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Business planning has been extremely difficult, enjoyable, and educational for me. When
our entrepreneurship teacher divided us into groups, my group decided to submit Color of the Wrist
as our product. We work together when creating a business plan. Our objectives are to improve
customer satisfaction, sales volumes, customer development, future investments, cost savings,
product quality and client retention. It is also predetermined the target that a business or individual
plans to achieve in a set period of time and a guide you through each stage of starting and managing
your business. A business plans also a document that defines in detail a company's objectives and
how it plans to achieve its goals.
Having a business, big or small you will face different hindrances o difficulties as an
owner. There are many common challenges every business face, whether they are large or small.
These include hiring the right people, building a brand, developing a customer base, and so on.
Hiring the right people because Good performing employees will never take your business to the
wrong direction. They will help lift your business up to become successful and grow bigger so
that’s why you should never overlook the importance of hiring the right employee because they
pave the way of bringing your business to greatness. Building a brand, allows you to build
relationships with your audience, which can eventually turn them into loyal customers. You can
create a brand that people actually care about and put yourself ahead of businesses so that having
a strong and loyal customer base can help you increase recurring revenue and have a strong sales
program to build from. Every business, whether big or small, depends on customers in order to
Business skills are important because they're a fundamental component of starting,
operating and managing a successful organization. If you're a business owner, these skills equip
you with the ability to meet the needs of both your consumers and employees. Sum of skills,
experiences, capabilities and insight which you collectively create and rely on in your business. I
believe the creating a business plan takes a lot of patience, and the only way to learn things is by
doing study. I did research on entrepreneurs online and in journal and business publications. I
learned the value of effective negotiation techniques, the value of teamwork, the important of
providing excellent costumers service, developing the right product, comprehending what the
customer wants, obtaining the right price, and being in the right place at the right time by watching
YouTube videos about creating business plans and other topics. I was inspired and encouraged to
read additional articles as I considered every method, I might complete the jobs more effectively
to enhance the good or service. Moreover, having a content strategy in jewelry business we should
have a content marketing that should include videos, blogs, informational landing pages on your
website, and maybe some basic infographics. The main thing you need to remember when it comes
to content marketing is that the content you put out must be valuable to your customers.
The business should have been done differently or improved upon by determine the
product so that you can make a good product and the quality will convince the customer that you
have a good quality product. Define your brand because it tells that your potential customers how
to feel about your products and get their attention also you make sure how you to start the
production so that you will know how to maintain the good quality of your product. The good
place that you will put your products and easily to locate of your customer. This work align with
personal values or long-term goals through you can share the creativity of your work and the
uniqueness of the product. Also, it creates symbol that will stamp to the mind and heart of every
Therefore, it leads to higher productivity and job satisfaction and also it helps to attract
and retain top talent through in creating a unique product and in a good quality. This business also
produces a satisfaction, a sense of happiness and fulfillment not only for the customer also in the
owner and the employee because through creating the product their passion will be seen and how
they will make the product according to their feelings and their emotion while creating the product.
We feel authentic and fulfilled, as a leader, your values influence your leadership style. They signal
to others what's acceptable and valued by you, influencing workplace cultures, can show people
that you're a trustworthy and genuine person. They may help you to build positive working
relationships with your colleagues and superiors, which may also help you to progress in your role.
Employees are happier and more inspired to do their job. Also, there is an inner motivator that
fuels their drive to complete the task at hand because they know that their contribution has a
positive impact on the overall success of the company.

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