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Prefixes Prefixes are syllables which we add before certain words to form new words. The meaning of the new word depends on the prefix that has been used. anti- = against (antisocial) two (biannual) in the opposite direction (counterview) ex: = previous, former (ex-president) inter- = between (interstate) mis- = done wrongly or badly (misbehave) mono- = one (monolingual) multi- = many (malticulture) jot (non-active) more, better (outsmart) (done) to a great extent (oversleep) pre- = before (preschool) pro- = in favour of (proactive) re- = again (rename) half (semi-final) - = under, less (submerge) Super- = big, more (superpower) trans- = (travel) from one side, group, etc, to another (transatlantic) tri- = three (triathlon) under- = not enough (underdeveloped) uni- = one (unicycle) The prefixes below are used to express opposite meanings. de- destabilise, dehydration dis- disagree, dislike in- inactive, inexcusable BUT il- (before 1 illogical im- (before b, m, p) impossible, immoral ir- (before r) irreplaceable BUT unrealistic, unreliable non- non-stop, non-smoker un- unkind, uninvited ‘Some prefixes are added to words to form verbs. en- circle - encircle BUT em- (before b, m, p) brace - embrace Suffixes Suffixes are syllables which we add to the end of certain words to form new words. * Nouns referring to people © verb + -er/-or/-ar writer, edit - editor, lie - liar) * noun/verbjadjective + -ist (violin - violinist, Pacity ~ pacifist, active - activist) verb + -ant/-ent (defend - defendant, study - student) oun + -ian (comedy ~ comedian) Verb + -ee (passive meaning) (interview — interviewee) + Nouns formed from verbs -age break — breakage -al refuse - refusal -ance attend - attendance -ation demonstrate - demonstration -ence prefer - preference -ion predict - prediction -ment develop - development -sion admit - admission (verbs ending in -d/-t) -sis analyse - analysis -tion produce - production -ure press — pressure -y unite - unity + Nouns formed from adjectives ance arrogant - arrogance -¢y efficient - efficiency ence violent - violence sion direct - direction -iness nosy — nosiness hess weak - weakness sity curious - curiosity ty loyal — laity +y difficult - ditficulty * Adjectives formed from nouns -ous danger — dangerous -al tradition - traditional -ic alcohol - alcoholic -ical alphabet - alphabetical -ish self selfish -live secret - secretive -ful (with) success — successful -less (without) effort - effortless -able fashion — fashionable +y rain - rainy sly man - manly * Adjectives formed from verbs -able enjoy — enjoyable -ible respond - responsible (verbs ending in -d/-t) -ive protect - protective -ate consider — considerate ent indulge — indulgent + Verbs formed from adjectives en hard - harden -lse special - specialise * Verbs formed from nouns -en length — lengthen -ify note — notify Scanned with CamScanner Fill in the correct form of the words in bold forming nouns referring to people. Paul was offered a position as an editor at the local news station, (edit) Jacob was one of the in the singing competition. (final) She has been an animal rights ... for the past 10 years. (active) Adam Sandler is a great ... lenjoy watching his films. (comedy) Working as a farm .. 0 can be very difficult and tiring. (labour) The business owner asked the _ about her previous work experience. (interview) Fill in the correct form of the words in bold forming nouns from verbs. Emily accepted William's marriage proposal. (propose) | couldn’t check my email because | had a bad Internet ... seeeee « (Connect) George is thinking of changing ....... and becoming a teacher. (occupy) The writer made a few book before it was published. (alter) At the end of the school year, many students are under .....-.-..++ to study for final exams. (press) Did your parents give you .. to go on the school trip? (permit) to the Fill in the correct form of the words in bold forming nouns from adjectives. Celebrities do not have a lot of privacy as they are followed by paparazzi. (private) She has a natural ... soe for how things work. (curious) Elizabeth has a bad sense of and always gets lost. (direct) Students should know the of having a good night's sleep before an exam. (important) James has a... +» for chocolate. (weak) Wearing a seat belt is one of the basic rules in road .. (safe) Fill in the correct form of the words in bold forming adjectives from nouns. Heavy snowfall can cause dangerous driving conditions. (danger) tis... ... for our family to eat turkey and pumpkin pie on Thanksgiving. (tradition) Bill was ..... w+. with his school notes and lost them on the way home. (care) Elizabeth is very .; She never talks about her personal life to anyone. (secret) Victoria goes to Paris every year to shop for the latest trends; she is a very ... person. (fashion) Teen Trends is a MEW sseessseee magazine for teenagers. (week) Fill in the correct form of the words in bold forming adjectives from verbs. | can always count on Kate to help me out; she is very reliable. (rely) My mum is the most -- person | know; she’s always kind and helpful. (consider) Most students find art class to be very ... (enjoy) My father and uncle have very ... views when it comes to politics. (differ) Alex is very .... .. of his younger sister. (protect) Stella looks very (attract) in that outfit. Fill in the correct form of the words in bold forming opposites from the words given. Peter is illiterate and needs help when asked to sign papers. (literate) Her comments were .. to the discussion in history class. (relevant) My parents taught me never to show on ... for my elders. (respect) Can you stop being s0 .. se and wait a few minutes? (patient) Jack was . to play football after his leg injury. (able) Itis «1» for someone to drive without a licence. (legal) MODULE 1 Scanned with CamScanner 35 Prepositions | [absent from (adi) amazed at/by sth (adj) ask sb for sth (BUT ask sb a A according to (prep) angry at/with sb for (doing) sth (adj)| question) (v) | accuse sb of (doing) sth (v) annoyed about sth (adj) astonished at/by sth (adj) | advantage of (n) annoyed with sb for doing sth (adj) | aware of sth (adj) advice on/against (n) | anxious about sth (adj) arrive at a small place | afraid of sb/sth (adj) apologise to sb for (doing) sth (v) | (BUT arrive home) (v) jagree about/to/on sth (v) apply to sb for sth (v) arrive in a big place (v) | agree with sb (v) argue with sb about sth (v) ashamed of sb/sth (adj) _aim at sb/sth (V) scene 8 aia a 1 | bad at sth (adi) blame sb/sth for sth (v) borrow sth from sb (v) ban sb from sth (v) (put the) blame on sb/sth (n) brilliant at sth (adj) | begin with (v) boast about/of (v) bump into sb/sth (v) | believe in sth (v) bored with sth (adj) busy with (adj) | belong to sb (v) neh | alta the coireet prepetition; Word Formation # of # to (x2) * with (x2) * for * from + in Mum gets annoyed when | argue brother about sports. Does this briefcase belon: 5 Mattie is afraid spiders; she screams every time she sees one. Don't blame Kim ..... .. telling me what happened; | deserve to know. Jim apologised .............. Scott for taking his bike without asking. Most fairy tales begin ......... “Once upon a time”. | borrowed this laptop .... Brenda. We will call you once we arrive Lisbon. Underline the correct preposition. Don’t take advantage with/of Victor because he’s so caring. 1am annoyed to/with you for leaving me alone at the party. Once he arrived at/in the airport, Rick bought a ticket to France. It is important to always believe for/in yourself. Alice was astonished by/with the boys’ rude remarks. They didn’t ask Patty to play because she’s bad at/ with sports, Tamara boasts about/at how beautifully she sings. I'm bored about/with the same routine day after day. The students were anxious for/about their final exams. Fill in the correct form of the words in bold forming adjectives from nouns. What | like about his paintings is that they’re bright and . . COLOUR Sit down and make yoursel COMFORT The campers were lost and .... in the middle of the dark forest. HELP Stonehenge is one of the world’s most .... places. MYSTERY Tom jogs, plays tennis and swims twice a week; he has a very festyle. ACT Don’t forget to be at the office at 9:00 am for our .». Meeting. WEEK The boy is so saved his little sister from the fir + he . COURAGE Lisa wants to be a dancer when she grows up. PROFESSION George doesn’t have the necessary +++ Qualifications for the job. ACADEMY Riding your bike in the middle of a busy road is a ‘ ++ thing to do, FOOL MODULE 1 39 Scanned with CamScanner Prepositions II []Gin)eapable of sth (adi) choice between/ot (n) confused about/by (adj) | | care about sb/sth (v) clever at (BUT clever of sb to do sth) (adj)| a connection between two | | care for sb/sth (= look after/like) (¥) | close to (adj) things (phr) | | take care of (= look after) (phr) come from (v) | consist of (v) ‘careful about/of/with (adj) communicate with (v) contact with sb/sth ( contact careless about/with (adj) compare sth/sb to sth/sb else between two things) (n) cause of (n) (= show the likeness between) (v) cope with (v) ‘certain of (adj) compare sth/sb with sth/sb else cover in/with (v) c | change sth for sth (= exchange one (= examine people or things to find crash into (v) thing for another) (v) similarities and differences) (v) crazy about (adj) change into (v) nothing can compare with crowded with (people, etc) (adj) characteristic of (n/adj) (= nothing is as good as sth) (phr) cruel to (adj) charge sb for (= ask sb to pay) (v) complain to sb about sth/sb (v) cure for (n) charge sb with (= accuse sb of) (v) concentrate on sth (v) curious about (adj) : check for (v) Choose the correct preposition. We've lost contact with/between Carl since he moved to Brighton. The hotel lobby was crowded with/from news reporters and cameramen. William wasn't careful and crashed to/into a telephone pole. Ben is confused with/about what career path to take. Nothing can compare for/with a glass of iced tea ona hot summer day. The police charged the man with/for theft. The green caterpillar has changed for/into a colourful butterfly. The doctors and nurses at the hospital took care about/of the injured boy. Fill in the correct preposition. *on * about (x2) * at * with (x2) ° of It's no use complaining e weather; we can’t do anything to change it. Stephen is very Clever .........+++. fixing things. Don’t leave now! Aren’t you curious a how the film ends? Jason finds it quite difficult to cope ..... that extra work. Mobile phones offer an easy way to communicate ones .. others. George is perfectly capable after his little brother. .. Let me be the first to congratulate you your wedding. + all looking 3 congratulate sb on (doing) sth (v) | Word Formation Fill in the correct form of the words in bold forming nouns from verbs. The wheel has to be the greatest..... of all time. INVENT After several hours of talks, the committee reached an.. . - AGREE They paid a lot of money for the..... of their living room. DECORATE Harold and Sylvia won first place in yesterday's dance - COMPETE Young children need to learn the .. between right and wrong. DIFFER James Cameron is a well-known writer and film . DIRECT After five years at the company, Sue finally got a ss » PROMOTE Wendy and Fred are expecting the . .. of their first child. ARRIVE The actors gave a great theatrical .. . PERFORM Rita has accepted Ryan’s marriage on . » PROPOSE What a lovely .. we are having! CONVERSE The teacher welcomed Mary, the new ., to the class. STUDY MoouLe 2 51 Scanned with CamScanner Prepositions Ill damage to (n) deal with (v) decide on/against (v) (take) delight in doing sth (n) delighted with sth (adj) demand for (n) ‘depart from (v) departure from (n) depend on sb/sth (v) engaged to sb (adi) describe sb/sth to sb else (v) description of (n) die of/from (an illness) (v) die in an accident (v) difference between two things (n) different from/to sb/sth (adj) disadvantage of (n) disagree with (v) disappointed with sth (adj) excellent at sth (adj) discuss sth with sb (v) discussion about/on (n) dissatisfied with (adj) divide sth into (v) dream about sb/sth (v) dream of being/doing sth (= imagine) (v) dressed in (adi) drive into sb/sth (v) experienced in (adj) enthusiastic about (adj) exchange sth for sth else (v) explain sth to sb (v) E ‘envious of (adj) excited about (adj) escape from (v) ‘excuse for (n) fail to do sth (v) famous for sth (adj) (un)friendly to sb (adj) failure in an exam (n) fed up with sth (adj) frightened of sb/sth (adj) | FE |fatlin(n) fond of sb/sth (adj) full of sth (adj) ’ | familiar to sb (adj) (= known to sb) forget about (v) furious with sb about/at sth (adj) familiar with (adj) (= have knowledge of) | forgive sb for sth (v) furious with sb for doing sth (adj) do sth) (adi) good at sth (adi) 1 Choose the correct preposition. N= young at/in an accident. wb without his permission. 6 They had a long discussion for/about the future of the company. 7 The kids are very enthusiastic about/for visiting Disneyland next week. 2 Fill in the correct preposition. about ¢ at * with of (x3) 1 She got fed up .....+ and left. 2 It was very generous ......... theatre tickets. 3 He felt guilty 4 Sheisexcellent the burglar. 6 Bethis really fond ......... generous to sb (BUT generous of sb to | good to sb (BUT good of sb to do sth) (adj) Grateful to sb for sth (adj) guilty of/about doing sth (adj) =a} Mary got engaged with/to Jim last month. Are you familiar with/in this new software? 3 I've never met my grandfather, as he died very Joe is really good with/at playing the trumpet. Dad was furious with Ben for/about using the car 2. Paul loves animals and really enjoys his job as a waiting for him in the rain you to pay for the 6 The game was interrupted when a .. forgetting her birthday again. herjob and gota promotion. 5 The eyewitness gave a detailed description ......... modern dance. Word Formation 3 Fill in the correct form of the words in bold forming nouns referring to people. 1 All company . we have to notify the manager if they intend to be away from work for any reason. EMPLOY dog... ae TRAIN 3 It took him years of hard work and practice to become a professional .. MUSIC 4 Thelocal.... are complaining about the lack of recycling facilities. RESIDE 5 The..... .». Who gives the most correct answers will be the winner of the quiz. CONTEST .. threw. something on onto the field. SPECTATE 7 Why don't you call an .. to repair your broken cooker? ELECTRICITY 8 A... .. Stopped me in the street and asked for directions to the tube station. TOUR MODULE3 42 Scanned with CamScanner Prepositions IV happen to sb/sth (v) hear about (v) (= be told) hope for (v) | happy about/with/for (adj) hear from (v) (= receive a letter) (no) hope of (n) | H harmful to (adj) hear of (v) (= learn that sb or sth hopeless at (adj) head for (v) exists) [| identical to (adi increase in (n) interest in (n) | ignorant of about (adj) independent of/from (adj) interested in (adj) j iN with (adj) indifferent to (adj) interfere in/with (v) [| impatient with (adi) information about/on (n) introduce sb to sb (v) impressed by/with (adi) insist on (v) invitation to (n) (make an) impression on sb (n) intent on (adj) invite sb to (v) incapable of (adj) (have no) intention of (n) irritated by (adj) jealous of (adi) joke about (v) keen on (adi) (be) kind to sb (BUT kind of sb to_| know about/of (v) K do sth (adj) knowledge of (n) 2 | keen to do sth (v) 6 Fill in the correct preposition. * about * in (x2) *on eat eof ° for ‘The man insisted ........ carrying the lady's baggage all the way to the hotel. Suzie got upset when her classmates joked her appearance. Are you interested ............ fashion? I've got free tickets for the fashion show in Battersea. They hopped on a bus and headed ............ the City centre to join the carnival parade. There has been a dramatic increase ..... unemployment over the last few years. My brother is hopeless . Sports. Alexis was jealous ............ her sister when she was a child. Underline the correct preposition. Have you heard of/from James lately? I think Andrew’s girlfriend made a good impression to/on his parents. The twins are identical to/at each other, so much so that | cannot tell them apart. Could you give me some information for/about bus timetables, please? Are you not aware that too much sugar can be harmful to/on your teeth? Jack is hoping of/for a promotion next year, I wasn’t too keen to/on going to the art exhibition so | stayed home instead. Word Formation Fill in the correct form of the words in bold forming adjectives from verbs. Although both sculptures are by the same artist, they are .. + in style. DIFFER We spent a relaxing and ....... evening at home last night. ENJOY Itis not ... .... to smoke in public places any more. ACCEPT Most of the time, his lectures were boring and ones +» REPEAT Unfortunately, the information you gave me was not very ...... wees USE He made a... . attempt at scoring the winning goal for his team. SUCCEED Recycling is a helping our planet. SIGNIFY Tom’s news of his promotion was really ... EXCITE The company has sent me a apology. WRITE The children felt ..... to bed early, SLEEP What I like about Peter’s ideas is that they're always fresh and ..... seseee CREATE The beach is not... ss from the main road; we'll have to take a boat. ACCESS step towards + and went MODULE 4 Scanned with CamScanner 81

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