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A. Supply the correct form of the word in the parentheses.

1. eaten
My daughter left a half _______ orange on the table. (EAT)
2. underpaid
Most people who work feel that they are _______ . (PAY)
3. misbehaved
The teacher warned the children that if they _______ again, they
would be punished. (BEHAVE)
4. additives
- additive (n): chất phụ gia
Are all those _______ they put in food really necessary. (ADD)
5. resignation
The manager handed in his _______ after being accused of dishonesty. (RESIGN)
6. widespread (adj): trải rộng, lan rộng
A _______ damage was caused by the earthquake. (WIDE)
7. imprisonment
Phil was sentenced to seven-year _____ for his part in the armed robbery. (PRISON)
8. underestimated
- estimate (v): đánh giá, ước lượng
- underestimate (v): đánh giá sai, ước lượng sai
I was late because I _______ how much lime I will need. (ESTIMATE)
9. justify (v): biện hộ, bào chữa
How can you _______ the fact that some people live in mansions while
others live in slums? (JUST)
10. single-minded
Site is so _______ that she won’t let anything stand in the way of her ambition. (MIND)
B. Rewrite the following sentences in such a way that the second sentence has the same
meaning as the first one.
1. The government shouldn’t let this situation get worse.
This state of affairs shouldn’t be allowed to get worse by the government.
- state of affairs: tình trạng của một sự việc
2. The completion of the work was scheduled for last week.
The work was was to have been completed by the end of last week.
- be to V: phải làm gì đó
3. She is now leading a normal life as a result of all the support she received from social workers.
Had she not received all the support from social workers, she wouldn’t be leading such a
normal life now.
4. Just thinking about his face at that moment makes me laugh.
The very thought of his face at that moment makes me laugh.
- the very + a noun: ngay/chính …. That’s the very book I want to read.
5. He declared his disapproval of the behavior of some of his supporters.
He let it be known that he disapproved of the behavior of his supporters..
- let it be known: để mọi người biết rằng …
6. Everybody wants Pauline as an after dinner speaker. (DEMAND)
Pauline is in great demand as an after-dinner speaker.
- be in great demand: được nhiều người yêu cầu
7. I don’t think you mean what you say about helping me. (EARNEST)
I don't think you are in earnest about helping me.
- be in earnest about: nói thực lòng
8. At first the new computer made me feel a bit afraid. (AWE)
At first I was a bit in awe of the new computer.
- be in awe of something: sợ hãi cái gì đó = be afraid of something
9. William decided that an actor’s life was not for him. (CUT)
William decided that he was not cut out to be an actor.
- be cut out for something = be cut out to be something: có đủ năng năng lực/phù hợp với …
10. I felt vaguely that something was wrong, but what was it? (BACK)
I felt at the back of my mind that something was wrong, but what was it?
- at the back of one’s mind: trong thâm tâm

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