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KA-POLI NOTES (6.) Section 17 – Right against self-incrimination

The SC explained that the concept of limited government

always included the idea that governmental powers are
stopped short at certain intrusions into the private life of the
individual. This is one of the distinctions between an absolute
and limited government.

Do other laws create zones of privacy as well?

Yes, take for example the Civil Code, the Revised Penal Code,
the Intellectual Property Code, the Bank Security Law, the
Anti-Wiretapping Act, and the Data Privacy Act, among

Are recorded lectures of professors, without their permission,

actionable against the anti-wiretapping act?
No, because there are other persons inside the room (or in the
current situation, Zoom video call/chat), and the
communication cannot be considered private.

This reviewer is made out of love and fear for the law. Please
What are the 3 conditions that must be complied with in order
do not hesitate to share this material because sharing is caring
that the government can compel the disclosure of personal
and karma always has its ways. #NoToCrabs
(1.) There must be a compelling interest involved in the
BILL OF RIGHTS disclosure;
(2.) The law must not be narrowly drawn; and
Article III, Section 3. (3.) There must be a rational connection between the
(1) The privacy of communication and correspondence shall objective of the law and the disclosure.
be inviolable except upon lawful order of the court, or when
public safety or order requires otherwise, as prescribed by law. Is right to privacy a constitutional right?
No, it is only a statutory right.
(2) Any evidence obtained in violation of this or the preceding
section shall be inadmissible for any purpose in any What is the essence of right to privacy as per Disini vs.
proceeding. Secretary of Justice?
The right to privacy, or the right to be let alone, was
institutionalized in the 1987 Constitution as a facet of the right
protected by the guarantee against unreasonable searches
and seizures. But the Court acknowledged its existence as
What are the zones of privacy in the Constitution?
early as 1968 in Morfe v. Mutuc, it ruled that the right to
Zones of privacy are recognized and protected in our laws.
privacy exists independently of its identification with liberty; it
Within these zones, any form of intrusion is impermissible
is in itself fully deserving of constitutional protection.
unless excused by law and in accordance with customary legal
Relevant to any discussion of the right to privacy is the
concept known as the "Zones of Privacy." The Court explained
The meticulous regard we accord to these zones arises not
in "In the Matter of the Petition for Issuance of Writ of Habeas
only from our conviction that the right to privacy is a
Corpus of Sabio v. Senator Gordon" the relevance of these
"constitutional right" and "the right most valued by civilized
zones to the right to privacy: Zones of privacy are recognized
men," but also from our adherence to the Universal
and protected in our laws. Within these zones, any form of
Declaration of Human Rights which mandates that, "no one
intrusion is impermissible unless excused by law and in
shall be subjected to arbitrary interference with his privacy"
accordance with customary legal process.
and "everyone has the right to the protection of the law
against such interference or attacks."
What are the two constitutional guarantees create these
zones of privacy?
(1.) Section 1 – Due process
(1.) The right against unreasonable searches and seizures,
(2.) Section 2 – Unreasonable searches and seizures
which is the basis of the right to be let alone, and
(3.) Section 3 – Privacy of communication and
(2.) The right to privacy of communication and
(4.) Section 6 – Liberty of abode and travel
(5.) Section 8 – Right to Association


KA-POLI NOTES 2020-2021
Dione Maghirang / Lara Murallos / Tin Narne-Pedralvez / Fergie Villanueva
Note: In assessing the challenge that the State has Is there a reasonable expectation of privacy in online
impermissibly intruded into these zones of privacy, a court networking sites?
must determine whether a person has exhibited a reasonable ➔ US v. Gines-Perez – A person who places a photograph
expectation of privacy and, if so, whether that expectation has on the Internet precisely intends to forsake and renounce
been violated by unreasonable government intrusion. all privacy rights to such imagery, particularly under
circumstances such as here, where the Defendant did not
What are the two tests in order to determine the employ protective measures or devices that would have
reasonableness of expectation of privacy? controlled access to the Web page or the photograph
(1.) Subjective test – A person has exhibited an actual itself.
expectation of privacy; and ➔ United States v. Maxwell – The more open the method of
(2.) Objective test – The expectation is one that society is transmission is, the less privacy one can reasonably
prepared to recognize as reasonable. expect. Messages sent to the public at large in the chat
room or e-mail that is forwarded from correspondent to
Why did Justice Brandeis say that right to privacy is the most correspondent loses any semblance of privacy.
valued right in civilized men?
Because the meticulous regard we accord to these zones Ople vs. Torres
arises not only from our conviction that the right to privacy is G.R. No. 127685. July 23, 1998
a "constitutional right" and "the right most valued by civilized
men," but also from our adherence to the Universal
Declaration of Human Rights which mandates that, "no one
➔ Administrative Order No. 308, entitled "Adoption of a
shall be subjected to arbitrary interference with his privacy"
National Computerized Identification Reference
and "everyone has the right to the protection of the law
System," was issued by the President on December 12,
against such interference or attacks."
Two categories in right to privacy? ➔ Petitioner challenges the constitutionality of said
(1.) Informational Privacy – This is the interest in avoiding Administrative Order on two (2) grounds, namely: (1) it is
disclosure of personal matters. a usurpation of the power of Congress to legislate; and
 The right not to disclose personal information or (2) its impermissibility intrudes on our citizenry's
information about private matters; and protected zone of privacy. Petitioner contends that the
Administrative Order is not a mere administrative order
 The right to live freely without the surveillance and
but a law and, hence, beyond the power of the President
the interference.
to issue. He further alleges that said Administrative
(2.) Decisional privacy – The independence in making certain
Order establishes a system of identification that is all-
important decisions. Here, the Government cannot
encompassing in scope, affects the life and liberty of
interfere in the decision-making process of an individual.
every Filipino citizen and foreign resident, and more
particularly, violates their right to privacy.
What did the Vivares case add?
Situational privacy – The information about the location of a
Issue: Whether or not AO 308 violates the constitutionally
particular person. (According to Atty. Gabriel’s lecture, this can
mandated right to privacy.
be considered embraced in informational privacy)


What does “reasonableness of expectation of privacy” mean?
The reasonable expectation of privacy is an element of privacy AN ADMINISTRATIVE LEGISLATION BECAUSE FACIALLY IT
law that determines in which places and in which activities a
person has a legal right to privacy. Sometimes referred to as
Assuming, arguendo, that A.O. No. 308 need not be the
the "right to be left alone," a person's reasonable expectation
subject of a law, still it cannot pass constitutional muster as an
of privacy means that someone who unreasonably and
administrative legislation because facially it violates the right
seriously compromises another's interest in keeping her
to privacy. The essence of privacy is the "right to be let alone.
affairs from being known can be held liable for that exposure
or intrusion.
The potential for misuse of the data to be gathered under A.O.
No. 308 cannot be underplayed as the dissenters do.

Pursuant to said administrative order, an individual must

present his PRN everytime he deals with a government agency
to avail of basic services and security. His transactions with the
government agency will necessarily be recorded — whether it
be in the computer or in the documentary file of the agency.
The individual's file may include his transactions for loan


KA-POLI NOTES 2020-2021
Dione Maghirang / Lara Murallos / Tin Narne-Pedralvez / Fergie Villanueva
availments, income tax returns, statement of assets and The essence of privacy is the right to be let alone. The right to
liabilities, reimbursements for medication, hospitalization, etc. privacy is recognized and enshrined in several provisions of
The more frequent the use of the PRN, the better the chance the Constitution.
of building a huge and formidable information base through
the electronic linkage of the files. The data may be gathered Zones of privacy are likewise recognized and protected in our
for gainful and useful government purposes; but the existence laws. Unlike the dissenters, we prescind from the premise that
of this vast reservoir of personal information constitutes a the right to privacy is a fundamental right guaranteed by the
covert invitation to misuse, a temptation that may be too Constitution, hence, it is the burden of government to show
great for some of our authorities to resist. that A. O. No. 308 is justified by some compelling state
interest and that it is narrowly drawn. What is not arguable is
TO GUARD AGAINST LEAKAGE OF INFORMATION the broadness, the vagueness, the overbreadth of A. O. No.
Well to note, the computer linkage gives other government 308 which if implemented will put our people's right to
agencies access to the information. Yet, there are no controls privacy in clear and present danger.
to guard against leakage of information. When the access
code of the control programs of the particular computer It is debatable whether these interests are compelling enough
system is broken, an intruder, without fear of sanction or to warrant the issuance of A.O. No. 308. BUT WHAT IS NOT
penalty, can make use of the data for whatever purpose, or ARGUABLE IS THE BROADNESS, THE VAGUENESS, THE
worse, manipulate the data stored within the system. OVERBREADTH OF A.O. NO. 308 WHICH IF IMPLEMENTED
The lack of proper safeguards in this regard of A.O. No. 308 PRESENT DANGER.
may interfere with the individual's liberty of abode and travel
by enabling authorities to track down his movement; it may The SC rejected the argument of the Solicitor General that an
also enable unscrupulous persons to access confidential individual has a reasonable expectation of privacy with regard
information and circumvent the right against self- to the National ID and the use of biometrics technology as it
incrimination; it may pave the way for "fishing expeditions" by stands on quicksand.
government authorities and evade the right against
unreasonable searches and seizures. THE REASONABLENESS OF A PERSON'S EXPECTATION OF
THE USE OF BIOMETRICS AND COMPUTER TECHNOLOGY (1) Whether by his conduct, the individual has exhibited an
EXPECTATION OF PRIVACY. (2) Whether this expectation is one that society recognizes
as reasonable. The factual circumstances of the case
We reject the argument of the Solicitor General that an determine the reasonableness of the expectation.
individual has a reasonable expectation of privacy with regard
to the National ID and the use of biometrics technology as it However, other factors, such as customs, physical
stands on quicksand. surroundings and practices of a particular activity, may serve
to create or diminish this expectation. The use of biometrics
The reasonableness of a person's expectation of privacy and computer technology in A.O. No. 308 does not assure the
depends on a two- part test: (1) whether by his conduct, the individual of a reasonable expectation of privacy.
individual has exhibited an expectation of privacy; and (2)
whether this expectation is one that society recognizes a Lastly, the Solicitor General urges the SC to validate A.O. No.
reasonable. The factual circumstances of the case determine 308's abridgment of the right of privacy by using the rational
the reasonableness of the expectation. However, other factors, relationship test. He stressed that the purposes of A.O. No.
such as customs, physical surroundings and practices of a 308 are:
particular activity, may serve to create or diminish this (1) To streamline and speed up the implementation of basic
expectation. government services,
(2) Eradicate fraud by avoiding duplication of services, and
The use of biometrics and computer technology in A.O. No. (3) Generate population data for development planning.
308 does not assure the individual of a reasonable expectation
of privacy. As technology advances, the level of reasonably He concludes that these purposes justify the incursions into
expected privacy decreases. The measure of protection the right to privacy for the means are rationally related to the
granted by the reasonable expectation diminishes as relevant end. The SC was not impressed by the argument.
technology becomes more widely accepted. The security of
the computer data file depends not only on the physical In declaring the Administrative Order null and void for being
inaccessibility of the file but also on the advances in hardware unconstitutional, the Supreme Court held that the
and software computer technology. Administrative Order involves a subject that is not appropriate
to be covered by said administrative order. An administrative
order is an ordinance issued by the President which relates to


KA-POLI NOTES 2020-2021
Dione Maghirang / Lara Murallos / Tin Narne-Pedralvez / Fergie Villanueva
specific aspects in the administrative operation of What is the two-part test in determining the reasonable
government. It must be in harmony with the law and should expectation of privacy?
be for the sole purpose of implementing the law and carrying 1. Subjective test – a person has exhibited an actual
out the legislative policy. expectation of privacy; and
2. Objective test – the expectation is one that society is
Doctrine: The essence of privacy is the right to be let alone. prepared to recognize as reasonable.
The right to privacy is recognized and enshrined in several
provisions of the Constitution. Zones of privacy are likewise According to the public respondent, there is no reasonable
recognized and protected in our laws. Unlike the dissenters, expectation of privacy on transactions with the government,
we prescind from the premise that the right to privacy is a because under the National ID system, information about
fundamental right guaranteed by the Constitution, hence, it is transactions of one individual to various government agencies
the burden of the government to show that A. O. No. 308 is may be accessed by the processor of the information. There is
justified by some compelling state interest and that it is no expectation of privacy insofar as this information is
narrowly drawn. What is not arguable is the broadness, the concerned. Did the SC agree?
vagueness, the overbreadth of A. O. No. 308 which if Even for transactions with the government, individuals also
implemented will put our people's right to privacy in clear and have a reasonable expectation of privacy. In that regard, the
present danger. government must show that information that they process or
that they obtain from individuals must be protected. The SC
Assuming, arguendo, that A.O. No. 308 need not be the said that there are 3 conditions that must be complied with in
subject of a law, still it cannot pass constitutional muster as an order that the government can compel the disclosure of
administrative legislation because facially it violates the right personal information, which are:
to privacy. The essence of privacy is the "right to be let alone. (4.) There must be a compelling interest involved in the
REASON: (5.) The law must not be narrowly drawn; and
The potential for misuse of the data to be gathered under A.O. (6.) There must be a rational connection between the
No. 308 cannot be underplayed as the dissenters do. Pursuant objective of the law and the disclosure.
to said administrative order, an individual must present his
PRN everytime he deals with a government agency to avail of Disini vs. Secretary of Justice
basic services and security. His transactions with the G.R. No. 203335. February 11, 2014
government agency will necessarily be recorded — whether it
be in the computer or in the documentary file of the agency. Facts:
There were no controls provided therein ➔ These consolidated petitions seek to declare several
provisions of Republic Act (R.A.) 10175, the Cybercrime
Is there a constitutional right to privacy? Prevention Act of 2012, unconstitutional and void.
No. ➔ The cybercrime law aims to regulate access to and use of
the cyberspace. Because linking with the internet opens
So, are they only statutory? up a user to communications from others, the ill-
No. There is no constitutional right to privacy means that motivated can use the cyberspace for committing theft
there is no single provision that guarantees the entire scope by hacking into or surreptitiously accessing his bank
of privacy. account or credit card or defrauding him through false
representations. The wicked can use the cyberspace, too,
In this case, the SC discussed that there are zones of privacy. for illicit trafficking in sex or for exposing to pornography
What are the constitutional provisions that create zones of guileless children who have access to the internet. For
privacy? this reason, the government has a legitimate right to
1. Section 1 – Due process regulate the use of cyberspace and contain and punish
2. Section 2 – Unreasonable searches and seizures wrongdoings.
3. Section 3 – Privacy of communication and ➔ Section 4 (b) (3) provides:
correspondence Section 4. Cybercrime Offenses. — The following
4. Section 6 – Liberty of abode and travel acts constitute the offense of cybercrime
5. Section 8 – Right to Association punishable under this Act:
6. Section 17 – Right against self-incrimination xxx xxx xxx
b) Computer-related Offenses:
The SC explained that the concept of limited government xxx xxx xxx
always included the idea that governmental powers are (3) Computer-related Identity Theft. —
stopped short at certain intrusions into the private life of the The intentional acquisition, use, misuse, transfer,
individual. This is one of the distinctions between an absolute possession, alteration, or deletion of identifying
and limited government. information belonging to another, whether natural
or juridical, without right: Provided: that if no


KA-POLI NOTES 2020-2021
Dione Maghirang / Lara Murallos / Tin Narne-Pedralvez / Fergie Villanueva
damage has yet been caused, the penalty Further, petitioners fear that Section 4 (b) (3) violates the
imposable shall be one (1) degree lower. freedom of the press in that journalists would be hindered
➔ Petitioners claim that Section 4 (b) (3) violates the from accessing the unrestricted user account of a person in
constitutional rights to due process and to privacy and the news to secure information about him that could be
correspondence, and transgresses the freedom of the published. But this is not the essence of identity theft that the
press. law seeks to prohibit and punish. Evidently, the theft of
identity information must be intended for an illegitimate
Issue: W/N Section 4 (b) (3) violates the constitutional rights purpose. Moreover, acquiring and disseminating information
to due process and to privacy and correspondence made public by the user himself cannot be regarded as a form
of theft.
Held: No. Relevant to any discussion of the right to privacy is
the concept known as the "Zones of Privacy." The Court
Contested Provision /
explained in "In the Matter of the Petition for Issuance of Writ Court Ruling:
Petitioner’s Contention
of Habeas Corpus of Sabio v. Senator Gordon" the relevance
of these zones to the right to privacy: CONSTITUTIONAL.
Court finds nothing in
Zones of privacy are recognized and protected in our laws. Section 4 (a) (1) on Illegal Section 4 (a) (1) that calls
Within these zones, any form of intrusion is impermissible
Access. for the application of the
unless excused by law and in accordance with customary legal Section 4. Cybercrime strict scrutiny standard
process. The meticulous regard we accord to these zones Offenses. — The following since no fundamental
arises not only from our conviction that the right to privacy is acts constitute the offense freedom, like speech, is
a "constitutional right" and "the right most valued by civilized of cybercrime punishable involved in punishing what
men," but also from our adherence to the Universal under this Act: is essentially a
Declaration of Human Rights which mandates that, "no one
(a) Offenses against the condemnable act —
shall be subjected to arbitrary interference with his privacy" confidentiality, integrity accessing the computer
and "everyone has the right to the protection of the law and availability of system of another without
against such interference or attacks."
computer data and right.
Two constitutional guarantees create these zones of privacy: (1) Illegal Access. — The Ethical hackers evaluate the
(a) the right against unreasonable searches and seizures, access to the whole or any target system's security and
which is the basis of the right to be let alone, and (b) the right part of a computer system report back to the owners
to privacy of communication and correspondence. without right. the vulnerabilities they
found in it and give
In assessing the challenge that the State has impermissibly Petitioners of course fear instructions for how these
intruded into these zones of privacy, a court must determine that this section will can be remedied.
whether a person has exhibited a reasonable expectation of jeopardize the work of
privacy and, if so, whether that expectation has been violated
ethical hackers, Besides, a client's
by unreasonable government intrusion.
professionals who employ engagement of an ethical
tools and techniques used hacker requires an
The usual identifying information regarding a person includes by criminal hackers but agreement between them
his name, his citizenship, his residence address, his contact
would neither damage the as to the extent of the
number, his place and date of birth, the name of his spouse if
target systems nor steal search, the methods to be
any, his occupation, and similar data. The law punishes those information. Petitioners used, and the systems to be
who acquire or use such identifying information without right, contend that Section 4 (a) tested. This is referred to as
implicitly to cause damage. Petitioners simply fail to show (1) fails to meet the strict the "get out of jail free
how government effort to curb computer-related identity scrutiny standard required card." Since the ethical
theft violates the right to privacy and correspondence as well of laws that interfere with hacker does his job with
as the right to due process of law. the fundamental rights of prior permission from the
the people and should client, such permission
Also, the charge of invalidity of this section based on the
thus be struck down. would insulate him from
overbreadth doctrine will not hold water since the specific the coverage of Section 4
conducts proscribed do not intrude into guaranteed freedoms (a) (1).
like speech. Clearly, what this section regulates are specific
actions: the acquisition, use, misuse or deletion of personal Section 4 (a) (3) on Data CONSTITUTIONAL.
identifying data of another. There is no fundamental right to Interference. Section 4 (a) (3) does not
acquire another's personal data. (3) Data Interference. — encroach on protected
The intentional or reckless freedoms at all. It simply


KA-POLI NOTES 2020-2021
Dione Maghirang / Lara Murallos / Tin Narne-Pedralvez / Fergie Villanueva

alteration, damaging, punishes what essentially is UNCONSTITUTIONAL.

deletion or deterioration a form of vandalism, the act But, firstly, the government
of computer data, of willfully destroying presents no basis for
electronic document, or without right the things holding that unsolicited
electronic data message, that belong to others. electronic ads reduce the
without right, including "efficiency of computers."
the introduction or All penal laws, like the
transmission of viruses. cybercrime law, have of Secondly, people, before
course an inherent chilling the arrival of the age of
Petitioners claim that effect, or the fear of computers, have already
Section 4 (a) (3) suffers possible prosecution that Section 4 (c) (3) of the been receiving such
from overbreadth in that, hangs on the heads of Cybercrime Law penalizes unsolicited ads by mail.
while it seeks to citizens who are minded to the transmission of These have never been
discourage data step beyond the boundaries unsolicited commercial outlawed as nuisance since
interference, it intrudes of what is proper. But to communications, also people might have interest
into the area of protected prevent the State from known as "spam." The in such ads. What matters is
speech and expression, legislating criminal laws Government, represented that the recipient has the
creating a chilling and because they instill such by the Solicitor General, option of not opening or
deterrent effect on these kind of fear is to render the points out that unsolicited reading these mail ads. That
guaranteed freedoms. state powerless in commercial is true with spams. Their
addressing and penalizing communications or spams recipients always have the
socially harmful conduct. are a nuisance that wastes option to delete or not to
Here, the chilling effect that the storage and network read them.
results in paralysis is an capacities of internet
illusion since Section 4 (a) service providers, reduces To prohibit the
(3) clearly describes the evil the efficiency of commerce transmission of unsolicited
that it seeks to punish and and technology, and ads would deny a person
creates no tendency to interferes with the owner's the right to read his emails,
intimidate the free exercise peaceful enjoyment of his even unsolicited
of one's constitutional property. commercial ads addressed
rights. to him. Commercial speech
is a separate category of
CONSTITUTIONAL. speech which is not
But there is no real accorded the same level of
difference whether he uses protection as that given to
"Julio Gandolfo" which other constitutionally
happens to be his real guaranteed forms of
Section 4 (a) (6) on Cyber-
name or use it as a pseudo- expression but is
name for it is the evil nonetheless entitled to
Petitioners claim that
purpose for which he uses protection.
Section 4 (a) (6) or cyber-
the name that the law
squatting violates the
condemns. The law is
equal protection clause in Doctrine: Two constitutional guarantees create these zones of
reasonable in penalizing
that, not being narrowly privacy: (a) the right against unreasonable searches and
him for acquiring the
tailored, it will cause a user seizures, which is the basis of the right to be let alone, and (b)
domain name in bad faith
using his real name to the right to privacy of communication and correspondence.
to profit, mislead, destroy
suffer the same fate as In assessing the challenge that the State has impermissibly
reputation, or deprive
those who use aliases or intruded into these zones of privacy, a court must determine
others who are not ill-
take the name of another whether a person has exhibited a reasonable expectation of
motivated of the rightful
in satire, parody, or any privacy and, if so, whether that expectation has been violated
opportunity of registering
other literary device. by unreasonable government intrusion.
the same. The challenge to
the constitutionality of
Section 4 (a) (6) on ground
of denial of equal
protection is baseless.


KA-POLI NOTES 2020-2021
Dione Maghirang / Lara Murallos / Tin Narne-Pedralvez / Fergie Villanueva
Vivares vs. St. Theresa’s College Without these privacy settings, the respondents’ contention
G.R. No. 202666. September 29, 2014 that there is no reasonable expectation of privacy in Facebook
would, in context, be correct. However, it was not the case.
It is through the availability of said privacy tools that many
➔ Julia Daluz and Julienne Suzara, and their other friends
social media users are said to have subjective expectation that
took pictures of themselves clad only in their
only those whom they grant access to their profile will view
undergarments. These pictures were uploaded by Angela
the information that only those to whom they grant access to
Tan on her Facebook profile.
their profile will view the information they post or upload.
➔ Mylene Escudero, a computer teacher at STC, learned
This, however, does not mean that any Facebook user
from her students that some seniors at STC posed
automatically has a protected expectation of privacy in all of
pictures of themselves online, depicting themselves from
his or her Facebook activities.
the waist up, dressed only in brassieres.
➔ Escudero, then, asked her students if they knew who the
In this case, it was insisted that Escudero intruded upon the
girls in the photo were. Her students identified them as
children’s Facebook accounts, downloaded copies of the
Julia, Julienne, and Chole Taboada.
pictures, and subsequently showed them to the Disciplinary
➔ Using STC’s computers, Escudero’s students logged in to Committee. To them, this was a breach of the minors’ privacy
their respective personal accounts and showed her the since their Facebook accounts were allegedly in a “only
photos of the identified students, which include: friends” setting. However, is was rebutted that there were
 Julia and Julienne drinking hard liquor and times that these photos were for public consumption as they
smoking cigarettes inside a bar; and were not specifically hidden from other Facebook users, which
 Julia and Julienne along the streets of Cebu are not their friends.
wearing articles of clothing that show virtually the
entirety of their black brassieres. Considering that the default setting for Facebook posts is
➔ Escudero’s students claimed that there were times when “public”, it can be surmised that these can be viewed by
access to or the availability of the identified students’ everyone on Facebook. If such were the case, they cannot
photos were not confined to the girls’ friend list—or invoke the protection attached to the right to informational
basically was for public consumption. privacy.
➔ Escudero reported the matter to STC’s Discipline-in-
Charge for appropriate action. Following an Doctrine: A profile, or even a post, with visibility set at “Friends
investigation, STC found the identified students to have Only” cannot easily, more so automatically, be said to be “very
deported themselves in a manner proscribed by the private.”
school’s student handbook.
➔ Julia, Julienne, Angela and the other students in the US v. Gines-Perez – A person who places a photograph on the
pictures claimed that they were castigated and verbally Internet precisely intends to forsake and renounce all privacy
abused by the STC officials present during the rights to such imagery, particularly under circumstances such
conference. What is more, they were barred from joining as here, where the Defendant did not employ protective
the commencement exercises. measures or devices that would have controlled access to the
➔ Angela’s mother filed a petition for injunction and Web page or the photograph itself.
damages, and further prayed that the students be
enjoined from implementing the sanction that precluded United States v. Maxwell – The more open the method of
the students from joining the commencement exercises. transmission is, the less privacy one can reasonably expect.
➔ The RTC issued a TRO allowing the students to attend Messages sent to the public at large in the chat room or e-
the graduation ceremony, to which STC filed a motion mail that is forwarded from correspondent to correspondent
for reconsideration. Despite the TRO, STC barred the loses any semblance of privacy.
sanctioned students.
What did Alan Westin say about privacy and freedom?
Issue: W/N the right to privacy of the students were violated. The individual’s desire for privacy is never absolute, since
participation in society is an equally powerful desire. Thus,
Held: No. Facebook is armed with different privacy tools each individual is continually engaged in a personal
designed to regulate the accessibility of a user’s profile, as adjustment process in which he balances the desire for privacy
well as the information uploaded by the user. A Facebook user with the desire for disclosure and communication of himself
can regulate the visibility and accessibility by selecting his or to others, in light of the environmental conditions and social
her desired privacy setting as these tools are designed to set norms set by the society in which he lives.
up barriers to broaden or limit the visibility of his or her
specific profile content from another user’s point of view.


KA-POLI NOTES 2020-2021
Dione Maghirang / Lara Murallos / Tin Narne-Pedralvez / Fergie Villanueva
What is the writ of habeas data? exhibited an expectation of privacy and that expectation of
The writ of habeas data is a remedy available to any person privacy should be considered as reasonable.
whose right to privacy in life, liberty or security is violated or
threatened by an unlawful act or omission of a public o cial Zulueta vs. Court of Appeals
or employee, or of a private individual or entity engaged in G.R. No. 107383. February 20, 1996
the gathering, collecting or storing of data or information
regarding the person, family, home and correspondence of Facts:
the aggrieved party. 11 It is an independent and summary ➔ Cecilia Zulueta is the wife of Dr. Alfredo Martin.
remedy designed to protect the image, privacy, honor,
➔ Zulueta entered the clinic of his husband to which was
information, and freedom of information of an individual, and
witnessed by her mother, driver, and her husband’s
to provide a forum to enforce one's right to the truth and to
informational privacy. It seeks to protect a person's right to
➔ Zulueta forcibly opened the drawers and cabinet in her
control information regarding oneself, particularly in
husband’s clinic, and took 157 documents consisting of
instances in which such information is being collected
private correspondence; greeting cards, cancelled
through unlawful means in order to achieve unlawful ends.
checks, diaries, passport, and photographs between her
husband and his alleged paramours.
What is the nature and/or essence of the writ of habeas data?
➔ The documents were seized as evidence in a case for
It is aimed to protect an individual’s right to informational
privacy, among others. However, the writ will not issue on the legal separation and for disqualification from the
practice of medicine, which Zulueta filed against Dr.
basis merely of an alleged unauthorized access to information
about a person. Availment of the writ requires the existence
of a nexus between the right to privacy on the one hand, and ➔ Dr. Martin brought this action for recovery of the
the right to life, liberty, or security on the other. Further, it was documents and papers, declaring himself as the capital
designed to safeguard individual freedom from abuse in the and exclusive owner of the abovementioned properties.
information age.
Issue: W/N the documents were inadmissible as evidence.
What are the three strands of the right to privacy as per Chief
Justice Puno? Held: Yes. The constitutional injunction declaring "the privacy
(1.) Locational or situational privacy; of communication and correspondence to be inviolable" is no
(2.) Informational privacy – The right of individuals to control less applicable simply because it is the wife (who thinks herself
information about themselves. aggrieved by her husband's infidelity) who is the party against
(3.) Decisional privacy. whom the constitutional provision is to be enforced.

What does “engage”, in the context of this case, mean? The only exception to the prohibition in the Constitution is if
To “engage” in something is different from undertaking a there is a "lawful order from a court or when public safety or
business endeavor. To “engage” means “to do or take part in order requires otherwise, as prescribed by law." Any violation
something.” It does not necessarily mean that the activity of this provision renders the evidence obtained inadmissible
must be done in pursuit of a business. What matters is that "for any purpose in any proceeding."
the person or entity must be gathering, collecting or storing
said data or information about the aggrieved party or his or The intimacies between husband and wife do not justify any
her family. Whether such undertaking carries the element of one of them in breaking the drawers and cabinets of the other
regularity, as when one pursues a business, and is in the and in ransacking them for any telltale evidence of marital
nature of a personal endeavor, for any other reason or even infidelity. A person, by contracting marriage, does not shed
for no reason at all, is immaterial and such will not prevent the his/her integrity or his right to privacy as an individual and the
writ from getting to said person or entity. constitutional protection is ever available to him or her. The
law ensures absolute freedom of communication between the
How does this case connect to Belo-Henares vs. Guevarra? spouses by making it privileged. Neither husband nor wife
Atty. Guevarra posed incriminating statements against Dra. may testify for or against the other without the consent of the
Belo. However, the former suggested that these were private affected spouse while the marriage subsists. 6 Neither may be
posts and that was only meant for his Facebook friends. But examined without the consent of the other as to any
the Supreme Court disagreed and anchored the same to the communication received in confidence by one from the other
abovementioned case of Vivares vs. CA. The setup of during the marriage, save for specified exceptions.
Facebook is different because even if a statement is made only
to friends, that friend has also several friends who also has Freedom of communication is one thing; quite another is a
several friends. Basically, in other words, mabilis kumalat ang compulsion for each one to share what one knows with the
chismis. The Supreme Court said that in order to be entitled other. And this has nothing to do with the duty of fidelity that
to the right to privacy, the actor must show that he has each owes to the other.


KA-POLI NOTES 2020-2021
Dione Maghirang / Lara Murallos / Tin Narne-Pedralvez / Fergie Villanueva
Doctrine: The intimacies between husband and wife do not facts charged do not constitute an offense under R.A.
justify any one of them in breaking the drawers and cabinets 4200; and that 2) the violation punished by R.A. 4200
of the other and in ransacking them for any telltale evidence refers to the taping of a communication by a person
of marital infidelity. A person, by contracting marriage, does other than a participant to the communication.
not shed his/her integrity or his right to privacy as an
individual and the constitutional protection is ever available Issue: Whether or not the applicable provision of Republic Act
to him or her. 4200 does not apply to the taping of a private conversation
by one of the parties to the conversation.
Compare this case to Martin vs. Felix Jr.
the acquittal of Atty. Felix, Jr. in the administrative case Held: THE ANTI-WIRE TAPPING LAW (R.A. 4200), MAKES NO
amounts to no more than a declaration that his use of the DISTINCTION AS TO WHETHER THE PARTY SOUGHT TO BE
documents and papers for the purpose of securing Dr. PENALIZED OUGHT TO BE A PARTY OTHER THAN OR
Martin's admission as to their genuineness and authenticity DIFFERENT FROM THOSE INVOLVED IN THE PRIVATE
did not constitute a violation of the injunctive order of the trial COMMUNICATION.
court. By no means does the decision in that case establish Section 1 of R.A. 4200entitled, "An Act to Prohibit and Penalize
the admissibility of the documents and papers in question. Wire Tapping and Other Related Violations of Private
Atty. Felix was acquitted only because, at the time he used the Communication and Other Purposes," clearly and
documents and papers, enforcement of the order of the trial unequivocally makes it illegal for any person, not authorized
court was temporarily restrained by this Court. The TRO issued by all the parties to any private communication to secretly
by this Court was eventually lifted as the petition for certiorari record such communication by means of a tape recorder.
led by petitioner against the trial court's order was dismissed
and, therefore, the prohibition against the further use of the The law makes no distinction as to whether the party sought
documents and papers became effective again. to be penalized by the statute ought to be a party other than
or different from those involved in private communication.
Is there an exception to Article III, Section 3? The statute's intent to penalize all persons unauthorized to
Yes, the only exception to the prohibition in the Constitution make such recording is underscored by the use of the qualifier
is if there is a "lawful order from a court or when public safety "any." Consequently, as respondent Court of Appeals correctly
or order requires otherwise, as prescribed by law." concluded, "even a (person) privy to a communication who
records his private conversation with another without the
Privacy under Section 2 Privacy under Section 3 knowledge of the latter (will) qualify as a violator" under this
Cannot be applied against Extends even to private provision of R.A. 4200.
private intrusions. intrusions.
Ramirez vs. Court of Appeals VIOLATION.
G.R. No. 93833. September 28, 1995 (a.) The nature of the conversation is immaterial to a
violation of the statute.
Facts: (b.) The substance of the same need not be specifically
alleged in the information.
➔ A civil case for damages was filed by Petitioner Socorro
D. Ramirez alleging that the private respondent, Ester S.
What R.A. 4200 penalizes are the acts of secretly overhearing,
Garcia, in a confrontation in the latter's office, allegedly
intercepting or recording private communications by means
vexed, insulted and humiliated her in a "hostile and
of the devices enumerated therein. The mere allegation that
furious mood" and in a manner offensive to the
an individual made a secret recording of a private
petitioner's dignity and personality," contrary to morals,
communication by means of a tape recorder would suffice to
good customs and public policy."
constitute an offense under Section 1 of R.A. 4200.
➔ In support of her claim, petitioner produced a verbatim
transcript of the event. The transcript was culled from a
As the Solicitor General pointed out in his COMMENT before
tape recording of the confrontation made by the
the respondent court: "Nowhere (in the said law) is it required
that before one can be regarded as a violator, the nature of
➔ As a result of petitioner's recording of the event and the conversation, as well as its communication to a third
alleging that the said act of secretly taping the person should be professed."
confrontation was illegal, private respondent filed a
criminal case before the Regional Trial Court of Pasay "PRIVATE COMMUNICATION"
City for violation of Republic Act 4200, Petitioner filed a Petitioner's contention that the phrase "private
Motion to Quash the Information on the ground that the communication" in Section 1 of R.A. 4200 does not include
facts charged do not constitute an offense, particularly a "private conversations" narrows the ordinary meaning of the
violation of R.A. 4200. word "communication" to a point of absurdity.
➔ In an order May 3, 1989, the trial court granted the
Motion to Quash, agreeing with petitioner that 1) the


KA-POLI NOTES 2020-2021
Dione Maghirang / Lara Murallos / Tin Narne-Pedralvez / Fergie Villanueva
The word communicate comes from the Latin word ➔ Section 1 of R.A. 4200entitled, "An Act to Prohibit and
communicate, meaning "to share or to impart." In its ordinary Penalize Wire Tapping and Other Related Violations of
signification, communication connotes the act of sharing or Private Communication and Other Purposes," clearly
imparting, as in a conversation, or signifies the "process by and unequivocally makes it illegal for any person, not
which meaning or thoughts are shared between individuals authorized by all the parties to any private
through a common system of symbols (as language signs or communication to secretly record such communication
gestures)." These definitions are broad enough to include by means of a tape recorder. The nature of the
verbal or non-verbal, written or expressive communications of conversation is immaterial to a violation of the statute.
"meanings or thoughts" which are likely to include the ➔ The word communicate comes from the Latin word
emotionally-charged exchange, on February 22, 1988, communicate, meaning "to share or to impart." In its
between petitioner and private respondent, in the privacy of ordinary signification, communication connotes the act
the latter's office. of sharing or imparting, as in a conversation, or signifies
Any doubts about the legislative body's meaning of the the "process by which meaning or thoughts are shared
phrase "private communication" are, furthermore, put to rest between individuals through a common system of
by the fact that the terms "conversation" and symbols (as language signs or gestures)." These
"communication" were interchangeably used by Senator definitions are broad enough to include verbal or non-
Tañada in his Explanatory Note to the bill, quoted below: verbal, written or expressive communications of
"meanings or thoughts" which are likely to include the
"It has been said that innocent people have nothing to fear emotionally-charged exchange, on February 22, 1988,
from their conversations being overheard. But this statement between petitioner and private respondent, in the
ignores the usual nature of conversations as well as the privacy of the latter's office.
undeniable fact that most, if not all, civilized people have
some aspects of their lives they do not wish to expose. Free Supposing the one who secretly recorded the conversation is
conversations are often characterized by exaggerations, one of the parties to the private communication or spoken
obscenity, agreeable falsehoods, and the expression of anti- word, is that covered by RA 4200?
social desires of views not intended to be taken seriously. The Yes. RA 4200 states that it shall be unlawful for any person to
right to the privacy of communication, among others, has secretly record the private communication or spoken word.
expressly been assured by our Constitution. Needless to state
here, the framers of our Constitution must have recognized The petitioner contends that what happened between her and
the nature of conversations between individuals and the the respondent is not a communication. It was a conversation.
significance of man's spiritual nature, of his feelings and of his According to her, communication is protected, conversation
intellect. They must have known that part of the pleasures and not included. Did the SC agree?
satisfactions of life are to be found in the unaudited, and free No. The word communicate comes from the Latin word
exchange of communication between individuals — free from signification, which literally means “to share or impart” as in a
every unjustifiable intrusion by whatever means." conversation, or the process by which meanings or thoughts
are shared between individuals through a common system of
In Gaanan vs. Intermediate Appellate Court, a case which dealt symbols (as language signs or gestures).
with the issue of telephone wiretapping, we held that the use
of a telephone extension for the purpose of overhearing a Note: During the deliberation of RA 4200, the SC noted that
private conversation without authorization did not violate R.A. the terms conversation and communication were used
4200 because a telephone extension devise was neither interchangeably, which means that the intent of the framers
among those "device(s) or arrangement(s)" enumerated of the law include conversation, not only communication.
therein , following the principle that "penal statutes must be
construed strictly in favor of the accused."
Navarro vs. Court of Appeals
G.R. No. 121087. August 26, 1999
The instant case turns on a different note, because the
applicable facts and circumstances pointing to a violation of
R.A. 4200 suffer from no ambiguity, and the statute itself
explicitly mentions the unauthorized "recording" of private ➔ Stanley Jalbuena and Enrique "Ike" Lingan, who were
communications with the use of tape-recorders as among the reporters, went to the Entertainment City following
acts punishable. reports that it was showing nude dancers. There, as a
scantily clad dancer began to perform a strip act and
removed her brassieres, Jalbuena brought out his
camera and took a picture.
➔ THE ANTI-WIRE TAPPING LAW (R.A. 4200), makes no
➔ The floor manager, Dante Liquin, with Sioco, a security
distinction as to whether the party sought to be
guard, approached Jalbuena and demanded to know
penalized ought to be a party other than or different
from those involved in the private communication. why he took a picture. Jalbuena replied: "Wala kang
pakialam, because this is my job." Sioco pushed Jalbuena
towards the table as he warned the latter that he would



KA-POLI NOTES 2020-2021
Dione Maghirang / Lara Murallos / Tin Narne-Pedralvez / Fergie Villanueva
kill him. When Jalbuena saw that Sioco was about to pull It shall also be unlawful for any person, be he a participant or
out his gun, he ran out followed by his companions. not in the act or acts penalized in the next preceding sentence,
➔ Jalbuena and his companions went to the police station. to knowingly possess any tape record, wire record, disc record,
Three of the policemen on duty, including petitioner or any other such record, or copies thereof, of any
Felipe Navarro, were having drinks in front of the police communication or spoken word secured either before or after
station, and they asked Jalbuena and his companions to the effective date of this Act in the manner prohibited by this
join them. Jalbuena declined and went to the desk officer law; or to replay the same for any other person or persons; or
to report the incident. In a while, Liquin and Sioco arrived to communicate the contents thereof, either verbally or in
on a motorcycle. writing, or to furnish transcriptions thereof, whether complete
➔ Sioco and Liquin were met by petitioner Navarro who or partial, to any other person: Provided, That the use of such
talked with them in a corner for around fifteen minutes. record or any copies thereof as evidence in any civil, criminal
Afterwards, petitioner Navarro turned to Jalbuena and, investigation or trial of offenses mentioned in section 3
pushing him to the wall, said to him: "Putang ina, hereof, shall not be covered by this prohibition.
kinakalaban mo si Kabo Liquin, anak yan ni Kabo Liquin,
hindi mo ba kilala?" Petitioner Navarro then pulled out xxx xxx xxx
his firearm and cocked it, and, pressing it on the face of
Jalbuena, said, "Ano, uutasin na kita?" SECTION 4. Any communication or spoken word, or the
➔ At this point, Lingan intervened and said to petitioner existence, contents, substance, purport, effect, or meaning of
Navarro: "Huwag namang ganyan, pumarito kami para the same or any part thereof, or any information therein
magpa-blotter, I am here to mediate." Petitioner Navarro contained obtained or secured by any person in violation of
replied: "Walang press, press, mag-sampu pa kayo." He the preceding sections of this Act shall not be admissible in
then turned to Sgt. Añonuevo and told him to make of evidence in any judicial, quasi-judicial, legislative or
record the behavior of Jalbuena and Lingan. administrative hearing or investigation.
➔ This angered Lingan. The two then had a heated
Thus, the law prohibits the overhearing, intercepting, or
exchange. Finally, Lingan said: "Masyado kang abusado,
recording of private communications. Since the exchange
alisin mo yang baril mo at magsuntukan na lang tayo."
between petitioner Navarro and Lingan was not private, its
Petitioner Navarro replied: "Ah, ganoon?"
tape recording is not prohibited. Nor is there any question
➔ As Lingan was about to turn away, petitioner Navarro hit
that it was duly authenticated. A voice recording is
him with the handle of his pistol above the left eyebrow.
authenticated by the testimony of a witness (1) that he
Lingan fell on the floor, blood flowing down his face. He
personally recorded the conversation; (2) that the tape played
tried to get up, but petitioner Navarro gave him a fist
in court was the one he recorded; and (3) that the voices on
blow on the forehead which floored him.
the tape are those of the persons such are claimed to belong.
➔ Petitioner Navarro turned to Jalbuena and said: "Kita mo In the instant case, Jalbuena testified that he personally made
yan ha, buhay kang testigo, si Ike Lingan ang the voice recording; that the tape played in court was the one
naghamon." He said to Sgt. Añonuevo: "Ilagay mo diyan he recorded; and that the speakers on the tape were petitioner
sa blotter, sa harap ni Alex Sioco at Dante Liquin, na si Navarro and Lingan. A sufficient foundation was thus laid for
Ike Lingan ang naghamon." He then poked his gun at the the authentication of the tape presented by the prosecution.
right temple of Jalbuena and made him sign his name on
the blotter. Lingan died from his injuries. P.S. Navarro was convicted by the SC of Homicide.
➔ Unknown to petitioner Navarro, Jalbuena was able to
record on tape the exchange between petitioner and the Doctrine: RA 4200 prohibits the overhearing, intercepting, or
deceased. recording of private communications. Since the exchange
➔ Petitioner Navarro was charged with Homicide. between petitioner Navarro and Lingan was not private, its
tape recording is not prohibited.
Issue: W/N the tape recorded by Jalbuena is admissible in view
of R.A. No. 4200, which prohibits wire tapping

Held: YES. It is admissible in evidence. R.A. No. 4200 provides:

SECTION 1. It shall be unlawful for any person, not being
authorized by all the parties to any private communication or
spoken word, to tap any wire or cable, or by using any other
device or arrangement, to secretly overhear, intercept, or
record such communication or spoken word by using a device
commonly known as a Dictaphone or dictagraph or
detectaphone or walkie-talkie or tape-recorder, or however
otherwise described:



KA-POLI NOTES 2020-2021
Dione Maghirang / Lara Murallos / Tin Narne-Pedralvez / Fergie Villanueva

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