Internet Connectivity - Performance Monitoring

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Internet connectivity uptime (availability) monitoring

Organizations primarily rely on network monitoring tools to keep tabs on internet connectivity uptime.
These tools offer automation and provide valuable insights.

Here's how it works:

 Ping Monitoring: This is the most common method. The tool sends ICMP (Internet Control Message
Protocol) "ping" requests to a designated internet address at regular intervals (e.g., every minute). If no
response is received after a predefined number of attempts, the tool flags it as a potential outage.
 Beyond Pings: Advanced tools go beyond basic pings. They can perform various checks like:

o HTTP requests: Simulating website visits to ensure accessibility.

o Traceroute: Identifying bottlenecks in the connection path.
o DNS resolution: Verifying the Domain Name System (DNS) functionality.
o Alerts and Reporting: When the tool detects an issue, it triggers alerts via email, SMS, or
dashboard notifications. This allows IT staff to react promptly and troubleshoot the problem.

Here are some popular automated network monitoring tools for internet connectivity:

 SolarWinds Network Performance Monitor

 Nagios
 ManageEngine OpManager
 Datadog Network Performance Monitoring

Here are some controls to evaluate performance and availability:

All Network Components:

 Monitoring: Continuously monitor network performance metrics like latency, packet loss, and jitter using
network monitoring tools
 Bandwidth Management: Prioritize critical traffic types to ensure optimal performance.
 Redundancy: Implement redundant paths and failover mechanisms to minimize downtime.
 Capacity Planning: Regularly evaluate and adjust network capacity to meet growing demands.
 Configuration Management: Maintain consistent and documented network configurations for easier


 Internet Connectivity: Evaluate internet service provider (ISP) uptime guarantees and performance
 SD-WAN: Assess the SD-WAN solution's ability to dynamically reroute traffic based on performance and
 MPLS Links: Review the service level agreements (SLAs) with your MPLS provider for uptime and
performance guarantees.

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