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Good day everyone. Today we gather to delve into the foundation principle of chemical safety.

the rooms of both science in industry, the handling and oversights of chemical stand as pivotal
pillars, ensuring safety within this domain, isn't it merely as a preference but an absolutely
imperative. Firstly, I am Medardo Diaz Jr. tasked with introducing the concept of chemical safety.
Subsequently Miss Caseria will explore Hazard Communication while Miss Pena will tackle risk
assessment and management. Mr. Mourillo will delve into the laboratory safety practices and Mr.
Agon will shed light on ventilation in engineering controls, personnel hygiene and health
monitoring. I will be the tackled where as hazardous waste management will fall under Mr.
Paral. Lastly, Mr. Villa will enlighten us on transportation and storage safety. So now we are
going to Introduction to chemical safety. Chemicals are part of our daily lives and are essential
for economic development and well being. They provide numerous benefits including preventing
disease and increasing agricultural productivity. The chemical industry is the second largest
manufacturing industry in the world, with more and more chemicals produced every year.
However, many have Hazardous this properties and can adversely impact human health
workers can be exposed to chemicals along the whole supply chain, including manufacturing
and handling in use and disposal. So now we are going to proceed to the importance of
chemical safety in laboratories and industry. First of all, what is the importance of laboratory
safety, laboratory safety is of paramount to safeguarding the wellbeing of workers and
researchers in laboratory environments. hazards such as chemical spills, fires and explosion
and exposure to hazardous substances pose significant risks that must be addressed. We are
going to proceed to risk to workers in the community. Failure to prioritize laboratory safety is not
only in dangerous individual within the laboratory but also threatens the broader community.
improper handling of hazardous substances in waste product can result in environmental
contamination and health risk for implementing a comprehensive safety program, employer
must establish laboratory safety program to mitigate risk effectively. This include providing
throughout training on handling hazardous substances, as well as developing procedures for
emergency response, waste disposal and spill containment, training and procedures for safety
training is a fundamental component of laboratory safety programs. Workers must be equipped
with the knowledge and skills to handle hazardous materials safely. Additionally, clear procedure
for emergency situation are essential to ensure from an effective response to incident access to
personal protective equipment or must be known as PPE, employer must ensure the laboratory
workers have access to appropriate personal protective and equipment for their task. This may
include gloves Safety, glasses, lab coats, and respiratories tailored to the specific hazard the
present in the laboratory environment. So now we are going to historical incident and lesson
learned where it countries have been experienced the worst case chemical disaster in the past
history. In Rome lesson learned from them an increase in the number of accidents in the
process of industry and the contaminant damage potential is a cause of concern in many
countries. One of the disaster risk disaster is the bipolar disaster resulting from a combination of
errantly and safe design in poorly managed operation is well known as case study for Nigeria,
China in Algeria, with a record significant number of deaths due to the process accident. France
Netherlands, USA, China and UK reportedly a high number of injuries for the Arkansas, Aruba,
Egypt, Greece, Japan. Cisco in China, Spain, reported neither dead nor injuries during the
period of 1998 to 2015. Chemical units pose various hazards including fire, explosion and
exposure to toxic substances with potential catastrophic impact on life, livestock, flora, fauna
and environment. So now we are proceeding to lesson learned. The historical incident in
chemical risk management underscored the importance of organizational learning,
distinguishing between single loop and double loop learning approaches. single loop learning
addresses immediately issue while double loop learning delves into deeper underlying
assumption and policies to prevent future incidents, emphasizing double loop learning can lead
to systematic changes within organizations. Yet challenges persist into implementing this
concept effectively. Overall, the incident highlights the necessity of moving beyond quick fixes to
foster a culture of reflective learning for enhanced race for a mansion in management. So this is
the last topic that I will be tackled under this topic, which is the responsibilities of individuals in
ensuring chemical safety. Firstly, A hazard map a hazard map is a visual representation of the
workplace that identifies where there are chemical hazards that could cause injuries or illness
the workers hazard mapping draws on what workers know from on the job experience and
respect the vast array of skills, experience and knowledge that workers have about their jobs.
The hazard mapping is approach works best when conducted by a small group of workers from
a small department of work area and requires breaking the small group to work together to
identify, prioritize and solve problems. On the other hand, the chemical hazard code key is a
system used to identify and classify hazardous chemicals. It typically consists of alphanumeric
codes assigned to different type of us hazards associated with chemicals, such as blame,
mobility, toxicity, reactivity and other potential dangers. This goes health emergency responders,
workers and other quickly assess the risk associated with huddling or being exposed to various
chemicals. The key is often used in the same D data sheets or SDS and other safety
documentation to provide. Standardize information about chemical hazards. The point of hazard
mapping is to gather the knowledge about the chemical hazards from group of workers so that
workers can together eliminate and or reduce the risk of accidents injuries, a label must printed
on the container of hazardous chemicals that provides information to workers on the specific
hazardous chemical, pictograms or graphic symbol used to communicate specific information
about hazards of chemicals, or body map is a feature that show what part of your body can
expose to chemical hazards and what those chemical hazards are. And that's all

good everyone. Today we discuss about hazard communication. So first, what is Hazard
Communication. Hazard Communication, also known as HazCom, is a set of processes and
procedures that employers and importers must implement in the workplace effectively
communicate hazards associated with chemicals during handling, shipping and any form of
exposure. So hazard communication, often known as Hazcom, stands as pivotal element and
workplace safety, striving to guarantee that employees possess awareness regarding the
potential dangers in the game because they might come across during their work
responsibilities. The goal of the hazard communication the goal of the Hazard Communication
Program, also known as Hazcom, is to protect people from injuries and illnesses associated with
using hazardous chemicals in the workplace. People have right to know and understand the
hazard the hazards and unlimited autochemicals they are exposed to at work. So the Hazard
Communication program or Hazcom is a crucial aspect of workplace safety and as if guarding
individuals from potential injuries and illnesses arising from the use of hazardous chemicals.
And now we're going to discuss about the Globally Harmonized System of Classification and
Labeling of Chemicals. So, what is the G.H.S (Globally Harmonized System) of Classification
and Labeling of Chemicals or GHS is an inter internationally agreed upon system to standardize
chemical hazard classification and communication. So GHS is an internationally recognized
framework the standardize the classification and communication of chemical hazards. It offers
criteria for identifying hazards based on their physical health and environmental effects. In 2010,
OSHA began aligning the HTS with the Globally Harmonized System of Classification and
Labeling of Chemicals or GHS the update in GHS ensures a consistent approach to classifying
chemicals in communicating asset information and labels and safety data sheets. Why was
GHS develop? GSH was developed because many different countries have different system for
classification and labeling of chemical products. In addition, several different different systems
can exist even within the same country. So prior to the development of the GHS, various
countries and regulatory bodies had their own unique system for classifying and communicating
the hazards associated with chemicals. Importance of GHS, the importance of duties is to
ensure hazard classification are consistent and standardized on an international level. This
would help prevent workplace injuries, illnesses and fatalities, for ensuring the safe use of
chemicals from cradle to grave. So certainly, the importance of GHS is toestablish a globally
standard standardized framework for classifying the hazards of chemicals, and communicating
those hazards through label in safety data sheets. The next topic that we're going to discuss is
safety data sheets. Safety Data Sheets must provide comprehensive information about
substances and mixtures use in workplace, it's worth noting that always has come standard
refers to the GHS Safety Data Sheets as Material Safety Data Sheet, or MSDS. So the purpose
of SDS is to communicate key information about the hazards, safe handling procedures and
emergency response measures related to a particular chemical product. They are an
informational source about hazards include safety precautions. They also assist employers in
developing active programs for worker protection measures and training that are specific to the
workplace. And in considering the necessary measures for protecting the environment. So
here's the 16th section of safety data sheets. So number one is identification. Number two
hazard identification. Number three composition or information on ingredients number five,
firefighting measures. Six excessive accidentally these measures number seven handling
storage number eight exposure controls or personal protection, nine physical and chemical
properties. Number 10. Stability in the activity 11 toxicological information 12. Ecological
information 13 disposal considerations 14 transportation information number 15. Regulatory
Information and number 16 is other information. So next is his phone label requirements in
symbols. The HCS requires chemical manufacturers, importers and distributors to label its
container of hazardous chemicals leaving the workplace. These labels must include a Product
Identifier, Signal Word, hazard statement, precautionary statement, and pictograms in addition
to the name, address and telephone number of the chemical manufacturer, importer, or other
responsible party. So, the hazard communication standards are HCS mandates that chemical
manufacturers importers and distributors provide specific labeling for container of hazardous
chemicals within the workplace. So these labels are essential for communicating vital safety
information to workers and others who may come into contact with the chemicals. So one of the
most significant changes to hazcom labels after alignment with the GHS is the pictograms
OSHA adopted to improve worker safety and health. The pictogram themselves are graphic
symbols that communicate specific information about chemical hazards. The symbols of
pictogram the GHS includes a total of nine pictograms, but OSHA enforce only eight because
they do not regulate the environmental impacts of chemicals. However, the environmental
pictograms may appear on a label as supplemental information. So, the Globally Harmonized
System of Classification and Labeling of Chemicals or GHS, incorporates a total of nine
pictograms, each representing especific hazards associated with chemicals. However, in the
United States, though, the Occupational Safety and Health Administration or OSHA inputs only
eight of these pictograms, the eight pictograms symbols. So, first health hazard, a cancer
causing agent or substance to the respiratory, reporductive organ toxicity that causes damage
over time. And next is flame, flammable materials or substance liable to self ignite when
exposed to water or air or rich anything I will guess the next is exclamation mark and immediate
skin eye or respiratory tract irritant or neurotic. Next is that cylinder gas is put under pressure,
because liquefied gases in dissolved gases, such as ammonia, liquid nitrogen, or acid acid, the
next is corrosion. But this causes in corrosion burns, or damage OnContact are that corrosive to
me to metals. The next is exploding bomb explosive, including organic peroxides. In highly
unstable materials, athletes have exploding even without exposure to air. The next is flame
operator again, identifies oxidizers oxidizers are chemicals that facilitate burning or make fires
burn hotter and longer. And lastly, skull and crossbones substances such as poisons in highly
concentrated acids, which have an immediate and severe toxic effect.

So let's move on and risk assessment and management. Service assessment is a process of
evaluating the potential risks to human health, cosmic chemical exposure in the environment. It
includes hazard identification, toxicity assessment, exposure assessment and news
characterization. This assessment is the process of figuring out how dangerous a chemical in
the environment is to people. So it involves looking at different factors like how toxic the
chemical is, how much people are exposed to it, and what that overall risk is. While this
management is integrating risk assessment with different aspects such as economy, society,
and lottery decide on risk mitigation measures, it is essential for the regulation and protection of
human health from the environmental hazards. Risk management is when you take the
information from the risk assessment and use it to make decisions about how to reduce or
control there is. This includes considering things like the economy, society and the law to come
up with the measures to protect people's health from the chemical. Next is hazard identification.
hazard identification involves carefully studying product packaging and safety data sheets, or
SDS to recognize hazardous chemicals present in workplace items like detergents, solvents,
degreasers, odor control products, scary movers and surface cleaners. hazard identification is a
process of identifying potential sources of harm or danger in the workplace. By examining
product packaging, and SDS, individuals can understand the hazardous chemicals used in
various workplace products and take necessary precautions to prevent accidents or exposure.
So let's move on to the process of exposure assessment. The process involves three steps
which is step one, characterizing the point of exposure setting and scenario. These steps
involves describing the setting and scenario where exposure of yours considering factors like
location, duration, and activities influencing exposure. Step two is identifying exposure
pathways. This step involves recognizing how individuals may come into contact with hazardous
substances through ingestions, inhalation or dermal roots. Step three is quantifying the
exposure. Quantifying exposure involves assessing and measuring the extent of individuals
contact with hazardous substances through different pathways, aiding in risk evaluation and
management decisions. So let's move on to the risk evaluation and risk management strategies
based evaluation involves determining the significance of identified hazards and disseminated
risk to those affected. It also includes understanding how risk are perceived and the trade off
between perceived risks and benefits. Risk Evaluation and compasses understanding how
people perceive risk and the trade offs between risks and benefits. It's crucial for decision
making and implementation of risk management actions. While risk management strategies aim
to mitigate or control identify this risk management strategies involve actions like risk transfer,
retention, elimination, and reduction to address identified risk. So nexuses strategies in risk
management. First we have the elimination, it removed the dangerous chemical or process itself
from the workplace. This is achieved by finding a substitute that does not pose the same risks,
or redesigning the process to eliminate the need for the hazardous chemical. Next is
substitution. This strategy involves replacing the hazardous chemical with less hazardous
alternative. The substitute should have similar properties and functionality, but lower risk.
Careful evaluation is required to ensure the substitute is truly less hazardous than the original
chemical. Next is engineering controls. These are physical changes to the work environment or
equipment to reduce exposure. Examples include ventilation systems, and glow shores, or
automation of processes. Engineering controls aims to isolate or remove the hazard at the
source, making them more effective than administrative controls or personal protective
equipment. The fourth is administrative controls. These are policies, procedures or work
practices that reduce the risk of exposure examples into the ingraining job rotation or limiting the
time workers are exposed to the hazard. Administrative controls do not eliminate the hazard but
aim to minimize the exposure. Next is personnel protective equipment or PPE. PPE is the last
line of defense and should be used when other control measures are not feasible or adequate.
PPE includes items like gloves, respirators and protective clothing that create a barrier between
the worker and the hazhar. Baby is the least effective control measure as it relies on the worker
to use it correctly.

For safety, safety practices include appropriate facilities and equipment, adequate training
personnel protective equipment, chemical management, standard operating procedures, based
handling and signage, proper laboratory practices and safe working conditions. Laboratory
Safety is an essential part of ensuring the health and safety of workers and researchers in
laboratory settings. The workers can we assert discipline environments with various potential
risks, including chemical spills, fires, explosions, and exposure. Those are the substances
personal protective equipment. PPE must be made available to laboratory workers to reduce
exposures to hazardous chemicals in the lab. proper PPE includes items such as gloves, eye
protection, coats, face, shields, aprons, boots, hearing protection, each other PPE must be
made readily available and most equipment is provided at no cost to the employee. But
authority personnel need to conduct hazard assessments of a specific operations of hearing in
their laboratories to determine what PPE is necessarily to save to carry out operations.
Occupational Safety and Health administration's recommend selecting PPE that will provide a
level of protection greater than the minimum required to protect the employees from hazards.
Protective Equipment appropriate for the work condition must be worn when working with the
auditory hazards. At minimum, this must include eye protection. Eye protection is one of the
most important and easiest form of PPE to laboratory personnel must use eye protection for
biological chemical and physical hazards found in laboratories including fine particles, broken
glass or potentially injurious light radiation. Next is Gloves. Gloves must be worn whenever
significant potential hazards from chemical cuts, operations postures, Burnsville illogical or
harmful temperature extremes are present. The proper use of foreign protection can take from
potential chemical and physical hazards, followed by protective clothing. Protective clothing
includes lab coats or other protective garments such as aprons, boots, shoe overs, that can be
used to protect street clothing from biological or chemical contamination in splashes as well as
providing additional body temperature from some physical hazards. respiratory protection, as
well as an effective method of protection against design added hazard when properly selected
and worn. The next one is hearing protection. Hearing protection is crucial for employees who
are exposed to hazardous levels of noise in the workplace at the risk of developing noise
induced hearing loss. The last one is food protection. The other personnel should not wear
sandals or similar types of open toed shoes whenever working with or around. These are just
chemicals or B signal hazards safe handling of chemicals. Before start moving chemicals
around the lab, it's essential that you're wearing the correct personal protective equipment. At
the very least, they should include the appropriate chemical resistant gloves and eye protection,
close toed shoes, and lab coats or chemical aprons. Remember that handling chemical
substances without proper protection exposes the workers to the release of absorbing harmful
amounts of chemical to the skin. Tissues only happens when handling a chemical in liquid form.
Thus may also absorbed through the skin if it is wetted by for instance, sweat, chemicals
storage is safe storage of hazardous chemicals is an essential part of laboratory safety.
chemical storage is complex, there is no one size fits all plan to store chemicals, but there are
some regulations and best practices that can guide the process. The general concept is to
prevent chemicals from causing harm to people, property, and other chemicals or the
environment. In order to fully understand the hazards associated with stored chemicals, you first
need to know what chemicals are being stored. Safe Storage begins with an up to date
inventory of chemicals and knowledge of the hazard boss, like each chemical importance of
proper disposal of chemical waste. chemical waste can be harmful, if not handled properly, can
release harmful chemicals into the air, water and soil, which can cause health problems for
people and animals. Waste Management also has an impact on the economy since improper
disposal can lead to environmental pollution cost. By properly managing chemical waste.
Communities can protect themselves from potential environmental disasters and create jobs in
the process. Below are some general recommendations for how to dispose of love chemicals.
The first one is check the Safety Data Sheets. The Occupational Safety and Health
Administration requires that the chemical manufacturers provide safety data sheets for every
hazardous chemical. The second one is keep chemical separated. Although it can be tempting
to combine chemicals into one container for convenience, this should be avoided. Combining
two different types of chemical Skindred toxic may force or cause a dangerous reaction such as
fire or explosion. The third one is identify and label. Once you have separated your love
chemical ways, you must ensure it is properly identified. Do not use abbreviations. Instead, spell
out the name of the substance and completely. To avoid any confusion. Include any solvents in
the container as well. And lastly, contact a disposal company. After preparing the chemicals for
disposal. The next step is to work with reputable disposal company experience in medical waste
disposal to remove your waste and transfer it to its final destination. Depending on the chemical
disposal site may be treatment, storage and disposal facility, a landfill or other patient
emergency procedures and first aid emergency procedures for chemical laboratory and
composite a set of protocols designed to mitigate risk associated with chemical spills, leaks first
and other hazardous incidents. These procedures include guidelines for containment,
evacuation, personal protective equipment usage and communication with the emergency
responders. The outline steps to minimize exposure to harmful substances, protect personnel
and event environment and effectively manage the situation to prevent escalation and ensure a
swift and to coordinated response chemical spills emergency procedure. When it is a minor, you
must alert people in the immediate area of spill. Wear protective equipment including safety
goggles, gloves in the last level of rhetorical avoid breathing may force from spills confined spill
this small area and use appropriate key to neutralize and absorb inorganic acids and bases
collect residue, place it in a retainer and dispose of it as chemical waste. And when it is a major
attended to injured or contaminated person and remove them from exposure. Other people in
the laboratory to evacuate if spilled material is flammable, turned off ignition in heat sources.
Call for assistance. close doors to the affected area and have a personality bubble of the
incident and laboratory assist emergency personnel chemical spill kits chemicals will get it
required in every level of the body to prepare for a minor chemical spills in case of a minor
chemical spill every level other thought he needs to have the following items available in a
consolidated portable kit, absorbing materials such as pillows, but agenda, personal protective
equipment such as gloves, number rhetorical and splash goggles, dustpan and broom to aid in
the cleanup of solid spills. Components of chemical spill kits must be consolidated within a
portable kit whenever possible. If components must be kept outside and consolidated keep their
locations be detailed in written instruction inside the kit container. Chemicals spill kits may be
combined with biological spill materials in one consolidated kit.

Good day everyone. Today we're diving into a very important and relevant topic, especially for
those of us who spend a lot of time indoors. The meaning and significance of proper ventilation.
Stick around to understand why it's crucial not just for health, but also for our environment. What
is ventilation? Ventilation helps your home rid itself of moistures smoke, cooking odors, and
indoor pollutants. Structural ventilation controls heat levels in the attic. Moderate damp
dampness in the crawl space and basement in. Keep moisture out of insulated walls. It is also
good to have an airflow that is uninterrupted, as anything blocking the airflow in your home can
cause damage to both your home and your health. Ventilation is more than just a building
requirement. It is a critical component that affects the health and comfort of building occupants.
Poor ventilation can have a range of negative consequences, from minor discomforts to severe
health risks. Reason why your home needs good ventilation. Number one to remove
condensation which causes damage to the home. Number two, to make a healthier and living
environment and reduced asthma. Number three to help alleviate symptoms of high fever.
Number four to reduce the effects of naturally occurring radon gas. Number five to lessen the
impacts of box types of ventilation or natural ventilation. Mechanical ventilation. Hybrid
ventilation. Spot ventilation. Whole house ventilation. Positive pressure ventilation. Negative
pressure ventilation. Fume hoods and other engineering controls. What is fume hoods? A fume
hood is a piece of laboratory equipment that is used to protect scientists from the possible
negative effects of an experiment. This is primarily done by keeping the air inside the fume hood
away from the people doing the experiment. Fume hoods also offer the features and protection
that are useful in laboratory settings. Different types of fume hoods. Ducted fume hoods.
Ductless. Fume hoods. Light duty hoods. Specialized hoods. Engineering controls play a crucial
role in minimizing exposure to hazardous chemicals in laboratories. Besides chemical fume
hoods, here are some other engineering controls commonly used Number one dilution.
Ventilation. Number two local exhaust ventilation or Lev. Below are capture hoods and snorkels.
Number three compressed gas cabinets. Number four vented storage cabinets. Remember that
proper functioning and maintenance of these controls are essential for ensuring safety and
laboratory best practices for reducing exposure. Substitute less hazardous chemicals.
Whenever possible, replace hazardous chemicals with safer alternatives and experiments. Use
minimal quantities. Always use the smallest possible quantity of chemicals for experiments.
Consider microscale experiments and activities. Protective measure. Minimize exposure through
proper of use of engineering controls and personal protective equipment. This includes
minimizing inhalation, ingestion, absorption, and eye exposure. Pitch plastic reducing much of
your exposure to endocrine disruptors such as by subpanel by subpanel a rppa. By limiting your
use of plastic products.

So now we are on the topic of personal hygiene and health monitoring. So for the importance of
good hygiene practices good hygiene is crucial for preventing disease transmission and
maintaining health. It encompasses various practices to achieve cleanliness and sterility,
contributing to overall well-being. Good hygiene acts a significant barrier against communicable
diseases, promoting healthier living to maximize health benefits, hygiene improvement, and
showed the company advancement in sanitation, water supply, and in other inventions like
income and nutrition enhancements. Employees are responsible for actively participating in
training programs and adhering ring to the chemical hygiene plans, policies, and procedures. To
maximize exposure risk. They should communicate safety concerns with their supervisor for
proper administrative actions. The Chemical Hygiene Plans specifies laboratory practices
designed to minimize employee exposure to hazardous chemicals. Because of the large
number of chemicals that may be stored in use in college laboratories, employees must follow
the practices specified in the chemical plan in order to minimize health risks So now we are
going to proceed for monitoring, exposure and health surveillance. Monitoring plays a crucial
role in managing health risks at work by helping to identify, assess and confirm potential
hazards. It also assists in determining the effectiveness of current control measures, identify
areas where new measures are needed. Health surveillance serves to assess whether workers
are experiencing health effects from workplace exposure, and confirms the efficiency of control
measures in preventing harm. It is important to note that monitoring itself does not replace the
need for implementing control measures to minimize exposures. Health surveillance is focused
on evaluating whether a worker's health is being compromised due to workplace exposure, with
examples including tests for hearing loss from noise exposure or checks for skin damage from
hazardous substances. Well-Being programs, pre-employment screenings, and Fitness to work
exam are not considered. Health monitoring activities expose sure monitoring access to what
workers are exposed to during work activities, such as noise leveling or hazardous substances.
This should be carried out by trained professionals like occupational hygienist. So now for the
last topic we are going to discuss the occupational health programs. It includes the focuses on
the target sector of occupational health programs aim and benefits objectives, employers
benefits, improvements in health care. So for the occupational health programs, it focuses on
preventing and controlling occupational disease work related illnesses and injuries. It targets
sectors with high exposure risks and limited access to occupational health services such as
public health, informal sector agriculture, transport and small scale mining workers.
Institutionalization of occupational health and safety primarily benefits public sector workers
through joint initiatives with national government agency the. The program aims to improve
accessibility to occupational health services supported by the Universal Health Care Law, a
national program on occupational health of health workers, said policy frameworks to protect
and health, safety and well-being of health sector employees. It ensures compliance with
national occupational safety and health law. Consider a sector specific condition and hazards.
These objectives include providing decent work environment, preventing of occupational
illnesses and injuries, and ensuring compliance with safety standards. Over 50 countries have
developed national policy instruments for protecting health workers. These programs strengthen
health system capacity to protect workers and health and safety, reducing individual suffering
employers benefits from full fulfilling duty of care responsibilities leading to improved
performance and retention. Improvement in health care work condition, enhanced quality of
care, potential safety and infection control measures so the national policy makers benefits for
from improving health system resilience and promotion for for labor

Hazardous waste management. Identification of hazardous waste. First classification number

one. Flies. The flies contain hazardous waste from non-specific sources. Number two caliche.
The caliche contain hazardous waste generated by specific industrial processes. Number £0.03
annulus. The annulus contain discarded commercial products, container residues, and residues
from spillage of materials. Second characteristic number one ignitability, which is an ignitable
hazardous waste if it if it has a flash point of 60°C, readily catches fire or compressed gas.
Number two Corrosivity a liquid waste vision pH of less than or equal to two, or greater than or
equal to 12.5 is considered to be corrosive. Number three radioactivity A material consider is
your active hazard if it is unstable, react with water and heat Number four toxicity to toxic
materials identifier, which is likely to leach a dangerous concentration of toxic chemicals into the
groundwater. Third categories. Number one radioactive substances. Substances that emit
ionizing radiation are radioactive. Two chemicals. Most hazardous chemical waste They are
classified into four groups synthetic organic, inorganic matters, salts, acids and bases, and
flammable and explosives. Number three biomedical waste. The principal source of hazardous
biological waste are hospitals and biological research facilities. Number four. Flammable waste.
Most flammable wastes are considered. I identified as hazardous chemical waste. Number five
explosive. Explosive hazardous waste are mainly artillery materials and some industrial gases.
Segregation. Hazardous waste materials are first segregated based on their physical forms.
Organic materials. These include organic solvents, oils, and other carbon based compounds.
Aqueous materials. These are water based solution containing hazardous substances such as.
These are semi-solid materials resulting from wastewater treatment or other processes. Proper
segregation ensures that waste with similar properties is grouped together for appropriate
treatment and disposal. Incompatible hazardous waste must be segregated to prevent
reactions. Methods including storing in separate cabinets goods or secondary containments
storage. Hazardous waste storage is crucial to prevent accident and protect human health and
environment. Consider the following guidelines. Separate containers storage different types of
waste in separate containers. Compatibility storage chemical according to compatibility of the
hazard classes. Avoid incineration. Ecological sound storage excludes incineration. Maximum.
Maximum concentration. Be aware of maximum contaminants concentration for toxicity
characteristics. Compliance with the regulations and best practices. Ensure safe and storage
and minimize risks. Waste disposal are the space. There are variety of ways to treat hazardous
waste. Number one chemical chemical treatment example is neutralization. Precipitation
exchange, ion exchange reduction or oxidation number two thermal treatment example this is
incineration. Number three is biological treatment which is land farming. And number four
physical treatment is solidification, flotation, sedimentation, evaporation or filtration. The first
three categories transports waste at molecular level, while the fourth results of the waste
solidification concentration or volume decrease. Number five underground disposal. The only
way this method compliant is when hazardous waste is brought to mines that are either inactive
or partially active, along with the meeting additional geologic geological, and technical
specifications. Number six landfill disposal, dumpsites and landfills are the most commonly used
and oldest method of hazardous waste disposal. Hazardous waste landfills are specifically built
and are not intended for liquid waste. They are engineered and excavated so that they are
within the ground rather than piling upward. Ocean dumping. For the avoidance of groundwater
groundwater contamination. Deep sea depositing is sometimes used. It is necessary to treat the
hazardous waste before the disposal of hazardous materials. As ocean dumping has a major
impact on marine life, regulatory requirements for waste management. Hazardous waste is
regulated under subtitle C of Rcra. EPA has developed a comprehensive program to ensure that
hazardous waste is managed safely from the moment it's generated to its final disposal, which is
cradle to grave by law. Those who generate the greatest waste and dangerous goods are
legally responsible for managing it safely from cradle to grave, i.e. it must be safely managed
from its origin to its treatment, disposal or storage. A key component of law includes shipping
and transporting hazardous waste and dangerous goods. Safety. In other words companies,
business agencies and institutions that create the waste are responsible for its safety.
Transportation from where it was created to the designated site where it can be safely treated.
Safe transportation and storage of materials, hazardous materials waste and health. Animal
health and the environment. Rubber transportation. Storage of hazardous materials are crucial
to ensure safety. This presentation will outline the best practices for handling hazardous
materials, mandatory training, and record keeping for working with the largest materials
Personally working as authorized materials must receive appropriate training. Workplace
Hazardous Material Information System, or w hmmis training is necessary for those in close
proximity to hazardous materials. Transportation of dangerous goods or training is required for
personnel responsible for preparing and transporting hazardous materials. Accurate record
keeping using a system like schematics, abstract chemical inventory, storage locations,
transfers and disposal. Safe transportation of hazardous materials Guidance for transporting
gasoline. They should be followed, including using a network, properly decoupling and
restraining cylinders, and limiting transport fluids to the designated areas. Cryogenic liquids
such as liquid nitrogen and helium should be transported using appropriate handling devices
like anthrax or flat electrolytes. Containers should be secured with straps and kept uptight
during transport. If transporting reagents by elevator, utilize the elevator plug if available, to
send the filled container to the desired floor. Constricted areas and prohibited drivers.
Movement of hazardous materials should be prohibited in certain areas, including food and
beverage consumption areas, recreational facilities, washrooms, meeting rooms, carpeted
areas, common areas accessible to the public and personal administrative offices. Restricting
hazardous materials from this location helps minimize risk and potential exposure to individuals.
Storage requirements for hazardous chemicals. Hazardous chemicals should be stored in a
safe and secure location away from direct sunlight heat sources and exit pathways level. Stable
shelves secured to walls or other stable structures should be used for storage. Chemical
containers should be stored below eye level and not on the floor, windows, ledges or balconies.
Containers should be kept closed when not in use except during dispensing or adding to the
container. Secondary containment, such as dish fans, are polyethylene trays should be provided
for liquids whenever possible. Chemicals should not be stored in sinks or fume hoods unless
specifically designed for that purpose. Properly labeling containers and use of compatible
containers for storing chemicals is essential. Rated storage cabinets or safety cans should be
used for storing more than ten gallons of flammable liquids called doomsday. Operators and
freezers have additional requirements, particularly when storing flammable materials.
Compatibility and segregation principles. Compatibility and segregation principles help prevent
dangerous reactions between hazardous materials. Incompatible substances can lead to fires,
explosions, or the release of gas. Dangerous gases. Dangerous goods that are unstable,
decompose violently, or draft dangerously should be segregated. Segregation methods include
clothing, materials, and separate compartments over packing containers and storing containers
as far apart as possible. Chemical segregation chemicals should be segregated based on the
specific hazards to prevent unintended reactions. Explosives, compressed gases, and cryogens
of specific storage requirements Flammable liquids should be stored in safety containers. Acids,
oxidizers, and corrosives should be segregated from other substances to avoid adverse
reactions. Conclusion. Safe transportation and storage procedures. Materials are critical for
protecting human health, animal health, and the environment. Adhering to proper training,
recordkeeping, and best practices minimizes risks. It is essential to consult relevant regulation
and guidance for compliance.

Thank you for joining us today as we explored the importance of chemical safety. Remember,
staying informed and vigilant is key to keeping ourselves and surroundings safe. Thank you for

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