Detailed Lesson 110304

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I. Learning Competencies/Objectives:

Atm the end of the lesson, learners are expected to:

1. Define the meaning of the short story,

2. Identify the elements of the short story,and

3. Distinguish the elements of a short story read.

Il. Subject Matter:

Topic: Short story (The Ugly Dukling)

References: English Learners Materials,C.A Reitzel,Paranaque City, Book wise publishing house,Inc.
Noull,1843. Pp.33

Materials: Manila paper,Pentel pen,cartolina

Values Integration: Do not judges other by their physical appearance.

Teacher Activity Students Activity


Let us stand and let us pray

(Student will stand and pray)

Good Morning class!

Good morning Teacher

Who is absent today?

None Teacher

Very Good

Please arrange your chair and sitdown

Yes, Teacher
Class do you have an assignment?

Yes Teacher

Kindly past it to the front.

(Pupils will passed their assignment to the front)


Before we proceed to our discussion let's have a

review of your last lesson. Who can recall it?
I, Teacher

Our last topic is all about poem.

Very good! Again what is poem?

Poem is a piece of writing that is rhythmical.

Can you give me example of poem?

Yes Teacher, Be like a layer, reminder I'm fly.

Very Good! And what is the importance of a poem?

Poem can have a positive impact on social and
emotional learning. It's may offer new of thinking
about something..

It helps us understand and appreciate the world

around us.

Clas do you remember a song the "3 little ducks"?

Yes, Teacher
Okay, now let us stand and sing it with a dance a
song of "3 little ducks". 1, 2, 3 sing....

( Student will sing a song)

3 Little ducks

Want out one day over

the hill and far away

Mother duck said, "Quack,quack,quack,quack"

But only two the ducks

came back 1 2

2 little ducks went

out one day. over the hill
and. far away.

Mother duck said, "Quack,quack,quack,quack"

But only two the ducks

came back 1

1 little ducks went

out one day. over the hill
and. far away.

Mother duck said, "Quack,quack,quack,quack"

3 little ducks. all

came back (2x)

Yes Teacher

Did you enjoy class?

Okay,very good!

(Student start to read the story)
Okay class,let us all read the story of the "The Ugly "The Ugly Dukling"

Little duckling was very sad because he thought he

was the ugliest amongst all his brother and sisters.
They would not play with him and tasted the poor
ugly duckling. One day,he saw his reflection in the
water and cried. " Nobody likes me. I am so ugly." I
am so ugly". He decided to leave home and went
far away in to the woods.

Deep in the forest,he saw a cottage in which there

lived an old women,her hen, and her cat. The
duckling stayed with them for some time but he
was unhappy there and soon left. When winter set
in the poor duckling almost froze to death. A
peasant look him
home to his wife
and children.
The poor duckling
was lerrified
of the children
and escaped.
The Ugly Dukling
spent the winter in a marshy pond.

Finally spring arrived. One day,the duckling saw a

beautiful swan swimming in the pond and feel in
love with her. But the he remembered how
everyone made fun of him and he bent his head
down in shame. When he saw astonished. He was
not an ugly duckling anymore,but a handsome
young swan! Now,he knew why he had looked so
different from his brother and sisters. "They were
duckling but I was a baby swan! He said to himself.


Okay class, what do you feel about the story? It's so interesting and feel happy.

Very Good!

Do you enjoy reading it?? Yes, Teacher we enjoyed it!

Very good! And how's the feeling of ugly duckling

when he is not play with his brothers and sisters?
He feel sad and ugly to himself

Very good!

There are elements of a short story. Can you give the

elements of the short story?
Character,them , setting and events

Very good! And what is the meaning of character?

I, Teacher

Yes Ivana?
Character is one who speak the dialogue and
perform actions.
Very good! And what is the theme?

I, Teacher

Theme is the underlying meaning of a short story.

Very good! How about the setting?

I, Teacher
Yes,Eron? Setting is the location or when the story Happens.

Very good! And what is the events? I, Teacher

Yes,Aireen? Events is short story,a thing that happen in the


Very good! Do you have any

questions/clarifications? None, Teacher

Very good!


Now class, let's have an activity. Get one whole

sheet of paper and write your name,date and
section. All you need to do is you will write the
characters, setting and the plot in the box about the Yes, Teacher
story of ugly duckling. Do you understand?

Characters Ugly Dukling, other

duckling, mother
Characters duck,wild
swans,fox and swan
Setting The story begins in the
country during the
Plot summer time on a
farm. Then,the scene
shifts to a pond where
the ducks to teach her
babies the way of the

Plot The story tells of a

plain. Looking little
bind ( the ugly
duckling) born in the
barnyard. His brothers
and sisters as well as
the other birds and
animals on the farm
tease him for being
plain and ugly. So he
runs off

to live with a flock of

wild ducks and geese
until hunters shoot
down the flock.


What is the story again? I, Teacher

Yes, Anna? The story is all about the Ugly Dukling.

Very good! And what is the elements of the story? I, Teacher

Yes, Jovan? Character,theme, setting and events.

Very good!

Do you think respect is very important? Yes, Teacher, because means you accept
somebody for who they are, even though they are
different from you.

How important is being yourself? Being yourself means you like who you are. Being
yourself means living life how you wanted to live
it, regardless of other people opinions.

No, Because we don't have a right to judge

It is right to judge others? anyone. You must mind your company and if
someone judges you, ignore and say " This is me
and I stand of who I am".


Now class,get your paper and answer this question.

Don't forget to write your name,grade and the date

1. Write a short reflection based on the story"The The Ugly duckling is discriminated against by
ugly Duckling". members of his family because he does not look
like them. He constantly teased, bullied,and even
physically harmed by the ducks and the members
of any other group of animals he tries to find a
home with,like the hen and cat. Even humans are
mean to him. His situation is much like that of a
child being bullied by a classmate in the

2. How can you relate the story of ugly duckling on

I can relate myself the story of ugly duckling being
haven't a self confident in myself and sometimes I
feel ugly myself when I look to the mirror.


Read the short story" The Nare and the Tortoise"

and identify the elements if the story.





 Define frequently occuring preposition (EN3G-IV-h-7.3)

 Show the location of objects by using in,on, under and other prepositions correctly.
 Apply correct preposition in a sentence.


Topic: Preposition of place

Reference: Let's get better in English 3 pages 346-347, Teachers Guide 392

Materials: visual aids,cut outs of smiley faces,manila paper, paste and envelope.

Valuing: Show cooperation in Group Activities.



A. Preparatory Activities:


Class, Will you please stand and let us feel the

presence of the Lord.
Pupils will stand and pray. In the name of the
father,the son and holy spirit. Amen.


Good morning class!

Good morning ma'am!

How are you today?

Very well ma'am.Thank you.

I know that you're all ready and excited on the

lesson that we are going to discuss today.

Am I right class?
Yes ma'am
I am also expecting today that our discussion for
the day will be great.

Checking attendance

Anyway,do we have any absences for today?

May I ask our secretary who are absent today?

Good morning ma'am,we don't have absent today.

That's great for having complete attendance today.


Now, let's have a short review about the lesson

that we have discussed yesterday. Yesterday,we
had discussed about interpreting simple map.

I have here the Map of Catubig.(The Teacher will

post the Map of Catubig on the board)


1. How many Barangay are there inside the

catubig? Ma'am,47 Barangay

2. What are the Barangay are the boundaries of

Las Navas and Catubig?
Ma'am,it's Barangay Bukid

3. What are the livelihood of people in Catubig?

Ma'am,it's Copra, planting rice and fishing.


Class,I have here 3 boxes on the table, every box

the there is an emoticon indicated in different
location. In every emoticon that I will be taken
from the box you are going to imitate it.

Did you understand class? Yes, ma'am

Are you ready? Yes, ma'am

Class, where was the smiley face located? Ma'am,it is located in the box.

(The teacher will write what have the pupil

answered then underlined the word in.)

Ma'am,it is located on the box.

How about the angry face?

(The teacher will write what have the pupil

answered the underlined the word on.)

How about the sad face? Ma'am,it is located under the box.

(The teacher will write what have the pupil

answered then underlined the word under.)

Very good!

Class,look at the board then read the underlined In,on, under



We all know that in,on, and under are kinds of


Now class,what is the use of in? Ma'am,the use of in is to indicate that someone or
something belongs to.

What is the use of on? Ma'am,the use of on is to indicate the part or

object by which someone or something is

Very Good!

This afternoon,I am going to discuss with you

about the preposition of place.


Complete the sentence about the picture using the

appropriate prepositions.

1. In
2. On
1. The coin is _____ my wallet. 3. On
2. The ball is______the bed 4. Between
3. The cake is_____the table 5. Among
4. My pen is______the book and the paper.
5. The ball is_____the boxes.


Okay class,in all the group activities,what are the Ma'am,the words that we all encountered are all
words that you all encountered? about Preposition.

Very Good!

Preposition is a word that indicates location.

Here the words that we so called preposition of


In, on, under, between, among

(The teacher will post in the board the TARPAPEL

indicates the different kinds of preposition of place
with a picture.)
For the group who finished first their task,what do Ma'am,all of us cooperate to other.
you do to finished quickly?

Very good! All the task will quickly if there is

cooperation among others.


Class, let us have a group activity. I will group you

into 2 groups. Each group will receive an envelope
to answer the activity inside it.

1. The dog is under the table.
Underline the preposition in every sentence. 2. The blanket is on the bed.
1. The dog is under the table 3. The bird is in the cage.
2. The blanket is on the bed. 4. The eraser is between the book and the
3. The bird is in the cage paper
4. My eraser is between the book and the 5. The pair of shoes is beside the pot.
5. The pair of shoes is beside the pot


Complete the sentences about using the

appropriate prepositions. 1. Under
2. On
1. The girl is walking____sun. 3. In
2. The ball is____the table 4. On
3. The pupil one____the classroom 5. Between
4. The flower vase is____the table.
5. The cat is sitting______the dog.

D. ABSTRACTION: Preposition is a word that indicates

What is preposition?

Very Good! Ma'am, in,or, under, beside, between, among,

If preposition is a word that indicates. What are inside, outside,etc.
those words that are considered as preposition?
Ma'am,the importance of preposition is to convey
information about locaty, time or direction or to
Very good! provide details.
What is the importance of prepositions?

Very good!


Cooperation with the teacher and the student.

Complete the sentence about using the 2. Under
appropriate prepositions this in your paper. 3. On
4. Between
1. The books are____my bag. 5. Among
2. Portia is hiding____ the table.
3. One umbrella is____the chair
4. Jerry,the mouse is____the dog and the
5. The butterfly is_____the flowers.


Using the following prepositions in your own


1. In
2. On
3. Under
4. Between
5. Beside

Prepared by:

Jay A. Adamero

Checked by:

Ms. Hannah Samira G. Muncada


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