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Departamento de Inglés


Sesión 12 de marzo 2022


APELLIDO y NOMBRE: ……………………………………………………………..DNI……………………………

 These sheets should not be folded or crushed.

 Use blue/black ball point pen to CIRCLE the right options or FILL IN the blanks.
 Make sure you hand in both sheets to the teacher in charge before you leave the room.


I.1. (7 p) I.2. (7 p) I.3. (10 p)
1. T F 5. T F 1. a b c 5. a b c 1. their my 4 and 8 year 6. it competition with siblings
old’s/ my 4 and 8 year old
2. T F 6. T F 2. a b c 6. a b c 2. they my girls/ my children 7. them squabbling

3. T F 7. T F 3. a b c 7. a b c 3. the latter jockeing for 8. do that play video games

4. T F 4. a b c 4. it flue shot 9. each kid/your kids

5. who Jeanine Vivona 10. ones solutions

II. USE OF ENGLISH (41 points)

II.1.Telling a story. Using verb tenses (15 points)
1. was born 11. feel 21. had done
2. hoped 12. was thrilled 22. were missing/ had missed
3. would not happen/was not going 13. getting /that they get/ that they 23. be recognized
to happen should get
4. have learnt 14. cooed over 24. had answered
5. (to) accept 15. pulled 25. did not mean
6. took part/ had taken part 16. was/ was being 26. would have ignored/ would have
been ignoring
7. leant/ had learnt 17. had been going 27. are pushed
8. talked/ had talked 18. came 28. do not go away/will not go away
9. read/ had read 19. heard 29. are/will be expressed
10. did 20. was alarmed 30. were/ would be
II.2. Talking about a conversation. Reporting. (16 points)
Dear Erin,
I hope you are doing great! We haven't met in quite a while! Are you back in town?
I have some good news! I met Beth and Britney yesterday and I heard something that might help! They both talked
about their kids. Apparently, Beth’s kids won’t stop fighting and she explained (to Britney) it was really exhausting
because they hardly enjoy any family activity. Britney advised her not to worry about it, and she admitted (to) fighting
with her siblings just for fun when they were kids. Beth agreed with her since she was worrying too much about it.
Then, Britney suggested organizing a play date with all their kids together the following Friday. Beth thought it was a
great idea and offered to pick Britney and her kids up after lunch. Britney insisted on not worrying too much about the
issue and she warned Beth not to stress too much since the kids might pick up her anxiety and that wouldn’t help much.
I was just thinking of your kids, Erin. If you contact Beth and Britney your kids could go also go on this play date,
too! I’m sure it’ll be lots of fun for them.
Let’s keep in touch!
Departamento de Inglés
Sesión 12 de marzo 2022


APELLIDO y NOMBRE:……………………………………………………………..DNI……………………………

II.3. An informal talk. Question formation (10 points)

1 Why do you think they’re squabbling so much/ they are having so many fits?

2. What do they squabble about?

3. What do you do/ How do you react/ What’s your reaction if you have to step in to break up a sibling showdown/
How do you step in to break up a sibling showdown?/ How do you go about breaking up a sibling showdown?

4 What do you think about labelling your kids/ comparing them?

5Do you think (that) coming from a large family has helped you?/Has coming from a large family helped you

III. WRITING (35 points)

Write a post in a blog

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