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ePortfolio Reflection

Christian Hernandez

ENC 1102: English Composition II

April 25, 2024


The ePortfolio largely has been an incredibly simple task. After all, with half of the

assignment being to insert already completed assignments into the website, it feels like a portion

of the work has already been finished ahead of time. What might be considered “metacognition”

in any sense would be what came after finishing and selecting all those past research

assignments, the reflections. The entire process has been very introspective, to say the least.

More than just summarizing what a given assignment was, I rather had to justify or collect my

thoughts on it and how they were connected to the various learning goals we had throughout this


For starters, a major part of the research paper was the generation of inquiry. What was

challenging about this was finding a topic that was something within the field of my knowledge

and means to find out more about, and something that had not been so deeply thought out and

researched by others that there remained no more questions to be asked about it. To that effect,

my field of study, criminal justice, fit the bill well, as there exist many facets to criminal justice

that will likely never be fully figured out, such as the specific “causes” of crime. Thus, this was

what I decided to frame my research off of. Crime was a word I defined and redefined through

the information I found throughout my research, to which I then made a point of trying to clear

up misunderstandings or introduce a different way of thinking. Research genre production was

relevant here, as all the reference material, and thus responses, I had were directly tied to one

field. I learned very well in the midst of writing this paper transferrable skills that would

definitely aid me going forth in other classes and avenues of learning.

For the portfolio itself, the primary direction was to be navigable. The homepage is

simple and has no superfluous information or decorations that might distract from the main point

of the page that is the three learning outcomes and the content within them. Only the main page

and the pages of the outcomes and reflections exist, and directly link to one another, making for

clear and easy navigation. For the reflections themselves, I made sure to use language that would

be easily understood by whoever decides to read them. No need to get into particular specifics of

the contents of the papers, as those papers are directly linked into the pages as well. The

reflection on the artifacts and how the experience of writing the paper connected to them was the

primary purpose of those pages.

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