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Herrera 1

Carolina Herrera

Julie Baker

ENGL 1301 280


For Essay 2, I used a lot of tips that I received from my Essay 2 peer reviews. I made sure

to keep my writing clear and concise, while at the same time going deep into an analysis and

discovering further meaning to what I am analyzing. On the other hand, I could not apply the

advice I was given in Essay 1, where I was told that I could go into other external details as I had

to stay directly on the subject of the poster I was analyzing. One thing that I learned during the

construction of this essay was how to build a solid thesis statement, and this can be applied to

other classes where I need to write essays. On the contrary, I cannot use very descriptive

sentences in scientific research papers and essays.

Through the visual analysis, I found myself analyzing beyond the surface level of the

image and discovering the choice that the graphic designers made in order to convey an image.

This helped me improve my writing as I was able to push myself to look for every detail

possible. The comments I received from this peer review were similar to the peer review for

Essay 1. They mentioned how one of my weaknesses was that I needed to go beyond what could

be easily observed and look for an underlying message. As for my strengths, they largely stayed

the same, specifically with how I did not have comma splices, run-ons, and fragments. For the

upcoming instructor's comments for Essay 2, my tone will be considered the same as the

previous essay. What might be different is how I gave more explanation on what I am analyzing.
Herrera 2

One of the most challenging parts of writing this essay is how I sometimes struggled with

what details of the poster I should write about because there were so many, and it could easily

overwhelm the reader. One of the least challenging parts of writing this essay was choosing what

to analyze, as I had recently watched the movie. One way that my identity as an author changed

was how I approached all the details on the poster in order to make my analysis, as it changed the

way I thought out my writing process.

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