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ESS 3400 Heat Transfer

Homework #3-1
Due: April 8th, 2024

3.5. In a manufacturing process, a transparent film is being bonded to a substrate as shown in the sketch. To cure the
bond at a temperature T0, a radiant source is used to provide a heat flux 𝑞0" (W/m2), all of which is absorbed at the
bonded surface. The back of the substrate is maintained at T1, while the free surface of the film is exposed to air at T∞.
and a convection heat transfer coefficient h.
(a) Show the thermal circuit representing the steady-state heat transfer situation. Be sure to label all elements, nodes,
and heat rates. Leave in symbolic form.

(b) Assume the following conditions: T∞ = 20°C, h = 50 W/m2 • K, and T1, = 30°C. Calculate the heat flux 𝑞0" that is
required to maintain the bonded surface at T0 = 60°C.
3.12. A house has a composite wall of wood, fiberglass insulation, and plaster board, as indicated in the sketch. On a
cold winter day, the convection heat transfer coefficients are ho = 60 W/m2 • K and hi = 30 W/m2 • K. The total wall
surface area is 350 m2.
(a) Determine a symbolic expression for the total thermal resistance of the wall, including inside and outside convection
effects for the prescribed conditions.
(b) Determine the total rate of heat loss through the wall.
(c) If the wind were blowing violently, raising ho to 300 W/m2 • K, determine the percentage increase in the rate of heat
(d) What is the controlling resistance that determines the amount of heat flow through the wall?
3.24. Consider a plane composite wall that is composed of two materials of thermal conductivities kA, = 0.1 W/m • K
and kB = 0.04 W/m • K and thicknesses LA = 10 mm and LB = 20 mm. The contact resistance at the interface between
the two materials is known to be 0.30 m2 • K/W. Material A adjoins a fluid at 200°C for which h = 10 W/m2 • K, and
material B adjoins a fluid at 40°C for which h = 20 W/m2 • K.
(a) What is the rate of heat transfer through a wall that is 2 m high by 2.5 m wide?
(b) Sketch the temperature distribution.
3.34. The diagram shows a conical section fabricated from pure aluminum. It is of circular cross section having diameter
D = ax1/2, where a = 0.4 m1/2. The small end is located at x1 = 24 mm and the large end at x2 = 124 mm. The end
temperatures are T1 = 600 K and T2 = 400 K, while the lateral surface is well insulated.
(a) Derive an expression for the temperature distribution T(x) in symbolic form, assuming one-dimensional conditions.
Sketch the temperature distribution.
(b) Calculate the heat rate qx.
3.51. Steam flowing through a long, thin-walled pipe maintains the pipe wall at a uniform temperature of 600 K. The
pipe is covered with an insulation blanket comprised of two different materials, A and B.
The interface between the two materials may be assumed to have an infinite contact resistance, and the entire outer
surface is exposed to air for which T∞ = 320 K and h = 25 W/m2 • K.
(a) Sketch the thermal circuit of the system. Label (using the preceding symbols) all pertinent nodes and resistances.
(b) For the prescribed conditions, what is the total heat loss from the pipe? What are the outer surface temperatures Ts,2(A)
and Ts,2(B)?

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