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Interventions for students at risk distance learning summary

Interventions for students at risk in distance learning aim to provide support and resources to help these
students overcome challenges and succeed academically. Here is a summary of some common
interventions used:

First, Academic Support: Students at risk may require additional academic assistance. Schools can
provide virtual tutoring, online study groups, or one-on-one virtual sessions with teachers to address
specific learning needs. These interventions aim to reinforce concepts, clarify doubts, and enhance
understanding. Students and teacher should be connected always for the immediate response of
learners’ inquiry.

Second, Regular Check-Ins: Maintaining regular communication with at-risk students is crucial.
Teachers can schedule virtual check-ins to monitor progress, provide feedback, and offer guidance. This
helps students feel supported and ensures timely intervention if they are struggling. Learners who are at
risks need a reinforcement and attention of their teachers.

Third, Social-Emotional Support: Distance learning can be isolating, and students may experience
increased stress or emotional challenges. Schools can implement interventions such as virtual
counseling sessions, peer support groups, or access to mental health resources to address students'
social-emotional well-being. The care of teachers should be felt by the learners. They must be the
priority of home visits for further interventions needed.

Last, Parent and Family Engagement: Involving parents and families in the learning process is vital.
Schools can offer virtual parent-teacher conferences, workshops, or resources to help parents support
their at-risk children at home. Collaborative efforts between schools and families contribute to better
outcomes for students. Therefore, the parents of the risk learners are playing a vital role in their success.
Both of them should be the bridge of learnings.

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