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Degradation of Aqueous Pharmaceuticals by Ozonation

and Advanced Oxidation Processes: A Review
a a a
Keisuke Ikehata , Naeimeh Jodeiri Naghashkar & Mohamed Gamal El-Din
Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering, CNRL Natural Resources Engineering
Facility, University of Alberta, Edmonton, Alberta, Canada

Version of record first published: 24 Feb 2007.

To cite this article: Keisuke Ikehata, Naeimeh Jodeiri Naghashkar & Mohamed Gamal El-Din (2006): Degradation of Aqueous
Pharmaceuticals by Ozonation and Advanced Oxidation Processes: A Review, Ozone: Science & Engineering: The Journal of the
International Ozone Association, 28:6, 353-414

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Ozone: Science and Engineering, 28: 353–414
Copyright # 2006 International Ozone Association
ISSN: 0191-9512 print / 1547–6545 online
DOI: 10.1080/01919510600985937

Degradation of Aqueous Pharmaceuticals by Ozonation

and Advanced Oxidation Processes: A Review
Keisuke Ikehata, Naeimeh Jodeiri Naghashkar, and Mohamed Gamal El-Din
Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering, CNRL Natural Resources Engineering Facility, University of Alberta,
Edmonton, Alberta, Canada
Downloaded by [Dalhousie University] at 15:51 13 September 2012

A vast number of pharmaceuticals have been detected in in the urine and feces, and subsequently enter into sewage
surface water and drinking water around the world, which treatment plants where these compounds are treated,
indicates their ineffective removal from water and waste-
water using conventional treatment technologies. Concerns along with other organic and inorganic constituents in
have been raised over the potential adverse effects of phar- wastewater. However, it has been shown that some of
maceuticals on public health and aquatic environment. these pharmaceutical compounds are not completely
Among the different treatment options, ozonation and removed in sewage treatment plants (Halling-Sørensen
advanced oxidation processes are likely promising for effi- et al., 1998; Ternes, 1998; Ternes et al., 1999; Heberer,
cient degradation of pharmaceuticals in water and waste-
water. Recent progress of advanced oxidation of aqueous 2002; Boyd et al., 2003). As a result, they have been found
pharmaceuticals is reviewed in this paper. The pharmaceu- in some sewage treatment plant effluents as well as in
ticals and non-therapeutic medical agent of interest include surface water and groundwater in many countries
antibiotics, anticonvulsants, antipyretics, beta-blockers, (Ternes, 1998; Sacher et al., 2001; Soulet et al., 2002;
cytostatic drugs, H2 antagonists, estrogenic hormone and Miao et al., 2004). In addition, non-therapeutic medical
contraceptives, blood lipid regulators, and X-ray contrast
media. agents such as X-ray contrast agents (also known as
radiocontrasts) and some veterinary drugs have been
Keywords Ozone, Advanced Oxidation Processes, Antibiotic, also found in the aquatic environment (Ternes and
Antipyretic, Anticonvulsants, Blood Lipid Regula- Hirsch, 2000; Drewes et al., 2001; Kümmerer, 2001).
tor, Beta-blocker, Cytostatic Drug, X-Ray Contrast Although some of these pharmaceuticals and their meta-
Media, Estrogens bolites can be partially removed through sorption and
biotic or abiotic degradation in the environment, they
can eventually reach drinking water sources. Several
INTRODUCTION recent studies have revealed that conventional water
treatment processes cannot remove some prescription
A large amount of numerous prescription and non- and non-prescription drugs completely from source
prescription drugs of different classes are consumed waters (Ternes et al., 2002; Stackelberg et al., 2004;
annually throughout the world. These pharmaceutical Jones et al., 2005a).
compounds include antipyretics, analgesics, blood lipid The frequent occurrence of pharmaceuticals in the
regulators, antibiotics, antidepressants, chemotherapy aquatic environment as well as in finished drinking
agents, and contraceptive drugs. After the administration, water has raised a concern about their potential impact
these compounds are partially metabolized and excreted on environmental and public health. Some of the adverse
effects caused by pharmaceutical pollution include aqua-
tic toxicity, resistant development in pathogenic bacteria,
genotoxicity, and endocrine disruption (Arcand-Hoy
Received 03/28/2006; Accepted 06/05/2006 et al., 1998; Halling-Sørensen et al., 1998; Sumpter,
Address correspondence to Mohamed Gamal El-Din, Dept. of 1998; Kümmerer, 2004). The presence of trace pharma-
Civil and Environmental Engineering, 3-093 Markin/CNRL
Natural Resources Engineering Facility, University of Alberta, ceutical and other xenobiotic compounds in finished
Edmonton, Alberta T6G 2W2, Canada. E-mail: mgamalel-din@ drinking water is another public health concern, since little is known about potential chronic health effects

Ozonation and Advanced Oxidation of Pharmaceuticals December 2006 353

associated with long term ingestion of mixtures of these for details of these issues (Halling-Sørensen et al., 1998;
compounds through drinking water (Kümmerer, 2001; Kümmerer, 2001; Heberer, 2002; Snyder et al., 2003;
Stackelberg et al., 2004). Thus, it is an emerging issue in Debska et al., 2004).
environmental science and engineering to achieve effec-
tive removal of pharmaceutical compounds, along with BACKGROUND
other priority pollutants, from the sources such as hospi-
tal and domestic wastewaters before their discharge. Pharmaceuticals and Their Metabolites
As conventional water and wastewater treatment pro- Pharmaceuticals, or medical drugs, are a group of
cesses are unable to act as a reliable barrier toward some chemical substances that have medicinal properties.
of recalcitrant pharmaceuticals, it is necessary to intro- These substances include both inorganic and organic
duce additional advanced treatment technologies in the compounds, although most of the modern pharmaceuti-
areas where a persistent pollution problem has been cals are small organic compounds with a molecular
recognized or is anticipated. Various advanced treatment weight below 500 Daltons (Lipinski et al., 1997). These
technologies have been evaluated for this purpose in chemicals are moderately water soluble as well as lipo-
recent years, including chemical oxidation using ozone philic to be bioavailable and biologically active.
and ozone/hydrogen peroxide (Zwiener and Frimmel, Pharmaceuticals are either administered topically (e.g.,
2000; Ternes et al., 2002), membrane filtration such as inhalation and skin application), internally (e.g., oral
nanofiltration and reverse osmosis (Hartig et al., 2001; administration), or parenterally (e.g., injections and infu-
Heberer et al., 2002; Nghiem et al., 2004; Nghiem et al., sions) in households or healthcare facilities such as hos-
Downloaded by [Dalhousie University] at 15:51 13 September 2012

2005), and activated carbon adsorption (Hartig et al., pitals and clinics. After the administration, drug
2001; Ternes et al., 2002). molecules are absorbed, distributed, metabolized, and
The latter two processes are highly energy and material finally excreted from the body. To be used safely most
intensive (Larsen et al., 2004) and only suitable for the of the modern pharmaceuticals are designed in a way to
treatment of relatively clean surface water and ground- undergo metabolism in organs such as liver and kidney
water with less background contamination such as natural after they have achieved desired pharmacological effects.
organic matter (NOM). These physical treatment processes Metabolisms detoxify excess drug molecules, as well as
also require the disposal of wastes such as membrane other toxic xenobiotics, via a series of enzymatic biotrans-
retentate and spent activated carbon generated during formations and convert them to be more polar and
the treatment. In addition, activated carbon adsorption hydrophilic (Silverman, 1992). The drug metabolism
has a limited ability to remove polar organic compounds begins with various biochemical reactions including
due to its removal mechanism (i.e., hydrophobic inter- hydroxylation, epoxidation, reduction, and hydrolysis,
actions), especially in the presence of competitive NOM in which functional groups are introduced or unmasked
(Snyder et al., 2003), and many pharmaceutical com- (phase I transformation). Afterwards, highly polar endo-
pounds and metabolites are indeed polar substances. On genous molecules such as glucuronic acid, sulfate, and
the other hand, chemical oxidation such as ozonation and amino acids are attached to drugs or metabolites of
advanced oxidation processes (AOPs) may be a more phase I transformation to generate conjugates (phase II
appropriate treatment option for pharmaceutical com- transformation) that are water-soluble and can be readily
pounds in wastewater as well as in surface water and excreted in the urine or bile. There are certain drugs, non-
groundwater. therapeutic medical agents, and xenobiotics that are non-
In this review, recent literature concerning ozonation metabolizable because they are poor substrates for meta-
and advanced oxidation treatment of a number of phar- bolizing enzymes such as cytochrome P-450. These com-
maceutical compounds in aqueous medium are reviewed pounds may be eliminated slowly from the body without
and discussed in terms of the degree of reaction (i.e., biotransformation.
degradation), reaction kinetics, identity and characteris-
tics of oxidation by-products, and possible degradation Occurrence and Fate of Pharmaceuticals in the
pathways. Nine major classes of pharmaceuticals listed in Environment
Table 1 are covered, including antibiotics, anticonvul- Until recently pharmaceutical compounds in the envir-
sants and antidepressants, antipyretics and non-steroidal onment have drawn very little attention. Although their
anti-inflammatory drugs, beta-blockers, cytostatic drugs, presence in sewage treatment plant effluents was reported
histamin H2-receptor antagonists, hormones and oral (Richardson and Bowron, 1985), it had been anticipated
contraceptives, lipid regulators, and X-ray contrast that these compounds were easily biodegradable in
media. A brief review of pharmaceuticals and its metabo- environment as most of them could be metabolized and
lism, their occurrence and fate in the environment, and transformed to some extent in humans, as discussed
their potential impact on environmental and public health before (Kümmerer, 2001; Debska et al., 2004). However,
is provided in the following section as well. Please also a large number of recent studies have demonstrated
refer to the comprehensive surveys published elsewhere persistence of these pharmaceuticals in the aquatic

354 K. Ikehata et al. December 2006

TABLE 1. Pharmaceuticals Reviewed

Class Sub-class Pharmaceuticals covered

b-Lactam Amoxicillin, cefradine, ceftriaxone, penicillin, penicillin G,
penicillin VK, sultamicillin, MMTD, MMTD-Me
Macrolide Azithromycin, clarithromycin, erythromycin,
roxithromycin, lincomycin
Antibiotic Quinolone Ofloxacin, enrofloxacin
Sulfonamide Sulfachlorpyridazine, sulfadiazine, sulfadimethoxine,
sulfamerazine, sulfamethazine, sulfamethizole, sulfamethoxazole,
sulfamoxole, sulfasulfapyridine, sulfathiazole, sulfisoxazole
Other Carbadox, spectinomycin, tetracycline, trimethoprim
Anticonvulsant Buspirone, carbamazepine, diazepam, primidone
and antidepressant
Antipyretic and NSAID* Diclofenac, ibuprofen, indomethacin, naproxen, paracetamol,
salicylic acid
b-blocker Atenolol, celiprolol, metoprolol, propranolol, sotalol
Alkylating agent Cyclophophamide, ifosfamide, melphalan
Downloaded by [Dalhousie University] at 15:51 13 September 2012

Cytostatic drug Anthracycline Aclarubicin, daunorubicin, doxorubicin, epirubicin, idarubicin,

Anti-metabolite Azathioprine, cytarabine, 5-fluorouracil, methotrexate
Histamine H2-receptor Cimetidine, ranitidine
Hormone and oral 17b-Estradiol, estrone, 17a-ethinylestradiol, diethylstilbestrol
Lipid regulator Bezafibrate, clofibric acid, fenofibric acid, gemfibrozil
X-ray contrast medium Diatrizoate, iomeprol, iopamidol, iopentol, iopromide

Note: * non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drug.

environment. The occurrence of several pharmaceutical clinics. These drugs are partially metabolized and
compounds have been reported in sewage treatment plant excreted in the urine and feces and go into a wastewater
effluents as well as in surface waters in Germany (Ternes, collection system (Heberer, 2002; Jones et al., 2005b).
1998; Hirsch et al., 1999; Putschew et al., 2000), the Some unused, surplus, or expired drugs may be disposed
Netherlands (Belfroid et al., 1999), Switzerland (Soulet into toilets, although this kind of practice is not recom-
et al., 2002), Canada (Ternes et al., 1999; Miao et al., mended nowadays. Wastewater from the hospitals may
2004), Brazil (Ternes et al., 1999), Italy (Castiglioni et al., be treated separately or combined with municipal waste-
2004), Spain (Rodrı́guez et al., 2003), and the United water and then treated at sewage treatment plants.
States (Drewes et al., 2001; Kolpin et al., 2002). The Some of the pharmaceuticals and (human) metabolites
detected compounds included antibiotics, anticonvul- in wastewater are degraded completely or partially, giving
sants, painkillers, cytostatic drugs, hormones, lipid regu- rise to a mixture of parent compounds and a variety of
lators, beta-blockers, antihistamines, and X-ray contrast microbial metabolites (Ternes, 1998; Drewes et al., 2001;
media. The concentrations of these pharmaceuticals were Miao et al., 2002; Soulet et al., 2002; Jones et al., 2005b).
in the range of ng/L to mg/L in sewage treatment plant Some pharmaceuticals such as ibuprofen and bezafibrate
effluents and surface water. In addition, a number of are relatively biodegradable, while others such as carba-
polar pharmaceutical compounds and metabolites, such mazepine and diazepam are practically non-biodegradable
as diclofenac, carbamazepine, sulfamethoxazole, and (Larsen et al., 2004). It is also known that some drug
amidotrizoic acid, have been detected in groundwater conjugates such as glucoronides can be cleaved by micro-
samples at concentrations up to 1 mg/L (Sacher et al., bial degradation resulting in a release of parent com-
2001; Cahill et al., 2004; Clara et al., 2004). pounds (Heberer, 2002; Jones et al., 2005b). Effluent
There are several possible sources and routes for the from sewage treatment plants may be released to surface
occurrence of pharmaceutical compounds in the aquatic water or be subjected to groundwater recharges, so that
environment (Figure 1). For human pharmaceuticals, the mixture of compounds enters the aquatic environment.
non-prescription drugs and some prescription drugs are In some cases, biologically treated municipal wastewater
consumed in households, and other prescription drugs are may be treated further to produce various reclaimed
consumed in healthcare facilities such as hospitals and waters for different purposes including portable re-use.

Ozonation and Advanced Oxidation of Pharmaceuticals December 2006 355

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FIGURE 1. Routes of pharmaceutical contamination of the aquatic environment.

Sorption can also occur during the sewage treatment application of livestock manure is often practiced and
processes and some of the pollutants can be transferred to may cause contamination problems in surface water and
sewage sludge (Larsen et al., 2004). Sewage sludge may be groundwater similar to the case of municipal sewage
subjected to anaerobic or aerobic digestion, conditioning sludge disposals described above. Additional sources of
and dewatering, and is subsequently landfilled, inciner- pharmaceuticals in the aquatic environment include was-
ated, or applied to lands as a biosolid. Pharmaceutical tewater from pharmaceutical production/formulation
compounds in the sludge can be degraded further during plants and waste disposal of unused drugs as a solid
the digestion, although some of them may remain intact. waste.
These compounds can be seeped into groundwater aqui-
fers or be flushed by surface water runoff after the land ENVIRONMENTAL AND PUBLIC HEALTH IMPACTS
application and can cause additional contamination pro- OF PHARMACEUTICALS IN THE ENVIRONMENT
blems in the aquatic environment. Therefore, the sorption
of pharmaceuticals during sewage treatment processes After publication of the earlier occurrence data, the
cannot be counted as a removal process unless the sludge risks associated with pharmaceutical contamination of
was incinerated (Larsen et al., 2004). the aquatic environment have become a major issue of
In addition to the drugs and medical agents for human concern for environmental scientists and engineers, as
use, a large amount of pharmaceutical compounds, espe- well as among the public. Drugs are the chemicals that
cially antibiotics, are used for various agricultural pur- are designed to give a certain therapeutic (= biological)
poses, such as veterinary therapeutics, growth promotion effect; therefore, certain environmental and public health
of livestock, and feed additives in fish farms (Halling- risks can be anticipated from the exposure to the envir-
Sørensen et al., 1998). As shown in Figure 1, these phar- onmental pharmaceuticals. Besides, there are a few
maceuticals can enter into the aquatic environment classes of pharmaceuticals that pose unambiguous
directly (feed additives for fish) or indirectly through live- impacts on the aquatic organisms, including microorgan-
stock manure (growth promoters and therapeutics). Land isms, phytoplankton, plants, crustaceans, fish, and

356 K. Ikehata et al. December 2006

insects, as well as on soil microorganisms and possibly some improvement and modification will be necessary to
humans (Halling-Sørensen et al., 1998; Sumpter, 1998; account for this problem (Jones et al., 2005b). For exam-
Kümmerer, 2001, 2004). These pharmaceutical classes ple, increasing solids retention time in biological treat-
include: ment processes will facilitate the development of
population of slower growing bacteria and may enable
 Cytostatic agents, immunosuppressive drugs,
them to be acclimated to the recalcitrant compounds.
and some genotoxic antibiotics because of
Application of the advanced treatment technologies is
their evident cytotoxic, carcinogenic, muta-
another option. Those advanced technologies include
genic, and/or embryotoxic properties;
membrane filtration (reverse osmosis and nanofiltration),
 Human and veterinary antibiotics because of
activated carbon adsorption, ozonation, and AOPs
their pronounced microbial toxicity and the
(Petrovic et al., 2003). Although they are effective, nearly
development of antibiotics resistance in envir-
all of these advanced technologies are energy and/or
onmental bacteria including human pathogens;
material intensive to be applied to wastewater treatment,
 Natural and synthetic hormones because of
especially membrane processes and activated carbon
their high efficiency, low effect thresholds and
adsorption. Introduction of ozonation or AOPs before
potential for endocrine disruption;
or after biological treatment process may be feasible
 Halogenated compounds such as iodinated X-
because the chemical/photochemical oxidation renders
ray contrast media because of their resistance
recalcitrant xenobiotics more biodegradable and less
toward biodegradation and their mobility and
toxic and improves their degradation in the following
Downloaded by [Dalhousie University] at 15:51 13 September 2012

persistence in the environment and the food

treatment process or in the environment (Alvares et al.,
 Heavy-metal containing drugs and non-thera-
Potable water treatment is the last line of defense
peutic medical agents because of the toxicity of
toward the contamination of water for human consump-
the metals in certain oxidation states.
tion. Therefore, it is still necessary to ensure that finished
In addition, the presence of other types of pharmaceu- drinking water is free from any potentially hazardous
ticals, such as analgesics and anticonvulsants, in drinking substances, including trace pharmaceuticals, to humans.
water is a potential public health issue. Although the This is particularly important in such areas where: (1)
concentrations found in finished water is generally very conventional drinking water sources are scarce and recla-
low, it is apparent that drinking water consumption is the mation of wastewater is required to supplement the water
major route of human exposure to the environmental sources; (2) municipal sewage treatment facilities do not
pharmaceuticals (Figure 1). Since the long-term health provide effective removal of potentially toxic pharmaceu-
effects are still largely unknown for the exposure to the ticals; and (3) major pollution sources such as sewage
trace pharmaceuticals and their metabolites, especially as treatment plants, farmlands, and pharmaceuticals manu-
a mixture of biologically active compounds, the existence facturing/formulation plants, are located nearby. The
of these compounds in drinking water should be avoided individual or a combination of advanced treatment tech-
on the basis of precautionary principle (Snyder et al., nologies mentioned above can be applied to drinking
2003; Jones et al., 2005a). Similarly, long-term exposure water treatment as well.
of aquatic organisms to trace pharmaceuticals in surface In addition, source separation is also an important
water may have some as-yet-known ecological impacts. management strategy to alleviate the problem of pharma-
ceutical pollution of the environment. Some of the phar-
Control Measures for Pharmaceutical Contamina- maceuticals are not usually consumed in households, but
tions in The Aquatic Environment mainly in healthcare facilities. Those compounds include
As shown in Figure 1, there are several routes of cytostatic agents, immunosuppressive drugs, some anti-
pharmaceutical contamination of the environment. This biotics, and contrast media. On the other hand, some
implies that a number of opportunities exist to control the antibiotics, hormones, and many other prescription and
pollution problems. However, as suggested by several non-prescription drugs are widely consumed in the house-
groups of researchers (Larsen et al., 2004; Jones et al., holds. Separated treatment of highly contaminated and
2005b), the conventional end-of-pipe approach can be potentially more toxic hospital wastewater is probably
very costly and may not be a feasible option, and it is desired. Separating human urine from the rest of domes-
highly desired to treat and remove those potentially tic wastewater is also considered as an attractive option
hazardous pharmaceutical compounds in wastewater for improving the water pollution control with respect to
and solid waste properly and as close as their primary nutrients and micropollutants, including pharmaceuticals
sources. In the view of the aquatic environment, waste- (Larsen et al., 2004). Most of xenobiotic compounds,
water treatment is considered as the key step, at least to including pharmaceuticals, are excreted by kidney as
keep out human pharmaceuticals. Because current sys- polar, water-soluble metabolites. Treatment of pharma-
tems cannot remove some of pharmaceuticals effectively, ceuticals and their metabolites in the urine prior to

Ozonation and Advanced Oxidation of Pharmaceuticals December 2006 357

dilution can be cost effective owing to the simple water ozone treatment is often employed for pathogenic
matrix as compared with combined wastewater (i.e., the microorganism reduction (i.e., disinfection) (Loeb,
absence of interferences such as suspended solids and 2002; Paraskeva and Graham, 2002). Some of the
other dissolved organics). Chemical oxidation such as advantages of these processes include complete miner-
ozonation and AOPs can be a viable treatment option alization of organic contaminants, production of less
for the separated urine. harmful and more biodegradable by-products, and abil-
ity to handle fluctuating flow rates and compositions
Ozonation and Advanced Oxidation Treatment of (Zhou and Smith, 2001). The performance of AOP is
Water and Wastewater also affected by the presence of other water and waste-
Ozonation and AOPs have recently emerged as an water constituents, such as natural organic matter,
important class of technologies for the oxidation and dissolved and suspended solids, and alkalinity, as well
destruction of a wide range of organic pollutants in as by water pH and temperature (Oppenländer, 2003).
water and wastewater (Legrini et al., 1993; Alvares For example, suspended solids and color can hinder
et al., 2001; Zhou and Smith, 2001; Oppenländer, 2003). photochemical reactions by light scattering and absorp-
The AOPs are characterized by a variety of radical reac- tion and may impair the performance of photochemical
tions that involve combinations of chemical agents (e.g., AOPs, such as O3/UV, H2O2/UV, photo-Fenton, and
ozone (O3), hydrogen peroxide (H2O2), transition metals, TiO2/hn processes. Carbonate, bicarbonate, and chlor-
and metal oxides) and auxiliary energy sources (e.g., ide ions, as well as some natural organic compounds are
known to act as radical scavengers. These compounds
Downloaded by [Dalhousie University] at 15:51 13 September 2012

ultraviolet-visible (UV-Vis) radiation, electronic current,

g-radiation, and ultrasound). Examples of AOPs include compete with target pollutants for hydroxyl radicals;
O3/H2O2, O3/UV, O3/H2O2/UV, H2O2/UV, Fenton therefore their presence increases oxidant demands and
(Fe2+/H2O2), photo- and electro-Fenton, chelating lowers the treatment efficiency. In addition, the costs of
agent assisted Fenton/photo-Fenton, heterogeneous materials and equipment, as well as energy requirements
photooxidation using titanium dioxide (TiO2/hn), g-radi- and efficiency must be taken into account when asses-
olysis, and sonolysis (Oppenländer, 2003). sing the overall performance of AOPs (Legrini et al.,
Hydroxyl radicals (OH) are the primary oxidant in 1993; Oppenländer, 2003).
AOPs while other radical and active oxygen species such

as superoxide radical anions (O2 ); hydroperoxyl radi- DEGRADATION OF PHARMACEUTICALS IN

cals (HO2 ); triplet oxygen (3O2), and organic peroxyl AQUEOUS SOLUTION BY OZONATION AND

radicals (R-O-O ) are also involved (Oppenländer, ADVANCED OXIDATION PROCESSES
2003). Molecular ozone and hydroxyl radicals are
involved in ozone treatment of water and wastewater. Degradation of recalcitrant organic pollutants such as
Ozonation at high pH (>8) is also considered as an pharmaceuticals in water and wastewater can be achieved
AOP because of the enhanced generation of hydroxyl using ozonation or AOPs. These treatment processes can
radicals under such conditions (Beltrán, 2003). The oxi- either eliminate such pollutants completely through
dation potentials of molecular ozone and hydroxyl radi- mineralization or convert them to the products that are
cals are 2.07 and 2.80 V, respectively, indicating that they less harmful to human health and the aquatic environ-
are very strong oxidants (Legrini et al., 1993). Whereas ment. As the partial degradation of organic compounds
molecular ozone reactions are selective to the organic generally enhance their biodegradability (Alvares et al.,
molecules having nucleophilic moieties such as carbon- 2001), the latter approach can be also used as a pretreat-
carbon double bonds, aromatic rings, and the functional ment of wastewaters containing pharmaceuticals prior to
groups bearing sulfur, phosphorus, nitrogen and oxygen biological treatment such as activated sludge. However,
atoms, hydroxyl radicals reactions are non-selective this approach may not be appropriate in the cases where
toward various organic and inorganic compounds other organic matter is predominantly present, which is
through hydrogen abstraction, radical-radical reactions, often the case of municipal wastewater, because oxidant
electrophillic addition, and electron transfer reactions, requirement can be exceedingly high in order to achieve
and eventually lead to complete mineralization of organic effective degradation of trace target pollutants. Thus, it is
compounds (Legrini et al., 1993; Oppenländer, 2003). likely more feasible to install ozonation or an AOP as
Ozonation and AOPs are particularly appropriate for tertiary treatment after biological (secondary) treatment
municipal and industrial wastewaters containing (see Figure 2), unless urinary sepacation is practiced as
bio-refractory and/or toxic organic pollutants such as suggested by Larsen et al. (2004). In this case, the level of
pesticides (Reynolds et al., 1989; Ikehata and Gamal treatment depends on the destination of treated effluent.
El-Din, 2005; Ikehata and Gamal El-Din, 2006), surfac- Partial treatment may be sufficient if the effluent will be
tants (Ikehata and Gamal El-Din, 2004), and many discharged into surface water, although it is still needed
other industrial chemicals (Legrini et al., 1993; to eliminate aquatic toxicity and improve biodegradabil-
Andreozzi et al., 1999; Alvares et al., 2001). In addition, ity. However, if the effluent will supplement drinking

358 K. Ikehata et al. December 2006

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FIGURE 2. Possible points to apply ozonation and AOPs for the degradation of pharmaceuticals.

water sources, which is increasingly common in semi-arid compounds toward ozonation and AOPs and can be use-
areas, complete removal or destruction of pharmaceuti- ful to model the treatment process (Beltrán, 2003;
cals may be desired. As shown in Figure 2, ozonation and Oppenländer, 2003). Typically, the reaction kinetics can
AOPs can be applied to water treatment as a part of pre- be described by a second order rate law:
oxidation and/or disinfection steps. Wastewater from
pharmaceutical production/formulation plants and hos- rðMÞ ¼ d½Mt =dt ¼ koxidant;M ½M½oxidant
pital wastewater can be treated in a similar manner to where r(M) represents the rate of diminution of the
domestic wastewater, with appropriate pretreatment such concentration of M (organic substrate = pharmaceuti-
as pH adjustment. cals), and koxidant,M is the second order rate constant for
During the treatment by ozonation or advanced oxida- the reaction of oxidant (O3 or OH) and M. In addition to
tion, organic pollutants such as pharmaceutical com- molecular ozone and hydroxyl radical reactions, direct
pounds undergo a series of oxidation and spontaneous photolysis also contribute to the degradation of pharma-
transformations. In other words, primary degradation ceutical compounds during the AOPs in which UV-Vis
products are often degradated further in prolonged treat- irradiation is involved. In such a case, the quantum yield
ment. In some cases, disappearance of parent pharmaceu- (F), defined by the amount of reactant consumed per
tical compounds does not indicate successful treatment amount of photon absorbed, of the direct photolysis
because the degraded products may be as biologically may be determined. These three types of reactions can
active as the parent compounds. Likewise, some conven- occur simultaneously and competitively, depending on
tional water quality parameters can be used to evaluate the AOP combination used, the presence of other water
the effectiveness of the process, such as total organic and wastewater constituents, and pH.
carbon (TOC), chemical oxygen demand (COD), dis- A tabulated summary is presented in the Appendix
solved organic carbon (DOC), absorbable organic halo- with major reaction conditions such as initial pH and
gene (AOX), and aromaticity; however, they do not temperature. It should be noted that in most of the ozo-
provide direct information about the identity of degrada- nation studies, only the amount of applied ozone has
tion products and the safety of treated water. been given, and there was not enough information
Consequently, the analysis of pharmaceutical compounds about the actual amount of ozone utilized during the
and their degradation products (by-products) using gas treatment.
chromatography (GC) or liquid chromatography (LC)
coupled with mass spectrometry (MS) has been increas-
ingly common and becoming an asset in recent studies Antibiotics
(Ternes, 2001; Debska et al., 2004). Antibiotics are a group of pharmaceuticals used for the
In some cases, the rate constants for the reaction treatment of both human and animals with bacterial and
between a pharmaceutical compound and oxidant (i.e., fungal infections. Many of the antibiotics are derived
molecular ozone and hydroxyl radicals) has been deter- from wholly or partially from certain microorganisms,
mined. These rate constants indicate the reactivity of the but some are synthetic (e.g., sulfonamides). A wide

Ozonation and Advanced Oxidation of Pharmaceuticals December 2006 359

range of antibiotics with diverse structures have been AOPs tested, ozonation at pH 11.5 and photo-Fenton/
used and subsequently found in the environment. photo-Fenton-like process were more promising than the
Removal of some of these compounds has been studied others, namely H2O2/UV, Fenton, and Fenton-like pro-
using ozonation and AOPs (Table 1). In this review, they cesses (see Appendix). In addition to these AOPs, direct
will be divided into four sub-classes, including b-lactam, photolysis was also studied by Arslan-Alaton and
macrolide, quinolone, and tetracycline, as well as several Dogruel (2004); however, it was virtually ineffective.
other types of antibiotics that do not belong to these About 50% of COD and 52% of TOC were removed
subclasses. The chemical structure and molecular weight from the wastewater by ozonation at an applied ozone
of these antibiotics are shown in Figures 3–7. dose of 2.76 g/L in 1 h at pH 11.5 (initial value). The pH
b-Lactam Antibiotics. b-Lactam antibiotics covered value decreased presumably due to the formation of
in this review include amoxicillin, cefradine (cephradine), organic acids during the ozonation, which inhibited
ceftriaxone, penicillins G and VK, and sultamicillin (see further COD removal. It was also noted that the COD
Figure 3). These b-lactam antibiotics have been originally removal by ozonation was improved from 49% to 86%
isolated from molds, such as Penicillium chrysogenum and using phosphate buffer at pH 11.5. Photo-Fenton and
Cephalosporium acremonium, and been modified to gain photo-Fenton-like processes [2 mM Fe2+ or Fe3+, 20
different physico-chemical and pharmacological proper- mM H2O2, a 21-W low pressure Hg lamp, l = 253.7 nm
ties (Merck & Co., 1999). These antibiotics generally have (1.73 · 104 EinsteinL1s1)] are equally effective in
a property to inhibit bacterial cell wall synthesis. Among COD and TOC removals: 56 and 66% COD removal
and 51 and 42% TOC removal, respectively. Complete
Downloaded by [Dalhousie University] at 15:51 13 September 2012

the b-lactam antibiotics here, cefradine and ceftriaxone

are the members of cephalosporins. It is known that most conversion of 400 mg/L amoxicillin was also confirmed
of these penicillins and cephalosporins are excreted using ozonation at pH 11.5 and photo-Fenton process
mainly in urine without major metabolic modifications (Arslan-Alaton and Dogruel, 2004).
(Merck & Co., 1999). Degradation of two intermediates Biodegradability of the penicillin formulation (amox-
of cephalosporin antibiotics, including 5-methyl-1,3,4- icillin + clavulanic acid) wastewater was improved
thiadiazole-2-thiol (MMTD) and 5-methyl-1,3,4-thiadia- slightly from zero to 0.08, based on the BOD5/COD
zole-2-methylthiol (MMTD-Me), have been also studied ratio, by ozonation (Arslan-Alaton and Dogruel, 2004).
and are included here. Arslan-Alaton et al. (2004) investigated the biodegrad-
Penicillins (including amoxicillin and sultamicillin). ability improvement of a similar penicillin formulation
Ozonation and advanced oxidation treatment of various wastewater containing amoxicillin and clavulanic acid as
penicillin formulation effluents containing one of four active ingredients ([COD]0 = 830 mg/L) by ozonation
penicillin-type b-lactam antibiotics, including penicillins and O3/H2O2 process. Under optimized conditions, the
G and VK, amoxicillin, and sultamicillin has been exten- wastewater biodegradability was improved from 0 to 0.37
sively studied to improve the biodegradability of these and 0.45 by ozonation (2.5 g/L applied O3, pH 12) and
wastewaters. Akmehmet Balcioglu and Ötker (2003) O3/H2O2 process [2.5 g/L applied O3 (1.34 g/L consumed)
applied ozonation to synthetic penicillin VK formulation and 2 mM H2O2, pH 10.5], respectively, in 1 h.
wastewater. About 70%, 40%, and 30% of initial COD Combination of chemical pre-oxidation and biological
(450 mg/L), TOC (162 mg/L), and aromaticity (0.456; treatment [0.23 mg COD/(mg mixed liquor suspended
absorbance at 254 nm) were removed by ozonation in solids · day)] yielded an overall COD removal of 81%
one hour at an applied ozone dose of 2.96 g/L at pH 7 and 72% with optimized ozonation and O3/H2O2 process,
or 11 at 20  C. Biodegradability of the penicillin solution, respectively (Arslan-Alaton et al., 2004). A similar ozona-
measured by a ratio of 5-day biochemical oxygen demand tion-biological treatment study has been reported on a
(BOD5) and COD, was also improved considerably by different type of penicillin-type antibiotics, sultamicillin
the ozone treatment from zero to 0.25. Removal of COD (Cokgor et al., 2004).
was less at low pH, suggesting the importance of hydroxyl A series of studies has been reported concerning the
radical reactions. Addition of 20 mM H2O2 (O3:H2O2 treatment of another type of penicillin formulation, peni-
molar ratio = 3.08:1) improved the COD removal to cillin G with procaine, a local anesthetic agent, by ozona-
95% at pH 7 (Akmehmet Balcio glu and Ötker, 2003). tion and photo-Fenton-like process. Degradation of this
The feasibility of a number of AOPs was tested for the penicillin formulation in synthetic wastewater was quan-
degradation of penicillin formulation wash water (waste- tified by COD and TOC reductions in both cases. Arslan-
water) containing amoxicillin trihydrate and clavulanic Alaton and Caglayan (2005) demonstrated the enhance-
acid, a b-lactamase inhibitor (Arslan-Alaton and ment of COD removal with increasing pH from 7 to 12
Dogruel, 2004). The wastewater also contained other and hence the important contribution of hydroxyl radical
inert substances such as additives, buffer, and flavors. reactions in the degradation of penicillin G-procaine for-
The concentrations of these active and inert ingredients mulation. Ozone absorption efficiency also increased at
were unknown ([TOC]0 = 920 mg/L, [COD]0 = 1,395 mg/ elevated pH. About 50% of initial COD (= 600 mg/L)
L, alkalinity = 85 mg CaCO3/L, pH 6.95). Among the and TOC (= 226 mg/L) and was removed by ozonation

360 K. Ikehata et al. December 2006


amoxicillin (365.41) cefradine (349.40)

O OH N OH penicillin G (334.39)

ceftriaxone (554.57)
Downloaded by [Dalhousie University] at 15:51 13 September 2012

O sultamicillin (594.65)
penicillin VK (388.47) K+


5-methyl-1,3,4-thiadiazole-2-thiol 5-methyl-1,3,4-thiadiazole-2-methylthiol
(MMTD; 132.20) (MMTD-Me; 146.24)

FIGURE 3. b-Lactam antibiotics and intermediates.

at pH 12 with an applied ozone dose of 1.8 g/L in 1 h. was improved from 0.25 to 0.45, while acute toxicity
Overall second-order rate constants for the COD removal (assessed by Daphnia magna mortality) was reduced mark-
from the penicillin formulation by ozonation was deter- edly after the 30 min of photo-Fenton-like treatment men-
mined as 0.042 and 0.67 M1s1 at pH 3 and 7, respec- tioned previously (Arslan-Alaton and Gurses, 2004).
tively (Arslan-Alaton and Caglayan, 2005). Andreozzi et al. (2005) investigated the kinetics and
Arslan-Alaton and Gurses (2004) investigated the pathway of amoxicillin degradation by ozonation. Rate
photo-Fenton-like process for the treatment of penicillin of reaction between amoxicillin and molecular ozone was
G-procaine formulation using a 125-W black light emitting found to be strongly pH dependent: from 4 · 103 M1s1
UV-A in the range of 300 to 370 nm with an incident light at pH 2.5 to 6 · 106 M1s1 at pH 7. The second-order
flux of 1.7 · 103 Einsteinmin1. Under optimum reaction rate constant for hydroxyl radical reaction with amoxi-
conditions ([Fe3+]0 = 1.5 mM, [H2O2]0 = 25 mM, pH 3), cillin was also calculated as 3.93 · 109 M1s1 at pH 5.5
56% and 42% of initial COD and TOC, respectively, were using H2O2/UV AOP to generate hydroxyl radicals
removed after 30 min of photo-Fenton-like treatment. It (Andreozzi et al., 2005). Whereas hydroxylation of the
was also demonstrated that Fenton-like treatment without phenol ring was confirmed, no evidence was found for
UV-A irradiation was slightly less effective in COD S-oxidation of amoxicillin molecules by molecular ozone.
removal from the penicillin formulation and that No further degradation was noticed, probably due to the
neither UV-A alone, ferric ion with UV-A, nor H2O2/ short reaction time (up to 4 min) and the absence of
UV-A was effective (Arslan-Alaton and Gurses, 2004). hydroxyl radicals in the system as 2-methyl-2-propanol
Biodegradability of the penicillin G-procaine formulation was used as a scavenger.

Ozonation and Advanced Oxidation of Pharmaceuticals December 2006 361



azithromycin (748.88) clarithromycin (747.95) erythromycin (733.93)

Downloaded by [Dalhousie University] at 15:51 13 September 2012

lincomycin (406.54)
roxithromycin (837.05)

FIGURE 4. Macrolide antibiotics.

O O initial TOC (= 167 mg/L) was removed at pH 7. The

F N N COD reduction was slightly improved to 82% by elevat-
ing pH from 7 to 11. Addition of hydrogen peroxide also
F improved the COD removal. The absorbance at 254 nm
in the synthetic wastewater was reduced by more than
ofloxacin (levofloxacin, 361.37) 90%, indicating effective destruction of aromatic rings in
enrofloxacin (359.39)
the ceftriaxone molecules. Biodegradability (i.e., the ratio
FIGURE 5. Quinolone antibiotics.
of BOD5 and COD) of ceftriaxone solution was modestly
improved from zero to 0.1 after the ozonation treatment
(Akmehmet Balcioglu and Ötker, 2003). No degradation
by-product was identified for the ceftriaxone ozonation
Cefradine. Degradation of cefradine, a cephalos- or AOP.
porin-type b-lactam antibiotic has been studied using an MMTD and MMTD-Me. Photochemical degradation
immobilized titanium dioxide photo catalyst (Fan et al., of two intermediates used for the synthesis of cefazolin,
2002). Near-complete conversion of 0.2 mM (70 mg/L) a cephalosporin-type b-lactam antibiotic, including 5-
cefradine was achieved by the TiO2/hn process using a 30- methyl-1,3,4-thiadiazole-2-thiol (MMTD) and 2-
W UV lamp (l = 253 nm) in 2 h (pH unknown) with methyl-5-(methylthio)-1,3,4-thiadiazole (MMTD-Me),
continuous aeration. Decomposition of aromatic ring, was reported (Bozzi et al., 2002; Lopez et al., 2002,
amino and carboxyl groups was confirmed using UV 2003). Lopez et al. (2002) demonstrated complete con-
and infrared spectroscopy. Addition of hydrogen perox- version of MMTD in less than 20 min by H2O2/UV
ide (1 to 5 g/L) in the system accelerated the cefradine treatment ([H2O2]0 = 26 mg/L, a 17-W low-pressure Hg
degradation, presumably due to enhanced production of lamp emitting at 185 and 254 nm with light intensity of
hydroxyl radicals through the photodecomposition of 2.8 · 106 Einsteins1, at 2 C), which was more effec-
hydrogen peroxide (Fan et al., 2002). Degradation by- tive than UV irradiation alone. The quantum yield for
product was not determined in this study. MMTD photolysis was determined as 12
Ceftriaxone. Similar to the case of penicillin VK, a mmolEinstein1. About 60% of initial TOC was
buffered synthetic wastewater containing ceftriaxone was removed during a prolonged H2O2/UV treatment of 1
treated by ozonation (Akmehmet Balcio glu and Ötker, mg/L MMTD for 4 h, and about 90% of sulfur and
2003). After 1 h of ozonation at an applied ozone dose of 14% of nitrogen was recovered as sulfate and nitrate
2.96 g/L, 74% of initial COD (= 450 mg/L) and 50% of ions, respectively. Seven degradation intermediates and

362 K. Ikehata et al. December 2006

H2N S N Cl H2N S N H2N S N N
sulfachlorpyridazine (284.72) sulfadiazine (250.27) sulfadimethoxine (310.33)


sulfamerazine (264.30) sulfamethazine (277.34) sulfamethoxazole (253.28)

Downloaded by [Dalhousie University] at 15:51 13 September 2012

sulfamoxole (267.30) sulfapyridine (249.29)

sulfamethizole (270.32)


sulfathiazole (255.31) sulfisoxazole (267.30)

FIGURE 6. Sulfonamide antibiotics.

(hydroxyl radicals) was reported as 1.6 · 1010 M1s1 at

OH 25 C (pH unknown) (Lopez et al., 2003).
H N O O Degradation of MMTD-Me, which is a 2-S-methyl deri-
N vative of MMTD, has been studied in a similar manner to
the latter compound (Bozzi et al., 2002; Lopez et al., 2003). It
NH O was noted that MMTD-Me was more reactive toward direct
photolysis presumably due to the higher extinction coeffi-
spectinomycin (332.35)
carbadox (262.22) cient (4970 M1cm1) of MMTD-Me as compared with
that of MMTD (2100 M1cm1), while it is less reactive
NH2 toward H2O2/UV treatment because of the electron with-
HO N drawal property of methyl group (Bozzi et al., 2002).
Nevertheless, MMTD-Me could be completely converted
NH2 H2N N O in 20 min by the equivalent H2O2/UV treatment mentioned
O above at 25  C (pH unknown). About 80% of initial TOC
was removed in 4 h, and a near-quantitative recovery of
trimethoprim (290.32)
tetracycline (444.44) sulfur as sulfate, as well as a 16% recovery of nitrogen as
nitrate, was observed as well. Degradation intermedi-
FIGURE 7. Miscellaneous antibiotics. ates and by-products of the MMTD-Me photochemical
treatment were also identified (Bozzi et al., 2002),
which are shown in Figure 9. Unlike MMTD degrada-
by-products were identified by LC-MS, and degradation tion, demethylation and S-oxidation of 2-methylthio
pathway was proposed as shown in Figure 8 (Lopez et al., group likely precede the ring opening and mineraliza-
2002). It is apparent that the 2-thiol group and the sulfur tion of MMTD-Me, but no dimerizaiton (disulfide for-
atom on the thiadiazole ring of MMTD are the prime mation) may occur because of the presence of methyl
targets of hydroxyl radical attack. The second-order rate group. The quantum yield and second-order rate con-
constant for MMTD degradation by H2O2/UV process stant for MMTD-Me photolysis and H2O2/UV

Ozonation and Advanced Oxidation of Pharmaceuticals December 2006 363

Azithromycin. Huber et al. (2005) reported complete
S SH disappearance of azithromycin (initial concentration not
•OH N N specified) in biologically treated municipal wastewater by
MMTD ozonation at an applied ozone dose of 3.5 mg/L at pH 7.
S S They suggested that two tertiary-amine nitrogens in azithro-
hν -S
mycin molecule were the primary sites for molecular ozone
attack (see Figure 4 for the molecular structure of azithro-
•OH hν - S mycin). No degradation by-products were identified.
- SO4-
N N Clarithromycin and Erythromycin. Elimination
S O S (i.e., conversion) of trace clarithromycin and erythro-
•OH S N mycin in biologically treated municipal wastewater
N N has been studied using ozonation recently. Ternes et
O •OH al. (2003) reported an elimination of 0.21 mg/L clari-
O O thromycin and 0.62 mg/L erythromycin to levels
O O S below the limit of quantification with as low as 5
N N S N mg/L of applied ozone at pH 7.2. A similar result
was also reported by Huber et al. (2005). A biologi-
cally treated municipal wastewater was spiked with
Downloaded by [Dalhousie University] at 15:51 13 September 2012

clarithromycin and dehydroerythromycin (both at 2

ring opening
mg/L; see Figure 10 for the structure of dehydroery-
mineralization thromycin, an environmental metabolite of erythro-
mycin), along with other pharmaceuticals and musk
FIGURE 8. Proposed pathway for MMTD degradation by H2O2/ fragrances, and was treated by ozonation at pH 7. It
UV process (Lopez et al., 2002). was found that an applied ozone dose of 3.5 mg/L
was sufficient to eliminate these two macrolide anti-
biotics. It was proposed a tertiary-amine nitrogen in
both macrolides and a carbon-carbon double bond in
S hν S SH hν S dehydroerythromycin molecule to be ozone attack
sites (Huber et al., 2005).
•OH Roxithromycin. It has been reported that the reactiv-
MMTD-Me •OH ity of roxithromycin toward ozonation is similar to the
S S other macrolide antibiotics discussed above (Ternes et al.,
mineralization 2003; Huber et al., 2005). In addition, one kinetic study of
roxithromycin ozonation has been reported (Huber et al.,
FIGURE 9. Degradation of MMTD-Me by H2O2/UV process 2003). It was shown that this macrolide antibiotic reacted
(Bozzi et al., 2002). with ozone rapidly (kO3 > 105 at pH 7, 20  C) and that the
rate constant for the direct ozone reaction was pH-depen-
dent. The rate constant reaches to its maximum value of
4.5 · 106 M1s1 at pH 8.8, which corresponds to the pKa
treatment were reported as 12 mmolEinstein1 and 8.3 of roxithromycin, indicating the tertiary-amine nitrogen is
· 108 M1s1, respectively (Lopez et al., 2003). the primary site of ozone attack (Huber et al., 2003).

Macrolide Antibiotics
Among the antibiotics shown in Figure 4, azithro-
mycin, clarithromycin, erythromycin, and roxithromy-
cin are macrolide antibiotics, and lincomycin is a
lincosamide antibiotic, which has an antibacterial spec- O OH
trum similar to macrolides. Although not shown in OH
Figure 4, there is another lincosamide antibiotic called O
clindamycin, which is a derivative of lincomycin and O
more commonly prescribed nowadays because of its O
improved absorption property after oral administration
(Merck & Co., 1999). These antibiotics are character- O
ized by a property to inhibit bacterial protein synthesis.
FIGURE 10. Chemical structure of dehydroerythromycin, an
These antibiotics are mostly excreted in the bile (Merck environmental metabolite of erythromycin (Huber et al., 2005).
& Co., 1999).

364 K. Ikehata et al. December 2006

quinolones are variably metabolized in the liver and
O3 or •OH
HO O3 or •OH excreted in the urine (Merck & Co., 1999).
Enrofloxacin. Akmehmet Balcioglu and Ötker (2003)
N demonstrated that ozone treatment was effective in
degrading enrofloxacin in synthetic wastewater. About
90% of initial COD (= 450 mg/L) and 50% of initial
TOC (165 mg/L) was removed by ozonation in one
FIGURE 11. Possible sites of molecular ozone and hydroxyl hour at an applied ozone dose of 2.96 g/L and pH 7.
radical attacks in a lincomycin molecule (Qiang et al., 2004; The COD removal was less at pH 3 and pH 11, 65% and
Addamo et al., 2005). 79%, respectively. Addition of hydrogen peroxide (10 to
100 mM) did not show any impact on the COD removal.
Biodegradability, as expressed by the ratio of BOD5 and
Lincomycin. Qiang et al. (2004) investigated a rapid COD, of the synthetic wastewater was improved consid-
reaction of lincomycin toward ozonation (kO3 > 105 erably from 0.07 to 0.38 after the ozone treatment at pH 7
M1s1 at pH >7) using a stopped-flow technique. (Akmehmet Balcioglu and Ötker, 2003). The same group
Similar to the case of roxithromycin, lincomycin degrada- of authors also investigated the use of negatively charged
tion by ozonation is pH dependent (pKa of pyrrolidine zeolite as natural adsorbent for the treatment of enroflox-
nitrogen = 7.8), and the contribution of hydroxyl radical acin, which has three tertiary-amine nitrogens in its mole-
Downloaded by [Dalhousie University] at 15:51 13 September 2012

reactions is considered to be negligible. Besides the pyr- cular structure, and subsequent decontamination and
rolidine nitrogen, a sulfur atom of methylthio group is regeneration of zeolite by ozonation (Ötker and
suggested as a prime target of ozone attack (see Figure 11). Akmehmet-Balcioglu, 2005). They demonstrated the suc-
Based on their kinetic model, the absolute second-order cessful decontamination of enrofloxacin-loaded zeolite
rate constants for lincomycin ozonation were calculated (equilibrated with 200 mg/L enrofloxacin for 24 h) by
as 3.26 · 105 and 2.43 · 106 M1s1 for protonated and 30 min of ozonation (consumed ozone = 100 mg), sug-
neutral forms, respectively (Qiang et al., 2004). gesting that the zeolite adsorption-ozonation system
In addition to ozonation, Addamo et al. (2005) might be a good method to control antibiotic pollution
reported photo-catalytic degradation of lincomycin due to animal manure land application.
using two types of TiO2 catalysts. Addition of TiO2 pow- Ofloxacin. Andreozzi et al. (2004) investigated the
der (0.4 g/L Degussa P25 or 1 g/L Merck TiO2) strongly ozonation, H2O2/UV, and TiO2 photo-catalysis for the
enhanced the degradation of lincomycin from UV irradia- decontamination of an aqueous pharmaceutical mixture
tion alone with a 125 W medium pressure Hg lamp with a containing ofloxacin, as well as five other drugs, namely
photo flux of 8.5 mWm2. Complete conversion of 50 carbamazepine, propranolol, clofibric acid, diclofenac,
mg/L lincomycin was achieved in 2 h by the TiO2/hn and sulfamethoxazole. It was shown that 2 min of ozona-
treatment at pH 6 and 20  C, and about 60% of initial tion (13.9 mg/L absorbed O3) as well as H2O2/UV treat-
TOC was removed from the solution. Although S-oxida- ment ([H2O2]0 = 5–10 mM, a low-pressure Hg lamp, at
tion of methylthio group and oxidation of pyrrolidine 254 nm, 2.51 · 106 Einsteins1) was sufficient for the
ring followed by a cleavage of amide bond were suggested complete conversion of 560 mg/L ofloxacin at pH 7.4 and
as possible routes of lincomycin degradation by TiO2 25  C, whereas TiO2/hn process was less effective. Algal
process (Addamo et al., 2005), the actual degradation (Synechococcus leopoliensis) and protozoan (Brachionus
intermediates and by-products were not determined, calyciflorus) toxicities of the drug mixture were eliminated
with the exception of sulfate ion. completely by the ozone treatment in 2 min. The H2O2/
UV treatment was also effective for algal toxicity reduc-
Quinolone Antibiotics tion; however, it was less effective for protozoan toxicity
Two types of quinolone antibiotics, including enro- reduction. Finally, the TiO2/hn treatment was ineffective
floxacin and ofloxacin, have been studied for their in either case (Andreozzi et al., 2004), probably because
degradation by ozonation and AOPs. More specifi- of insufficient drug conversion. Degradation by-products
cally, both are fluoroquinolones. While enrofloxacin is of ofloxacin were not determined.
used as a veterinary antibiotic, ofloxacin is intended
for human consumption. These compounds have a
property to inhibit the activity of bacterial DNA gyr- Sulfonamide Antibiotics
ase (Merck & Co., 1999). The chemical structure and Sulfonamides are synthetic antibiotics also called sulfa
molecular weight of these quinolone antibiotics are drugs that inhibit multiplication of bacteria by acting as
shown in Figure 5. Please note that ofloxacin is a competitive inhibitors of p-aminobenzoic acid in the folic
racemic mixture of chiral molecules, and the biologi- acid metabolism cycle (Merck & Co., 1999). A variety of
cally active S-enantiomer, which is also called levoflox- sulfonamides have been produced, consumed, and subse-
acin, is shown in the figure. It is known that the quently detected in the environment, and some of them

Ozonation and Advanced Oxidation of Pharmaceuticals December 2006 365

have been studied for their degradation by ozonation and Sulfadiazine. Degradation of sulfadiazine has been
AOPs. These compounds include sulfachlopyridazine, sul- studied by ozonation (Huber et al., 2005) and TiO2 photo-
fadiazine, sulfadimethoxine, sulfamerazine, sulfametha- catalysis (Calza et al., 2004a). In addition, as shown in
zine, sulfamethizole, sulfamethoxazole, sulfamoxole, Table 2, the second-order rate constant for the reaction
sulfapyridine, sulfathiazole, and sulfisoxazole. They have between hydroxyl radical and this sulfonamide antibiotic
a common core chemical structure (p-aminobenzene sulfo- has been reported (Boreen et al., 2005). Sulfadiazine was
namide), as can be seen in Figure 6. These sulfonamide completely converted by ozone (2 mg/L applied ozone
antibiotics are metabolized mainly by the liver to acetylated dose, pH 7) in a biologically treated wastewater sample
forms (at p-amino group) and glucuronides, and subse- spike with this antibiotic at a concentration of 2 mg/L,
quently excreted in the urine (Merck & Co., 1999). along with several other sulfonamide antibiotics, macrolide
Sulfachlorpyridazine. Adams et al. (2002) reported antibiotics, estrogens, and iodinated X-ray contrast media
the rapid conversion of sulfachlorpyridazine by ozona- (Huber et al., 2005). Calza et al. (2004a) demonstrated
tion in a pre-filtered river water sample spiked with this partial mineralization of 15 mg/L sulfadiazine by TiO2
and three other antibiotics at an initial concentration of photocatalysis. About 80% of sulfur atom was recovered
50 mg/L each. More than 95% of initial sulfachlorpyrida- as sulfate after 30 min of treatment with 200 mg/L TiO2
zine was converted by ozonation in 1.3 min with a utilized and UV irradiation using a 1500-W xenon lamp (1.35 ·
ozone dose of 0.3 mg/L at pH 7.5. 105 Einsteinmin1) and a 340 nm cut off filter at 50  C
The second order rate constant for the reaction between (pH unknown). On the other hand, the yield of inorganic
hydroxyl radicals and sulfachlorpyridazine, as well as those nitrogen (i.e., ammonium ion) was about 15%, indicating
Downloaded by [Dalhousie University] at 15:51 13 September 2012

for nine other sulfonamide antibiotics, has been reported the formation of stable organic by-products bearing nitro-
(Boreen et al., 2004; 2005) as shown in Table 2. Fenton gen atom(s), although these by-products were not deter-
process was employed to generate hydroxyl radicals, and a mined. During the TiO2/hn treatment, formation of
competition kinetics method was used to estimate the rate hydroxylated intermediate of sulfadiazine was suggested
constants using acetophenone as a reference compound. (Figure 13), which quickly disappeared as the degradation
Unlike direct photolysis, which is strongly affected by the proceeded (Calza et al., 2004a). As aniline is not particu-
types of heteroaromatic ring attached to sulfonamide nitro- larly persistent toward advanced oxidation (Sauleda and
gen, the rate constants for hydroxyl radical reactions are Brillas, 2001; Li et al., 2003), the N-bearing intermediates
nearly equal and close to diffusion-controlled limit of 1010 suggested by Calza et al. are likely derived from 2-amino-
M1s1. It has been also shown that the reactivity of these pyrimidine (R-NH2 in Figure 13) released by the cleavage
sulfonamides toward direct photolysis is dependent on the of S-N bond of sulfadiazine.
protonation state of the concerned compound (Figure 12, Sulfadimethoxine, Sulfamerazine and Sulfathiazole.
Table 2; Boreen et al., 2004; 2005), although the effect of Similar to the cases of other sulfonamide antibiotics,
pH on hydroxyl radical reactions has not been studied. No rapid conversion of sulfadimethoxine, sulfamerazine,
degradation by-product/intermediate was identified for sul- and sulfathiazole by ozonation in river water was
fachlorpyridazine ozonation or AOP. reported (Adams et al., 2002; Huber et al., 2005), and

TABLE 2. pKa, Second-Order Rate Constant for Hydroxyl Radical Reaction (kOH), and Quantum Yield (F) of Sulfonamide Antibiotics (Boreen
et al., 2004; Boreen et al., 2005)

FP (mMEins1)

pKa,1 pKa,2 k  OH (109 M1s1) SHþ

2 SH S
Sulfachlorpyridazine 2 5.9 4.4 nd 3.0 · 104 2.3 · 103
Sulfadiazine 2 6.4 3.7 nd 4.0 · 104 1.2 · 103
Sulfadimethoxine 2.9 6.1 6.1 nd 1.0 · 105 4.0 · 104
Sulfamerazine 2.5 7 3.8 nd 2.3 · 104 3.0 · 103
Sulfamethazine 2.6 8 5.0 nd 3.0 · 104 5.0 · 103
Sulfamethizole 2.1 5.3 4.9  0.01  5.0 · 103 0.05
Sulfamethoxazole 1.6 5.7 5.8 0 0.5 0.09
Sulfamoxole nd 7.4 nd nd nd nd
Sulfathiazole 2.2 7.2 7.1 0.02 0.07 0.40
Sulfisoxazole 1.5 5.0 6.6 0.7 0.17 0.07

Note: kOH was determined for neutral sulfonamide. SHþ 

2 ; SH, and S represent cationic, neutral, and anionic forms of
sulfonamides (see Figure 12). nd = not determined.

366 K. Ikehata et al. December 2006

O Ka,1 O Ka,2 O

SH2+ SH S-

FIGURE 12. Protonation states of the sulfonamide antibiotics (Boreen et al., 2004). SHþ 
2 ; SH, and S represent cationic, neutral, and anionic
forms, respectively.

hydroxylated sulfonamide
parent sulfonamide OH O OH
•OH •OH hydroxylated sulfamerazine
hydroxylated sulfadimethoxine
O O (aniline side)
H2N S OH + R-NH2 R-NH2 + H2N S OH
Downloaded by [Dalhousie University] at 15:51 13 September 2012

SO42- SO42- HO O
Further degradation, release of NH 4+ 4-methyl-2-aminopyrimidine
hydroxylated sulfadimethoxine
FIGURE 13. Degradation of sulfonamides by advanced oxidation (pyrimidine side)
process (Calza et al., 2004a).
comparable second-order rate constants for the hydroxyl H2N N OH
radical reactions of these sulfonamide antibiotics were hydroxylated sulfathiazole
determined (see Table 2; Boreen et al., 2005). Calza O

et al. (2004a) demonstrated near-complete conversion of 2,6-dimethoxy-4-aminopyrimidine

these three sulfonamides by TiO2/hn treatment (see
Sulfadiazine for the reaction conditions). Like the case FIGURE 14. Possible degradation intermediates of sulfadi-
methoxine (two hydroxylated compounds, 2,6-dimethoxy-4-amino-
of sulfadiazine, high levels (70% to 100%) of inorganic pyrimidine) and sulfamerazine (one hydroxylated compound, 4-
sulfur were recovered as sulfate after the TiO2/hn treat- methyl-2-aminopyrimidine) and sulfathiazole (one hydroxylated
ment of sulfadimethoxine, sulfamerazine, and sulfathia- compound) detected during TiO2/hn treatment (Calza et al.,
zole, while the yields of inorganic nitrogen (as ammonium 2004a). See Figure 13 for the proposed general degradation
and nitrate) were substantially different: 70%, 18%, and pathway.
90%, respectively (Calza et al., 2004a). The behavior of
sulfamerazine resembles that of sulfadiazine, indicating
possible formation of persistent nitrogenous by-products. second-order rate constant for the reactions between sul-
On the other hand, the amount of ammonium ion famethazine and hydroxyl radicals was also reported
released by sulfadimethoxine and sulfathiazole degrada- (Boreen et al., 2005) as shown in Table 2. It has been
tion implies effective destruction of the heterocyclic ring, noted a slower reaction of N4-acetylated metabolite of
i.e., 2,6-dimethoxypyrimidine and thiazole, respectively. this sulfonamide antibiotic with ozone in a biologically
Several degradation intermediates were detected during treated wastewater sample (Huber et al., 2005). No degra-
the TiO2/hn treatment of these sulfonamide antibiotics dation by-product/intermediate was identified.
(Calza et al., 2004a), which are shown in Figure 14. It Sulfamethoxazole. Like many other sulfonamide
was noted that 2-aminothiazole, a possible degradation antibiotics, sulfamethoxazole is readily degradable by
intermediate of sulfathiazole, was not detected probably ozonation. Ternes et al. (2003) demonstrated that as low
due to its high reactivity toward hydroxyl radicals (Calza as 5 mg/L of applied ozone could completely eliminate
et al., 2004a). (i.e., convert) 0.62 mg/L sulfamethoxazole present in a
Sulfamethazine. Rapid conversion of sulfametha- biologically treated municipal wastewater below its detec-
zine by ozonation was reported (Adams et al., 2002). tion limit. Similar results were also reported elsewhere
Ozonation at an absorbed ozone dose of 0.3 mg/L was (Huber et al., 2003, 2005). A negative effect of dissolved
sufficient to transform 50 mg/L sulfamethazine in a pre- organic matter on the degradation of sulfamethoxazole
filtered river water sample at pH 7.5 in 1.5 min. The was noted during the ozonation of this sulfonamide

Ozonation and Advanced Oxidation of Pharmaceuticals December 2006 367

antibiotic in natural river water samples (Huber et al., (as low as 2 mg/L applied O3 at pH 7) in a biologically
2003). Huber et al. (2003) also determined the second- treated wastewater sample. No further study has been
order rate constants for both ozonation (2.5 · 106 reported on the ozonation or advanced oxidation of this
M1s1) and advanced oxidation (H2O2/UV; 5.5 · sulfonamide antibiotic.
109 M1s1) of sulfamethoxazole at pH 7 and 25  C
by a competition kinetics method with phenol and p- Other Antibiotics
chlorobenzoic acid as reference compounds, respec- In addition to the groups of antibiotics discussed here,
tively. The rate constant for the hydroxyl radical reac- several other types of antibiotics have been studied for
tions is in close agreement with the one reported for their degradation by ozonation and/or AOPs (Figure 7).
neutral sulfamethoxazole by Boreen et al. (2004) using Carbadox is a veterinary antibiotic, which can be added
Fenton process to generate hydroxyl radicals (Table 2). to swine as a growth promoter although its use has been
Since majority of this sulfonamide antibiotic is present banned in Europe because of its suspected carcinogenicity
in the anionic form at pH 7 (pKa2 = 5.7), it is apparent and mutagenicity (Hutchinson et al., 2005).
that the dissociation of sulfonamide-N proton (see Spectinomycin and tetracycline are bacteriostatic antibio-
Figure 12) have no effect on the advanced oxidation tics that inhibit bacterial protein synthesis by binding the
of this antibiotic. It was suggested that aniline nitrogen 30S subunit of the ribosome (Merck & Co., 1999).
was the primary target of molecular ozone attack in Trimethoprim is a chemotherapeutic antibiotic, which is
the sulfamethoxazole molecule (see Figure 6) and that commonly used in combination with sulfamethoxazole, a
protonation of this nitrogen would diminish its reactiv-
Downloaded by [Dalhousie University] at 15:51 13 September 2012

sulfonamide antibiotic to maximize its effect on inhibiting

ity toward ozonation (Huber et al., 2003). The first folate synthesis of bacteria (Merck & Co., 1999).
point is evident from the fact that N4-acetylated sulfa- Carbadox and Trimethoprim. Adams et al. (2002)
methoxazole (Figure 15), which is a metabolite of this demonstrated rapid conversion of carbadox and tri-
sulfonamide antibiotic (Merck & Co., 1999), is shown methoprim by ozonation in a pre-filtered river water
to be relatively persistent during ozonation treatment sample spiked with these antibiotics at an initial con-
as compared with the non-acetylated parent compound centration of 50 mg/L each. More than 95% of these
(Huber et al., 2005). antibiotics were converted by ozonation for 1.5 min
Andreozzi et al. (2004) reported the effective detoxifi- with a utilized ozone dose of 0.3 mg/L at pH 7.5.
cation of a mixture of pharmaceuticals containing 2.24 Ternes et al. (2003) also reported a similar reactivity
mg/L sulfamethoxazole and five other drugs by ozona- of trimethoprim originally present in biologically trea-
tion and H2O2/UV treatment (see Ofloxacin, quinolone ted wastewater toward ozonation. No further study has
antibiotic for details). No degradation intermediate/by- been reported on ozonation or advanced oxidation of
product was determined for sulfamethoxazole ozonation these antibiotics.
and advanced oxidation. Spectinomycin. Quang et al. (2004) investigated the
Sulfamethizole, Sulfamoxole, and Sulfisoxazole. kinetics of spectinomycin ozonation using a stopped-flow
Boreen et al. (2004) determined the second-order rate technique. As can be seen in Figure 7, this antibiotic has
constants (kOH) for sulfamethizole and sulfisoxazole two secondary amine groups (pKa = 7.10 and 8.90) that
(see Table 2 and Sulfachlorpyridazine) using the Fenton can be primary targets of molecular ozone attacks. It was
process to generate hydroxyl radicals. They also noted shown that the protonation of these two amine groups in
that another sulfonamide antibiotic, sulfamoxole, was not acidic solution (pH < 5) diminished the reactivity of
stable in weakly acidic (pH 4) solution. As a result, no spectinomycin toward ozonation. Absolute rate constant
kinetic study was conducted on this compound (Boreen was determined as 1.27 · 106 M1s1 and 3.30 · 105
et al., 2004). No further study was found on the degrada- M1s1 for neutral and mono-protonated forms of spec-
tion of these sulfonamide antibiotics by ozonation or tinomycin, respectively (Qiang et al., 2004). No degrada-
AOP. tion by-product/intermediate was determined in this
Sulfapyridine. Huber et al. (2005) reported near- study.
complete conversion of 2 mg/L sulfapyridine by ozonation Tetracycline. Effective degradation and partial
mineralization of tetracycline by TiO2 photocatalysis
was reported (Di Paola et al., 2004; Addamo et al.,
2005). Almost complete conversion of 50 mg/L tetracy-
O cline was achieved in two hour by the TiO2/hn treatment
O with 0.4 g/L of catalyst and a 125 W medium pressure
HN S N Hg lamp with a photon flux of 8.5 mWcm2 at 40  C,
and about 90% of TOC was removed in 6 h (Di Paola
et al., 2004). On the other hand, direct photolysis was
FIGURE 15. N4-acetylsulfamethoxazole, an environmentally rele-
vant metabolite of sulfamethoxazole (Huber et al., 2005). much less effective in tetracycline conversion and miner-
alization (Addamo et al., 2005). While the formation

368 K. Ikehata et al. December 2006

of 4a,12a-anhydro-4-oxo-4-dedimethylaminotetracycline doxycycline (Miao et al., 2004), and oxytetracycline
was suggested as a photolytic by-product (Addamo (Kolpin et al., 2002).
et al., 2005), no degradation by-product/intermediate
was determined for the tetracycline decomposition cata- Anticonvulsants and Anti-anxiety Agents
lyzed by TiO2. Anticonvulsants, sometimes called antiepileptics, are the
group of pharmaceuticals used in drug therapy to control
Summary of Antibiotics seizures. The anticonvulsants covered in this review include
All antibiotics discussed here are fairly reactive toward carbamazepine, diazepam, and primidone. Some anticon-
ozonation and advanced oxidation in aqueous media. vulsants are also useful to treat some types of psychiatric
Their high reactivity is accounted for the presence of disorders such as anxiety, depression, and mood disorder.
one or more reactive functional groups/moieties in the Therefore, an anti-anxiety agent, buspirone, is also included
antibiotic molecules, such as amine nitrogen, sulfur, acti- in this section. Chemical structure and molecular weight of
vated aromatic ring, and carbon-carbon double bond. It these pharmaceuticals are shown in Figure 16.
should be noted that acetylated sulfonamide metabolites, Buspirone. Calza et al. (2004b) investigated photo-
such as N4-acetylsulfamethoxazole (Figure 15), are more catalytic transformation of buspirone, an anti-anxiety
resistant to ozonation than the parent compounds (Huber agent, using TiO2 as a catalyst to simulate the metabolic
et al., 2005) because the acetylation blocks the aniline system of living organisms. Complete transformation of
amino group that is one of the targets of molecular 15 mg/L buspirone was achieved by TiO2/hn treatment
Downloaded by [Dalhousie University] at 15:51 13 September 2012

ozone reactions. It has been demonstrated in the studies with 200 mg/L TiO2 and a 1500-W xenon lamp with a 340
reviewed here that the complete conversion of antibiotics nm cut-off filter (1.35 · 105 Einsteinmin1) at 50  C,
is readily achievable by either ozonation or AOP; how- and a number of degradation intermediates were identi-
ever, their mineralization is not always confirmed. fied by LC-MS-MS as shown in Figure 17. It was sug-
Similarly, the identity and quantity of degradation by- gested that hydroxylation of pyrimidine ring and
products arising from ozonation and advanced oxidation azaspirone decane dione substructure occurred simulta-
treatment are largely unknown for most antibiotics. neously followed by cleavage and eventual loss of pyri-
Sulfonamides are the only class of antibiotics whose midine ring. The formation of another intermediate, 1-
degradation pathway has been proposed (Figure 13), pyrimidinyl-piperazine, was also confirmed (Figure 17).
although it applies only to AOPs and their degradation These intermediates subsequently disappeared within 30
mechanisms by molecular ozone alone is still elusive. On min of the TiO2/hn treatment (Calza et al., 2004b).
the other hand, kinetic information for ozonation and Carbamazepine. Carbamazepine is a carboxamide-
advanced oxidation is available for many antibiotics. type anticonvulsant widely used to control generalized
The kinetic data consistently indicate the high reactivity tonic-chronic seizures (Merck & Co., 1999). This pharma-
of antibiotics toward molecular ozone (kO3 >105 ceutical has been found ubiquitously in the aquatic envir-
M1s1) and hydroxyl radical (kOH >109 M1s1). onment often at 1 to 2 mg/L levels (Ternes, 1998; Sacher
The effect of ozonation and AOPs on the toxicity and et al., 2001; Stackelberg et al., 2004) and is probably one of
biodegradability has been studied only for some b-lactam the most persistent pharmaceuticals in the environment.
antibiotics, two quinolones, and one sulfonamide. More Carbamazepine is highly resistant to biodegradation
studies will be needed to ensure not only the complete (Clara et al., 2004). It has been also suggested that
transformation of antibiotics but also the diminution of
toxicity toward environmental microbes and other aqua-
tic organisms, because once released these compounds
can directly interact with natural bacterial population. N N O
Although the concentrations of antibiotics in the environ- N N
ment are generally low (less than one microgram per N
liter), the bacterial population and aquatic life may be O
disturbed and resistance against particular types of anti- buspirone (385.51) carbamazepine (236.27)

biotics may be developed by pathogenic bacteria in the

environment (Kümmerer, 2004). For the same reason, O O N
major degradation intermediates/byproducts of antibio- N N NH
tics should be identified and characterized. Finally, there
are several other antibiotics that have been detected in O

wastewater effluent and the environment but not studied

for their degradation by ozonation or AOP. These anti- Cl primidone (218.25)
biotics include ciprofloxacin (Miao et al., 2004), clinda- diazepam (284.74)
mycin (Christian et al., 2003; Batt and Aga, 2005),
norfloxacin (Kolpin et al., 2002; Miao et al., 2004), FIGURE 16. Anticonvulsants and anti-anxiety agents.

Ozonation and Advanced Oxidation of Pharmaceuticals December 2006 369


buspirone O •OH 1-pyrimidinyl piperazine


hydroxy-bispirone hydroxy-bispirone
Downloaded by [Dalhousie University] at 15:51 13 September 2012

dihydroxy-buspirone despyrimidinyl
OH buspirone-amidine
oxo-buspirone O despyrimidinyl
buspirone O
despyrimidinyl-hydroxy-buspirone-amidine OH

FIGURE 17. Oxidative transformation of buspirone by TiO2/hn treatment (Calza et al., 2004b).

carbamazepine-glucuronide conjugate can be cleaved in is apparent from the molecular structure of carbamaze-
sewage treatment plant, which may contribute to the pine. A number of degradation intermediates were iden-
increase of environmental concentration of this drug tified in two separate studies (Andreozzi et al., 2002;
(Ternes, 1998). McDowell et al., 2005) as shown in Figure 18. It was
High reactivity of carbamazepine toward ozonation suggested that an ozone molecule first attacked the
was reported by several groups of researchers non-aromatic carbon-carbon double bond of carbamaze-
(Andreozzi et al., 2002; Ternes et al., 2002; Huber et al., pine, leading to ring opening through the Criegee
2003). For example, an applied ozone dose of 0.5 mg/L mechanism, followed by ring closure to form the quinazo-
was sufficient to convert 1 mg/L carbamazepine spiked in line moiety of 1-(2-benzaldehyde)-4-hydro-(1H,3H)-quina-
surface water after flocculation ([DOC] = 1.3 mg/L) at zoline-2-one (BQM) shown in the figure [see McDowell et
pH 7.8 (Ternes et al., 2002). Andreozzi et al. (2002) also al. (2005) for the detail of proposed reaction mechanism].
reported a complete conversion of 118 mg/L carbamaze- Quinazoline derivatives were also detected in the surface
pine and 30% mineralization monitored as CO2 evolution water treated by ozone in a full scale water treatment
in one hour of ozonation treatment at a utilized ozone plant (McDowell et al., 2005). McDowell et al. (2005)
dose of 1.0 mg/L at pH 5.5. Algal toxicity of carbamaze- also presented a kinetic model that accounted for the
pine was diminished after the ozone treatment (Andreozzi formation and subsequent degradation of these
et al., 2002). intermediates.
Two considerably large second-order rate constants Vogna et al. (2004b) reported a different pathway of
for the molecular ozone reaction of carbamazepine at 25 carbamazepine degradation by H2O2/UV AOP (Figure 19),

C were reported: 7.81 · 104 M1s1 (Andreozzi et al., which involves epoxidation of the carbon-carbon double
2002) and 3 · 105 M1s1 (Huber et al., 2003). The rate bond followed by the formation of a heteroaromatic inter-
constant was pH-independent (Huber et al., 2003), which mediate, acridine. Carbamazepine could be converted

370 K. Ikehata et al. December 2006

O3 O3 O3

carbamazepine BQM BQD BaQD

(further degradation)

oxamic acid, oxalic acid,

glyoxylic acid, glyoxal, CO 2

FIGURE 18. Degradation of carbamazepine by ozonation [BQM: 1-(2-benzaldehyde)-4-hydro-(1H,3H)-quinazoline-2-one, BQD: 1-(2-benzalde-

hyde)-(1H,3H)-quinazoline-2,4-dione, BaQD: 1-(2-benzoic acid)-(1H,3H)-quinazoline-2,4-dione] (Andreozzi et al., 2002; McDowell et al., 2005).
Downloaded by [Dalhousie University] at 15:51 13 September 2012

rapidly by H2O2/UV treatment; about 4.7 mg/L carbama- Frimmel, 2005a). Doll and Frimmel (2005c) identified a
zepine was completely converted within 4 min of treatment number of carbamazepine degradation products during
with 170 mg/L H2O2 and UV irradiation at 254 nm using a the TiO2/hn treatment, and a degradation pathway simi-
17 W low-pressure Hg lamp (2.7 · 106 Einsteins1) at pH lar to the one proposed for H2O2/UV AOP (see Figure 19)
5.0 (Vogna et al., 2004b). About 35% of initial TOC was was indicated. They also suggested the possible environ-
also removed during the 4-min H2O2/UV treatment, which mental impact of acridine and its derivatives generated
is apparently more efficient than ozonation (Andreozzi during the carbamazepine degradation as these com-
et al., 2002). A negative effect of humic substances on the pounds are polycyclic heteroaromatics known to be
aqueous carbamazepine degradation was observed (Vogna toxic to aquatic organisms, especially via photosensitiza-
et al., 2004b). Two different second-order rate constants tion (Wiegman et al., 2002).
for the hydroxyl radical reaction of carbamazepine were Diazepam. Diazepam is a benzodiazepine-type anti-
reported: 2.05 · 109 M1s1 (Vogna et al., 2004b) and 8.8 · anxiety agent that is also used to treat many other
109 M1s1 (Huber et al., 2003). The difference might be neurological and psychiatric disorders such as sleep dis-
originated from the difference in the methods of rate con- order, movement disorders, and motion sickness (Merck
stant determination: the former group used a direct model & Co., 1999). After administration, diazepam is meta-
fitting with the experimental data, whereas the latter group bolized and excreted mainly in the urine. Huber et al.
employed a competition kinetics method using p-chloro- (2003) reported very slow degradation of diazepam by
benzoic acid as a reference compound. molecular ozone with a second-order rate constant of
Recently, the carbamazepine degradation by TiO2 0.75 M1s1 at 20 C. Ozonation of 142 mg/L diazepam
photocatalysis was investigated in a series of study (Doll in natural water samples resulted in 24% to 65% con-
and Frimmel, 2004, 2005a, 2005b, 2005c). Doll and version of this pharmaceutical (applied ozone dose = 2
Frimmel (2004) showed that as compared with other mg/L, 10 min, pH 8, 10 C). Their kinetic analysis
persistent pharmaceuticals including clofibric acid, iome- revealed that the diazepam was mostly degraded
prol, iopromide, carbamazepine could be rapidly through hydroxyl radical reactions (kOH = 7.2 · 109
degraded by TiO2/hn process. More than 90% of initial M1s1) (Huber et al., 2003). Deactivation of aromatic
carbamazepine (4.2 mg/L) was converted in nine minutes rings by the imine group (C=N-) and chlorine atom
by treatment using 100 mg/L TiO2 (P25) and a 1000-W (Beltrán, 2003) may be the reason for the low reactivity
xenon short-arc lamp as a source of simulated solar UV of diazepam toward ozonation. No degradation inter-
rays (1.35 · 104 Einsteinm2s1, l <400 nm) at pH 6.5 mediate/by-product was determined.
(Doll and Frimmel, 2005a). A successful pilot-scale inves- Primidone. Primidone is an anticonvulsant of the pyr-
tigation of the continuous treatment of carbamazepine by imidinedione class, which used to treat disorders of move-
the TiO2/hn process was reported using a cross-flow ment such as tremor (Merck & Co., 1999). This drug is
microfiltration to retain catalyst (Doll and Frimmel, metabolized in the liver to phenobarbital, which is also an
2005b). The degradation of carbamazepine was strongly anticonvulsant (Bergey, 2004), and excreted in the urine.
inhibited in the presence of NOM in a lake water sample Ternes et al. (2002) reported moderate reactivity of primi-
by competing for hydroxyl radicals, as well as by deacti- done toward ozonation. About 87% of 1 mg/L primidone
vating TiO2 catalyst surface by adsorption (Doll and spiked in a flocculated surface water sample was converted

Ozonation and Advanced Oxidation of Pharmaceuticals December 2006 371





organic acids

Downloaded by [Dalhousie University] at 15:51 13 September 2012


2-aminobenzoic acid salicylic acid catechol hydroxyacridine

FIGURE 19. Degradation of carbamazepine by H2O2/UV treatment (Vogna et al., 2004b). Compounds in square brackets were not

by ozonation at an applied ozone dose of 3 mg/L, pH 7.8 other three drugs, as well as on those anticonvulsants/antide-
and 23  C. No further study has been reported on the pressants currently marketed and prescribed frequently, such
degradation of this anticonvulsant by ozonation or AOP. as paroxetine (Kwon and Armbrust, 2004).

Summary of Anticonvulsants and Anti-Anxiety ANTIPYRETICS AND NON-STEROIDAL ANTI-

Anticonvulsants and anti-anxiety agents reviewed here
showed different reactivity toward ozonation and AOPs. Antipyretics and non-steroidal anti-inflammatory
This is primarily due to their structural diversity and the drugs (NSAIDs) comprise one of the major classes of
absence of common reactive functional groups (see Figure 16). pharmaceuticals commonly consumed in both prescrip-
Of the four pharmaceuticals, carbamazepine is readily degrad- tion and non-prescription drugs. The NSAIDs covered in
able by either molecular ozone or hydroxyl radicals. this review include diclofenac, ibuprofen, indomethacin,
Diazepam and primidone are relatively resistant to ozonation, naproxen, and salicylic acid. These are the drugs with
and the ozone treatment of buspirone has not been documen- analgesic (reduce pain), antipyretic (reduce fever), and
ted. Carbamazepine degradation by ozonation and AOPs anti-inflammatory effects by inhibiting prostaglandin
(H2O2/UV and TiO2/hn) has been extensively investigated, synthesis by inhibition of cyclooxygenase (COX) (Merck
probably due to its relevance and persistence in the aqueous & Co., 1999). Another popular antipyretic agent, para-
environment. Degradation pathways for this drug during cetamol, which is also known as acetaminophen and
these oxidative treatment processes have been proposed by covered in this section, has negligible anti-inflammatory
several groups of investigators (Figures 18 and 19). While one effect and is not classified as NSAID. Molecular structure
report has demonstrated the diminution of algal toxicity of and molecular weight of these pharmaceuticals can be
carbamazepine by ozonation, the formation of acridine deri- found in Figure 20. It should be noted that they are all
vatives through advanced oxidation of the same drug (see acidic drugs.
Figure 19) may warrant closer attention and possible caution Diclofenac. Diclofenac is a NSAID commonly used
because of the potential ecotoxicity of these heteropolyaro- for musculoskeletal complaints such as arthritis. This
matic by-products. Further study may be required on the acidic drug has been frequently detected in surface water

372 K. Ikehata et al. December 2006

ozonation and direct photolysis. Diclofenac (296 mg/L)
OH was degraded by direct photolysis to some extent (>45%
O conversion) in 1.5 h using a 17-W low-pressure Hg lamp
Cl emitting UV light at 254 nm with an intensity of 2.7 ·
NH N 10–6 Einsteins1. The diclofenac degradation was
Na+ O strongly enhanced by the addition of hydrogen peroxide
(170 mg/L; H2O2/UV AOP) to more than 90% conver-
diclofenac (318.13)
ibuprofen (206.28)
indomethacin (357.79) sion. About 50% of chlorine was recovered as chloride
ion and about 40% of TOC was removed during the
OH treatment (Vogna et al., 2004a). Although the extent of
O O diclofenac dechlorination was apparently less than that
O HO NH achieved by ozonation, this is likely due to the incomplete
naproxen (230.26)
degradation of parent compound and intermediates in the
paracetamol (151.17)
H2O2/UV treatment, and may be improved by optimizing
salicylic acid (138.12)
hydrogen peroxide dose. A number of degradation inter-
FIGURE 20. Antipyretics and non-steroidal anti-inflammatory mediates were identified during the H2O2/UV treatment
drugs (NSAIDs). of diclofenac as shown in Figure 21. Substitution of one
of two chlorine atoms with hydroxyl group was one of the
unique degradation pathways of this UV assisted AOP
Downloaded by [Dalhousie University] at 15:51 13 September 2012

(Ternes, 1998), groundwater (Sacher et al., 2001), and (Vogna et al., 2004a). Andreozzi et al. (2004) reported the
wastewater effluent (Ternes, 1998; Soulet et al., 2002; effective detoxification of a mixture of pharmaceuticals
Ternes et al., 2003), with concentration levels up to 1.3 containing 2.8 mg/L diclofenac and five other drugs by
mg/L (Ternes et al., 2003). A number of studies indicated ozonation and H2O2/UV treatment (see Ofloxacin, qui-
a high reactivity of diclofenac toward ozonation (Zwiener nolone antibiotic for the details).
and Frimmel, 2000; Ternes et al., 2002, 2003; Huber et al., The Fenton-type process has an apparent disadvan-
2005). For example, as low as 1 mg/L applied ozone was tage on the degradation of acidic drugs such as diclofenac
enough to convert 1 mg/L diclofenac spiked in a floccu- (pKa = 4.15) because the drug precipitates in an acidic
lated surface water sample at pH 7.8 and 23  C (Ternes medium, which is required maintaining iron in solution.
et al., 2002). Huber et al. (2003) reported a large second Packer et al. (2003) observed no conversion of diclofenac
order rate constant (1 · 106 M1s1) for the reaction of by Fenton treatment at pH 3.5 and 22  C. While increas-
ozone with this pharmaceutical in the dissociated form at ing pH can help the dissolution of the drug, precipitation
pH 5–10 and 20  C. Another kinetic study indicated of iron hydroxides occurs at high pH. To overcome this
smaller rate constants ranging from 1.76 · 104 to 1.84 · difficulty, it was suggested that the addition or generation
104 M1s1 at pH 5–6 and 25  C (Vogna et al., 2004a). of organic ligands or photo-reduction of colloidal iron to
The inconsistency may be due to the difference in meth- soluble ferrous ion by UV irradiation might improve the
ods used by these two groups of investigators: the com- performance of Fenton-type oxidation of diclofenac
petition kinetics method employed by the former (Pérez-Estrada et al., 2005b). Ravina et al. (2002) investi-
researchers and the direct measurement of residual drug gated photo-Fenton oxidation of diclofenac using a con-
using HPLC by the latter. Various degradation intermedi- centric photo-reactor with a 400 W low-pressure Hg lamp
ates have been identified during the ozonation treatment (l = 254 nm). Majority of initial TOC (> 90%) could be
of 1 mM (296 mg/L) diclofenac at pH 7.0 (Vogna et al., removed from 10 to 80 mg/L diclofenac solution within 1
2004a). Hydroxylation of the aromatic rings and cleavage h by photo-Fenton treatment with 14 mg/L Fe2+ and 340
at the diphenyl amine nitrogen likely occur simulta- mg/L H2O2 at pH 2.8 and 50  C. No remark was given on
neously during the treatment (Figure 21), followed by the solubility of diclofenac in this study, although it may
the ring opening and further mineralization. About 95% be possible that the drug solubility increased at the ele-
of chlorine from diclofenac molecules was released as vated temperature. It was noted that dark Fenton and
chloride and more than 30% of initial TOC was removed H2O2 alone with UV irradiation (H2O2/UV) were much
after 1.5 h of ozonation treatment (Vogna et al., 2004a). less effective than the photo-Fenton treatment (Ravina
Several AOPs have been also evaluated for the degra- et al., 2002).
dation of diclofenac. Zwiener and Frimmel (2000) noted a Perez-Estrada et al. (2005b) reported that neutral and
positive effect of hydrogen peroxide addition on the acidic photo-Fenton treatment in buffered media was not
diclofenac conversion by ozone. A second-order rate con- very effective for diclofenac degradation because of the
stant for the reaction of hydroxyl radical and diclofenac precipitation of either drug or iron hydroxides. The
was determined as 7.2 · 109 M1s1 (Huber et al., 2003). photo-Fenton treatment was performed in a pilot scale
Vogna et al. (2004a) investigated H2O2/UV treatment of solar photo reactor at 35  C ([diclofenac]0 = 50 mg/L,
this pharmaceutical and compared the results with concentration of H2O2 was maintained around 200 to

Ozonation and Advanced Oxidation of Pharmaceuticals December 2006 373

O NH2 ring
(only by NH opening
H2O2/UV) OH Cl +
diclofenac O
Cl (only by

Downloaded by [Dalhousie University] at 15:51 13 September 2012

Cl Cl


ring opening

FIGURE 21. Degradation of diclofenac by ozonation and H2O2/UV AOP (Vogna et al., 2004a).

400 mg/L by continuous addition). A non-buffered sys- above (Pérez-Estrada et al., 2005b). Complete conversion
tem with an initial pH of 7.0 was superior to the buffered of 43 mg/L diclofenac was achieve with 0.2 g/L TiO2 in 200
systems; however, some precipitation and subsequent min, which was twice longer than the case of photo-Fenton
re-dissolution of diclofenac was observed during the treat- treatment. Chloride and ammonium ions were detected
ment. This was likely due to the pH drop (around pH 4.0) during the TiO2/hn treatment (Pérez-Estrada et al., 2005b).
as a result of the generation of organic acids intermediates. Ibuprofen. Ibuprofen is a NSAID widely used for the
Consequently, Perez-Estrada et al. (2005b) recommended a relief of headache, rheumatoid arthritis, fever, and
pH control around 4.5 to 5 for the photo-Fenton treat- general pain, and is an active ingredient of a number of
ment of diclofenac. A number of degradation intermedi- over-the-counter pain-relief drugs. Ibuprofen has been
ates were detected during the photo-Fenton treatment frequently detected in the aquatic environment (Halling-
(Ravina et al., 2002; Pérez-Estrada et al., 2005a). Sørensen et al., 1998; Ternes, 1998; Heberer, 2002; Kolpin
Hydroxylation and subsequent quinoneimine formation et al., 2002; Boyd et al., 2003). Moderate reactivity of this
depicted in Figure 22 was considered as the major degra- NSAID toward ozonation was reported (Zwiener and
dation pathway of diclofenac in the photo-Fenton process Frimmel, 2000; Ternes et al., 2003; Huber et al., 2005).
(Pérez-Estrada et al., 2005a). These quinoneimine inter- A second-order rate constant for the molecular ozone
mediates are likely decomposed into hydroquinone deriva- reaction of ibuprofen was reported as 9.6 M1s1
tives and aniline derivatives that have been detected in (Huber et al., 2003), which is much lower than that of
ozonation and H2O2/UV treatment (Figure 21). Near- diclofenac. This is primarily due to the absence of reactive
quantitative recovery of chlorine and nitrogen as chloride functional group or moiety such as amine and non-aro-
and ammonium, respectively, was also confirmed during matic carbon-carbon double bonds in the ibuprofen
the treatment (Pérez-Estrada et al., 2005a). molecule, besides the aromatic ring that is weakly acti-
Titanium dioxide photocatalysis was also evaluated for vated by the isobutyl group (see Figure 20).
the degradation of diclofenac in the same solar photo Zwiener and Frimmel (2000) reported that ozonation
reactor employed in the photo-Fenton process discussed (1 mg/L applied ozone) alone was not sufficient to

374 K. Ikehata et al. December 2006


Cl Cl Cl
Cl Cl Cl


Cl Cl
Cl Cl
Cl Cl

FIGURE 22. The major degradation pathways of diclofenac (via quinoneimine formation) by photo-Fenton process (Pérez-Estrada et al., 2005).
Downloaded by [Dalhousie University] at 15:51 13 September 2012

convert 2 mg/L ibuprofen in distilled water, resulting in reaction of naproxen has been reported as 9.6 · 109
only 12% conversion in 10 min. However, increasing the M1s1 at pH 3.5 and 22  C using Fenton reaction to
ozone dose and adding hydrogen peroxide (O3/H2O2 generate hydroxyl radicals (Packer et al., 2003). No
AOP) greatly improved the ibuprofen conversion. They further study has been found on the ozonation or
also investigated the effect of water matrix on the degra- advanced oxidation treatment of these NSAIDs.
dation of ibuprofen using a river water sample. The pre- Salicylic Acid. Salicylic acid is a decomposition pro-
sence of hydroxyl radical scavenger, bicarbonate ion and duct of acetylsalicylic acid (aspirin), which is a common
natural DOC, in the river water significantly reduced the over-the-counter NSAID. Salicylic acid itself, which is
extent of ibuprofen conversion by O3/H2O2 AOP, imply- derived naturally from willow tree bark, has been also
ing the importance of hydroxyl radical reactions. In the used as an antipyretic since ancient times, and still been
river water, they noted that the treatment with 5.0 mg/L used as an additive of some skin-care products (Merck &
applied ozone and 1.8 mg/L hydrogen peroxide was suffi- Co., 1999). Only one study on salicylic acid removal by
cient to convert 2 mg/L ibuprofen in 10 min at pH 7.5 and ozonation has been reported. Khan et al. (2004) demon-
10  C (Zwiener and Frimmel, 2000). Two comparable strated partial degradation of salicylic acid by ozonation
second-order rate constants for the hydroxyl radical reac- in the advanced water recycling demonstration plant in
tion of this pharmaceutical were reported: 6.5 · 109 Australia. The demonstration plant consists of lime clar-
M1s1 at pH 3.5 and 22  C by Fenton (Packer et al., ification, dissolved air flotation, dual media filtration,
2003) and 7.4 · 109 M1s1 at pH 7 and 25  C by H2O2/ ozonation, biological activated carbon filtration, micro-
UV (Huber et al., 2003). No further study was found on filtration, combined reverse osmosis/nanofiltration, and
the mineralization of ibuprofen by ozonation or AOP, or UV disinfection. About 60% of 0.65 mg/L salicylic acid
the degradation pathway of this NSAID. found in the influent of ozonation unit was degraded by
Indomethacin and Naproxen. Indomethacin and ozonation at an ozone dose of 17.5 mg/L for 15 min
naproxen are NSAIDs having methylated indole and (Khan et al., 2004). No further study has been reported
naphthalene rings, respectively. Like other acidic on the degradation of salicylic acid or acetylsalicylic acid
NSAIDs, the occurrence of these compounds in the by ozonation or AOP.
aquatic environment have been reported (Halling- Paracetamol. Paracetamol, also known as acetami-
Sørensen et al., 1998; Ternes, 1998), although their nophen, is a non-NSAID antipyretic agent used for the
environmental concentrations are generally less than relief of fever, headaches, and other minor aches and
those of diclofenac and ibuprofen. Ternes et al. (2003) pains. This drug is metabolized in the liver to mostly
reported the effective abatement of 0.1 mg/L indometha- sulfate- and glucuronide-conjugates and excreted in the
cin and 0.1 mg/L naproxen present in a biologically urine (Johnson and Plumb, 2005). Andreozzi et al.
treated wastewater sample by ozonation at pH 7.2 with (2003a) showed that ozonation at pH 2 and 7 could
an applied ozone dose of 5 mg/L. Similar result was effectively degrade 0.8 g/L paracetamol in 30 min with
reported by Huber et al. (2005) as well, although the an ozone flow rate of about 72 g/h (reactor
concentrations of these drugs were not specified. A volume = 1.09 L). After two hours of ozonation, about
second-order rate constant for the hydroxyl radical 20% and 30% of initial TOC was removed from the

Ozonation and Advanced Oxidation of Pharmaceuticals December 2006 375

paracetamol solution at pH 2 and 7, respectively. A num- 1,4-hydroquinone and 1,4-benzoquinone as a result of
ber of degradation intermediates were formed during the either para-hydroxylation (with respect to hydroxyl
ozone treatment. The evolution of intermediates follows group) or hydrogen abstruction from a phenoxyl OH
typical phenol ozonation pathways, such as hydroxyla- can occur during the H2O2/UV treatment of paracetamol
tion of phenol ring, anomalous ozonation to cleave aro- (Figure 24) (Vogna et al., 2002).
matic ring of hydroquinone, and decarboxylation by In addition to ozonation and H2O2/UV AOP, anodic
hydroxyl radicals [see Andreozzi et al. (2003a) for the oxidation using a boron-doped diamond electrode has
details]. A simplified version of the proposed degradation been investigated for paracetamol degradation (Brillas
scheme of paracetamol is shown in Figure 23. In addition, et al., 2005). This electrochemical treatment employs
Andreozzi et al. (2003a) suggested the acid-catalyzed adsorbed hydroxyl radicals generated at anode surface
hydrolysis of amidic intermediates to occur. Second- by electrolysis of water:
order rate constants were determined for the reaction
between molecular ozone and two forms of paracetamol H2 O ! OHads þ Hþ þ e
as 1.41 · 103 M1s1 (neutral) and 9.91 · 108 M1s1
(dissociated, pKa = 9.36) (Andreozzi et al., 2003a). OH ! OHads þ e
Andreozzi et al. (2003a) also investigated the parace-
The boron-doped diamond thin-film anode is much more
tamol degradation by H2O2/UV AOP. They noted that
efficient in generating hydroxyl radicals than other con-
strong enhancement of photo-degradation of this phar-
ventional anodes such as platinum, PbO2, doped PbO2,
maceutical by the addition of hydrogen peroxide. More
Downloaded by [Dalhousie University] at 15:51 13 September 2012

doped SnO2 and IrO2, and enabled 70% to 98% miner-

than 90% of 1.51 mg/L paracetamol was converted in one
alization (monitored as TOC) of up to 948 mg/L para-
minute by the H2O2/UV treatment at pH 5.5
cetamol after 4 h of treatment (Brillas et al., 2005). The
([H2O2]0 = 170 mg/L, a low-pressure Hg lamp, l = 254 nm).
TOC removal by this electrochemical treatment was pH-
Mineralization monitored as TOC removal was also
independent in the pH range of 2.0 to 12.0. Oxalic acid
confirmed during the treatment (Andreozzi et al.,
and oxamic acid were detected as degradation intermedi-
2003a). A variety of degradation products were identified
ates, which further degraded into carbon dioxide, ammo-
as shown in Figure 23 (Vogna et al., 2002; Andreozzi
nium, and nitrated (Brillas et al., 2005).
et al., 2003a), and kinetic rate constants for paracetamol
degradation by hydroxyl radicals was determined as 2.2 ·
109 M1s1 at pH 5.5 (Andreozzi et al., 2003a). Besides Summary of Antipyretics and NSAIDs
the hydroxylation of the aromatic ring, the formation of
Antipyretics and NSAIDs reviewed here have shown
relatively low (e.g., ibuprofen) to high reactivity (e.g.,
diclofenac) toward ozonation. Except for the cases of
O O3 or •OH O diclofenac and paracetamol, the information on the
degradation of these pharmaceuticals by ozonation and
paracetamol O AOPs is generally limited. Degradation pathways have
O NH2 been proposed for diclofenac and paracetamol using var-
•OH •OH ious treatment processes (Figures 21–24). Some kinetic
HO O O data are available for diclofenac, ibuprofen, naproxen,
O3 O and paracetamol. No potential ecological impact of
•OH these pharmaceuticals and their treatment by ozone and
O3 or advanced oxidation has been yet clearly addressed.
HO •OH Information is lacking on the treatment of other envir-
onmentally relevant NSAIDs including ketoprofen
HO O O (Ternes, 1998; Soulet et al., 2002) and mefenamic acid
HO NH (Soulet et al., 2002), although their occurrences are less
HO OH frequent than the ones covered in this review, such as
O O diclofenac and ibuprofen.
O3 or •OH
O3 or •OH
Beta (b)-blockers are a class of drugs used to treat a
organic acids
(e.g., oxalic acid, formic acid, glyoxalic acid, ketomalonic acid), variety of cardiovascular diseases, such as hypertension,
mineralization of organic acids coronary artery disease, and arrhythmias, by blocking the
action of epinephrine and norepinephrine on the b-adre-
FIGURE 23. Degradation of paracetamol by ozonation and H2O2/
nargic receptors in the body, primarily in the heart
UV AOP (Vogna et al., 2002; Andreozzi et al., 2003).
(Merck & Co., 1999). The b-blockers covered in this

376 K. Ikehata et al. December 2006


O 1,4-hydroquinone
HO NH - H•
paracetamol HO NH
- H• •OH OH O

- H•
O N 1,4-benzoquinone


FIGURE 24. Formation of 1,4-hydroquinone and 1,4-benzoquinone from paracetamol by H2O2/UV AOP (Vogna et al., 2002).
Downloaded by [Dalhousie University] at 15:51 13 September 2012

section include atenolol, celiprolol, metoprolol, propra- required to completely convert 0.36 mg/L atenolol and
nolol, and sotalol. While propranolol and sotalol are non- 1.7 mg/L metoprolol (Ternes et al., 2003). No further
selective b-blockers, the others are b1 antagonists (selec- study has been published on the degradation of these
tive b-blockers). Chemical structure and molecular weight b-blockers, except for propranolol (see below), by ozona-
of these pharmaceuticals are shown in Figure 25. tion or AOP.
Atenolol, Celiprolol, Metoprolol, and Sotalol. Ternes Propranolol. In addition to the study conducted by
et al. (2003) demonstrated that ozonation at pH 7.2 was Ternes et al. (2003) above, the high reactivity of propra-
effective for the degradation of five b-blockers, namely nolol toward ozonation was also reported elsewhere
atenolol, celiprolol, metoprolol, propranolol, and sotalol, (Andreozzi et al., 2004). Complete conversion of 325.5
present in an effluent from municipal sewage treatment mg/L propranolol was achieved by ozonation in 2 min at
plant. Celiprolol, propranolol, and sotalol were appar- an absorbed ozone dose of as low as 4.75 mg/L, pH 7.4
ently more reactive than atenolol and metoprolol: 5 mg/L and 25  C in a mixture of six pharmaceuticals, including
of applied ozone was sufficient to convert 0.28 mg/L ofloxacin, sulfamethoxazole, carbamazepine, clofibric
celiprolol, 0.18 mg/L propranolol, and 1.32 mg/L sotalol, acid, diclofenac, and propranolol. Besides ozonation,
whereas higher ozone dose (i.e., 10 to 15 mg/L) was H2O2/UV treatment ([H2O2]0 = 5–10 mM, a low-pressure
Hg lamp, l = 254 nm, 2.51 · 106 Einsteins1) was also
effective for the complete conversion of propranolol at
H pH 7.4 and 25  C, whereas TiO2 photocatalysis was less
N O effective (Andreozzi et al., 2004). Algal (Synechococcus
O leopoliensis) and protozoan (Brachionus calyciflorus) toxi-
atenolol (266.34) OH cities of the drug mixture were eliminated completely by
celiprolol (379.50) the ozone treatment. It was also shown that the H2O2/UV
O treatment was also effective in algal toxicity reduction;
however, it was less effective in protozoan toxicity reduc-
OH OH tion. Finally, no toxicity reduction was achieved by the
TiO2/hn treatment (Andreozzi et al., 2004). Degradation
metoprolol (267.37)
intermediates or by-products of propranolol were not
propranolol (259.35)

Summary of b-Blockers
Despite their prevalence in the aquatic environment
sotalol (272.36) (Ternes, 1998; Sacher et al., 2001; Bendz et al., 2005),
there have been very few reports on the degradation of
FIGURE 25. Beta-blockers.
aqueous b-blockers by ozonation and AOPs. Neither

Ozonation and Advanced Oxidation of Pharmaceuticals December 2006 377

kinetics nor degradation by-product information is avail- with or without metabolic activation. It was also noted
able. Based on the limited information in the literature, it that hydrogen peroxide alone (150 g/L) was not very
seems that all b-blockers reviewed here are fairly reactive effective. No degradation products were detected by
toward ozonation. These pharmaceuticals contain a sec- HPLC with a spectrofluorimeter, indicating effective
ondary amine group and a weakly/moderately activated destruction of the naphthacenedine moiety (Castegnaro
aromatic ring that are probable targets of molecular et al., 1997). No further study has been reported on the
ozone and hydroxyl radical attacks (see Figure 25). It degradation of anthracyclines by ozonation or AOP.
has been reported that the toxicity of a drug mixture Anti-Metabolites (Azathioprine, Cytarabine, 5-Fluor-
containing one of the b-blockers (propranolol) can been ouracil, and Methotrexate). Anti-metabolites are cyto-
removed by ozonation and H2O2/UV AOP. However, the static drugs that mimic purine or pyrimidine and keep
toxicity of degradation by-products/intermediates of indi- them from being incorporated into DNA or RNA.
vidual compounds is still unknown. Although the pre- Azathioprine is an immunosuppressive agent widely
sence and extent of ecological impact of environmental used in transplantations to control rejection reactions
b-blockers is uncertain, more study may be needed to (Merck & Co., 1999). Rey et al. (1999) reported effective
confirm no generation of potentially toxic intermediates degradation of four anti-metabolite cytostatic drugs (269
and by-products from the oxidative treatment of these to 499 mg/L), including azathioprine, cytarabine, 5-fluor-
pharmaceuticals. ouracil, and methotrexate, by ozonation at pH 3 and 7
(not azathioprine because of its poor solubility at neutral
pH) within 1 h. They noted that there was no apparent
Downloaded by [Dalhousie University] at 15:51 13 September 2012

Cytostatic Drugs
Cytostatic drugs, also known as antineoplastic agents, difference in the reaction rates at two pHs, indicating the
are the pharmaceuticals used to treat various forms of major contribution of molecular ozone reactions over
cancers. Some cytostatic drugs are also used to treat hydroxyl radicals, and that the presence of multiple
autoimmune diseases and to suppress transplant rejec- reactive sites, which is apparent from their molecular
tions. There are a number of classes of cytostatic drugs, structures (see Figure 26b). Mutagenicity of these anti-
such alkylating agents, anti-metabolites, alkaloids, and metabolites, with or without metabolic activation, were
anti-tumor antibiotics. The majority of these drugs inter- diminished after the ozone treatment (Rey et al., 1999).
fere with mitosis (cell division) to selectively kill fast- Degradation by-products were not identified in this
growing tumor cells through a number of mechanisms study.
such as inhibition of DNA synthesis. Cytostatic drugs Alkylating Agents (Cyclophosphamide, Ifosfamid,
are cytotoxic by nature, as well as potentially carcino- and Melphalan). As the name suggests, alkylating
genic and genotoxic (Merck & Co., 1999). The cytostatic agents are cytostatic drugs capable to covalently modify
drugs reviewed here include six anthracyclines anti-tumor electronegative groups of DNA (i.e., DNA alkylation),
antibiotics (aclarubicin, daunorubicin, doxorubicin, epir- and thus interfere DNA replication in tumor cells. Similar
ubicin, idarubicin, and pirarubicin; Figure 26a), four anti- to the cases of anthracyclines above, Fenton oxidation, as
metabolites (5-fluorouracil, azathioprine, cytarabine, and well as chlorination, of three alkylating agents, including
methotrexate; Figure 26b), and three nitrogen mustard cyclophosphamide, ifosfamid, and melphalan, were inves-
alkylating agents (cyclophosphamide, ifosfamide, and tigated as an effective treatment of hospital wastes con-
melphalan; Figure 26b, inset). taminated with these cytotoxic pharmaceuticals (Hansel
Anthracyclines (Aclarubicin, Daunorubicin, Doxo- et al., 1997). It was demonstrated that complete conver-
rubicin, Epirubicin, Idarubicin, and Pirarubicin). sion of these alkylating agents could be achieved by the
Anthracyclines are chemotherapeutic antibiotics that treatment with Fenton reagent (10.3 g/L Fe2+, 150 g/L
inhibit DNA and RNA synthesis by intercalating between H2O2, pH unknown) within one hour. However, the for-
base-pairs of the DNA or RNA strands. They have a mation of unidentified direct mutagens was noticed by
common structure: 7,8,9,10-tetrahydro-5,12-naphthace- the Ames test in the treated cyclophosphamide formula-
nedione moiety with a sugar chain (see Figure 26a). tion that had also contained 5% dextrose (Hansel et al.,
Castegnaro et al. (1997) evaluated Fenton reagent as 1997). As no residual mutagenicity was found in the same
well as sodium hypochlorite and hydrogen peroxide to formulation without dextrose, this additive was complet-
effectively decompose six anthracyclines, including aclar- ing for the oxidant (hydroxyl radicals) with cyclopho-
ubicin, daunorubicin, doxorubicin, epirubicin, idarubicin, sphamide, resulting in incomplete destruction of
and pirarubicin, that may be found in hospital wastes at mutagenic degradation by-products.
high concentrations. All anthracyclines (0.4 to 5 g/L; see
Appendix for the concentrations of individual drugs) Summary of Cytostatic Drugs
were completely degraded after 1 h of treatment with A large number of cytostatic drugs have been exam-
either 2.6% sodium hypochlorite or Fenton reagent ined for their degradation by ozonation or Fenton pro-
(10.3 g/L Fe2+, 150 g/L H2O2, pH unknown), and there cess in a very limited number of studies. The
was no residual mutagenicity, assayed by the Ames test concentrations of the drugs treated therein were very

378 K. Ikehata et al. December 2006

feces of patients as suggested by Castegnaro et al.
(1997). In addition to the cytostatic drugs reviewed
here, further study is needed on the ozone and advanced
OH OH oxidation treatment of many other drugs used for che-
motherapy. One of the cytostatic drugs whose occur-
OH O OH O O O OH O rence has been described in the literature but not
O O covered here is bleomycin, a chemotherapeutic antibiotic
O OH (Halling-Sørensen et al., 1998).
daunorubicin (527.53)
Histamine H2-Receptor Antagonists
O Histamine H2-receptor antagonists (H2 antagonist for
O OH O short) are the drugs used to block the action of histamine
O aclarubicin (811.88) OH
on the production of acid in the stomach. Two H2
antagonists have been detected in surface water samples
OH O O OH O in the U.S., including cimetidine and ranitidine (Figure 27),
OH HO O at concentrations up to 0.58 mg/L and 0.01 mg/L, respec-
NH2 tively (Kolpin et al., 2002).
O O OH O epirubicin (543.52) Cimetidine. Latch et al. (2003) investigated the reac-
Downloaded by [Dalhousie University] at 15:51 13 September 2012

O tion of cimetidine (and ranitidine) with hydroxyl radicals

as one of the environmental degradation process. A sec-
O OH O ond-order rate constant for protonated form of cimeti-
doxorubicin (543.52) OH
dine (pKa = 7.1; Figure 28) was determined as 6.5 · 109
M1s1 using a competitive kinetics method with aceto-
O OH O O OH O phenone as a reference compound (Latch et al., 2003).
OH O Several degradation products of cimetidine by Fenton
NH2 oxidation were reported elsewhere as shown in Figure 29
O OH O (Zbaida et al., 1986).
O Ranitidine. A very high second-order rate constant
OH pirarubicin (627.64) for the hydroxyl radical reactions was reported for the
protonated form of ranitidine (pKa = 8.2; Figure 28) as
idarubicin (497.50)
1.5 · 1010 M1s1 (Latch et al., 2003). Addamo et al.
FIGURE 26a. Cytostatic drugs, anthracyclines. (2005) reported the degradation of this H2-antagonist by
TiO2 photocatalysis. Almost complete conversion of
50 mg/L ranitidine was achieved by the TiO2/hn treat-
high (269 mg/L to 27 g/L) as compared with their envir- ment in 1 h with 0.4 g/L of catalyst and a 125 W medium
onmentally relevant concentrations (<0.1 mg/L) (Halling- pressure Hg lamp with a photon flux of 8.5 mWcm2 at
Sørensen et al., 1998; Ternes, 1998). This is due to the fact 40  C (Addamo et al., 2005). In addition, about 60% of
that these studies have been conducted to explore effec- TOC was removed by prolonged treatment for 5 h. On
tive treatment methods for highly polluted wastewaters. the other hand, direct photolysis was much less effective
The evaluated treatment methods were generally effec- in ranitidine conversion and mineralization (Addamo
tive to degrade the cytostatic drugs and to remove muta- et al., 2005). Hydroxylation of furan ring and S-oxidation
genicity, except for one case in which a were suggested as possible degradation pathways,
cyclophosphamide formulation was treated by the although they were not experimentally demonstrated.
Fenton process in the presence of 5% dextrose. This
emphasizes the importance of monitoring the evolution
of degradation intermediates and ensuring the complete Summary of Histamine H2-Receptor Antagonists
destruction of by-products during the treatment, espe- Very few studies have been published on the degrada-
cially when other wastewater constituents that may com- tion of histamine H2-receptor antagonists by AOPs, and
pete for oxidants are present. none has been reported on their ozone treatment. Since
No kinetics data are available for the degradation of two H2 antagonists appear to be fairly reactive toward
cytostatic drugs by ozonation or AOP. Although their ozonation because of the presence of a few reactive func-
environmental occurrence is rather rare because of their tional groups/moieties such as furan ring, amine, and
limited usage in the hospitals, effective treatment meth- thioether sulfur (see Figure 27), ozonation may be a
ods should be investigated for the hospital wastes con- good treatment process for surface water contaminated
taining parent cytostatic drugs as well as their active with these pharmaceuticals. Further study is required to
(i.e., cytotoxic) metabolites excreted in the urine and address the potential ecotoxicity of environmental H2

Ozonation and Advanced Oxidation of Pharmaceuticals December 2006 379

azathioprine (277.26) cytarabine (243.21)

5-fluorouracil (130.08) methotrexate (454.44)
Downloaded by [Dalhousie University] at 15:51 13 September 2012

Cl Cl
N Cl NH2

cyclophosphamide (261.09) ifosfamid (261.09) melphalan (305.20)

FIGURE 26b. Cytostatic agents, anti-metabolites and nitrogen mustard alkylating agents (inset).

antagonists as well as their degradation by-products aris-

ing from the oxidative treatment such as ozonation and N NH2 HN S
advanced oxidation. N N
cimetidine guanylurea derivative
A number of natural and synthetic steroid hormones H H
are used in treatment of various types of medical condi- HN S HN S
tions such as menopausal symptoms, growth hormone N N
deficiency, hypothyroidism, and some forms of cancers cimetidine sulfoxide 5-hydroxylmethylimidazole cimetidine sulfoxide

H H H FIGURE 29. Degradation products of cimetidine by Fenton pro-

HN S N S cess (Zbaida et al., 1986).
cimetidine (252.34) ranitidine (314.40) (Arcand-Hoy et al., 1998). Some natural and synthetic
estrogen hormones are also used as oral contraceptives.
FIGURE 27. Histamine H2-receptor antagonists.
Four types of estrogen hormones are covered in this
review, including 17b-estradiol, estrone, 17a-ethinylestra-
diol, and diethylstilbestrol (Figure 30). While the former
N NH O N N two are natural (endogenous) estrogens, the latter two are
synthetic estrogens.
N 17b-Estradiol. 17b-Estradiol is an endogenous estro-
gen responsible for the development of female secondary
FIGURE 28. Protonated forms of cimetidine (left) and ranitidine
sex characteristics and reproduction. In addition to its
endogenous occurrence, this natural estrogen is

380 K. Ikehata et al. December 2006


17β-estradiol (272.38) estrone (270.37) 17α-ethinylestradiol (296.41)



diethylstilbestrol (268.35)

FIGURE 30. Hormones and oral contraceptives.

Downloaded by [Dalhousie University] at 15:51 13 September 2012

manufactured and used in oral contraceptives and hor- scavenger (Figure 31). It is apparent that ozone molecules
mone replacement therapy in large quantities. 17b- attack and cleave hydroxylated aromatic ring of this estro-
Estradiol is metabolized in the body to a number of gen to produce these intermediates. Huber et al. (2004)
metabolites, including estrone, hydroxylated estrones, 2- suggested that the destruction of aromatic ring virtually
methoxyestrone, estriol, and their conjugates, and subse- diminished estrogenicity of estrogens including 17b-
quently excreted in the urine (Arcand-Hoy et al., 1998). estradiol.
Deconjugation of sulfate and glucuronide derivatives of It was also documented the effectiveness of several
estradiol in sewage treatment plant is also suggested AOPs including O3/H2O2 (Shishida et al., 2000; Onda
(Arcand-Hoy et al., 1998; Belfroid et al., 1999). 17b- et al., 2002) H2O2/UV (Rosenfeldt and Linden, 2004)
Estradiol has been frequently detected in the aquatic and TiO2/hn processes (Ohko et al., 2002) on the degra-
environment (Ternes, 1998; Kolpin et al., 2002; Snyder dation of 17b-estradiol and the removal of associated
et al., 2003), and is considered as a major contributor of estrogenicity. Shishida et al. (2000) showed that in addi-
estrogenic activity found in municipal sewage treatment tion to estrogenicity, cytotoxicity, mutagenicity, and gen-
plant effluent (Onda et al., 2002). otoxicity initially present in a secondary effluent from
Several groups of investigators reported the effective domestic wastewater treatment plant containing 17b-
decomposition of 17b-estradiol by ozonation (Onda estradiol (concentration not shown) was reduced by the
et al., 2002; Alum et al., 2004; Kim et al., 2004; Huber O3/H2O2 treatment with 30 mg/L ozone and 2 mg/L
et al., 2005). For example, ozonation at 2 mg/L applied H2O2. A second-order rate constant for the reaction of
ozone dose was sufficient to convert 0.5 mg/L 17b-estradiol 17b-estradiol and hydroxyl radical was determined as
spiked in biologically treated municipal wastewater at pH 1.41 · 1010 M1s1 using a competitive kinetics method
7 and 16  C (Huber et al., 2005). Some studies also with isopropyl alcohol as a reference compound
addressed the effects of ozone treatment on estrogenic (Rosenfeldt and Linden, 2004). Ohko et al. (2002) demon-
activity, which is assayed by a number of methods such strated complete mineralization of 0.272 mg/L 17b-
as recombinant yeast assay (Onda et al., 2002), estrogen estradiol by TiO2 photocatalysis with 1.0 g/L TiO2 and
competition binding assay (Kim et al., 2004), E-screen a 200-W Hg-Xe lamp (with a 365 nm band-pass filter) in 3
assay (Alum et al., 2004), MCF-7 cell proliferation assay h. They also identified several degradation intermediates
(Liu et al., 2005), and ER-binding assay combined with detected during the TiO2 photocatalytic treatment of 17b-
ultrafiltration (Liu et al., 2005). Generally, all of these estradiol, including 10-17b-dihydroxy-1,4-estradien-3-
studies indicated that estrogenic activity of 17b-estradiol one, androsta-4,16-dien-3-one, and testosterone (Figure 32),
solution decreased upon the ozone treatment. A slight although it is unlikely to occur the introduction of methyl
increase of estrogenicity assayed by E-screen was noted group on the C10 position by the TiO2/hn treatment. Ohko et
in the first five minutes of ozone treatment (Alum et al., al. (2002) suggested that hydroxyl radical attacked the hydro-
2004), indicating the formation of more potent estrogenic xylated aromatic ring of 17b-estradiol to initiate its degrada-
intermediates, although the estrogenicity decreased during tion. In addition to the three AOPs discussed here, the
the subsequent 5 min of treatment. Huber et al. (2004) degradability of 17b-estradiol by photo-Fenton-like process
identified four degradation intermediates of 17b-estradiol was briefly compared with that of three estrogens, including
by ozonation in the presence of a hydroxyl radical diethylstilbestrol, 17a-ethinylestradiol, and estrone (Feng

Ozonation and Advanced Oxidation of Pharmaceuticals December 2006 381



17β-estradiol estrone



FIGURE 31. Proposed degradation pathways for 17b-estradiol and estrone by ozonation (Huber et al., 2004).
Downloaded by [Dalhousie University] at 15:51 13 September 2012

(Ternes et al., 2003). Huber et al. (2004) proposed a

12 13 OH degradation pathway identical to that of 17b-estradiol
11 17
1 10 9 16 by ozonation (Figure 31). Huber et al. (2005) also showed
2 8 14 15 that estrone was the least reactive toward ozonation
HO 3
6 among three estrogens tested, including 17b-estradiol,
17a-ethinylestradiol, and estrone. Consistent, lower reac-
tivity of estrone was observed in photo-Fenton-like treat-
OH ment as well (Feng et al., 2005), although the reason for
this relative recalcitrance was not given in either case.
Complete conversion and about 15% mineralization
O O (monitored as CO2 evolution) of 5 mg/L estrone was
1 2 3 achieved in 160 min by the photo-Fenton-like treatment
with 1.1 mg/L Fe3+, 56.6 mg/L H2O2, and a 250-W metal
FIGURE 32. Proposed degradation intermediates of 17b-estra- halide lamp at pH 3.0. Six unidentified degradation inter-
diol by TiO2 photocatalysis (Ohko et al., 2002): 1) 10-17b-dihy-
mediates, which are more polar than the parent com-
droxy-1,4-estradien-3-one, 2) androsta-4,16-dien-3-one, and 3)
testosterone. pound, were detected by HPLC with a UV detector
during the treatment (Feng et al., 2005).
17a-Ethinylestradiol. 17a-Ethinylestradiol is a syn-
et al., 2005). The order of degradability was diethylstilbestrol thetic estrogen commonly used in oral contraceptives.
> 17b-estradiol > 17a-ethinylestradiol > estrone Introduction of ethinyl group to estradiol inhibit its meta-
([estrogen]0 = 5 mg/L, 0.5 mg/L Fe3+, 28.3 mg/L H2O2, a bolism in the liver, resulting in enhanced bioavailability
250-W metal halide lamp, pH 3.0). and effectiveness (Arcand-Hoy et al., 1998). At the same
Estrone. Estrone is one of the natural metabolites of time, this synthetic estrogen is known to be more resistant
17b-estradiol having weaker estrogenic activity than the than 17b-estradiol against biodegradation (Ternes et al.,
parent compound (Arcand-Hoy et al., 1998). Sulfate ester 1999; Jürgens et al., 2002). Their frequent occurrences in
of this natural estrogen is one of the active ingredients of sewage treatment plant effluents and surface water have
conjugated equine estrogens used for the treatment of been also reported, however, at concentrations generally
hormone replacement therapy. Estrone sulfate undergoes lower than those of natural estrogens, such as estrone and
hydrolysis to allow its absorption by the gastrointestinal 17b-estradiol (Belfroid et al., 1999; Ternes et al., 1999).
tract. Estrone has been detected in treated domestic was- Huber et al. (2003) demonstrated very rapid reaction
tewater and surface water nearly as frequently as 17b- of 17a-ethinylestradiol and molecular ozone with a max-
estradiol (Belfroid et al., 1999; Kolpin et al., 2002). imum second-order rate constant of 7 · 109 M1s1 at
Degradation of aqueous estrone by ozonation and 20 C at pH 10. The reaction rate is pH dependent; the
photo-Fenton-like treatment was investigated. Complete dissociated (phenolate) form of this compound
conversion of 0.015 mg/L estrone present in a municipal (pKa = 10.4) is more reactive than the neutral molecule
sewage treatment plant effluent was achieved by ozona- toward molecular ozone. Actually, this synthetic estrogen
tion at an applied ozone dose of 5 mg/L and pH 7.2 has two reactive moieties with different reactivity: a

382 K. Ikehata et al. December 2006

hydroxyl aromatic ring (kO3 = 3 · 106 M1s1 at pH 7) process was briefly described (see 17b-Estradiol) (Feng et al.,
and an ethinyl group (kO3 = 200 M1s1) (Huber et al., 2005). No further study was found on the degradation of this
2004). These moieties are attacked by molecular ozone synthetic estrogen by AOP or ozonation. It should be noted
simultaneously, resulting in a complex mixture of degra- that although diethylstilbestrol once had been often pre-
dation products shown in Figure 33. A negative effect of scribed to prevent miscarriages, the use of this highly potent
dissolved organic matter in natural water samples on 17a- estrogen is now limited to the treatment of prostate cancer
ethinylestradiol conversion was reported (Huber et al., because of its carcinogenicity (Arcand-Hoy et al., 1998).
2003). Similar to the case of 17b-estradiol, decrease of
estrogenic activity upon ozonation of this synthetic estro- Summary of Hormones and Contraceptives
gen was also demonstrated (Alum et al., 2004; Huber Two estrogenic steroid hormones and two synthetic
et al., 2004; Liu et al., 2005). estrogens have been studied for their degradation by ozo-
Rosenfeldt and Linden (2004) observed the improve- nation and several AOPs. It can be concluded that these
ment of UV photodegradation of 17a-ethinylestradiol natural hormones and synthetic drugs are generally reactive
(concentration not specified) by the addition of hydrogen toward the oxidative degradation, although some studies
peroxide (i.e., H2O2/UV AOP). Two consistent second- have suggested that estrone is relatively resistant.
order rate constants were reported for the hydroxyl radi- Estrogenicity associated with these compounds can be
cal reaction of 17a-ethinylestradiol: 9.8 · 109 M1s1 reduced by ozonation and O3/H2O2 (most likely by other
(Huber et al., 2003) and 1.08 · 1010 M1s1 AOPs as well) to virtually undetectable levels. The degrada-
(Rosenfeldt and Linden, 2004), both using a competition
Downloaded by [Dalhousie University] at 15:51 13 September 2012

tion of these estrogens is initiated by the hydroxylation of

kinetics method. A kinetic model was developed to pre- highly reactive aromatic ring followed by the ring opening
dict the degradation of this synthetic estrogen by H2O2/ and further degradation (Figures 31 and 33). Since the
UV AOP under various reaction conditions, such as phenolic A ring (i.e., the hydroxylated aromatic ring) of
water quality, concentration of hydrogen peroxide, and these compounds is the structural component responsible
type of UV sources (Rosenfeldt and Linden, 2004). Other for the high-affinity binding to the estrogen receptor
than H2O2/UV, photo-Fenton-like process has been eval- (Arcand-Hoy et al., 1998), its modification and cleavage
uated for the degradation of 17a-ethinylestradiol (Feng likely lead the diminution of estrogenicity of degradation
et al., 2005) as described here (see 17b-Estradiol). products produced by ozonation or AOPs. In addition to
Diethylstilbestrol. Relatively high degradability of the four estrogenic compounds, there are other steroid
diethylstilbestrol, a synthetic estrogen, by photo-Fenton-like hormones for therapeutic use such as equilin, a horse






FIGURE 33. Some ozonation by-products of 17a-ethinylestradiol. The compounds in brackets were not detected, but likely formed during
ozonation, based on the results of model compound degradation [see Huber et al. (2004) for the details of the degradation mechanisms].

Ozonation and Advanced Oxidation of Pharmaceuticals December 2006 383

estrogen often used in combination with estrone for hor- Clofibric Acid. Clofibric acid, a metabolite of fibrate
mone replacement therapy, and testosterone have been lipid regulators clofibrate and etofibrate, was detected in
detected in surface water (Kolpin et al., 2002), although domestic wastewater effluent nearly 30 years ago (Hignite
their degradation by ozonation or AOP has yet been and Azarnoff, 1977). More recently, the persistence and
studied. mobility of this acidic drug metabolite in the aquatic
environment has been recognized (Buser et al., 1998).
This compound is relatively resistant to ozone treatment.
Lipid Regulators For example, only 8% of 2 mg/L clofibric acid was con-
Fibrate lipid regulators are the pharmaceuticals used verted by ozonation in 10 min at an applied ozone dose of
for a range of metabolic disorders, mainly hypercho- 1 mg/L and pH 7, by which more than 96% of 2 mg/L
lesterolemia (Merck & Co., 1999). They are phenox- diclofenac, a NSAID, was converted (Zwiener and
yalkanoic acid derivatives, either free acid or esters, Frimmel, 2000). Similar results were also reported else-
and accelerate the clearance of very-low-density lipo- where (Ternes et al., 2002, 2003; Andreozzi et al., 2004;
proteins (VLDL). Bezafibrate, clofibrate, fenofibrate, Huber et al., 2005). Huber et al. (2005) reported a rela-
and gemfibrozil, and their hydrolyzed metabolites, tively small second-order rate constant of <20 M1s1
including clofibric acid and fenofibric acid (Figure 34) for the molecular ozone reaction of this acidic drug meta-
have been frequently found in the aquatic environment bolite. It can be suggested that weak deactivation by
in a number of countries (Buser et al., 1998; Ternes, p-chloro group (Beltrán, 2003) (see Figure 34) is respon-
1998; Kolpin et al., 2002; Soulet et al., 2002; Bendz sible to this low reactivity of aromatic ring toward
Downloaded by [Dalhousie University] at 15:51 13 September 2012

et al., 2005). It should be noted that bezafibrate and ozonation.

gemfibrozil are acidic drugs on their own, while clofi- Degradation of clofibric acid by ozone can be
brate and fenofibrate become acidic metabolites after enhanced by increasing ozone dose (Ternes et al., 2003),
the hydrolytic biotransformation. adding hydrogen peroxide (i.e., O3/H2O2 AOP) (Zwiener
Bezafibrate. It was shown that bezafibrate was rela- and Frimmel, 2000), or elevating pH (Andreozzi et al.,
tively resistant to the degradation by ozone as compared 2003b). Latter two approaches indicate the importance of
with other pharmaceuticals such as carbamazepine, diclo- hydroxyl radical reactions for the degradation of this
fenac, and 17a-ethinylestradiol (Ternes et al., 2002; acidic drug metabolite. The apparent second-order rate
Huber et al., 2003). A second-order rate constant for the constants for the clofibric acid decomposition were pH
reaction of bezafibrate and molecular ozone was deter- dependent; 29.8 M1s1 at pH 2.0 and 2550 M1s1 at
mined as 590 M1s1 at pH 5 to 10 and 20  C (Huber pH 6.5, both in the absence of hydroxyl radical scavenger
et al., 2003). The negative impact of DOC in natural (Andreozzi et al., 2003b). Andreozzi et al. (2003b) also
water on bezafibrate conversion by ozonation was demonstrated that complete conversion and 49% miner-
observed. Huber et al. (2005) also suggested the impor- alization, monitored as TOC removal, of 322 mg/L clo-
tance of hydroxyl radical reactions (kOH = 7.4 · 109 fibric acid could be achieved by continuous ozonation
M1s1 at pH 7 and 25  C) during the ozonation of (0.48 mg O3/L in bulk liquid) in one hour at pH 5.0 and
this pharmaceutical. No degradation by-product was 25  C. Almost complete dechlorination (>90%) was also
identified in any of these studies. observed under the same conditions.

Cl O
Cl Cl

bezafibrate (361.82) clofibrate (242.70) clofibric acid (214.65)

O Cl O Cl

O O gemfibrozil (250.34)
fenofibrate (360.84) fenofibric acid (318.75)

FIGURE 34. Fibrate lipid regulators and metabolites.

384 K. Ikehata et al. December 2006

In addition to ozonation and O3/H2O2 process, H2O2/ Degradation efficiency was also decreased in the presence
UV and TiO2 photocatalysis have been evaluated for the of NOM, which completes with clofibric acid for the
degradation of clofibric acid. Andreozzi et al. (2003b) active site of the catalyst (Doll and Frimmel, 2005a). It
demonstrated the more than 90% conversion of 322 mg/ was also shown that clofibric acid was more readily
L clofibric acid by H2O2/UV treatment in 1 h with 34 g/L degradable by TiO2/hn than two X-ray contrast media,
H2O2 and a 17 W low-pressure lamp (l = 254 nm, 2.7 · namely iomeprol and iopromide, but less degradable than
106 Einsteins1) at pH 5.0 and 25  C. More than 80% an anticonvulsant carbamazepine. A successful pilot-scale
of chlorine was recovered as chloride during the treat- investigation of the continuous treatment of this drug
ment, whereas TOC removal was modest. A second-order metabolite by the TiO2/hn process was reported using a
rate constant for the hydroxyl radical reaction of clofibric cross-flow microfiltration to retain catalyst (Doll and
acid was determined as 2.38 · 109 M1s1, which is Frimmel, 2005b). A number of degradation products
independent of pH in the range of 4 to 7 (Andreozzi were identified and degradation pathway was proposed
et al., 2003b). This rate constant is smaller than the one as shown in Figure 35 (Doll and Frimmel, 2004). Among
estimated in a separate study (4.7 · 109 M1s1) using the degradation by-products, 4-chlorophenol was more
Fenton reaction to generate hydroxyl radicals at pH 3.5 resistant to further degradation and accumulated in the
and 22  C (Packer et al., 2003). A kinetic model was solution during the TiO2/hn treatment (Doll and
successfully developed to predict the clofibric acid degra- Frimmel, 2004), which may raise concerns over the resi-
dation at more dilute acid solution (10.7 mg/L) that repre- dual toxicity, although it was not addressed therein.
sents a sewage treatment plant effluent. Andreozzi et al. Fenofibric Acid. Complete elimination of 0.13 mg/L
Downloaded by [Dalhousie University] at 15:51 13 September 2012

(2004) also investigated the detoxification of a drug mix- fenofibric acid, a metabolite of lipid regulator fenofibrate,
ture that contained clofibric acid by ozonation, H2O2/ in a sewage treatment plant effluent was achieved by
UV, TiO2 photocatalysis (see Propranolol, b-blocker for ozonation with an applied ozone dose of 10 or 15 mg/L
the results). at pH 7.2 (Ternes et al., 2003). No further study was
A series of studies was published on the clofibric acid found on the degradation of fenofibric acid or its parent
degradation by TiO2 photocatalysis (Doll and Frimmel, compound fenofibrate by ozonation or AOP.
2004, 2005a, 2005b, 2005c). More than 90% of 0.53 mg/L Gemfibrozil. Huber et al. (2005) mentioned the pre-
clofibric acid was converted in five minutes with 80 mg/L sence of another fibrate lipid regulator, gemfibrozil, in a
TiO2 (P25) and a 1000-W xenon short-arc lamp as a municipal wastewater effluent that was subsequently trea-
source of simulated solar UV rays (1.35 · 104 ted by ozonation; however, no description was given on
Einsteinm2s1, l <400 nm) at pH 6.5 (Doll and the removal efficiency of this pharmaceutical. It can be
Frimmel, 2004). The degradation of clofibric acid was anticipated that gemfibrozil is probably more reactive
dependent on the initial concentration of substrate; toward ozonation than clofibric acid because of the
degradation efficiency was higher as the initial clofibric absence of chlorine on the aromatic ring, although aro-
acid concentration decreased, indicating that the capacity matic hydroxylation is somehow hindered by the two
of catalyst is a limiting factor (Doll and Frimmel, 2004). methyl groups (see Figure 34).

OH O +
clofibric acid 4-chlorophenol

HO 4-chlorocatachol
2-(4-hydroxyphenoxy)-isobutyric acid ring opening

FIGURE 35. Degradation of clofibric acid by TiO2 photocatalysis (Doll and Frimmel, 2004).

Ozonation and Advanced Oxidation of Pharmaceuticals December 2006 385

Summary of Lipid Regulators and Metabolites nm; O3/UV) slightly enhanced the degradation of dia-
It can be concluded that lipid regulators and metabo- trizoate to 14%, 25%, and 36%, respectively. Huber et
lites, especially clofibric acid, are not very reactive toward al. (2005) also noted the negligible and very little reactiv-
ozonation. On the other hand, advanced oxidation is ity of diatrizoate toward molecular ozone and hydroxyl
apparently more suitable for the degradation of these radicals, respectively. No further study was found on the
pharmaceuticals. Degradation of clofibric acid has been degradation of diatrizoate by ozonation or AOP. It
extensively studied and various treatment processes have should be noted that ionic contrast media like diatrizoate
been evaluated. Whereas some kinetic data on the degra- are less commonly used nowadays than non-ionic coun-
dation of this drug are available (see Appendix), degrada- terparts as relatively high nephrotoxicity of the former
tion pathway is only proposed for TiO2 photocatalysis compounds has been recognized (Soejima et al., 2003).
(Figure 35). Such information is largely missing for the Iomeprol. Ternes et al. (2003) demonstrated partial
other lipid regulators. Generation and accumulation of degradation of iomeprol (from 34% to 90%) by ozonation
toxic chlorinated intermediates such as 4-chlorophenol and two types of ozone-based AOPs (see Diatrizoate for
was observed in one study on clofibric acid degradation reaction conditions). This non-ionic triiodinated X-ray con-
by TiO2/hn process (Doll and Frimmel, 2004). trast medium was more degradable than diatrizoate. A
comparable result was also reported by Huber et al.
X-RAY CONTRAST MEDIA (2005). Unlike the case of diatrizoate, UV irradiation did
not improve the conversion of iomeprol by ozonation
(Ternes et al., 2003). Doll and Frimmel (2004) investigated
Downloaded by [Dalhousie University] at 15:51 13 September 2012

X-ray contrast media are the non-therapeutic medical

agents used to enhance the visibility of internal body struc- the degradation of iomeprol by TiO2 photocatalysis. About
tures by X-ray imaging technologies. Triiodinated benzene 68% of 4.1 mg/L iomeprol was converted and about 40% of
derivatives are widely used for this purpose because of their quantitative iodine was released as iodide after 3 min of
high water solubility and biologically inert (i.e., stable) TiO2/hn treatment with 500 mg/L TiO2 (Hombikat UV
nature. However, these biologically stable compounds are 100) and simulated solar radiation using a 1000-W Xe
also proven highly resistant to biodegradation and thus short-arc lamp at pH 6.5 and 20  C. As compared with the
persistent in the aquatic environment (Ternes and Hirsch, iomeprol conversion and deiodination, DOC removal was
2000; Drewes et al., 2001). In addition, the removal of very slow, indicating the generation of organic by-products
triiodinated X-ray contrast media by sorption is poor due and intermediates (Doll and Frimmel, 2004), although their
to their high hydrophilicity. These contrast agents are identities were unknown. Similar to the cases of carbamaze-
excreted with no marked metabolic transformation and pine and clofibric acid, negative impacts of NOM and other
contribute to the increase of absorbable organic halogens organic constituents in water was observed during the TiO2/
(AOX) in hospital wastewater (Gartiser et al., 1996), as well hn treatment of iomeprol (Doll and Frimmel, 2005a).
as high concentration of absorbable organic iodine (AOI) Iopamidol. Degradability of iopamidol by ozone-
in sewage treatment plant effluent (5 to 40 mg I/L) (Drewes based processes was equivalent to that of iomeprol
et al., 2001), surface water and raw drinking water (11 to 13 (Ternes et al., 2003; Huber et al., 2005). No further
mg I/L) (Putschew et al., 2000). Although it has been sug- study was found on the degradation of this non-ionic
gested that no environmental risk is evident based on a X-ray contrast medium by ozonation or AOP.
battery of acute and chronic toxicity test data of triiodi- Iopentol. Sprehe et al. (2001) demonstrated complete
nated X-ray contrast media (Steger-Hartmann et al., 1999), AOX removal and partial mineralization (up to 80% as
their relatively high environmental concentrations, persis- TOC removal) of 785 mg/L iopentol by H2O2/UV AOP
tence, mobility, as well as the lack of information regarding in 3 and 5.5 h, respectively, with a 1 kW high-pressure Hg
potential sub-lethal effects have generated interests in the lamp (output adjusted to 500 W) at pH 6.6. Hydrogen
application of advanced water and wastewater treatment peroxide was supplied based on the COD of the solution.
processes including ozonation and AOPs. The X-ray media It was suggested that deiodination mostly occurred by
investigated include diatrizoate, iomeprol, iopamidol, UV photolysis of the parent compound:
iopentol, and iopromide (Figure 36). Diatrizoate is the
Iopentol þ hnðat 242 nmÞ ! deiodinated intermediates þ 3I
only ionic contract media, while the others are non-ionic.
Diatrizoate. Diatrizoate is an anionic triiodinated
X-ray contrast medium. Ternes et al. (2003) reported I þ H2 OðorsubstrateÞ ! I þ OH þ Hþ
the high recalcitrance of this compound against ozona-
tion. No conversion of 5.7 mg/L diatrizoate in a sewage Subsequently, two iodides react in the presence of a
treatment plant effluent was observed by ozonation at an molecule of hydrogen peroxide and two protons,
applied ozone dose of 5 mg/L at pH 7.2. Increasing ozone forming elemental iodine, which can be stripped out
dose to 15 mg/L, addition of hydrogen peroxide (10 mg/L by air:
H2O2 and 10 mg/L O3; O3/H2O2), or UV irradiation (15
mg/L O3 and a 110-W low-pressure UV unit, 254 + 185 2I þ H2 O2 þ 2Hþ Ð I2 " þ2H2 O

386 K. Ikehata et al. December 2006


diatrizoate (613.91)
iomeprol (777.09) iopamidol (777.09)


Downloaded by [Dalhousie University] at 15:51 13 September 2012


iopentol (835.17)
iopromide (791.12)

FIGURE 36. X-ray contrast media.

Because of the high UV absorbance of iodine in the by-products or intermediates were not identified in any of
aqueous solution, iopentol mineralization was inhibited, these studies.
although it was found that air stripping could solve this
problem (Sprehe et al., 2001). They also suggested that
the iodine recovery from the exhaust air by the use of
solvent or sublimation might be feasible as about 85% of Summary of X-ray Contrast Media
elemental iodine could be recovered this way. It is evident that triiodinated X-ray contrast media are
Iopromide. Iopromide is another non-ionic triiodi- the most refractory class of pharmaceutical/medical
nated X-ray contrast medium resistant to oxidative degra- agents reviewed in this review. Anionic diatrizoate is
dation. However, as compared with other triiodinated particularly resistant to ozone-based treatment, whereas
contrast media, this compound was apparently more reac- non-ionic contrast media (iomeprol, iopamidol, iopentol,
tive, but very slightly, toward ozonation (Ternes et al., and iopromide) are somewhat degradable, especially by
2003; Huber et al., 2005). As the second-order rate con- AOPs such as H2O2/UV and TiO2/hn. It has been shown
stant for the reaction between iopromide and molecular that deiodination of these contrast media occurs chiefly
ozone is very small: less than 0.8 M1s1 at pH 5 to 10 by direct UV photolysis in the H2O2/UV treatment. Other
and 20  C, the degradation of this compound mostly occur than that, degradation mechanisms of these contrast
by hydroxyl radicals, although the rate constant for the media by ozonation and AOPs are still largely unknown;
hydroxyl radical reaction is also fairly small: 3.3 · 109 kinetic data are very scarce and no degradation by-
M1s1 at pH 7 and 25  C (Huber et al., 2003). product was identified. It is probably desirable to discern
Like the case of iopentol, effective AOX removal and the identity and property of degradation by-products of
mineralization of iopromide by H2O2/UV AOP was triiodinated X-ray contrast media because even though
demonstrated (Sprehe et al., 2001). Major contribution the parent compounds are non-toxic (Steger-Hartmann
of direct UV photolysis to the deiodination was con- et al., 1999), their degradation products may have some
firmed in a separate photolysis experiment without potential ecological and public health impacts. Finally,
hydrogen peroxide addition. In addition to ozone-based there are two ionic triiodinated X-ray contrast media,
and H2O2/UV AOPs, TiO2/hn process was evaluated for iothalamic acid and ioxithalamic acid, that have not
the iopromide degradation. It was shown that the degra- been studied for their degradation by ozonation or AOP
dation rate of this contrast medium was comparable to but been detected in the aquatic environment (Ternes and
that of iomeprol (Doll and Frimmel, 2004). Degradation Hirsch, 2000).

Ozonation and Advanced Oxidation of Pharmaceuticals December 2006 387

CONCLUDING REMARKS by ozonation and AOPs depends on a number of factors.
Oxidant dose, concentration of pharmaceuticals, various
Pharmaceutical contamination of surface water and water quality parameters, and mode of operation are a few
groundwater is an emerging issue in environmental examples. It has been demonstrated that the presence of
science and engineering. After the administration to inorganic and organic water and wastewater constituents
humans and animals, these medical drugs and non-ther- often inhibit the degradation of target pollutants through
apeutic agents are partially metabolized and excreted in oxidant competition and/or radical scavenging mechan-
the urine and/or the feces, and subsequently enter the isms, which has resulted in higher oxidant requirements.
aquatic environment through a number of routes (see In addition to the oxidative transformation of parent phar-
Figure 1). Some of the pharmaceuticals are fairly biode- maceuticals, certain levels of mineralization have been
gradable, while others are more persistent and mobile in demonstrated by ozonation and AOPs. It should be
the aquatic environment. A large number of pharmaceu- noted that complete mineralization may not be an absolute
ticals have been detected in domestic sewage treatment requirement in both water and wastewater treatment. In
plant effluents, hospital wastewaters, surface water, and wastewater treatment, improvement of biodegradability is
groundwater at ng/L to mg/L levels. Although there is no perhaps the more important goal to be achieved, especially
clear evidence of immediate public health impacts of these for the pharmaceuticals that are resistant to biodegrada-
trace pharmaceuticals in water, there are several groups tion, such as antibiotics, cytostatic agents, hormones,
of substances with unambiguous toxic and estrogenic X-ray contrast agents, carbamazepine, and some acidic
properties such as antibiotics, cytostatic agents, and nat- drugs like clofibric acid. However, the achievement of
Downloaded by [Dalhousie University] at 15:51 13 September 2012

ural and synthetic hormones, which can indeed affect this goal has been confirmed only for some antibiotics
populations of aquatic organisms. Besides, the chronic through limited types of treatment process (see
health effects of a mixture of biologically active sub- Appendix). Likewise, toxicity reduction by ozonation or
stances are still largely unknown. Therefore, the removal AOPs has been evaluated in just a handful of cases, exclud-
of these substances before entering the aquatic environ- ing the estrogenicity of natural and synthetic hormones. In
ment and drinking water is probably desirable based on water treatment, considering the very small amounts of
the precautionary principle. Chemical oxidation by ozone pharmaceuticals in finished drinking water, the destruction
and AOPs has been thought to be one of the promising of key molecular structures for biological activity may be
treatment methods to deal with this problem. sufficient to protect public health, if the degradation by-
The studies reviewed here have indeed showed satisfac- products do not exert similar or other unprecedented and
tory efficiencies of ozonation and AOPs for the degradation undesirable effects. Thus, identification and characteriza-
of a wide range of pharmaceutical compounds in aqueous tion of degradation by-products and intermediates is
solution. Some pharmaceuticals are extremely reactive highly important task, although this has not been done
toward molecular ozone, including some antibiotics, an yet for all the substances discussed here. In addition,
anticonvulsant carbamazepine, a NSAID diclofenac, and kinetic data are still scarce for many pharmaceuticals
an estrogen 17b-estradiol. These pharmaceuticals can be reviewed here. Further validation may be as well required
characterized by one or more functional groups and moi- for those substances already studied for their degradation
eties in the molecules such as non-aromatic carbon-carbon kinetics by ozone or hydroxyl radicals, because of some
double bonds, amines, thioether sulfurs, and activated aro- discrepancies, high experimental errors, or limited pH and
matic rings. There are also some pharmaceuticals relatively temperature coverage.
resistant to ozonation, including a lipid regulator metabo- In order to minimize the load of pharmaceuticals in the
lite clofibric acid, an anti-anxiety agent diazepam, and a aquatic environment, a number of actions should be
NSAID ibuprofen. Triiodinated X-ray contrast media, taken simultaneously, besides the end-of-pipe treatment
which are biologically stable, non-therapeutic medical approach discussed in this review. It has been recognized
agents, are particularly refractory to ozonation. Ozone- that source separation is one of the key for a successful
based AOPs, Fenton-type processes and photochemical waste management practice in general (Jonsson et al.,
AOPs are generally more effective than ozonation alone 1997; Tanskanen et al., 1998), and this approach should
primarily due to enhanced generation of hydroxyl radicals be applicable to wastewater pollutants such as pharma-
and photon-initiated cleavage of carbon-halogen bonds, ceuticals. As many pharmaceuticals are excreted mostly
thus are recommended for the treatment of these recalci- in the urine, its separation from the solids portion (feces)
trant substances. There are a number of pharmaceuticals of wastewater and the provision for separate treatment
that have not been studied for their degradation by ozona- system may be of an ultimate solution particularly for
tion or AOP but been found in the aquatic environment highly contaminated hospital wastewater (Larsen et al.,
(Table 3). These pharmaceuticals may warrant further 2004). Ozonation and advanced oxidation are likely sui-
study. table for the treatment of the pharmaceutical-laden urine,
The degree of degradation of water and wastewater as suggested by Larsen et al. (2004); thus this strategy
pollutants, including pharmaceutical compounds, achieved should be investigated in the future.

388 K. Ikehata et al. December 2006

TABLE 3. Pharmaceuticals Not Studied for Ozonation or AOP but Detected in the Aquatic Environment

Pharmaceutical Class Occurrences

Ciprofloxacin Antibiotics, fluoroquinolone Up to 0.4 mg/L in final effluents from WWTP
(Miao et al., 2004)
Norfloxacin Antibiotics, fluoroquinolone Up to 0.112 mg/L in final effluents from WWTP
(Miao et al., 2004), up to 0.12 mg/L in surface water
(Kolpin et al., 2002)
Clindamycin Antibiotics, lincosamide Up to 1.1 mg/L in surface water (Batt and Aga, 2005),
up to 32 ng/L in surface water (Christian et al., 2003)
Doxycycline Antibiotics, tetracycline Up to 0.046 mg/L in WWTP (Miao et al., 2004)
Oxytetracycline Antibiotics, tetracycline Up to 0.34 mg/L in surface water (Kolpin et al., 2002)
Paroxetine Antidepressant Its environmental fate was studied (Kwon and Armbrust,
2004), a low risk to environment (Cunningham et al., 2004)
Ketoprofen Non-steroidal anti-inflammatory Up to 0.38 and 0.12 mg/L in effluents from WWTP and
drug surface water, respectively (Ternes, 1998), up to 0.2
mg/L in effluents from WWTP (Soulet et al., 2002)
Mefenamic acid Non-steroidal anti-inflammatory Up to 0.6 mg/L in effluents from WWTP (Soulet et al., 2002)
Downloaded by [Dalhousie University] at 15:51 13 September 2012

Belomycin Cytostatic drug Up to 19, 17, and 13 ng/L in effluents from WWTP,
surface water, and potable water, respectively
(Halling-Sørensen et al., 1998)
Equilin Steroid hormone, estrogen Up to 0.147 mg/L in surface water (Kolpin et al., 2002)
Testosterone Steroid hormone, androgen Up to 0.214 mg/L in surface water (Kolpin et al., 2002)
Iothalamic acid Triiodinated X-ray contrast media Up to 0.049 mg/L in groundwater (Ternes and Hirsch, 2000)
Ioxithalamic acid Triiodinated X-ray contrast media Up to 0.010 mg/L in groundwater (Ternes and Hirsch, 2000)

Note: WWTP = wastewater treatment plant.

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392 K. Ikehata et al. December 2006

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APPENDIX. Summary of the Degradation of Pharmaceuticals by Ozonation and AOPs

Pharmaceutical Applied Intermediates/ Biodegradability and

(CAS #) Class process Degree of degradation Kinetic parameters by-products toxicity
Amoxicillin Antibiotic, Ozonation Complete conversion of kO3 = 4 · 103 M1s1 Elemental sulfur BOD5 increased from
(61336-70-7) b-lactam 400 mg/L amoxicillin at pH 2.5, 6 · 106 (Arslan-Alaton zero to 60 mg/L at pH
(Arslan-Alaton and M1s1 at pH 7 and Dogruel, 11.5 (non-buffered)
Dogruel, 2004), 86% (Andreozzi 2004), (Arslan-Alaton and
of initial COD et al., 2005) hydroxylation of Dogruel, 2004),
(=1,395 mg/L) phenol ring BOD5/COD increased
removed at pH 11.5 (Andreozzi et al., from zero to 0.08
(buffered) from 2005) (Arslan-Alaton and
filtered formulation Dogruel, 2004), to 0.37
wastewater. 49% of (Arslan-Alaton et al.,
initial COD and 52% 2004)
of initial TOC (=920
mg/L) removed in
non-buffered system
(Arslan-Alaton and
Dogruel, 2004), 81%
COD removal by
simulated chemical-
biological treatment
(Arslan-Alaton et al.,
O3/H2O2 83% of initial COD N/D N/D BOD5/COD increased

Ozonation and Advanced Oxidation of Pharmaceuticals

(=830 mg/L) removed from zero to 0.45
at pH 10.5, 72% COD (Arslan-Alaton et al.,
removal by simulated 2004)
treatment (Arslan-
Alaton et al., 2004)
H2O2/UV 22% of initial COD kOH = 3.93 · 109 N/D BOD5 increased from

December 2006
(=1,395 mg/L) and M1s1 at pH 5.5 zero to 10 mg/L
6% of initial TOC (Andreozzi (Arslan-Alaton and
(=920 mg/L) removed et al., 2005) Dogruel, 2004)
at pH 7
([H2O2]0 = 1.02 g/L)
(Arslan-Alaton and
Dogruel, 2004)

Downloaded by [Dalhousie University] at 15:51 13 September 2012

APPENDIX. (Continued)

Pharmaceutical Applied Intermediates/ Biodegradability and
(CAS #) Class process Degree of degradation Kinetic parameters by-products toxicity

Fenton/ Complete conversion of N/D N/D BOD5 increased from

Fenton-like 400 mg/L amoxicillin zero to 6 mg/L
(Arslan-Alaton and (Arslan-Alaton and
Dogruel, 2004), 61% Dogruel, 2004)
of initial COD
(=1,395 mg/L) and
33% of initial TOC
(=920 mg/L) removed
by Fenton, 46% COD
and 18% TOC by
Fenton-like, both at
pH = 3, 1 mM Fe2+
or Fe3+, 20 mM H2O2
(Arslan-Alaton and
Dogruel, 2004)
Photo-Fenton/ 56% of initial COD N/D N/D BOD5 increased from
Photo- (=1,395 mg/L) and zero to 4 mg/L (photo-

K. Ikehata et al.
Fenton-like 46% of initial TOC Fenton) and 21 mg/L
(=920 mg/L) removed (photo-Fenton-like)
by photo-Fenton, 66% (Arslan-Alaton and
COD and 42% TOC Dogruel, 2004)
removed by photo-
Fenton-like, both at
pH 3, 1 mM Fe2+ or

December 2006
Fe3+, 20 mM H2O2
(Arslan-Alaton and
Dogruel, 2004)
Photolysis No COD/TOC FP = 0.571 N/D No BOD5 increase
reduction (Arslan- molEinstein1 at pH (Arslan-Alaton and
Alaton and Dogruel, 5.5 (Andreozzi et al., Dogruel, 2004)
2004) 2005)
Penicillin VK Antibiotic, Ozonation 70% of initial COD N/D N/D BOD5/COD increased
(132-98-9) b-lactam (=450 mg/L) and from 0 to 0.25
40% of initial TOC (Akmehmet Balcio glu
(=162 mg/L) removed and Ötker, 2003)
at pH 7-11
(Akmehmet Balcioglu
and Ötker, 2003)
Downloaded by [Dalhousie University] at 15:51 13 September 2012

O3/H2O2 95% of initial COD N/D N/D N/D

(=450 mg/L) removed
at pH 7 (O3:H2O2
molar ratio = 3.08:1)
(Akmehmet Balcioglu
and Ötker, 2003)
Penicillin G Antibiotic, Ozonation 50% of initial COD kCOD,O3 = 0.67 M1s1 N/D N/D
(61-33-6) b-lactam (=600 mg/L) and at pH 7, 0.042 M1s1
50% of TOC (=226 at pH 3 (Arslan-
mg/L) removed at pH Alaton and Caglayan,
12 (Arslan-Alaton and 2005)
Caglayan, 2005).
Photo-Fenton- 56% of initial COD N/D N/D Daphnia magna acute
like (=600 mg/L) and toxicity reduced,
42% of initial TOC BOD5/COD increased
(=226 mg/L) removed from 0.25 to 0.45
at pH 3 (Arslan- (Arslan-Alaton and
Alaton and Gurses, Gurses, 2004)
Sultamicillin Antibiotic, Ozonation- biodegradation 33% of initial COD N/D N/D
(76497-13-7) b-lactam (=710 mg/L) and
24% of initial TOC
(=200 mg/L) removed

Ozonation and Advanced Oxidation of Pharmaceuticals

at pH 11 (Cokgor
et al., 2004).
increased from
0.02 to 0.27
(Cokgor et al.,

December 2006
Cefradine Antibiotic, TiO2/hv Complete conversion of N/D N/D N/D
(38821-53-3) b-lactam 70 mg/L cefradine,
(cephalosporin) addition of H2O2
decomposition (Fan
et al., 2002)


Downloaded by [Dalhousie University] at 15:51 13 September 2012

APPENDIX. (Continued)

Pharmaceutical Applied Intermediates/ Biodegradability and
(CAS #) Class process Degree of degradation Kinetic parameters by-products toxicity
Ceftriaxone Antibiotic, Ozonation 53%, 74% and 82% of N/D N/D BOD5/COD increased
(73384-59-5) b-lactam initial COD (=450 from zero to 0.10
(cephalosporin) mg/L) removed at pH (Akmehmet Balcio glu
3, 7, and 11 and Ötker, 2003)
(Akmehmet Balcioglu
and Ötker, 2003)
O3/H2O2 About 90% of initial N/D N/D N/D
COD (=450 mg/L)
removed at pH 7
(Akmehmet Balcioglu
and Ötker, 2003)
MMTD Intermediate of H2O2/UV Complete conversion of kOH = 1.6 · 1010 Degradation N/D
(29490-19-5) cefazolin 1 mg/L MMTD in 20 M1s1 at 25  C pathway
(cephalosporin min, 60% TOC (Lopez proposed (Lopez
antibiotic) removed in 4 h (Lopez et al., 2003) et al., 2002)
et al., 2002)
Photolysis About 90% conversion FP = 12 One by-product N/D

K. Ikehata et al.
of 1 mg/L MMTD in mmolEinstein1 identified (Lopez
60 min, no (Lopez et al., 2002) et al., 2002)
mineralization (Lopez
et al., 2002)
MMTD-Me Intermediate of H2O2/UV Complete conversion kOH = 8.3 · 108 S-Oxidation N/D
(1925-78-6) cefazolin of 1 mg/L MMTD-Me M1s1 precedes
(cephalosporin in 20 min, 80% TOC at 25  C (Lopez mineralization

December 2006
antibiotic) removed in 4 h (Bozzi et al., 2003) (Bozzi et al.,
et al., 2002) 2002)
photolysis Complete conversion FP = 14.1 Two by-products N/D
of 1 mg/L MMTD-Me mmolEinstein1 identified (Bozzi
in 60 min, no (Lopez et al., 2003) et al., 2002)
mineralization (Bozzi
et al., 2002)
Azithromycin Antibiotic, Ozonation Complete conversion of N/D N/D N/D
(83905-01-5) macrolide azithromycin
unknown) at pH 7
(Huber et al., 2005)
Downloaded by [Dalhousie University] at 15:51 13 September 2012

Clarithromycin Antibiotic, Ozonation Complete conversion of N/D N/D N/D

(81103-11-9) macrolide 0.21-2 mg/L
clarithromycin at pH
7-7.2 (Ternes et al.,
2003; Huber et al.,
Erythromycin Antibiotic, Ozonation Complete conversion of N/D N/D N/D
(114-07-8) macrolide 0.62-2 mg/L
at pH 7-7.2 (Ternes
et al., 2003; Huber
et al., 2005)
Lincomycin Antibiotic, Ozonation N/D kO3 = 3.26 · 105 N/D N/D
(154-21-2) lincosamide M1s1 (protonated),
2.43 · 106 M1s1
(neutral) (Qiang et al.,
TiO2/hn Complete conversion of Langmuir–Hinshelwood Sulfate ion N/D
50 mg/L lincomycin in kinetic model (Addamo et al.,
2 h at pH 6, 60% TOC developed (Addamo 2005)
removal in 5 h et al., 2005)
(Addamo et al., 2005)
Roxithromycin Antibiotic, Ozonation Complete conversion of kO3 = 4.5 · 106 M1s1 N/D N/D
(80214-83-1) macrolide 0.54-2 mg/L at pH >8.8 (Huber
roxithromycin at pH et al., 2003)
7-7.2 (Ternes et al.,

Ozonation and Advanced Oxidation of Pharmaceuticals

2003; Huber et al.,
Enrofloxacin Antibiotic, Ozonation 88% of initial COD N/D N/D BOD5/COD increased
(93106-60-6) quinolone (=450 mg/L) and from 0.07 to 0.38
(veterinary) 50% of initial TOC (Akmehmet Balcio glu
(=165 mg/L) removed and Ötker, 2003)
at pH

December 2006
7 (Akmehmet
Balcioglu and Ötker,
2003), successfully
zeolite (Ötker and

Downloaded by [Dalhousie University] at 15:51 13 September 2012

APPENDIX. (Continued)

Pharmaceutical Applied Intermediates/ Biodegradability and
(CAS #) Class process Degree of degradation Kinetic parameters by-products toxicity
Ofloxacin Antibiotic, Ozonation Complete conversion of N/D N/D Algal and protozoan
(levofloxacin; quinolone 560 mg/L ofloxacin in toxicity eliminated (as
637328-10-0) a mixture of six a mixture) (Andreozzi
pharmaceuticals at pH et al., 2004)
7.4 (Andreozzi et al.,
H2O2/UV Complete conversion of N/D N/D Algal toxicity
560 mg/L ofloxacin in eliminated, protozoan
a mixture of six toxicity reduced (as a
pharmaceuticals at pH mixture) (Andreozzi
7.4 (Andreozzi et al., et al., 2004)
TiO2/hn Incomplete conversion N/D N/D No toxicity reduction
of 560 mg/L ofloxacin (as a mixture)
in a mixture of six (Andreozzi et al.,
pharmaceuticals 2004)
(Andreozzi et al.,

K. Ikehata et al.
Sulfachlorpyridazine Antibiotic, Ozonation Complete conversion of N/D N/D N/D
(80-32-0) sulfonamide 50 mg/L
sulfachlorpyridazine at
pH 7.5 in 1.5 min
(Adams et al., 2002)
Fenton N/D (See Table 2) N/D N/D

December 2006
Sulfadiazine Antibiotic, Ozonation Complete conversion of N/D N/D N/D
(68-35-9) sulfonamide 2 mg/L sulfadiazine at
pH 7 (Huber et al.,
Fenton N/D (See Table 2) N/D N/D
TiO2/hn 80% conversion of 15 N/D SO2
4 ; NH 4; N/D

mg/L sulfadiazine in NO3 ; hydroxy-
30 min, 80% and 15% lated sulfadiazine
recovery of sulfur and (Calza et al.,
nitrogen, respectively 2004b)
(Calza et al., 2004b)
Downloaded by [Dalhousie University] at 15:51 13 September 2012

Sulfadimethoxine Antibiotic, Ozonation Complete conversion of N/D N/D N/D

(122-11-2) sulfonamide 50 mg/L
sulfadimethoxine at
pH 7.5 in 1.5 min
(Adams et al., 2002)
Fenton N/D (See Table 2) N/D N/D
TiO2/hn Complete conversion of N/D SO2
4 ; NH 4; N/D

15 mg/L NO3 ; two types
sulfadimethoxine in 30 of hydroxylated
min, 90% and 70% sulfadimethoxine,
recovery of sulfur and 2,6-dimethoxy-4-
nitrogen, respectively, aminopyrimidine
in 1 h (Calza et al., (Calza et al.,
2004b) 2004b)
Sulfamerazine Antibiotic, Ozonation Complete conversion of N/D N/D N/D
(127-79-7) sulfonamide 50 mg/L sulfamerazine
at pH 7.5 in 1.5 min
(Adams et al., 2002)
Fenton N/D (See Table 2) N/D N/D
TiO2/hn 85% conversion of 15 N/D SO2
4 ; NH 4; N/D

mg/L sulfamerazine in NO3 ; hydroxy-
30 min, 70% and 18% lated sulfamera-
recovery of sulfur and zine, 4-methyl-2-
nitrogen, respectively aminopyrimidine

Ozonation and Advanced Oxidation of Pharmaceuticals

in 30 min (Calza et al., (Calza et al.,
2004b) 2004b)
Sulfamethazine Antibiotic, Ozonation Complete conversion of N/D N/D N/D
(57-68-1) sulfonamide 50 mg/L
sulfamethazonie at pH
7.5 in 1.5 min (Adams
et al., 2002),

December 2006
N4-acetylation lower
the reactivity toward
ozonation (Huber
et al., 2005)
Fenton N/D (See Table 2) N/D N/D

Downloaded by [Dalhousie University] at 15:51 13 September 2012

APPENDIX. (Continued)

Pharmaceutical Applied Intermediates/ Biodegradability and
(CAS #) Class process Degree of degradation Kinetic parameters by-products toxicity
Sulfamethoxazole Antibiotic, Ozonation Complete conversion of kO3 = 2.5 · 106 M1s1 N/D Algal and protozoan
(723-46-6) sulfonamide 0.62-2 mg/L at 20  C (Huber et al., toxicity eliminated (as
sulfamethoxazole at 2003) a mixture) (Andreozzi
pH 7-7.2 (Ternes et al., et al., 2004)
2003; Huber et al.,
2005), Complete
conversion of 2.24 mg/
L sulfamethoxazole in
a mixture of six
pharmaceuticals at pH
7.4 (Andreozzi et al.,
2004), N4-acetylation
reduces reactivity
(Huber et al., 2005)
H2O2/UV Complete conversion of kOH = 5.5 · 109 N/D Algal toxicity
2.24 mg/L M1s1 at pH 7 and eliminated, protozoan
sulfamethoxazole in a 25  C (Huber et al., toxicity reduced (as a

K. Ikehata et al.
mixture of six 2003), see also Table 2 mixture) (Andreozzi
pharmaceuticals at pH et al., 2004)
7.4 (Andreozzi et al.,
TiO2/hn Incomplete conversion N/D N/D No toxicity reduction
of 2.24 mg/L (as a mixture)
sulfamethoxazole in a (Andreozzi et al.,

December 2006
mixture of six 2004)
(Andreozzi et al.,
Sulfamethizole Antibiotic, Fenton N/D (See Table 2) N/D N/D
(144-82-1) sulfonamide
Sulfamoxole Antibiotic, Fenton Unstable in weakly (See Table 2) N/D N/D
(729-99-7) sulfonamide acidic solution (Boreen
et al., 2004)
Sulfapyridine Antibiotic, Ozonation Complete conversion of N/D N/D N/D
(144-83-2) sulfonamide 2 mg/L sulfapyridine at
pH 7 (Huber et al.,
Downloaded by [Dalhousie University] at 15:51 13 September 2012

Sulfathiazole Antibiotic, Ozonation Complete conversion of N/D N/D N/D

(72-14-0) sulfonamide 50 mg/L
sulfadimethoxine at
pH 7.5 in 1.5 min
(Adams et al., 2002),
Complete conversion
of 2 mg/L sulfathiazole
at pH 7 (Huber et al.,
Fenton N/D (See Table 2) N/D N/D
TiO2/hn Complete conversion of N/D SO2
4 ; NH 4; N/D

15 mg/L sulfathiazole NO3 , hydroxy-
in 30 min, quantitative lated sulfathia-
recovery of sulfur, zole (Calza et al.,
90% recovery of 2004b)
nitrogen (Calza et al.,
Sulfisoxazole Antibiotic, Fenton N/D (See Table 2) N/D N/D
(127-69-5) sulfonamide
Carbadox Antibiotic, Ozonation Complete conversion of N/D N/D N/D
(6804-07-5) veterinary 50 mg/L carbadox at
pH 7.5 in 1.5 min
(Adams et al., 2002)
Spectinomycin Antibiotic, Ozonation N/D kO3 = 1.27 · 106 N/D N/D
(1695-77-8) miscellaneous M1s1 (neutral), 3.30
· 105 M1s1 (mono-

Ozonation and Advanced Oxidation of Pharmaceuticals

protonated) (Adams
et al., 2002)
Tetracycline Antibiotic, TiO2/hn (+ Complete conversion of Kinetic model presented N/D N/D
(60-54-8) tetracycline direct 50 mg/L tetracycline in (Addamo et al., 2005)
photolysis) 2 h, 90% TOC
removal in 6 h (Di
Paola et al., 2004;

December 2006
Addamo et al., 2005)
Trimethoprim Antibiotic, chemotherapeutic Complete N/D
(738-70-5) conversion of
0.34-50 mg/L
trimethoprim at
pH 7-7.5 (Adams
et al., 2002;
Ternes et al.,

Downloaded by [Dalhousie University] at 15:51 13 September 2012

APPENDIX. (Continued)

Pharmaceutical Applied Intermediates/ Biodegradability and
(CAS #) Class process Degree of degradation Kinetic parameters by-products toxicity
Buspirone Anti-anxiety TiO2/hn Complete conversion of N/D Degradation N/D
(36505-84-7) agent 15 mg/L buspirone in pathway
30 min (Calza et al., proposed (Calza
2004a) et al., 2004a)
Carbamazepine Anticonvulsant Ozonation Complete conversion of kO3 = 7.81 · 104 Degradation Algal toxicity
(298-46-4) 0.5-118 mg/L M1s1 (Andreozzi pathway diminished (Andreozzi
carbamazepine et al., 2002), 3 · 105 proposed et al., 2002)
(Andreozzi et al., M1s1 (Huber et al., (Andreozzi et al.,
2002; Ternes et al., 2003) 2002; McDowell
2002; Huber et al., et al., 2005)
2003), 30%
mineralization as CO2
(Andreozzi et al.,
H2O2/UV Complete conversion of kOH = 2.05 · 109 Degradation N/D
4.7 mg/L M1s1 (Vogna et al., pathway

K. Ikehata et al.
carbamazepine and 2004a), 8.8 · 109 proposed (Vogna
35% TOC removal in M1s1 (Huber et al., et al., 2004a)
4 min at pH 5.0 2003)
(Vogna et al., 2004a)
TiO2/hn >90% conversion of 4.2 Pseudo-1st-order Degradation N/D
mg/L carbamazepine kinetics (Doll and pathway
in 9 min (Doll and Frimmel, 2004) proposed (Doll

December 2006
Frimmel, 2005c), pilot and Frimmel,
scale treatment (Doll 2005b)
and Frimmel, 2005a)
Diazepam Anti-anxiety Ozonation 24%-65% conversion of kO3 = 0.75 M1s1 at N/D N/D
(439-14-5) agent/ 142 mg/L diazepam at 20  C (Huber et al.,
anticonvulsant pH 9 and 10  C 2003)
(Huber et al., 2003)
H2O2/UV, g- N/D kOH = 7.2 · 109 N/D N/D
radiolysis M1s1 at pH 7 and
25  C (Huber et al.,
Primidone Anticonvulsant Ozonation Up to 87% conversion N/D N/D N/D
(125-33-7) of 1 mg/L primidone at
pH 7.8 and 23  C
(Ternes et al., 2002)
Downloaded by [Dalhousie University] at 15:51 13 September 2012

Diclofenac Non-steroidal Ozonation Complete conversion of kO3 = 1 · 106 M1s1 Degradation Algal and protozoan
(15307-86-5) anti- 1 mg/L – 296 mg/L at 20  C (Huber et al., pathway toxicity eliminated (as
inflammatory diclofenac (Zwiener 2003), 1.84 · 104 proposed (Vogna a mixture) (Andreozzi
drug (NSAID) and Frimmel, 2000; M1s1 at 25  C et al., 2004b) et al., 2004)
Ternes et al., 2002; (Vogna et al., 2004b)
Ternes et al., 2003;
Vogna et al., 2004b;
Huber et al., 2005),
>30% TOC removal,
95% dechlorination
(Vogna et al., 2004b)
O3/H2O2 Complete conversion of N/D N/D N/D
2 mg/L diclofenac in 10
min (Zwiener and
Frimmel, 2000)
H2O2/UV Complete conversion of N/D Degradation Algal toxicity
296 mg/L diclofenac, pathway eliminated, protozoan
40% TOC removal, proposed (Vogna toxicity reduced (as a
50% dechlorination et al., 2004b) mixture) (Andreozzi
(Vogna et al., 2004b) et al., 2004)
g-radiolysis N/D kOH = 7.2 · 109 N/D N/D
M1s1 at pH 7 and
25  C (Huber et al.,
Fenton No conversion at pH 3.5 N/D N/D N/D
and 22  C (Packer

Ozonation and Advanced Oxidation of Pharmaceuticals

et al., 2003)
Photo-Fenton Complete conversion of N/D Degradation N/D
10-80 mg/L diclofenac, pathway
>90% TOC removal proposed (Pérez-
at pH 2.8 and 50  C Estrada et al.,
(Ravina et al., 2002), 2005b)
poor performance in

December 2006
buffered acidic and
neutral media (Pérez-
Estrada et al., 2005a)
TiO2/hn Complete conversion of N/D N/D No toxicity reduction
50 mg/L diclofenac, (as a mixture)
55% DOC removal (Andreozzi et al.,
(Pérez-Estrada et al., 2004)

Downloaded by [Dalhousie University] at 15:51 13 September 2012

APPENDIX. (Continued)

Pharmaceutical Applied Intermediates/ Biodegradability and
(CAS #) Class process Degree of degradation Kinetic parameters by-products toxicity
Ibuprofen Non-steroidal Ozonation Less reactive than other kO3 = 9.6 M1s1 at 20 N/D N/D

(15687-27-1) anti- NSAIDs (Zwiener and C (Huber et al., 2003)
inflammatory Frimmel, 2000; Ternes
drug (NSAID) et al., 2003; Huber
et al., 2005)
O3/H2O2 Complete conversion of N/D N/D N/D
2 mg/L diclofenac at
pH 7.5 and 10  C
(Zwiener and
Frimmel, 2000)
H2O2/UV N/D kOH = 7.4 · 109 N/D N/D
M1s1 at pH 7 and
25  C (Huber et al.,
Fenton N/D kOH = 6.5 · 109 N/D N/D
M1s1 at pH 3.5 and
22  C (Packer et al.,

K. Ikehata et al.
Indomethacin Non-steroidal Ozonation Complete conversion of N/D N/D N/D
(53-86-1) anti- 0.1 mg/L indomethacin
inflammatory at pH 7.2 (Ternes
drug (NSAID) et al., 2003)
Naproxen Non-steroidal Ozonation Complete conversion of N/D N/D N/D
(22204-53-1) anti- 0.1 mg/L naproxen at

December 2006
inflammatory pH 7.2 (Ternes et al.,
drug (NSAID) 2003)
Fenton N/D kOH = 9.6 · 109 N/D N/D
M1s1 at pH 3.5 and
22  C (Packer et al.,
Downloaded by [Dalhousie University] at 15:51 13 September 2012

Salicylic acid A decomposition Ozonation 60% conversion of 0.65 N/D N/D N/D
(69-72-7) product of mg/L salicylic acid
acetylsalicylic (Khan et al., 2004)
Paracetamol Antipyretic/ Ozonation Complete conversion of kO3 = 1.41 · 103 Degradation N/D
(103-90-2) analgesic 0.8 g/L paracetamol at M1s1 (neutral), 9.91 pathway
pH 2 and 7 in 20 min, · 108 M1s1 proposed
20% and 30% TOC (dissociated) (Andreozzi et al.,
removal at pH 2 and (Andreozzi et al., 2003a)
7, respectively, in 2 h 2003a)
(Andreozzi et al.,
H2O2/UV >90% conversion of kOH = 2.2 · 109 Degradation N/D
1.51 mg/L M1s1 (Andreozzi pathway
paracetamol at pH 5.5 et al., 2003a) proposed (Vogna
in 1 min, 40% TOC et al., 2002;
removal in 4 min Andreozzi et al.,
(Andreozzi et al., 2003a)
Anodic Complete conversion N/D Oxalic acid, oxamic N/D
oxidation and 70%-98% TOC acid (Brillas
using a removal of 78-948 mg/ et al., 2005)
boron-doped L paracetamol (Brillas
diamond et al., 2005)
Atenolol b-blocker Ozonation Complete conversion of N/D N/D N/D

Ozonation and Advanced Oxidation of Pharmaceuticals

(29122-68-7) 0.36 mg/L atenolol at
pH 7.2 (Ternes et al.,
Celiprolol b-blocker Ozonation Complete conversion of N/D N/D N/D
(56980-93-9) 0.28 mg/L celiprolol at
pH 7.2 (Ternes et al.,

December 2006
Metoprolol b-blocker Ozonation Complete conversion of N/D N/D N/D
(37350-58-6) 1.7 mg/L metoprolol at
pH 7.2 (Ternes et al.,
Propranolol b-blocker Ozonation Complete conversion of N/D N/D Algal and protozoan
(525-66-6) 0.18-325.5 mg/L toxicity eliminated (as
propranolol at pH 7.2- a mixture) (Andreozzi
7.4 (Ternes et al., 2003; et al., 2004)
Andreozzi et al., 2004)

Downloaded by [Dalhousie University] at 15:51 13 September 2012

APPENDIX. (Continued)

Pharmaceutical Applied Intermediates/ Biodegradability and
(CAS #) Class process Degree of degradation Kinetic parameters by-products toxicity
H2O2/UV Complete conversion of N/D N/D Algal toxicity
325.5 mg/L eliminated, protozoan
propranolol at pH 7.4 toxicity reduced (as a
(Andreozzi et al., mixture) (Andreozzi
2004) et al., 2004)
TiO2/hn Incomplete conversion N/D N/D No toxicity reduction
of 325.5 mg/L (as a mixture)
propranolol (Andreozzi et al.,
(Andreozzi et al., 2004)
Sotalol (3930-20-9) b-blocker Ozonation Complete conversion of N/D N/D N/D
1.32 mg/L sotalol at
pH 7.2 (Ternes et al.,
Aclarubicin Cytostatic drug, Fenton Complete conversion of N/D Absence of No residual
(57576-44-0) anthracycline 0.5 g/L aclarubicin fluorescent by- mutagenicity
(Castegnaro et al., products (Castegnaro et al.,

K. Ikehata et al.
1997), H2O2 alone was (Castegnaro 1997)
less effective et al., 1997)
(Castegnaro et al.,
Daunorubicin Cytostatic drug, Fenton Complete conversion of N/D Absence of No residual
(20830-81-3) anthracycline 5 g/L daunorubicin fluorescent by- mutagenicity
(Castegnaro et al., products (Castegnaro et al.,

December 2006
1997), H2O2 alone was (Castegnaro 1997)
less effective et al., 1997)
(Castegnaro et al.,
Doxorubicin Cytostatic drug, Fenton Complete conversion of N/D Absence of No residual
(23214-92-8) anthracycline 0.4 g/L doxorubicin fluorescent by- mutagenicity
(Castegnaro et al., products (Castegnaro et al.,
1997), H2O2 alone was (Castegnaro 1997)
less effective et al., 1997)
(Castegnaro et al.,
Downloaded by [Dalhousie University] at 15:51 13 September 2012

Epirubicin Cytostatic drug, Fenton Complete conversion of N/D Absence of No residual

(56420-45-2) anthracycline 2 g/L epirubicin fluorescent by- mutagenicity
(Castegnaro et al., products (Castegnaro et al.,
1997), H2O2 alone was (Castegnaro 1997)
less effective et al., 1997)
(Castegnaro et al.,
Idarubicin Cytostatic drug, Fenton Complete conversion of N/D Absence of No residual
(58957-92-9) anthracycline 0.5 g/L idarubicin fluorescent by- mutagenicity
(Castegnaro et al., products (Castegnaro et al.,
1997), H2O2 alone was (Castegnaro 1997)
less effective et al., 1997)
(Castegnaro et al.,
Pirarubicin Cytostatic drug, Fenton Complete conversion of N/D Absence of No residual
(72496-41-4) anthracycline 1 g/L pirarubicin fluorescent by- mutagenicity
(Castegnaro et al., products (Castegnaro et al.,
1997), H2O2 alone was (Castegnaro 1997)
less effective et al., 1997)
(Castegnaro et al.,
Azathioprine Cytostatic drug, Ozonation Complete conversion of N/D N/D No residual
(446-86-6) anti-metabolite 499 mg/L azathioprine mutagenicity (Rey
at pH 3 in 45 min (Rey et al., 1999)
et al., 1999)
Cytarabine Cytostatic drug, Ozonation Complete conversion of N/D N/D No residual

Ozonation and Advanced Oxidation of Pharmaceuticals

(147-94-4) anti-metabolite 401 mg/L cytarabine mutagenicity (Rey
at pH 3 and 7 in 60-75 et al., 1999)
min (Rey et al., 1999)
5-Fluorouracil Cytostatic drug, Ozonation Complete conversion of N/D N/D No residual
(51-21-8) anti-metabolite 269 mg/L 5- mutagenicity (Rey
fluorouracil at pH 3 et al., 1999)
and 7 in 45 min (Rey

December 2006
et al., 1999)
Methotrexate Cytostatic drug, Ozonation Complete conversion of N/D N/D No residual
(59-05-2) anti-metabolite 491 mg/L mutagenicity (Rey
methotrexate at pH 3 et al., 1999)
and 7 in 60-75 min
(Rey et al., 1999)

Downloaded by [Dalhousie University] at 15:51 13 September 2012

APPENDIX. (Continued)

Pharmaceutical Applied Intermediates/ Biodegradability and
(CAS #) Class process Degree of degradation Kinetic parameters by-products toxicity
Cyclophosphamide Cytostatic drug, Fenton Complete conversion of N/D N/D Mutagenic by-products
(50-18-0) alkylating 4 g/L formed in the presence
agent cyclophosphamide of 5% dextrose
(Hansel et al., 1997) (Hansel et al., 1997)
Ifosfamid Cytostatic drug, Fenton Complete conversion of N/D N/D No residual
(3778-73-2) alkylating 27 g/L ifosfamid mutagenicity (Hansel
agent (Hansel et al., 1997) et al., 1997)
Melphalan Cytostatic drug, Fenton Complete conversion of N/D N/D No residual
(148-82-3) alkylating 2 g/L melphalan mutagenicity (Hansel
agent (Hansel et al., 1997) et al., 1997)
Cimetidine Histamine H2- Fenton N/D kOH = 6.5 · 109 Four degradation N/D
(51481-61-9) receptor M1s1 (Latch et al., products
antagonist 2003) identified
(Zbaida et al.,
Ranitidine Histamine H2- Fenton N/D kOH = 1.5 · 1010 N/D N/D
(66357-35-5) receptor M1s1 (Latch et al.,

K. Ikehata et al.
antagonist 2003)
TiO2/hn Complete conversion of Kinetic model presented N/D N/D
50 mg/L ranitidine in (Addamo et al., 2005)
1 h, 60% TOC
removal in 5 h
(Addamo et al., 2005)
17b-Estradiol Hormone, Ozonation Complete conversion of N/D Degradation Estrogenicity removed

December 2006
(50-28-2) natural 0.02 mg/L–1.4 mg/L of pathway (Onda et al., 2002;
estrogen 17b-estradiol (Onda proposed (Huber Alum et al., 2004; Kim
et al., 2002; Alum et al., 2004) et al., 2004; Liu et al.,
et al., 2004; Kim et al., 2005)
2004; Huber et al.,
O3/H2O2 Complete conversion of N/D N/D Estrogenicity removed
7-36 ng/L (Shishida et al., 2000;
17b-estradiol (Onda Onda et al., 2002)
et al., 2002)
H2O2/UV Complete conversion of kOH = 1.41 · 1010 N/D N/D
17b-estradiol M1s1, a kinetic
(unknown model presented
concentration) (Rosenfeldt and
(Rosenfeldt and Linden, 2004)
Linden, 2004)
Downloaded by [Dalhousie University] at 15:51 13 September 2012

Photo-Fenton- >85% conversion of N/D N/D N/D

like 5 mg/L 17b-estradiol
at pH 3.0,
intermediate reactivity
among four estrogens
(Feng et al., 2005)
TiO2/hn Complete conversion N/D Three Estrogenicity removed
and mineralization of intermediates (Ohko et al., 2002)
0.272 mg/L (Ohko et al.,
17b-estradiol in 2002)
4 h (Ohko et al., 2002)
Estrone (53-16-7) Hormone, Ozonation Complete conversion of N/D Degradation N/D
natural 0.015 mg/L estrone pathway
estrogen (Ternes et al., 2003), proposed (Huber
incomplete (> 90%) et al., 2004)
conversion of 0.5 mg/L
estrone (Huber et al.,
Photo-Fenton- Complete conversion An apparent kinetic Six unidentified N/D
like and 15% equation reported intermediates
mineralization of (Feng et al., 2005) (Feng et al.,
5 mg/L estrone in 160 2005)
min at pH 3, least
degradable among
four estrogens (Feng

Ozonation and Advanced Oxidation of Pharmaceuticals

et al., 2005)
17a-Ethinylestradiol Synthetic Ozonation Complete conversion of kO3 = 7 · 109 M1s1 Five intermediates Estrogenicity removed
(57-63-6) estrogen, 0.15 mg/L 17a- at pH 10 (Huber et al., (Huber et al., (Alum et al., 2004;
contraceptive ethinylestradiol at pH 2003) 2004) Huber et al., 2004; Liu
8 and 10  C (Huber et al., 2005)
et al., 2003)
H2O2/UV Complete conversion of kOH = 1.08 · 1010 N/D N/D

December 2006
17a-ethinylestradiol M1s1 (Rosenfeldt
(unknown and Linden, 2004), 9.8
concentration) · 109 M1s1 (Huber
(Rosenfeldt and et al., 2003), a kinetic
Linden, 2004) model presented
(Rosenfeldt and
Linden, 2004)

Downloaded by [Dalhousie University] at 15:51 13 September 2012

APPENDIX. (Continued)

Pharmaceutical Applied Intermediates/ Biodegradability and
(CAS #) Class process Degree of degradation Kinetic parameters by-products toxicity
Photo-Fenton- >85% conversion of N/D N/D N/D
like 5 mg/L 17a-
ethinylestradiol at pH
3.0, intermediate
reactivity among four
estrogens (Feng et al.,
Diethylstilbestrol Synthetic Photo-Fenton- Complete conversion of N/D N/D N/D
(56-53-1) estrogen, like 5 mg/L
contraceptive diethylstilbestrol at pH
3.0, highest reactivity
among four estrogens
(Feng et al., 2005)
Bezafibrate Lipid regulator Ozonation Complete conversion of kO3 = 590 M1s1 at N/D N/D
(41859-67-0) up to 181 mg/L pH 5-10, 20  C (Huber
bezafibrate at pH 8 et al., 2003)
and 10  C (Huber

K. Ikehata et al.
et al., 2003),
incomplete conversion
at lower ozone doses
(Ternes et al., 2002)
H2O2/UV N/D kOH = 7.4 · 109 N/D N/D
M1s1 at pH 7, 25  C
(Huber et al., 2003)

December 2006
Downloaded by [Dalhousie University] at 15:51 13 September 2012

Clofibric acid Lipid regulator Ozonation Complete conversion of kO3 > 20 M1s1 N/D Algal and protozoan
(882-09-7) metabolite 0.12 mg/L – 322 mg/L (Huber et al., 2005), toxicity eliminated (as
clofibric acid apparent rate a mixture) (Andreozzi
(Andreozzi et al., constants = 29.8 et al., 2004)
2003b; Ternes et al., M1s1 at pH 2 –
2003), 49% TOC 2550 M1s1 at pH
removal in 1 h at pH 6.5 (Andreozzi et al.,
5.0 (Andreozzi et al., 2003b), a kinetic
2003b), incomplete model presented
conversion at lower (Andreozzi et al.,
ozone doses (Zwiener 2003b)
and Frimmel, 2000;
Ternes et al., 2002;
Ternes et al., 2003),
(Andreozzi et al.,
O3/H2O2 98% conversion of 2 mg/ N/D N/D N/D
L clofibric acid at pH
7 and 10  C in 10 min
(Zwiener and
Frimmel, 2000)
H2O2/UV >90% conversion of FP = 1.08 · 10–2 N/D Algal toxicity
322 mg/L clofibric molEinstein1 at pH eliminated, protozoan
acid at pH 5.0 and 25 5.5 and 254 nm, toxicity reduced (as a

Ozonation and Advanced Oxidation of Pharmaceuticals

C, 12% TOC kOH = 2.38 · 109 mixture) (Andreozzi
removal, >80% M1s1, a kinetic et al., 2004)
dechlorination model presented
(Andreozzi et al., (Andreozzi et al.,
2003b) 2003b)
Fenton N/D 4.7 · 109 M1s1 at pH N/D N/D
3.5 and 22  C (Packer

December 2006
et al., 2003)
TiO2/hn Complete conversion of Pseudo-1st-order Degradation No toxicity reduction
0.5 mg/L clofibric acid kinetics (Doll and pathway (as a mixture)
at pH 6.5 in 4 min Frimmel, 2004) proposed (Doll (Andreozzi et al.,
(Doll and Frimmel, and Frimmel, 2004)
2004), pilot scale 2004)
performed (Doll and
Frimmel, 2005a)

Downloaded by [Dalhousie University] at 15:51 13 September 2012

APPENDIX. (Continued)

Pharmaceutical Applied Intermediates/ Biodegradability and
(CAS #) Class process Degree of degradation Kinetic parameters by-products toxicity
Fenofibric acid Lipid regulator Ozonation Complete conversion of N/D N/D N/D
(42017-89-0) metabolite 0.13 mg/L fenofibric
acid at pH 7.2 (Ternes
et al., 2003)
Gemfibrozil Lipid regulator Ozonation Presence of unknown N/D N/D N/D
(25812-30-0) amount of gemfibrozil
was reported in a
sewage treatment
plant effluent that was
treated by ozonation
(Huber et al., 2005)
Diatrizoate Triiodinated Ozonation 0% to 14% conversion N/D N/D N/D
(737-31-5; X-ray contrast of 5.7 mg/L diatrizoate
sodium salt) medium at pH 7.2 (Ternes
et al., 2003), no
conversion of 5.0 mg/L
diatrizoate at pH 7

K. Ikehata et al.
(Huber et al., 2005)
O3/H2O2 25% conversion of 5.7 N/D N/D N/D
mg/L diatrizoate at pH
7.2 (Ternes et al.,
O3/UV 36% conversion of 5.7 N/D N/D N/D
mg/L diatrizoate at pH

December 2006
7.2 (Ternes et al.,
Iomeprol Triiodinated Ozonation 34% to 90% conversion N/D N/D N/D
(78649-41-9) X-ray contrast of 2.3-5 mg/L iomeprol
medium at neutral pH (Ternes
et al., 2003; Huber
et al., 2005)
O3/H2O2 85% conversion of 2.3 N/D N/D N/D
mg/L iomeprol at pH
7.2 (Ternes et al.,
O3/UV 88% conversion of 2.3 N/D N/D N/D
mg/L iomeprol at pH
7.2 (Ternes et al.,
Downloaded by [Dalhousie University] at 15:51 13 September 2012

TiO2/hn 68% of 4.1 mg/L Pseudo-1st-order Unidentified N/D

iomeprol in 3 min at kinetics (Doll and organic by-
pH 6.5, 40% Frimmel, 2004) products (Doll
deiodination (Doll and and Frimmel,
Frimmel, 2004), pilot 2004)
scale experiments
performed (Doll and
Frimmel, 2005a)
Iopamidol Triiodinated Ozonation 33% to 84% conversion N/D N/D N/D
(62883-00-5) X-ray contrast of 1.1-5 mg/L
medium iopamidol at neutral
pH (Ternes et al.,
2003; Huber et al.,
O3/H2O2 80% conversion of 1.1 N/D N/D N/D
mg/L iopamidol at pH
7.2 (Ternes et al.,
O3/UV 90% conversion of 1.1 N/D N/D N/D
mg/L iopamidol at pH
7.2 (Ternes et al.,
Iopentol Triiodinated H2O2/UV Complete AOX removal N/D N/D N/D
(89797-00-2) X-ray contrast and 80% TOC
medium removal of 785 mg/L
iopentol at pH 6.6,

Ozonation and Advanced Oxidation of Pharmaceuticals

85% of iodine
recovered as elemental
iodine (Sprehe et al.,
Iopromide Triiodinated Ozonation 42% to 91% conversion kO3 < 0.8 M1s1 at N/D N/D
(73334-07-3) X-ray contrast of 5 – 5.2 mg/L pH 5 to 10 and 20  C

December 2006
medium iopromide at neutral (Huber et al., 2003)
pH (Ternes et al.,
2003; Huber et al.,
O3/H2O2 89% conversion of 5.2 kOH = 3.3 · 109 N/D N/D
mg/L iopromide at pH M1s1 at pH 7 and
7.2 (Ternes et al., 25  C (Huber et al.,
2003) 2003)

Downloaded by [Dalhousie University] at 15:51 13 September 2012

APPENDIX. (Continued)

Pharmaceutical Applied Intermediates/ Biodegradability and

(CAS #) Class process Degree of degradation Kinetic parameters by-products toxicity
O3/UV 90% conversion of 5.2 N/D N/D N/D
mg/L iopromide at pH
7.2 (Ternes et al.,
H2O2/UV Complete AOX N/D N/D N/D
removal, >90% TOC

K. Ikehata et al.
removal of 769 mg/L
iopromide at pH 6.6
(Sprehe et al., 2001)
TiO2/hn Similar degradability to N/D N/D N/D
iomeprol (Doll and
Frimmel, 2004)

December 2006
Note: N/D = not determined, TOC = total organic carbon, BOD5 = 5-day biochemical oxygen demand, COD = chemical oxygen demand,
DOC = dissolved organic matter, AOX = absorbable organic halogens, kO3 = second-order rate constant for molecular ozone reaction, kOH = second-order
rate constant for hydroxyl radical reaction, FP = quantum yield of direct photolysis.

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