Speech - Permana Agung - Poltekkes Kemenkes Makassar

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Name : Permana Agung

Institution : Poltekkes Kemenkes Makassar


The Honourable the adjudicaters

The Honourable the committees of The 3rd Stikes Banyuwangi English Competition

And all of my beloved ladies and gentleman

Assalamualaikum Warahmatullahi Wabarakatuh

First of all let us to thank to Allah SWT because of the blessing of this grace
we can gather in this glorious place.

Secondly, don’t forget we send Sholawat and Salam to our prophet

Muhammad SAW., who has brought us from the darkness to the brightness.

Ladies and Gentleman

I’m standing in here, I want to deliver my speech under the title “ Using
Digital Technology During Covid-19 “. Once again “ Using Digital Technology
During Covid-19 “. But before that, let me introduce my self my name is Permana
Agung and I’m from Poltekkes Kemenkes Makassar.

Ladies and Gentleman

For the first, I want to say welcome to the new world, welcome to the new
perspective and welcome to new adaptation habits. Now, there is a small, powerful
army coming up to attack the world. The army’s called "Covid-19". My Indonesia
are not okay. Tears everywhere and hope hovered. There are two biggest possible
events. Covid-19 takes out humans or humans takes out Covid-19. But it’s hard to
eliminate each other, because the best way is to live together.

Ladies and Gentleman

This situation makes all activities limited or we can only do activities at
home. Like us as students, everything is done online and everything is done at
home. So that, learning from home has changed the learning media used, which
used to use books, now to search for assignment references, all you have to do is
type a few letters on laptops, computers, and cellphones, and then various ebooks
appear on the internet. Those who used to have to collect assignments on campus,
now only need to use applications such as classroom, google drive, email, and
etcetera. In the past, the learning process was face-to-face in class, now only
through the virtual by using applications such as zoom, google meet, and etcetera.

Ladies and Gentleman

However, we as students are agents of change by using the pandemic as a

reason not to become qualified human beings. The development of technology,
especially digital technology, is actually a solution for our activities and become
more active as students. We can see, as stated by Santitarn Sathirathai, Group Chief
Economist of the global consumer internet company at Singapore, Sea said that “It's
just you have probably heard before, Covid-19 is really a great accelerator. It has
really helped accelerate digital transformation which has been talked about for
years, and nearly 70,000 young people in ASEAN took the survey and 87% of them
said they increased their use of at least one digital technology during the pandemic.
Meanwhile, regarding the digital technology they use, there are various applications
that they use, but there are four of the most popular, namely social media
applications, online education, online shopping and virtual meetings.

Ladies and Gentleman

Therefore, we have been able to prove that Covid-19 is not a barrier for us
to become quality human beings and not a barrier for us to develop, while we can
make new adaptations by using digital technology according to its development.
So, I’m Permana Agung propose all of you to continue to take advantage of this
change by using digital technology so that we can be as qualified human.

Ladies and Gentleman

So, I think that’s all from me. I’m sorry if I had a mistake and thank you for
your attention.

Wassalamualaikum Warahmatullahi Wabarakatuh

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