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Monzón Cervantes, Roosevelt (2014).

Present simple yes/no questions

[ejercicio]. México: Universidad
Autónoma de Chiapas.

Present simple yes/no questions.


Complete the questions using; Do or Does. Don't forget the capital letter

1. __do_____ you like cats?

2. _does____he drive to school?

3. __do____they play tennis?

4. __does___Sue and Amy go to the same school?

5. ___does__ she take her bag to school?


Complete the answers using; do, don't does or doesn't

1. Do you like hamburgers? Yes, I_do___________.

2. Does Mr Foster walk to school? No, he doesn’t__________.

3. Do Mr Bean and the teddybear sleep in the wardrobe? No, they _don´t______.

4. Does Mr Bean sleep in a bed? Yes, he _does_____________.

5. Does Amy listen to music? Yes, she____does__________

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