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Case Study:
Answers to the following questions mentioned on the case study:

Question#1) Identify the ethical issue or problem.

 Jennie faces a conflict between her professional responsibilities as a
receptionist and her personal relationship with her son, Bruce.
 The central ethical issue is whether Jennie should use the company copier to
make 300 copies for Bruce's school project.
 Jennie's dilemma lies in balancing her duty to her employer (Best Computer
Systems) and her desire to help her son succeed.
 She must decide whether to prioritize company policies or her son’s
academic needs.
 The Problem is how to navigate this tension without compromising her
professional integrity.

Question#2)Identify anyone who might be affected by your decision and how?

• Jennie: If she uses the company’s copier for her son’s project, she might get in
trouble at work.

• Bruce (Jennie’s son): If Jennie doesn’t make the copies, Bruce might fail
his school project.

• Company: Using the copier for personal reasons could waste company
resources and affect how well everyone can do their jobs.

• Other employees : If Jennie gets away with using the copier for personal
stuff, it might encourage others to do the same, causing problems for the company and
making people feel unfair about how resources are used.

Question #3)Explain what each affected person would want you to do about the

 Jennie (the receptionist): She might feel torn between following company rules
and helping her son, Bruce, who urgently needs copies for his school project.
Jennie wants to support her son's education and prevent him from failing his
project. But she also has to stick to her job duties and the company's rules about
using office supplies.
 Bruce (Jennie's son): Bruce needs the copies for his school project to avoid
failing. He feels stressed because his academic success depends on getting

those copies. Bruce wants his mom, Jennie, to help him by making the copies
quickly, even though it's against the company's rules.
 Company Management: They have rules about using office supplies. They want
Jennie to follow these rules to keep things running smoothly, prevent misuse of
supplies, and treat all employees fairly. Making exceptions for one person could
cause problems and lead to more requests from other employees in the future.

Question #4) List three alternative actions and identify the best and worst case
scenario for each alternative, anyone who would be harmed by this choice (and
how), any values that would be compromised by selecting this alternative, and
any automatic reasons why this alternative should not be selected (legal issues,
rules, etc.).

The 3 alternatives actions are

1. Jenna makes 300 copies for Bruce’s projects and saves him from failing. Here
the best case scenario is,Bruce passes the project and Jenna maintains a good
relationship with her son.On the other hand it is unethical and if Jenna gets
caught she will be facing some disciplinary charges from her employer and also
losses their trust.

2. Jenna asks Bruce to avoid using company’s resources and find an alternative
solution outside work hours.Here the outcome could be that Bruce finds a local
copy shop and proceeds to complete his project.But however if they fail to find a
local copy shop or an alternative solution Bruce can fail his project.It may be
ethical but is quite risky too.

3. Jennie offers to pay for the copies Bruce needs, herself either by giving the
company money for the paper and ink .Here if the company agrees this would
be the best solution as Jenna would be on safe side with both parties (Bruce
and the company)but nonetheless if the company doesn’t agree it could leave
Jenna in a uncomfortable position to find an alternative solution.

Question #5)Determine a course of action.

Here the best course of action would be the use of resources outside of company’s
means.It would protect Jenna’s integrity as an employee and also preserves her
relationship with the company.This will also teach Bruce to go for ethical solutions
and also taking responsibility for his actions.


Aaly Shan Subhani L1f23bscs0728

Ahmed Sarfraz L1f23bscs0103

Ghufran L1f22bscs0708


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