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SHEET – 08

1. In an election two candidates participate. 20% votes declare invalid and the winner get 70% of valid votes
and he wins by 9600 votes. Find the no. of
Voting list/dqy iathÑr ernkrk (ii) Valid votes/oS/ er


fdlh pquko esa nks mEehnokj Hkkx ysrs gSaA 20» oksV voS/ ?kksf"kr gq, rFkk thrus okyk izR;k'kh oS/ er

9600 oksVksa ls thrrk gSA Kkr djsaA
A. 27,000 B. 25,000 C. 20,000 D. 24,000

2. In a an election two candidate participated. 20% voters did not vote. 12 % votes declared invalid and the

winner get 60% of valid vote and he wins by 5600 votes. Find the number of voter list.

fdlh pquko esa nks mEehnokj gSaA 20» ernkrk oksV2ugha
» oksV
12 gksrs gSa rFkk thrus okyk izR;
dk 60» izkIr djrk gS rFkk 5600 oksVksa ls thrrk gSA iathÑr ernkrkvksa dh la[;k Kkr djsa\
A. 35,000 B. 45,000 C. 40,000 D. 25,000


3. In an election 10% voters did not vote and 11 % votes declare invalid and the winner got 75% of votes. If
he wins by 2000 votes then find the voting list.

fdlh pquko esa 10» mEehnokj oksV ugha Mkyrs
» oksV
gSa rFkk
?kksf"kr fd;s x;sA thrus okyk izR;k'kh oS/ erk

izkIr djrk gSaA ;fn og 2]000 oksVksa ls thrrk gS] iathÑr ernkrkvksa dh la[;k Kkr djsa\

A. 5,000 B. 6,000 C. 8,000 D. 2,000


4. In an election two candidate participated, 10% voters did not vote, Out of which 10% votes declare invalid

and the winner get 70% of valid voters, and he wins by 7290 votes, Then find the voting list.
fdlh pquko esa nks izR;klh Hkkx ysrs gSaA 10» ernkrk oksV ugh Mkyrs] cps oksVksa esa ls 10» voS/ rFk

dk 70» izkIr djrk gS rFkk 7290 oksVksa ls thrrk gSA iathÑr ernkrkvksa dh la[;k Kkr djsaA

A. 2135 B. 2530 C. 2250 D. 2360


2 1
5. The population of a town is increased by 16 % on first year and on second year it will decrease by 37 %

3 2

but on third year it will increase by 57 %. Then find the present population if after three years the
population will become 1,65,000.

2 1 1
fdlh 'kgj dh tula[;k izFke o"kZ
16 % c<+ tkrh gS rFkk nwljs
37 o"kZ
% ?kV tkrh gS ijarq r`rh;57
% o"kZ c<+ tkrh
gSA orZeku tula[;k Kkr djsa] tcfd 3 o"kZ ckn tula[;k 1]65]000 gks tkrh gS\
A. 1,65,000 B. 1,44,000 C. 1,55,000 D. 1,46,000
6. A man spends 5% of his total income in travelling and 20% of rest spend in food and then he donate Rs. 120
and he still with Rs. 1400. Find his income.
,d O;fDr viuh vk; dk 5» ;k=kk esa] cps dk 20» Hkkstu esa] rFkk 120 :i;s nku esa nsrk gSA ;fn mlds ikl vHk
gks] rc O;fDr dh vk; Kkr djsa\

A. 2000 B. 2500 C. 1500 D. 3000
7. An electronic contractor has certain length of wire, 10% wire was stolen and 70% of the remaining was sold

out. Find the original length of wire. If 810 meter wire is still left.
,d bysDVªkWfud dkWUVªsDVj ds ikl dqN rkj gSaA 10» Hkkx pksjh dj fy;k tkrk gS] cps dk 70» Hkkx csp fn;

yEckbZ Kkr djsa\ ;fn 810 ehVj rkj vHkh Hkh cpk gSaA
A. 3500 mtr B. 4500 mtr C. 3000 mtr D. 2500 mtr

8. In a library 20% of the books are in Hindi 50% of the remaining are in English and 30% of the remaining

are in French and rest 6300 books are in Regional language. Then find the no. of books in library.
fdlh iqLrdky; esa 20» fdrkc] fgUnh] cph gqbZ fdrkcksas dk 50» vaxzsth rFkk 'ks"k cph gqbZ fdrkcksa dk 30
fdrkcs {ksf=k; Hkk"kkvksa esa gSaA iqLrdky; esa fdrkcksa dh dqy la[;k Kkr djsa\
A. 35,500 B. 22,500 C. 25,800 D. 23,700
9. A manufacturer sold his goods two whole seller at 25% profit and the whole seller it to retailer at 20% profit
and the retailer sold it to customer at 28% profit. Then find the cost price of goods for manufacturer, if

customer pruchase it at Rs. 9600.

,d fuEkkZrk dqN leku Fkksd foØsrk dks 25» YkkHk rFkk Fkksd foØsrk iQqVdj foØsrk dks 20» ykHk rFk

28» ykHk ij csprk gSA fuekZrk ds fy, lkeku dk ewY; crk,sa tcfd xzkgd bls 9600 :i;s esa [kjhnrk gSaA
A. 5000 B. 3500 C. 3800 D. 4500
10. A man lost half of his initial amount in the gambling after playing three rounds. The rule of gambling is

that if he winds he will receive Rs. 100, but he has to give 50% of his total amount after each round. Luckily
he wins all the three round. Find the initial amount that he had.

,d vkneh tq, dh rhu ckft;ka [ksyus ds ckn vius ikl vkajfHkd /u dk vk/k /u ikrk gSaA tq, ds 'krkZuqlkj ;fn os i

thrrk gS] rks mls 100 #- feysaxs] ijarq mls vius dqy /u dk 50» /u okfil tek djkuk gksxkA ;fn os rhuksa gh c
rks vkjaHk esa mlds ikl fdruk /u Fkk\
h s

800 900 700 600

A. B. C. D.

5 3 3 4

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