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Look at the following illustration to help you understand how to use prepositions
correctly. Take note that for very specific times / places we use “at”. For less specific times
/ places we use “on”. Lastly, we use “in” for very big places or time periods.

Now, fill in the blanks using this illustration:

1. I live _____ Argentina.

2. It is very hot _____ midday.

3. I am going to a restaurant tonight _____ 19:30.

4. They live _____ Oxford street.

5. We always have a big family lunch _____ Christmas day.

6. I will meet you tonight _____ Burger King.

7. _____ the 20s, people were not allowed to drink alcohol.

8. The party is _____ 76 Belford Avenue tonight.

9. I always go for a run _____ the weekend.

10. We usually have meetings _____ Mondays.

ESL Pals 1 Grammar Worksheet

Complete the questions with at / in / on and then write one sentence to answer the
questions. Remember to write full sentences.

1. _____ what time do you get up in the morning?

2. _____ which month is your birthday?

3. _____ what day is your birthday?

4. _____ what year were you born?

5. Do you ever go to bed _____ midnight?

6. What do you usually do _____ the weekend?

7. What do you usually do _____ Sundays?

ESL Pals 2 Grammar Worksheet

Put the following places in the right box for at / on / in. Then, choose 10 and write full
sentences for each one.

home taxi car radio bus

work newspaper helicopter school horse

plane university train boat television

At On In

ESL Pals 3 Grammar Worksheet

Complete the gaps with the correct preposition of at / in / on.

1. I am going to Paris _______ 5 weeks time.

2. Every day I watch the news _______ the television.

3. There is an article _______ the newspaper.

4. I am _______ the bus because I am going to work.

5. _______ the weekends I like to go to restaurants.

6. We have a meeting _______ work today.

7. I usually go to work early _______ Mondays.

8. I will wait for you _______ Starbucks.

9. The restaurant is _______ the corner of Rodeo Drive and 5th Avenue.

10. She usually goes to bed _______ 22:00.

11. Our flight to Peru leaves _______ the 7th of August.

12. The event is _______ 23 Bird Street.

13. The restaurant isn’t open _______ Mondays.

14. My mother was born _______ 1966.

15. In Norway, it always snows _______ the winter.

16. The next train leaves _______ a few minutes.

17. We always open our gifts _______ Christmas day.

18. The next exhibition is _______ 2 weeks.

19. Our classes start at 8:00 _______ the morning.

20. I like to get up _______ sunrise to do some exercise.

21. We always have chocolate cake _______ my birthday.

22. They are _______ the kitchen.

23. I usually have lunch _______ noon.

24. I am going to the beach _______ January.

25. I finished school _______ 2013.

ESL Pals 4 Grammar Worksheet

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