My Worst Sport Experience (Part 1) (PROY)

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Week 08 - Final Assignment: My worst sport

experience (Part 1) (PROY)

Rios Falla, Alec Harry
English III


Hello Yojany, now I tell you that my worst sporting event was 3 years ago there
was a soccer championship called work where my area participated.
we started the championship very well passing as first place in the group we
played, then as we continue to advance the championship It was getting more
difficult, the teams were stronger and a little tired of playing games in a row.

The training sessions had also increased much more demandand effort that
helped us to continue advancing in the championship, we achieved good results
and that motivated us to continue striving in each training session.

Then we reached the final and won the match, so we were already champions, I
felt proud because the team work where I was had not won a championship,
after that it was the strongest to play with the representatives of the company, in
one day we played 3 games, we eliminated the union, miraflores and at the end
the game defined the rrepresenter of the company in Pomalca, we lost the
game. We got five-three which made me feel bad because I was so excited.


Hello Josue, today I am going to tell you about my worst sporting experience in
voleyball, it happened 8 years ago when I was at school on September 10th.

In this championship we were facing the two strongest teams, we started

scoring the first points for the team, then the championship became more
difficult and a little tiring playing in all the sun, but despite this we kept winning.

Afterwards we had a moment to relax and I took advantage of going to the

bathroom. On the way back, while I was going to the slab, I stepped on the
wrong foot and fell, fracturing my left arm.

I was finally cut from the team, then they took me to the medical center and I
couldn't play until after a while. I feel like it was the worst experience, because I
fell and broke my arm in front of so many people, I felt very embarrassed and in
a lot of pain.

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