CHP 18 Capital Maintenance

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C\aytn, l8; Cql''L^\ Hointrn".

n lvla-r o
$ortltrn rf ,r.pita\ I UD(t/lt, toprla\ rl +hr (lMptrhl hnun qt aU\imrr ,{aih\orrvod Def tht. ;1nr2d br qrd nd wqdrd a'.,4^4 . -lbt irluzol cu?i\..1 ,t4nkqh q +.^td r"hirh 4bc tncl,ilore.4 to nqm{ub\\l sqp(} h br rr99\led +oh!o(45 t(\.rl/\In}+! firyl 10rvrPail ln +e ',en| o.l ^ 'iclr"r.,uro. !' R(li $n i olc.
to )rrq6q ?.lrpote' p'u'{rtl rrr{'t01.,o1 1q rorupo nt,[ ol Qtordir"l tnrlolt'to Wh(1 fh{ hc^rthuldrrr thu r'"t'rph"4 J .ro rha-l+htq to"td txpet{ {^,1 .tt"}n '




th.,,co|'lo\ +hr uts{ up. ^{hdirol

\lrrle r\w s{ o durunf t$



.-+__ -!t0t,!!4[!


qvrl J_-"e lqT+qlr.1 qd$\Lx1hq,rqlqd,r$\tT. _'. v fu' ulibol4

oo,rq\$ h,ild lylin;4q u-"00y t"


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,1\e rlmeonl\. !\u.r trmlulrnv \r [npe rl4wrvanlninrtl as an5 i$uo o{ ohqcCl q daruunl *ri{tk ttow trrq cdrqE{6.1.. ltf Nr\ rt


-''*,*-;gi!ilif1,ffi,fi" I.I*'J;iff*:lxr,Yl:)1"i.$,llr " lJff"lii ",, :

_ _i
- i

Ic,'\ r\lqvsu

lt.rlrrfi!44LE qlqalc{,.rtl

,,rUotuu,lllw,rnt _ -,ffi:rl:rLaat=orruttr,*'
nl k l;ublcr,9u.1 lul\ nov,i\a\v'luo ihc

-lr" . - -- -' = \ .

{,f"lleqw*.l_silrl (1)1\rhu\drm tvtr '! innrrl rQ

o*oil \ "h,6

stropr "lttY +ha*bn.atrl du{4to ih (on^0r^nv\ .,, , ,, n thr, h\ 0i,ri{or.s ulua(.ount*bl.' iho "" t\t
ire r\4'irr'0,,*,u*^t.1. \





tlquqt lO
cu^qe,rnotion lbg cour{ \
etmltfrob',1 ottitils - -J '19

1o ftl t sufios]0ics\qt5,q a$l!,,l{ ''rqq"rv!bitq+

+hq fi0pii\tt t0 w [^rrl }t '+! r)'it(1D1'9 moO{q'lholth)cicsh({ls

N@:!_tf ,pSq$-rt(,\ h\ rfio c,\turo\u\' oq

-<t {t}J r (\,sha (!t!!4!r

q ttduttioq tqqii6\,a'. u$9otd,ol o rl


rq.i$ ct+lleq-!r{l} trtr!,'log ql.fJr'tlupubllL

Wno!! e!!1ll{l,{0 o!{!llqq i rv{Ll-frtledr!$!l-

lrtl 4

coq.kols lor \bt trdnt{io0 rn 1be

"" ndiont

*.ro,rtcl mr,\eqn c.,b $r lbt rrduc{iorl oq\'l

0r{ nQ Luqlq le$gurrlg gx[L.J'\'\\{\!dqr)!tL

hr ilr\nres tlfilonro Ftqilitiu\

," -(rtvoy r,.lh,lwo rth !
3 dtq+ i{t ons(('t1{roi rha,rcq?dal il
it o"n rh4rUt MU tdurt thr Col!
vr'lsrintdvl4c(. 4.4

pur tar

- Prott{irQ

(9 t \rdrlto

X oi trloe ot

+o &u\\tot -thr oblo,ni

ldn shd wru\dqmslntlo

e dhor oot{q {! r t\abtc

t BonLid u LlJs Ro] khir,^r


-lan trnq trL v J(r\unq ldn rho\ usline Patallch $o{ulc

Ll1qa,il is loid of tqal,^l{o lru"wulrbca.

; s(+t
C( t0 nC^


uu!r!t!!! q !!
lil ,1oY t

+b orrn shar


i(lr+oY( -h tn



u - $61 '[h{ ta
!eg'. Lori('ra

(p(blic to)
^,-.^ -I\a *t % nlli ' rr r !\ic\(U\,'\r).(^ {\yy)p(rnlih .^orhnas {o o\ lt{yc , d$rrblur4lowrr!tq!L4l{ t S0!l'uonnl.u,a ;lqLol aor're n,0n

Io. w\rllylr otrqlfinhrdsrtlr'q(d qJl{h,r shorti;or tho,r,hc^rer, Ltlp

,1.tJ ^r - ^r ^ Ltqdrl\or'|\;lqil \ D)

(0 r Mrltl. c.,pub\,c brth a rhc,,tcql,tol k !! to >. kl'Llot.t{ rr}!0riutioq -\ttr mrrAkrrnri lvt\\orc z. [r rrru('t roh,ry* \rre dok o! purchrr al Lr se

i ,:* Y:**".:Vttr*ili" ! l1:*:\(sYt!.1\.:\6:{llr e',x^lg *t,uL,r,r[^! \. rht \xrrvrqle l( qudrrrlq$'d tarin qr.d,\ l\a &r$lr r! rnurt

th i,r ir lvrirnr!fito ,r{Ailt t\( i\c,,t p,twrirrru r,rtc-\e O\hc pua\tlq o0$4 {\,n d

, of 4,v!4tdl yhit[_rcptUt

q !.'! ,.9plt -$.,,.,1 d$riv!dlor\,a"rhr!dr$,. slrlteliillu1q1rrl &


01.. !!lur!\ sr\ +trrs]rortho\.d \v)vt@!!!:U thc!o.. fr's_

L"n t'"h qnc]notq*t mogsnrlbr jui<l .ffist[Ecr)-Di,licl(rd ol cc.prio'\ ptirr,tun lo $10 oR \

cto- iltohr t ,no.t nn*** *{1. q\ t*,qo,ird. co,p'tkl, firil o\qq,e upoeus at .i} +hul fiviclorrds bc 10,,1 o1 1up'la\. d.ivid4 r".o\4 rtul ot' l.Nctrr;; p.--.*iu,q ttl **u stoa' pqqwrlneliDq tLo s\or,ti bt oYr\q wtd {r itu poqrrtnt 4 c!vdr.\d, , il tuth d"vidtndsoe iot,ti2d

bq_rhr!!!L"t j\q!4lqtha ry!\$

d cqY(l



e f,qrlt3)(.)l

aE{ \ I!@rr

rfllo ql;Lri(ar ftq{ p{mrutr q&.


r rlhr !{ueEy\-\Uf14sq \t"tqr\ c.$q{ gsl i"rp $\q !<,t!1 qcUi Itrrfiq,rt\ridah;dn\il ltnlils 1E r"'ictri,t",r t,rt[rt N*\ltd I

v Bu,\nnd, Lut\o i q.&qL\ v(D: i\qt\dd11g

::!!l !1 1 , v,( r ! J \q !iv\v!' - l

tu!,vr{c.w\Qt\ q Oi*flhltiqt gl da\i',&'d1.

R th{s Wq {.1 i li{la}utq f $hl q! tt$rvel {ntitte \!l \c^bk i Dttr

- - -l

h e"atpt"qii ttwr$tn\ ctt.,rru\ dcc\u"t ndl cl,rvclt ^haq56f,\1u q$oilabls *Lr^,,I uqq*. Ar -lqelurtrlc u tu.d.^ rlt \ h "1 sa: i\iqa !11\rq U (s4'\nn P,^ilv{\! iU'idhd o9 z"lodql{d!! Zslsdq {d!e \,rd!S$!!t!* d qa1&rE4 tu .t,t^t+ntlq \{d! $$fr"$!&d1o !t alParrr rhc rttF,\dr(t6 Qinl oonctvr*col {u Pr'rt,sl *\2, rtrQondrn{' hiunl4riro,(t{,l ,oncJ ,

prt*^t:tJtutrfi*-or"tl..-[-,;*[ril";*n,t1; 4 q4 \\t\ r
$vqq\ u'\d0r cl i1n.

r lo !4 fnd.l\qe rgFocrvp ur''.diq drrw4$,AJ ttu i\teotris ov {v ("ru{ik ?(Jrsu,l4iuonl -lo rr orl",lisno !..rhl(h anu,ndr ftmn] {V otdrt

\ur lrdqcd on \lttls, 4ra\t'p3{\ l},-.,,.r}si

,l v lncLb,rtq
" S J.nldtntl mcq h por-lqvrO.t tte +otr"\qrrth rl t\r (oq(t lt$ +\aq

Ltq\, tgla4 a!l!\q sL& q luhr p!{l .\tr !! !4l!!trts -!,^b

! r,.s$!uql,.r.q js[r_$god _rdd_+a\,'!vs]q{Uj_ _

lnilt! trrrurr\E{.?du! l{s.q!d!l

-\hc !o w\at4clcchrt drv:rkndr ,rnnutlrtcl ivr|tiqtu A,orrr t,-U,t



cr,wrottrrl vu\raOrs


lerwr ?.nd smig.d_lsj\q{ {.uq{ltelqll ,, -Itq

(o u Lrrqvlo

r tcqLoPk^nd r \.tuial qs ) tl{rrn'" [ontrcrvo

qn lofiil rul $l tfrPtl*L r {w\4 drrt('lD( nrl\.[""\lqpolrtt r^$&^ ^}ro

b. diu-ilr,olrh M ud' rtrnrt

., ;;tF$GX;tf
df tlqro I

.1U dr!ebLt"{g!4tl Jtrr.t\ !q\iqU&-c{dl&

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