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College of Criminology


SSS Campus, Rainbow St. Conception Uno, Marikina City



Fires occur when a flammable and/or combustible substance with an enough supply

of 16% oxygen or another oxidizer with a 21% oxygen levels is exposed to sufficient heat.

Fire has numerous purposes, such as providing a means of livelihood for humans, but if

left unattended, it may be causing a hazardous with tragic outcomes. Fire accidents there

will constantly be a reason and some common factors behind every fire. People's

carelessness, negligence, or even ignorance is to blame for the epidemic. Fire destroys

human life and property gained through patient struggle and pain.

According to Facilities Net (2019), every industrial and commercial facility's each

day operations include a comprehensive fire protection program. The aims of fire-

prevention measures include preventing loss of life, property damage, and downtime in the

utilization of a structure. Fires often disrupt company activity, cause the destruction of

corporate data, reduce employee work hours, and result in tort claims due to the spread of

fire to nearby properties. Fire-prevention elements should provide life safety and property

protection depending on the building's construction type or contents, as well as the tenancy

kind and quantity of residents. Fire prevention is the obligation of the property's owner,

management, and tenants. It is divided into three sections: fire prevention, fire safety

education, and fire protection and life safety systems.

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College of Criminology
SSS Campus, Rainbow St. Conception Uno, Marikina City

Fire Inspector strategies have an emphasis on actions aimed to preventing a fire

from starting. Managers and their teams can work together to attain this aim. Keep smoking

materials and open flames under control. Keep flammable and combustible liquids in a

secure location. Make proper use of electrical equipment. Buy fire-resistant furniture,

decorations, and interior treatments. Keep commercial kitchen exhaust systems in good

working order. Certain dangers must be avoided. Fire safety education, people must

understand fire and its consequences in order to prevent it. Instructional programs may

assist children in identifying and discussing flames as well as extinguishing strategies.

Building occupants can also assist identify and fix fire dangers, design building and office

evacuation routes, choose and utilize fire extinguishers, and inspect for fire. A manager is

in charge of the ongoing education required to instill fire-prevention practices among

building tenants. It is vital to increase tenant engagement in a fire prevention program.

Management can urge renters to participate by contacting local fire officials, informing

occupants about previous fires that show the need to participate, arranging prize draws for

participants, scheduling evacuation drills at a good season, and giving refreshments.

Background of the Study

The government appointed the Department of the Interior and Local Government

(DILG) to mandate local governments to hold and participate in events in their cities in

observation of Fire Prevention. On January 29, 1991, the DILG founded the Bureau of Fire

Protection (BFP), the agency currently responsible for Fire Prevention. In general, they are

responsible for preventing and suppressing all kinds of destructive fires,

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College of Criminology
SSS Campus, Rainbow St. Conception Uno, Marikina City

investigating their causes, enforcing fire-related laws, and providing emergency medical

and rescue services (Beldad, 2022).

In the Philippines the Bureau of Fire Protection is an agency of the Department of

Interior and Local Government (DILG) responsible for implementing national policies

related to Firefighting and Protection as well as implementation of the Philippine Fire Code

(PD 1185), which was repealed and replaced by the New Fire Code of the Philippines (RA

9514). Formerly known as the Constabulary Fire Protection Bureau, the BFP is in charge

of the administration and management of municipal and city fire and emergency services

all over the country.

With the abovementioned points, the researchers are inclined to determine and

assess the Fire Prevention program implemented for the safety of civilians and to furtherly

know how the Bureau of Fire Protection intervention schemes on the implementation of

fire safety. This research will investigate the extent to which the Fire Prevention Programs

of the Bureau of Fire Protection Marikina City Fire Station focus on Fire Safety evaluation

and inspection, Fire Safety Inspection Certificate, and Fire Safety for Hazardous Materials.

It also looks for factors that influence the implementation of the Bureau of Fire Protection

Marikina City's Fire Prevention Programs.

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College of Criminology
SSS Campus, Rainbow St. Conception Uno, Marikina City

Review of Related Literature and Study

This chapter includes review literature of both local and international and the study of

significant as the character reference of assessing the level of awareness in Marikina areas for fire

prevention program and intervention scheme.

Fire Prevention Program

According to Desapriya, et al., (2022), residential fires contribute significantly to

the morbidity and mortality associated with fire-related injuries, making them a serious

public health concern on a global scale. The effectiveness of residential fire prevention

strategies that are relevant to Indigenous communities was examined in this review, along

with the financial and human costs associated with fire incidents. Electronic databases like

Medline, Embase, Central, and the Web of Science Core Collection were searched for

studies on fire prevention interventions based on the 4Es of injury prevention approaches

that were released after 1990. (Education, Enforcement, Engineering, and Engagement).

Byun (2019), s t a t e d t h a t facility planning, is related to fire-fighting facilities,

evacuation routes, and evacuation stairs. The [Building Act] classifies residential welfare

facilities as "the aged and children." Article 15(6) of the [Act on Fire Prevention and

Installation, Maintenance, and Safety Control of Fire-Fighting Systems,2019] strengthens

firefighting facility standards for the installation of simple sprinkler facilities, automatic

re-detection facilities, and single-alarm detection facilities only for "the aged and children."

The research of Knuth et al. (2017), stated research mentioned the roles of perceived

preventive measure knowledge, the perceived effectiveness of these measures, and self-

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College of Criminology
SSS Campus, Rainbow St. Conception Uno, Marikina City

efficacy were investigated. Perceived knowledge was a significant predictor of all three

preparation variables in our models. They discovered a partial mediation of the impact of

perceived knowledge on the dependent variable fire extinguishers via perceived efficacy and

self-efficacy. Personal experience was shown to be strongly linked with the presence of

smoke detectors and fire extinguishers, but the presence of fire blankets was connected with

the perceived chance of a house fire. Overall, we discovered that several determinants of

individual disaster readiness are also major predictors of household fire preparedness,

while the relationships were less than predicted.

As stated by Bryant and Preston (2017), the goal of this report is not to prove

which factors are causally linked to the decrease in fire incidents and fire-related fatalities,

or what has driven specific types of fires, because this would be impossible in many cases.

For example, the overall decline in accidental dwelling fires where the source of ignition is

smokers' materials may be due to a combination of declining adult smoking prevalence,

improvements in flame retardant furniture, and changing attitudes toward safety as a result

of Fire Kills messaging.

As indicated in Bierman et. al (2022), governments have always needed to

demonstrate the value of public services, but current factors such as rising budgetary

pressures, the effects of an aging and growing population, and rising unit costs have made

this even more critical. Non-fire incidents are now taking up an increasing proportion of

the FRS workload, while activities aimed at preventing fires and protecting citizens and

property remain an important component of the services workload (Office of National

Statistics, 2019). The FRS has adapted its approach and prioritized how resources are used

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SSS Campus, Rainbow St. Conception Uno, Marikina City

to address the risks that communities face, while still maintaining a critical capability to

respond to emergencies at both the local and national levels (Chief Fire Officers

Association, 2015).

As stated by Ahmed, et al. (2017), the study provides insight on the need of

addressing the fire problem comprehensively in order to prevent ignition that might lead to

runaway flames. It identifies hotspots that require immediate care to prevent flames from

spreading. The importance of grassroots community engagement cannot be emphasized.

The next phase of the study would be to test the model's applicability against losses that

occur on the ground in order to identify methods to address the wildfire problem.

According to Appleton, et al. (2019), these are critical research questions because

Merseyside Fire and Rescue Service (and other UK Fire and Rescue Services) are

experiencing ongoing budget cuts, necessitating a better understanding of the effectiveness

of current fire prevention activities in order for future fire prevention activities to be as

effective and efficient as possible given the decreasing level of funding available. The

primary goals for answering the research questions were to create a method for assessing

the effectiveness of fire and rescue service operations at two levels: overall operational

effectiveness and operational fire prevention.

Runefors, et al. (2021), the findings of their study clearly demonstrate the

importance of matching the appropriate intervention to sociodemographic parameters. The

best examples are the installation of safe cigarettes and a functional electrical system. It is

obvious that when offering interventions to a household, safe cigarettes may be quite

helpful in one household while having little effect in the non-smoking household. A
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College of Criminology
SSS Campus, Rainbow St. Conception Uno, Marikina City

functional electrical system, on the other hand, would most likely be very useful in

reducing the risk of a fatal fire in a nonsmoking home.

According to Ghosal, et al. (2020), planning for building and infrastructure is

necessary, and consideration for the use of particular materials in and around any location

is also necessary. Using flammable materials like plastic, oil-based paint, cotton, or storing

highly volatile substances appears to be a common cause in many cases. In their place, non-

flammable fabrics, paints, varnishes, and building materials such nanocomposite materials

should be utilized.

As indicated by Nazari et al., (2019), this study approach to fire safety is to detect

fires in their early stages in order to prevent them from spreading. To date, two meta-

analyses have compared smoke alarm coverage interventions to no interventions or to usual

care. A later network meta-analysis assessed the efficacy of smoke alarm interventions, but

compared several types of interventions and discovered that the most effective method was

the most intensive (includes education, low-cost equipment installation, and in-home safety

inspection). A 1999 review also looked at Home Fire Safety (HFS) knowledge and behavior

outcomes. The findings concluded that program evaluation is necessary, particularly for

school-based education programs.

According to Aquino et al. (2017), The Bureau of Fire Protection (BFP) of the

Philippines is a government agency tasked with putting out destructive fires, enforcing

relevant laws, and providing emergency medical and rescue services. However, in a

country prone to conflagration, such as the Philippines, the BFP faces an uphill battle in

carrying out its responsibilities. Ceballos and Villa contend.

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College of Criminology
SSS Campus, Rainbow St. Conception Uno, Marikina City

According to Ferrer (2021), the implementation of BFP Aparri fire station's fire

prevention programs in fire safety assessment and inspection and fire safety for hazardous

materials was excellent, as was the fire safety inspection certificate program. Some of the

occupancies in the aparri do not match the norms of the Philippine fire code. With this

situation in place, the occurrence of fires may increase in places or establishments that have

not received a fire safety

inspection certificate. The BFP Aparri fire station should monitor and visit non-compliant

occupancies in Aparri, Cagayan on a regular basis.

As stated by Ligan et al. (2021), on the study of Bureau of Fire Protection has

launched fire awareness campaigns throughout the country under the slogan "Ligtas Na

Pilipinas Ang Ating Hangad, Pag-Iingat Sa Sunog Sa SariliIpatupad" (We Aim for a Safe

Philippines, Observe Fire Safety). Aside from that, the BFP has programs and activities

aimed at reducing fire incidents in the country. They also have brochures that can help

prevent injuries and save lives (Philippine Primer, 2018). Similarly, the BFP has several

campaign activities for fire safety and prevention in Davao City. They have been

campaigning in public and private schools to raise student awareness, and fire drills have

concluded them (Opiana, 2017).

As stated by Ceballos and Villa (2020), the occurrence of fires is a major issue for

every local government unit in the Philippines. The two most serious consequences of fires

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College of Criminology
SSS Campus, Rainbow St. Conception Uno, Marikina City

are economic loss and loss of life. To mitigate these losses, proper planning and

implementation of control measures are required. Prediction of potential fire incidents is a

critical component of planning and control measures. This study is being carried out to

analyze historical data in order to develop a forecasting model for fire incidence in Davao

City. The analyses show that fire incidence has no trend or seasonality, and that fire

occurrences are neither consistently increasing nor decreasing over time.

As stated by De Leon and Miranda (2022), from a prior study that fire incidents

that occurred in Manila, Tondo and Sampaloc areas from 4 pm to 8 pm have the highest

fire incidents. This result doubles in the summer months when all cooling appliances are at

working their maximum. Most fire incidents are caused by faulty electrical connections,

unattended open flames and cigarette butts. These commonly happen in heavily-dense

population areas. fire occurrences usually start in informal settlements where most citizens

lack knowledge of fire prevention.

According to Umali (2021), the study's goal is to determine how well each building

at the Bulacan State University (BulSU) - Main Campus complies with the provisions of

the Philippine Fire Code. During site inspections of the campus' eighteen (18) buildings, it

was discovered that none of them were fully compliant with the code's requirements. To

collect data, the Bureau of Fire Protection (BFP) used a standard checklist and a survey

questionnaire filled out by members of the administration council as respondents. In order

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College of Criminology
SSS Campus, Rainbow St. Conception Uno, Marikina City

to investigate the qualitative aspect of the study, a structured interview with personnel from

various campus offices was conducted. Through the data collection procedures used, the

researcher was able to derive information that formed the basis for the conclusions and

recommendations for the action plan that would be proposed to the administration of

Bulacan State University.

In accordance to Caliston and Tabia (2021), this study Emergency response is the

phase of the disaster-management cycle that receives the most attention and resources is

emergency response. This project, titled "Help Me: An Emergency Response Mobile

Application," provides a quick response to accidents by tracking the users' location during

an emergency. The researchers interviewed the BFP about the most common types of

accidents in the municipality and the areas prone to accidents, and gathered ideas and

insights into the system's features and design. The study's target users are local government

personnel or people assigned to respond to an e-mail.

According to Alon et al. (2020), in this study, smoke will be detected using an

object-detection algorithm. It quickly detects smoke, even if there is only a small amount

of it. After these smokes are detected and analyzed, the user is informed of the smoke. The

study can significantly help in fire prevention because it can put out fires as soon as the

smoke is detected by the camera and can detect smoke inside the house. The system

reported an overall testing accuracy of 89%.

As stated by Bermudez and Mata (2020), the study sought to look into how well

the Bureau of Fire Protection's front-line services were being provided in the National

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SSS Campus, Rainbow St. Conception Uno, Marikina City

Capital Region (BFP-NCR). Based on the findings of a survey and an interview with BFP

employees from the Manila Fire District office and the BFP-NCR main office. In order to

address the flaws and shortcomings of the current process, this study also suggested

adopting an automated system as the new method for applying for fire safety certificates.

By doing so, the BFP administrators will be better able to manage risks by leveraging

customer insights to enhance services and by gaining visibility into their operations to boost

efficiency and deliver better services.

As stated by Marikina BFP Personnel. (2023), on the study of Marikina’s Bureau

of Fire Protection has launched fire awareness campaigns throughout the country under the

slogan "Ligtas Na Pilipinas Ang Ating Hangad, Pag-Iingat Sa Sunog Sa Sarili Ipatupad"

(We Aim for a Safe Philippines, Observe Fire Safety). Aside from that, the BFP has

accomplishment programs and best practices or activities those are the hose cabinet each

in every fire hydrant, during fire prevention month they mentioned the kick off ceremony

and motorcade, house to house survey, national fire drill in high density occupancies and

station visits/ educational tour/work immersion last the fire and earthquake drills and

seminar that aimed at reducing fire incidents. They also have brochures that can help

prevent injuries and save lives. Similarly, the BFP has several campaign activities for fire

safety and prevention. They have been campaigning in public and private schools to raise

student awareness, and fire drills have concluded to prevent the causes of fire.

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College of Criminology
SSS Campus, Rainbow St. Conception Uno, Marikina City

Synthesis of the Related Literature

According to Desapriya et. al. (2022), residential fires contribute significantly to

the morbidity and mortality associated with fire-related injuries, making them a serious

public health concern on a global scale. The effectiveness of residential fire prevention

program that are relevant to Indigenous communities was examined in this review, along

with the financial and human costs associated with fire incidents. Electronic databases like

Medline, Embase, Central, and the Web of Science Core Collection were searched for

studies on fire prevention interventions based on the 4Es of injury prevention approaches

that were released after 1990. (Education, Enforcement, Engineering, and Engagement).

Additionally, we searched the grey literature and other sources, such as the websites of

local organizations, for pertinent studies.

As stated by Ligan et al. (2021), on the study of Bureau of Fire Protection has

launched fire awareness campaigns throughout the country under the slogan "Ligtas Na

Pilipinas Ang Ating Hangad, Pag-Iingat Sa Sunog Sa SariliIpatupad" (We Aim for a Safe

Philippines, Observe Fire Safety). Aside from that, the BFP has programs and activities

aimed at reducing fire incidents in the country. They also have brochures that can help

prevent injuries and save lives (Philippine Primer, 2018). Similarly, the BFP has several

campaign activities for fire safety and prevention in Davao City. They have been

campaigning in public and private schools to raise student awareness, and fire drills have

concluded them (Opiana, 2017).

BSCR | 12 Page
College of Criminology
SSS Campus, Rainbow St. Conception Uno, Marikina City

As stated by Bermudez and Mata (2020), the study sought to look into how well

the Bureau of Fire Protection's front-line services were being provided in the National

Capital Region (BFP-NCR). Based on the findings of a survey and an interview with BFP

employees from the Manila Fire District office and the BFP-NCR main office. In order to

address the flaws and shortcomings of the current process, this study also suggested

adopting an automated system as the new method for applying for fire safety certificates.

By doing so, the BFP administrators will be better able to manage risks by leveraging

customer insights to enhance services and by gaining visibility into their operations to boost

efficiency and deliver better services.

The similarities of this study to other related studies are that the researchers will

solely focus on the at Barangay`s Concepcion Uno, Concepcion Dos, Fortune and Santo

Niño Marikina City which will be the target respondents. The difference between this study

and other related research is that this study will focus on the fire prevention program

towards intervention schem

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College of Criminology
SSS Campus, Rainbow St. Conception Uno, Marikina City

Theoretical Framework

The theoretical framework of this study is based on the following theories and concepts presented below, purposely

to help the researcher determine the assessment of the BFP Marikina's fire prevention program of selected areas in

Marikina City to intervention scheme, the following theories were considered

Protection Motivation 3E’S Fire Prevention

Theory Approach
Ronald Rogers, 1975 Harry Truman, 1947



Effective fire prevention programs can

A social psychology theory, tries to prevent fires and save lives. Preventing
explain why people decide to engage in a fire incident or accident from happening is
called fire prevention.
defensive behaviors, like those that are
Engineering, education, and enforcement
defensive of their safety and health. have long been the fundamentals of fire
PMT is a theory that helps people prevention.
understand their decisions and participate Public fire safety education, often known as
in protective actions. It also predicted public education, is to alter people's behavior.
the behavioral ranges in health and Engineering deals with the fire safety elements
disaster-related scenarios. in the built environment. Enforcement focuses
on fire and building code implementation.

BSCR | 14 Page
College of Criminology
SSS Campus, Rainbow St. Conception Uno, Marikina City

Theoretical Framework

The theoretical framework of this study is based on the following theories and

concepts presented below, purposely to help the researcher determine the assessment of the

BFP Marikina's fire prevention program of selected areas in Marikina City to intervention

scheme, the following theories were considered.


The Protection Motivation Theory Protection Motivation Theory 1. What is the profile of the
(PMT), a social psychology (PMT) is a theory that helps
people understand their decisions
respondents in terms of:
theory, tries to explain why people
decide to engage in defensive and participate in protective 1.1 Age;
behaviors, like those that are actions. It also predicted the 1.2 Sex;
behavioral ranges in health and
defensive of their safety and 1.3 Barangay;
disaster-related scenarios.
health. Ronald Rogers developed 1.4 No. years in
(Kurata, Y. et al, February
the PMT model in 1975, and it is 2023).
frequently in risk Effective fire prevention
management, interpersonal programs can prevent fires and
relationships, and health save lives. Preventing 2. The level of awareness
psychology to comprehend and a fire incident or accident from of the respondents on BFP
forecast why people opt to take or happening is called fire Marikina fire prevention
forego protective measures. prevention.
According to PMT, these (Nicholson, 2017). program.
decisions are influenced by two Engineering, education, and
main factors: threat appraisal and enforcement have long been the
fundamentals of fire prevention. 3. The level the level of
coping appraisal.
These same principles can be assessment to the BFP
Harry Truman (1947) the "3 E's" used to prevent firefighter and Marikina fire prevention
approach underscores the civilian injuries. (Marinucci,
2015) program.
importance of a holistic approach
to fire prevention, addressing both Public fire safety education, often
known as public education, is to
the human factors (education and 4. The significant
alter people's behavior.
awareness) and the physical
Engineering deals with the fire correlation that exists level
factors (engineering and safety elements in the built
enforcement) that contribute to of awareness between the
environment. Enforcement
fire safety. By combining these focuses on fire and building fire prevention program on
three elements, communities and code implementation and BFP Marikina.
organizations can reduce the risk fire/arson investigation.
of fires and protect lives and (Donahue & Hendershot,
property. 2021


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College of Criminology
SSS Campus, Rainbow St. Conception Uno, Marikina City

Conceptual Framework of the Study

The Input-Process-Output was designed to be used in how this study will be

conducted. Analyzing the conceptual framework, the input is the profile and variables to

be used. The process shows that these inputs could indirectly or directly affect the

assessment the fire prevention program and intervention scheme of BFP Marikina. For

more efficiency in collecting information, a series of searches and questionnaires were

made for collecting the necessary information. The output shows the results and the

outcome of the research which will be laid down for the assessment of the Fire Prevention

Programs and Intervention scheme of BFP Marikina.

1. Demographic Profile of the
1.1 Age;
1.2 Sex;
1.3 Barangay
1.4 No. years in Residency;
Determined the level
2. The level of awareness of Research Survey of awareness of the
the respondents on BFP Respondents on BFP
Marikina fire prevention Data Gathering Procedure –
Fire Prevention
program? Program and
Selected areas of Marikina
Intervention Scheme.
3. What is level the level of
assessment to the BFP Marikina City
fire prevention program?
Data Analysis
4. Is there a significant
correlation that exists level of Data Interpretation
awareness between the fire
prevention program on BFP
Marikina ?


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College of Criminology
SSS Campus, Rainbow St. Conception Uno, Marikina City

Statement of the Problem

This study will be conducted to assess the BFP Marikina's fire prevention program

by applying the intervention scheme in selected area of Marikina City.

Specifically, this study sought to answer the following questions:

1. What is the Demographic profile of the respondents in terms of:

1.1 Age;

1.2 Sex;

1.3 Barangay;

1.4 No. years in Residency;

2. What is the level of awareness of the respondents on BFP Marikina fire prevention


3. What is level the level of assessment to the BFP Marikina fire prevention program?

4. Is there a significant correlation that exists level of awareness between the fire prevention

program on BFP Marikina?


H1: There is no significant relationship that exist between fire prevention program towards intervention


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College of Criminology
SSS Campus, Rainbow St. Conception Uno, Marikina City

Scope and Limitations of the Study

The study will focus on the assessment of respondents on Fire Prevention Program

and Intervention Scheme. This study that was conducted at Barangay`s Concepcion Uno,

Concepcion Dos, Fortune and Santo Niño during the Academic Year 2023-2024.

The study will use a quantitative research design to collect reliable and accurate data that

involves the reduction of phenomena to numerical values. The researchers used survey

questionnaires distributed to BFP personnel and Nangka residence as a study instrument to

collect data.

The researchers want to know how respondents feel about the fire prevention program and

the intervention scheme. The sampling size of the study is 100 respondents affected by the

fire accident at these selected areas; Concepcion Uno, Concepcion Dos, Fortune and Santo


Significance of the Study

The purpose of this study was to provide important knowledge and information

about the selected topic from those who responded, recently published research or

dissertations, and related websites, as follows:

Students. By providing them with valuable information about fire prevention and

safety measures that they can apply in their daily lives. The study can also raise awareness

among students about the importance of fire safety and the role of government agencies

such as the BFP in promoting public safety.

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College of Criminology
SSS Campus, Rainbow St. Conception Uno, Marikina City

Parents. By providing them with important information about the effectiveness of

the BFP's fire prevention program and intervention schemes. The study can also raise

parents' awareness of the importance of teaching their children about fire safety and the

need to take an active role in promoting fire safety in their communities.

Community. By informing community members about the BFP's fire prevention

program and intervention schemes and their effectiveness in promoting public safety. The

study can also raise community awareness about the importance of fire safety measures

and encourage community members to take an active role in promoting fire safety in their


Professors. By contributing to the existing body of knowledge on fire prevention

and safety measures, as well as the effectiveness of government programs and intervention

schemes in promoting public safety. The study can also inform their teaching and research

practices, particularly in the fields of public administration, disaster risk reduction, and

emergency management.

Researchers. By providing new insights and perspectives on the effectiveness of

fire prevention programs and intervention schemes in Marikina City, as well as the

challenges and opportunities encountered in implementing these programs. The study can

also inform future research on fire prevention and safety measures in other contexts and


Future Researchers. By serving as a basis for further research and exploration in

the field of fire prevention and safety measures. The study can also provide future

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College of Criminology
SSS Campus, Rainbow St. Conception Uno, Marikina City

researchers with valuable information about the research methods and approaches used in

the study, as well as the data sources and limitations encountered during the research


Bureau of Fire Personnel. The study of BFP (Bureau of Fire Protection) personnel

in the assessment of BFP Marikina's Fire Prevention Program is significant as their insights

can provide valuable perspectives on the effectiveness of current fire prevention strategies.

Their firsthand experiences and expertise can contribute to a comprehensive evaluation,

forming a basis for implementing targeted intervention schemes to enhance fire prevention

efforts in selected areas of Marikina.

Scope and Limitations of the Study

The study will focus on the assessment of the BFP Marikina`s fire prevention program in

selected areas of Marikina : Basis for intervention schemes Academic Year 2023-2024.

The study will use a quantitative research design to collect reliable and accurate data that

involves the reduction of phenomena to numerical values. The researchers used survey

questionnaires distributed to residence of Barangay`s Concepcion Uno, Concepcion Dos,

Fortune and Santo Niño as a study instrument to collect data.

The researchers want to know how respondents feel about the fire prevention

program and the intervention scheme. The sampling size of the study is 100 respondents

affected by the fire accident in the given data information from BFP Marikina.

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College of Criminology
SSS Campus, Rainbow St. Conception Uno, Marikina City

Definition of Terms

The following terms are operationally defined for a better understanding of the

research study:

Active Fire Protection System. A dormant system that needs to be activated in the

case of a fire to perform its function.

Annual Inspection. Provides an opportunity for an expert to assess your building's

condition, its compliance with regulations and codes and its ability to ensure the health and

safety of visitors, occupants and users of the structure.

Combustion. When fuel reacts with oxygen to release heat energy.

Combustible Substance. Those substances that burn or undergo combustion easily

catch fire.

Destructive Fire. Delivered fire that is only used to burn down tangible things.

Fire and firing are types. the act of attacking an enemy with weapons or artillery.

Evacuation Drills. Evacuate the building immediately on hearing the fire alarm.

Fire Prevention. Proactive method of preventing fire-based emergencies and

reducing the damage caused by them.

Fire Safety Awareness. Management activities undertaken to prevent fires from


Fire Response. The activity taken by the employer at the time of an emergency

incident involving a fire at the worksite, including fire suppression activities carried out by
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SSS Campus, Rainbow St. Conception Uno, Marikina City

internal or external resources or a combination of both, or total or partial employee

evacuation of the area exposed to the fire.

Fire Risk. The Probability that a fire will start. 'Harm potential' and consequences

in terms of loss of life, fire spread, damage, etc. are multiplied by the fire's severity.

Flames. Noun (FIRE) The flames grew larger as the fire spread, spewing a stream

of hot, burning gas from the burning object. The car overturned and caught fire right away

(started burning).

Implementation. The difficulty gauges the potential complexity of implementation

issues based on the unique circumstances that may be connected to a given fire.

Intervention Scheme. Is designed to describe and communicate multidisciplinary

practice, practice that is intended to prevent illness, improve or restore, decrease

deterioration, and/or provide comfort.

Provision. Giving something to someone who needs or wants it is known as making

that something available to them.

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College of Criminology
SSS Campus, Rainbow St. Conception Uno, Marikina City



This chapter covers the study's methodology and research design, participants, tools

to be used, validity and reliability of questionnaires, statistical analyses, data sources, data

analysis techniques, and ethical considerations.

Research Design

The research used a quantitative research approach to gather the necessary data to

collect reliable and accurate information. Experiments and surveys are used as

investigative techniques in quantitative research, and data is gathered using equipment that

produce statistical data (Williams, 2011). Quantitative research is the process of acquiring

and analyzing numerical data. It can be used to find trends and averages, formulate

hypotheses, confirm haphazard relationships, and extrapolate findings to bigger

populations (Bhandari, 2020). To accurately represent the participants in this study, the

researchers also used a descriptive design in conjunction with the survey method's


Population and Sampling

The researchers' data indicate that there are 100 respondents living in on any given

day. The responders are members of the chosen Marikina City Fire Prevention community.

The target participants are the demographic to which researchers want to generalize

the study's findings. A target population, also known as a sampling frame, is a group of

people or organizations with similar characteristics that a researcher can identify and

examine (Creswell, 2013). Purposive sampling was used in the study. When surveying a

difficult-to-reach group, most people use purposeful sampling. The study's researchers

focused on persons who share the same point of view in order to collect the essential
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information and be willing to supply it (Etikan, I., & Bala, K., 2017).

The questionnaire's size or number of respondents was determined via purposeful

research. The researcher selects respondents based on their judgment while keeping the

survey's purpose in mind, according to Showkat and Parveen (2017). The researchers

choose the sampling units subjectively in order to obtain a representative sample from the

population. It is based on the researcher's judgment as to who will produce the most

information in order to ensure the efficacy of the objective inquiry.

Respondents of the Study

This study aims to collect data about the current situation in selected areas which

are Barangay’s Concepcion Uno, Concepcion Dos, Fortune, St. Ni ño Marikina City with

the primary goal is to execute the Fire Intervention scheme of BFP throughout with the

help of community by adhering the Republic Act No. 9514 (An Act Establishing a

comprehensive Fire Code of the Philippines.

Research Instrument

The researchers collected data for the study through the use of survey

questionnaires that they create. The survey questionnaires are validated by a variety of

consulted statistics and criminology instructors and professionals in order to continuously

improve the instrument.

Survey questionnaires will be utilized to collect accurate data and standardized

statistics. It may be A successful way of gathering information for survey research and

testing hypotheses (Kabir, 2016). The tool is a questionnaire that was created by the

individual. It consists of three (3) sections: The first section of the survey questionnaire

asks about the respondent's demographics, including age and employment status. The
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respondents' perceptions of the variables of the Fire Prevention Program and Intervention

Scheme are covered in the second section of the survey questionnaire. The respondents'

perceptions of the variables influencing purchase intention are covered in the survey's final


In order to collect the respondents' evaluations, the researchers also used the Likert

scale in the survey forms. To reduce the error of central tendency, the researchers used a

Likert scale with five possible responses. It was used to collect data on how respondents

felt about the following questions: 1 = Strongly Disagree, 2 = Disagree, 3 = Moderately

Agree 4 = Agree, and 5 = Strongly Agree.

Validity and Reliability

Validity helps researchers to determine whether the survey questions will

appropriate to answer the problem of this study. The questionnaires will go through a

number of validation checks to make sure the study has gathered all the necessary data

regarding the evaluated level of assessment of BFP’s fire prevention program and

Intervention Scheme. According to the panel members' instructions throughout the title

defense, changes to the questionnaires will be made. Before the research tools are presented

to experts and field validators, the adviser reviews them.

Individual experts in the fields of statistics, English, and fire safety will be consulted

as expert validators. After the adviser gave his or her approval, field experts will be

interviewed to assess the survey's consistency or quality and to make sure that the target

respondents can easily understand the questionnaire. The research instruments will be

improved based on the suggestions of the subject-matter specialists. To learn how

respondents, feel about the fire prevention program and intervention plan, the revised and
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validated survey questionnaires will be given to the respondents. The participants were

asked to finish the survey, and they will provide feedback on the clarity of the questions

and the design of the questionnaires.

The Ethical Consideration

The respondents were invited to take part in the research study entitled “Assessment

of the BFP Marikina`s fire prevention program in selected areas of Marikina : Basis for intervention

schemes”. The researchers helped the respondents understand the study before formally

administering the questionnaires. The participants' answers remained private and

anonymous. Data from this study were kept confidential and only presented as a utilized

total. The researchers were the only ones who were aware of each respondent's specific

questionnaire response. Approximately 3-5 minutes were needed to complete the survey

questionnaires for this study. Additionally, the researchers elaborated on inquiries about

informed consent, the prohibition of using inappropriate vocabulary, and voluntary

engagement in order to ensure the successful completion of the research ethical procedures.

The invitation was open for acceptance or rejection by the respondents. The consent form

had to be filled out by participants who chose to participate as confirmation of their

decision. The information, including the consent, will be removed if the respondents

withdraw from the study prior to the data collection is finished. This will not affect the

researcher's connection with the respondents.

Data Gathering Procedure

To gather data, the researchers sent survey questionnaires through actual and face-

to- face interaction. The questionnaires will be conducted personally to the selected

respondents, the residents of Barangay`s Concepcion Uno, Concepcion Dos, Fortune and
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Santo Niño Marikina City to determine their profile and the level of their assessment of

BFP’s Fire Prevention Program and Intervention Scheme.

Frequency Count is the total number of occurrences or the measure of the number

of individuals who fit into a certain category. It represents the scores obtained by grouping

the obtained responses from respondents into specific items. It was used to conveniently

present the demographic profile of the respondents, which are Barangay’s Concepcion

Uno, Concepcion Dos, Fortune, St. Niño Marikina City.

Statistical Treatment of Data

The data analysis shows the various statistical techniques used to analyze the

number-based data. The researchers used the descriptive statistics method to provide

summary statistics about the sample and measure the data. Specifically, the researchers

measured the central tendency to determine the single value as a representation of an entire

set of data and provide an accurate description.

Percentage refers to any proportion in relation to the whole. It was used to

represent the percentage of demographic profile of the respondents. Using the frequency

count, the percentage will be computed using the formula below:

Percentage = x 100
where: x = frequency

N = total number of cases

Mean is the average of a set of values. As mentioned above, it is one of the

measures of central tendency, which summarizes an entire dataset with a single number

representing the data's center point.

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Standard Deviation is a statistic that represents the dispersion of a dataset

compared to its mean and is calculated as the square root of the variance. The standard

deviation is calculated as the square root of variance by determining each data point's

departure relative to the mean. The standard deviation formula for a frequency distribution

is shown below.

SD = standardDeviation

Σ fM = sum of frequency times the midpoint

Σ fM2 = sum of the midpoint squared times the frequency

N = total numbers of cases

Likert Scale is a rating scale that was used to determine the level of assessment of BFP’s

fire prevention program and intervention scheme, and to furtherly identify its verbal

interpretation. It was used to collect data on how respondents felt about the following


1 = Strongly Disagree, 2 = Disagree, 3 = Moderately Agree 4 = Agree, and 5 = Strongly


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Table 2. Five-point Likert Scale Range and Interpretation

Scale Range Descriptive Rating

4.21 – 5.00 Strongly Agree

3.41– 4.20 Agree

2.61 – 3.40 Moderately Agree

1.81 – 2.60 Disagree

1.00 – 1.80 Strongly Disagree

Pearson Correlation Coefficient is used to quantify the strength of a relationship

between two variables. There are various forms of correlation coefficients, but Pearson's is

the most commonly used. Pearson's correlation coefficient (affectionately referred to as

Pearson's R) is a correlation coefficient that is frequently employed in linear regression.

All of the gathered and analyzed data were synthesized to come up with the assessment of

the BFP’s fire prevention program and intervention scheme.

r = correlation coefficient

xi = values of the x-variable in a sample

x = mean of the values of the x-variable

Yi = values of the y-variable in a sample

y = mean of the values of the y-variable

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This chapter will show the tabular data gathered from the survey questionnaire of

respondents of the study and will discuss why each of the tabular data was the result. In

this chapter, an attempt is made to present research methods and samples of the study,

including tools of data collection, interpretive guidelines, and statistical treatments.

The researchers distributed One Hundred (100) survey questionnaires through face to face

which were answered by the respondents. The respondents have also been given the

assurance that the data they gave were used for the research and their identities were

considered confidential.

Age Frequency Percentage

18 - 25 73 73%

26 - 35 18 18%

36 - 45 7 7%

46 and above 2 2%

100 100%

As shown in the Table 1. Frequency and percentage of the age of the respondents,

73 respondents (73%) where the age range where from 18 – 25 years old; 18 respondents

(18%) where the age range were from 26 – 35 years old ; 7 respondents with (7%) where

the age range were from 36 – 45 years old; 2 respondents with (2%) where the age range

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were from the 16 and above. Overall, the group respondents age from 18 -25 years old are

the most likely know about the BFP Marikina Fire prevention program.

Table 1.2

Gender Frequency Percentage

Male 50 50%

Female 50 50%

Table 1.2 Shown Frequency and Percentage of the sex of the respondents, 50

individual respondents with (50%) were the male 50 individual respondents (50%) were

female. Therefore, the majority of the respondents in this research are female and male.

Table 1.3

Barangay Frequency Percentage

Conception Uno 33 33%

Conception Dos 23 23%

Fortune 27 27%

Sto. Niño 17 17%

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Presented in Table 3, Frequency and percentage of the Barangay’s of the

respondents Data shows that majority of 33 respondents in Barangay. Conception Uno with

(33%), 23 respondents in Barangay Conception Dos with (23%), 27 respondents in

Barangay Fortune with (27%), 17 respondents in Barangay Sto. Niño with (17%), based

on the BFP Marikina Central a data information, this selected area of each Barangay in

Marikina City has the high rate of fire incident.

Table 1.4

No. of years in Residency Frequency Percentage

Below 1 year 8 8%

2 – 10 years 36 36%

11 years and above 56 56%

Presented in Table 1.4, the No. of years in residency of the respondents shows

that Below 1 year is the lowest frequency (8) and percentage (8%) of fire incident then

the highest frequency (56) and percentage (56%) is 11 years and above has the high rate

of fire incident.

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Table 1.5 Knowledge

Questions Weighted Verbal

Mean Interpretation
Q1. I have the knowledge about the Fire Code of the Philippines. ( 3.83 AGREE
Mayroon akong kaalaman tungkol sa Fire Code of the Philippines. )
Q2. In the event of a fire, I am confidently in my ability to respond 4.10 AGREE
appropriately. ( Kung sakaling magkaroon ng sunog, may tiwala ako sa
aking kakayahang tumugon nang naaangkop. )
Q3. I am confident in my ability to use fire safety equipment such as Fire 4.03 AGREE
Alarms, Fire Extinguishers. ( Ako ay may tiwala sa aking kakayahang
gumamit ng mga kagamitan sa kaligtasan ng sunog tulad ng mga Fire
Alarm, Fire Extinguisher. )
Q4. I am aware of the seminars of training provided by BFP for the 3.97 AGREE
community. ( Batid ko ang mga seminar ng pagsasanay na ibinigay ng
BFP para sa komunidad. )
Q5. I can significantly reduce the risk of fire a occuring. ( Mababawasan 4.10 AGREE
ko nang malaki ang panganib na magkaroon ng sunog. )
Grand Mean 4.01 AGREE

Presented in Table 1.5, the Awareness of the respondents in terms of

knowledge. The data shows that the respondents are agree (x=4.10) is the highest mean in

terms of confidently responding to reduce the risk of a fire. Followed by, the respondents

are agreed (x=4.03) in terms of using the fire safety equipment. Next is the respondents are

agreed (x=3.97) in terms of their awareness. Lastly the respondents are agreed (x=3.83) in

terms of their understanding about the fire code of the Philippines.

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Table 1.6 Safety Program

Questions Weighted Verbal

Mean Interpretation
Q1. Fire departments are complete with firefighting equipment ( Ang mga 4.33 STRONGLY
kagawaran ng bumbero ay kumpleto sa mga kagamitan sa paglaban sa AGREE
sunog )
Q2. Fire safety inspections are being done prior to the issuance of 4.37 STRONGLY
permits/licenses. ( Ang mga inspeksyon sa kaligtasan ng sunog ay AGREE
ginagawa bago ang pag-iisyu ng mga permit/lisensya. )
Q.3 3. Fire department personnel have undergone rigorous firefighting 4.52 STRONGLY
training. ( Ang mga tauhan ng kagawaran ng bumbero ay sumailalim sa AGREE
mahigpit na pagsasanay sa paglaban sa sunog. )
Q.4 Fire hydrants are installed conspicuous places. ( Ang mga fire hydrant 3.53 AGREE
ay nakakabit ng mga kapansin-pansing lugar. )
Q.5 5. The community equipped with functional fire alarms and detectors 4.25 STRONGLY
for possible fire incident. ( Nilagyan ang komunidad ng mga functional AGREE
fire alarm at detector para sa posibleng insidente ng sunog. )


Presented in Table 1.6, Mean summary of the awareness of the respondents in terms

of safety program. The data shows that the majority of the respondents are strongly agree

(x = 4.5) in terms of safety program the personnel have undergone in firefighting training.

Followed by the respondents are strongly agree (x = 4.37) in terms of safety program the

fire department personnel have a inspection are being done prior to the issuance of permit

licenses. Also most of the respondents are strongly agree (x = 4.33) in terms of safety

program fire department are provided with firefighting equipment. Next, the respondents

are strongly agree (x = 4.25) in terms of safety program the community equipped with

functional fire alarms and detectors for possible fire incident. Lastly, the respondents are

agree (x = 3.53) in terms of safety program does fire fie hydrant are installed conspicuous

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places. Overall, the grand mean is 4.02 with the verbal interpretation that majority of the

respondents agree. This most likely means that the respondents understand the level of

assessment of the BFP Marikina Fire Prevention Program.

Table 1.7 Skills

Questions Weighted Verbal

Mean Interpretation
Q.1 1. BFP motivating the community to have significant skills to 4.33 STRONGLY
prevent and also respond to fire. ( BFP na nag-uudyok sa komunidad AGREE
na magkaroon ng makabuluhang kakayahan para maiwasan at tumugon
din sa sunog. )
Q2. BFP trains significant community members of barangay personnel 4.37 STRONGLY
to be first respondents in case of fire. ( Sinasanay ng BFP ang mga AGREE
makabuluhang miyembro ng komunidad ng mga tauhan ng barangay
na maging unang respondante sakaling magkaroon ng sunog. )
Q3. I know the BFP emergency contact numbers. ( Alam ko ang mga 4.52 STRONGLY
emergency contact number ng BFP. ) AGREE
Q4. I received any fire safety training and practices in my community 3.53 AGREE
from BFP. ( Nakatanggap ako ng anumang pagsasanay at kasanayan sa
kaligtasan ng sunog sa aking komunidad mula sa BFP. )
Q5. Fire drills are being done in the community every month by the 4.25 STRONGLY
bfp personnels.. ( Ang mga fire drill ay ginagawa sa komunidad kada AGREE
buwan ng mga tauhan ng bfp. )
4.04 AGREE

Presented in Table 1.7, Means summary of the awareness of the respondents in

terms of skills period the data shows that majority of the respondents are strongly agree (x

= 4.52) in terms of skills knowing the BFP emergency contact numbers. Followed by the

respondents are strongly agree (x = 4.37) in terms of skills the BFP trains significant

community members of barangay personnel to be the first respondents incase of fire

incident. Almost of the respondents are strongly

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agree (x = 4.33) in terms of skills in motivating the community to have significant skills to

prevent and also respond to fire. The next one, the respondents are strongly agree (x = 4.25)

in terms of skills fire drills are being done in the community every month by the BFP

personnels. Lastly, the respondents are agree (x = 3.53) in terms skills inn fire safety

training and practices in the community from BFP. Overall, the grand mean is 4.02 with

the verbal interpretation that majority of the respondents agree. This most likely means that

the respondents understand the level of assessment of the BFP Marikina Fire prevention


Table 1.8 Overall relationship of the BFP Marikina`s fire prevention program in selected

areas of Marikina : basis for intervention schemes

Pearson`s Verbal Critical Computed Decision Conclusion

r Interpretation Value Value

0.7279 Strong 0.1966 10.51 Reject There is no

Correlation hypothesis significant


Pearson’s is equal to 0.7279 which suggest a strong correlation, Since the computed value

of 10.51 is greater than the Critical value of 0.1966 therefore we reject the null hypothesis.

We conclude that there is no significant relationship between the value of awareness and

level of assessment on the BFP programs.

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With reference to the summary of findings and implications of the study, the

following are the recommendations suggested by the researchers of this study.

As regards to demographic profile of the respondents, the researchers found out that:

1.1 Majority of the respondents, 73 respondents (73%) where the age range where from 18

– 25 years old; 18 respondents (18%) where the age range were from 26 – 35 years old ; 7

respondents with (7%) where the age range were from 36 – 45 years old; 2 respondents

with (2%) where the age range were from the 16 and above. Overall, the group respondents

age from 18 -25 years old are the most likely know about the BFP Marikina Fire prevention


1.2 50 individual respondents with (50%) were the male 50 individual respondents (50%)

were female. Therefore, the majority of the respondents in this research are female and


1.3 Majority of the respondents Data shows that majority of 33 respondents in Barangay.

Conception Uno with (33%), 23 respondents in Barangay Conception Dos with (23%), 27

respondents in Barangay Fortune with (27%), 17 respondents in Barangay Sto. Niño with

(17%), based on the BFP Marikina Central a data information, this selected area of each

Barangay in Marikina City has the high rate of fire incident.

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1.4 Majority of the No. of years in residency of the respondents shows that Below 1 year

is the lowest frequency (8) and percentage (8%) of fire incident then the highest frequency

(56) and percentage (56%) is 11 years and above has the high rate of fire incident.

1.5 Majority of the respondents in terms of knowledge. The data shows that the respondents

are agree (x=4.10) is the highest mean in terms of confidently responding to reduce the risk

of a fire. Followed by, the respondents are agreed (x=4.03) in terms of using the fire safety

equipment. Next is the respondents are agreed (x=3.97) in terms of their awareness. Lastly

the respondents are agreed (x=3.83) in terms of their understanding about the fire code of

the Philippines.

1.6 Majority of the awareness of the respondents in terms of safety program. The data

shows that the majority of the respondents are strongly agree (x = 4.5) in terms of safety

program the personnel have undergone in firefighting training. Followed by the

respondents are strongly agree (x = 4.37) in terms of safety program the fire department

personnel have a inspection are being done prior to the issuance of permit licenses. Also

most of the respondents are strongly agree (x = 4.33) in terms of safety program fire

department are provided with firefighting equipment. Next, the respondents are strongly

agree (x = 4.25) in terms of safety program the community equipped with functional fire

alarms and detectors for possible fire incident. Lastly, the respondents are agree (x = 3.53)

in terms of safety program does fire fie hydrant are installed conspicuous

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places. Overall, the grand mean is 4.02 with the verbal interpretation that majority of the

respondents agree. This most likely means that the respondents understand the level of

assessment of the BFP Marikina Fire prevention Program.

1.7 Majority of the awareness of the respondents in terms of skills period the data

shows that majority of the respondents are strongly agree (x = 4.52) in terms of skills

knowing the BFP emergency contact numbers. Followed by the respondents are strongly

agree (x = 4.37) in terms of skills the BFP trains significant community members of

barangay personnel to be the first respondents incase of fire incident. Almost of the

respondents are strongly agree (x = 4.33) in terms of skills in motivating the community to

have significant skills to prevent and also respond to fire. The next one, the respondents are

strongly agree (x = 4.25) in terms of skills fire drills are being done in the community every

month by the BFP personnels. Lastly, the respondents are agree (x = 3.53) in terms skills

inn fire safety training and practices in the community from BFP. Overall, the grand mean

is 4.02 with the verbal interpretation that majority of the respondents agree. This most likely

means that the respondents understand the level of assessment of the BFP Marikina Fire

prevention Program.

1.8 Pearson’s is equal to 0.7279 which suggest a strong correlation, Since the computed

value of 10.51 is greater than the Critical value of 0.1966 therefore we reject the null

hypothesis. We conclude that there is no significant relationship between the value of

awareness and level of assessment on the BFP programs.

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With regards of the respondents are aware of fundamental fire safety measures,

such as having smoke detectors and fire extinguishers in their houses. There is room for

improvement in evacuation plans: While the majority of respondents indicated having an

evacuation plan in place, it was highlighted that there is a need for additional education and

preparedness. Many responders were unsure about what to do in the event of a fire.

The survey results underscore the importance of providing the general people with

fire safety education and training. Respondents expressed a willingness to learn more about

fire prevention and preparedness, emphasizing the importance of easily accessible

information and training programs. Overall, the study identifies both positive features, such

as general fire safety knowledge, and areas that require additional attention, such as

education, training enhancing the intervention schemes and continue the recent program so

the community will be inform and knowledgeable. Taking these findings into account can

help guide future activities aimed at improving community fire safety.


The researchers make an intention to educate everyone in the community about fire

safety and prevention by launching a public awareness campaign. To attain a larger

audience, use a range of mediums such as posters, pamphlets, social media, and public

service announcements. Make a deliberate effort to educate the general people about fire

safety and prevention by launching a community awareness campaign. To reach a larger

audience, use a range of mediums such as posters, pamphlets, social media, and public

service announcements.

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The researchers suggest organize fire safety workshops and training sessions in

collaboration with local communities, institutions of learning, and organizations. These

courses may address topics such as fire safety, basic firefighting methods, and evacuation


The researchers want to encourage future researchers to work with local

governments and the community to improve fire infrastructure, such as developing fire

hydrants, suitable fire escapes, and adequate firefighting equipment. To ensure their

efficacy, these facilities must be maintained and updated on a regular basis.

Create an emergency response strategy: Develop a comprehensive emergency

response plan in coordination with other relevant government agencies and local

responders. Conduct regular exercises and simulations to assess the success of the plan and

identify areas for improvement.

The researchers might like to recommend to the future researcher make fire safety

education in Community: Work with educational institutions to incorporate fire safety

education into their educational programs. Teach youngsters about the hazards of fire, how

to avoid them, and what to do if a fire occurs.

The researchers suggest regularly monitor and evaluate the effectiveness of the fire

prevention program. Data on fires, response times, and public awareness levels should be

gathered and examined. Use this information to make necessary software changes and


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