Research Paper Reflection

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Research Paper Reflection

Christian Hernandez

ENC 1102

April 20th, 2024


The paper I wrote about was directly related to my major and what I am actively

studying, as recommended by the initial assignment in choosing a topic. As such, it turned out

that a lot of the material and information for the paper I was able to gain through my other

classes. Not so much as the exact details for the topic given that my topic more or less branched

out from what I learned in other classes, but said other classes really helped in determining

where exactly to look for this subject matter. I was a bit surprised to see how many sources out

there really affirmed my thoughts on this topic, as I had initially assumed it was more of an

opinion and less of a premise many people agreed with to the extent they did. The challenge of

the research was finding content directly relevant. Much of the parts of what applied to my topic

in a lot of academic papers were just a smaller part of an entirely different message as opposed to

the main idea. The thing I wanted to hear more about was sidelined a lot. I was rather effective

with assessing the benefits and drawbacks, in my opinion. It is not exactly technology but more

mindset and policy that is being discussed and influenced here and I feel as though my

interpretation of what should be done moving forward was well put together. The way my

colleagues wrote was a good bit different from mine. Everyone went in a different direction that

was much more STEM focused than my more social science adjacent approach, so their papers

could have gotten much more technical and empirical with the terms used and contained more
sources centered around quantitative data. They did not much influence my work in that sense,


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