Scenario 2007

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Global Data Modeling Competition 2006 2007 Scenario

The Challenge: You are a small database company specializing in databases for scientific research. You have just been awarded the contract to develop a data model for the international tracking of infectious diseases. Health professionals from all over the world need to be able to register, login, and enter data into the database. They also need to be able to query the data. The data should be non-specific for personal information because the clientele only want to track the medical information. Things like height, weight, age and gender are pertinent. The names and addresses of the individuals are not. However, the names of the health professionals and their addresses, locations, and contact information are important. Climate and geographical information are also significant, including GPS data for the location where each individual being tracked contracted the disease. The aftereffects of the disease on each patient and the eventual outcome of the patients health also need to be tracked. Eventually, the database will be used to track trends and for some extrapolative modeling based on the accumulated data. The database will be accessible in English only right now, although plans include making it available in multiple languages eventually. All measurement units must be recorded in metric. The prescriptions and treatments given to each patient by a health-care provider are not being tracked in this particular database at this time. Project Summary: You will identify the researchers database needs, and then create a conceptual data model to support these needs. Create a presentation of your solution in MS PowerPoint 2000 or higher format. Remember, the file size can be no greater the 1 MB. Any file greater than 1 MB will be disqualified. (See InstructorNotes.pdf)` Overall Process: 1. Review the types of information a medical database may contain. Read articles and surf the web to understand the challenges of tracking this information. 2. Research infectious diseases to better understand your topic. Look for the type of information you will need to track. 3. Write a descriptive paragraph about this endeavor and why there is a need for this type of database. This should demonstrate your understanding of the problem and the key objectives to be solved by the database. 4. Build a list of business needs based on your scenario, research, and objectives. 5. Create an Entity Relationship Diagram that meets these needs and objectives. 6. Write documentation that clarifies unclear parts of your diagram. 7. Create your presentation. (See Components2007.pdf) Special Notes: Focus on identifying the researchers' business needs and creating the ERD. Review the Rubric2007.pdf and the Components2007.pdf documents for more details.

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