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Nety Jihan Fadhilah

Universitas Terbuka
Berikut 10 kalimat dalam Bahasa Inggris yang menggunakan istilah-istilah hokum sesuai
dengan yang diperintahkan.

1. Presumption of Innoceence:
The principle of presumption of innocence is recognized, protected, and guaranteed
in the legal system of Indonesia and in the international legal system. Article 32
paragraph (1) letter c Law No. 30/2002.

2. Justice Collaborator:
The panel of judges of the South Jakarta District Court granted the request for Justice
Collaborator (JC) submitted by Richard Eliezer Pudihang Lumiu in the case of the
murder of Police Brigadier Nofriansyah Yosua Hutabarat, also known as Brigadier J.

3. Contempt of Court:
Publicly criticizing the judge's decision could result in a charge of contempt of court.

4. Legal Standing:
To file a lawsuit, you must have legal standing, which means you must be directly
affected by the issue in question.

5. Shifting Burden of Proof:

In some cases, the burden of proof may shift from the prosecution to the defense,
requiring the accused to prove their innocence.

6. Comparative Seizure:
The principle of comparative seizure allows authorities to seize assets or property
linked to criminal activities.

7. Forfeiture
In cases of money laundering, the court may order the forfeiture of assets obtained
through illegal means.

8. Legal Entity
A legal entity, such as a corporation, has certain legal rights and responsibilities in
accordance with the law.

9. Minutes/Official Record
The minutes or official record of the court proceedings are meticulously maintained
to ensure accuracy and transparency.

10. Pledge Right

The defendant has a pledge right to ensure the return of their property once the legal
proceedings are completed.

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