&( compressor work harder.
engineered to prevent moisture
accumulation on the cabinet exterior
$ Long-Term Savings Tip
without the addition of a heater.
when buying a new refrigerator. Select
This is not the same thing as an
a new refrigerator that is the right
size for your household. Top freezer
anti­sweat heater will consume 5%
to 10% more energy than models
side­by­side models. Features like
without this feature.
icemakers and water dispensers, while
=((K.&C/(0!!)('.47(7!"7%8!7+/.7(.7( convenient, will increase energy use.
freezer too cold. Recommended
the fresh food compartment of the
section. If you have a separate
freezer for long­term storage, it
place an appliance thermometer in
a glass of water in the center of the
To check the freezer temperature,
place a thermometer between frozen
refrigerators and freezers; frost
buildup decreases the energy
frost to build up more than one­
quarter of an inch.
seals are airtight. Test them by
closing the door over a piece of
paper or a dollar bill so it is half
in and half out of the refrigerator.
If you can pull the paper or bill
out easily, the latch may need
adjustment, the seal may need
replacing, or you might consider
buying a new unit. ENERGY STAR Refrigerators Are Cool!

Refrigerators with the freezer on the top are more

efficient than those with freezers on the side.

Other Energy-Saving Kitchen Tips or cold water setting on your machine
=((Q!(547!(/.()*+$!(/2!("+4$!/(*!;!7(.&(/2!( will generally do a good job of
kitchen sink in the cold position when cleaning your clothes. Switching your
using small amounts of water; placing temperature setting from hot to warm
the lever in the hot position uses can cut a load’s energy use in half.
energy to heat the water even though it
may never reach the faucet. Laundry Tips
=((X"('.4(&!!<(/.()47$2+5!(+(&+/47+*(8+5( using cold­water detergents
oven or range, look for one with an whenever possible.
automatic, electric ignition system.
An electric ignition saves natural gas =((I+52(+&<(<7'("4**(*.+<5,(X"('.4(
because a pilot light is not burning are washing a small load, use the
continuously. appropriate water­level setting.
=( X&(&+/47+*(8+5(+))*%+&$!56(*..0(".7( =((K7'(/.1!*5(+&<(2!+;%!7($.//.&5(%&(
@*4!(?+:!5k('!**.1(?+:!5(%&<%$+/!( a separate load from lighter­weight
/2!(8+5(%5(@47&%&8(%&!"#$%!&/*'(+&<(+&( clothes.
+<L45/:!&/(:+'(@!(&!!<!<,(>.&54*/(/2!( =((K.&C/(.;!73<7'('.47($*./2!5,(X"('.47(
manufacturer or your local utility. machine has a moisture sensor, use it.
=((f!!)(7+&8!3/.)(@47&!75(+&<(7!?!$/.75( =((>*!+&(/2!(*%&/(#*/!7(%&(/2!(<7'!7(
$*!+&k(/2!'(1%**(7!?!$/(/2!(2!+/(@!//!76( after every load to improve air
and you will save energy. circulation.
=((\5!(+($.;!7!<(0!//*!(.7()+&(/.(@.%*( =((\5!(/2!($..*3<.1&($'$*!(/.(+**.1(
water; it’s faster and it uses less energy. /2!($*./2!5(/.(#&%52(<7'%&8(1%/2(/2!(
=((B+/$2(/2!(5%U!(."(/2!()+&(/.(/2!(2!+/%&8( residual heat in the dryer.
element. =((h!7%.<%$+**'(%&5)!$/('.47(<7'!7(;!&/(
=((\5!(5:+**(!*!$/7%$()+&5(.7(/.+5/!7(.;!&5( to ensure it is not blocked. This will
for small meals rather than your large 5+;!(!&!78'(+&<(:+'()7!;!&/(+(#7!,(
stove or oven. A toaster oven uses a B+&4"+$/47!75(7!$.::!&<(45%&8(
third to half as much energy as a full­ rigid venting material, not plastic
sized oven. vents that may collapse and cause
=( \5!()7!5547!($..0!75(+&<(:%$7.1+;!(
ovens whenever it is convenient =((>.&5%<!7(+%73<7'%&8($*./2!5(.&(
to do so. They will save energy by clothes lines or drying racks. Air­
5%8&%#$+&/*'(7!<4$%&8($..0%&8(/%:!, drying is recommended by clothing
manufacturers for some fabrics.
About 90% of the energy used for $ Long-Term Savings Tips
washing clothes in a conventional =((b..0(".7(/2!(9i9ZjT(D-GZ(+&<(
top­load washer is for heating the water. EnergyGuide labels. ENERGY
There are two ways to reduce the amount STAR clothes washers clean clothes
of energy used for washing clothes—use using 50% less energy than standard
less water and use cooler water. Unless

you’re dealing with oily stains, the warm

How Much Electricity Do Appliances Use?
This chart shows how much energy a typical appliance uses per year and its corresponding cost
based on national averages. For example, a refrigerator uses almost five times the electricity the
average television uses. Visit for instructions on calculating the electrical
use of your appliances.

STAR washers use 15 gallons of

water per load, compared to the
machine. ENERGY STAR models
also spin the clothes better, resulting
in less drying time.
dryer, look for one with a moisture
sensor that automatically shuts off
the machine when your clothes are
dry. Not only will this save energy,
it will save the wear and tear on
your clothes caused by over­drying. Save Energy and More with ENERGY STAR
=( 9i9ZjT(D-GZ(<.!5(&./(*+@!*( energy to wash clothes than standard washing
clothes dryers because most of machines.
them use similar amounts of energy,
which means there is little difference

in energy use between models.

Major Appliance
Shopping Guide
This easy-to-read guide may help you
understand how appliances are rated for
efficiency, what the ratings mean, and what to
look for while shopping for new appliances.

Appliances Rating Special Considerations

Natural Look for the FTC (Federal Trade Bigger is not always better! Too large a
Gas and Oil Commission) EnergyGuide label with system costs more and operates inefficiently.
Systems an AFUE (Annual Fuel Utilization Have a professional assess your needs and
Efficiency) rating for natural gas- and recommend the type and size of system you
oil-fired furnaces and boilers. The should purchase.
AFUE measures the seasonal or annual
have a 90 AFUE or higher.

Air-Source Look for the EnergyGuide label that If you live in a cool climate, look for a heat
Heat Pumps lists the SEER (Seasonal Energy QVNQXJUIBIJHI)41'&/&3(:45"3IFBU
Efficiency Ratio) and HSPF (Heating pumps are about 20% more efficient than
Seasonal Performance Factor) for heat standard models. Contact a professional for
pumps. The SEER measures the energy advice on purchasing a heat pump.
efficiency during the cooling season
and HSPF measures the efficiency
STAR minimum efficiency level is
13 SEER or higher.

Central Air Look for the EnergyGuide label with "JSDPOEJUJPOFSTUIBUCFBSUIF&/&3(:

Conditioners a SEER for central air conditioners. STAR label may be 25% more efficient than
5IF&/&3(:45"3NJOJNVNFGmDJFODZ standard models. Contact a professional for
level is 13 SEER. advice on sizing a central air system.

Room Air Look for the EnergyGuide label with an What size to buy?
Conditioners EER (Energy Efficiency Ratio) for room Area in Btu/ Two major factors
air conditioners. The higher the EER, square feet hour should guide your
UIFNPSFFGmDJFOUUIFVOJUJT&/&3(: purchase: correct
STAR units are among the most energy- 100 to 150 5,000 size and energy
efficient products. 150 to 250 6,000 efficiency. If the
250 to 350 7,000 room is very sunny,
350 to 450 9,000 increase capacity
400 to 450 10,000 by 10%. If the unit
450 to 550 12,000 is for a kitchen,
550 to 700 14,000 increase the

700 to 1,000 18,000 capacity by 4,000

Btu per hour.

Appliances Rating Special Considerations
Programmable 'PSNJOJNVN&/&3(:45"3FGmDJFODZ  -PPLGPSBUIF&/&3(:45"3MBCFMBOE
Thermostats thermostats should have at least two a thermostat that allows you to easily
programs, four temperature settings use two separate programs, one that
each, a hold feature that allows users can be programmed to reach the desired
to temporarily override settings, and the temperature at a specific time, and a
ability to maintain room temperature hold feature that temporarily overrides
within 2ºF of desired temperature. the setting without deleting the preset

Water Heaters Look for the EnergyGuide label that If you typically need a lot of hot water at
tells how much energy the water once, the FHR will be important to you.
heater uses in one year. Also, look for Sizing is important—call your local utility
the FHR (first hour rating) of the water for advice.
heater, which measures the maximum
hot water the heater will deliver in the
water heaters available January 2009.
Windows Look for the NFRC (National Look at the Climate Region Map on the
Fenestration Rating Council) label that &/&3(:45"3MBCFMUPCFTVSFUIBUUIF
provides U-values and SHGC (solar heat window, door, or skylight you have selected
gain coefficient) values. The lower the is appropriate for where you live.
U-value, the better the insulation.

Refrigerators Look for the EnergyGuide label that Look for energy-efficient refrigerators and
and Freezers tells how much electricity, in kWh, the freezers. Refrigerators with freezers on top
refrigerator will use in one year. The are more efficient than those with freezers
smaller the number, the less energy it on the side. Also look for heavy door hinges
VTFT&/&3(:45"3SFGSJHFSBUPSTVTFBU that create a good door seal.
federal standards.

Dishwashers Look for the EnergyGuide label that Look for features that will reduce water
tells how much electricity, in kWh, the use, such as booster heaters and smart
dishwasher will use in one year. The controls. Ask how many gallons of water
smaller the number, the less energy it the dishwasher uses during different
Major Appliances Shopping Guide
Major Appliances Shopping Guide

VTFT&/&3(:45"3EJTIXBTIFSTVTFBU cycles. Dishwashers that use the least

MFBTUMFTTFOFSHZUIBOSFRVJSFECZ amount of water will cost the least to
federal standards. operate.

Clothes Look for the EnergyGuide label that Look for the following design features that
Washers tells how much electricity, in kWh, the help clothes washers cut water usage:
clothes washer will use in one year. The water level controls, “suds-saver” features,
smaller the number, the less energy is spin cycle adjustments, and large capacity.
use less than 50% of the energy used STAR unit.
by standard washers.

Home Office and Home Electronics
I &(/2!(\,D,6(&!+7*'(R,N(:%**%.&(
people worked from home in 2000,
Products for Offices
from home saves energy and time by t $PNputers
cutting out the commute, but it may t $PQJFST
increase your home energy bills a lot t 'BY.BDIJOFT
4&*!55('.4(45!(!&!78'35+;%&8(."#$!( t .POJUPST
9i9ZjT(D-GZ(*+@!*!<(."#$!( (fax, scanner, copier)
equipment is widely available: it t 1SJOUFST
provides users with dramatic savings, t 4DBOOFST
as much as 90% savings for some
products. Overall, ENERGY STAR
*+@!*!<(."#$!()7.<4$/5(45!(+@.4/(2+*"( machines when they are not in
the electricity of standard equipment. use can result in enormous energy
Along with saving energy directly, savings.
this equipment can reduce air­ =((G&(9i9ZjT(D-GZ(*+@!*!<(
conditioning loads, noise from fans computer uses 70% less electricity
and transformers, and electromagnetic than computers without this
#!*<(!:%55%.&5("7.:(:.&%/.75, designation. If left inactive,
ENERGY STAR labeled desktop
Home Office Tips computers enter a sleep mode and
=((D!*!$/%&8(!&!78'3!"#$%!&/(."#$!( 45!(R(1+//5(.7(*!55,(
equipment—personal computers
and fax machines—and turning off

Home Office and Home Electronics

Keep Your Home Office Efficient with ENERGY STAR


Spending a large portion of time
in low­power mode not only saves
energy, but helps equipment run Home Electronics
cooler and last longer. t $PSEMFTT1IPOFT
)4/(/2!(G>(+<+)/!7(.&(+().1!7(5/7%)( t 7$3TBOE%7%1MBZFST
that can be turned off (or will turn t $PNCJOBUJPO6OJUT 577$3
off automatically); the transformer  57%7% 
%&(/2!(G>(+<+)/!7(<7+15().1!7( t )PNF"VEJP
continuously, even when the laptop t 4FU5PQ#PYFT
is not plugged into the adapter.
kitchen appliances. These phantom
account for the failure to turn off
loads can be avoided by unplugging
the appliance or using a power strip
that equipment lasts longer if it is
and using the switch on the power strip
never turned off. This incorrect
to cut all power to the appliance.
perception carries over from the
days of older mainframe computers. =((\&)*48(@+//!7'($2+78!75(12!&(/2!(
batteries are fully charged or the
=((9i9ZjT(D-GZ(*+@!*!<($.:)4/!75( chargers are not in use.
and monitors save energy only when
the power management features
rechargeable batteries for products
are activated, so make sure power
management is activated on your
more cost effective than throwaway
batteries. If you must use throaways,
(=(-2!7!(%5(+($.::.&(:%5$.&$!)/%.&( check with your trash removal
that screen savers reduce energy use company about safe disposal options.
by monitors; they do not. Automatic
switching to sleep mode or manually
turning monitors off is always the
better energy­saving strategy.

$ Long-Term Savings Tip

=( >.&5%<!7(@4'%&8(+(*+)/.)(".7('.47(
Home Office and Home Electronics

next computer upgrade; they use

much less energy than desktop
Home Electronics Tips
STAR labeled home electronics.
a small amount of power when they
are switched off. These “phantom”
loads occur in most appliances
televisions, stereos, computers, and Smart power strips help save wasted energy.

Driving and Car Maintenance
T ransportation accounts for 67% of
U.S. oil use—mainly in the form of
gasoline. Luckily, there are plenty of
Car Maintenance Tips
recommended by your car’s
ways to improve gas mileage. manufacturer. Using a different
motor oil can lower your gasoline
Driving Tips
mileage by 1% to 2%.
The best way to warm up a vehicle is =((f!!)(/%7!5()7.)!7*'(%&?+/!<(+&<(
/.(<7%;!(%/,(i.(:.7!(/2+&([O(5!$.&<5( aligned to improve your gasoline
of idling on winter days is needed. :%*!+8!(@'(+7.4&<([,[g,
Anything more simply wastes fuel =((j!/(7!84*+7(!&8%&!(/4&!34)5(+&<($+7(
and increases emissions. maintenance checks to avoid fuel
=((G887!55%;!(<7%;%&8(E5)!!<%&86(7+)%<( economy problems due to worn
acceleration, and hard braking) spark plugs, dragging brakes, low
wastes gas. It can lower your /7+&5:%55%.&(?4%<6(.7(/7+&5:%55%.&(
2%821+'(8+5(:%*!+8!([[g(+&<( problems.
city mileage 5%. =((Z!)*+$!($*.88!<(+%7(#*/!75(/.(
=((G;.%<(2%82(5)!!<5,(G@.;!(_O(:)26( improve gas mileage by as much
gas mileage drops rapidly. as 10% and protect your engine.
=((>*!+7(.4/('.47($+7k(!A/7+(1!%82/( =((>.:@%&!(!77+&<5(%&/.(.&!(/7%),(
decreases gas mileage by 1% to 2% for Several short trips, each one taken
every 100 pounds. from a cold start, can use twice as
much fuel as one trip covering the
same distance when the engine is
the car or trunk rather than on roof
racks. A roof rack or carrier
provides additional $ Long-Term Savings Tip
cargo space =(>.&5%<!7(@4'%&8((+(2%82*'(
and may "4!*3!"#$%!&/(;!2%$*!,(G("4!*3(
allow you to !"#$%!&/(;!2%$*!6(+(2'@7%<(
buy a smaller vehicle, or an alternative
$+7,(H.1!;!76( fuel vehicle could save you
a loaded a lot at the gas pump and
roof rack can help the environment. See
decrease your the Fuel Economy Guide
Driving and Car Maintenance

fuel economy (

by 5% or more. for more on buying a
=( >2!$0(%&/.(
carpooling and
public transit to
cut mileage and car
maintenance costs.

Renewable Energy
Y ou have many options for using
renewable energy at home—from
solar­powered outdoor lights to buying
and a good solar resource, you might
want to consider generating your
own electricity using PV cells. New
renewable energy from your utility products are available that integrate
to even producing solar electricity at PV cells with the roof, making them
home with photovoltaic (PV) cells. much less visible than older systems.

Renewable Energy Tips If the following conditions apply, you

=((G(&!1(2.:!()7.;%<!5(/2!(@!5/( might want to do more research to see
opportunity for designing and if investing in PV is right for you:
orienting the home to take advantage =( T.47(5%/!(2+5(+<!V4+/!(5.*+7(7!5.47$!5,(
of the sun’s rays. A well­oriented
home admits low­angle winter sun =( G(87%<($.&&!$/%.&(%5(&./(+;+%*+@*!(%&(
to reduce heating bills and rejects your area or can be made only through
overhead summer sun to reduce an expensive power line extension.
passive solar energy in your home.
made from renewable energy sources
like the sun, wind, water, plants, and
Earth’s internal heat. This power is
sometimes called “green power.”
Buying green power from the utility
is one of the easiest ways to use
renewable energy without having to
invest in equipment or take on extra
heating water. Solar water heating is
Solar-Powered Outdoor Lighting
on page 16. If you have a swimming Installing solar lighting around your home and garden
power to cut pool heating costs. electricity costs!
cost competitive with conventional =( T.4(+7!(1%**%&8(/.()+'(:.7!(4)("7.&/(
systems. And solar pool systems to reduce the environmental impact of
have very low operating costs. It’s your electricity use.
actually the most cost­effective use =( T.47().1!7()7.;%<!7(1%**($.&&!$/('.47(
Renewable Energy

of solar energy. system to the electricity grid and buy

any excess power you produce.
$ Long-Term Savings Tip
=( T.47(5/+/!6($%/'6(.7(4/%*%/'(.""!75(
rebates, tax credits, or other incentives.
you have very high electricity bills
American Council for an ENERGY SAVERS
Energy-Efficient Economy
Census Bureau Press Release,
Information on Home Workers
October 20, 2004. CB04-183. Home Energy Magazine
DOE Building America Rocky Mountain Institute
Home Energy Briefs
DOE Building Technologies Program
Wilson, Alex; Thorne, Jennifer; Morrill, John.
DOE Building Technologies Program, Consumer Guide to Home Energy Savings,
2007 Buildings Energy Databook 8th Edition. 2003. Washington, D.C.: ACEEE
DOE Consumer Guide to Energy Efficiency and
Renewable Energy
DOE/EPA Fuel Economy Guide
DOE Energy Information Administration
Residential Energy Consumption Survey 2005

of the United States government. Neither the
United States government nor any agency thereof,
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or responsibility for the accuracy, completeness,
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its use would not infringe privately owned rights.
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and opinions of authors expressed herein do not
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to order booklets, download the PDF, and view the booklet online.

A Strong Energy Portfolio for a Strong America For more information contact:
Energy efficiency and clean, renewable energy will mean a EERE Information Center
stronger economy, a cleaner environment, and greater energy 1-877-EERE-INF (1-877-337-3463)
independence for America. Working with a wide array of state,
community, industry, and university partners, the U.S. Department
of Energy’s Office of Energy Efficiency and Renewable Energy
invests in a diverse portfolio of energy technologies.

Produced for the

U.S. Department of Energy,
Office of Energy Efficiency and Renewable Energy
1000 Independence Avenue, SW, Washington, DC 20585
by the National Renewable Energy Laboratory, a DOE National Laboratory

May 2009
Printed with renewable­source ink on paper containing at least 50% wastepaper,
including 10% postconsumer waste. Inside illustrations © 1998 Greening America

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