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CHAPTER 2: MINERALOGY crystallography" derives from the Greek word

crystallon which means cold drop or frozen drop, with

its meaning extending to all solids with some degree
OVERVIEW of transparency, and grapho which means write.

Mineralogy is a scientific discipline that is concerned

with all aspects of minerals, including their physical
CRYSTAL is any solid material in which the
properties, chemical composition, internal crystal
component atoms are arranged in a definite patter
structure, and occurrence and distribution in nature
and whose surface regularity reflects its internal
and their origins in terms of the physicochemical
conditions of formation.

UNIT CELL is the smallest unit of volume that

permits. identical cell to be stacked together to fill all
1.Crystallography studies crystal forms, that is, space. By repeating the pattern of the unit cell over
forms in which the minerals crystallize, as well as in all directions, the entire crystal lattice can be
their internal structure, relations, and distribution of constructed.
atoms, ions, or ionic groups in the crystal lattice.

2.Physical Mineralogy is the study of physical

properties of minerals, such as cohesion cleavage,
elasticity, color, luster, streak, hardness, and
average density.
3.Optical, thermal, and magnetic properties,
CRYSTAL SYSTEMS are ways of classifying
electrical conductivity and radioactivity
crystals based on the symmetry of their unit cells. It
4.Chemical Mineralogy is the study of chemical
is a set of point groups (a group of geometric
formula, percentage contribution of individual
symmetries with at least one fixed point).
elements, and other chemical properties of the
5.Classification of minerals based on
SYMMETRY is a property of an object that allows us
metallic/nonmetallic type (iron ore and quartz),
to divide it into two identical halves, which are mirror
chemistry (oxides, sulfides, arsenide, and silicates).
images of each other.
6.Descriptive Mineralogy deals with the
classification of minerals into groups based on their
common properties, mostly chemical and structural
SPACE GROUP OF A CRYSTAL is mathematically
described as the total set of symmetry operations
7.Environmental Mineralogy narrates the complex
applicable to the pattern and as such it describes an
and very different conditions of the origin of the
important aspect of the crystal's internal structure. A
minerals, explores the possible hazards associated
Space Group includes two main types of symmetries:
with specific minerals/elements or industry, if any,
optimum consumption, recycling, and sustainable i. The Translational Symmetries
ii. The Point Symmetries

CRYSTALLOGRAPHY is the experimental science

of the arrangement of atoms in solids. The word "
TRANSLATIONAL SYMMETRY is the invariance of sided pyramids, four-sided prism, trapezohedrons,
the equations describing the system under either and pyrite.
continuous or discrete translations. It happens when
something has undergone a movement, a shift or a
slide, in a specified direction through a specified It comprises four axes. Hexagonal The three a1, a2
distance without any rotation or reflection. The and a3 axes are all contained within a single plane
distances between points within the figure will not (called the basal plane) and are at 120°. They
change. intersect each other at an angle of sixty degrees. The
fourth axis intersects other axes at right angles.
POINT SYMMETRY, it takes place when, given a
Crystal shapes of hexagonal systems include Double
central point on a shape or object, every point on the
Pyramids, Double-Sided Pyramids, and Four-Sided
opposite sides have the same distance from the
central point. Other terms for point symmetry include
origin symmetry (origin is another word for the 4. RHOMBOHEDRAL (TRIGONAL) SYSTEM
central point) and rotational symmetry. When viewed
Angles and axis in a rhombohedral system are
from opposite directions, the opposite sides or parts
similar to Hexagonal Systems. At the base of a
will look the same.
hexagonal system (ross-section of a prism), there will
be six sides. In the trigonal system (base cross-
section) there will be three sides.
1. CENTER OF SYMMETRY - Reflection in a
point (Inversion) It comprises three axes Orthorhombic and is at right
2. MIRROR SYMMETRY- Reflection in a plane angles to each other. There are different lengths,
3. ROTATIONAL SYMMETRY-Rotation about Based on their Rhombic structure the orthorhombic
an imaginary axis system includes various crystal shapes namely
4. ROTO INVERSION A combination of rotation pyramids, double pyramids, rhombic pyramids, and
with a center of inversion. pinacoids. Some common orthorhombic crystals
include Topaz, Tanzanite, lolite, Zoisite, Danburite
and more.

It comprises three axes where two are at right angles

1. CUBIC (ISOMETRIC) SYSTEM to each other, and the third axis is inclined. All three
axes are of different length. Based on the inner
It is the most symmetrical one. out of the
structure the monoclinic system includes Basal
seven crystal system. All three angles intersect at
pinacoids and prisms with inclined end faces.
right angles and are of equal length. Crystal shapes
of a cubic system based on inner structure (square) 7. TRICLINIC SYSTEM
include octahedron, Hexaciscoherdron and cube.
It is the most unsymmetrical crystal system. All three
2. TETRAGONAL SYSTEM axes are inclined towards each other, and they are of
the same length. Based on the three inclined angles
It consists of three axes. The main axis varies
the various forms of crystals are in the paired faces.
in length; it can either be short or long. The two-axis
lie in the same plane and are of the same length.
Based on the rectangular inner structure the shapes
of crystal in tetragonal include double and eight-

1. TENACITY -is an intrinsic physical property of minerals that

relates to the composition of the mineral and to the
- refers to a mineral's toughness or resistance to
pattern in which the mineral's atoms are arranged.
breaking or being deformed. Minerals such as halite,
"Intrinsic" means that the property is the same for the
calcite and fluorite are brittle, as their molecules are
mineral, no matter what the size or shape of the
held together by weak ionic bonds.

-has traditionally been defined as the level of

difficulty with which a smooth surface of a mineral
specimen may be scratched. The hardness of a  Rock-forming minerals are minerals that are
mineral species is dependent upon the strength of commonly found in the Earth’s crust and are
the bonds which compose its crystal structure. responsible for the formation of various types of
rocks. These minerals make up the majority of
the Earth’s crust and are the building blocks of
-if the mineral contains no planes of weakness, it will rocks, which are aggregates of minerals.
break along random directions called fracture.
Several different kinds of fracture patterns are
The civil engineers need to know the properties of
• Conchoidal fracture breaks along smooth curved
rocks precisely to enable them to consider different
rocks for any required purpose, i.e., as foundation
• Fibrous and splintery - similar to the way wood rocks, as road meta, as concrete aggregate, as
breaks. building stones, as flooring or roofing material, as
decorative material. Thus, properties of civil
• Hackly-jagged fractures with sharp edges.
engineering importance such as their strength,
• Uneven or Irregular rough irregular surfaces durability and appearance of rocks can be assessed
only with the knowledge of the minerals that form
rock-forming minerals.
- is the property of a mineral that allows it to break
smoothly along specific internal planes (called
cleavage planes) when the mineral is struck sharply DIFFERENT TYPES OF ROCK FORMING
with a hammer. MINERALS


- is the color produced by a fine powder of the
mineral when scratched on a streak plate. Often it is
different than the color of the mineral in
nonpowdered form Hematite: red; Limonite: brown;
Magnetite: dark gray; Chromite: brown.

-refers to the general appearance of a mineral QUARTZ FAMILY

surface to reflected light.
 occurs in essentially all mineral environments, USES
and is the crucial constituent of many rocks
 is the maximum abundant and widely allotted  Quartz sand is used inside the production of
mineral determined at Earth’s surface field glass, flat plate glass, uniqueness glass,
 is ubiquitous, wide and durable and fiberglass
 is highly resistant to both mechanical and  Quartz sands and finely floor silica sand are
chemical weathering used for sand blasting, scouring cleansers,
 the name QUARTZ is a German word of grinding media, and grit for sanding and
ancient derivation sawing.
 Refractory bricks are often made of quartz
GEOLOGICAL SETTINGS AND FORMATIO sand because of its excessive warmth
PROCESSES resistance. Quartz sand is likewise used as a
flux in the smelting of metals.
 form as a result of the slow cooling and
crystallization of magma  Quartz sand has an excessive resistance to
 formed by the recrystallization of pre-existing being beaten.
rocks under high pressure and temperature  These are used to provide abrasive gear,
 formed from the accumulation and deburring media, grinding stones, hones,
cementation of sand-sized grains oilstones, stone files, tube-mill liners, and
 can form as a result of biomineralization, whetstones.
which is the process by which living
organisms produce minerals FELDSPAR FAMILY


 occurs as an important constituent of those About 20 million tonnes of feldspar have been
igneous rocks which have an excess of silica produced in 2010, primarily by three countries:
 is extremely resistant to both mechanical and
chemical attack, and thus the breakdown of  Italy (4.7 Mt)
igneous rocks  Turkey (4.5 Mt)
 occurs in metamorphic rocks, as gneisses  China (2 Mt)
and schists, while it forms practically the only
mineral of quartzites. Feldspar is a common uncooked fabric utilized in
glassmaking, ceramics, and to a point as a filler
MINERALOGICAL CHARACTERISTICS and extender in paint, plastics, and rubber.

 is composed of silicon and oxygen atoms in a In glassmaking, alumina from feldspar improves
continuous framework of SiO4 silicon–oxygen product’s hardness, sturdiness, and resistance to
tetrahedra, with each oxygen being shared chemical corrosion.
between two tetrahedra, giving an overall
chemical formula of SiO2 In cermaics, the alkalis in feldspar (calcium oxide,
 crystal system is trigonal, meaning it has potassium oxide, and sodium oxide) act as a flux,
threefold symmetry around an axis decreasing the melting temperature of a
perpendicular to its basal plane. combination.
In the US, approximately 66% of feldspar is
consumed in gllassmaking, including glass
container and glass fiber.


 The name Augite is derived from the Greek

word augites, “brightness”, in reference to
the bright luster this mineral occasionally
 Augite usually occurs in dull crystals that are
ugly and uninteresting.
 Augite is an important rock-forming mineral, USES
and large crystals are fairly common.
 It is the most widespread member of the  Augite is a dark green to black mineral that is
pyroxene group, and it frequently alters to used for ceramics
many other minerals, including Hornblende.  It contains large amounts of aluminum, iron,
and magnesium and can be found in meteroic
 ceramic glazing, manufacturing aluminum,
 Augite is found primarily in major rock forming purifying water.
mineral in mafic igneous rocks, ultramafic
rocks and some high grade metamorphic How can we relate Augite in Engineering field?
 It occurs in basalts, gabbros, andesites,  The rocks that contain augite can have
diorites, and peridotites. various engineering applications, including
 The augites in layered ultramafic intrusions construction, asphalt production, geothermal
show compositional trends of increasing iron energy, and CO2 sequestration. The
and decreasing magnesium contents with properties of these rocks, such as their
fractionation. strength, durability, and mineral composition,
make them valuable materials in various
CRYSTAL SYSTEM:MONOCLINIC engineering contexts.

 Any mineral that falls under the following

specifications belongs to the monoclinic
crystal system: HORNBLENDE

Three axes, all of them are unequal in length. (Two  Any of a subgroup of amphibole minerals that
of them are at right angles to each other, while the are calcium-iron-magnesium-rich and mono
third lies at an angle other than 90 degrees.) clinic in crystal structure.
 Hornblende, occurs widely in metamorphic
and igneous rocks.
 Common hornblende is dark green to black in
color and usually found in middle-grade
metamorphic rocks (formed under medium
conditions of temperature and pressure.
 Such metamorphic rocks with abundant USES
hornblende are called amphibolite’s.
 The hornblende mineral is used in a variety of
block diagram showing the relationship between common things that we use everyday.
the crystallographic axes and the indicatrix axes.  These things include: Steel, soap, oil,
buildings and statues.

How can we relate Hornblende in Engineering


 The rocks that contain hornblende itself is not

directly used in engineering applications, the
rocks that contain it can have various uses in
the engineering field, including construction
materials, geotechnical engineering, mineral
exploration, environmental engineering, and
energy resources.


 Biotite is a group of common rock-forming

minerals forming a series between phlogopite
and annite. The name is best used as a field
name for dark micas for which the exact
composition has not been determined.
 Biotite survives a certain amount of
weathering and is found in soils, sediments
and sedimentary rocks. Weathered Biotite
becomes relatively brassy of bronzy in color
and has been mistaken for gold.
 Is lower density, cleavage, and other
properties are soon apparent to the careful
observer. Finally Biotite can form as a result
of hydrothermal processes, especially wall-
rock alteration around ore veins.
 Mineralogy is the scientific study of minerals,
their properties, and their occurrences in
 It is a branch of geology that focuses on
understanding the composition, structure,
physical properties, and formation of minerals,
as well as their distribution and economic
 Rock-forming minerals are minerals that are
commonly found in the Earth’s crust and are
responsible for the formation of various types
of rocks.
 there are different types of rock-forming
minerals, which are QUARTZ FAMILY,


 Biotite has very limited commercial use.  The name “Muscovite” comes from the term
 Biotite particles are sometimes used as a “Muscovy-glass”, a name formerly given to
surface treatment in decorative concrete, the mineral because it was actually used in
plaster and other construction materials. Russia for windows.
 It is also used in the potassium-argon method  Muscovite reflects light strongly from broken
of dating igneous rock. fragments. This is caused by a natural
cleavage resulting in thin sheets (“Basal
How can we relate Hornblende in Engineering Cleavage”).
 Muscovite is a common mineral that belongs
 The rocks that contain biotite itself is not to the mica group. It is a silicate mineral that
directly used in engineering applications, the is characterized by its thin, sheet-like
rocks that contain it can have various uses in structure.
the engineering field, including construction  Muscovite is composed of potassium (K),
materials, geotechnical engineering, mineral aluminum (Al), silicon (Si), and oxygen (O)
exploration, energy resources, and atoms arranged in sheets, and it is known for
environmental engineering. Understanding its excellent cleavage, which allows it to be
the properties and occurrence of biotite- easily split into thin, flexible sheets. These
bearing rocks can help engineers and sheets are often transparent to translucent
geologists make informed decisions in and have a pearly luster.
various projects and applications.
The crystal structure of muscovite consists of 2:l Igneous Rocks: Muscovite can form in igneous
layers or tetrahedral–octahedral–tetrahedral rocks, particularly in granites and pegmatites.
(TOT) layers bonded together by large interlayer
cations. Metamorphic Rocks: Muscovite is a common
mineral in certain types of metamorphic rocks,
PHYSICAL PROPERTIES including schist and gneiss.

 Hardness - 2-2.5 Hydrothermal Veins: Muscovite can also occur in

 Specific gravity - 2.8 hydrothermal vein deposits.
 Transparency - Transparent to translucent
 Colour - White, silver, yellow, green and
 Streak - White FORMATION
 Lustre - Vitreous to pearly
 Cleavage/fracture - Perfect in one direction The formation of muscovite involves the interaction
producing thin sheets or flakes / uneven of various geological processes:
 Crystal habit/mode of occurrence - Tabular
Crystallization: In igneous rocks, muscovite forms
(sheets or flakes)
during the crystallization of molten magma.
Metamorphism: In metamorphic rocks, muscovite
 Transparency: Muscovite is transparent to forms as a result of the metamorphic process, which
translucent, allowing light to pass through its involves high temperature and pressure conditions.
thin sheets.
Hydrothermal Activity: In hydrothermal vein
 Refractive Index: The refractive index of
deposits, muscovite forms when hot, hydrothermal
muscovite ranges from approximately 1.559
fluids rich in dissolved minerals migrate through
to 1.597, depending on the wavelength of
light and the specific composition of the
mineral sample.
 Birefringence: Muscovite is typically
birefringent, meaning it can split light into two USES
polarized rays that travel at different speeds
through the mineral.  Muscovite can be cleaved into very thin
 Pleochroism: In some cases, muscovite may transparent sheets that can substitute for
exhibit pleochroism, where it appears to have glass, particularly for high-temperature
different colors when viewed from different applications such as industrial furnace or
angles due to variations in light absorption. oven windows.
 It is also used in the manufacture of a wide
variety of electronics
 Use as a filler in paints, plastic, and
wallboard.It is also used in tire manufacture
as a mold release agent, in drilling mud, and
Muscovite is a common mineral found in a variety of
in various cosmetics for its luster.
geological settings. Its occurrence and formation can
be attributed to specific geological processes and
How can we relate Muscovite in Engineering
 In the construction industry, Muscovite mica  Crystal habit/mode of occurrence -
is primarily used as a reinforcing agent in Prismatic (rhombohedral crystals) / granular,
plaster, cement, and asphalt. Its unique massive
combination of flexibility and heat resistance
improves the durability of these materials. OCCURRENCE

 It is also used as a coating for roofing 1. Sedimentary Rocks: Calcite is a major

materials, making them more weather- component of various sedimentary rocks, most
resistant and reflective, which can reduce notably limestone and its metamorphic counterpart,
energy consumption in buildings. marble.

CALCITE 2. Karst Landscapes: Calcite’s solubility in water

leads to the formation of unique geological
 The name “Calcite” is derived from the Latin landscapes called karst landscapes.
word “calx,” which means lime, highlighting its
close association with limestone and other 3. Mineral Deposits: Calcite can be associated with
calcium-rich rocks. various types of mineral deposits. In hydrothermal
 Calcite is a carbonate mineral, which means veins, where hot fluids circulate through fractures in
it contains the carbonate ion as a rocks, calcite can precipitate along with other
fundamental building block. It is one of the minerals.
most common minerals on Earth and can be
found in various geological settings. FORMATION
 Calcite is the most common form of natural
calcium carbonate , a widely distributed  Formation Processes in Sedimentary
mineral known for the beautiful development Environments: Calcite commonly forms in
and great variety of its crystals. sedimentary environments where the
 Calcite is one of the most ubiquitous minerals, accumulation of minerals and organic
being an important rock forming mineral in material occurs over time.
sedimentary environments. It is an essential
 Influence of Temperature, Pressure, and
component of limestones, and occurs in other
Fluid Composition: Calcite formation can be
sedimentary rocks.
influenced by temperature, pressure, and the
PHYSICAL PROPERTIES composition of fluids present in the geological
 Hardness - 3
 Specific gravity - 2.7  Other Environments: Calcite can also form
 Transparency - Transparent to translucent in other geological settings. For instance, it
 Colour - Generally white or colourless, but can precipitate from groundwater in caves,
also with light shades of yellow, orange, blue, forming stalactites and stalagmites.
pink, red, brown, green, black and grey
 Streak - White
 Lustre - Vitreous to resinous
 It is used as a building material, abrasive,
 Cleavage/fracture - Perfect in three
agricultural soil treatment, construction
directions at oblique angles / conchoidal
aggregate, pigment, pharmaceutical, and
other applications.
 Calcite is used as a pigment material to  Hardness - 6.5-7.5
prevent steel wear, increasing water and  Specific gravity - 3.6-4.3
chemical resistance  Transparency - Transparent to opaque
 Used as filler and coating material in most  Colour - Variable - most commonly red,
paper-producing industries to harden or reddish brown
smoothen.  Streak - White
 Calcite is used as a pigment material to  Lustre - Vitreous to resinous
prevent steel wear, increasing water and  Cleavage/fracture - Non-existent /
chemical resistance. conchoidal
 Crystal habit/mode of occurrence -
How can we relate Calcite in Engineering Field? Prismatic (12-sided rhombic, 24-sided
trapezoidal) / granular, massive
 The construction industry is the primary
consumer of calcite in the form of limestone OCCURRENCE
and marble.
 Modern construction uses calcite in the form  Extensively found across the world in igneous,
of limestone and marble to produce cement metamorphic, and sedimentary rocks.
and concrete.  Most garnet stones are found near Earth's
 These materials are easily mixed, transported, surface when a sedimentary rock with greater
and placed in the form of a slurry that will aluminium content, such as shale, is put
harden into a durable construction material. through heat and pressure intense enough to
Concrete is used to make buildings, highways, form schist or gneiss.
bridges, walls, and many other structures.  Garnet is also found in the rocks of contact
metamorphism, lava flows, deep-source
volcanic outbreaks, subsurface magma
chambers, and the soils and sediments
GARNET formed when garnet-carrying rocks are
 The word ‘garnet’ comes from the Latin word
granatus, which means ‘seed-like’. FORMATION
 Garnet refers to a group of minerals that
share a common crystal structure but come in  Metamorphism: Garnets commonly form
a variety of colors and compositions. These during regional or contact metamorphism,
minerals belong to the nesosilicate family. where rocks are subjected to high
temperatures and pressures over time.
 Garnets are characterized by their distinct  Parent Rocks: Garnets can form from
crystal structure, which is often referred to as various parent rocks, such as shale, schist,
the “garnet structure.” . gneiss, and mica-rich rocks.
 Garnet is commonly found in highly  Subduction Zones: In subduction zones,
metamorphosed rocks and in some igneous where one tectonic plate is forced beneath
rocks. another, high-pressure conditions are present.
 They form under the same high temperatures These environments can facilitate the
and / or pressures that form those types of formation of garnets as well.
rocks.  Igneous Intrusions: Garnets can crystallize
from cooling magma under specific conditions.
USES Properties of Minerals:

General Properties:
 Garnets have been used since the Bronze
Age as gemstones for jewellery and Hardness: Hardness determines a mineral's
ornaments and as abrasives. resistance to abrasion and wear, crucial for
 Garnets are used for industrial blast-cleaning, construction materials like aggregates and dimension
polishing, filtration and water jet cutting. stones.
 Garnet crystals with a large number of lithium
Color and Appearance: Could be very helpful and
atoms in the crystal structure are called
distinctive. Appearance can influence material
lithium-stuffed garnets, and these have been
selection for aesthetic purposes in construction.
used in rechargeable battery technologies.
Chemical Composition: Different minerals have
How can we relate Garnets in Engineering Field? different chemical compositions, affecting their
reaction to environmental conditions, durability, and
 Garnet Sand is a popular name in the
corrosion resistance.
chemical, mineral and construction industry.
 It is used to provide friction while constructing Quarts: Is made up of Silicon and Oxygen. However
anti skid surfaces. Garnet Sand is an in galena there is lead and sulfur. And then in peridot
excellent abrasive. there’s magnesium, iron, silicon and oxygen. In Talc,
 The properties of this waste material with there is magnesium, silicon, oxygen and including
higher hardness and finer size makes it hydroxide. The hematite has iron and oxygen. And
feasible to be utilized as partial fine lastly, the corundum is made up of aluminum,
aggregate in concrete or brick production. oxygen and chromium

Crystal Structure: A set of faces that have a definite

Properties And Process of Formation Of Minerals
geometric relationship to each other.
Minerals are naturally occurring, inorganic
Cubic/Isometric: Most symmetrical and all three
substances with specific chemical compositions and
axes have equal length.
crystalline structures. They form through various
geological processes over extended periods. These Tetragonal: similar to isometric, three axes, two
processes include crystallization from molten rock equal length, the third is longer
(igneous), precipitation from solutions (sedimentary),
Hexagonal: Three equal axes in the same plane,
and alteration due to heat and pressure
intersect at angles of 60 degrees and a fourth axis is
(metamorphic). The properties of minerals, such as
at a right angle to the other three.
hardness, strength, and chemical composition, are
crucial in civil engineering for material selection, Orthorhombic: Three axes all unequal to each other
structural design, and environmental assessment. and all axes intersect at right angles
Understanding mineral formation processes is vital
Monoclinic: Two non-equal axes at right angles to
for sustainable resource management and the
each other and a third axis is inclined to one of the
development of resilient infrastructure.
first two axes
Minerals play a crucial role in civil engineering due to
Triclinic: All three axes are inclined with respect to
their diverse properties and formation processes,
each other
which influence the performance and behavior of
construction materials. Here's a breakdown of the Strength: Minerals vary in strength, impacting the
properties and formation processes of minerals in durability and load-bearing capacity of construction
relation to civil engineering: materials such as concrete and asphalt.
Other Properties That is Crucial in the Field of considering factors like strength, durability, and
Engineering: environmental conditions.

Density: Density affects the weight of construction Structural Design: Knowledge of mineral properties
materials and influences structural design and informs structural design, ensuring structures can
stability. withstand loads, temperature changes, and other
environmental stresses.
Porosity: Porous minerals affect the permeability of
materials like soils and rocks, impacting drainage, Foundation Engineering: Understanding soil
groundwater movement, and stability. mineralogy is crucial for foundation design, as it
influences soil stability, settlement behavior, and
Thermal Properties: Thermal conductivity and
bearing capacity.
expansion coefficients influence a material's
response to temperature changes, critical in Construction Techniques: Mineral properties
infrastructure exposed to extreme conditions. influence construction techniques, such as blasting
methods for rock excavation or concrete curing
Formation Processes of Minerals:
General Formation Processes of Minerals:
Environmental Impact Assessment:
Crystallization: Minerals form through the Understanding mineral formation processes helps
solidification of molten rock (igneous), precipitation assess the environmental impact of construction
from solution (sedimentary), or metamorphism activities, including soil erosion, habitat disruption,
(metamorphic), each process influencing mineral and groundwater contamination.
Resource Management: Knowledge of mineral
Pressure and Temperature Changes: Metamorphic resources and their distribution informs sustainable
minerals form due to changes in pressure and resource management practices and mineral
temperature deep within the Earth's crust, altering extraction techniques.
the mineral composition and structure.
In summary, the properties and formation processes
Weathering and Erosion: Physical and chemical of minerals are fundamental to civil engineering,
weathering processes break down rocks into mineral influencing material selection, structural design,
particles, contributing to the formation of soils and construction techniques, and environmental
sediments. management practices. A thorough understanding of
these aspects is essential for ensuring the safety,
Additional Formation Processes of Minerals:
durability, and sustainability of infrastructure projects.
Hydrothermal Processes: Minerals precipitate from
hot aqueous solutions, often in association with
volcanic activity or deep-sea hydrothermal vents, COAL AND PETROLEUM
contributing to the formation of economically
important mineral deposits.
Coa is a nonrenewable fossil fuel that is combusted
and used to generate electricity.
Importance in Civil Engineering:
Coal is a readily combustible rock containing more
Material Selection: Understanding mineral than 50% by weight of carbon.
properties helps engineers select appropriate
They can be formed depending on the amount of
construction materials for specific applications,
oxygen, carbon, and hydrogen they contain.

Oil and gas had already been used in some

PETROLEUM capacity, such as in lamps or as a material for
construction, for thousands of years before the
-also called crude oil, is a fossil fuel.
modern era, with the earliest known oil wells being
-Like coal and natural gas, petroleum was formed
drilled in China in 347 AD.
from the remains of ancient marine organisms, such
as plants, algae, and bacteria.
-Over millions of years of intense heat and pressure,
these organic remains (fossils) transformed into
carbon-rich substances we rely on as raw materials
for fuel and a wide variety of products.


Coal and petroleum are formed as a result of

degradation of ancient plant life which lived
millions of years ago.

These dead plant matter started to pile up, eventually OCCURRENCE OF COAL AND PETROLEUM
forming a substance called peat.
They are obtained in igneous and metamorphic rocks
Over time, heat and pressure from geological at the cracks, crevices, faults, or joints. the ringed
processes transformed these materials into coal. planet and a gas giant.

In sedimentary rocks, several minerals like Coal,

petroleum, and some forms of iron ore have been
concentrated as a result of deposition,
accumulation, and concentration for long periods
under great heat and pressure.


As for its chemical composition, coal is a mixture of
high-molecular-weight polycyclic aromatic
compounds, such as benzene C6H6, toluene
C6H5CH3, xylene C6H4(CH3)2, naphthalene
C10H8, anthracene C14H10, pyrene C16H10 and
their derivatives with high mass fraction of carbon, as
well as of water and volatile substances


Chemically, petroleum consists principally of

hydrogen and carbon, but also contains small
percentages of oxygen, nitrogen, sulfur, and
traces of metals, such as vanadium, cobalt, and

The common organic compounds include alkanes

(paraffins), naphthenes, aromatics, and

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