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How do you plan to close any gaps in your knowledge of course content?
- I plan to revise case studies for at least 2 hours a week in 30-minute intervals, and recall
them. If I fail to recall something, rewriting as well as reciting it usually tends to help me
memorize it.

How do you plan to show detailed knowledge and understanding of psychological research?
- I think I need to work on accurately and deeply evaluating and doing what the key term
asks me to do. I believe I can improve on this by writing past papers and asking for
corrections/tips on my work.

How do you plan to explicitly demonstrate critical thinking and integrate this thinking into your
- I believe this too I can improve by writing past papers and asking for corrections/tips on
my work, and that it will get better through constant practice.

To do:
- Make a cheat sheet on how to properly write an SAQ
- Make a cheat sheet on how to properly write an ERQ

- Reread the definitions of the key terms and write them down in my notebook
- Reread and rewrite all the research methods and sampling methods

- Remake cheat sheets for major case studies (making sure to include aim, sample,
research method, procedure, conclusion, results, and critical thinking)

- Revise all of the above

- Write what each paper (1, 2, 3, ia) requires

The deadline for this is May 31 (this gives me June and the summer to do major revision)

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