Cot English Final

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Date & Time Quarter 4th QUARTER


A. Content Standard

B. Performance

C. Learning Write paragraphs showing: cause and effect, comparison and contrast and problem-solution
Competencies relationships (EN5WC-IIb2.2.5)
A. Cognitive: Identify problem and solution in a sentence

B. Affective: Observe politeness in asking and giving responses

C. Psychomotor: Write sentence showing problem-solution relationships.
II. SUBJECT Writing paragraph showing problem and solution relationships


A. References MELC p.135 CG p. 102 to 247, PIVOT 4A Learners Material/Module p. 20-23

B. Other Learning Activity sheets, power point presentation, pictures, chart


Integration Across Curriculum: Science, Health


A) Reviewing previous
lesson or presenting the
new lesson Begin with classroom routine: This illustrates
observable # 6:
a. Checking of attendance
b. Quick “kumustahan” learning
environments that
Setting of Standards promotes fairness,
respect and care
to encourage
Say: I have here a smiley. I will give this to those who will actively learners.
participate in our discussion and also those who will demonstrate positive
behaviour. Those who will collect 5 or more smileys will receive a prize
after our lesson.

Before we start our lesson let us have a short review of our past lesson.

Do you still remember what a compound sentence is? Yes ma’am

Very good!!!

I have here some compound sentences. Underline the two simple sentences.
1. She did not go to the park for it was too late in the evening.
2. They arrived early at the show and they had great seats.
3. She does not play the piano but she does play the flute.
4. Mark finished his homework so we can go play outside.
5. We can have pizza for supper or we can have spaghetti.
B) Establishing the The teacher will show a picture to the pupils
purpose for the lesson
This illustrates

#1 Applies
Knowledge of
content within
and across
teaching areas.

What is shown in the picture?

What are the 3 trash bins that we are using

Say: Class let us always put into practice the segregating of our waste
to help in maintaining our surrounding clean.

Now children, we are going to read a short story about a girl who
cares about the environment.
C) Presenting Breechney is a girl who cares about the environment. She segregated their . This illustrates
examples/instances of garbage properly so the garbage truck collect it. observable
the new lesson
One day a thick smoke entered her room because their neighbor was #1 Applies
burning their waste. She went out and told their neighbor that instead of Knowledge of
burning their waste, they should segregate it and wait for the garbage truck content within
to come and collect it. She said to their neighbor that the ozone layer and across
becomes thin because of the smoke we create by burning our garbage.
teaching areas.

Ask: # 2 Uses a range

of teaching
Who is the girl in the story? Breechney ma’am.
strategies that
What is she doing with their garbage? She is segregating it. enhance learner
achievement in
literacy and
How about you children, Are you segregating your garbage at home? Why? numeracy skills.
# 3 Applies a
range of
What do you think motivated Breechney to care about the environment? teaching
strategies to
develop critical
Maybe because she is applying what she learn in school mam. and creative
thinking as well
Very good.
as other higher
order thinking
How might burning waste affect the environment?

As a pupil, how will you influence your neighbour and your community to
practice the segregating of garbage?
D) Discussing new Let us study the following sentences from the story. This illustrates
concepts and practicing observable #4
new skills #1
1.Breechney segregated their garbage properly so the garbage truck collect proficient use of
it. Mother Tongue,
Filipino, and
English to
Ask: Who is segregating their garbage? Breechney is segregating their facilitate
garbage. teaching and

Why is she segregating their garbage? So that the garbage truck will collect

Breechney is segregating their garbage.

The garbage truck will collect it.

Ask: What kind of sentence are these? Simple sentence ma’am

Yes you are right.

If we will join these sentences, What did we add to make it as one
sentence? Conjunction mam.

Say: Breechney segregated their garbage properly is the reason in the

statement or we call it the cause. The garbage truck collect it is the result of
the reason or we call it the effect.

2. One day a thick smoke entered her room because their neighbour was
burning their waste.

Ask: in this sentence what is the cause? The effect?

3. The ozone layer becomes thin because of the smoke we create by

burning our garbage.

How about in this sentence? What is the cause? The effect?

Let the pupils give their own sentences that showing cause and effect

Discussing new concepts Group the class into four and each group will be given a task.
and practicing new skills
#2 Ask: What are the things you need to remember in doing group
activity? This illustrates
1. Follow the instruction given
#4 Display
2. Work cooperatively with your group proficient use of
3. Work quietly. Mother Tongue,
Filipino, and
4. Work fast. English to
5. Work neatly.
teaching and

The teacher will go around to supervise the activity by each group. #5 Establishes
safe and secure
Group 1. Construct Me. learning
environments to
Study the pictures and give a sentence showing cause and effect. learning through
the consistent
of policies,
guidelines and

Group 2 Excerpt from me.

Read the environmental issue. Use the information given and make a
compound sentence showing cause and effect relationships.

One pressing environmental issue in many urban areas is air

pollution. Emissions from vehicles, factories and other sources release
harmful pollutants into the atmosphere. This is not only affects the
quality of the air we breathe but also contribute to global issues like
climate change.

Group 3
I can make it

Based from the scenario given, craft a compound sentence to explain

what happened.
1.spilling a glass of water
2. playing in the rain
3. a broken window

Group 4 Complete me.

Complete each sentence by adding a second sentence to it that
showing cause and effect relationship.

1.Mark has many friends because

2.Hyjie got a high grade so
3. She stumble because
4. My friend was in hospital because
5. The dog is chasing her so

Let each group present their work. Give recognition to each group.

E) Developing Mastery Complete each sentence with a cause or effect.

(Leads to Formative
1.Our parent work hard because_______________________

2.The children are eating healthy foods so______________

3. I got sick because__________________________________

4.I read my lesson so___________________________________

5.We wear our raincoats because_______________________

Very good! You are now ready for the next activity.

F. Application I have here a picture. Let us try to give a sentence showing cause and
effects relationship.

She eats too much fries so her stomach aches.

They wear their raincoats because it is raining outside.

G) Making Summarize the lesson by asking: This illustrates

generalization and observable# 3
abstractions about the What is cause? Applies a range
What is an effect? of teaching
strategies to
develop critical
and creative
Who can give me a compound sentence showing cause and effect thinking as well
relationship? as other higher
order thinking

H) Evaluating Learning Direction: Study the picture and create a compound sentence
showing cause and effect relationship.



I) Additional activities Construct five compound sentences using so or because

for application or

VI. REFLECTIONS Reflect on your teaching and assess yourself as a teacher. Think about your student’s progress this week. What

Prepared by: RUTH T. FERNANDEZ

Teacher III


Master Teacher II

Direction: Study the picture and create a compound sentence showing cause and effect relationship.



Direction: Study the picture and create a compound sentence showing cause and effect relationship.


Group 1. Construct Me.

Study the pictures and give a sentence showing cause and effect.
Group 2 Excerpt from me.

Read the environmental issue. Use the information given and make a
compound sentence showing cause and effect relationships.

One pressing environmental issue in many urban areas is air pollution.

Emissions from vehicles, factories and other sources release harmful
pollutants into the atmosphere. This is not only affects the quality of the
air we breathe but also contribute to global issues like climate change.
Group 3
I can make it

Based from the scenario given, craft a compound sentence to explain what
1.spilling a glass of water
2. playing in the rain
3. a broken window

Group 4 Complete me.

Complete each sentence by adding a second sentence to it that showing cause and
effect relationship.

1.Mark has many friends because

2.Hyjie got a high grade so
3. She stumble because
4. My friend was in hospital because
5. The dog is chasing her so

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