Case 1 Analysis - Google

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Apply the new-product continuum on to Google's Moonshot Factory.

Which category is

most evident?

Universal access to the Internet is one of the keys to the development of many of the most

remote communities. Allowing them access to better health, education, service and key product

options, as well as the development of economic opportunities inaccessible otherwise. Google’s

moonshot factory would provide Internet access in rural and remote areas using helium balloons

with a small communication system that runs on solar energy. Google’s Moonshot factory is

falling into discontinuous innovations category. At this time, the only way to connect in certain

places is through satellite with devices at prices thought for our pocket, but not for the

communities that inhabit those areas. It is appreciated that a company like Google invests in

providing universal Internet access, and for the most suspicious, for that it has to be within its

line of business and earn money with it. Without the expected economic profitability, the

sustainability of the project would be in question, and probably long ago it would have stopped

its astronomical investment in… balloons.

Assess the prospect for driverless cars. Once the technology is perfected, what obstacles

will Google have to overcome before the concept becomes widely adopted?

Yes, self-driving cars should work without any problem, but the reality is that all programmed

systems can stop working or have errors in their code. This is annoying if, for instance, it

happens on a smartphone, but it could have the potential to cause major traffic accidents in the

case of cars. Predicting how a technology will develop is not easy. However, given the enormous

benefits that self-driving vehicles bring, everything seems to indicate that they will dominate our

roads for decades to come.

Therefore, the process that will imply the adoption of this technology is inevitable. Logically,

there are potential obstacles in the way. Its implementation requires more than technology. There

will be legal and regulatory issues associated with the use of such technology, such as who is to

blame in the event of an accident? Their deployment will require planning and regulation and

may mean that some authorities in charge of planning transport services will have to redesign

future transport projects, such as new or modified metro systems.

If you were an executive at a car manufacturer, would you adopt Android Auto or CarPlay

for your vehicles?

If I were an executive at a car manufacturer, I would adopt Android Auto. Given the unstoppable

use of the smartphone, the use of this technology favors safe driving as it allows the driver to

always keep his eyes on the road and avoid distractions with the phone. Thus, we can offer more

security to our clients. Also, google is one of the biggest companies and they produce quality

products. One of the behaviors that Google has turned into a brand of the house is its permanent

innovation, its company image that does not stop breaking in a new way in both fields, always

within the framework of new technologies and communication. When it comes to adopting a

new product, as a manufacturer I would like to connect with brands that are using innovative


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