OSE 5.inactivation of Enterococcus Sp. by Conventional and Advanced Oxidation Processes in Synthetic Treated Urban Wastewater

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Ozone: Science & Engineering

The Journal of the International Ozone Association

ISSN: 0191-9512 (Print) 1547-6545 (Online) Journal homepage: http://www.tandfonline.com/loi/bose20

Inactivation of Enterococcus sp. by Conventional

and Advanced Oxidation Processes in Synthetic
Treated Urban Wastewater

Pilar Valero, Rosa Mosteo, María P. Ormad, Luisa Lázaro & José L. Ovelleiro

To cite this article: Pilar Valero, Rosa Mosteo, María P. Ormad, Luisa Lázaro & José L. Ovelleiro
(2015) Inactivation of Enterococcus sp. by Conventional and Advanced Oxidation Processes
in Synthetic Treated Urban Wastewater, Ozone: Science & Engineering, 37:5, 467-475, DOI:

To link to this article: http://dx.doi.org/10.1080/01919512.2015.1042572

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Published online: 11 May 2015.

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Ozone: Science & Engineering, 37: 467–475
Copyright © 2015 International Ozone Association
ISSN: 0191-9512 print / 1547-6545 online
DOI: 10.1080/01919512.2015.1042572

Inactivation of Enterococcus sp. by Conventional and

Advanced Oxidation Processes in Synthetic Treated Urban
Pilar Valero, Rosa Mosteo, María P. Ormad, Luisa Lázaro, and José L. Ovelleiro
Department of Chemical Engineering and Environmental Technologies, University of Zaragoza, 50018 Zaragoza, Spain
Downloaded by [University of Nebraska, Lincoln] at 10:52 23 October 2015

The aim of this research work was to evaluate the disin- Microbiological control is therefore necessary for water sus-
fection efficiency of several techniques on the inactivation of ceptible of being reused in order to avoid sanitary risk.
the bacteria Enterococcus sp. inoculated in synthetic treated
Several international guidelines on water reuse establish-
urban wastewater. Different types and doses of reagents and
times of exposure were studied. The compared treatments ing quality criteria have appeared in recent years, such as the
include chlorination, ozone-based treatments in the absence WHO Guidelines for the Safe Use of Wastewater or the EPA
and presence of H2 O2 and UVA-visible irradiation-based Guidelines for Water Reuse. In Spain, the reuse of treated
processes with TiO2 and H2 O2 . Different combinations of urban wastewater is regulated by Royal Decree 1620/2007,
chlorine doses and times of contact inactivated all the bac-
which establishes quality criteria for urban treated wastewater
teria (-7.5 log units). Ozone and O3 /H2 O2 also achieved high
disinfection levels (-6 log units), showing similar inactivation being reused, depending on its final use: urban, agricul-
curves. However, the studied phototreatments were less effi- tural, industrial, recreational or environmental. Concerning
cient. pathogenic microorganism, RD 1620/2007 imposes emission
limits for E. coli and intestinal nematodes in all cases, and
Keywords Ozone, Chlorine, Disinfection, Enterococcus sp, Legionella sp. and Salmonella sp. for several uses including
Photocatalysis, Wastewater Treatment industrial use. Therefore, WWTP effluents being reused must
undergo disinfection treatments that guarantee an appropriate
water quality.
INTRODUCTION Chlorination has been the most widely used disinfection
treatment due to its effectiveness, residual activity and low
Over the last few decades, reuse of treated urban cost. Sodium hypochlorite (NaClO) is commonly used as the
wastewater has become more important due to the increase disinfectant agent in chlorination, although gaseous or liquid
in water demand in some regions where there is a need of chlorine can be applied too. Chlorine reacts fast with different
using reclaimed water for agricultural, industrial, environmen- inorganic and organic compounds and with microorganisms
tal and municipal sectors. Effluents of wastewater treatment present in water. Despite its effectiveness, chlorination gen-
plants (WWTPs) still contain pollutants, such as organic erates toxic disinfection by-products such as trihalomethanes
matter, hazardous substances and pathogenic microorgan- or haloacetic acids (Black and Veatch Corporation 2010).
isms, which must be removed before water reuse. Potentially To avoid chlorination problems, research has focused on
pathogenic microorganisms present in treated wastewater developing alternative treatments such as ozonation, UV irra-
include different virus, protozoa, and bacteria (Escherichia diation, Fenton process or TiO2 photocatalysis. Some of these
coli, Enterococcus sp., Pseudomonas sp., Staphylococcus technologies, known as advanced oxidation processes (AOPs),
aureus, Clostridium perfringens . . .), which might pose involve the formation of reactive oxygen species (ROS),
a sanitary and environmental risk (Mosteo et al. 2013). such as the hydroxyl radical, • OH, which is a very powerful
oxidizing agent (Parsons 2004).
Received 1/19/2015; Accepted 3/20/2015 Ozone is an efficient disinfectant capable of removing
Address correspondence to Pilar Valero, Department of taste, odour and colour from water; thus, ozonation has been
Chemical Engineering and Environmental Technologies, University
of Zaragoza, 3 María de Luna Street, 50018 Zaragoza, Spain. successfully implemented in many drinking water treatment
E-mail: pvalero@unizar.es plants. Ozone can directly react with compounds in water or

Inactivation of Enterococcus by Oxidation Processes in Urban Wastewater September–October 2015 467

it can decompose generating • OH (Matilainen and Sillampää processes combining ozone, TiO2 , H2 O2 and UVA-Visible
2010). Whereas ozone reacts selectively, hydroxyl radicals irradiation, applied in drinking water treatments (Lanao et al.
are very non-selective oxidants, which can lead to a very 2008; Lanao et al. 2010; Lanao et al. 2012).
large number of possible reactions. Moreover, the reaction The aim of this research work was to evaluate the dis-
rate of a compound via • OH oxidation is usually sev- infection power of different treatments based on chlorine
eral orders of magnitude higher than the reaction rate with (chlorination), ozone (ozonation and peroxone) and UVA-
molecular ozone under the same conditions (Parsons 2004). Visible irradiation (in the presence and absence of H2 O2
Addition of H2 O2 in ozonation, also known as a peroxone and/or TiO2 ), on Enterococcus sp. present in synthetic
system, might be beneficial since it involves higher ROS WWTP effluent. The influence of the type of reagents, dose
formation, although an excess of H2 O2 may act as a rad- of reagents and the time of exposure on the inactivation of
ical scavenger (Gago-Ferrero et al. 2013; Mosteo et al. enterococci in the different treatments is also studied.
Irradiation of water in the range of UV (100–400 nm) can
also lead to the formation of ROS. In recent years there has
been an increasing interest in sunlight as source of UV irra-
diation to produce • OH (Malato et al. 2009), since the solar
spectrum comprises wavelengths from the UV to the infrared Sample Preparation and Characteristics
Downloaded by [University of Nebraska, Lincoln] at 10:52 23 October 2015

range, including visible light. UV irradiation, mainly UV-C The samples used in this study were synthetic treated urban
(100-280 nm) and UV-B (280–315 nm), is sufficiently ener- wastewater samples collected from the outflow of an activated
getic to directly modify DNA bases, causing cell inactivation, sludge pilot-plant at laboratory scale. The pilot plant was fed
whereas UV-A (315-400 nm) contributes to ROS formation with a synthetic wastewater prepared according to Directive
(McGuigan et al. 2012). Combining solar irradiation with oxi- 82/243/EEC, simulating conventional urban wastewater. The
dants, such as H2 O2 , might enhance cell inactivation due to feeding was introduced into the reactor, which was provided
the higher • OH generation caused by H2 O2 photolysis at λ with continuous aeration, and purification of the wastewater
< 254 nm, cellular membrane attack and intracellular ROS occurred due to the action of the microorganisms present in
formation (Spuhler et al. 2010). the sludge. The treated wastewater was then separated and
In addition, some semiconductor materials, such as tita- removed from the top of a settling tank while the sludge was
nium dioxide (TiO2 ), can be used as photocatalysts to remove returned to the reactor (Rodríguez-Chueca et al. 2012). The
pollutants or pathogens in water. When the TiO2 is irradiated treated wastewater effluent from the activated sludge pilot
with wavelengths below 390 nm, an electron-hole pair forma- plant had a physicochemical composition (Table 1) similar to
tion occurs, contributing to the ROS production. In order to treated urban wastewater from a real scale WWTP.
avoid the recombination of the photo-excited electron with The synthetic treated urban wastewater samples have a low
the valence band hole, the presence of an electron scav- concentration of Enterococcus sp. (104 –105 CFU 100 mL−1 ),
enger is necessary. Therefore, the addition of H2 O2 in TiO2 which was insufficient for an adequate evaluation of the
photocatalytic treatments can promote the radical formation effectiveness of the treatments. In addition, there were other
reactions, increasing the efficiency of the process (Chong et al. microorganisms in the samples that might influence the
2010; Malato et al. 2009). results, so the treated urban wastewater samples were steril-
The Gram-negative bacteria Escherichia coli, commonly ized at 121 ◦ C for 15 min to remove any endogen microorgan-
used as a faecal pollution indicator in water, is one of the ism. Then, the bacterial population was artificially increased
most extensively studied bacteria in disinfection research using an Enterococcus sp. wild strain isolated from a munic-
(Cho et al. 2004; Rincón and Pulgarín 2003; Spuhler et al. ipal WWTP effluent (Spain). A concentrated cell suspension
2010). In this study, the Gram-positive bacteria Enterococcus in saline solution was prepared from the stock cultures of the
sp. has been selected as the indicator of faecal contamina- Enterococcus sp. strain incubated on nutritive agar (Scharlab)
tion due to their higher resistance to disinfection treatments after 48 h at 37 ◦ C in aerobic conditions. This bacterial sus-
than E. coli (Malato et al. 2009; Rodríguez-Chueca et al. pension was added to the treated urban wastewater samples to
2014). Enterococcus sp. and Clostridium perfringens have achieve an approximate final concentration of 107 –108 CFU
been successfully inactivated by various advanced oxidation 100 mL−1 .

TABLE 1. Characterization of the Synthetic Urban Wastewater Samples

Conductivity TSS Turbidity DOC Total nitrogen COD BOD5

Parameter pH (µS cm−1 ) (mg L−1 ) (NTU) (mg C L−1 ) (mg L−1 ) (mg O2 L−1 ) (mg O2 L−1 )
Mean value 7 1200 44 39 13 7 60 18

468 P. Valero et al. September–October 2015

Detection, Enumeration and Inactivation of Ozone-Based Experiments
Enterococcus sp. The ozone-based treatments were performed with ozone
The culture and enumeration of Enterococcus sp. was car- generated “in situ” in the laboratory from dry oxygen using
ried out according to the membrane filtration procedure ISO a Fischer model 500 ozone generator. The generator was
7899-2:2000, using sterile cellulose membranes (Millipore) connected to a closed glass spherical reactor containing the
of 0.45-µm pore size, and the spread plate standard method sample and the ozone gas was transferred by a porous diffuser
9215 C. From each sample taken in the experiments, several (O3 generated ). The reactor worked in semi-continuous mode:
different volumes were filtered and dilutions were made when continuous to gas and discontinuous to liquid. Ozone not
necessary to ensure a reliable count in each sampling time. transferred to the sample during contact time was released
Cultured Enterococcus sp. bacteria were detected by incuba- from the reactor as O3 not consumed. The unconsumed ozone
tion after 48 h at 37 ◦ C in Slanetz-Bartley agar (Scharlab) was routed to two ozone destruction units containing 250 mL
as the selective medium. After this period, colonies with a of 2% KI solution. When the ozone reacted with the KI, it
pink-dark red color were counted. was reduced to oxygen and released to the atmosphere as an
The enumeration of the bacteria was expressed as CFU innocuous element. Both, ozone generated and ozone not con-
(colony-forming units) per 100 mL of sample in each con- sumed, were calculated by an iodometric method. The ozone
tact time. The bacterial inactivation was determined by consumed by the sample is defined by Equation [1].
log(Nt /N0 ), where N0 and Nt were the Enterococcus sp.
Downloaded by [University of Nebraska, Lincoln] at 10:52 23 October 2015

concentrations before and after disinfection. O3 consumed = O3 generated − O3 not consumed [1]

The ozone flow (O3 generated ) was kept constant at 900 mg

O3 h−1 during the ozone-based treatments. Experiments were
Experimental Treatments conducted at different times, up to a maximum of 15 min,
All glassware in contact with the samples was autoclaved which led to a maximum ozone consumed dose of 90 mg O3
at 121 ◦ C for 15 min. All solutions and culture mediums were L−1 consumed. In each essay, 1 L of sample was treated and
prepared with distilled water, and analytical-reagent-grade the experiments were carried out at room temperature (23 ◦ C).
chemicals were used throughout. For the treatment by ozone combined with hydrogen peroxide
(peroxone treatment), a dose of 1.4 mg H2 O2 L−1 (0.04 mM
H2 O2 ) was applied, using a stock solution of H2 O2 30%
w/v, Panreac. In previous ozonation studies, some authors
Chlorination Experiments
have worked with lower doses of H2 O2 (0.02–0.04 mM) with
The chlorination assays were conducted in 600 mL glass good disinfection results (Cho and Yoon 2006; Lanao et al.
reactors containing 300 mL of sample. The stock chlorine 2008). Residual O3 and H2 O2 in the samples were imme-
solution, was prepared by dilution 1:10 of sodium hypochlo- diately quenched with sodium thiosulfate (Na2 S2 O3 ·5H2 O
rite (NaClO 5%, Panreac) in distillate water. Chlorine doses 99.5%, Panreac) to stop the bacterial inactivation.
of 4, 15, 30 and 65 mg Cl2 L−1 were applied to the samples.
The solutions were stirred at 100 rpm during the experiments,
with a maximum contact time of 30 min. The highest dose, UVA-Vis Irradiation-Based Experiments
65 mg Cl2 L−1 , is the chlorine demand of the treated urban All the experiments based on irradiation, (including UVA-
wastewater used in this study. The chlorine demand of the visible irradiation alone or combined with H2 O2 , TiO2 or
samples was determined according to 4500-Cl B and 5710 B both), were conducted in an Atlas Suntest CPS+/XLS+ solar
Standard Methods. chamber provided with a xenon lamp. This system enabled
During the experiments, aliquots were taken at differ- reproduction of natural sunlight conditions in the laboratory.
ent times to evaluate the effectiveness of the treatments A quartz filter and an additional glass filter (Xenochrome
on Enterococcus sp. inactivation. Residual chlorine in the 320) were used to cut off wavelengths below 320 nm, remov-
samples was immediately quenched with sodium thiosul- ing the UVB and UVC ranges. Therefore, the samples were
fate (Na2 S2 O3 ·5H2 O 99.5%, Panreac) to stop the disinfection exposed to wavelengths between 320 and 800 nm, correspond-
reaction. Alternatively, the same experiments were carried out ing to the UVA and visible bands. The solar chamber was
in parallel, without Na2 S2 O3 addition, to determine the resid- equipped with a magnetic agitator and a regulator of intensity
ual chlorine at different times. Residual chlorine was mea- and time of exposure, as well as a temperature control.
sured in a HANNA HI 83099 multiparametric spectropho- The intensity of the irradiation selected for all experi-
tometer, according to colorimetric method DPD 330.5 EPA. ments was 500 W m−2 , corresponding to the 50% of the light
For comparison of the inactivation results obtained with intensity of the midday equatorial solar radiation (Yuranova
different chlorine doses, the Ct parameter was used, defined et al. 2004). Maximum temperature reached in the solar cham-
as Ct = C·t, where C is the chlorine concentration (mg Cl2 ber was 35 ◦ C, although the samples did not exceed 30 ◦ C.
L−1 ) and t is the treatment time (min). The samples were stirred at 300 rpm throughout the essays

Inactivation of Enterococcus by Oxidation Processes in Urban Wastewater September–October 2015 469

and maximum irradiation time was 60 min. For UVA-Vis both phenomena occur, the inactivation curve has sigmoidal
irradiation/TiO2 or photocatalysis treatments, TiO2 dose of shape.
1 g L−1 was used, recommended by several authors (Cho et al. Adjusting the experimental bacterial inactivation data to
2004; Lanao et al. 2012; Rincón and Pulgarín 2003). For irra- kinetic models can provide useful information for reactor
diation treatments combined with H2 O2 , H2 O2 doses were: design purposes (Marugán et al. 2013). However, in this
1.4, 20, 200, and 680 mg H2 O2 L−1 , doses previously used research work the use of kinetic models did not pretend to
in photocatalytic treatments (Ibarz 2008; Lanao et al 2010; serve as a reactor modelling tool, but to check the viability
Lanao et al. 2012). The solution of hydrogen peroxide used in of using these models to predict the disinfection level under
this study was H2 O2 30% w/v, Panreac, and the photocatalyst specific operational conditions and treatments. Table 2 sum-
was commercial TiO2 (Degussa, P25). Residual hydrogen per- marizes the different kinetic models proposed to describe the
oxide in the samples was measured by colorimetric method inactivation curves obtained in the present research. Several
with test strips (H2 O2 Merckoquant) and then immediately authors have previously used the selected kinetic models to
quenched with catalase (Sigma Aldrich) to prevent further describe the inactivation of microbes in water by different
disinfection. treatments (Barbeau et al. 1999; Chong et al. 2011; Lee and
Nam 2002; Younas et al. 2014).

Kinetic Models of Microbial Inactivation

Downloaded by [University of Nebraska, Lincoln] at 10:52 23 October 2015

Models Description Fitting Experimental Data and Error Rates

Microbial inactivation curves can have different shapes. To obtain the kinetic coefficients of each model described
In the simplest case, microbial inactivation vs. time follows above, it was necessary to adjust the experimental values to
a linear decay, although deviations such as shoulders or tails the corresponding equations by non-linear regression tech-
are commonly observed. The phenomenon of an initial shoul- niques. The parameters of the models were adjusted to equa-
der occurs when there is a “lag” phase in which a fraction of tions using interactive algorithms based on the least squares
surviving microorganisms is maintained constant during the method (Cho et al. 2003; Pernistky et al. 1995). The Solver
first instants of treatment, followed by a linear decline. The and GInaFiT (Geeraerd and Van Impe Inactivation Model
tailing-off effect consists of an initial linear inactivation phase Fitting Tool) (Geeraerd et al. 2005) tools of the Microsoft
followed by a slow decrease in microbial populations. When Excel program were used in this study.

TABLE 2. Kinetic Models Applied to Microbial Inactivation Curves

Kinetic model Equation and parameters References

Hom model log NN0t = −k · Cn · tm = −k∗ · tm Hom (1972)
k: inactivation rate constant
C: concentration of disinfectant
n: coefficient of dilution
m: empirical constant
k∗ : apparent reaction rate constant
 m m  m
· k · C0 · 1 − e(− m )
n n·k·t
Modified Hom model ln NN0t = − Haas and Joffe (1994)
k: inactivation rate constant
C0 : initial concentration of disinfectant
n: coefficient of dilution
m: empirical constant
k’: disinfectant decomposition
  rate constant
Selleck model log N0 = −n · log 1 +
Selleck et al. (1978)
k: inactivation rate constant
n: empirical constant 
(−kmax ·t) ekmax ·Sl
Geeraerd model Nt = (N0 − Nres ) · e · + Nres Geeraerd et al. (2000)
1 + ekmax ·Sl − 1 · e−kmax ·t
Nres : concentration of the survival bacteria
kmax : first-order inactivation rate constant
Sl: length of the initial shoulder

470 P. Valero et al. September–October 2015

Two indexes were used to evaluate the quality of the adjust- (18 and 9 mg Cl2 L−1 , respectively), although the bacterial
ments of the experimental data obtained to the mathematical inactivation rates were slower. Thus, the same level of disin-
models: the correlation coefficient (R2 ) and the root mean fection could be achieved combining different contact times
square error (RMSE). In addition, the models adjustment qual- and chlorine doses, that is, the bacterial inactivation could be
ity was assessed by graphical representation of the calculated related to the Ct parameter. This parameter has also been used
values and the experimental data. by other authors studying disinfection (Barbeau et al. 1999;
Cho et al. 2003). Figure 1b shows the bacterial inactivation in
relation to the Ct parameter.
Chlorination experiments
Enterococcus sp. Inactivation by Chlorination Evaluation of Kinetic Models in Chlorination
Figure 1a summarizes the results of Enterococcus sp. The experimental data of the inactivation curves of
inactivation during the chlorination treatments. In general, it Enterococcus sp. obtained during chlorination treatments
can be noticed that the higher the chlorine dose was, the faster were analyzed through three mathematical models, the Hom
the bacterial inactivation occurred. Applying the lowest dose model, the modified Hom model and the Selleck model. All
(4 mg Cl2 L−1 ), which is far below the chlorine demand of these models consider the concentration of the disinfectant
Downloaded by [University of Nebraska, Lincoln] at 10:52 23 October 2015

WWTP effluents, to the treated wastewater sample containing agent. The kinetic parameters of the models were calculated
an initial concentration of Enterococcus sp. of 6.6 × 107 CFU considering all together the inactivation data of the four chlo-
100 mL−1 , resulted in 3.2 log units of bacterial inactivation rine doses applied. Table 3 summarizes the kinetic parameters
after 30 min, with 2 mg Cl2 L−1 of chlorine consumed. Tyrrell of the applied mathematical models. As an example, Figure 2a
et al. (1995) observed similar enterococci inactivation in a sec- shows graphically the adjustment of the different models to
ondary sewage effluent treated with a chlorine dose of 1.5 mg the experimental data for a dose of 30 mg Cl2 L−1 .
Cl2 L−1 after 15 min. The values of the adjustment indexes R2 and RMSE are
When adding the chlorine demand of a treated wastewater shown in Table 3. In general, these values showed a similar fit-
(65 mg Cl2 L−1 ) to the sample, total inactivation (7.5 log ting of the three models, Hom, modified Hom and Selleck, to
units) of Enterococcus sp. was achieved within less than the inactivation curves achieved in chlorination experiments.
3 min and 39 mg Cl2 L−1 of chlorine consumed. However, However, other authors applying chlorination have been found
after 30 min of treatment, the same disinfection effective- to get better descriptions of their experimental data using the
ness could be obtained in the studied sample with smaller modified Hom model (Barbeau et al. 1999) or the Selleck
chlorine doses (30 and 15 mg Cl2 L−1 ) and consumption model (Lee and Nam 2002), since inactivation curves not only

0 (a) 0 (b)
4 mg Cl2 L–1 4 mg Cl2 L–1
–1 15 mg Cl2 L–1 –1 15 mg Cl2 L–1
30 mg Cl2 L–1 30 mg Cl2 L–1
–2 65 mg Cl2 L–1 –2 65 mg Cl2 L–1

–3 –3

–4 –4

–5 –5

–6 –6

–7 –7

–8 –8
0 5 10 15 20 25 30 0 200 400 600 800 1000
Time (min) Ct (mg Cl2 min L )

FIGURE. 1. a) Inactivation of Enterococcus sp. during chlorination treatments. b) Inactivation of Enterococcus sp. vs. Ct parameter. N0 = 3.2
- 6.6·107 CFU 100 mL−1 .

TABLE 3. Kinetic Parameters of the Models Applied to the Inactivation Data of Enterococcus sp. in the Chlorination Treatments Considering
the Inactivation Data of all Chlorine Doses Together

Empirical model k k’ m n Correlation coefficient R2 RMSE

Hom 0.79 − 0.22 0.43 0.911 1.241
Modified Hom 1.2 1.6 1.4 0.45 0.910 2.866
Selleck 7.7 − − 4.0 0.927 1.118

Inactivation of Enterococcus by Oxidation Processes in Urban Wastewater September–October 2015 471

depend on the disinfection treatment, but also on the type of
(a) 0 Experimental data bacteria and aqueous matrix.
–1 Hom model
–2 Modified Hom model
Selleck Model

–3 Ozone-Based Experiments
–4 Enterococcus sp. Inactivation by Ozone-Based
–5 Treatments
Figure 3 shows the bacterial inactivation and the con-
sumed ozone in relation to the treatment time. At the end of
the ozonation and peroxone treatments, a final inactivation
0 5 10 15 20 25 30
of 5.9 and 6.4 log units was obtained, respectively, with
Time (min)
(b) 0 consumed ozone of 90 mg O3 L−1 . In both cases, there
–1 was an initial shoulder or “lag” phase in which enterococci
–2 inactivation occurred slowly, followed by a linear decay and a

–3 final tailing-off effect, as shown in Figure 3a. The initial shoul-

–4 der phenomena might be caused by many different reasons
–5 (Geeraerd et al. 2000): the presence of clumps of bacteria,
Downloaded by [University of Nebraska, Lincoln] at 10:52 23 October 2015

–6 Experimental data a period of cells vital components resynthesis, a stabiliza-

–7 Hom model tion effect of the membrane due to proteins or fats in the
Geeraerd model
–8 medium, a poor mix of the disinfectant, the presence of other
0 5 10 15 ozone-consuming compounds in the water, etc. Anyway, to
Time (min)
inactivate the first logarithmic unit of Enterococus sp., an
(c) 0 ozone dose higher than 50 mg O3 consumed L−1 had to be
applied. Gehr et al. (2003) also obtained a low disinfection
efficiency of ozone in municipal wastewater with 50 mg O3

consumed L−1 , achieving the inactivation of 2 log units of
faecal coliforms and enterococci and 1 log unit of Clostridium
Experimental data perfringens.
–6 Hom model In general, it could be noticed that similar bacterial
–7 Modified Hom model
Selleck model inactivation curves were obtained by ozone disinfection in
0 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 40 45 50 55 60
absence or presence of H2 O2 , indicating that the addition
Time (min)
of the selected dose of hydrogen peroxide did not clearly
affect the disinfection power of ozonation. However, previous
FIGURE. 2. Fitting of the kinetic models to the experimental research has shown the positive disinfection effect of combin-
inactivation curves of Enterococcus sp. in synthetic WWTP efflu- ing hydrogen peroxide and ozone to inactivate Bacillus sub-
ent obtained by: a) Chlorination (only the adjustment for the dose tilis spores (Cho and Yoon 2006) or Clostridium perfringens
of 30 mg Cl2 L−1 is shown), b) Ozonation and c) Photocatalysis
with 1 g TiO2 L−1 and 680 mg H2O2 L−1 .
vegetative cells (Lanao et al. 2008).
The physicochemical parameters of the samples (pH,
conductivity and turbidity) remained practically invariable

0 (a) 100 (b)

–1 90
O3 consumed (mg O3 L–1)


–3 60
–4 50
–5 40
Ozonation (O3) 20
–7 Ozonation (O3)
Peroxone (O3/H2O2) 10 Peroxone (O3/H2O2)
–8 0
0 3 6 9 12 15 0 3 6 9 12 15
Time (min) Time (min)

FIGURE. 3. a) Enterococcus sp. inactivation and b) Ozone consumption in ozone based treatments of synthetic treated urban wastewater. N0
= 1.3 - 1.4·108 CFU 100 mL−1 . H2 O2 = 1.4 mg L−1 .

472 P. Valero et al. September–October 2015

during ozonation and peroxone treatments. This insignificant Hydrogen peroxide decomposes at 254 nm, leading to the
variation in pH and conductivity was also observed by Lanao formation of ROS (Parsons 2004); however, in this work
et al. (2008). irradiation between 320 and 800 nm was applied, thus, the
addition of H2 O2 did not produce further disinfection. The
UVA-Vis/TiO2 treatment, with a catalyst concentration of 1 g
TiO2 L−1 , obtained less than 0.1 log units of Enterococcus
Evaluation of Kinetic Models in Ozone-Based sp. inactivation after 30 min of treatment. Other authors
Treatments have also achieved low Enterococci disinfection efficiency
In the ozone-based treatments a constant flow of ozone (< 1 log unit) when applying TiO2 photocatalytic treatments
was passed through the sample during the treatment time; to biological treated wastewater samples for short time peri-
thus, models including the initial concentration of disinfectant ods (30 min) (Lydakis-Simantiris et al. 2010; Rincón and
reagent might not be suitable for this experiment setting. The Pulgarín 2003). The UVA-vis/TiO2 /H2 O2 treatments were
experimental data of the inactivation curves of Enterococcus more efficient, but a high dose of 680 mg H2 O2 L−1 had
sp. obtained during ozonation and peroxone treatments were to be used to produce a considerable increase on the dis-
analyzed through two mathematical models, the Hom model, infection level, inactivating 2.2 log units of bacteria after
considering the apparent reaction rate constant k∗ , and the 30 min.
Geeraerd model. Table 4 summarizes the kinetic parameters Figure 4 shows the bacterial inactivation results of
Downloaded by [University of Nebraska, Lincoln] at 10:52 23 October 2015

of the models applied to the inactivation curves in ozonation the treatments UVA-Vis/H2 O2 , UVA-Vis/TiO2 and UVA-
and peroxone treatments. Figure 2b shows graphically the fit- Vis/TiO2 /H2 O2 with concentrations of 1 g TiO2 L−1 and
ting of the different kinetic models to the experimental data 680 mg H2 O2 L−1 . This UVA-Vis/TiO2 /H2 O2 treatment
obtained during the ozonation treatment. A similar fitting was inactivated 4 logarithmic units of enterococci after 60 min,
observed for the peroxone treatment data. consuming all the H2 O2 , which may involve no further disin-
In general, the fitting of the experimental data to the mod- fection. However, the sum of the bacterial reduction achieved
els was reasonably good, since RMSE values were close to by UVA-Vis/H2 O2 and UVA-Vis/TiO2 was much lower.
0 and R2 values close to 1. However, the graphical representa- These results confirmed the existence of a synergistic effect
tions of the kinetics models for the ozone-based treatments between H2 O2 and TiO2 , which increases the formation of
(Figure 2b) showed that the Geeraerd model could better ROS, and thus, the bacterial inactivation. Despite the high
explain the initial shoulder and the tailing-off phenomena dose of H2 O2 , this photocatalytic treatment was still too slow
observed in the inactivation curve of the experimental data. compared to chlorination or ozonation.
The kinetic parameters calculated for the ozonation and the
peroxone treatments were on the same order of magnitude,
showing a similar effectiveness of both processes.
TABLE 5. Enterococcus sp. Inactivation in Synthetic Treated Urban
Wastewater by Different Treatments Based on UVA-Visible Irradiation,
H2 O2 and TiO2 . t = 30 min. N0 = 1.1–1.6 × 108 . CFU 100 mL− .
UVA-Visible Irradiation-Based Experiments
Enterococcus sp. Inactivation by UVA-Visible Treatment Log (Nt /N0 )
Irradiation-Based Treatments
Table 5 shows the inactivation of Enterococcus sp. in the UVA-Vis 0.0
synthetic WWTP effluent sample by applying different treat- UVA-Vis + 1.4 mg H2 O2 L−1 −0.1
ments based on UVA-Vis irradiation combined with H2 O2 UVA-Vis + 20 mg H2 O2 L−1 −0.1
and TiO2 for 30 min. Exposure of the sample to UVA-Vis UVA-Vis + 680 mg H2 O2 L−1 −0.3
irradiation alone did not achieve any bacterial inactivation in UVA-Vis + 1 g TiO2 L−1 −0.1
that period. The UVA-Vis/H2 O2 processes with doses of 1.4, UVA-Vis + 20 mg H2 O2 L−1 + 1 g TiO2 L−1 −0.3
20, and 680 mg H2 O2 L−1 produced a slightly higher bacte- UVA-Vis + 200 mg H2 O2 L−1 + 1 g TiO2 L−1 −0.4
rial inactivation, achieving 0.3 log units of disinfection with UVA-Vis + 680 mg H2 O2 L−1 + 1 g TiO2 L−1 −2.2
680 mg H2 O2 L−1 .

TABLE 4. Kinetic Parameters of the Models Applied to the Inactivation Curve of Enterococcus sp. in the Ozone-Based Treatments

Empirical model k∗ m Sl kmax Correlation coefficient R2 RMSE

Hom (Ozonation) 0.25 1.2 − − 0.957 0.456
Hom (Peroxone) 0.18 1.3 − − 0.921 0.684
Geeraerd (Ozonation) − − 4.8 2.2 0.991 0.312
Geeraerd (Peroxone) − − 5.5 3.0 0.999 0.141

Inactivation of Enterococcus by Oxidation Processes in Urban Wastewater September–October 2015 473

TABLE 6. Kinetic Parameters of the Models Applied to the Inactivation Curve of Enterococcus sp. in the Photocatalytic Treatment with 1 g
TiO2 L−1 and 680 mg H2 O2 L−1

Empirical model k k’ m n Correlation coefficient R2 RMSE

Hom 0.037 − 1.1 0.20 0.988 0.233
Modified Hom 0.024 0.00031 1.2 0.062 0.987 0.596
Selleck 20 − − 5.7 0.957 0.482

wastewater, 2 logarithmic units of inactivation are taken as

reference. Less than 15 sec are needed when adding the chlo-
–1 rine demand of the sample (65 mg Cl2 L−1 ). Lower doses
–2 of chlorine can obtained the same level of inactivation by
increasing the contact time. For example, with 4 mg Cl2
Log (Nt/N0)

–4 L−1 , which might be the chlorine demand of a pre-drinking
water, 2 log units of inactivation are reached in about 13 min.
Downloaded by [University of Nebraska, Lincoln] at 10:52 23 October 2015

In the treatments based in ozone, this level of disinfection

–6 UVA-vis/H2O2 requires 6.5 min with 60 mg O3 consumed L−1 in ozonation
and 6.75 min with 57 mg O3 consumed L−1 and 1.4 mg H2 O2
–8 L−1 in peroxone treatment.
0 15 30 45 60 The combination of 1 g TiO2 L−1 with 680 mg H2 O2
Time (min) −1
L in the presence of UVA-visible irradiation needs 30 min
to achieve 2 log units of inactivation. These results show
FIGURE. 4. Enterococcus sp. inactivation in synthetic treated
urban wastewater by treatments based on UVA-vis irradiation with that chlorine is the most effective disinfectant agent, it pro-
1 g TiO2 L−1 and 680 mg H2 O2 L−1 . N0 = 1.1-1.6·108 CFU duces faster bacterial inactivation and the residual chlorine
100 mL−1 . can achieve ever further disinfection. Ozone seems to be a
good bactericidal as well, even though the consumption of
disinfectant reagent is higher than in chlorination. Treatments
Evaluation of Kinetic Models in UVA-Vis based on UVA-visible irradiation are less effective but can
Irradiation-Based Treatments produce considerable bacterial inactivation in the presence of
As mentioned before, only the photocatalytic treatment TiO2 and high doses of H2 O2 . The shape of the inactivation
with 1 g TiO2 L−1 and 680 mg H2 O2 L−1 achieved more than curves is different depending on the type of treatment; thus
1 log unit of bacterial inactivation. Thus, only the experimen- experimental data can better fit to one kinetic model or
tal data of the inactivation curve of Enterococcus sp. obtained another. Whereas the Hom, modified Hom, and Selleck mod-
during this photocatalytic treatment were analyzed. Three els properly describe the inactivation curves in chlorination
kinetic models were evaluated, the Hom model, the modified and photocatalysis, the Geeraerd model fits the best to the
Hom model and the Selleck model. Table 6 summarizes the experimental data achieved in ozone-based treatments.
kinetic parameters of the applied models. Figure 2c shows the
fitting of the different models to the experimental data.
In general, the fitting of the experimental data to the three
models was good because the RMSE values were close to
0 and the R2 values were close to 1. In addition, the graphical
The authors would like to thank the Aragón Government
representation (Figure 2c) showed a very similar adjustment
and the European Social Fund for their funding to the
of the three models since the experimental data described an
Research Team T33. In addition, this work was financed
inactivation curve with almost linear decay. However, other
through the Project CTM2013-41397-R funded by MINECO-
authors (Chong et al. 2011; Younas et al. 2014) have found a
FEDER. The authors would also like to thank the Aragón
better fitting of the modified Hom model to their sigmoidal
Government for the Ph.D. grant awarded to Pilar Valero.
inactivation curves obtained by photocatalytic treatments,
since this model is able to describe curves with shoulders,
linear region, and tailing effect.

Barbeau, B., L. Boulos, R. Desjardins, J. Coallier, and M. Prévost. 1999.

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To compare the efficiency of the different treatments Black and Veatch Corporation. 2010. White’s Handbook of Chlorination and
on the disinfection of Enterococcus sp. in synthetic treated Alternative Disinfectants, 5th ed. Hoboken, NJ: John Wiley.

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