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Nouns can be countable or uncountable.

When you learn a new noun you should make note of

whether it is countable or uncountable as we use different words with countables and

Los sustantivos pueden ser contables o incontables.

Cuando aprendas un sustantivo nuevo, debes tomar
nota de si es contable o incontable, ya que usamos
diferentes palabras con contables e incontables.

Countable nouns nombres contables

 There is a cat in the garden.

 Hay un gato en el jardin

 There are some birds in the trees.

 Hay algunos pájaros en los arboles

For positive sentences we can use a / an or some (with a plural verb form)

Para oraciones positivas podemos usar a / an o some (con forma verbal en plural)

 There isn’t a dog in the garden

 No hay un perro en el jardin

 Tere aren’t any birds in the tree.

 No hay pajaros en el arbol

For negative we can use a / an or any (with a plural verb form).

Para negativo podemos usar a / an o any (con forma verbal en plural

 Is there an orange in the tree?

¿Hay una naranja en el árbol?

 Are there any chairs in the garden?

 ¿Hay sillas en el jardín?

 How many chairs are there? ¿Cuantas sillas hay?

In questions we use a/an, any, or how many En las preguntas usamos a/an, any o how many

Uncountable nouns sustantivos incontables

 There is some milk on the floor

 Hay un poco de leche en el suelo

Uncountable nouns have no plural. The verb form is singular and we use some.

Los sustantivos incontables no tienen plural. La forma verbal es singular y usamos algunos.

 Is there any sugar?

 Hay algo de azúcar?

 How much wine is there?

 Cuanto vino hay?

in questions we can use any or how much.

Other expressions of quantity

en preguntas podemos usar cualquiera o cuánto.

Otras expresiones de cantidad

 There are a lot of apples on the trees.

Hay muchas manzanas en los árboles.

 There is a lot of snow on the road.

Hay mucha nieve en la carretera.

A lot of can be used with both countable and uncountable nouns.

 Bill Gates has much money

Notice that we don’t use “much” or “many” in positive sentences. We use “a lot of”

● Bill Gates has a lot of money.

● There is a lot of beer but there isn’t much wine.

● There are a lot of carrots but there aren’t many potatoes.

We use not many with countable nouns and not much with uncountable nouns.

Some nouns can be both countable and uncountable, depending on how they are used, and
some nouns are commonly confused.

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