Bpa 4 Batch 2024 Outcomes of The Implementation of Emergency Hotline The Case of Cebu City

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Margarito Roldan, 1Monica Ann Braga, 1Nina Mae Capoy, 1Desiree Requierme, and
Roselle A. Jardin
Bachelor of Public Administration
Department of Public Governance (DPG)
Cebu Normal University
Cebu City, Philippines


The Cebu City government envisioned a Singapore-like transformation for the city, with
one crucial aspect being the establishment of a centralized, accessible, and toll-free emergency
hotline for the community. The study of emergency hotlines in a Highly Urbanized City LGU
revealed significant factors hindering the hotline's effectiveness, especially during disasters and
criminal cases, as the multitude of numbers made them challenging for the community to
memorize. This paper further discussed the organization and management of the hotline to
provide a clear understanding of the emergency services offered by the LGU and whom to
contact. It also analyzed the arguments presented in the findings, as the community's lack of
knowledge about the emergency services despite proper budget allocation may have affected
their perception. The study suggested maximizing the use of social media and non-media tools
to raise awareness about the emergency hotline and highlighted the benefits of using 911 over
mobile numbers due to being toll-free and accessible.

KEYWORD: Emergency hotline, Emergency response, Cebu City, Peace & Order hotline,
Singapore-like Cebu City.


Emergencies and calamities could occur without warning. The response from public
sector was crucial for security and healthcare. The technology offered life-saving tools. A toll-
free number for emergency response during disasters and criminal activities was vital for
society. Public awareness and education were essential; some may have needed help
understanding the 911 system, leading to confusion and delays in response (National 911
Program, 2019). The 911 emergency hotline was accessible 24/7 nationwide (National
Emergency Number Association, 2021). Utilizing the mobile application by dialing 911 provided
access to help during critical moments (PhilStar, 2016). Contribute to disaster preparedness
and response, reducing the impact of emergencies on urban communities (United Nations,
2021). The official emergency number in the United States and Canada was 911. Although the
first 911 call was made in Haleyville, Alabama, in 1968, it was not until 1999 that the United
States Congress directed the FCC to create a 911 universal number urgent in all United States
for telephone services. The 911 network was now integral to our nation's strategic emergency
and disaster preparedness program. Emergency personnel and others often learned of an
emergency through a 911 call. Dialing 911 connected a caller to the nearest. Public Safety
Answering Point (PSAP) dispatcher, trained to quickly route your call to local medical, fire, and
law enforcement emergencies. They were referring to the 911 Pizza Case, an incident in 2015
when a woman in Sanford, Florida, made a 911 emergency call to report a pizza order. This
case highlighted the critical role of 911 operators in handling unusual or non-emergency calls,
ensuring that resources were available for genuine emergencies. In this instance, the dispatcher
managed the situation with patience and empathy, as it later became apparent that the caller

was discreetly attempting to report a domestic violence situation. The dispatcher's ability to
discern the urgency behind the unconventional call underscored the importance of well-trained
and attentive 911 operators (The Washington Post, November 16, 2015). Dispatchers often
instructed callers on actions to take when crimes were reported, such as preserving the crime
scene, which was crucial for evidence collection and forensic investigation.

Cebu City, located in a region prone to various natural disasters, including typhoons,
earthquakes, and flooding, looked at Sustainable Development Goal 11 by establishing a
reliable emergency response system like the 911 hotline, crucial for improving disaster
preparedness and response to Councilor Rey M. Gelson's Ordinance in Cebu City. During the
surge of COVID-19 in Cebu City, the Police Regional Office here (PRO-7) reported 629 violence
cases against women and children from January to May (CDN-Digital, 2022). United Nations
Secretary-General António Guterres underscored this social responsibility to keep homes
conflict-free under the horrifying global surge in domestic violence under COVID-19 lockdowns
(United Nations, 2023, April 6). However, Cebu City Councilor Alvin Dizon proposed a resolution
asking the Department of Social Welfare and Services (DSWS) to aggressively monitor
community domestic violence. He urged the DSWS to work with civil society organizations
(CSOs) in providing counseling and shelter to victims, arresting and prosecuting abusers, and
educating the public on domestic abuse (SunStar/Cebu, 2020). The impact of Typhoon Odette
caused widespread power outages and damaged communication infrastructure, making it
difficult for people to reach emergency hotlines. Many phone lines and cell towers were knocked
out, disrupting communication with emergency services. Visayan Electric Company, Inc., or
Veco, reported that 95 percent of their franchise area was interrupted due to strong winds
(Inquirer, 2021). Localizing Cebu City’s 911 system didn’t mean isolation. In line with Councilor
Rey M. Gealon’s proposed ordinance, it would have the local 911 ERC coordinate with the
Emergency 911 Commission for confirmation and accreditation of Cebu City 911 ERC; conduct
its pieces of training and training of the said commission for its local personnel and volunteers;
and coordinate on and complement implementation of national guidelines. Moreover, studying
the effectiveness of emergency response systems in Cebu City can directly benefit residents
and visitors by ensuring that the city is well-prepared to handle emergencies, ultimately
enhancing public safety and well-being.


The study assessed the outcomes of the implementation emergency hotline in a Highly
Urbanized City in the Philippines.

Specifically, answers to the following queries were sought:

1. Describe the status of the emergency hotline response of the said Highly Urbanized City
in terms of:
1.1. Role and function of the emergency hotline operator;
1.2. Management of the emergency hotline response;
1.3. Organization of emergency hotline response;
1.4. Number of calls per day; and type of emergency?
1.5. Level of Accuracy, accessibility, and satisfaction of emergency hotline response;
2. Explore the practices and barriers to emergency hotline implementation in a Highly
Urbanized City.


For billions of users worldwide, mobile phones, especially those of the current
smartphone generation, have evolved into a regular necessity (Polykalas, 2017). The 911
emergency hotline is 24/7 accessible for help nationwide (National Emergency Number
Association, 2021). Meanwhile, Cebu City recorded 206 index crimes for 2023 compared to the
162 incidents in 2022 based on the Philippine Information System. In fact, during the massive
surge of COVID-19, domestic violence prevailed (Center on Budget and Policy Priorities, 2021).
Henceforth, the 911 emergency hotline remained unrecognized and unpopular to the majority
due to a lack of act reinforcement in the Free Mobile Disaster Alerts Act or Republic Act 10639
(Arriola et al., 2019). The Cebu City government plans to institutionalize Hotline "911" to
consolidate all emergency hotlines into one command center, aiming to shorten response time
during emergencies (Philippine News Agency, 2023). On the contrary, due to a high call volume
in 911 Manila as the leading operator, responding to emergencies nationwide would take
several minutes (Bañacia, 2016).

Markovchick's research highlights a critical global challenge in emergency services,

specifically the effective management of call volumes, with a focus on centers like 911 (Pons &
Markovchick, 2017). These primary points of contact experience a surge in call volume during
crises, straining their capacity and jeopardizing response times, posing a significant risk to
public safety. The severity is compounded by the absence of standardized call handling
procedures and technical limitations within emergency management systems, as emphasized
by Hardin et al. (2019).

Recognizing the severity of the issue, the researchers advocate for strategic
interventions such as technical upgrades, staff training, and increased collaboration among
emergency services. The urgent need for a comprehensive evaluation and enhancement of
existing call volume management strategies is emphasized. These measures not only address
the immediate challenges posed by increased call volumes but also fortify the overall
emergency response system. By prioritizing efficient resource allocation, the proposed
strategies aim to mitigate the strain on emergency centers during crises, with a focus on
enhancing the quality of emergency services provided to the community.

The reality of the efficacy and efficiency of rescue through the 911 emergency hotline
remains constant despite changing factors during rescue operations in the Philippines (Fabito et
al., 2016). Addressing these challenges requires precise information and communication
management, involving the gathering, processing, and analysis of an enormous quantity of data
(Lehnardt, 2017; Knoll, 2016; Krumay & Brandtweiner, 2015).

The Comprehensive Emergency Management (CEM) framework holds paramount

relevance for the Emergency Hotline in Cebu City, offering a structured approach to disaster
preparedness, response, recovery, and mitigation. Guided by national and international
standards, the CEM framework ensures a coordinated and efficient response to emergencies,
minimizing the impact on communities. Adherence to CEM principles in the context of the
Emergency Hotline allows for streamlined communication channels, resource allocation, and
timely mobilization of emergency services. Drawing inspiration from global emergency
management models like FEMA in the United States, the implementation of the CEM framework
enhances the overall resilience of a community, fostering a comprehensive and collaborative
approach to emergency situations (FEMA, 2021). This approach ensures that the Emergency

Hotline in Cebu City operates within a well-defined framework, enhancing its effectiveness and
contributing to the safety and well-being of the local population.

Figure 1. Comprehensive Emergency Management (CEM), 1970.

Another similar system was developed by Ramirez, Pondoyo, Laya, and Bahio (2016) in
Cebu City, Philippines. The system consists of a web-based and mobile component. When an
emergency occurs, a phone's geolocation information will be triggered and used to find the
closest emergency services and show its pre-stored emergency hotline. To ensure that the
emergency request is communicated, it can also send the user's position information to the
designated emergency units and broadcast an alarm to at least five emergency teams. The
Hotline 166 responds to peace and order in Cebu City and other medical emergencies, while
160 is the direct hotline for the fire department (Bañacia, 2016)

In McCarthy's study, The Impact of 911 Telephone Technology on U.S. Emergency

Services, the importance of 911 emergency hotlines is underscored by addressing key
challenges and proposing solutions. McCarthy and Baker emphasize the growing strain on the
911 system due to the proliferation of wireless technology and increased use of mobile phones
for emergency calls. The study highlights issues related to accurately and efficiently locating
wireless callers, a concern that could be alleviated through the adoption of advanced 911
technology, including GPS tracking and enhanced caller location information (Wainwright &
Baker, 2010). This technological advancement holds the potential to significantly enhance the
response capabilities of emergency services, ensuring faster and more accurate aid reaches
those in need. Consequently, it emphasizes the ongoing need for technological development
within the 911 emergency hotline system.

The 911 emergency hotline serves as a crucial lifeline for individuals in emergency
situations, enabling quick connections with emergency services throughout the Philippines
(National Emergency Number Association). Despite its importance, the system faces significant
challenges, including call overload and response delays due to high call volumes, as reported
by Dispatch Magazine in 2020. Moreover, the misuse of 911 for non-emergencies ties up
essential resources, a concern raised by the Federal Communications Commission in 2020.
Challenges also extend to issues such as inaccurate location information hindering first
responders (National Emergency Number Association, 2021) and outdated technology posing

difficulties in handling modern communication methods (National Public Safety
Telecommunications Council, 2020).

Ensuring the effectiveness of the 911 system involves addressing various aspects.
Adequate training and staffing for call operators and dispatchers are crucial but face
impediments like shortages and high turnover rates (National Emergency Number Association,
2021). Language barriers and cultural sensitivity among operators need attention for accurate
assistance (National 911 Program, 2019). The system also grapples with technological
vulnerabilities, including cybersecurity threats (Government Accountability Office, 2019), while
limited funding and resource constraints affect technology upgrades and staffing levels (Federal
Communications Commission, 2020). Achieving interoperability among emergency response
agencies during large-scale emergencies presents another challenge (National Public Safety
Telecommunications Council, 2020). Lastly, public awareness and education are essential to
mitigate confusion and delays in emergency response (National 911 Program, 2019).

Despite these challenges, studies indicate that emergency hotlines, with proper
coordination and operational preparedness, remain effective, particularly with the advent of
technology and advancements in mobile applications (Bryne & Marx, 2011). Understanding the
dynamics of social interactions and relationships within the Emergency Hotline in Cebu City can
be analyzed through the lens of the Social Exchange Theory (SET). SET posits that individuals
engage in social exchanges to maximize rewards and minimize costs, emphasizing reciprocity
in relationships. In the context of the Emergency Hotline, the theory aligns with the expectation
that callers seek assistance during crises with the anticipation of prompt and effective
responses. Operators, in turn, aim to provide support within the constraints of available
resources, creating a reciprocal exchange with expectations of positive outcomes. This
theoretical framework underscores the importance of maintaining trust and satisfaction in these
interactions, impacting the ongoing relationship between the hotline and the community it serves
(Thibaut & Kelley, 1959). Additionally, an understanding of social exchange dynamics can
inform training programs for hotline operators, enhancing their ability to navigate complex
interactions and foster positive outcomes during emergency situations.

Figure 2. Social Exchange Theory (SET), by Peter Blau, 1960.


Research Design

A study utilized a descriptive method utilizing two sets of data, a review of records from
the city’s relevant agencies was done to present the Role and function of the emergency hotline
operator; Organization of emergency hotline response; Number of calls per day; and type of
emergency and the assessment of accuracy, accessibility and, satisfaction on the
implementation of the emergency hotline. An interview was also done to collect responses on
the practices and challenges of the implementation of the emergency hotline.

Research Environment

The study focused on the emergency hotline in Cebu City, aiming to identify and address
potential shortcomings in the current system. It examined various factors including the
organization and function of the emergency hotline operator, management of the emergency
hotline response, organization of the emergency hotline response, resources for the emergency
response unit, budget allocation, number of daily calls, types of emergencies, accuracy,
accessibility, and timeliness of the emergency hotline response. Additionally, the study
assessed the community's knowledge about the hotline and uncovered barriers to its
implementation. This comprehensive assessment was crucial to ensure that Cebu City's
emergency response system was not only functional but also optimized to meet the specific
needs and challenges of the community.

The researchers in this study carefully chose 60 respondents to provide a well-rounded
understanding of the emergency hotline in a Highly Urbanized City LGU. This included several
important groups:

Command, Control, and Communication (C3): were the first point of contact when someone
called the hotline. They gathered initial information and helped direct the call to the appropriate
responders. Their insights revealed the challenges and procedures involved in receiving
emergency calls.

Cebu City Disaster Risk Reduction and Management Office (CCDRRMO), specifically the
Bureau of Fire Protection: played a crucial role in emergency response, from fires to medical
emergencies. Their experiences highlighted the coordination between the hotline and
emergency responders on the ground and offered insights into the effectiveness of the system.

Cebu City Police Officers (CCPO): had the capacity for immediate deployment of officers to
emergency locations. They could secure the scene, gather evidence, and facilitate the swift
investigation of criminal activities.

Random people/citizens: including regular citizens in the study ensured that the researchers
captured first-hand experiences of those using the hotline during emergencies. Their feedback
revealed public perception, ease of use, and overall satisfaction with the hotline's services.

Research Instrument

This research employed a two-phase approach: a quantitative phase and a qualitative

phase utilizing a non-probability sampling process, specifically purposive sampling. The
researcher utilized Cronbach's alpha method to pre-test 17 emergency respondents, achieving
73% reliability, but they were not included in the study.

A. Unstructured Questionnaire

A 5-point Likert scale was followed by an unstructured questionnaire to assess the state of
the emergency hotline in the Highly Urbanized City LGU. The questionnaire aimed to capture
crucial aspects such as the role and function of the emergency hotline operator, management of
the emergency hotline response, organization of the emergency hotline response, resources for
the emergency response unit, budget, number of calls per day, and types of emergencies. It
also looked at the level of accuracy, accessibility, and timeliness of the emergency hotline
response. This quantitative approach ensured a systematic and data-driven evaluation, enabling
targeted interventions and improvements in hotline efficiency, resource allocation, and overall
emergency response capabilities in the Highly Urbanized City LGU.

B. Interview

A qualitative phase utilized open-ended interviews with key stakeholders, the Cebu City
Police Officers (CCPO), the Cebu City Disaster Risk Reduction and Management Office
(CCDRRMO), Command, Control, and Communication (C3), as well as random people in Highly
Urbanized Cities, could prove instrumental in addressing the identified issues of community
knowledge and barriers to emergency hotline implementation. These interviews were used to
determine the level of knowledge the community currently has about emergency protocols,
disaster preparedness, and the availability of emergency hotlines by using focused questions.

Furthermore, the interviews may provided insight into specific barriers to the effective
implementation of emergency hotlines, such as communication gaps, cultural differences, or
technological limitations. Ensuring that the following interventions are contextually relevant and
sensitive to the specific needs of the community is made possible by the qualitative method,
which also makes it easier to identify the difficulties and plan specific solutions.


The quantitative data were analyzed and presented descriptively while content analysis
was used to analyze the practices and challenges in the implementation the emergency hotline.


In this study, data collection followed a two-phase method. The quantitative phase
utilized a 5-point Likert scale and an unstructured questionnaire to assess the emergency
hotline's status in a Highly Urbanized City LGU. Transitioning to the qualitative phase, key
stakeholders, including Cebu City Police Officers (CCPO), the Cebu City Disaster Risk
Reduction and Management Office (CCDRRMO), Command, Control, and Communication (C3),
and randomly selected city residents, participated in organized interviews. These interviews
focused on community knowledge and barriers to implementing emergency hotlines, providing
detailed insights into challenges and aiding in the development of appropriate solutions.


Before the actual data gathering, the study protocol was submitted to an accredited
Research Ethics Committee for the ethical soundness assessment. The research ethics
committee issued the Notice to Proceed, with the reference number : 2023- 298, REC NTP
code: NP2023ext-276.


Table 1
Role and Function of the Emergency Hotline Operator
Role Function
Initial Point of Contact  Assess incoming calls to determine if they are
related to criminal or disaster incidents.
 Transfer calls to specific departments, such as
CCPO for criminal cases and CCDRRMO for
disaster management.
Command, Control, and  Operate as a centralized hub for handling
Communication (C3) emergency calls.
 Two offices located in Mambaling and SRP Cebu
City, both under CCDRRMO.
Cebu City Police Officers  Responsible for taking action in emergency
(CCPO) responses, especially for criminal cases.
 Camp located in Camp Sotero Cabahug, with
numerous offices throughout Cebu City.
Cebu City Disaster Risk  Manage disasters such as fires, floods, etc.

Reduction and Management
(CCDRRMO)  Operate the current emergency hotline number.
 Receive calls from C3 and handle them within the
same building.
Radio Net Diagram  Illustrates interconnected communication network
for emergency responders.
 C3 serves as the primary contact point, facilitating
communication with various agencies involved in
emergency response operations.
Source: Command, Control, and Communication (C3) Cebu City

In Cebu City's emergency response system, the emergency hotline operator serves as
the first point of contact, assessing incoming calls and routing them to the proper departments
within the Command, Control, and Communication (C3) unit. The Cebu City Disaster Risk
Reduction and Management Office (CCDRRMO) oversees the C3 unit, which serves as a main
hub with offices in Mambaling and SRP Cebu City, allowing for effective communication and
coordination during calamities.

The Cebu City Police Officers (CCPO) respond to criminal matters from their several
offices throughout the city, while the CCDRRMO handles catastrophe situations. Furthermore,
the CCDRRMO manages the emergency hotline, which receives calls from C3 and handles
them within the same facility. A Radio Net Diagram displays the integrated communication
network, emphasizing C3's function as the principal point of contact for coordinating with other
agencies involved in emergency response activities.

Figure 3. Radio Net Diagram. Cebu City Disaster Risk Reduction and Management Office (CCDRRMO)
concept of emergency response.
Source: Command, Control, and Communication (C3) Cebu City
Management of Emergency Hotline Response

Section 12 of Republic Act 10121, also known as The Philippine Disaster Risk Reduction
and Management Act of 2010, mandated the establishment of LDRRMOs in every province,
city, and municipality. The emergency response team of a Highly Urbanized City LGU was
classified into three call processes. The Command, Control, and Communication (C3) received
calls from the numbers 0322621421 and 09325377770 and assessed which department was
accountable for each call. If the call was determined to be a criminal case, then the Cebu City
Police Officers (CCPO) were coordinated to respond. On the other hand, if the call was
determined to be a disaster case, such as a fire or flood, it was transferred to the Cebu City
Disaster Risk Reduction and Management Office (CCDRRMO). While the Command, Control,
Communication (C3) only operated through calls, it was responsible and accountable as the first
responder to assess the situation. The delay depended on how efficiently the Command,
Control, and Communication (C3) operated and how quickly it could coordinate a response.

Figure 4. Concept of Emergency Response Team in a Highly Urbanized City. Adapted from the Cebu
City Disaster Risk Reduction and Management Office (CCDRRMO).
Source: Cebu City Disaster Risk Reduction and Management Office (CCDRRMO)

Organization of Emergency Hotline Response

The organization of the emergency response was meticulously designed based on the
organizational structure of the LGU in Cebu City. It is anchored by the Cebu City Disaster Risk
Reduction and Management Council, comprising the City Mayor, the CCDRRMO Head of
Office, and the Assistant Head Office, where pivotal decision-making takes place. Supporting
them are the Administration and Training Division Head, overseeing the Budget and Finance
Section Head, Administrative Section Head, and Training Head, ensuring meticulous oversight
of budgeting, procurement, and training. Additionally, the Operations and Warning Division
Head, alongside the Quick Response Team Section Head, Emergency Medical Services
Section Head, Special Rescue Squad Section Head, and Command and Control Center Head,
spearhead field operations with precision. Lastly, the Research and Planning Division Head,
working with the Data and Information Management Section Head, Research Management
Section Head, Geographic Information Section Head, and Planning Section Head, manages
critical information, confidential documents, and research, ensuring a comprehensive and
strategic approach to emergency response.

Table 2
Emergency Calls and Classifications
Month Classification Count Classification Count
Oct-23 Emergency 718 Non-Emergency 128
Nov-23 Emergency 793 Non-Emergency 171
Dec-23 Emergency 884 Non-Emergency 113
Jan-24 Emergency 727 Non-Emergency 117
Feb-24 Emergency 600 Non-Emergency 112
Mar-24 Emergency 688 Non-Emergency 118
Source: Command, Control, and Communication (C3) Cebu City

The table shows emergency calls and their categorization from October 2023 to March
2024. It distinguishes between emergency and non-emergency calls and displays their separate
counts for each month. The data reveals many tendencies. For starters, the number of
emergency calls each month remains steady, with minor changes but often falling between 600
and 884 calls. This shows that the need for emergency services remained consistent throughout
the period. Non-emergency calls are more variable, with tallies ranging from 112 to 171.

Despite minor swings, there is no discernible increasing or decreasing trend in non-

emergency calls. However, it is worth noting that there are regularly fewer non-emergency calls
than emergency ones, indicating that the emergency hotline is largely for urgent situations.
Analyzing these trends can help emergency services deploy resources more effectively and
adjust responses to the requirements of the community. Furthermore, greater research into the
nature of non-emergency calls may identify potential for public education campaigns or
alternative support networks to manage non-urgent concerns more effectively.

Table 3
Assessment of the accuracy, accessibility, and satisfaction of the emergency hotline
Indicators Mean Std. Deviation Interpretation
Accuracy 4.38 0.64 Highly accurate
Accessibility 4.17 0.94 Moderately accessible
Satisfaction 4.19 0.81 Moderately satisfied
Legend: 4.20 - 5.00 – Highly; 3.40 - 4.19 Moderate; 2.60 - 3.39 Low; 1.80 - 2.59 Very low; 1.00 -
1.79 Not at all

The assessment of the emergency hotline service yields good results across key
metrics. Users assess the hotline as extremely accurate, with a mean score of 4.38, suggesting
a high level of reliability in giving critical information during emergencies. Although considered
reasonably accessible (mean score of 4.17), there is need for improvement to ensure ease of
access for all users, particularly those with disabilities.

Furthermore, satisfaction levels, with an average score of 4.19, indicate a modest level
of contentment among users. While the average attitude is positive, differences in satisfaction
levels across users suggest potential for improvement. These findings demonstrate the
emergency hotline's success in providing accurate assistance, while also emphasizing the
potential to improve accessibility and satisfaction to better serve its users' different needs.

Practices and Challenges of the Implementation of Emergency Hotline

The content analysis of the provided transcript identifies numerous major themes and
issues in emergency management and catastrophe response. These themes reflect the
complexity and operational limits encountered by the emergency command center, notably in
Cebu City, as described by the Deputy Head. Overall, the research emphasizes the diverse
character of emergency management and disaster response, as well as the importance of
continual improvement and adaptation to address changing problems and assure community
safety and well-being.

Communication Challenges. The transcript presents challenges with communication

infrastructure and access. Issues include difficulty calling the emergency command center due
to office relocation, limitations in landline access that influence hospital endorsements, and
reliance on restricted cellular numbers for emergency hotlines.
This is what the informants have to say:

"Sa Challenges? As of now, sa among sitwasyon karun as a emergency command

center jud sya, karun na nga sa pagbalhin sa office lisod ang pag access like transpo, ang
landline sd namo if mag endorse mig hospital naay i cater among ambulance maglisod mig
endorse sa hospital because wala pa among landline..."
"Dili kaayu sila into social media. Naa pud sa like asa gipang assign among mga unit
naay nakapost didto, naa sad sa tarpaulin."

Operational Limitations. Operational issues include the high volume of emergency

calls during events such as the Sinulog festival, which puts a strain on resources. Aging
equipment exacerbates operational challenges, with some assets approaching a decade of

This is what the informants have to say:

"...daghan jud ug calls every day usahay di natu matagaan ug unit kung kanang
commited na gyud tanan like pag sinulog ang atung mga unit daghan kaayung mga back up
kay di man sad ta makabalibad ana kay mao naman jud na yearly ang sinulog naa jud mi ipang
deploy didtoa nga mga unit, ang katung mga unit nga pang emergency kay gamay nalang jud
"Overwhelming volume of emergency calls, especially during events like Sinulog festival,
leading to challenges in resource allocation."
"Aging equipment, including some that are nearly a decade old."

Community Engagement and Education. Proactive community engagement efforts

seek to improve disaster preparedness and response. Programs such as the MALIG ON
AWARD celebrate barangay resilience, while training efforts aim to provide barangay
responders with vital first aid and basic life support capabilities.

This is what the informants have to say:

"...naa m gitawag nga 5k wherein mangadto m every barangay as of this day naa m ika
19 nga barangay nga giduaw nag conduct ug lectures, like prevent fire, cardiac arrest, first aid
natu when it comes nga naay cardiac arrest, first step unsaon paggamit sa fire extinguisher
together with the PNP, BFP and staff natu dre..."

"Proactive community outreach programs focused on disaster prevention, mitigation,
and response."

Infrastructure and Resource Issues. Significant issues arise from resource limits, such
as a lack of labor and ambulance availability in comparison to demand. The transition to a
centralized emergency hotline system, specifically the delay in deploying 911, exacerbates
these concerns.

This is what the informants have to say:

"Resources: Manpower Equipment: Ambulance, Fire truck, Special Equipments,

Tankers, mostly when it comes to disaster equipt atung office."
"Strain on resources, including manpower and equipment, to cater to the emergency
needs of 80 barangays."

Disaster Management and Response. Adapting to new difficulties, such as the

COVID-19 epidemic, necessitates rigorous safety standards for frontline workers. Natural
disasters, such as Typhoon Odette, highlight the significance of retaining operating capabilities
despite communication outages.

This is what the informants have to say:

"...because naa tay gitawag nga frontliners, doctors, nurses. Kami ang frontliners sa frontliner,
ngano man? Ug naa man gani musud sa hospital, dili pa namo drtso pasudlon kay amo pa sila i
test if positive or negative."
"Adapting to new challenges, such as the COVID-19 pandemic, and ensuring safety protocols
for frontline workers."

Suggestions for Improvement. Recommendations include centralizing the emergency

hotline system for simpler access, developing robust data management systems for more
efficient information dissemination, and resolving issues in handling live broadcasts during
crises to assure accuracy and effectiveness.

This is what the informants have to say:

"Recommendations include centralizing the emergency hotline system for easier

"Implementing data management systems to streamline information dissemination, such
as fire alerts."


The emergency hotline in a Highly Urbanized City LGU was decentralized and
inaccessible to the community due to the numerous hotline or mobile numbers that were too
difficult to memorize, especially in the Citizen’s Charter. These numbers would not be easily
remembered in times of emergency panic situations. Aside from being difficult to memorize, it
was also costly as it required load credits to make a call, making it impractical and unaffordable
for all types of people in the community. There was no centralized number like 911 which was
easy to memorize and call. Additionally, there was a lack of a centralized command center that
could expedite operations to avoid call queuing. If many calls for emergency came in, people
would have to wait in line, increasing the risk of something worse happening during an

emergency. Lastly, there was a lack of coordination with the NTC and private
telecommunication companies like SMART, GLOBE, and DITO. Since the majority of the people
in the Highly Urbanized City LGU utilized these three networks, coordinating with them to
strengthen emergency hotline accessibility would have provided the best and fastest response
in times of emergency. Above all these issues, it was best to utilize the universal call for help,


The researchers recommend these actions for an effective and widely known emergency hotline
in Highly Urbanized City. Hereby, suggest the following;

● Utilize the universal 911 emergency hotline number.

● Use Informative, Education, and Communication materials such as posters, tarpaulins,
and radio broadcast.
● Maximize the use of social media in the absence of 911 or any emergency hotline in the
Highly Urbanized City LGU.
● Partnership with the National Telecommunications Commission (NTC), SMART,
GLOBE, and DITO to establish a highly efficient and cost-friendly emergency hotline.

For future researchers, the authors of this study hereby recommend the following areas of
discussion for supplementary discourse:

● The Impact of Geographic Information Systems (GIS) on Emergency Hotline Efficiency

in Urban Areas
● Public Awareness and Utilization Patterns of Emergency Hotline Services in Cebu City
● Technological Innovations and Best Practices in Emergency Hotline Operations:
Lessons from Leading Cities
● Enhancing Emergency Hotline Response Time Through Improved Coordination
Between Local Government Agencies and Emergency Services in Cebu City


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Appendix A
Notice to Proceed and Agreement

Appendix B

Author Concept/Theory Issue GAP

Pineda & Buan Emergency Rescue Challenges on

Naga: An LGU- emergency
Managed Emergency response/prank
Rescue Project calls thru 911

Matunhay Disaster Preparedness Disaster

and Resiliency of the preparedness and
Local Government Unit resiliency
of Compostela assessment

Peleg, et.al. The COVID-19 Inadequacy of the

pandemic challenge to All-Hazards
the All-Hazards Approach (AHA) in
Approach for disaster addressing the
planning challenges posed
the COVID-19
pandemic and the
need to shift
towards a Top
Hazards Approach
for effective
disaster risk
reduction planning

Enriquez, et.al. Capacity and Funding: Disproportionate

Examining Local funds to local
Disaster Risk Reduction needs and
and Management implement DRRM
(DRRM) programs and
Gaps, Challenges, and projects for
Solutions for High-Risk, communities.
Low-Income (LGUs)

Andrada, et.al. Community-based Assessing

Disaster Preparedness Vulnerable Areas,
of Valenzuela City and Policies,
Iriga City Programs, and

Arao Community Disaster DRRM in good The Emergency Hotline

Resilience Management governance of Cebu City: A
Programs of the Three Situational Analysis
Cities of the Province
of Albay, Philippines

Wierda Empowering the Importance of
Children through Child child-centered
Centered Disaster Risk disaster risk
Reduction Projects reduction/panic
level during

Riveral, et.al. Capacities and Needs Poor health

Assessment on Health emergency
Emergency management
Management in Biliran
Province, Philippines

Caliston, et.al. “HELP ME”: An Efficacy of mobile

Emergency Response application in
Mobile Application terms of

Perez, et.al. Disaster Risk Reduction DRRM

Management Preparedness as
Capabilities of State the basis of LGU
Universities and Development
Colleges Program
and Local Government
Units in Iloilo: Basis of
Development Program

Jabar, et.al. Local leadership and Exit station during

Community Matter: disaster
Establishing a transit
station for exiting
disaster survivors

Matunhay Disaster Preparedness Consistency of

and Resiliency of the resiliency in the
Local Government Unit wing of DRRM
of Compostela Preparedness

Mahilum Mitigating Measures and Level of full

Level of Preparedness security in DRRM
Against Risk and preparedness
Disasters among

Appendix C
Interview Protocol

Community & Location ____________________________ Date/time_____________

No. of people attending ____________________________
Researchers conducting session___________________________________________

My name is ___________________ and I will be facilitating this focus group interview along
with my colleague(s) _____________ . The goal of this study is to Assess the emergency
hotline of a Highly Urbanized City. Your input is crucial in understanding the strengths and
weaknesses of the system, as well as identifying areas for improvement. Your responses will
remain confidential, and your insights will be invaluable for enhancing our emergency response

You were chosen because you are a member of a vital and diverse group of participants, which
includes members of the Cebu City Police Office (CPO), Cebu City Disaster Risk Reduction and
Management Office (CCDRRMO), Command, Control, Communication (C3), and the (5)
random callers in Cebu City. The major players that offer a comprehensive perspective on the
implementation of the 911 Emergency Hotline in Cebu City.

Prior to the interview you were sent an introductory letter and two consent forms (one to sign
and return and one to keep) prior to the session today. The focus group interviews will take
approximately 90 minutes and will follow a designed interview protocol. As an incentive to
attend, each person will receive a monetary honorarium of $50 that will be mailed to them
following the interview.
Did each of you bring your consent letter? If not, I have some here for you. (copies distributed).
Does anyone have any questions?

If there are no further questions, let’s get started with the first question.
[Note: the researcher will use phrases such as “Tell me more”, “Could you give me an
example?”, “Could you explain that?” as prompts to solicit more detailed information when

Appendix D
Research Instrument (Survey Questions)

Direction: Please check and rate yourself honestly based on what you actually do given the
statements using the following scales.

A. Profile

Check the box if you are classified from:

Cebu City Police Officer (CPO)

Cebu City Disaster Risk Reduction and Management Office (CCDRRMO)

Command, Control, and Communication (C3)

Professional/Non-Professional/Vendor/Student/Religious Individual

Others, please specify _____________.

B. Survey

Instruction: Please rate the statement on a scale of 1 to 5, where "1" represents "Strongly
Disagree" and "5" represents "Strongly Agree," based on your perception.

Strongly Neither Strongly

Agree Agree Disagree or Disagree Disagree

(5) (4) (3) (2) (1)

1.The Hotline effectively

provides accurate information
during emergencies.

2.The emergency response is

accessible to both responders
and the caller.

3.When calling for help through

the emergency hotline,
responders are on time for

4.The resources provided by the

organization, such as training
materials, equipment, and

support, adequately meet my
needs for effective performance
in my role.
5.The current budget allocation
effectively addresses the needs
and priorities of our
6.The emergency responders
are competent and professional
in providing emergency

Instruction: Please rate the statement on a scale of 1 to 5, where "1" represents "Very
Dissatisfied” and "5" represents "Very Satisfied”, based on your perception .

Very Very
Satisfied Satisfied Neutral Dissatisfied Dissatisfied

(5) (4) (3) (2) (1)

1.How satisfied are you

with the communication
and transparency of
management within the

Instruction: Kindly mark your selection with a checkmark [✓]

1-5 5-10 10-15 15-20 20 & Above

Number of calls per day

Police Fire Medical Domestic Others

Services Department Services / Violence (Please
Ambulance specify)

Type of emergency

Appendix D-2
Research Instrument (Interview Guide)

C. Individual Discussion

A. What specific challenges hindered the successful implementation of emergency

hotlines, and how did these obstacles affect the system's overall effectiveness?
Additionally, kindly provide a concise description of the encountered challenges
during the implementation process?

B. What knowledge has the community acquired regarding the emergency hotline
services, encompassing their understanding of the purpose, available resources,
and suitable scenarios for utilization?

Appendix E
Informed Consent

In signing this document, I am giving my consent to participate in the study which will be
conducted by the 4th year Bachelor of Public Administration students from Cebu Normal

Having been explained about the details (including its procedures) of the study. I
understand that:

1. I will be participating in a research study that will focus on Emergency Hotline of

Cebu City: A Situational Analysis

2. I shall be assured of the right to privacy, anonymity, and confidentiality, hence no

reports of the study will ever identify me in any way.

3. I will be given an option to refuse participation and the right to withdraw from the
study without penalty.

4. The study is entirely voluntary and with that, even after the activity begins, I can
refuse to answer any questions or decide to terminate the activity at any point.

5. The result of the study will be given to me if I ask for them and that the following
persons will be contacted:

a. -----, dean / research director

b. ----- research adviser

c. – physician / clinical psychologist


Printed Name and Signature of

Research Participant / Respondent

Nationality: ________________


Printed Name and Signature of

Clinical Psychologist / Physicians Name:________________

License No:________________

Contact No: ________________

Appendix F
Endorsement Letters

Appendix G
Transmittal Letters

Appendix H
Transcript of Key Informants

CCDRRMO Officers

Sa Challenges? As of now, sa among sitwasyon karun as a emergency command center

jud sya, karun na nga sa pagbalhin sa office lisod ang pag access like transpo, ang landline sd
namo if mag endorse mig hospital naay i cater among ambulance maglisod mig endorse sa
hospital because wala pa among landline, ang means sa communication namo nga emergency
hotline duha ra ka cellphone number globe ug smart so we need the landline to endorse sa
hospital if naay i cater adto sa hospital. Implement para ma known ang emergency hotline.
Through social media, ang among emergency hotline gi publish namo sa facebook, sa among
ambulance unit naa sad na gipangbutang ang mga emergency hotline numbers aron sad ma
aware sa public nga mao na ang number contakon aside sa social media.

Dili kaayu sila into social media. Naa pud sa like asa gipang assign among mga unit
naay nakapost didto, naa sad sa tarpaulin. Actually ang 911, like sa community mutawag sila sa
911 take time na kaayu siya mutawag ug 911 unya ang 911 mutawag sa dire sa amoa, mao na
ug ma storya namo ang caller mu advise mi ug mudritso tawag sa command center kay ug
emergency kaayu sya ma direct ra sya. 166 pero sa ka karun kay na transfer naman ta wala
natung 166, ang karun nalang kay ang duha ka number nga smart 09355377770 ug ang globe.
So kanang 166 overall nana sya pwede mutawag like problema sa baranggay trouble or
regarding sa fire pero mao na ang problema karun kay wala pajud ng 166.

Yes, daghan jud ug calls everyday usahay di natu matagaan ug unit kung kanang
commited na gyud tanan like pag sinulog ang atung mga unit daghan kaayung mga back up kay
di man sad ta makabalibad ana kay mao naman jud na yearly ang sinulog naa jud mi ipang
deploy didtoa nga mga unit, ang katung mga unit nga pang emergency kay gamay nalang jud

Naa once nga naay sunog tapos naay ga live sa FB kay wala kabaw sa emergency
hotline unya didto na kit-an namo so narespondihan ra maskin wala pa mi naka received ug
tawag gikan nila.

Kulang sa operation
Cebu city disaster ang kining c3 isa ra ka section, daghan division, sa division naay Research
and Planning, Data, Operations, Admin

Under sa Operations
Ems, special rescue, engine, tactic response team, dagahn og scope nga gi handle.

Cebu city is highly urbanized city we are catering 80 brgys , sa cebu city disaster naa pud tay
fortimatics nga main gyud mao na sya ang prevention mitigation, response, rehabilitation mao
na ang among gisunod. Prevention mitigation naa m program, naa m gitawag nga 5k wherein
mangadto m every barangay as of this day naa m ika 19 nga barangay nga giduaw nag conduct
ug lectures, like prevent fire, cardiac arrest, first aid natu when it comes nga naay cardiac arrest,
first step unsaon paggamit sa fire extinguisher together with the PNP, BFP and staff natu dre.
Basically, ang among gusto mapaabot sa public is the knowledge and skills.

Naa mi gitawag nga MALIG ON AWARD wherein muadto every barangay among i assist ang
ilang resiliency sa ilang pag response in any disaster in barangay, example naa ba silay truck
or ambulance, pila kabuok ilang disaster personnel ug unsa nga training nga na attain nila, mao
na ang assessment. At the end of the year, na gather na namo ag data naa mi ihatag nga
award nga active jud diay ilang barangay, mao na among program.

Side sad sa atung ambulance, sa atung training division mag conduct sad m ug trainings kada
barangay responders, basic life support, standard first aid wherein magamit sad sa ilang

Indicators nga imong nakita along sa operations:

1. Cebu City is one of the highly populated, grabe na kadghan ag taw sa cebu city
maglisod ug cater sa tanan emergency but we make it to the point nga wala m na miss
or wala m na cater nga emergency. Also sa equipment, naa m daghan equipment but
naa nay uban nga tiguwang na almost 10 years nana sla
2. Ang pag educate sad sa mga callers, mostly problema namo dre is inag panawag gusto
nila padalion ug response which is sayop kay naa mi specific script nga ginasunod nga
mao nay sakto nga pangutana nga dili ra mutake ug 1 minute sa pag interview.

Singapore-like framework
Kaya lang ug mu support ang Mayor, dili lng mawa ilang pag support namo makaya rajud. Like
trainings, equipments, personnels and also improvements tanan nga ilang mahatag namo,
makaya rajud to reach the singapore-like. And also resources, we cater 80 barangays and we
only have 12 operating ambulance, dapat naa juy additional ambulance.


Ambulance, Fire truck, Special Equipments, Tankers, mostly when it comes to disaster equip
atung office.

166 is peace and order, karun separate na kay sa pulis na sya nga number. Ug wala lang m
nabalhin ug building, tapad rajud mi ug table si 166, barangay ug ang ambulance. Si 166
nagpabilin sa mambaling. Ag dre more on Barangay emergencies, fire personnels or engine,
and ambulance. Karun ang ginagamit natu sa landline is 2621424, sa cellphone( naa ra sa page

911 geofencing operating

- 2 weeks ago niari ang taga DILG nag conduct sila ug orientation regarding how to
handle 911, ila nana giplanohan as of now wala pa na gi operate dre sa Cebu City, naa
na silay target nga building or set up but ug operational wala pa jd na gioperate.

- Daghan ng nahitabo namo dre, nga wala pa kahibaw sa among hotlines nga drtso na
dial sa 911 i konek ni 911 namo dre sa among dispatch sa C3 kwaon ni 911 ang data sa
caller si 911 na muhatag namo, so kami sad kwaon namo ang contact sa caller adto n
911 kami nsad ang magstorya. Mao na amo gibuhat run nga amo gi disseminate ang
among hotlines para madali. 911 in NCR, daghan jud manawag sa 911 pero take time
jud sya.

How to handle 911, do you have at least —-- nga implement ang 911 instead ang hotline sa
- Siguro, kay DILG gud. But good thing is ilang ipa implement ang 911 kami ra sd ang taw
sa 911, centralized na sd sya pero kana magpabot ra jud mi sa higher namo ug kanus a
man gani na as long as among personnel ready na sila.

As Deputy Head, do you think atung community karon kay adjustive for emergency hotline
despite sa huge emergency nubers nga giprovide nila?
- Adjusting d sguro na mao na sya, adopting sguro ang tawag ana kay sa amo lng nga
data 806 nga total of emergency dili nana sya basta basta gyud, daghan na ang aware.
Amo gigamit sa social media, every barangay naa m gipanghatag nga flyers.

Best Practices as Deputy

- Always be updated, updated gyud ka ug unsay panghitabo sa palibot ug sa mga taw ug
be resilience

Disaster nga nakapa Challenge?

- Pagpandemic, because naa tay gitawag nga frontliners, doctors, nurses. Kami ang
frontliners sa frontliner, ngano man? Ug naa man gani musud sa hospital, dili pa namo
drtso pasudlon kay amo pa sila i test if positive or negative.
- Odette, at that time we have 14 ambulance, after odette in the morning, we only have 3
nalang ka operational kay wala nay personnel nakatunga kay nag atiman nsad sa ilang
mga balay. Among operational center and communication kay down so tanan puros
down. First among gibuhat kay makakuha mi ug electricity, nagpalit mig generator para
mabalik ang power and communication.
- Aside sa generator, we have head radio, base radio amoang emergency vehicles also
among communications sa lain lain departments, mka sampit sa lain department like
engineering nga makatabang ba example sa clearing operations sa main roads and
dangling wires and falling trees.

Ug mu call sa criminal cases 161 basta police matters, violence. Makonek ra tru radio,
manawag si caller for example police matters, shooting incident among pangutan on “unsay
nahitabo, pila kabuok pasyente , naunsa ang pasyente , pila edad, location, gender and
landmark” iinform jud namo sa pulis if mga police matters kay d m mu proceed ug ambulance if
wala pa ang mga pulis sa area. Magstorya mi sa caller ang radio amo gamiton ky naa rsd radio
ang 161 which is dali ra sya.

Pilay offices ang naa sa C3?

- Mambaling- research and planning
- Logistics sa medical wala pasd mahuman ang building
- Si CCDRRMO ug C3 same ra, section si C3 sa CCDRRMO

Suggestion para ma centralized ang hotline

- Kana i centralized jud sya, Ang community bsag walay load makatawag ra ghapon sila
- One way nga makahatag ug info, Rekoreda naa mi barangay responders, naa m gc nga
maoy mag rekoreda every barangay maggama mig script nga maoy iistorya for rekoreda
- Ang naa sa gc ky ang 80 ka barangay, barangay disaster personnel

Data management which is naa sa command center, slay mag disseminate like fire alert

How do you handle sa mga nag live while naay incident or disaster?

- Di jud malikayan nga naay maggamit ug social media, naa sad m personnel nga mao sd
mu alarma, naa sad magkuha ug photo or document.
- Advantage ang pag live

Depende sa ug unsaon pagda sa dispatcher mao naa sd tay training og ikaw dispatcher maratol
imong caller nya naratol sd ka dina mahimo.

Example, naa tay fire alarm nya mosaka nag sa fired alarm mo tabang na gid m. another
example medical kung naay mahitabo casualty like cpr mo tabang sd m.

Appendix I
Cebu Citizen Charter S.Y. 2022

Appendix J
Monthly Incident Monitoring (October-December, 2023-January-March, 2024)

Appendix J
Data Gathering & Field Observation (Documentation)

Appendix K
Curriculum Vitae


San Roque Liloan, Cebu


● An energetic, unique thinker and eager to learn new skills

● Experienced in community development activities.
● Has research experience in the field of political science, policy development and
● Has leadership skills.
● Competent in digital, online, social media management.
● Can handle multiple tasks at the same time.
● Excellent communication skills.
● Has the ability to handle pressure in different kinds of situations.
● A team player and can work well with others.



Bachelor of Public Administration
Osmeña Blvd, Cebu City, 6000,
September 2020 – Present


Lataban, Lilo-an, Cebu


San Roque, Lilo-an, Cebu
● Political Thought
● Good Governance

● Learning Support Aide
● Research Conducted:
1. Assessing the Emergency Hotline of Cebu City: A Situational Analysis

Personal Details

● Age : 22
● Birthdate : January 26, 2002
● Birthplace : Danao Hospital, Danao
● Civil Status : Single
● Address in Cebu City : Liloan Cebu
● Hometown Address : Purok Pinya Lataban
● Parents Information:
○ Mother : Leizel Capoy
○ Occupation : Housewife

○ Father : Roger Capoy

○ Occupation: Factory Worker
● Parents / Gradian Contact Information: 09264640370


Dr. Roselle A. Jardin

Practicum Preceptor
Professor, Department of Public Governance
College of Law, Public Governance and Safety
Cebu Normal University
Mobile: 0998 – 9714217
E-mail : jardinr@cnu.edu.ph

Ms. Erma Janne Cayas

Chairman, Department of Public Governance
College of Law, Public Governance and Safety
Cebu Normal University
Cell. No. ________________
E-mail : cayasej@cnu.edu.ph

Santo Rosario, Inabanga, Bohol

● An energetic, eager to learn new skills
● Experienced in community development activities.
● Has leadership skills.
● Competent in digital, online, social media management.
● Can handle multiple tasks at the same time.
● Has the ability to handle pressure in different kinds of situation.
● A team player and can work well with others.



Bachelor of Public Administration
Osmeña Blvd, Cebu City, 6000, Cebu
September 2020 – Present


Cabulijan, Tubigon, Bohol 2014-2020


Poblacion, Inabanga, Bohol
June 2008 - March 2014

● Political Thought
● Good Governance
● Introduction to Public Administration


● Learning Support Aide
● Research Conducted:
1. Assessing the Emergency Hotline of Cebu City: A Situational Analysis

● Deans List, SY 2020-2021
● Deans List, SY 2022-2023

● Age : 22
● Birthdate : December 9, 2001 Birthplace : Tagbilaran City
● Civil Status : Single
● Address in Cebu City: Punta Princesa, Cebu, City
● Hometown Address : Santo Rosario, Inabanga, Bohol

● Parents Information:
Mother : Cynthia H. Braga
Occupation: Government Employee

Father : Jovencio B. Braga

Occupation: Tourist Driver

● Parents / Gradian Contact Information: 09264640370


Dr. Roselle A. Jardin

Practicum Preceptor
Professor, Department of Public Governance
College of Law, Public Governance and Safety
Cebu Normal University
Mobile: 0998 – 9714217
E-mail : jardinr@cnu.edu.ph

Ms. Erma Janne Cayas

Chairman, Department of Public Governance
College of Law, Public Governance and Safety
Cebu Normal University
Cell. No. ________________
E-mail : cayasej@cnu.edu.ph

Tungkil Minglanilla, Cebu


● An energetic, unique thinker and eager to learn new skills.

● Experienced in community development activities.
● Has leadership skills.
● Competent in digital, online, social media management.
● Can handle multiple tasks at the same time.
● Excellent communication skills.
● Has the ability to handle pressure in different kinds of situation.
● A team player and can work well with others.



Bachelor of Public Administration
Osmeña Blvd, Cebu City, 6000, Cebu
September 2020 – Present


Cabulijan, Tubigon Bohol, 6332


Poblacion, Sagbayan, Bohol 2008-2014

● Political Thought
● Introduction to Public Administration
● Good Governance

● Healthcare Executive
● Associate- Customer Support
● Research Conducted:
1. Assessing the Emergency Hotline of Cebu City: A Situational Analysis
● Deans List, SY 2020-2021
● Deans List, SY 2021-2023
Personal Details
● Age : 21
● Birthdate : March 28, 2002
● Birthplace : Cebu City
● Civil Status : Single
● Address in Cebu City : Tungkil Minglanilla, Cebu
● Hometown Address : Tungkil Minglanilla, Cebu
● Parents Information:
● Mother : Lalaine A. Requierme
● Occupation : Businesswoman

● Father: Samuel A. Requierme

● Occupation: Seaman

● Parents / Guardian Contact Information:



Dr. Roselle A. Jardin

Practicum Preceptor
Professor, Department of Public Governance
College of Law, Public Governance and Safety
Cebu Normal University
Mobile: 0998 – 9714217
E-mail : jardinr@cnu.edu.ph

Ms. Erma Janne Cayas

Chairman, Department of Public Governance
College of Law, Public Governance and Safety
Cebu Normal University
Cell. No. ________________
E-mail : cayasej@cnu.edu.ph

Vistana Residences, Ramos, Cebu, City

● Able to demonstrate the capacity to strategically lead, inspire, and guide teams toward
achieving organizational objectives, showcasing the ability to drive results through
effective leadership.
● Expert in exhibiting a dynamic and adaptable approach to various challenges,
showcasing the ability to thrive in diverse and evolving environments while embracing
change with resilience.
● Best to showcase a strong analytical skill in identifying complex problems, developing
innovative solutions, and making informed decisions to address challenges effectively.
● Proficient in articulating ideas persuasively through compelling verbal and written
communication, fostering meaningful connections and collaborations across diverse
● Efficient in time management skills in prioritizing tasks, meeting deadlines, and
optimizing productivity, ensuring optimal utilization of resources to achieve goals.



Bachelor of Public Administration
Osmeña Blvd, Cebu City, 6000, Cebu
September 2020 – Present


General Academic Strand (GAS) Campo
Street, Masbate City June 2018 March
2020 (Senior High School)

Campo Street, Masbate City
June 2014 - April 2018 (Junior High School)

Poblacion, Placer, Masbate
June 2008 - March 2014

● National Certificate III Bookkeeping
● 5th International Conference of the Arts & Sciences: Emphasizing the Role of the Arts &
Sciences in Building a Sustainable Future
● UNHCR Conference: Granting Citizenship to Stateless Persons
● Human Rights Awareness Training: Atong Hisgutan Katungod Ug Responsibilidad Sa
Mga Kabatan- Onan Sa Malungtaron Nga Tumong Sa Kauswagan 2019
● Healthcare Initiatives and Kids Empowerment (H.I.K.E) Ta, Bai Program (JCI Cebu Inc.

● Governance and Development
● Administrative Law
● Public Policy and Program Administration
● Organization Management
● Human Behavior in Organization
● Local and Regional Governance
● Public Fiscal Administration
● Government Budgeting
● Good Governance & Social Responsibility
● Ethics and Accountability in Public Administration

● President-Focal Person, Office of the Student Regent, Cebu Normal University
● International Ambassador, Asia Youth International Model United Nations 2020
● Board Member, Cebu Normal University-Model United Nations
● CLASS-COA 2020, Council of Liberal Arts & Sciences
● Chapter Ambassador, Junior Chamber International- Cebu City 2023
● Provincial Coordinator, National Unity Party
● Project Chairperson, Project S.A.G.O.P Medical Mission
Research Conducted:
1. Assessing the Emergency Hotline in Cebu City: A Situational Analysis
2. DSWD: The Pantawid Pamilyang Pilipino Program (4Ps): Proposed
Strategic Management Plan
3. Assessing the Cebu Normal University Online Student Portal (OSP)
4. Squaring Circle: Reinforcing the Basic Services in Stabilizing the Local
Government Code in various Municipalities
● Best Verbal Commendation, UNHCR Council, Asia Youth International Model Nations
● Dean’s List, 1st semester S.Y. 2019-2020
● Best Resolution Paper, UNHCR Council, Asia Youth International Model Nations 2020
● Outstanding Community Leader, Junior Chamber International Cebu City Chapter
● Outstanding Project Chairman, S.A.G.O.P Medical Mission, JCI Cebu City Chapter &
LGU Placer, Masbate


● Age : 23 years old
● Birthdate : February 21, 2001
● Birthplace : Masbate City
● Civil Status : Single
● Address in Cebu City : Vistana Residence, Junquera Extension, Cebu City
● Hometown Address : Libo-Daraga, Placer, Masbate
● Parents Information:
○ Mother : Amelinda Baguio Sanduval
○ Occupation : Councilor, Municipality of Placer, Masbate

○ Father : Roy Ocang Roldan

○ Occupation : Businessman & Politician

● Parents / Gradian
Contact Information : Roy Ocang Roldan: 09215898097


Dr. Roselle A. Jardin, LPT, DPA, Ph.D

Practicum Preceptor
Professor, Department of Public Governance
College of Law, Public Governance and Safety
Cebu Normal University
Mobile: 0998-9714217
E-mail: jardinr@cnu.edu.ph

Atty. Lorie Archival

Brgy. Busay, Cebu City
Cell. No. 0927-4027671


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