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Foot Bones Assignment Example 3 Pop-up Notes

Very simple gesture. Looks like a sock.

Just a sharp corner at the big toe

We know there's a TWIST because of these two angles

Let's look at an even simpler form...

twisted box

Here it points to the left

Here it points up

Look how simple the toes can be

Just a curved triangle

Same for the big toe

Let's show the side planes to indicate the twisting.

Remember the twisted box

TRANSVERSE ARCH across the foot


I like starting with that cylindrical cap

Remember the angled plane downward on the lateral side

The talus cylinder is hard...

It's important to understand how to tilt the ellipses on a cylinder in perspective

Go review cylinders if you struggle here!

Wrap a wrench around the cylinder

Let's finish up the toes

Big toes is coming at us, it's foreshortened

Let's make the pinky a little longer...

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