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Nama : Silmy Halwany Ajda Haifa

NIM : 220416027
Semester/Kelas : 4/PIAUD4A
Mata Kuliah. : Studi Naskah Bahasa Inggris PAUD
Dosen Pengampu : Dita Handayani M.Ag.

Fetal science according to the Qur'an

Surah Ali 'Imran (3) Verse 6

‫ُهَو اَّلِذ ي ُيَص ِّو ُر ُك ْم ِفي اَأْلْر َح اِم َكْيَف َيَشاُء ۚ اَل ِإَٰل َه ِإاَّل ُهَو اْلَع ِزيُز اْلَحِكيُم‬

6. It is He who formed you in the womb as He willed. There is no God but He, the Mighty, the Wise.

Surah Ar-Ra’d (13) Verse 8

‫ُهَّللا َيْع َلُم َم ا َتْح ِم ُل ُك ُّل ُأْنَثٰى َوَم ا َتِغ يُض اَأْلْر َح اُم َوَم ا َتْز َداُدۖ َو ُك ُّل َش ْي ٍء ِع ْنَد ُه ِبِم ْقَداٍر‬

8. Allah knows what every woman conceives, and what the womb lacks and what increases. And everything in His sight has a measure

Surah An-Nahl (16) Verse 4

‫َخ َلَق اِإْل ْنَساَن ِم ْن ُنْطَفٍة َفِإَذ ا ُهَو َخ ِص يٌم ُم ِبيٌن‬

4. He has created man from the semen, suddenly he becomes a real contradictor.

Surah An-Nahl (16) Verse 78

‫َو ُهَّللا َأْخ َرَج ُك ْم ِم ْن ُبُطوِن ُأَّمَهاِتُك ْم اَل َتْع َلُم وَن َشْيًئا َو َجَعَل َلُك ُم الَّس ْمَع َو اَأْلْبَص اَر َو اَأْلْفِئَدَةۙ َلَع َّلُك ْم َتْشُك ُروَن‬

78. And Allah took you out of your mother's belly knowing nothing, and He gave you hearing, sight and a heart, that you may be grateful.
Surat Al-Hajj (22) Verse 5

ۖ ‫َيا َأُّيَها الَّناُس ِإْن ُكْنُتْم ِفي َر ْيٍب ِم َن اْلَبْع ِث َفِإَّنا َخ َلْقَناُك ْم ِم ْن ُتَر اٍب ُثَّم ِم ْن ُنْطَفٍة ُثَّم ِم ْن َع َلَقٍة ُثَّم ِم ْن ُم ْض َغ ٍة ُم َخ َّلَقٍة َو َغْيِر ُم َخ َّلَقٍة ِلُنَبِّيَن َلُك ْم ۚ َو ُنِقُّر ِفي اَأْلْر َح اِم َم ا َنَشاُء ِإَلٰى َأَج ٍل ُمَس ًّمى ُثَّم ُنْخ ِرُج ُك ْم ِط ْفاًل ُثَّم ِلَتْبُلُغ وا َأُش َّد ُك ْم‬
‫َوِم ْنُك ْم َم ْن ُيَتَو َّفٰى َوِم ْنُك ْم َم ْن ُيَر ُّد ِإَلٰى َأْر َذ ِل اْلُع ُم ِر ِلَكْياَل َيْع َلَم ِم ْن َبْع ِد ِع ْلٍم َشْيًئاۚ َو َتَر ى اَأْلْر َض َهاِم َد ًة َفِإَذ ا َأْنَز ْلَنا َع َلْيَها اْلَم اَء اْهَتَّزْت َو َرَبْت َو َأْنَبَتْت ِم ْن ُك ِّل َز ْو ٍج َبِهيٍج‬

5.O mankind, if you are in doubt about the resurrection (from the grave), then (know) that We have made you from earth, then from a drop of semen, then from
a clot of blood, then from a clot of flesh, perfect and imperfect, that We may make clear to you and establish in the womb, Then We bring you forth as infants,
then (gradually) you come to maturity, and among you there are those who die, and among you there are those who are prolonged to the age of senility, so that
they know nothing of what they once knew. And you saw the earth dry, but when We sent water on it, it became alive and fertile and grew a variety of beautiful

Surat Al-Mu’minun (23) Verse 13

‫ُثَّم َج َع ْلَناُه ُنْطَفًة ِفي َقَر اٍر َم ِكيٍن‬

13. Then We made the essence into semen (which is stored) in a firm place (the womb).

Surat Al-Mu’minun (23) Verse 14

‫ُثَّم َخ َلْقَنا الُّنْطَفَة َع َلَقًة َفَخ َلْقَنا اْلَع َلَقَة ُم ْض َغ ًة َفَخ َلْقَنا اْلُم ْض َغَة ِع َظاًم ا َفَك َسْو َنا اْلِع َظاَم َلْح ًم ا ُثَّم َأْنَش ْأَناُه َخ ْلًقا آَخ َر ۚ َفَتَباَرَك ُهَّللا َأْح َس ُن اْلَخ اِلِقيَن‬

14. Then the semen We made into a clot of blood, and the clot of blood We made into a lump of flesh, and the lump of flesh We made into bones, and the bones
We clothed with flesh. Then We made him into another creature. So Glory be to Allah, the Most Excellent Creator.

Surat Al-Mu’minun (23) Verse 78

‫َو ُهَو اَّلِذ ي َأْنَش َأ َلُك ُم الَّس ْم َع َو اَأْلْبَص اَر َو اَأْلْفِئَدَةۚ َقِلياًل َم ا َتْشُك ُروَن‬

78. And it is He who has created for you all, hearing, sight and heart. How little are you grateful

Surat As-Sajdah (32) Verse 9

‫ُثَّم َس َّواُه َو َنَفَخ ِفيِه ِم ْن ُروِحِهۖ َو َجَعَل َلُك ُم الَّس ْم َع َو اَأْلْبَص اَر َو اَأْلْفِئَدَةۚ َقِلياًل َم ا َتْشُك ُروَن‬

9. Then He perfected it and breathed into it His (created) spirit and He made for you hearing, sight and a heart; (but) you give little thanks.
‫‪Surat Fatir (35) Verse 11‬‬

‫َو ُهَّللا َخ َلَقُك ْم ِم ْن ُتَر اٍب ُثَّم ِم ْن ُنْطَفٍة ُثَّم َجَع َلُك ْم َأْز َو اًجاۚ َوَم ا َتْح ِم ُل ِم ْن ُأْنَثٰى َو اَل َتَض ُع ِإاَّل ِبِع ْلِمِهۚ َوَم ا ُيَعَّم ُر ِم ْن ُمَعَّم ٍر َو اَل ُيْنَقُص ِم ْن ُع ُم ِرِه ِإاَّل ِفي ِكَتاٍبۚ ِإَّن َٰذ ِلَك َع َلى ِهَّللا َيِس يٌر‬

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