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SANKALP Receipts expenditure Statement: 29.02.

(Rs. In Cr.)
Sanctioned Amount Received Incurred Exp. Balance

|Institutional Strengthening at the National and State Levels for Planning,
Deliversing, and Monitoring High-quality Market Relevant Training

Activities related to development of DSDP and SSDP Deployment of District and

A.1 State Resources through hiring of services for PMCA/PMU planning. Delivery
9.7300 9./300 95157 .21431
and monitoring of SANKALP project

A.2 Activities related to collection and reporting of data

2.9400 2.9400 2896 2 6504

A.3 Entrepreneruship Development Program 3600 .3600 1107 2493:

Total A
13.0300 13.0300 9.9160 3.1140

B Improved Quality and Market Revevance of Skill Development Programmes

Activities to increase share of Youth cohort (16-25) completing SD programmes
IEC & awareness campS .2500 .2500 2500 .0000

Activities to increase share of trainees placed/self-employed after

B.2 completing
SD programmes- Setup and management of Migration support center.(MSC) 6.9500 6.9500 69459 .0041|

B.3 Activities to increase MSME/local industry outreach effort. 1500 .1500 .1445 0055

|IEC & Awareness Activity to create awareness on quality and relevance of SD

programmes - IEC 1.5000 15000 15000 0000

Total B 8.8500 8.8500 8.8404 .0096

|Improved Access and Completion of SkillTraining for Female Trainees and
Other Disadvantaged Groups

|Activities and pilot projects to improve skilltraining programme access/

C.1 lcompletion for the following vulnerable groups 4.2300 4.2300 4.1617 .0683
Total C 4.2300 4.2300 4.1617 .0683

Total (A+B+C) 26.1100 26.1100 22.9181| 3.1919

|Note: Aspirational District

District Collector Examination, Dholpur 1667 .1000 1667 -.0667|

District Colector Examination, Sirohi .1667 .1000 1667! .0667

District Collector Baran .1667 1000 1667 .0667

District Collector Karauli .1667 .1000 1667 .O667

District Collector Jaisalmer 1667 .1000 l667 0667

Total D .8333 .5000 .8333 -.3333

Grand Total (A+B+C+D) 26.9433 26.6100 23.7515 2.8585

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